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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1056



No. 960 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 25, 1921 (P.L.1144, No.425), entitled
     2     "An act creating a Department of Public Welfare; defining its
     3     powers and duties; abolishing the Board of Public Charities,
     4     the Committee on Lunacy, and the Prison Labor Commission, and
     5     all offices thereunder, and vesting all the powers of said
     6     board, committee, and commission in the Department of Public
     7     Welfare; requiring all reports, notices, statements, or
     8     matters, heretofore required to be made, given, or submitted
     9     to the Board of Public Charities or the Committee on Lunacy,
    10     to be made, given, or submitted to the Department of Public
    11     Welfare; and providing penalties," further providing for the
    12     powers of the Department of Public Welfare relating to the
    13     commitment of juvenile delinquents.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 13(1) of the act of May 25, 1921
    17  (P.L.1144, No.425), entitled, "An act creating a Department of
    18  Public Welfare; defining its powers and duties; abolishing the
    19  Board of Public Charities, the Committee on Lunacy, and the
    20  Prison Labor Commission, and all offices thereunder, and vesting
    21  all the powers of said board, committee, and commission in the
    22  Department of Public Welfare; requiring all reports, notices,
    23  statements, or matters, heretofore required to be made, given,

     1  or submitted to the Board of Public Charities or the Committee
     2  on Lunacy, to be made, given, or submitted to the Department of
     3  Public Welfare; and providing penalties," is amended to read:
     4     Section 13.  The department shall have and may exercise
     5  power--
     6     (1)  To make and enforce rules and regulations, as follows:
     7     (a)  Providing for the licensing of all houses or places in
     8  which any person can be lawfully detained as a lunatic or of
     9  unsound mind upon compensation paid to or received by the owner
    10  or occupant of such house or place, directly or indirectly, for
    11  the care of such lunatic, and also of all houses, places, or
    12  institutions, in which more than one person of unsound mind is
    13  detained or resides, other than a jail or prison, with the right
    14  to exempt any State institution, institution under municipal
    15  authority, or any other institution.
    16     (b)  To insure the proper care and treatment of persons of
    17  unsound mind detained in any house, place, or institution,
    18  whether licensed or not, to guard against the improper or
    19  unnecessary detention of such persons, to regulate the manner of
    20  their detention and the restraints imposed and all matters
    21  relative to their welfare, to regulate their means of
    22  communication with relatives, friends, and other persons outside
    23  the house, place, or institution of detention, and to insure to
    24  them the admission of all proper visitors, being members of
    25  their family or personal friends, agents, or attorneys.
    26     (c)  Regulating the forms to be observed warranting the
    27  commitment, transfer of custody, and discharge of all lunatics,
    28  other than those committed by order of a court of record, and,
    29  as to these, with the consent of the presiding judge of the
    30  court under whose order the person is detained.
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     1     (d)  To prescribe standards of equipment, management, and
     2  administration for the institutions, associations, and
     3  societies, into whose care the custody of delinquent, neglected,
     4  or dependent children may be committed, and to insure proper
     5  care of the children committed to the custody of such
     6  institution, association, or society. The department shall
     7  insure that no juvenile forensic unit shall be located on the
     8  premises of a private psychiatric hospital which is in an area
     9  zoned residential or which is within one quarter mile of an area
    10  zoned residential. The distance of one quarter mile shall be
    11  measured from the property line of the premises of the private
    12  psychiatric hospital.
    13     (e)  For regulating the visitation, examination, and
    14  inspection of the institutions, prisons, almshouses, poorhouses,
    15  houses, places, associations, societies, or homes, under the
    16  supervision of the department pursuant to the provisions of
    17  section nine hereof.
    18     (f)  For the enforcement of the provisions of this act and of
    19  all laws whose enforcement is imposed upon the department.
    20     (g)  For the approval of psychopathic wards maintained by
    21  hospitals for the reception and care of persons suffering with
    22  mental disorders.
    23     * * *
    24     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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