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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1208



No. 918 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 5, 2004 (P.L.654, No.72), entitled "An
     2     act providing for taxation by school districts, for State
     3     funds and for wage and net profits tax relief in cities of
     4     the first class; and making an appropriation," further
     5     providing for limitations and for qualifying contribution;
     6     providing for public referendum to authorize limitations on
     7     certain tax increases; further providing for adoption of
     8     referendum and for public referendum requirements for
     9     increasing certain taxes; providing for failure of school
    10     district to adopt a resolution authorizing a qualifying
    11     contribution; and further providing for Property Tax Relief
    12     Reserve Fund.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Sections 303 and 331 of the act of July 5, 2004
    16  (P.L.654, No.72), known as the Homeowner Tax Relief Act, are
    17  amended to read:
    18  Section 303.  Limitations.
    19     This chapter shall not be construed to affect the power of a
    20  school district to do any of the following:
    21         (1)  To eliminate its occupation tax pursuant to the act
    22     of June 22, 2001 (P.L.374, No.24), known as the Optional

     1     Occupation Tax Elimination Act. Except for the [municipal
     2     election of 2007] year in which a referendum is required
     3     under section 332(e) or for an election in which a school
     4     district seeks to impose a personal income tax under section
     5     321(c), a school district may place such referendum question
     6     on the ballot at the same municipal election as a referendum
     7     question placed on the ballot pursuant to Subchapter D. If a
     8     school district converts its earned income and net profits
     9     tax to a personal income tax under this chapter, the school
    10     district may not utilize the Optional Occupation Tax
    11     Elimination Act.
    12         (2)  To levy, assess or collect a tax on earned income
    13     and net profits under the Local Tax Enabling Act.
    14         (3)  To impose special purpose tax levies approved by the
    15     electorate.
    16  Section 331.  Qualifying contribution.
    17     (a)  General rule.--Except as set forth in subsection (b) or
    18  (c), a school district shall, by resolution, levy, assess and
    19  collect the 0.1% earned income and net profits tax authorized
    20  under section 321(b)(1) in order to qualify for a property tax
    21  reduction allocation under section 505. The board of school
    22  directors shall adopt the resolution by May 30 of the first year
    23  in which a certification under section 503(a) is made. Within
    24  five days after adopting the resolution, the board of school
    25  directors shall notify the department in a form and manner
    26  prescribed by the department in order to establish the school
    27  district's eligibility to receive a property tax reduction
    28  allocation pursuant to Chapter 5.
    29     (b)  Exception.--Subsection (a) shall not apply if any of the
    30  following apply:
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     1         (1)  A school district which does not, prior to May 30 of
     2     the year in which a school district will receive a payment
     3     under section 505(b), impose an earned income and net profits
     4     tax under the Local Tax Enabling Act or any other statute may
     5     qualify for a property tax reduction allocation under Chapter
     6     5 without levying the tax required under subsection (a) if
     7     the school district proposes a referendum required under
     8     section 332(e). The board of school directors shall adopt a
     9     resolution proposing a referendum by May 30 of the year in
    10     which a certification under section 503(a) is made. Within
    11     five days after adopting the resolution, the board of school
    12     directors shall notify the department in a form and manner
    13     prescribed by the department in order to establish the school
    14     district's eligibility to receive a property tax reduction
    15     allocation pursuant to Chapter 5. If a referendum proposed
    16     under section 332(e) is not approved by the electorate, a
    17     district shall enact by resolution the 0.1% earned income net
    18     profits tax authorized under section 321(b)(1) in order to
    19     maintain eligibility for a property tax reduction allocation
    20     under Chapter 5.
    21         (2)  A referendum proposed under section 332(d.1) is
    22     approved by the electorate.
    23     (c)  Alternative methods of qualification.--
    24         (1)  (i)  Within 30 days of receipt of the notice
    25         required under section 505(a)(4), a school district that
    26         has not adopted a resolution under section 331(a) or (b)
    27         may, by resolution, levy, assess and collect the 0.1%
    28         earned income and net profits tax authorized under
    29         section 321(b)(1) in order to qualify for a property tax
    30         reduction allocation under Chapter 5.
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     1             (ii)  Within five days after adopting the resolution,
     2         the board of school directors shall notify the department
     3         in a form and manner prescribed by the department in
     4         order to establish the school district's eligibility to
     5         receive a property tax reduction allocation under Chapter
     6         5.
     7         (2)  If a school district subject to paragraph (1) fails
     8     to adopt a resolution authorizing a qualifying contribution
     9     under paragraph (1), a referendum shall be submitted to the
    10     electors of the school district under the provisions of
    11     section 335.
    12     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    13  Section 331.1.  Public referendum to authorize limitations on
    14                 certain tax increases.
    15     (a)  Public referendum.--A county in which is situate a
    16  school district or portion of a school district that has not
    17  taken action under section 331(a) or (b) shall cause a
    18  referendum question to be placed on the ballot at the municipal
    19  election of 2005 to authorize the public referendum requirements
    20  of section 333 for the school district.
    21     (b)  Notification.--No later than 30 days prior to the
    22  municipal election of 2005, the department shall notify the
    23  election officials of each county in which is situate a school
    24  district or portion of a school district that has not taken
    25  action under section 331(a) or (b) that a referendum question
    26  shall be placed on the ballot at the municipal election of 2005
    27  and shall also provide the county with information required to
    28  complete the nonlegal interpretive statement under subsection
    29  (d).
    30     (c)  Referendum question.--A county required to place a
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     1  referendum question on the ballot at the municipal election of
     2  2005 shall prepare a referendum question in the following form:
     3     Do you favor limiting the (insert name of school district)
     4     authority to increase property taxes beyond a rate of
     5     inflation established by law, unless voters approve such an
     6     increase through a public referendum?
     7     (d)  Nonlegal interpretative statement.--
     8         (1)  The election officials of a county subject to this
     9     section shall draft a nonlegal interpretative statement which
    10     shall accompany the referendum question in accordance with
    11     section 201.1 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320),
    12     known as the Pennsylvania Election Code.
    13         (2)  The nonlegal interpretative statement shall include,
    14     at a minimum, the following statement:
    15                      Public Requirements for
    16                      Increasing Certain Taxes
    17             You are being asked to consider whether the (insert
    18         name of school district) should be required to seek voter
    19         approval if the (insert name of school district) proposes
    20         to increase its property tax rate by more than a rate of
    21         inflation established by the act of July 5, 2004
    22         (P.L.654, No.72), known as the Homeowner Tax Relief Act.
    23         For the purposes of this question, the rate of inflation
    24         is a percentage computed annually by taking the average
    25         of the percentage increase in the Statewide average
    26         weekly wage and the employment cost index for elementary
    27         and secondary schools, except for certain schools that
    28         have a market-value/income-aid ratio greater than 0.4000.
    29         For the past four school years, the percentage for
    30         (insert name of school district) would have been:
    20050S0918B1208                  - 5 -     

     1                     Year           Rate of Inflation
     2                  2005-2006           (insert rate)
     3                  2004-2005           (insert rate)
     4                  2003-2004           (insert rate)
     5                  2002-2003           (insert rate)
     6             By voting yes on this question, you would be voting
     7         to require the (insert name of school district) to seek
     8         voter approval to increase its property tax rate above
     9         the established rate of inflation.
    10             By voting no, you would be voting to allow the
    11         (insert name of school district) to increase its property
    12         tax rate by any amount without seeking voter approval.
    13             Even if this question is approved, the Homeowner Tax
    14         Relief Act will allow the (insert name of the school
    15         district) to increase its property tax rate above the
    16         established rate of inflation without voter approval if
    17         certain, specific circumstances exist. For example, the
    18         (insert name of the school district) would be allowed to
    19         increase property taxes to pay for significant increases
    20         in the cost of special education students, of improvement
    21         plans required by Federal law and to maintain a minimum
    22         level of revenues and expenditures. Additional exceptions
    23         are included in the Homeowner Tax Relief Act.
    24     (e)  Certification of results.--The election officials of a
    25  county shall certify the results of the referendum set forth in
    26  subsection (c) to the Department of State in accordance with
    27  Article XIV of the Pennsylvania Election Code. The Department of
    28  State shall notify the school district and the department of the
    29  certified results of the referendum as soon as is practicable.
    30     (f)  Referendum approval.--Approval of a referendum shall be
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     1  by majority vote of the electors voting on the question in the
     2  school district. If a referendum question under this section is
     3  approved, the board of school directors of the school district
     4  in which the referendum question was approved shall comply with
     5  the provisions of sections 311, 312 and 333, beginning with
     6  school district budgets and proposed tax increases that take
     7  effect in the 2006-2007 fiscal year.
     8     Section 3.  Section 332(c)(1) and (e) of the act are amended
     9  to read:
    10  Section 332.  Adoption of referendum.
    11     * * *
    12     (c)  Proposed tax rate.--The proposed rate of the earned
    13  income and net profits tax or personal income tax shall be
    14  established by the board of school directors of the school
    15  district in accordance with the following:
    16         (1)  For the [municipal election of 2007] referendum
    17     required under subsection (e), the proposed tax rate shall
    18     not be less than the rate required to provide an exclusion
    19     for homestead property and farmstead property equal to 50% of
    20     the maximum exclusion under 53 Pa.C.S. § 8586 (relating to
    21     limitations). The proposed tax rate shall not exceed the rate
    22     required to provide an exclusion for homestead property and
    23     farmstead property equal to the maximum exclusion under 53
    24     Pa.C.S. § 8586. In calculating the proposed minimum tax rate
    25     under this paragraph, a school district shall include:
    26             (i)  funds generated from the tax imposed under
    27         section 331;
    28             (ii)  funds received pursuant to a property tax
    29         reduction allocation under Chapter 5;
    30             (iii)  funds received under section 324(b); and
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     1             (iv)  any funds currently collected for the purposes
     2         of providing homestead and farmstead exclusions.
     3         * * *
     4     (e)  [Municipal election of 2007] Required referendum.--
     5         (1)  In accordance with subsections (b) and (c)(1), a
     6     board of school directors shall comply with the following, as
     7     applicable:
     8             (i)  Where the board of school directors has taken
     9         action under section 331(a) or (b). The board of school
    10         directors shall propose a referendum question at the
    11         municipal election of 2007.
    12             (ii)  Where the board of school directors has taken
    13         action under section 331(c)(1) or where a majority of
    14         electors in the school district has approved a referendum
    15         question under section 335, the board of school directors
    16         shall propose a referendum question at the municipal
    17         election immediately following the approval of a
    18         resolution or a referendum question under this section.
    19         (2)  If a board of school directors fails to propose a
    20     referendum question at [the] that municipal election [of
    21     2007], the school district shall be ineligible to receive a
    22     property tax reduction allocation under section 505 until a
    23     referendum question pursuant to subsection (c)(1) is proposed
    24     in a subsequent general or municipal election.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 4.  Section 333(a) and (f)(2)(iii)(A) of the act are
    27  amended and the section is amended by adding a subsection to
    28  read:
    29  Section 333.  Public referendum requirements for increasing
    30                 certain taxes.
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     1     [(a)  Applicability.--
     2         (1)  This section shall apply to a board of school
     3     directors of a school district that has taken action under
     4     section 331.
     5         (2)  For school districts under paragraph (1), this
     6     section shall apply to fiscal years beginning with the 2006-
     7     2007 fiscal year.]
     8     (a.1)  Applicability.--This section shall apply to a school
     9  district as follows:
    10         (1)  For a school district in which a board of school
    11     directors has taken action under section 331(a) or (b), this
    12     section shall apply to any proposed tax rate increase that
    13     takes effect in fiscal years beginning with the 2006-2007
    14     fiscal year.
    15         (2)  For a school district in which a majority of
    16     electors has approved a referendum question under section
    17     331.1, this section shall apply to any proposed tax rate
    18     increase that takes effect in fiscal years beginning with the
    19     2006-2007 fiscal year.
    20         (3)  For a school district in which a majority of
    21     electors has not approved a referendum question under section
    22     331.1 and the board of school directors has taken action
    23     under section 331(c)(1), this section shall apply to any
    24     proposed tax rate increase that takes effect in fiscal years
    25     beginning with the second fiscal year following the year in
    26     which the board of school directors has taken action under
    27     section 331(c)(1).
    28         (4)  For a school district in which a majority of
    29     electors has not approved a referendum question under section
    30     331.1 and a majority of electors has approved a referendum
    20050S0918B1208                  - 9 -     

     1     question under section 335, this section shall apply to any
     2     proposed tax rate increase that takes effect in fiscal years
     3     beginning with the fiscal year immediately following the year
     4     in which the referendum question is approved.
     5     * * *
     6     (f)  Referendum exceptions.--A school district may, without
     7  seeking voter approval under subsection (c), increase the rate
     8  of a tax levied for the support of the public schools by more
     9  than the index if all of the following apply:
    10         * * *
    11         (2)  The revenue generated by increasing the rate of a
    12     tax by more than the index will be used to pay for any of the
    13     following:
    14             * * *
    15             (iii)  Costs associated with the following:
    16                 (A)  To pay interest and principal on any
    17             indebtedness incurred under 53 Pa.C.S. Pt. VII Subpt.
    18             B (relating to indebtedness and borrowing) prior to
    19             the effective date of this section. In no case may
    20             the school district incur additional debt under this
    21             clause except for the refinancing of existing debt,
    22             including the payment of costs and expenses related
    23             to such refinancing and the establishment of funding
    24             of appropriate debt service reserves. An increase
    25             under this clause shall be rescinded following the
    26             final payment of interest and principal.
    27                 * * *
    28     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    29  Section 335.  Failure of school district to adopt a resolution
    30                 authorizing a qualifying contribution.
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     1     (a)  Notice to election officials.--Within 60 days after the
     2  deadline for a school district to notify the department that the
     3  school district has taken action under section 331(c)(1) and
     4  established its eligibility to receive a property tax reduction
     5  allocation under Chapter 5, the department shall notify the
     6  election officials of each county of the school districts in
     7  that county that have not taken action under section 331(c)(1).
     8     (b)  Referendum question required.--
     9         (1)  Upon receipt of information provided by the
    10     department under subsection (a), the election officials of
    11     the county in which is situate a school district or portion
    12     of a school district that has not taken action under section
    13     331(c)(1) shall cause a referendum question to be placed on
    14     the ballot at the municipal or general election immediately
    15     following the receipt of the information.
    16         (2)  The referendum question shall be in one of the
    17     following forms, as applicable:
    18             (i)  Where the electors of a school district have
    19         approved the referendum question under section 331.1 and
    20         the school district levies an earned income tax:
    21         Do you favor your school district participating in the
    22         alternate local tax system authorized by the Homeowner
    23         Tax Relief Act? This system would do all of the
    24         following:
    25                 (A)  Increase the (insert name of school
    26             district) earned income tax by 0.1% in order to make
    27             the (insert name of school district) eligible for
    28             property tax reduction funds from the State. Revenue
    29             from the 0.1% increase in the earned income tax and
    30             the property tax reduction funds would be used for
    20050S0918B1208                 - 11 -     

     1             dollar-for-dollar reductions in residential property
     2             taxes.
     3                 (B)  Give school district residents the
     4             opportunity to approve further reductions in
     5             residential property taxes by authorizing additional
     6             increases in the (insert name of school district)
     7             earned income tax through a public referendum.
     8             (ii)  Where the electors of a school district have
     9         approved the referendum question under section 331.1 and
    10         the school district does not levy an earned income tax:
    11         Do you favor your school district participating in the
    12         alternate local tax system authorized by the Homeowner
    13         Tax Relief Act? This system would do both of the
    14         following:
    15                 (A)  Impose an earned income tax in the (insert
    16             name of school district) of 0.1% in order to make the
    17             (insert name of school district) eligible for
    18             property tax reduction funds from the State. Revenue
    19             from the 0.1% earned income tax and the property tax
    20             reduction funds would be used for dollar-for-dollar
    21             reductions in residential property taxes.
    22                 (B)  Give school district residents the
    23             opportunity to approve further reductions in
    24             residential property taxes by authorizing additional
    25             increases in the (insert name of school district)
    26             earned income tax through a public referendum.
    27             (iii)  Where the electors of a school district have
    28         not approved the referendum question under section 331.1
    29         and the school district levies an earned income tax:
    30         Do you favor your school district participating in the
    20050S0918B1208                 - 12 -     

     1         alternate local tax system authorized by the Homeowner
     2         Tax Relief Act? This system would do all of the
     3         following:
     4                 (A)  Limit the (insert name of school district)
     5             authority to increase property taxes beyond a rate of
     6             inflation established by law, unless voters approve
     7             such an increase through a public referendum.
     8                 (B)  Increase the (insert name of school
     9             district) earned income tax by 0.1% in order to make
    10             the (insert name of school district) eligible for
    11             property tax reduction funds from the State. Revenue
    12             from the 0.1% increase in the earned income tax and
    13             the property tax reduction funds would be used for
    14             dollar-for-dollar reductions in residential property
    15             taxes.
    16                 (C)  Give school district residents the
    17             opportunity to approve further reductions in
    18             residential property taxes by authorizing additional
    19             increases in the (insert name of school district)
    20             earned income tax through a public referendum.
    21             (iv)  Where the electors of a school district have
    22         not approved the referendum question under section 331.1
    23         and the school district does not levy an earned income
    24         tax:
    25         Do you favor your school district participating in the
    26         alternate local tax system authorized by the Homeowner
    27         Tax Relief Act? This system would do all of the
    28         following:
    29                 (A)  Limit the (insert name of school district)
    30             authority to increase property taxes beyond a rate of
    20050S0918B1208                 - 13 -     

     1             inflation established by law, unless voters approve
     2             such an increase through a public referendum.
     3                 (B)  Impose an earned income tax in the (insert
     4             name of school district) of 0.1% in order to make the
     5             (insert name of school district) eligible for
     6             property tax reduction funds from the State. Revenue
     7             from the 0.1% earned income tax and the property tax
     8             reduction funds would be used for dollar-for-dollar
     9             reductions in residential property taxes.
    10                 (C)  Give school district residents the
    11             opportunity to approve further reductions in
    12             residential property taxes by authorizing additional
    13             increases in the (insert name of school district)
    14             earned income tax through a public referendum.
    15     (c)  Nonlegal interpretive statement.--The election officials
    16  of a county shall, in consultation with the board of school
    17  directors, draft a nonlegal interpretive statement which shall
    18  accompany the referendum question in accordance with section
    19  201.1 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as
    20  the Pennsylvania Election Code.
    21     (d)  Certification of results.--The election officials of a
    22  county shall certify the results of the referendum under this
    23  section to the Department of State in accordance with Article
    24  XIV of the Pennsylvania Election Code. The Department of State
    25  shall notify the school district and the department of the
    26  results of the referendum required under subsection (b) as soon
    27  as is practicable.
    28     (e)  Approval of referendum.--The following shall apply to a
    29  school district in which the referendum question under
    30  subsection (b) has been approved by a majority of the electors
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     1  voting on the question:
     2         (1)  (i)  At its next regular meeting following receipt
     3         of the certification of the referendum results, the board
     4         of school directors shall adopt a resolution imposing the
     5         0.1% earned income and net profits tax authorized under
     6         section 321(b)(1).
     7             (ii)  Upon adoption of the resolution, the school
     8         district shall be deemed to have satisfied the
     9         requirements of section 331.
    10         (2)  Within five days after adopting the resolution, the
    11     board of school directors shall notify the department in a
    12     form and manner prescribed by the department in order to
    13     establish the school district's eligibility to receive a
    14     property tax reduction allocation under Chapter 5.
    15     Section 6.  Section 502 of the act is amended by adding a
    16  definition to read:
    17  Section 502.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     * * *
    22     "Eligible school district."  Any of the following:
    23         (1)  A school district that has taken action under
    24     section 331(a), (b) or (c)(1).
    25         (2)  A school district in which a majority of electors
    26     has approved a referendum question under section 335.
    27         (3)  A school district of the first class.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 7.  Section 504 of the act is amended by adding a
    30  subsection to read:
    20050S0918B1208                 - 15 -     

     1  Section 504.  Property Tax Relief Reserve Fund.
     2     * * *
     3     (f)  Certain funds reserved.--
     4         (1)  Where the total amount of payments to eligible
     5     school districts under section 505(b) and (c) is less than
     6     the total amount calculated for all school districts under
     7     section 505(a), a dollar amount equal to the difference
     8     between the amount calculated under section 505(a) and the
     9     total amount of payments to eligible school districts under
    10     section 505(b) and (c) shall be deposited in a restricted
    11     receipts account within the Property Tax Relief Reserve Fund,
    12     which account is hereby established.
    13         (2)  Funds deposited in the restricted receipts account
    14     under this subsection shall be in addition to funds deposited
    15     in the Property Tax Relief Reserve Fund to comply with the
    16     requirements of subsection (c) and shall not be subject to
    17     the requirements of subsection (d).
    18         (3)  Funds deposited in the restricted receipts account
    19     under this subsection shall be utilized to make payments
    20     under section 505(b) to a school district:
    21             (i)  that has taken action under section 331(c)(1);
    22         or
    23             (ii)  in which a majority of electors has approved a
    24         referendum question under section 335.
    25         (4)  Funds deposited in the restricted receipts account
    26     under this subsection that have not been utilized to make
    27     payments under paragraph (3) within one year of the first
    28     notification under section 503(d)(1) shall be available for
    29     any use determined by act of the General Assembly.
    30     Section 8.  This act shall take effect immediately.
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