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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1280



No. 960 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the manufacture, sale and possession of
     3     controlled substances, other drugs, devices and cosmetics;
     4     conferring powers on the courts and the secretary and
     5     Department of Health, and a newly created Pennsylvania Drug,
     6     Device and Cosmetic Board; establishing schedules of
     7     controlled substances; providing penalties; requiring
     8     registration of persons engaged in the drug trade and for the
     9     revocation or suspension of certain licenses and
    10     registrations; and repealing an act," providing for records
    11     of distribution of controlled substances.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 12 of the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233,
    15  No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and
    16  Cosmetic Act, is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    17     Section 12.  Records of Distribution of Controlled
    18  Substances.--* * *
    19     (d)  (1)  An official State prescription form shall be
    20  prepared and issued by the secretary in groups of 25 or 100
    21  forms, which forms shall be serially numbered. Such prescription
    22  blanks shall not be transferable.

     1     (2)  Except as expressly authorized in this section,
     2  controlled substances in Schedule II may be prescribed or
     3  dispensed only on an official State prescription form.
     4     (3)  The secretary may, by regulation, require that a
     5  particular substance in Schedule III or IV be prescribed or
     6  dispensed on an official State prescription form.
     7     (4)  The secretary may make rules and regulations, consistent
     8  with this act, with respect to the retention or filing of such
     9  forms, including information required to be filed with the
    10  secretary, the maximum number of forms which may be issued at
    11  any one time, the period of time after issuance by the secretary
    12  that such forms shall remain valid for use, and the manner in
    13  which practitioners associated with institutional dispensers may
    14  use such forms, or any other matter of procedure or detail
    15  necessary to effectuate or clarify the provisions of this
    16  section and to secure proper and effective enforcement of the
    17  provisions of this article.
    18     (5)  Every person who sells or otherwise distributes a
    19  controlled substance shall implement and maintain adequate
    20  safeguards and security measures of official State prescription
    21  forms in order to assure against loss, destruction, theft or
    22  unauthorized use of the forms as follows:
    23     (i)  Such person shall maintain a record of the disposition
    24  of all forms, including, but not limited to, use as a
    25  prescription, cancellation, return, loss, destruction,
    26  unauthorized use and nonreceipt. The forms may be used only by
    27  the person to whom they are issued and are not transferrable.
    28     (ii)  Such person shall immediately notify the department on
    29  forms supplied by the department of the loss, destruction, theft
    30  or unauthorized use of any official State prescription forms
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     1  issued to them as well as the failure to receive official State
     2  prescription forms within a reasonable time after ordering them
     3  from the secretary. Upon receipt of notification, the secretary
     4  shall take appropriate action, including notification to the
     5  Office of Attorney General.
     6     (6)  A registered pharmacist compounding, dispensing, filling
     7  or selling a controlled substance in Schedule II shall place the
     8  original written prescription in a file kept for that purpose
     9  for a period of not less than five years if such period is not
    10  less than two years after the last refilling, and affix to the
    11  container in which the prescription is dispensed, a label
    12  bearing the name and complete address of the pharmacy or drug
    13  store in which dispensed, the brand name or generic name of the
    14  product dispensed unless the prescriber states otherwise on the
    15  original written prescription, the date on which the
    16  prescription was compounded and an identifying number under
    17  which the prescription is recorded in his files, together with
    18  the name of the physician, dentist, optometrist, veterinarian,
    19  other medical practitioner, certified nurse midwife, nurse
    20  practitioner/clinical nurse specialist or physician assistant,
    21  prescribing it and the directions for the use of the
    22  prescription by the patient, as directed on the prescription of
    23  the physician, dentist, optometrist, veterinarian, other medical
    24  practitioner, certified nurse midwife, nurse
    25  practitioner/clinical nurse specialist or physician assistant,
    26  licensed or approved to write prescriptions. Every registered
    27  pharmacist who fills or compounds a prescription, or who
    28  supervises the filling or compounding of a prescription by a
    29  person other than a pharmacist registered in this Commonwealth,
    30  shall place his name or initials on the original prescription or
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     1  on the label affixed to the container in which the prescription
     2  is dispensed or in a book kept for the purpose of recording
     3  prescriptions.
     4     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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