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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1074



No. 945 Session of 1989

           O'PAKE AND ANDREZESKI, MAY 17, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the manufacture, sale and possession of
     3     controlled substances, other drugs, devices and cosmetics;
     4     conferring powers on the courts and the secretary and
     5     Department of Health, and a newly created Pennsylvania Drug,
     6     Device and Cosmetic Board; establishing schedules of
     7     controlled substances; providing penalties; requiring
     8     registration of persons engaged in the drug trade and for the
     9     revocation or suspension of certain licenses and
    10     registrations; and repealing an act," providing for the
    11     suspension of motor vehicle operator's privileges for
    12     violations of this act.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Section 13 of the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233,
    16  No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and
    17  Cosmetic Act, is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    18     Section 13.  Prohibited Acts; Penalties.--* * *
    19     (m)  In addition to any disposition authorized by this
    20  section, and notwithstanding the provisions of Title 75 of the
    21  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to vehicles), every
    22  person convicted of committing an offense prohibited under this

     1  section shall forfeit his right to operate a motor vehicle for a
     2  period to be fixed by the court at not less than six months nor
     3  more than two years. Suspension shall commence on the day the
     4  sentence is imposed, unless the person's driving privilege is
     5  already revoked, suspended or postponed for a violation of this
     6  section, 75 Pa.C.S. or 18 Pa.C.S. § 6310.4 (relating to
     7  restriction of operating privileges) in which case the
     8  revocation, suspension or postponement period imposed herein
     9  shall commence as of the date the pre-existing revocation,
    10  suspension or postponement terminates.
    11     (1)  The court before whom any person is convicted of any
    12  offense defined in this section shall collect forthwith the
    13  Pennsylvania driver's license or licenses of the person and
    14  forward each license or licenses to the Department of
    15  Transportation along with a report indicating the first and last
    16  day of the suspension or postponement period imposed by the
    17  court pursuant to this section. If the court is for any reason
    18  unable to collect the license or licenses of the person, the
    19  court shall cause a report of the conviction to be filed with
    20  the Department of Transportation. The report shall include the
    21  complete name, address, date of birth, eye color, and sex of the
    22  person and shall indicate the first and last day of the
    23  revocation, suspension or postponement period imposed by the
    24  court under this section. The court shall inform the person
    25  orally and in writing that if the person is convicted of
    26  personally operating a motor vehicle during the period of
    27  license revocation, suspension or postponement imposed under
    28  this section, the person shall, upon conviction, be subject to
    29  the penalties set forth in 75 Pa.C.S. § 1543 (relating to
    30  driving while operating privilege is suspended or revoked). A
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     1  person shall be required to acknowledge the receipt of the
     2  written notice in writing. Failure to receive a written notice
     3  or failure to acknowledge in writing the receipt of a written
     4  notice shall not be a defense to a subsequent charge of a
     5  violation of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1543. If the person is the holder of a
     6  driver's license of a foreign jurisdiction, the court shall not
     7  collect the license but shall notify forthwith the Department of
     8  Transportation which shall notify the appropriate officials in
     9  the licensing jurisdiction. The court shall, however, in
    10  accordance with the provisions of this section, revoke the
    11  person's nonresident privilege in this Commonwealth.
    12     (2)  In addition to other conditions imposed, a court may
    13  suspend, revoke or postpone, in accordance with the provisions
    14  of this subsection, the driving privileges of a person admitted
    15  to supervisory treatment under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3731 (relating to
    16  driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance)
    17  without a plea of guilty or finding of guilt.
    18     (3)  The sentencing guidelines promulgated by the
    19  Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing shall not supersede the
    20  mandatory penalties of this section.
    21     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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