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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1181



No. 921 Session of 2003

           SEPTEMBER 24, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to the finances of the State
     3     government; providing for the settlement, assessment,
     4     collection, and lien of taxes, bonus, and all other accounts
     5     due the Commonwealth, the collection and recovery of fees and
     6     other money or property due or belonging to the Commonwealth,
     7     or any agency thereof, including escheated property and the
     8     proceeds of its sale, the custody and disbursement or other
     9     disposition of funds and securities belonging to or in the
    10     possession of the Commonwealth, and the settlement of claims
    11     against the Commonwealth, the resettlement of accounts and
    12     appeals to the courts, refunds of moneys erroneously paid to
    13     the Commonwealth, auditing the accounts of the Commonwealth
    14     and all agencies thereof, of all public officers collecting
    15     moneys payable to the Commonwealth, or any agency thereof,
    16     and all receipts of appropriations from the Commonwealth,
    17     authorizing the Commonwealth to issue tax anticipation notes
    18     to defray current expenses, implementing the provisions of
    19     section 7(a) of Article VIII of the Constitution of
    20     Pennsylvania authorizing and restricting the incurring of
    21     certain debt and imposing penalties; affecting every
    22     department, board, commission, and officer of the State
    23     government, every political subdivision of the State, and
    24     certain officers of such subdivisions, every person,
    25     association, and corporation required to pay, assess, or
    26     collect taxes, or to make returns or reports under the laws
    27     imposing taxes for State purposes, or to pay license fees or
    28     other moneys to the Commonwealth, or any agency thereof,
    29     every State depository and every debtor or creditor of the
    30     Commonwealth," providing for delivery sales of cigarettes.

    31     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2     Section 1.  The act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known
     3  as The Fiscal Code, is amended by adding a section to read:
     4     Section 231-A.  Delivery Sales of Cigarettes.--(a)  It shall
     5  be unlawful for any person in the business of selling cigarettes
     6  to take an order for cigarettes, other than from a person who is
     7  a licensed dealer, through the mail or through any
     8  telecommunications means, including by telephone, facsimile or
     9  the Internet, if in providing for the sale or delivery of the
    10  cigarettes pursuant to the order the person mails the
    11  cigarettes, or ships the cigarettes sold by him to the purchaser
    12  by carrier in or affecting interstate commerce, and the person
    13  fails to comply with each of the following procedures for the
    14  first delivery sales to the individual:
    15     (1)  Before mailing or shipping the cigarettes, the person
    16  receives from the individual who places the order the following:
    17     (i)  A copy of a valid government-issued document, whether an
    18  operator's permit or otherwise, that provides the name, address
    19  and date of birth of the individual.
    20     (ii)  A signed statement in writing from the individual
    21  providing a certification that the individual:
    22     (A)  is of legal minimum purchase age in this Commonwealth;
    23     (B)  wants to receive mailings from a tobacco company; and
    24     (C)  understands that providing false information constitutes
    25  a violation of law.
    26     (2)  Before mailing or shipping the cigarettes, the person:
    27     (i)  verifies the date of birth or age of the individual
    28  against a commercially available database; or
    29     (ii)  obtains a photocopy or other image of the valid,
    30  government-issued identification stating the date of birth or
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     1  age of the individual placing the order.
     2     (3)  In the case of an order for cigarettes pursuant to an
     3  advertisement on the Internet or in any newspaper or print
     4  media, the person receives payment by credit card or check for
     5  the order before mailing or shipping the cigarettes. Payment
     6  must be made by credit card issued to or check issued by the
     7  person purchasing the cigarettes.
     8     (4)  The person employs a method of mailing or shipping the
     9  cigarettes requiring that the individual purchasing the
    10  cigarettes:
    11     (i)  Be the addressee.
    12     (ii)  Have the addressee who purchased the cigarettes sign
    13  for delivery of the package.
    14     (iii)  If the individual appears to the carrier making the
    15  delivery to be under twenty-seven years of age, take delivery of
    16  the package only after producing valid, government-issued
    17  identification that:
    18     (A)  Bears a photograph of the individual.
    19     (B)  Indicates that the individual is not under the legal age
    20  to purchase cigarettes.
    21     (C)  Indicates that the individual is not younger than the
    22  age indicated on the government-issued document received under
    23  paragraph (1).
    24     (5)  The bill of lading clearly states the requirements in
    25  paragraph (4) and specifies that State law requires compliance
    26  with the requirements.
    27     (6)  The person notifies the carrier for the mailing or
    28  shipping, in writing, of the age of the addressee as indicated
    29  by the government-issued document received under paragraph (1).
    30     (7)  This section shall not be construed as imposing
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     1  liability upon any common carrier, or officers or employees
     2  thereof, when acting within the scope of business of the common
     3  carrier.
     4     (8)  Persons taking delivery sale orders may request that
     5  prospective purchasers provide their e-mail addresses.
     6     (b)  Prior to making delivery sales or shipping cigarettes in
     7  connection with any such sales, every person shall file with the
     8  department a statement setting forth such person's name, trade
     9  name, and the address of such person's principal place of
    10  business and any other place of business.
    11     (c)  Not later than the tenth day of each calendar month,
    12  each person that has made a delivery sale or shipped or
    13  delivered cigarettes in connection with any such sale during the
    14  previous calendar month shall file with the department a
    15  memorandum or a copy of the invoice, which provides for each and
    16  every such delivery sale:
    17     (1)  The name and address of the individual to whom such
    18  delivery sale was made.
    19     (2)  The brand or brands of cigarettes that were sold in such
    20  delivery sale.
    21     (3)  The quantity of cigarettes that was sold in such
    22  delivery sale.
    23     (d)  Any person that satisfies the requirements of 15 U.S.C.
    24  § 376 (relating to reports to State tobacco tax administrator)
    25  shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this section.
    26     (e)  Each person making a delivery sale shall collect and
    27  remit to the department any taxes levied by the State with
    28  respect to such sale pursuant to law, except that such
    29  collection and remission shall not be required to the extent
    30  such person has obtained proof, in the form of the presence of
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     1  applicable tax stamps or otherwise, that such taxes already have
     2  been paid to the Commonwealth.
     3     (f)  (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, the
     4  first time a person violates any provision of this act, such
     5  person shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars
     6  ($1,000).
     7     (2)  In the case of a second or subsequent violation of this
     8  act, such person shall be fined not less than one thousand
     9  dollars ($1,000) and not more than five thousand dollars
    10  ($5,000).
    11     (3)  Any person who knowingly violates any provision of this
    12  section, or who knowingly and falsely submits a certification
    13  under this section in another person's name, shall, for each
    14  such offense, be fined not more than ten thousand dollars
    15  ($10,000) or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
    16     (4)  Whoever fails to pay any tax required in connection with
    17  a delivery sale shall pay, in addition to any other penalty, a
    18  penalty of fifty per centum of the tax due but unpaid.
    19     (5)  Any cigarettes sold or attempted to be sold in a
    20  delivery sale that does not meet the requirements of this act
    21  shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth and destroyed, pursuant
    22  to law.
    23     (g)  The department or its designee, the Attorney General or
    24  his or her designee, or any person who holds a permit under 26
    25  U.S.C. § 5712 (relating to application for permit) or 19 U.S.C.
    26  § 1311 (relating to bonded manufacturing warehouses) or 1555
    27  (relating to bonded warehouses), may bring an action in the
    28  appropriate court in this Commonwealth to prevent or restrain
    29  violations of this section by any person or any person
    30  controlling such person.
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     1     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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