See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1235, 1624, 1813         PRINTER'S NO. 1880



No. 944 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and
     2     Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     3     Statutes, further providing for rape and for involuntary
     4     deviate sexual intercourse; providing for loss of property
     5     rights by certain offenders and for conduct relating to sex
     6     offenders; further providing for failure to comply with
     7     sexual offender registration requirements; defining "GPS" and
     8     "GPS tracking device"; further providing for registration and
     9     for registration procedures and applicability; providing for
    10     GPS tracking, for restricted travel, for alert system and for
    11     child protective zones; further providing for verification of
    12     residence and for information made available on the Internet;
    13     and making an appropriation.

    14     The General Assembly hereby declares its intention to enact
    15  versions of Jessica's Law and Megan's Law in this Commonwealth.
    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Sections 3121(e) and 3123(d) of Title 18 of the
    19  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended and the sections
    20  are amended by adding subsections to read:
    21  § 3121.  Rape.
    22     * * *

     1     (e)  Sentences.--Notwithstanding the provisions of section     <--
     2  1103 (relating to sentence of imprisonment for felony), [a
     3  person convicted of an offense under] all of the following
     4  apply:
     5         (1)  [Subsection] Except as set forth in subsection (f),
     6     a person convicted of an offense under subsection (c) shall
     7     be sentenced to a minimum term of [imprisonment which shall
     8     be fixed by the court at not more than 40 years] not less
     9     than 25 years and up to a maximum term of 50 years of
    10     imprisonment.
    11         (2)  [Subsection] Except as set forth in subsection (f),
    12     a person convicted of an offense under subsection (d) shall
    13     be sentenced [up] to a minimum term of 50 years and a maximum
    14     term of life imprisonment.
    15     (E)  SENTENCES.--                                              <--
    21     THAN 40 YEARS.
    22         [(2)] (II)  SUBSECTION (D) SHALL BE SENTENCED UP TO A
    26     UNDER:
    30         YEARS.
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     3         IMPRISONMENT.
     4         (3)  Notice of the applicability of this subsection shall
     5     be provided to the defendant before trial. If such notice is
     6     given, there shall be no authority in any court to impose on
     7     an offender to which this subsection is applicable a lesser
     8     sentence than provided herein or to place the offender on
     9     probation, parole, work release or prerelease or to suspend
    10     sentence. Nothing in this subsection shall prevent the
    11     sentencing court from imposing a sentence greater than
    12     provided herein. Sentencing guidelines promulgated by the
    13     Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing shall not supersede the
    14     mandatory sentences provided herein. If a sentencing court
    15     refuses to apply this subsection where applicable, the
    16     Commonwealth shall have the right to appellate review of the
    17     action of the sentencing court. The appellate court shall
    18     vacate the sentence and remand the case to the sentencing
    19     court for imposition of a sentence in accordance with this
    20     subsection if it finds that the sentence was imposed in
    21     violation of this subsection.
    22     (f)  Multiple victims.--A consecutive term of imprisonment
    23  shall be imposed for each victim of an offense under subsection
    24  (c) or (d).
    25  § 3123.  Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse.
    26     * * *
    27     (d)  Sentences.--Notwithstanding the provisions of section     <--
    28  1103 (relating to sentence of imprisonment for felony), [a
    29  person convicted of an offense under] all of the following
    30  apply:
    20050S0944B1880                  - 3 -     

     1         (1)  [Subsection] Except as set forth in subsection
     2     (d.1), a person convicted of an offense under subsection (b)
     3     shall be sentenced to a minimum term of [imprisonment which
     4     shall be fixed by the court at not more than 40 years] not
     5     less than 25 years and up to a maximum of 50 years of
     6     imprisonment.
     7         (2)  [Subsection] Except as set forth in subsection
     8     (d.1), a person convicted of an offense under subsection (c)
     9     shall be sentenced [up] to a minimum term of 50 years and to
    10     a maximum term of life imprisonment.
    11     (D)  SENTENCES.--                                              <--
    17     THAN 40 YEARS.
    18         [(2)] (II)  SUBSECTION (C) SHALL BE SENTENCED UP TO A
    22     UNDER:
    26         YEARS.
    29         IMPRISONMENT.
    30         (3)  Notice of the applicability of this subsection shall
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     1     be provided to the defendant before trial. If such notice is
     2     given, there shall be no authority in any court to impose on
     3     an offender to which this subsection is applicable a lesser
     4     sentence than provided herein or to place the offender on
     5     probation, parole, work release or prerelease or to suspend
     6     sentence. Nothing in this subsection shall prevent the
     7     sentencing court from imposing a sentence greater than
     8     provided herein. Sentencing guidelines promulgated by the
     9     Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing shall not supersede the
    10     mandatory sentences provided herein. If a sentencing court
    11     refuses to apply this subsection where applicable, the
    12     Commonwealth shall have the right to appellate review of the
    13     action of the sentencing court. The appellate court shall
    14     vacate the sentence and remand the case to the sentencing
    15     court for imposition of a sentence in accordance with this
    16     subsection if it finds that the sentence was imposed in
    17     violation of this subsection.
    18     (d.1)  Multiple victims.--A consecutive term of imprisonment
    19  shall be imposed for each victim of an offense under subsection
    20  (b) or (c).
    21     Section 2.  Title 18 is amended by adding a section to read:
    22  § 3130.  Conduct relating to sex offenders.
    23     A person who has knowledge that a sexual predator or sex
    24  offender is not complying with or has not complied with the
    25  requirements of probation and parole, imposed by statute or
    26  court order, including, but not limited to, therapeutic or
    27  rehabilitative programs, travel restrictions and real-time
    28  satellite monitoring of his or her physical location, commits a
    29  felony of the third degree if the person knowingly:
    30         (1)  withholds information concerning, or does not notify
    20050S0944B1880                  - 5 -     

     1     the law enforcement agent or agency about, the sexual
     2     predator's or sex offender's noncompliance with the
     3     requirements of probation, parole or the whereabouts of the
     4     sexual predator or sex offender;
     5         (2)  harbors or attempts to harbor or assist another
     6     person in harboring or attempting to harbor the sexually
     7     violent predator or sex offender;
     8         (3)  conceals or attempts to conceal, or assists another
     9     person in concealing or attempting to conceal, the sexual
    10     predator or sex offender; or
    11         (4)  provides information to the law enforcement agent or
    12     agency regarding the sexual predator or sex offender which
    13     the person knows to be false.
    14     Section 3.  Title 18 is amended by adding a subchapter to
    15  read:
    16                            SUBCHAPTER C
    17                      LOSS OF PROPERTY RIGHTS
    18  Sec.
    19  3141.  General rule.
    20  3142.  Process and seizure.
    21  3143.  Custody of property.
    22  3144.  Disposal of property.
    23  § 3141.  General rule.
    24     A person:
    25         (1)  convicted under section 3121 (relating to rape),
    26     3122.1 (relating to statutory sexual assault), 3123 (relating
    27     to involuntary deviate sexual intercourse), 3124.1 (relating
    28     to sexual assault), 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent
    29     assault) or 3126 (relating to indecent assault); or
    30         (2)  required to register with the Pennsylvania State
    20050S0944B1880                  - 6 -     

     1     Police under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.2 (relating to registration
     2     procedures and applicability);
     3  may be required to forfeit property rights in any property or
     4  assets used to implement or facilitate commission of the crime
     5  or crimes of which the person has been convicted. Such property
     6  may include, but is not limited to, a computer or computers,
     7  telephone equipment, firearms, licit or illicit prescription
     8  drugs or controlled substances, a motor vehicle or such other
     9  property or assets as determined by the court of common pleas to
    10  have facilitated the person's criminal misconduct.
    11  § 3142.  Process and seizure.
    12     (a)  Seizure.--Property subject to forfeiture under this
    13  section may be seized by law enforcement authority upon process
    14  issued by the court of common pleas having jurisdiction over the
    15  person or property.
    16     (b)  Seizure without process.--Seizure without process may be
    17  made if the seizure is incident to an arrest or a search under a
    18  search warrant and there is probable cause to be believe that
    19  the property was or is material to the charges for which the
    20  arrest or search warrant was issued. In seizures without
    21  process, proceedings for the issuance thereof shall be
    22  instituted immediately.
    23     (c)  Return of property.--Property belonging to someone other
    24  than the convicted sex offender or registrant shall be returned
    25  if the offense was committed without the knowledge or consent of
    26  the owner.
    27  § 3143.  Custody of property.
    28     Property taken or detained under this subchapter is deemed to
    29  be the property of the law enforcement authority having custody
    30  thereof and is subject only to the court of common pleas having
    20050S0944B1880                  - 7 -     

     1  jurisdiction over the criminal or forfeiture proceedings, the
     2  district attorney in the matter or the Attorney General.
     3  § 3144.  Disposal of property.
     4     Property taken or detained pursuant to the provisions of this
     5  subchapter shall be sold in the manner of property forfeited
     6  under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 68 (relating to controlled substances
     7  forfeitures). The net proceeds, as determined by the law
     8  enforcement authority having custody thereof, shall be utilized
     9  for investigation or prosecution of sexual offenses or donated
    10  to nonprofit charitable institutions which provide counseling
    11  and other assistance to victims of sexual offenses.
    12     Section 4.  Section 4915 of Title 18 is amended to read:
    13  § 4915.  Failure to comply with registration of sexual offenders
    14             requirements.
    15     (a)  Offense defined.--An individual who is subject to
    16  registration under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(a) (relating to
    17  registration) or an individual who is subject to registration
    18  under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(b)(1), (2) or (3) commits an offense
    19  if he knowingly fails to:
    20         (1)  register with the Pennsylvania State Police as
    21     required under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.2 (relating to registration
    22     procedures and applicability);
    23         (2)  verify his address or be photographed as required
    24     under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9796 (relating to verification of
    25     residence); or
    26         (3)  provide accurate information when registering under
    27     42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.2 or verifying an address under 42 Pa.C.S.
    28     § 9796.
    29     (a.1)  Harboring offenders.--A person commits a felony of the
    30  third degree if the person knowingly or intentionally assists an
    20050S0944B1880                  - 8 -     

     1  individual subject to registration under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.1 in
     2  evading the requirements of 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.2.
     3     (b)  Grading for offenders who must register for ten years.--
     4         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), an individual
     5     subject to registration under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(a) who
     6     violates subsection (a)(1) [or], (2) or (3) commits a
     7     [misdemeanor] felony of the third degree.
     8         (2)  An individual subject to registration under 42
     9     Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(a) who commits a violation of subsection
    10     (a)(1) [or], (2) or (3) and who has previously been convicted
    11     of an offense under subsection (a)(1) or (2) or a similar
    12     offense commits a [misdemeanor] felony of the second degree.
    13         (3)  An individual subject to registration under 42
    14     Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(a) who commits a violation of subsection
    15     (a)(1) [or], (2) or (3) and who has previously been convicted
    16     of two or more offenses under subsection (a)(1) or (2) or a
    17     similar offense commits a felony of the [third] first degree.
    18         (4)  An individual subject to registration under 42
    19     Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(a) who violates subsection (a)(3) commits a
    20     felony of the [third] first degree.
    21     (c)  Grading for sexually violent predators and others with
    22  lifetime registration.--
    23         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), an individual
    24     subject to registration under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(b)(1), (2)
    25     or (3) who violates subsection (a)(1) or (2) commits a
    26     [misdemeanor of the second] felony of the third degree.
    27         (2)  An individual subject to registration under 42
    28     Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(b)(1), (2) or (3) who commits a violation of
    29     subsection (a)(1) or (2) and who has previously been
    30     convicted of an offense under subsection (a)(1) or (2) or a
    20050S0944B1880                  - 9 -     

     1     similar offense commits a [misdemeanor of the first] felony
     2     of the third degree.
     3         (3)  An individual subject to registration under 42
     4     Pa.C.S § 9795.1(b)(1), (2) or (3) who commits a violation of
     5     subsection (a)(1) or (2) and who has previously been
     6     convicted of two or more offenses under subsection (a)(1) or
     7     (2) or a similar offense commits a felony of the [third]
     8     second degree.
     9         (4)  An individual subject to registration under 42
    10     Pa.C.S. § 9795.1(b)(1), (2) or (3) who violates subsection
    11     (a)(3) commits a felony of the [third] second degree.
    12     (d)  Effect of notice.--Neither failure on the part of the
    13  Pennsylvania State Police to send nor failure of a sexually
    14  violent predator or offender to receive any notice or
    15  information pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9796(a.1) [or (b.1)],
    16  (a.2), (b.1) or (b.2) shall be a defense to a prosecution
    17  commenced against an individual arising from a violation of this
    18  section. The provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. § 9796(a.1) [and (b.1)],
    19  (a.2), (b.1) and (b.2) are not an element of an offense under
    20  this section.
    21     (e)  Arrests for violation.--
    22         (1)  A police officer shall have the same right of arrest
    23     without a warrant as in a felony whenever the police officer
    24     has probable cause to believe an individual has committed a
    25     violation of this section regardless of whether the violation
    26     occurred in the presence of the police officer.
    27         (2)  An individual arrested for a violation of this
    28     section shall be afforded a preliminary arraignment by the
    29     proper issuing authority without unnecessary delay. In no
    30     case may the individual be released from custody without
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     1     first having appeared before the issuing authority.
     2         (3)  Prior to admitting an individual arrested for a
     3     violation of this section to bail, the issuing authority
     4     shall require all of the following:
     5             (i)  The individual must be fingerprinted and
     6         photographed in the manner required by 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 97
     7         Subch. H (relating to registration of sexual offenders).
     8             (ii)  The individual must provide the Pennsylvania
     9         State Police with all current or intended residences, all
    10         information concerning current or intended employment,
    11         including all employment locations, and all information
    12         concerning current or intended enrollment as a student.
    13             (iii)  Law enforcement must make reasonable attempts
    14         to verify the information provided by the individual.
    15     (f)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "a
    16  similar offense" means an offense similar to an offense under
    17  either subsection (a)(1) or (2) under the laws of this
    18  Commonwealth, the United States or one of its territories or
    19  possessions, another state, the District of Columbia, the
    20  Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a foreign nation.
    21     Section 5.  Section 9792 of Title 42 is amended by adding
    22  definitions to read:
    23  § 9792.  Definitions.
    24     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    25  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    26  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    27     * * *
    28     "GPS."  A global positioning system operated by the United
    29  States Department of Defense which provides specially coded
    30  satellite signals that can be processed by a receiver to compute
    20050S0944B1880                 - 11 -     

     1  location.
     2     "GPS tracking device."  A device which enables the location
     3  of the offender to be monitored through use of GPS and related
     4  technology and which is designed so that it:
     5         (1)  actively and continuously monitors, identifies and
     6     reports location data within a 100-mile radius;
     7         (2)  permits the Pennsylvania State Police and any local
     8     police department to receive location data, record it
     9     securely and confidentially and retain it indefinitely;
    10         (3)  can be worn around the wrist or ankle; and
    11         (4)  cannot be removed without:
    12             (i)  employing specialized equipment specifically
    13         designed for that purpose; and
    14             (ii)  alerting the Pennsylvania State Police and each
    15         local police department that it has been removed.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 6.  Section 9795.1 of Title 42, amended November 24,
    18  2004 (P.L.1243, No.152), is amended to read:
    19  § 9795.1.  Registration.
    20     (a)  Ten-year registration.--The following individuals shall
    21  be required to register with the Pennsylvania State Police for a
    22  period of ten years:
    23         (1)  Individuals convicted of any of the following
    24     offenses:
    25             18 Pa.C.S. § 2901 (relating to kidnapping) where the
    26         victim is a minor.
    27             18 Pa.C.S. § 2910 (relating to luring a child into a
    28         motor vehicle).
    29             18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.2 (relating to institutional sexual
    30         assault).
    20050S0944B1880                 - 12 -     

     1             18 Pa.C.S. § 3126 (relating to indecent assault)
     2         where the offense is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
     3             18 Pa.C.S. § 4302 (relating to incest) where the
     4         victim is 12 years of age or older but under 18 years of
     5         age.
     6             18 Pa.C.S. § 5902(b) (relating to prostitution and
     7         related offenses) where the actor promotes the
     8         prostitution of a minor.
     9             18 Pa.C.S. § 5903(a)(3), (4), (5) or (6) (relating to
    10         obscene and other sexual materials and performances)
    11         where the victim is a minor.
    12             18 Pa.C.S. § 6312 (relating to sexual abuse of
    13         children).
    14             18 Pa.C.S. § 6318 (relating to unlawful contact with
    15         minor).
    16             18 Pa.C.S. § 6320 (relating to sexual exploitation of
    17         children).
    18         (2)  Individuals convicted of an attempt to commit any of
    19     the offenses under paragraph (1) or subsection (b)(2).
    20         (3)  Individuals currently residing in this Commonwealth
    21     who have been convicted of offenses similar to the crimes
    22     cited in paragraphs (1) and (2) under the laws of the United
    23     States or one of its territories or possessions, another
    24     state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
    25     Rico or a foreign nation.
    26     (b)  Lifetime registration.--The following individuals shall
    27  be subject to lifetime registration:
    28         (1)  An individual with two or more convictions of any of
    29     the offenses set forth in subsection (a).
    30         (2)  Individuals convicted of any of the following
    20050S0944B1880                 - 13 -     

     1     offenses:
     2             18 Pa.C.S. § 3121 (relating to rape).
     3             18 Pa.C.S. § 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate
     4         sexual intercourse).
     5             18 Pa.C.S. § 3124.1 (relating to sexual assault).
     6             18 Pa.C.S. § 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent
     7         assault).
     8             18 Pa.C.S. § 4302 (relating to incest) when the
     9         victim is under 12 years of age.
    10         (3)  Sexually violent predators.
    11         (4)  Individuals currently residing in this Commonwealth
    12     who have been convicted of offenses similar to the crimes
    13     cited in paragraph (2) under the laws of the United States or
    14     one of its territories or possessions, another state, the
    15     District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a
    16     foreign nation.
    17     (c)  Natural disaster.--The occurrence of a natural disaster
    18  or other event requiring evacuation of residences shall not
    19  relieve an individual of the duty to register or any other duty
    20  imposed by this chapter.
    21     Section 7.  Section 9795.2 heading, (a) and (d) of Title 42,
    22  amended November 24, 2004 (P.L.1243, No.152), are amended and
    23  the section is amended by adding subsections to read:
    24  § 9795.2.  Registration procedures [and]; applicability;
    25             probationary supervision; alert system; child
    26             protective zone.
    27     (a)  Registration.--
    28         (1)  Offenders and sexually violent predators shall be
    29     required to register with the Pennsylvania State Police upon
    30     release from incarceration, upon parole from a State or
    20050S0944B1880                 - 14 -     

     1     county correctional institution or upon the commencement of a
     2     sentence of intermediate punishment or probation. During the
     3     entire period of time for which the offender or sexually
     4     violent predator is required to register, the Pennsylvania
     5     State Police shall be required to monitor and ascertain the
     6     ongoing compliance of the individual with all requirements
     7     and restrictions herein, and shall be ultimately responsible
     8     for tracking the individual's location and compliance. Where
     9     the individual's current or intended residence, or place of
    10     employment, is within the jurisdiction of a local law
    11     enforcement agency or police department, the Pennsylvania
    12     State Police shall develop protocols for working with local
    13     officials to determine current, real-time compliance at all
    14     times.
    15             (i)  For purposes of registration, offenders and
    16         sexually violent predators shall provide the Pennsylvania
    17         State Police with all current or intended residences[,].
    18                 (A)  If the offender or sexually violent
    19             predator's place of residence is a motor vehicle,
    20             trailer, mobile home or manufactured home, the
    21             offender or sexually violent predator shall also
    22             provide the vehicle identification number, the
    23             license tag number, the registration number and a
    24             description, including color scheme, of the motor
    25             vehicle, trailer, mobile home or manufactured home.
    26                 (B)  If the offender or sexually violent
    27             predator's place of residence is a vessel, live-
    28             aboard vessel or houseboat, the offender or sexually
    29             violent predator shall also provide the hull
    30             identification number, the manufacturer's serial
    20050S0944B1880                 - 15 -     

     1             number, the name of the vessel, live-aboard vessel or
     2             houseboat, the registration number and a description,
     3             including color scheme, of the vessel, live-aboard
     4             vessel or houseboat. If the offender or sexually
     5             violent predator is homeless, he shall be secured a
     6             residential placement by the appropriate State or
     7             municipal authorities within seven days of notice
     8             thereof to the Pennsylvania State Police. Should the
     9             effort to secure residential placement fail within
    10             the time period allotted, the offender or sexually
    11             violent predator shall be required to appear at the
    12             offices of the nearest law enforcement organization
    13             every seven days, in person, to report his current
    14             whereabouts, until he reports a residence address,
    15             which shall be verified before he is released from
    16             reporting in person every seven days.
    17             (ii)  The registration process also requires
    18         offenders and sexually violent predators to disclose all
    19         information concerning current or intended employment and
    20         all information concerning current or intended enrollment
    21         as a student.
    22             (iii)  Offenders and sexually violent predators are
    23         also required to disclose a driver's license, if held,
    24         and the make, model, color, VIN number and license plate
    25         number of any motor vehicle which the offender or
    26         sexually violent predator owns or to which he has access,
    27         along with current vehicle registration and insurance
    28         information.
    29         (2)  Offenders and sexually violent predators shall
    30     inform the Pennsylvania State Police within ten days of:
    20050S0944B1880                 - 16 -     

     1             (i)  Any change of residence or establishment of an
     2         additional residence or residences.
     3             (ii)  Any change of employer or employment location
     4         for a period of time that will exceed 14 days or for an
     5         aggregate period of time that will exceed 30 days during
     6         any calendar year, or termination of employment.
     7             (iii)  Any change of institution or location at which
     8         the person is enrolled as a student, or termination of
     9         enrollment.
    10             (iv)  Becoming employed or enrolled as a student if
    11         the person has not previously provided that information
    12         to the Pennsylvania State Police.
    13         (2.1)  Registration with a new law enforcement agency
    14     shall occur no later than ten days after establishing
    15     residence in another state.
    16         (2.2)  Persons required to comply with registration
    17     provisions pursuant to a conviction for a sexual offense
    18     under the laws of the United States or one of its territories
    19     or possessions, another state, the District of Columbia, the
    20     Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a foreign nation shall
    21     register with the Pennsylvania State Police no later then ten
    22     days after establishing residence in this Commonwealth.
    23         (3)  The ten-year registration period required in section
    24     9795.1(a) (relating to registration) shall be tolled when an
    25     offender is recommitted for a parole violation or sentenced
    26     to an additional term of imprisonment. In such cases, the
    27     Department of Corrections or county correctional facility
    28     shall notify the Pennsylvania State Police of the admission
    29     of the offender.
    30         (4)  This paragraph shall apply to all offenders and
    20050S0944B1880                 - 17 -     

     1     sexually violent predators:
     2             (i)  Where the offender or sexually violent predator
     3         was granted parole by the Pennsylvania Board of Probation
     4         and Parole or the court or is sentenced to probation or
     5         intermediate punishment, the board or county office of
     6         probation and parole shall collect registration
     7         information from the offender or sexually violent
     8         predator and forward that registration information to the
     9         Pennsylvania State Police. The Department of Corrections
    10         or county correctional facility shall not release the
    11         offender or sexually violent predator until it receives
    12         verification from the Pennsylvania State Police that it
    13         has received the registration information. Verification
    14         by the Pennsylvania State Police may occur by electronic
    15         means, including e-mail or facsimile transmission. Where
    16         the offender or sexually violent predator is scheduled to
    17         be released from a State correctional facility or county
    18         correctional facility because of the expiration of the
    19         maximum term of incarceration, the Department of
    20         Corrections or county correctional facility shall collect
    21         the information from the offender or sexually violent
    22         predator no later than ten days prior to the maximum
    23         expiration date. The registration information shall be
    24         forwarded to the Pennsylvania State Police.
    25             (ii)  Where the offender or sexually violent predator
    26         scheduled to be released from a State correctional
    27         facility or county correctional facility due to the
    28         maximum expiration date refuses to provide the
    29         registration information, the Department of Corrections
    30         or county correctional facility shall notify the
    20050S0944B1880                 - 18 -     

     1         Pennsylvania State Police or police department with
     2         jurisdiction over the facility of the failure to provide
     3         registration information and of the expected date, time
     4         and location of the release of the offender or sexually
     5         violent predator.
     6     * * *
     7     (c.1)  GPS tracking device.--
     8         (1)  Upon classification as a sexually violent predator
     9     and before release from incarceration, the sexually violent
    10     predator shall be fitted with a GPS tracking device which he
    11     shall be required to wear for the rest of his natural life.
    12         (2)  The Pennsylvania State Police shall combine data
    13     collected by use of GPS tracking devices and retain the data
    14     in a single database which can be searched by date, time and
    15     location. Information in the database is confidential and
    16     shall be accessed only by authorized law enforcement
    17     personnel in connection with official investigation of cases
    18     in which the status of an individual fitted with a GPS
    19     tracking device may be relevant to the investigation.
    20     (d)  Penalty.-- [An individual]
    21         (1)  A person subject to registration under section
    22     9795.1(a) or (b) who fails to register with the Pennsylvania
    23     State Police as required by this section may be subject to
    24     prosecution under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4915 (relating to failure to
    25     comply with registration of sexual offenders requirements).
    26         (2)  A person who fails to immediately notify the nearest
    27     police department that a sexually violent predator's GPS
    28     tracking device has been removed commits a felony of the
    29     third degree.
    30         (3)  A person that, without court order, removes, alters,
    20050S0944B1880                 - 19 -     

     1     tampers with, interferes with the operation of, damages or
     2     destroys a GPS tracking device commits a felony of the third
     3     degree.
     4         (4)  A person that violates subsection (c.1)(2) commits a
     5     misdemeanor of the third degree.
     6     * * *
     7     (f)  Travel restricted.--No person subject to section 9795.1
     8  who is on parole, commencing a sentence of intermediate
     9  punishment or subject to probationary supervision shall be
    10  permitted to travel out of the person's county of residence
    11  without specific permission of the court of common pleas of the
    12  county where the offender resides.
    13     (g)  Alert system.--The Pennsylvania State Police shall
    14  establish and maintain an alert system which provides prompt
    15  notification to the general public and law enforcement
    16  authorities and assists in identifying and locating persons
    17  subject to GPS tracking who fail to register as required by this
    18  chapter or who violate subsection (d)(3) or (h). In the case of
    19  a violation of subsection (h), the notification shall be
    20  immediate. The Pennsylvania State Police shall work with local
    21  law enforcement officials to establish such protocols and
    22  procedures as are necessary for the effective operation of the
    23  alert system and shall educate and inform local law enforcement
    24  agencies, school officials, day care providers, other child
    25  services providers and the general public with regard to its
    26  availability. Owners, licensees, operators and employees of any
    27  communication medium, including, but not limited to, telephone,
    28  radio, television, newspaper, digital communications network or
    29  global communications network shall be immune from civil
    30  liability for good faith conduct while participating in
    20050S0944B1880                 - 20 -     

     1  accordance with this subsection.
     2     (h)  Child protective zone.--A person classified as a
     3  sexually violent predator under section 9795.4 (relating to
     4  assessments) who intentionally or knowingly enters into an area
     5  within 2,000 feet of a school, playground, park or day care
     6  center commits a felony of the third degree.
     7     (i)  Computer and Internet restrictions.--Any sex offender
     8  required to register under section 9795.1 (relating to
     9  registration), or any sexually violent predator, shall be
    10  subject to terms and conditions for the use of a computer or the
    11  Internet, during the entire time for which he is required to
    12  register with the Pennsylvania State Police. County probation
    13  officers and State parole agents shall work with the
    14  Pennsylvania State Police to establish restrictions appropriate
    15  to the registrant which shall, at a minimum, prohibit access to
    16  materials related to the crime for which he was convicted, or
    17  related to the identity of his victim or victims. Technology
    18  implementing remote Internet control and monitoring shall be
    19  used to enforce these restrictions. No person required to
    20  register under this act may use a computer for any purpose until
    21  appropriate restrictions and monitoring protocols to enforce
    22  them have been developed and deployed upon the computer the
    23  person proposes to use.
    24     Section 8.  Sections 9795.4(b)(4), 9796 and 9798.1 of Title
    25  42, amended or added November 24, 2004 (P.L.1243, No.152), are
    26  amended to read:
    27  § 9795.4.  Assessments.
    28     * * *
    29     (b)  Assessment.--Upon receipt from the court of an order for
    30  an assessment, a member of the board as designated by the
    20050S0944B1880                 - 21 -     

     1  administrative officer of the board shall conduct an assessment
     2  of the individual to determine if the individual should be
     3  classified as a sexually violent predator. The board shall
     4  establish standards for evaluations and for evaluators
     5  conducting the assessments. An assessment shall include, but not
     6  be limited to, an examination of the following:
     7         * * *
     8         (4)  Factors that are supported in a sexual offender
     9     assessment field as criteria reasonably related to the risk
    10     of reoffense. Conviction of an individual over 18 years of
    11     age for a violation of any of the following shall be
    12     considered a factor reasonably related to the risk of
    13     reoffense:
    14         18 Pa.C.S. § 3121(c) (relating to rape of a child).
    15         18 Pa.C.S. § 3121(d) (relating to rape of a child with
    16     serious bodily injury).
    17         18 Pa.C.S. § 3123(b) (relating to involuntary deviate
    18     sexual intercourse with a child).
    19         18 Pa.C.S. § 3123(c) (relating to involuntary deviate
    20     sexual intercourse with a child with serious bodily injury).
    21     * * *
    22  § 9796.  Verification of residence.
    23     (a)  [Quarterly verification] Verification by sexually
    24  violent predators.--The Pennsylvania State Police shall verify
    25  the residence and compliance with counseling as provided for in
    26  section 9799.4 (relating to counseling of sexually violent
    27  predators) of sexually violent predators every [90] 30 days
    28  through the use of a nonforwardable verification form to the
    29  last reported residence. For the period of registration required
    30  by section 9795.1 (relating to registration), a sexually violent
    20050S0944B1880                 - 22 -     

     1  predator shall appear quarterly between January 5 and January
     2  15, April 5 and April 15, July 5 and July 15 and October 5 and
     3  October 15 of each calendar year at an approved registration
     4  site to complete a verification form and to be photographed.
     5     (a.1)  Facilitation of [quarterly] monthly verification.--The
     6  Pennsylvania State Police shall facilitate and administer the
     7  verification process required by subsection (a) by:
     8         (1)  sending a notice by first class United States mail
     9     to all registered sexually violent predators at their last
    10     reported residence addresses. This notice shall be sent not
    11     more than 30 days nor less than 15 days prior to each of the
    12     [quarterly] monthly verification periods set forth in
    13     subsection (a) and shall remind sexually violent predators of
    14     their [quarterly] monthly verification requirement and
    15     provide them with a list of approved registration sites; and
    16         (2)  providing verification and compliance forms as
    17     necessary to each approved registration site not less than
    18     ten days before each of the [quarterly] monthly verification
    19     periods.
    20     (a.2)  Quarterly verification.--Sexually violent predators
    21  shall appear quarterly between January 5 and January 15, April 5
    22  and April 15, July 5 and July 15 and October 5 and October 15 of
    23  each calendar year at an approved registration site to complete
    24  a verification form and to be photographed.
    25     (b)  Annual verification by offenders.--The Pennsylvania
    26  State Police shall verify the residence of offenders. For the
    27  period of registration required by section 9795.1, an offender
    28  shall appear within ten days before each annual anniversary date
    29  of the offender's initial registration under section 9795.1 at
    30  an approved registration site to complete a verification form
    20050S0944B1880                 - 23 -     

     1  and to be photographed.
     2     (b.1)  Facilitation of annual verification.--The Pennsylvania
     3  State Police shall facilitate and administer the verification
     4  process required by subsection (b) by:
     5         (1)  sending a notice by first class United States mail
     6     to all registered offenders at their last reported residence
     7     addresses. This notice shall be sent not more than 30 days
     8     nor less than 15 days prior to each offender's annual
     9     anniversary date and shall remind the offender of the annual
    10     verification requirement and provide the offender with a list
    11     of approved registration sites; and
    12         (2)  providing verification and compliance forms as
    13     necessary to each approved registration site.
    14     (b.2)  Quarterly verification by offenders.--The Pennsylvania
    15  State Police shall verify the residence of offenders every 90
    16  days through the use of a nonforwardable verification form to
    17  the last reported residence.
    18     (c)  Notification of law enforcement agencies of change of
    19  residence.--A change of residence of an offender or sexually
    20  violent predator required to register under this subchapter
    21  reported to the Pennsylvania State Police shall be immediately
    22  reported by the Pennsylvania State Police to the appropriate law
    23  enforcement agency having jurisdiction of the offender's or the
    24  sexually violent predator's new place of residence. The
    25  Pennsylvania State Police shall, if the offender or sexually
    26  violent predator changes residence to another state, notify the
    27  law enforcement agency with which the offender or sexually
    28  violent predator must register in the new state.
    29     (d)  Failure to provide verification.--Where an offender or
    30  sexually violent predator fails to provide verification of
    20050S0944B1880                 - 24 -     

     1  residence within the ten-day period as set forth in this
     2  section, the Pennsylvania State Police shall immediately notify
     3  the municipal police department of the offender's or the
     4  sexually violent predator's last verified residence. The local
     5  municipal police shall locate the offender or sexually violent
     6  predator and arrest him for violating this section. The
     7  Pennsylvania State Police shall assume responsibility for
     8  locating the offender or sexually violent predator and arresting
     9  him in jurisdictions where no municipal police jurisdiction
    10  exists. The Pennsylvania State Police shall assist any municipal
    11  police department requesting assistance with locating and
    12  arresting an offender or sexually violent predator who fails to
    13  verify his residence.
    14     (e)  Penalty.--An individual subject to registration under
    15  section 9795.1(a) or (b) who fails to verify his residence or to
    16  be photographed as required by this section may be subject to
    17  prosecution under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4915 (relating to failure to
    18  comply with registration of sexual offenders requirements).
    19     (f)  Effect of notice.--Neither failure on the part of the
    20  Pennsylvania State Police to send nor failure of a sexually
    21  violent predator or offender to receive any notice or
    22  information under subsection (a.1) or (b.1) shall relieve that
    23  predator or offender from the requirements of this subchapter.
    24  § 9798.1.  Information made available on the Internet.
    25     (a)  Legislative findings.--It is hereby declared to be the
    26  finding of the General Assembly that public safety will be
    27  enhanced by making information about sexually violent predators,
    28  lifetime registrants and other sex offenders available to the
    29  public through the Internet. Knowledge of whether a person is a
    30  sexually violent predator, lifetime registrant or other sex
    20050S0944B1880                 - 25 -     

     1  offender could be a significant factor in protecting oneself and
     2  one's family members, or those in care of a group or community
     3  organization, from recidivist acts by sexually violent
     4  predators, lifetime registrants and other sex offenders. The
     5  technology afforded by the Internet would make this information
     6  readily accessible to parents and private entities, enabling
     7  them to undertake appropriate remedial precautions to prevent or
     8  avoid placing potential victims at risk. Public access to
     9  information about sexually violent predators, lifetime
    10  registrants and other sex offenders is intended solely as a
    11  means of public protection and shall not be construed as
    12  punitive.
    13     (b)  Internet posting of sexually violent predators, lifetime
    14  registrants and other offenders.--The Commissioner of the
    15  Pennsylvania State Police shall, in the manner and form directed
    16  by the Governor:
    17         (1)  Develop and maintain a system for making the
    18     information described in subsection (c) publicly available by
    19     electronic means so that the public may, without limitation,
    20     obtain access to the information via an Internet website to
    21     view an individual record or the records of all sexually
    22     violent predators, lifetime registrants and other offenders
    23     who are registered with the Pennsylvania State Police. The
    24     Internet website shall also prominently display a toll-free
    25     number any interested person may call to receive the latest
    26     updated information for a particular zip code, sex offender
    27     or sexually violent predator.
    28         (2)  Ensure that the Internet website contains warnings
    29     that any person who uses the information contained therein to
    30     threaten, intimidate or harass another or who otherwise
    20050S0944B1880                 - 26 -     

     1     misuses that information may be criminally prosecuted.
     2         (3)  Ensure that the Internet website contains an
     3     explanation of its limitations, including statements advising
     4     that a positive identification of a sexually violent
     5     predator, lifetime registrant or other offender whose record
     6     has been made available may be confirmed only by
     7     fingerprints; that some information contained on the Internet
     8     website may be outdated or inaccurate; and that the Internet
     9     website is not a comprehensive listing of every person who
    10     has ever committed a sex offense in Pennsylvania.
    11         (4)  Strive to ensure the information contained on the
    12     Internet website is accurate and that the data therein is
    13     revised and updated as appropriate in a timely and efficient
    14     manner. In the case of sex offenders or sexually violent
    15     predators scheduled to be released from incarceration, the
    16     update as to his release and postrelease residence shall be
    17     posted no later than ten days prior to this release.
    18         (5)  Provide on the Internet website general information
    19     designed to inform and educate the public about sex offenders
    20     and sexually violent predators and the operation of this
    21     subchapter as well as pertinent and appropriate information
    22     concerning crime prevention and personal safety, with
    23     appropriate links to other relevant Internet websites
    24     operated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    25         (6)  Provide current or prospective Commonwealth
    26     residents the ability to search the database of an Internet
    27     website by inputting a home address. This type of Internet
    28     search shall enable current or prospective residents to input
    29     an address and discover if persons required to register under
    30     section 9795.1 (relating to registration) live within five
    20050S0944B1880                 - 27 -     

     1     miles of their residence. This function shall allow current
     2     or prospective Commonwealth residents the ability to view the
     3     location of the residence of those required to register under
     4     section 9795.1 in relation to their own by electronic map.
     5     (c)  Information [permitted] to be disclosed regarding
     6  individuals.--Notwithstanding 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91 (relating to
     7  criminal history information), the Internet website shall have
     8  separate sections entitled "Sexually Violent Predators" and
     9  "Other Sex Offenders" and shall contain the following
    10  information on each individual under the individual's respective
    11  classification:
    12         (1)  For sexually violent predators only the following
    13     information shall be posted on the Internet website:
    14             (i)  name and any aliases;
    15             (ii)  year of birth;
    16             (iii)  the street address, city, county and zip code
    17         of all residences;
    18             (iv)  the street address, city, county and zip code
    19         of any institution or location at which the person is
    20         enrolled as a student;
    21             (v)  the city, county and zip code of any employment
    22         location;
    23             (vi)  a current photograph of the offender, which
    24         shall be updated not less than annually, and online
    25         access by law enforcement personnel to the offender's
    26         fingerprints;
    27             (vii)  a listing of all criminal charges filed
    28         against the predator, a listing of the crimes for which
    29         he was convicted, a description of the offense or
    30         offenses which triggered the application of this
    20050S0944B1880                 - 28 -     

     1         subchapter, the number of the offender's victims and
     2         their genders and ages; [and]
     3             (viii)  the date or dates of the offense or offenses
     4         and the date or dates of conviction[, if available.] or
     5         convictions; and
     6             (ix)  the date of the predator's release from prison.
     7         (2)  For all other lifetime registrants and offenders
     8     subject to registration only the following information shall
     9     be posted on the Internet website:
    10             (i)  name and any aliases;
    11             (ii)  year of birth;
    12             (iii)  the city, county and zip code of all
    13         residences;
    14             (iv)  the city, county and zip code of any
    15         institution or location at which the person is enrolled
    16         as a student;
    17             (v)  the city, county and zip code of any employment
    18         location;
    19             (vi)  a current photograph of the offender, which
    20         shall be updated not less than annually, and online
    21         access by law enforcement personnel to the offender's
    22         fingerprints;
    23             (vii)  a description of the offense or offenses which
    24         triggered the application of this subchapter, the number
    25         of the offender's victims and their genders and ages; and
    26             (viii)  the date of the offense [and conviction, if
    27         available], conviction and release from prison.
    28     (d)  Duration of Internet posting.--
    29         (1)  The information listed in subsection (c) about a
    30     sexually violent predator shall be made available on the
    20050S0944B1880                 - 29 -     

     1     Internet for the lifetime of the sexually violent predator.
     2         (2)  The information listed in subsection (c) about an
     3     offender who is subject to lifetime registration shall be
     4     made available on the Internet for the lifetime of the
     5     offender unless the offender is granted relief under section
     6     9795.5 (relating to exemption from certain notifications).
     7         (3)  The information listed in subsection (c) about any
     8     other offender subject to registration shall be made
     9     available on the Internet for the entire period during which
    10     the offender is required to register, including any extension
    11     of this period pursuant to 9795.2(a)(3) (relating to
    12     registration procedures and applicability). The Pennsylvania
    13     State Police shall also from time to time share this public
    14     information with Federal, State and local law enforcement
    15     officials, to the extent deemed appropriate for investigative
    16     and supervisory purposes.
    17     (e)  Use of information to commit offense.--Use of
    18  information published on the Internet in accordance with this
    19  section with intent to facilitate commission of a criminal
    20  offense shall constitute an offense of the same grade and degree
    21  as the underlying criminal offense.
    22     Section 9.  The Legislative Budget and Finance Committee is
    23  hereby directed to do a comprehensive study and review of the
    24  monitoring and regulation of sex offenders and sexually violent
    25  predators in this Commonwealth under this act, and to make a
    26  full report of its findings, annually, to the chairman of the
    27  Judiciary Committee of the Senate and chairman of the Judiciary
    28  Committee of the House of Representatives.
    29     Section 10.  The sum of      , or as much thereof as may be
    30  necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Pennsylvania State
    20050S0944B1880                 - 30 -     

     1  Police for implementation of this act.
     2     Section 11.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2007.

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