1Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
2Statutes, in licensing of drivers, further providing for
3suspension of operating privilege for failure to respond to
4citation; and, in fees, further providing for reinstatement
5of operating privilege or vehicle registration.

6The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
7hereby enacts as follows:

8Section 1. Section 1533(a), (c) and (d) of Title 75 of the
9Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, amended October 8, 2012
10(P.L.1193, No.146), are amended and the section is amended by
11adding subsections to read:

12§ 1533. Suspension of operating privilege for failure to
13respond to citation.

14(a) Violations within Commonwealth.--The department shall
15suspend the operating privilege of any person who has failed to:

16(1) respond to a citation or summons to appear before an
17issuing authority or a court of competent jurisdiction of
18this Commonwealth for any violation of this title, other than
19parking[, or who has failed to];

1(2)  pay any fine, costs [or], restitution, fees, 
2reparation or penalty imposed by an issuing authority or such
3courts for violation of this title, other than parking[,]; or

4(3) pay any fine, costs, restitution, fees, reparation
5or penalty imposed by an issuing authority or such courts for
6a violation of any other statute of this Commonwealth

7upon being duly notified by an issuing authority or a court of
8this Commonwealth. The issuing authority or court shall provide 
9such notification to the department when a person fails to 
10respond or pay as provided in this subsection.

11* * *

12(c) Time for responding to notice.--At least 15 days before
13an issuing authority or court notifies the department to impose
14a suspension pursuant to subsection (a), the issuing authority
15or court shall notify the person in writing of the requirement
16to respond to the citation and pay all fines, costs, 
17restitution, reparation and penalties imposed by the issuing
18authority or court.

19(d) Period of suspension.--The suspension shall continue 
20until such person shall respond to the citation, summons or 
21writ, as the case may be, and pay all fines, costs, restitution, 
22reparation and penalties imposed or enter into an agreement to 
23make installment payments for the fines, costs, restitution, 
24reparation and penalties imposed provided that the suspension 
25may be reimposed by the department if the defendant fails to 
26make regular installment payments and, if applicable, pay the 
27fee prescribed in section 1960 (relating to reinstatement of 
28operating privilege or vehicle registration).

29* * *

30(g) Applicability.--This section shall apply only to cases

1adjudicated on or after January 1, 2010.

2(h) Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
3construed to cancel license suspensions that occur prior to the
4effective date of this subsection.

5Section 2. Section 1960 of Title 75 is amended to read:

6§ 1960. Reinstatement of operating privilege or vehicle

8The department shall charge a fee of $25 or, if section 1379
9(relating to suspension of registration upon sixth unpaid
10parking violation in cities of the first class), 1533 (relating 
11to suspension of operating privilege for failure to respond to 
12citation) or 1786(d) (relating to required financial
13responsibility) applies, a fee of $50 to restore a person's
14operating privilege or the registration of a vehicle following a
15suspension or revocation.

16Section 3. The General Fund shall reimburse the Department
17of Transportation for the actual operating costs of
18administering the amendments of 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 1533 and 1960 in
19an amount not to exceed $400,000 each fiscal year. The amount,
20approved by the Governor as necessary, is appropriated from the
21General Fund for this purpose.

22Section 4. The Department of Transportation and court
23officials shall process the back load of previously filed cases
24in which the provisions of this act are applicable as soon as

26Section 5. This act shall take effect in one year.