See other bills
under the
same topic
                                 HOUSE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1237, 1277, 1290,        PRINTER'S NO. 1314



No. 940 Session of 2003


           AS AMENDED, DECEMBER 10, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for intergovernmental cooperation in cities of the
     2     second class; establishing an intergovernmental authority;
     3     providing for financing, for bankruptcy and for sovereign
     4     immunity; and making an appropriation.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     6  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8  Section 102.  Purpose and legislative intent.
     9  Section 103.  Legislative findings.
    10  Section 104.  Definitions.
    11  Chapter 2.  Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority for Cities
    12                 of the Second Class
    13  Section 201.  Authority established.
    14  Section 202.  Governing board.
    15  Section 203.  Powers and duties.
    16  Section 204.  Term of existence.
    17  Section 205.  Fiscal year.

     1  Section 206.  Annual budget of authority.
     2  Section 207.  Annual report to be filed; annual audits.
     3  Section 208.  Limit on city borrowing.
     4  Section 209.  Financial plan of an assisted city.
     5  Section 210.  Powers and duties of authority with respect to
     6                 financial plans.
     7  Section 211.  Limitation on authority and on assisted cities to
     8                 file petition for relief under Federal
     9                 bankruptcy law.
    10  Section 212.  Investment of funds.
    11  Section 213.  Sovereign immunity.
    12  Chapter 7.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    13  Section 701.  Appropriation.
    14  Section 702.  General rights and prohibitions.
    15  Section 703.  Nondiscrimination.
    16  Section 704.  Construction of act.
    17  Section 705.  Limitation of authority powers.
    18  Section 706.  Suspension and repeal.
    19  Section 707.  Effective date.
    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22                             CHAPTER 1
    23                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    24  Section 101.  Short title.
    25     This act shall be known and may be cited as the
    26  Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority Act for Cities of the
    27  Second Class.
    28  Section 102.  Purpose and legislative intent.
    29     (a)  Policy.--It is hereby declared to be a public policy of
    30  the Commonwealth to exercise its retained sovereign powers with
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     1  regard to taxation and matters of Statewide concern in a manner
     2  calculated to foster the fiscal integrity of cities of the
     3  second class to assure that these cities provide for the health,
     4  safety and welfare of their citizens; pay principal and interest
     5  owed on their debt obligations when due; meet financial
     6  obligations to their employees, vendors and suppliers; and
     7  provide for proper financial planning procedures and budgeting
     8  practices. The inability of a city of the second class to
     9  provide essential services to its citizens as a result of a
    10  fiscal emergency is hereby determined to affect adversely the
    11  health, safety and welfare not only of the citizens of that
    12  municipality but also of other citizens in this Commonwealth.
    13     (b)  Legislative intent.--
    14         (1)  It is the intent of the General Assembly to:
    15             (i)  provide cities of the second class with the
    16         legal tools with which such cities can perform essential
    17         municipal services; and
    18             (ii)  foster sound financial planning and budgetary
    19         practices for cities of the second class, which cities
    20         shall be charged with the responsibility to exercise
    21         efficient and accountable fiscal practices, such as:
    22                 (A)  increased managerial accountability;
    23                 (B)  consolidation or elimination of inefficient
    24             city programs and authorities;
    25                 (C)  reevaluation of tax-exemption policies with
    26             regard to real property taxes;
    27                 (D)  increased collection of existing tax
    28             revenues;
    29                 (E)  privatization of appropriate city services;
    30                 (F)  sale of city assets as appropriate;
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     1                 (G)  improvement of procurement practices,
     2             including competitive bidding procedures; and
     3                 (H)  review of compensation and benefits of city
     4             employees; and
     5             (iii)  exercise its powers consistent with the rights
     6         of citizens to home rule and self-government.
     7         (2)  The General Assembly further declares that this
     8     legislation is intended to remedy the apparent fiscal
     9     emergency confronting cities of the second class through the
    10     implementation of sovereign powers of the Commonwealth. To
    11     safeguard the rights of the citizens to the electoral process
    12     and home rule, the General Assembly intends to exercise its
    13     power in an appropriate manner with the elected officers of
    14     cities of the second class.
    15  Section 103.  Legislative findings.
    16     It is hereby determined and declared as a matter of
    17  legislative finding that:
    18         (1)  Cities of the second class have encountered
    19     recurring financial difficulties which may affect the
    20     performance of necessary municipal services to the detriment
    21     of the health, safety and general welfare of residents of
    22     such cities.
    23         (2)  It is critically important that cities of the second
    24     class maintain their creditworthiness.
    25         (3)  Due to the economic and social interrelationship
    26     among all citizens in our economy, the fiscal integrity of
    27     cities of the second class is a matter of concern to
    28     residents of the entire Commonwealth, and the financial
    29     problems of such cities have a direct and negative effect on
    30     the entire Commonwealth.
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     1         (4)  Because cities of the second class consume a
     2     substantial proportion of the products of Pennsylvania's
     3     farms, factories, manufacturing plants and service
     4     enterprises, economic difficulties confronting cities of the
     5     second class detrimentally affect the economy of the
     6     Commonwealth as a whole and become a matter of Statewide
     7     concern.
     8         (5)  Because residents of cities of the second class
     9     contribute a substantial proportion of all Commonwealth tax
    10     revenues, a disruption of the economic and social life of
    11     such cities may have a significant detrimental effect upon
    12     Commonwealth revenues.
    13         (6)  The financial difficulties of cities of the second
    14     class can best be addressed and resolved by cooperation
    15     between governmental entities.
    16         (7)  The Constitution of Pennsylvania grants
    17     municipalities authority to cooperate with other governmental
    18     entities in the exercise of any function or responsibility.
    19         (8)  The Commonwealth retains certain sovereign powers
    20     with respect to cities of the second class, among them the
    21     powers to authorize and levy taxes, to authorize the
    22     incurring of indebtedness and to provide financial assistance
    23     that may be necessary to assist cities in solving their
    24     financial problems.
    25         (9)  The Commonwealth may attach conditions to grants of
    26     authority to incur indebtedness or assistance to cities of
    27     the second class in order to ensure that deficits are
    28     eliminated and access to capital markets is achieved and
    29     maintained.
    30         (10)  Such conditions shall be incorporated into
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     1     intergovernmental cooperation agreements between the
     2     Commonwealth or its instrumentalities and cities of the
     3     second class.
     4         (11)  Cities of the second class and the Commonwealth
     5     will benefit from the creation of an independent authority
     6     composed of members experienced in finance and management
     7     which may advise such cities, the General Assembly and the
     8     Governor concerning solutions to fiscal problems cities of
     9     the second class may face.
    10         (12)  The creation of such an authority will allow such
    11     cities to continue to provide the necessary municipal
    12     services for their residents and to contribute to the economy
    13     of the Commonwealth.
    14         (13)  Several task forces have studied the fiscal
    15     condition of a city of the second class and have published
    16     findings and suggestions regarding the fiscal structure of
    17     the city and actions that could be taken concerning
    18     preservation of the financial viability of the city into the
    19     future. Those reports, widely known as the Competitive
    20     Pittsburgh report, the PGH 21 report and the Governor's
    21     Pittsburgh Economic Improvement Task Force report should be
    22     evaluated by the authority in making its recommendations to
    23     the city. However, it is intended that the authority
    24     established by this act examine the fiscal affairs of the
    25     entire city of the second class, including all of its
    26     authorities and related corporate entities.
    27  Section 104.  Definitions.
    28     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    29  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    30  context clearly indicates otherwise:
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     1     "Assisted city."  A city of the second class which receives
     2  assistance from the Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority for
     3  Cities of the Second Class. The term includes any municipal
     4  authority, other authority or other corporate entity which
     5  directly or indirectly performs a governmental function on
     6  behalf of the city, is directly or indirectly controlled by the
     7  city or to which the city has direct or indirect power of
     8  appointment or has directly or indirectly pledged or designated
     9  the city's revenues or the city's credit.
    10     "Authority."  The Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority for
    11  Cities of the Second Class established in section 201.
    12     "Board."  The governing board of the Intergovernmental
    13  Cooperation Authority for Cities of the Second Class.
    14     "City."  A city of the second class.
    15     "City account."  A trust fund held for the exclusive benefit
    16  of an assisted city.
    17     "Corporate entity."  A municipal authority, other authority
    18  or other corporate entity which performs a governmental function
    19  on behalf of the city or to which the city has power of
    20  appointment or has pledged or designated revenues.
    21     "Deficit."  Such negative fund balance in any principal
    22  operating fund or funds of a city or corporate entity existing
    23  at the beginning of a fiscal year or projected to exist as of
    24  the close of a fiscal year, as may be more specifically
    25  identified, calculated and set forth in an intergovernmental
    26  cooperation agreement or financial plan of an assisted city
    27  described in section 209.
    28     "Federal agency."  The United States, the President of the
    29  United States and any department or corporation, agency or
    30  instrumentality created, designated or established by the United
    20030S0940B1314                  - 7 -     

     1  States.
     2     "Governing body."  The legislative body of a city.
     3     "Government agency."  The Governor, departments, boards,
     4  commissions, authorities and other officers and agencies of
     5  State government, including those which are not subject to the
     6  policy supervision and control of the Governor, any political
     7  subdivision, municipal or other local authority, and any officer
     8  or agency of any such political subdivision or local authority,
     9  but the term does not include any court or other officer or
    10  agency of the unified judicial system or the General Assembly or
    11  its officers and agencies.
    12     "Intergovernmental cooperation agreement."  Any agreement
    13  made by the authority and a city under the provisions of section
    14  203(d).
    15     "Party officer."  The following members or officers of any
    16  political party:
    17         (1)  a member of a national committee;
    18         (2)  a chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer or
    19     counsel of a State committee or member of the executive
    20     committee of a State committee;
    21         (3)  a county chairman, vice chairman, counsel, secretary
    22     or treasurer of a county committee; or
    23         (4)  a chairman, vice chairman, counsel, secretary,
    24     treasurer or ward leader of a city or municipal committee.
    25     "Public official."  Any elected or appointed official or
    26  employee in the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the
    27  Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof, provided that
    28  it shall not include members of advisory boards that have no
    29  authority to expend public funds other than reimbursement for
    30  personal expense or to otherwise exercise the power of the
    20030S0940B1314                  - 8 -     

     1  Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof. The term
     2  shall not include any appointed official who receives no
     3  compensation other than reimbursement for actual expenses.
     6                             CHAPTER 2
     8                     CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS
     9  Section 201.  Authority established.
    10     A body corporate and politic to be known as the
    11  Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority for Cities of the Second
    12  Class is established as a public authority and instrumentality
    13  of the Commonwealth, exercising public powers of the
    14  Commonwealth as an agency and instrumentality thereof. The
    15  exercise by the authority of the powers conferred by this act is
    16  hereby declared to be and shall for all purposes be deemed and
    17  held to be the performance of an essential public function.
    18  Section 202.  Governing board.
    19     (a)  Composition of board.--
    20         (1)  The powers and duties of the authority shall be
    21     exercised by a governing board composed of five members:
    22             (i)  One member shall be appointed by the President
    23         pro tempore of the Senate.
    24             (ii)  One member shall be appointed by the Minority
    25         Leader of the Senate.
    26             (iii)  One member shall be appointed by the Speaker
    27         of the House of Representatives.
    28             (iv)  One member shall be appointed by the Minority
    29         Leader of the House of Representatives.
    30             (v)  One member shall be appointed by the Governor.
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     1             (vi)  The Secretary of the Budget AND the director of  <--
     2         finance of each assisted city and any person appointed,    <--
     3         prior to the effective date of this act, as coordinator
     4         for the assisted city pursuant to section 221(a) of the
     5         act of July 10, 1987 (P.L.246, No.47), known as the
     6         Municipalities Financial Recovery Act, shall serve as ex
     7         officio members of the board. The board and any appointed  <--
     8         coordinator shall cooperate in the sharing of reports,
     9         information and recommendations with regard to the
    10         assisted city. The ex officio members may not vote and
    11         shall not be counted for purposes of establishing a
    12         quorum. The Secretary of the Budget and the director of
    13         finance of each assisted city may designate in writing a
    14         representative of their respective offices to attend
    15         meetings of the board on their behalf.
    16         (2)  All members and designees must have substantial
    17     experience in finance or management.
    18         (3)  All members of the board must be residents of this
    19     Commonwealth and, except the Secretary of the Budget and any   <--
    20     person appointed, prior to the effective date of this act, as
    21     coordinator for the assisted city pursuant to section 221(a)
    22     of the Municipalities Financial Recovery Act, must either be
    23     residents of the assisted city or have their primary places
    24     of business or employment in that city.
    25     (b)  Term.--Appointing authorities shall appoint the initial
    26  members of the board within ten days of the effective date of
    27  this act, and the appointed members shall select a chairperson
    28  from among themselves at the initial organizational meeting of
    29  the board and upon any subsequent vacancy in the office of
    30  chairperson. The term of a board member shall begin on the date
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     1  of the appointment. A member's term shall be coterminous with
     2  that of the appointing authority. The member selected as
     3  chairperson shall serve in that capacity for two years from the
     4  date of selection or for the duration of his term on the board,
     5  whichever is less, and may be reelected to subsequent two-year
     6  terms. An appointed board member shall serve at the pleasure of
     7  the member's appointing authority. Whenever a vacancy occurs
     8  among the appointed members on the board, whether prior to or on
     9  the expiration of a term, the appointing authority who
    10  originally appointed the board member whose seat has become
    11  vacant shall appoint a successor member within 30 days of the
    12  vacancy. A member appointed by an appointing authority to fill a
    13  vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of a term shall serve
    14  the unexpired term.
    15     (c)  Organization.--The appointees of the President pro
    16  tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
    17  Representatives shall set a date, time and place for the initial
    18  organizational meeting of the board within five days of the
    19  appointment of the initial members of the board. The initial
    20  organizational meeting shall be held within 20 days of the
    21  effective date of this act. In addition to chairperson, the
    22  members shall elect such other officers as they may determine. A
    23  member may hold more than one office of the board at any time.
    24     (d)  Meetings.--After the initial organizational meeting, the
    25  board shall meet as frequently as it deems appropriate but at
    26  least once during each quarter of the fiscal year. In addition,
    27  a meeting of the board shall be called by the chairperson if a
    28  request for a meeting is submitted to the chairperson by at
    29  least two members of the board. A majority of the board shall
    30  constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting the business
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     1  of the board and for all other purposes. All actions of the
     2  board shall be taken by a majority of the board, EXCEPT THAT      <--
     4  A QUALIFIED MAJORITY. The provisions of 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7
     5  (relating to open meetings) shall apply to the board.
     6     (e)  Expenses.--A member shall not receive compensation or
     7  remuneration, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all
     8  reasonable and necessary actual expenses.
     9     (f)  Employees and agents.--The board shall fix and determine
    10  the number of employees of the authority and their respective
    11  compensation and duties. The board may contract for or receive
    12  the loan of services of persons in the employ of other
    13  government agencies, and other government agencies shall be
    14  authorized to make such employees available. The board may
    15  retain an executive director upon a majority vote. The board
    16  may, by a majority vote, hire an independent general counsel to
    17  the authority and may engage consultants and contract for other
    18  professional services upon a majority vote. The board may, upon
    19  the approval of a majority, delegate to the executive director
    20  such powers of the board as the board deems necessary to carry
    21  out the purposes of the authority, subject in every case to the
    22  supervision and control of the board.
    23     (g)  Public officials and party officers; conflicts of
    24  interest prohibited.--
    25         (1)  Except for the Secretary of the Budget, the director
    26     of finance of an assisted city and any person appointed,
    27     prior to the effective date of this act, as coordinator for
    28     the assisted city pursuant to section 221(a) of the
    29     Municipalities Financial Recovery Act, neither members of the
    30     board nor the executive director shall seek or hold a
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     1     position as any other public official within this
     2     Commonwealth or as a party officer while in the service of
     3     the authority. Members of the board and the executive
     4     director shall not seek election as public officials or party
     5     officers for one year after their service with the authority.
     6     Members of the board and the executive director may serve as
     7     appointive public officials any time after their periods of
     8     service with the authority.
     9         (2)  Employees and agents of the authority shall not seek
    10     or hold other positions as public officials or party officers
    11     while in the employ of the authority. The authority may
    12     receive the loan of services of persons in other government
    13     agencies in accordance with subsection (f), notwithstanding
    14     that such persons are public officials. Employees of the
    15     authority shall not seek election as public officials or
    16     party officers for one year after leaving the employ of the
    17     authority.
    18         (3)  No member of the board or employee of the authority
    19     may directly or indirectly be a party to or be interested in
    20     any contract or agreement with the authority or with the
    21     assisted city. No member or employee may use his office or
    22     employment or any confidential information received through
    23     his office or employment for the private pecuniary benefit of
    24     himself, a member of his immediate family, or a business with
    25     which he or a member of his immediate family is associated.
    26     Any member or employee who shall willfully violate this
    27     provision shall forfeit his office or employment and shall be
    28     subject to such other criminal and civil sanctions as may be
    29     imposed by law. Any contract or agreement knowingly made in
    30     contravention of this provision is void.
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     1     (h)  Statutes applying to authority.--
     2         (1)  The provisions of the following acts shall apply to
     3     the authority:
     4             (i)  65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings).
     5             (ii)  The act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212),
     6         referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
     7             (iii)  Except as set forth in paragraph (2), the act
     8         of July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017, No.451), known as the State
     9         Adverse Interest Act.
    10             (iv)  The act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170),
    11         referred to as the Public Official and Employee Ethics
    12         Law.
    13         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of the State Adverse
    14     Interest Act, the Secretary of the Budget and the director of
    15     finance of each assisted city shall, while serving as ex
    16     officio members of the board, also serve in their official
    17     capacities with respect to the negotiation and execution of
    18     intergovernmental cooperation agreements and other agreements
    19     between an assisted city and the authority.
    20     (i)  Advisory committee.--
    21         (1)  The board may appoint by majority vote an advisory
    22     committee comprised of professionals engaged in municipal
    23     management and finance or other experts as it may deem
    24     necessary. The members of an advisory committee shall reside
    25     within an assisted city or a county within the statistical
    26     metropolitan area in which the assisted city is located.
    27         (2)  The provisions of subsection (g) shall be applicable
    28     to members of an advisory committee; however, the board may
    29     allow city council to designate a liaison from city council
    30     to serve on an advisory committee.
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     1         (3)  An advisory committee shall consist of no more than
     2     six members, excluding any council liaison.
     3  Section 203.  Powers and duties.
     4     (a)  General powers and duties.--The authority is established
     5  for the purposes, without limitation, by itself or by agreement
     6  in cooperation with others, of assisting cities in solving their
     7  budgetary and financial problems.
     8     (b)  Specific duties.--The authority shall have the powers
     9  and its duties shall be:
    10         (1)  To assist cities in achieving financial stability in
    11     any manner consistent with the purposes and powers described
    12     by this act.
    13         (2)  To assist cities in avoiding defaults, eliminating
    14     and financing deficits, maintaining sound budgetary practices
    15     and avoiding the interruption of municipal services.
    16         (3)  To negotiate intergovernmental cooperation
    17     agreements with cities containing such terms and conditions
    18     as will enable such cities to eliminate and avoid deficits,
    19     maintain sound budgetary practices and avoid interruption of
    20     municipal services.
    21         (4)  To make annual signed reports within 120 days after
    22     the close of the assisted city's fiscal year, commencing with
    23     the fiscal year ending December 31, 2003, to the Governor and
    24     the General Assembly describing the city's financial
    25     condition and the authority's progress with respect to
    26     restoring the financial stability of assisted cities and
    27     achieving balanced budgets for assisted cities. Such reports
    28     shall be filed with the Governor, with the presiding officers
    29     of the Senate and the House of Representatives, with the
    30     chairperson and minority chairperson of the Appropriations
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     1     Committee of the Senate and the chairperson and the minority
     2     chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the House of
     3     Representatives and with the governing body, mayor and
     4     controller of the assisted city and be publicly available in
     5     the assisted city during normal business hours for public
     6     inspection, and may be reproduced by any member of the public
     7     at commercial costs of reproduction. Such report shall
     8     clearly show by consistent category the last five years of
     9     operating revenues and expenditures, capital expenditures,
    10     gross and net indebtedness transactions, including a schedule
    11     of principal and interest, five-year projections of the
    12     assisted city's operating and capital budgets, and the entire
    13     projected indebtedness transactions, including a schedule of
    14     principal and interest of such indebtedness until any and all
    15     debt has been completely retired. Such report shall contain a
    16     narrative explaining progress of the assisted city in meeting
    17     its annual and five-year budgetary objectives, an appraisal
    18     by the authority of the progress the assisted city is making
    19     to achieve its goals, and an appraisal of the extent to which
    20     the assisted city is making a good faith effort to achieve
    21     its goals. Such report shall disclose any violations of
    22     Federal and State law that the authority may have discovered.
    23     Such report shall include as appendices all historical loans
    24     or other contracts entered into by the assisted city and its
    25     authorities.
    26     (c)  Specific powers.--In addition to the powers and duties
    27  set forth elsewhere in this act, the authority shall have the
    28  specific powers:
    29         (1)  To obtain copies of all reports and documents
    30     regarding the revenues, expenditures, budgets, deficits,
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     1     costs, plans, operations, estimates and any other financial
     2     or budgetary matters of an assisted city.
     3         (2)  To obtain additional reports and information on the
     4     above matters in such form as are deemed necessary by the
     5     authority.
     6         (3)  To make factual findings concerning an assisted
     7     city's budgetary and fiscal affairs.
     8         (4)  To make recommendations to an assisted city
     9     concerning conditions of approval of budgets and financial
    10     plans. Recommendations under this paragraph may include:
    11             (i)  Consolidation or merger of services performed by
    12         an assisted city, school, county or other surrounding
    13         municipality.
    14             (ii)  Consolidation of public safety services.
    15             (iii)  Appropriate staffing levels of city
    16         departments and corporate entities.
    17             (iv)  Cooperative agreements or contractual
    18         arrangements between health care facilities licensed by
    19         the Department of Health.
    20             (v)  Financial or contractual obligations of the
    21         assisted city.
    22             (vi)  Contributions of nonprofit or charitable
    23         organizations which receive the benefit of municipal
    24         services provided by the assisted city.
    25             (vii)  Reduction or restructuring of debt
    26         obligations.
    27             (viii)  Cooperative agreements between the assisted
    28         city and the county in which it is located or
    29         municipalities which border the assisted city.
    30             (ix)  Cooperative agreements between the assisted
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     1         city and the school district in which it is located.
     2             (x)  Collective bargaining agreements and other
     3         contracts of the assisted city.
     4             (xi)  Elimination, sale or transfer of assisted city
     5         services or property.
     6             (xii)  Implementation of cost-saving measures by the
     7         assisted city.
     8             (xiii)  Increased managerial accountability.
     9             (xiv)  Performance of government operations and
    10         delivery of municipal services.
    11             (xv)  Reevaluation of tax-exemption policies and
    12         practices with regard to real property taxation within
    13         the assisted city.
    14             (xvi)  Improvements in procurement practices.
    15             (xvii)  Implementation of user fees for services,
    16         including sewage, water treatment and refuse collection.
    17             (xviii)  Privatization and competitive bidding of
    18         appropriate assisted city services.
    19             (xix)  Increased collection of fines and costs
    20         relating to parking violations or violations of other
    21         city ordinances.
    22             (xx)  When appropriate, filing for bankruptcy under
    23         11 U.S.C. Ch. 9 (relating to adjustment of debts of a
    24         municipality).
    25             (xxi)  The use of technology to achieve cost savings.
    26             (xxii)  A study of health care and other benefits
    27         offered by the assisted city to its employees.
    28             (xxiii)  The sale of the assisted city's worker's
    29         compensation fund.
    30             (xxiv)  The sale of unencumbered assets of the
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     1         assisted city or its authorities.
     2             (xxv)  The elimination or reorganization of
     3         authorities or departments.
     4             (xxvi)  The use by the assisted city of revenues
     5         received under the act of July 28, 1953 (P.L.723,
     6         No.230), known as the Second Class County Code.
     7             (xxvii)  The use of budgetary practices and
     8         principles as they relate to forecasting, public
     9         openness, projections, estimates, tax policy, lending,
    10         borrowing and strategic planning.
    11             (xxviii)  The transfers of employees and assets by
    12         and between bureaus, departments and authorities of the
    13         assisted city.
    14             (xxix)  Prior suggestions published by others prior
    15         to the enactment of this act with regard to the assisted
    16         city.
    17             (xxx)  Reviewing the taxing authority of the city as
    18         compared with the taxing authority of school districts of
    19         the first class A.
    20         (5)  To make recommendations to the Governor and the
    21     General Assembly regarding legislation or resolutions which
    22     relate to an assisted city's fiscal stability. The authority
    23     shall submit a preliminary report of the recommendations to
    24     the Governor and the General Assembly within 90 days of the
    25     effective date of this act.
    26         (6)  To exercise powers of review concerning the
    27     budgetary and fiscal affairs of the assisted city consistent
    28     with this act and the city's home rule charter or other
    29     optional plan of government.
    30         (7)  To receive revenues from any source, directly or by
    20030S0940B1314                 - 19 -     

     1     assignment, pledge or otherwise.
     2         (8)  To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
     3     interplead, complain and defend in all courts.
     4         (9)  To adopt, use and alter at will a corporate seal.
     5         (10)  To make bylaws for the management and regulation of
     6     its affairs and adopt rules, regulations and policies in
     7     connection with the performance of its functions and duties
     8     which, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
     9     contrary, shall not be subject to review pursuant to the act
    10     of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the Regulatory
    11     Review Act.
    12         (11)  To make and enter into contracts and other
    13     instruments necessary or convenient for the conduct of its
    14     business and the exercise of the powers of the authority.
    15         (12)  To appoint officers, agents, employees and servants
    16     and to prescribe their duties and to fix their compensation
    17     as set forth in section 202(f).
    18         (13)  To retain counsel and auditors to render such
    19     professional services as the authority deems appropriate. The
    20     authority shall not be considered either an executive agency
    21     or an independent agency for the purpose of the act of
    22     October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth
    23     Attorneys Act, but shall possess the same status for such
    24     purpose as the Auditor General, State Treasurer and the
    25     Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, except that the
    26     provisions of section 204(b) and (f) of the Commonwealth
    27     Attorneys Act shall not apply to the authority;
    28     notwithstanding 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 85 (relating to matters
    29     affecting government units), the authority, through its legal
    30     counsel, shall defend actions brought against the authority
    20030S0940B1314                 - 20 -     

     1     or its members, officers, officials and employees when acting
     2     within the scope of their official duties.
     3         (14)  To cooperate with any Federal agency or government
     4     agency.
     5         (15)  To acquire, by gift or otherwise, purchase, hold,
     6     receive, lease, sublease and use any franchise, license,
     7     property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible or
     8     any interest therein. However, the authority shall be
     9     absolutely limited in its power to acquire real property
    10     under this act to real property that will be used only for
    11     the office space in which the authority will conduct its
    12     daily business if necessary. If possible, an assisted city
    13     shall provide office space to the authority at no cost to the
    14     authority as part of an intergovernmental cooperation
    15     agreement.
    16         (16)  To sell, transfer, convey and dispose of any
    17     property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible or
    18     any interest therein.
    19         (17)  To enter into contracts for group insurance and to
    20     contribute to retirement plans for the benefit of its
    21     employees and to enroll its employees in an existing
    22     retirement system of a government agency.
    23         (18)  To accept, purchase or borrow equipment, supplies,
    24     services or other things necessary or convenient to the work
    25     of the authority from other government agencies, and all
    26     government agencies are authorized to sell, lend or grant to
    27     the authority such equipment, supplies, services or other
    28     things necessary or convenient to the work of the authority.
    29         (19)  To invest any funds held by the authority as set
    30     forth in section 212.
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     1         (20)  To receive and hold assets, moneys and funds from
     2     any source, including, but not limited to, appropriations,
     3     grants, gifts.
     4         (21)  To procure insurance, guarantees and sureties the
     5     authority determines necessary or desirable for its purposes.
     6         (22)  To pledge the credit of the authority as the
     7     authority determines necessary or desirable for its purposes.
     8         (23)  To do all acts and things necessary or convenient
     9     for the promotion of its purposes and the general welfare of
    10     the authority and to carry out the powers granted to it by
    11     this act or any other acts.
    12     (d)  Intergovernmental cooperation agreements.--The authority
    13  shall have the power and its duty shall be to enter into and to
    14  implement fully such intergovernmental cooperation agreements
    15  with cities as are approved by a majority of the board. The
    16  following shall apply:
    17         (1)  A city may enter into an intergovernmental
    18     cooperation agreement in which it, consistent with this act,
    19     covenants to cooperate or agree in the exercise of any
    20     function, power or responsibility with, or delegate or
    21     transfer any function, power or responsibility to, the
    22     authority upon the adoption by the governing body of such
    23     city of an ordinance authorizing and approving the
    24     intergovernmental cooperation agreement.
    25         (2)  An ordinance that authorizes a city to enter into an
    26     intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the authority
    27     shall specify:
    28             (i)  the purpose and objectives of the agreement;
    29             (ii)  the conditions of the agreement; and
    30             (iii)  the term of the agreement, including
    20030S0940B1314                 - 22 -     

     1         provisions relating to its termination.
     2     (e)  Limitation.--Notwithstanding any purpose or general or
     3  specific power granted by this act or any other act, whether
     4  express or implied, the authority shall have no power to pledge
     5  the credit or taxing powers of the Commonwealth.
     6  Section 204.  Term of existence.
     7     The authority shall exist for a term of at least seven years.
     8  If, after seven years, an assisted city has had annual operating
     9  budgets and five-year financial plans approved by the board for
    10  at least the three immediately preceding years, the Secretary of
    11  Community and Economic Development shall certify that the
    12  authority is no longer needed; and the provisions of this
    13  chapter will no longer be in effect 90 days following that
    14  certification. Upon termination of the authority, records and
    15  documents of the authority shall be transferred to the director
    16  of finance of the assisted city. The authority shall submit a
    17  final report on its activities and the city's fiscal condition
    18  to the Governor and the General Assembly within 60 days of its
    19  termination.
    20  Section 205.  Fiscal year.
    21     The fiscal year of the authority shall be the same as the
    22  fiscal year of the Commonwealth.
    23  Section 206.  Annual budget of authority.
    24     (a)  Budget.--Before March 1, 2004, for the fiscal year July
    25  1, 2004, to June 30, 2005, and before October 15, 2005, and each
    26  October 15 thereafter, the authority shall adopt a budget by a
    27  majority of the board setting forth in reasonable detail the
    28  projected expenses of operation of the authority for the ensuing
    29  fiscal year, including the salary and benefits of the executive
    30  director and any other employees of the authority, and the
    20030S0940B1314                 - 23 -     

     1  projected revenues of the authority to be derived from
     2  investment earnings and any other moneys of the authority which
     3  are estimated to be available to pay the operating expenses set
     4  forth in the budget. A copy of the authority's budget shall be
     5  submitted to the Governor and to the General Assembly. The
     6  authority or its designated representatives may be afforded an
     7  opportunity to appear before the Governor and the Appropriations
     8  Committee of the Senate and the Appropriations Committee of the
     9  House of Representatives regarding the authority's budget.
    10     (b)  Limit on operating expenses.--Following the submission
    11  of the authority's budget to the Governor and the General
    12  Assembly and any hearing held by an appropriations committee
    13  under subsection (a), the General Assembly, by concurrent
    14  resolution with presentment to the Governor, in accordance with
    15  section 9 of Article III of the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
    16  may limit the operating expenses of the authority. In that
    17  event, it shall be unlawful for the authority to spend more for
    18  operating expenses than the limit established for that fiscal
    19  year by the concurrent resolution. If the General Assembly does
    20  not adopt a concurrent resolution prior to May 30, the
    21  authority's budget shall be deemed approved for that fiscal
    22  year.
    23     (c)  Funding.--After July 1, 2005, upon request of the
    24  authority and pursuant to the limits established in subsection
    25  (b), the city shall annually fund any portion of the budget of
    26  the authority which exceeds the authority's State appropriation,
    27  including its reasonable and necessary expenses and costs
    28  incurred for consultants engaged by the board to carry out its
    29  duties.
    30     (d)  Examination of books.--The chairperson and minority
    20030S0940B1314                 - 24 -     

     1  chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and
     2  the chairperson and minority chairperson of the Appropriations
     3  Committee of the House of Representatives shall have the right
     4  at any time to examine the books, accounts and records of the
     5  authority.
     6  Section 207.  Annual report to be filed; annual audits.
     7     The authority shall file a signed annual report with the
     8  chairperson and the minority chairperson of the Appropriations
     9  Committee of the Senate and chairperson and the minority
    10  chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the House of
    11  Representatives, which shall make provisions for the accounting
    12  of revenues and expenses. The authority shall have its books,
    13  accounts and records audited annually in accordance with
    14  generally accepted auditing standards by an independent auditor
    15  who shall be a certified public accountant, and a copy of his
    16  audit report shall be attached to and be made a part of the
    17  authority's annual report. A concise financial statement shall
    18  be published annually in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    19  Section 208.  Limit on city borrowing.
    20     A city and its corporate entities may not borrow or receive
    21  funds for any lawful purpose unless the city has entered into an
    22  intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the authority and
    23  there is an approved financial plan in effect.
    24  Section 209.  Financial plan of an assisted city.
    25     (a)  Requirement of a financial plan.--An assisted city shall
    26  develop, implement and periodically revise a financial plan as
    27  described in this section.
    28     (b)  Elements of plan.--The financial plan shall include:
    29         (1)  Projected revenues and expenditures of the principal
    30     operating fund or funds of the assisted city for five fiscal
    20030S0940B1314                 - 25 -     

     1     years consisting of the current fiscal year and the next four
     2     fiscal years.
     3         (2)  Plan components that will:
     4             (i)  eliminate any projected deficit for the current
     5         fiscal year and for subsequent fiscal years;
     6             (ii)  restore to special fund accounts money from
     7         those accounts used for purposes other than those
     8         specifically authorized;
     9             (iii)  balance the current fiscal year budget and
    10         subsequent budgets in the financial plan through sound
    11         budgetary practices, including, but not limited to,
    12         reductions in expenditures, improvements in productivity,
    13         increases in revenues or a combination of these steps;
    14             (iv)  provide procedures to avoid a fiscal emergency
    15         condition in the future; and
    16             (v)  enhance the ability of the assisted city to
    17         access short-term and long-term credit markets.
    18     (c)  Standards for formulation of plan.--
    19         (1)  All projections of revenues and expenditures in a
    20     financial plan shall be based on prudent, reasonable and
    21     appropriate assumptions and methods of estimation, all such
    22     assumptions and methods to be consistently applied and
    23     reported in the financial plan. The financial plan of an
    24     assisted city shall not include projected revenue that in
    25     order to be collected requires the enactment by the General
    26     Assembly of new taxing powers.
    27         (2)  All revenue and appropriation estimates shall be on
    28     a modified accrual basis in accordance with generally
    29     accepted standards agreed to by the authority such as those
    30     promulgated by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
    20030S0940B1314                 - 26 -     

     1     Revenue estimates shall recognize revenues in the accounting
     2     period in which they become both measurable and available.
     3     Estimates of city-generated revenues shall be based on
     4     current or proposed tax rates, historical collection patterns
     5     and generally recognized econometric models. Estimates of
     6     revenues to be received from the State government shall be
     7     based on historical patterns, currently available levels or
     8     on levels proposed in a budget by the Governor. Estimates of
     9     revenues to be received from the Federal Government shall be
    10     based on historical patterns, currently available levels or
    11     on levels proposed in a budget by the President or in a
    12     congressional budget resolution. Nontax revenues shall be
    13     based on current or proposed rates, charges or fees,
    14     historical patterns and generally recognized econometric
    15     models. Appropriation estimates shall include, at a minimum,
    16     all obligations incurred during the fiscal year and estimated
    17     to be payable during the fiscal year or in the 24-month
    18     period following the close of the current fiscal year and all
    19     obligations of prior fiscal years not covered by encumbered
    20     funds from prior fiscal years. Any deviations from these
    21     standards of estimating revenues and appropriations proposed
    22     to be used by an assisted city shall be specifically
    23     disclosed and shall be approved by a majority of the board.
    24         (3)  All cash flow projections shall be based upon
    25     reasonable and appropriate assumptions as to sources and uses
    26     of cash, including, but not limited to, reasonable and
    27     appropriate assumptions as to the timing of receipt and
    28     expenditure thereof, and shall provide for operations of the
    29     assisted city to be conducted within the resources so
    30     projected. All estimates shall take due account of the past
    20030S0940B1314                 - 27 -     

     1     and anticipated collection, expenditure and service demand
     2     experience of the assisted city and of current and projected
     3     economic conditions.
     4     (d)  Form of plan.--Each financial plan shall, consistent
     5  with the requirements of an assisted city's home rule charter or
     6  optional plan of government:
     7         (1)  be in such form and shall contain:
     8             (i)  for each of the first two fiscal years covered
     9         by the financial plan, such information as shall reflect
    10         an assisted city's total expenditures by fund and by lump
    11         sum amount for each board, commission, department or
    12         office of an assisted city; and
    13             (ii)  for the remaining three fiscal years of the
    14         financial plan, such information as shall reflect an
    15         assisted city's total expenditures by fund and by lump
    16         sum amount for major object classification;
    17         (2)  include projections of all revenues and expenditures
    18     for five fiscal years, including, but not limited to,
    19     projected capital expenditures and short-term and long-term
    20     debt incurrence and cash flow forecasts by fund for the first
    21     year of the financial plan;
    22         (3)  include a schedule of projected capital commitments
    23     of the assisted city and proposed sources of funding for such
    24     commitments; and
    25         (4)  be accompanied by a statement describing, in
    26     reasonable detail, the significant assumptions and methods of
    27     estimation used in arriving at the projections contained in
    28     such plan.
    29     (e)  Annual submission of plan.--On or before December 30,     <--
    20030S0940B1314                 - 28 -     

     1  assisted city shall develop, and the authority shall review and
     2  act upon, an initial five-year financial plan which includes a
     3  report on the status of implementation of prior published
     4  suggestions regarding consolidation and cost savings. During
     5  each subsequent fiscal year, the mayor or chief executive
     6  officer of each assisted city shall, at least 100 days prior to
     7  the beginning of its fiscal year or on such other date as the
     8  authority may approve upon the request of the assisted city,
     9  prepare and submit its proposed five-year plan. At the same time
    10  the plan is submitted, the mayor or chief executive officer
    11  shall also submit to the authority:
    12         (1)  the mayor's or chief executive officer's proposed
    13     annual operating budget and capital budget which shall be
    14     consistent with the first year of the financial plan and
    15     which shall be prepared in accordance with the assisted
    16     city's home rule charter or other optional plan of
    17     government; and
    18         (2)  a statement by the mayor or chief executive officer
    19     that such budget:
    20             (i)  is consistent with the financial plan;
    21             (ii)  contains funding adequate for debt service
    22         payments, legally mandated services and lease payments
    23         securing bonds of other government agencies;
    24             (iii)  is based upon prudent, reasonable and
    25         appropriate assumptions and methods of estimation; and
    26             (iv)  complies with any balanced budget requirements
    27         contained in the charter and ordinances of the city or
    28         State law.
    29     (f)  Balanced budget requirement.--The mayor of every city
    30  and assisted city shall submit, and the city council of every
    20030S0940B1314                 - 29 -     

     1  city and assisted city shall adopt, a balanced budget each year
     2  consistent with the requirements of 53 Pa.C.S. § 3016 (relating
     3  to form and adoption of budget), and the city's or assisted
     4  city's home rule charter or other optional plan of government. A
     5  balanced budget of a city or assisted city shall not include
     6  projected revenues that in order to be collected require the
     7  enactment by the General Assembly of new taxing powers or the
     8  approval of a court of common pleas of the county in which the
     9  city or assisted city is located. The failure of a city or
    10  assisted city to comply with this subsection shall result in the
    11  withholding of Commonwealth funds pursuant to section 210(e) and
    12  (f).
    13     (g)  Authority review and approval of plan.--
    14         (1)  The authority shall promptly review each financial
    15     plan, proposed operating budget and capital budget submitted
    16     by the assisted city. In conducting such review, the
    17     authority shall request from the city controller of the
    18     assisted city an opinion or certification prepared in
    19     accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, with
    20     respect to the reasonableness of the assumptions and
    21     estimates in the financial plan. The city controller and
    22     other elected officials shall comply with any such request
    23     from the authority. Not more than 30 days after submission of
    24     a financial plan and proposed operating budget, the authority
    25     shall determine whether:
    26             (i)  the financial plan projects balanced budgets,
    27         based upon prudent, reasonable and appropriate
    28         assumptions as described in this section, for each year
    29         of the plan; and
    30             (ii)  the proposed operating budget and capital
    20030S0940B1314                 - 30 -     

     1         budget are consistent with the proposed financial plan.
     2     If the authority determines that these criteria are
     3     satisfied, the authority shall approve such financial plan by
     4     a majority vote.
     5         (2)  The authority shall not be bound by any opinions or
     6     certifications of the city controller of the assisted city
     7     issued pursuant to this subsection.
     8         (3)  If the authority fails to take any action within 30
     9     days on a financial plan, the financial plan as submitted
    10     shall be deemed approved. However, if during the 30 days a
    11     written request by two members of the authority board for a
    12     meeting and vote on the question of approval of the financial
    13     plan has been submitted to the chairperson and a meeting and
    14     vote do not take place, the financial plan shall be deemed
    15     disapproved.
    16     (h)  Authority disapproval of plan.--
    17         (1)  If the authority disapproves the proposed financial
    18     plan, the authority shall, when it notifies an assisted city
    19     of its decision, state in writing in reasonable detail the
    20     reasons for such disapproval, including the amount of any
    21     estimated budget imbalance.
    22         (2)  The assisted city shall submit a revised financial
    23     plan to the authority within 15 days of such disapproval,
    24     which revised plan eliminates the budget imbalance. Not more
    25     than 15 days after the submission of such revised financial
    26     plan, the authority shall determine whether the revised plan
    27     satisfies the criteria set forth in subsection (g)(1). If the
    28     authority determines that these criteria are satisfied, the
    29     authority shall approve such financial plan by a majority
    30     vote. If the authority shall not so approve the financial
    20030S0940B1314                 - 31 -     

     1     plan, then the authority shall, in accordance with section
     2     210(e), certify the assisted city's noncompliance with the
     3     financial plan to the Secretary of the Budget, the President
     4     pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
     5     Representatives.
     6     (i)  Revisions to plan.--
     7         (1)  The plan shall be revised on an annual basis to
     8     include the operating budget for the next fiscal year and to
     9     extend the plan for an additional fiscal year. In addition,
    10     the mayor or chief executive officer of a city shall, within
    11     90 days of assuming office, propose revisions to the
    12     financial plan or certify to the authority that he or she
    13     adopts the existing plan. An assisted city may, during the
    14     course of a fiscal year, submit proposed revisions to the
    15     financial plan and shall submit a proposed revision for any
    16     amendment to the city's operating or capital budget.
    17         (2)  The authority shall review each proposed revision
    18     within 20 days of its submission. The authority shall approve
    19     the revision if it will not, based on prudent, reasonable and
    20     appropriate assumptions, cause the plan to become imbalanced.
    21     Proposed revisions shall become part of the financial plan
    22     upon the approval of a majority of the authority board,
    23     unless some other method of approval is permitted by
    24     authority rules and regulations approved by a majority or
    25     pursuant to an agreement with the city contained in an
    26     intergovernmental cooperation agreement. If the authority
    27     fails to take action within 20 days on a proposed revision,
    28     such submission shall be deemed approved unless a written
    29     request for a meeting and vote has been made in accordance
    30     with subsection (g)(3) in which event, if a meeting and vote
    20030S0940B1314                 - 32 -     

     1     does not take place, the proposed revision shall be deemed
     2     disapproved.
     3         (3)  If the governing body of a city adopts a budget
     4     inconsistent with an approved financial plan, the assisted
     5     city shall submit the enacted budget to the authority as a
     6     proposed revision to the plan. The authority shall review the
     7     proposed revision within 30 days of its submission, in
     8     accordance with the criteria set forth in subsection (g) and
     9     the approval process set forth in paragraph (2).
    10     (j)  Supplemental reports.--Within 45 days of the end of each
    11  fiscal quarter, or monthly if a variation from the financial
    12  plan has been determined in accordance with section 210(c), the
    13  mayor or chief executive officer of an assisted city shall
    14  provide the authority with reports describing actual or current
    15  estimates of revenues and expenditures compared to budgeted
    16  revenues and expenditures for such period reflected in its cash
    17  flow forecast. Each report required under this section shall
    18  indicate any variance between actual or current estimates and
    19  budgeted revenues, expenditures and cash for the period covered
    20  by such report. An assisted city shall also provide periodic
    21  reports on debt service requirements in conformity with section
    22  210(b).
    23     (k)  Effect of plan upon contracts and collective bargaining
    24  agreements.--
    25         (1)  A contract or collective bargaining agreement in
    26     existence in an assisted city prior to the approval by the
    27     authority of a financial plan submitted pursuant to this
    28     section shall remain effective after approval of such plan
    29     until such contract or agreement expires.
    30         (2)  After the approval by the authority of a financial
    20030S0940B1314                 - 33 -     

     1     plan submitted pursuant to this section, an assisted city
     2     shall execute contracts and collective bargaining agreements
     3     in compliance with such plan. If an assisted city executes a
     4     contract or a collective bargaining agreement which is not in
     5     compliance with the plan, the contract or agreement shall not
     6     be void or voidable solely by reason of such noncompliance,
     7     but the assisted city shall submit to the authority a
     8     proposed revision to the plan which demonstrates that
     9     revenues sufficient to pay the costs of the contract or
    10     collective bargaining agreement will be available in the
    11     affected fiscal years of the plan.
    12     (l)  Effect of plan upon certain arbitration awards.--
    13         (1)  After the approval by the authority of a financial
    14     plan submitted pursuant to this section, any determination of
    15     a board of arbitration established pursuant to the provisions
    16     of the act of June 24, 1968 (P.L.237, No.111), referred to as
    17     the Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act,
    18     providing for an increase in wages or fringe benefits of any
    19     employee of an assisted city under the plan, in addition to
    20     considering any standard or factor required to be considered
    21     by applicable law, shall take into consideration and accord
    22     substantial weight to:
    23             (i)  the approved financial plan; and
    24             (ii)  relevant market factors, such as the financial
    25         situation of the assisted city, inflation, productivity,
    26         size of work force and pay and benefit levels in
    27         economically and demographically comparable political
    28         subdivisions.
    29         (2)  Such determination shall be in writing and a copy
    30     thereof shall be forwarded to each party to the dispute and
    20030S0940B1314                 - 34 -     

     1     the authority. Any determination of the board of arbitration
     2     which provides for an increase in wages or fringe benefits of
     3     any employee of an assisted city shall state with specificity
     4     in writing all factors which the board of arbitration took
     5     into account in considering and giving substantial weight to
     6     the factors referred to in paragraph (1).
     7         (3)  Any party to a proceeding before a board of
     8     arbitration may appeal to the court of common pleas to
     9     review:
    10             (i)  consideration under paragraph (1); or
    11             (ii)  failure of the board of arbitration to issue a
    12         determination under paragraph (2).
    13         (4)  An appeal under paragraph (3) must be commenced not
    14     later than 30 days after the issuance of a final
    15     determination by the board of arbitration.
    16         (5)  The decision of the board of arbitration shall be
    17     vacated and remanded to the board of arbitration if the court
    18     finds:
    19             (i)  that the board of arbitration failed to take
    20         into consideration and accord substantial weight to the
    21         factors referred to in paragraph (1); or
    22             (ii)  that the board of arbitration has failed to
    23         issue a determination under paragraph (2).
    24         (6)  If, after the exhaustion of all appeals, the final
    25     arbitration award is not in compliance with the approved
    26     financial plan, the award shall not be void or voidable
    27     solely by reason of such noncompliance, but the assisted city
    28     shall submit to the authority a proposed revision to the plan
    29     which demonstrates that revenues sufficient to pay the costs
    30     of the award will be available in the affected fiscal years
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     1     of the plan.
     2  Section 210.  Powers and duties of authority with respect to
     3                 financial plans.
     4     (a)  Formulation and approval of plan.--To advance the
     5  financial recovery of each assisted city, the authority shall
     6  require the assisted city to submit a five-year financial plan
     7  in accordance with section 209. With regard to the formulation
     8  of such plan, the authority shall:
     9         (1)  Consult with an assisted city as it prepares the
    10     financial plan.
    11         (2)  Prescribe the form of the financial plan.
    12         (3)  Prescribe the supporting information required in
    13     connection with such plan, such information to include at a
    14     minimum:
    15             (i)  debt service payments due or projected to be due
    16         during the relevant fiscal years;
    17             (ii)  payments for legally mandated services included
    18         in the plan and due or projected to be due during the
    19         relevant fiscal years; and
    20             (iii)  a statement in reasonable detail of the
    21         significant assumptions and methods of estimation used in
    22         arriving at the projections in the plan.
    23         (4)  Exercise any rights of approval or disapproval and
    24     issue such recommendations as are authorized by this act in
    25     accordance with the standards for formulation of the plan set
    26     forth in section 209(c).
    27     (b)  Authority functions after plan is approved.--After a
    28  financial plan has been approved, the authority shall:
    29         (1)  Receive and review:
    30             (i)  the financial reports submitted by the mayor or
    20030S0940B1314                 - 36 -     

     1         chief executive officer of a city under section 209(j);
     2             (ii)  reports concerning the debt service
     3         requirements on all bonds, notes of the assisted city and
     4         lease payments of the assisted city securing bonds or
     5         other government agencies for the following quarter,
     6         which reports shall be in such form and contain such
     7         information as the authority shall determine, and which
     8         shall be issued no later than 60 days prior to the
     9         beginning of the quarter to which they pertain, and shall
    10         be updated immediately upon each issuance of bonds or
    11         notes, by the assisted city or execution of a lease
    12         securing bonds of another government agency, after the
    13         date of such report to reflect any change in debt service
    14         requirements as a result of such issuance; and
    15             (iii)  any additional information provided by the
    16         assisted city concerning changed conditions or unexpected
    17         events which may affect the assisted city's adherence to
    18         the financial plan. The reports described in subparagraph
    19         (ii) shall be certified by the city controller.
    20         (2)  Determine, on the basis of information and reports
    21     described in paragraph (1), whether an assisted city has
    22     adhered to the financial plan.
    23     (c)  Variation from the plan.--If the authority determines,
    24  based upon reports submitted by an assisted city under
    25  subsection (b) or independent audits, examinations or studies of
    26  the assisted city's finances obtained under subsection (i)(3),
    27  that an assisted city's actual revenues and expenditures vary
    28  from those estimated in the financial plan, the authority shall
    29  require the city to provide such additional information as the
    30  authority deems necessary to explain the variation. The
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     1  authority shall take no action with respect to an assisted city
     2  for departures from the financial plan in a fiscal quarter if:
     3         (1)  the city provides a written explanation for the
     4     variation that the authority deems reasonable;
     5         (2)  the city proposes remedial action which the
     6     authority believes will restore the assisted city's overall
     7     compliance with the financial plan;
     8         (3)  information provided by the city in the immediately
     9     succeeding quarterly financial report demonstrates that the
    10     assisted city is taking such remedial action and otherwise
    11     complying with the plan; and
    12         (4)  the assisted city submits monthly supplemental
    13     reports in accordance with section 209(j) until it regains
    14     compliance with the financial plan.
    15     (d)  Authority may make recommendations.--The authority may
    16  at any time issue recommendations as to how an assisted city may
    17  achieve compliance with the financial plan and shall provide
    18  copies of such recommendations to the mayor or chief executive
    19  officer and the governing body of the city and to the officials
    20  named in section 203(b)(5).
    21     (e)  When Commonwealth shall withhold funds.--
    22         (1)  The authority shall certify to the Secretary of the
    23     Budget an assisted city's noncompliance with the financial
    24     plan during any period when the authority has determined by
    25     the vote of a majority that the assisted city has not adhered
    26     to the plan and has not taken acceptable remedial action
    27     during the next quarter following such departure from the
    28     plan.
    29         (2)  The authority shall certify to the Secretary of the
    30     Budget that an assisted city is not in compliance with the
    20030S0940B1314                 - 38 -     

     1     plan if the assisted city:
     2             (i)  has no financial plan approved by the authority,
     3         has failed to provide requested documents or has failed
     4         to file a financial plan with the authority;
     5             (ii)  has failed to file mandatory revisions to the
     6         plan or reports as required by section 209(i), (j), (k)
     7         or (l); or
     8             (iii)  has not been compelled to file a financial
     9         plan, a mandatory revision to the plan or a report
    10         through a mandamus action authorized under subsection
    11         (j).
    12         (3)  If the authority certifies that an assisted city is
    13     not in compliance with the financial plan under paragraph (1)
    14     or (2), the Secretary of the Budget shall notify the city
    15     that such certification has been made and that each grant,
    16     loan, entitlement or payment to the assisted city by the
    17     Commonwealth shall be suspended pending compliance with the
    18     financial plan. Funds withheld shall be held in escrow by the
    19     Commonwealth until compliance with the plan is restored as
    20     set forth in paragraph (4). Funds held in escrow pursuant to
    21     this subsection shall not lapse pursuant to section 621 of
    22     the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
    23     Administrative Code of 1929, or any other law.
    24         (4)  The authority shall, by majority vote, determine
    25     when the conditions which caused an assisted city to be
    26     certified as not in compliance with the financial plan have
    27     ceased to exist and shall promptly notify the Secretary of
    28     the Budget of such vote. The Secretary of the Budget shall
    29     thereupon release all funds held in escrow, together with all
    30     interest and income earned thereon during the period held in
    20030S0940B1314                 - 39 -     

     1     escrow, and the disbursements of amounts in the city account
     2     shall resume.
     3     (f)  Exemptions.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
     4  subsection (e), the following shall not be withheld from an
     5  assisted city:
     6         (1)  funds granted or allocated to an assisted city
     7     directly from an agency of the Commonwealth or from the
     8     Federal Government for distribution by the Commonwealth after
     9     the declaration of a disaster resulting from a catastrophe;
    10         (2)  funds for capital projects under contract in
    11     progress;
    12         (3)  pension fund payments required by law; and
    13         (4)  funds the assisted city has pledged to repay bonds
    14     or notes.
    15     (g)  Effect of Commonwealth's failure to disburse funds.--The
    16  provisions of subsection (e) shall not apply and an assisted
    17  city shall not be found to have departed from the financial plan
    18  due to the Commonwealth's failure to pay any money, including
    19  payment of Federal funds distributed by or through the
    20  Commonwealth, due to the assisted city from moneys appropriated
    21  by the General Assembly.
    22     (h)  Assisted city to determine expenditure of available
    23  funds.--Nothing in this act shall be construed to limit the
    24  power of an assisted city to determine, from time to time,
    25  within available funds of the assisted city, the purposes for
    26  which expenditures are to be made by the assisted city and the
    27  amounts of such expenditures then permitted under the financial
    28  plan of the assisted city.
    29     (i)  Documents and examinations to be reviewed or undertaken
    30  by the authority.--The authority shall:
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     1         (1)  receive from an assisted city and review the
     2     reports, documents, budgetary and financial planning data and
     3     other information prepared by or on behalf of such assisted
     4     city and which are to be made available to the authority
     5     under this act;
     6         (2)  inspect and copy such books, records and information
     7     of an assisted city as the authority deems necessary to
     8     accomplish the purposes of this act; and
     9         (3)  conduct or cause to be conducted such independent
    10     audits, examinations or studies of an assisted city's
    11     finances as the authority deems appropriate.
    12     (j)  Remedies of authority for failure of an assisted city to
    13  file financial plans and reports.--In the event that an assisted
    14  city shall fail to file with the authority any financial plan,
    15  revision to a financial plan, report or other information
    16  required to be filed with the authority pursuant to this act,
    17  the authority, in addition to all other rights which the
    18  authority may have at law or in equity, shall have the right by
    19  mandamus to compel the assisted city and the officers, employees
    20  and agents thereof to file with the authority the financial
    21  plan, revision to a financial plan, report or other information
    22  which the assisted city has failed to file. The authority shall
    23  give the assisted city written notice of the failure of the
    24  assisted city to file and of the authority's intention to
    25  initiate an action under this subsection and shall not initiate
    26  such an action earlier than ten days after the giving of such
    27  notice.
    28  Section 211.  Limitation on authority and on assisted cities to
    29                 file petition for relief under Federal bankruptcy
    30                 law.
    20030S0940B1314                 - 41 -     

     1     (a)  Limitation on bankruptcy filing.--Notwithstanding any
     2  other provision of law, the authority and any assisted city
     3  shall not be authorized to file a petition for relief under 11
     4  U.S.C. Ch. 9 (relating to adjustments of debts of a
     5  municipality) or any successor Federal bankruptcy law, and no
     6  government agency shall authorize the authority or such city to
     7  become a debtor under 11 U.S.C. Ch. 9 or any successor Federal
     8  bankruptcy law.
     9     (b)  Bankruptcy filing approval.--In addition to the
    10  limitation set forth in subsection (a), and notwithstanding any
    11  other provision of law, no city shall be authorized to file a
    12  petition for relief under 11 U.S.C. Ch. 9 or any successor
    13  Federal bankruptcy law, unless such petition has been submitted
    14  to, and the filing thereof has been approved in writing by the
    15  Governor. The Governor is designated, in accordance with 11
    16  U.S.C. § 109(c)(2) (relating to who may be a debtor), as the
    17  organization of the Commonwealth which shall have power to
    18  approve or disapprove the filing of any such petition of a
    19  political subdivision, and to approve or disapprove any plan of
    20  readjustment of the debts of any such political subdivision
    21  prepared, filed and submitted with the petition to the court, as
    22  provided under 11 U.S.C. Ch. 9.
    23     (c)  Review of bankruptcy petition.--
    24         (1)  When any such petition shall be submitted to the
    25     Governor for approval, accompanied with a proposed plan of
    26     readjustment of the debts of a city, the Governor shall make
    27     a careful and thorough investigation of the financial
    28     condition of such city, of its assets and liabilities, of its
    29     sinking fund, and whether the affairs thereof are managed in
    30     a careful, prudent and economic manner in order to ascertain
    20030S0940B1314                 - 42 -     

     1     whether the presentation of such petition is justified, or
     2     represents an unjust attempt by such city to evade payment of
     3     some of its contractual obligations, and, if the Governor
     4     believes that such petition should be approved, whether the
     5     plan of readjustment submitted will be helpful to the
     6     financial condition of the city and is feasible and, at the
     7     same time, fair and equitable to all creditors.
     8         (2)  The Governor shall also, prior to giving his
     9     approval, ascertain the amount, if any, of the obligations of
    10     any such petitioning city which is held by any agency or
    11     agencies of the State government as trust funds and shall,
    12     before approving any such petition and plan of readjustment,
    13     consult with and give every such agency an opportunity to be
    14     heard and the privilege to examine the findings of the
    15     Governor resulting from the investigation required to be made
    16     under this act, and shall likewise hear any other creditor of
    17     such city, whether resident in or outside this Commonwealth,
    18     who shall apply therefor.
    19         (3)  The Governor, if he approves a petition, shall,
    20     before giving his approval, require such modification in the
    21     proposed plan for readjusting the debts as to him appears
    22     proper.
    23  Section 212.  Investment of funds.
    24     Funds of the authority which are not required for immediate
    25  use may be invested in obligations of an assisted city or in
    26  obligations of the Federal Government or of the Commonwealth or
    27  obligations which are legal investments for Commonwealth funds.
    28  However, no money may be invested in obligations issued by or
    29  obligations guaranteed by an assisted city without the approval
    30  of a majority of the board.
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     1  Section 213.  Sovereign immunity.
     2     Members of the board shall not be liable personally for any
     3  obligations of the authority. It is hereby declared to be the
     4  intent of the General Assembly that the authority created by
     5  this act and its members, officers, officials and employees
     6  shall enjoy sovereign and official immunity, as provided in 1
     7  Pa.C.S. § 2310 (relating to sovereign immunity reaffirmed;
     8  specific waiver), and shall remain immune from suit except as
     9  provided by and subject to the provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 8501
    10  (relating to definitions) through 8528 (relating to limitations
    11  on damages).
    12                             CHAPTER 7
    13                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    14  Section 701.  Appropriation.
    15     The sum of $200,000 is hereby appropriated from the General
    16  Fund to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority for Cities
    17  of the Second Class as a continuing appropriation for the
    18  purpose of providing operating funds for the Intergovernmental
    19  Cooperation Authority for Cities of the Second Class. This
    20  appropriation shall lapse June 30, 2005.
    21  Section 702.  General rights and prohibitions.
    22     Nothing in this act shall limit the rights or impair the
    23  obligations of any assisted city to comply with the provisions
    24  of any contract in effect on the effective date of this act or
    25  shall in any way impair the rights of the obligees of any
    26  assisted city with respect to any such contract.
    27  Section 703.  Nondiscrimination.
    28     The authority shall comply in all respects with the
    29  nondiscrimination and contract compliance plans used by the
    30  Department of General Services to assure that all persons are
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     1  accorded equality of opportunity in employment and contracting
     2  by the authority and its contractors, subcontractors, assignees,
     3  lessees, agents, vendors and suppliers.
     4  Section 704.  Construction of act.
     5     (a)  Liberal construction.--The provisions of this act
     6  providing for security for and rights and remedies of obligees
     7  of the authority shall be liberally construed to achieve the
     8  purposes stated and provided for by this act.
     9     (b)  Severability.--If any provision of the title or any
    10  chapter, section or clause of this act, or the application
    11  thereof to any person, party, corporation, public or private,
    12  shall be judged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,
    13  such order or judgment shall be confined in its operation to the
    14  controversy in which it was rendered and shall not affect or
    15  invalidate the remainder of any provision of the title or any
    16  chapter or any section or clause of this act, or the application
    17  of any part thereof to any other person, party, corporation,
    18  public or private, or circumstance, and, to this end, the
    19  provisions of the title or any chapter, section or clause of
    20  this act hereby are declared to be severable. It is hereby
    21  declared as the legislative intent that this act would have been
    22  adopted had any provision declared unconstitutional not been
    23  included herein.
    24  Section 705.  Limitation of authority powers.
    25     Except as provided in section 210(i), nothing contained in
    26  this act shall be construed to confer upon the authority any
    27  powers with respect to a school district.
    28  Section 706.  Suspension and repeal.
    29     (a)  Suspension.-- Unless a determination of municipal         <--
    30  financial distress is issued to a city of the second class by
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     1  the Secretary of Community and Economic Development prior to the
     2  effective date of this act, the (A)  SUSPENSION.--THE provisions  <--
     3  of the act of July 10, 1987 (P.L.246, No.47), known as the
     4  Municipalities Financial Recovery Act, with the exception of
     5  section 123(a), are suspended as to cities of the second class
     6  until the termination of the authority established by this act.
     7  If the provisions of this act and the Municipalities Financial
     8  Recovery Act are determined to be in conflict, the provisions of
     9  this act shall govern.
    10     (b)  General.--All other acts or parts of acts are repealed
    11  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
    12  Section 707.  Effective date.
    13     This act shall take effect immediately.

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