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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1270



No. 961 Session of 2003


           NOVEMBER 12, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for residential
     3     telephone service rates based on duration or distance of call
     4     and for local exchange service increases and limitations; and
     5     adding and repealing provisions relating to alternative form
     6     of regulation of telecommunication services.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Sections 1325, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005,
    10  3006, 3007, 3008 and 3009 of Title 66 of the Pennsylvania
    11  Consolidated Statutes are repealed.
    12     Section 2.  Title 66 is amended by adding sections to read:
    13  § 3010.  (Reserved).
    14  § 3011.  Declaration of policy.
    15     The General Assembly finds and declares that it is the policy
    16  of this Commonwealth to:
    17         (1)  Strike a balance between mandated deployment and
    18     market-driven deployment of broadband facilities and advanced
    19     services throughout this Commonwealth and to continue

     1     alternative regulation of local exchange telecommunications
     2     companies.
     3         (2)  Maintain universal telecommunications service at
     4     affordable rates, while encouraging the accelerated provision
     5     of advanced services and deployment of a universally
     6     available, state-of-the-art, interactive broadband
     7     telecommunications network in rural, suburban and urban
     8     areas, including deployment of broadband facilities in or
     9     adjacent to public rights-of-way abutting public schools,
    10     including the administrative offices supporting public
    11     schools, industrial parks and health care facilities.
    12         (3)  Ensure that customers pay only reasonable charges
    13     for protected services, which shall be available on a
    14     nondiscriminatory basis.
    15         (4)  Ensure that rates for protected services do not
    16     subsidize the competitive ventures of telecommunications
    17     carriers.
    18         (5)  Provide diversity in the supply of existing and
    19     future telecommunications services and products in
    20     telecommunications markets throughout this Commonwealth by
    21     ensuring that rates, terms and conditions for protected
    22     services are reasonable and do not impede the development of
    23     competition.
    24         (6)  Ensure the efficient delivery of technological
    25     advances and new services throughout this Commonwealth in
    26     order to improve the quality of life for all Commonwealth
    27     residents.
    28         (7)  Encourage the provision of telecommunications
    29     products and services that enhance the quality of life of
    30     people with disabilities.
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     1         (8)  Promote and encourage the provision of competitive
     2     services by a variety of service providers on equal terms
     3     throughout all geographic areas of this Commonwealth without
     4     jeopardizing the provision of universal telecommunications
     5     service at affordable rates.
     6         (9)  Encourage the competitive supply of any service in
     7     any region where there is market demand.
     8         (10)  Encourage joint ventures between local exchange
     9     telecommunications companies and other entities where such
    10     joint ventures accelerate, improve or otherwise assist a
    11     local exchange telecommunications company in carrying out its
    12     network modernization implementation plan.
    13         (11)  Establish a bona fide retail request program to
    14     aggregate and make advanced services available in areas where
    15     sufficient market demand exists and to supplement existing
    16     network modernization plans.
    17         (12)  Promote and encourage the provision of advanced
    18     services and broadband deployment in the service territories
    19     of local exchange telecommunications companies without
    20     jeopardizing the provision of universal service.
    21         (13)  Recognize that the regulatory obligations imposed
    22     upon the incumbent local exchange telecommunications
    23     companies should be reduced to levels more consistent with
    24     those imposed upon competing alternative service providers.
    25  § 3012.  Definitions.
    26     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    27  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    28  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    29     "Advanced service."  A retail service that, regardless of
    30  transmission medium or technology, is capable of supporting a
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     1  minimum speed of 200 kilobits per second (kbps) in at least one
     2  direction at the network demarcation point of the customer's
     3  premises.
     4     "Aggregator telephone."  A telephone which is made available
     5  to the transient public, customers or patrons, including, but
     6  not limited to, coin telephones, credit card telephones and
     7  telephones located in hotels, motels, hospitals and
     8  universities.
     9     "Alternative form of regulation."  A form of regulation of
    10  telecommunications services other than the traditional rate
    11  base/rate of return regulation, including a streamlined form of
    12  regulation, as approved by the commission.
    13     "Alternative service provider."  An entity that provides
    14  telecommunications services in competition with a local exchange
    15  telecommunications company.
    16     "Bona fide retail request."  A written request for service
    17  which meets the requirements of section 3014(c)(1), (relating to
    18  network modernization plans), is received by a local exchange
    19  telecommunications company, and through which end users commit
    20  to subscribing to an advanced service.
    21     "Bona fide retail request program."  A program established by
    22  a local exchange telecommunications company pursuant to section
    23  3014(c) (relating to network modernization plans).
    24     "Broadband."  A communication channel using any technology
    25  and having a bandwidth equal to or greater than 1.544 megabits
    26  per second in at least one direction.
    27     "Broadband availability."  Access to broadband service by a
    28  retail telephone customer of a local exchange telecommunications
    29  company.
    30     "Central office."  A building containing one or more local
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     1  exchange telecommunications company switches used to provide
     2  local exchange telecommunications service.
     3     "Community."  Those customers of a local exchange
     4  telecommunications company served by an existing or planned
     5  remote terminal or, where no remote terminal exists, a central
     6  office switch.
     7     "Competitive service."  A service or business activity
     8  declared to be competitive by the commission on or prior to
     9  December 31, 2003, and a service or business activity declared
    10  to be competitive pursuant to section 3016 (relating to
    11  competitive services).
    12     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    13  Development of the Commonwealth.
    14     "Gross Domestic Product Price Index" or "GDP-PI."  The Gross
    15  Domestic Product Fixed Weight Price Index as calculated by the
    16  United States Department of Commerce.
    17     "Health care facility."  The term shall have the same meaning
    18  given to it in the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known
    19  as the Health Care Facilities Act.
    20     "Inflation offset."  The part of the price change formula in
    21  the price stability mechanism that reflects an offset to the
    22  Gross Domestic Product Price Index.
    23     "Interexchange services."  The transmission of interLATA or
    24  intraLATA toll messages or data outside the local calling area.
    25     "Interexchange telecommunications carrier."  A carrier other
    26  than a local exchange telecommunications company authorized by
    27  the commission to provide interexchange services.
    28     "Local exchange telecommunications company."  An incumbent
    29  carrier authorized by the commission to provide local exchange
    30  telecommunications services. The term includes a rural
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     1  telecommunications carrier and a nonrural telecommunications
     2  carrier.
     3     "Local exchange telecommunications service."  The
     4  transmission of messages or communications that originate and
     5  terminate within a prescribed local calling area.
     6     "Noncompetitive service."  A regulated service that is not
     7  declared competitive and, as to interexchange telecommunications
     8  carriers, those services included in section 3018(a) (relating
     9  to interexchange telecommunications carriers).
    10     "Nonrural telecommunications carrier."  A local exchange
    11  telecommunications company that is not a rural telephone company
    12  as defined in section 3 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
    13  (Public Law 104-104, 110 Stat. 56).
    14     "Optional calling plan."  A discounted toll plan offered by
    15  either a local exchange telecommunications company or an
    16  interexchange telecommunications carrier.
    17     "Price stability mechanism."  A formula which may be included
    18  in a commission-approved alternative form of regulation plan
    19  that permits rates for noncompetitive services to be adjusted
    20  upward or downward.
    21     "Protected service."  The following telecommunications
    22  services provided by a local exchange telecommunications
    23  company, unless the commission determines that such service is
    24  competitive:
    25         (1)  Service provided to residential consumers
    26     subscribing to up to four access lines only to the extent
    27     that the service is necessary for completing any local
    28     exchange call for which dial tone is necessary.
    29         (2)  Touch-tone service.
    30         (3)  Switched access service.
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     1         (4)  Special access service.
     2         (5)  Ordering, installation, restoration and
     3     disconnection of the services specified in paragraphs (1)
     4     through (4).
     5     "Remote terminal."  A structure located outside of a central
     6  office which houses electronic equipment and which provides
     7  transport for telecommunications services to and from a central
     8  office switch.
     9     "Rural telecommunications carrier."  A local exchange
    10  telecommunications company that is a rural telephone company as
    11  defined in section 3 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
    12  (Public Law 104-104, 110 Stat. 56).
    13     Small business."  A business subscribing to up to four access
    14  lines.
    15     "Special access service."  Service provided over dedicated,
    16  nonswitched facilities by local exchange telecommunications
    17  companies to interexchange carriers or other large volume users
    18  which provide connection between an interexchange carrier or
    19  private network and a customer's premises.
    20     "Switched access service."  A service which provides for the
    21  use of common terminating, switching and trunking facilities of
    22  a local exchange telecommunications company's public switched
    23  network. The term includes, but is not limited to, the rates for
    24  local switching, common and dedicated transport and the carrier
    25  charge.
    26     "Telecommunications Act of 1996."  The Telecommunications Act
    27  of 1996 (Public Law 104-104, 100 Stat. et seq.).
    28     "Telecommunications carrier."  An entity that provides
    29  telecommunications services subject to the jurisdiction of the
    30  commission.
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     1     "Telecommunications service."  The offering of the
     2  transmission of messages or communications for a fee to the
     3  public.
     4  § 3013.  Continuation of commission-approved alternative
     5             regulation and network modernization plans.
     6     (a)  General rule.--An alternative form of regulation plan
     7  and network modernization plan approved by the commission for a
     8  local exchange telecommunications company as of December 31,
     9  2003 shall remain valid and effective, except as may be amended
    10  at the election of the local exchange telecommunications company
    11  as authorized by this chapter. The commission shall allow a
    12  previously approved plan to be amended to conform to any changes
    13  made under this chapter, and shall not require any other changes
    14  to the plan.
    15     (b)  Limitation on changes to plans.--Except for changes to
    16  existing alternative form of regulation and network
    17  modernization plans as authorized by this chapter, no change to
    18  any alternative form of regulation or network modernization plan
    19  may be made without the express agreement of both the commission
    20  and the local exchange telecommunications company.
    21     (c)  Grandfather provision.--All services previously declared
    22  competitive as of December 31, 2003, under a local exchange
    23  telecommunications company's alternative form of regulation plan
    24  shall remain competitive.
    25     (d)  Commission oversight.--The commission will continue to
    26  exercise oversight of alternative form of regulation and network
    27  modernization plans for local exchange telecommunications
    28  companies as provided in this chapter.
    29  § 3014.  Network modernization plans.
    30     (a)  Continuation of approved plan.--A local exchange
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     1  telecommunications company that does not elect an option under
     2  subsection (b) shall remain subject to its network modernization
     3  plan in effect as of December 31, 2003, without revision or
     4  modification except by agreement under section 3013(b) (relating
     5  to continuation of commission-approved alternative regulation
     6  and network modernization plans) and as provided in this
     7  section, through December 31, 2015.
     8     (b)  Options for amendment of network modernization plan.--
     9  Local exchange telecommunications carriers shall have the
    10  following options:
    11         (1)  (i)  A rural telecommunications carrier that elects
    12         to amend its network modernization plan pursuant to this
    13         subsection shall remain subject to the carrier's network
    14         modernization plan in effect as of December 31, 2003, as
    15         amended pursuant to this subsection, through December 31,
    16         2008. Prior to implementation of any election, the rural
    17         telecommunications carrier shall comply with the
    18         notification requirements of subsection (d).
    19             (ii)  The rural telecommunications carrier shall
    20         commit:
    21                 (A)  to accelerate broadband availability to 75%
    22             of the total retail access lines in its distribution
    23             network by December 31, 2008; and
    24                 (B)  to offer a bona fide retail request program
    25             pursuant to subsection (c) through December 31, 2015.
    26             A rural telecommunications carrier with an existing
    27             broadband availability commitment exceeding 75% of
    28             the total retail access lines in its distribution
    29             network on December 31, 2008, may either accelerate
    30             such broadband availability or remain under its
    20030S0961B1270                  - 9 -     

     1             existing network modernization plan for broadband
     2             deployment, provided however that under no
     3             circumstances may the rural telecommunications
     4             carrier reduce its existing commitment. Any rural
     5             telecommunications carrier opting to commit to 100%
     6             universal broadband availability by December 31,
     7             2008, in its amended network modernization plan
     8             pursuant to subsection (d) shall not be required to
     9             offer a bona fide retail request program.
    10         (2)  (i)  A local exchange telecommunications carrier
    11         that elects to amend its network modernization plan
    12         pursuant to this subsection shall remain subject to such
    13         carrier's network modernization plan in effect as of
    14         December 31, 2003, as amended pursuant to this
    15         subsection. Prior to implementation of any election, the
    16         nonrural telecommunications carrier shall comply with the
    17         notification requirements of subsection (d).
    18             (ii)  The local exchange telecommunications carrier
    19         shall commit:
    20                 (A)  to accelerate broadband availability to 80%
    21             of its total retail access lines in its distribution
    22             network by December 31, 2010; and
    23                 (B)  to offer a bona fide retail request program
    24             pursuant to subsection (c) through December 31, 2015.
    25     A local exchange telecommunications carrier with an existing
    26     broadband availability commitment exceeding 80% of the total
    27     retail access lines in its distribution network on December
    28     31, 2010, may either accelerate such broadband availability
    29     or remain under its existing network modernization plan for
    30     broadband deployment, provided, however, that under no
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     1     circumstances may such local exchange telecommunications
     2     carrier reduce its existing commitment.
     3         (3)  A local exchange telecommunications company that
     4     elects under paragraph (1) or (2) shall also commit to
     5     universal broadband deployment in or adjacent to public
     6     rights-of-way abutting all public schools, including the
     7     administration offices supporting public schools, industrial
     8     parks and health care facilities in its service territory on
     9     or before December 31, 2004, except that a local exchange
    10     telecommunications carrier serving more than ten exchanges in
    11     this Commonwealth may elect to extend this commitment from
    12     December 31, 2004, to December 31, 2005, for any exchange
    13     with less than 4,000 access lines.
    14         (4)  A local exchange telecommunications company that
    15     elects under paragraph (1) or (2) may amend its network
    16     modernization plan to define "universal broadband
    17     availability" as the provision of broadband capability within
    18     ten business days of notice to the company of the request by
    19     a bona fide customer. If a local exchange telecommunications
    20     company does not elect under either paragraph (1) or (2),
    21     then the provisioning interval shall remain and be within
    22     five days after a request for broadband service is received,
    23     as stated in the company's currently effective network
    24     modernization plan.
    25         (5)  No local exchange telecommunications company that
    26     makes an election under paragraph (1) or (2) may withdraw the
    27     election once made, unless a waiver is obtained pursuant to
    28     subsection (f).
    29         (6)  A rural telecommunications carrier making an
    30     election pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) and filing its
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     1     amended network modernization plan with the commission
     2     pursuant to subsection (d) shall be granted by the commission
     3     a suspension of its section 251(c)(2), (3), (4), (5) and (6)
     4     obligations under the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This
     5     suspension of obligations shall expire on December 31, 2008,
     6     unless the commission, following a hearing, determines that
     7     the rural telecommunications carrier has failed to timely
     8     meet its commitments pursuant to this paragraph and, in that
     9     event, the suspension of obligations shall expire upon entry
    10     of the commission order making such determination. Expiration
    11     of the suspension of obligations shall not impact the rural
    12     telephone company exemption of the rural telecommunications
    13     carrier under section 251(f)(1) of the Telecommunications Act
    14     of 1996.
    15     (c)  Bona fide retail request program.--A local exchange
    16  telecommunications company that elects to amend its network
    17  modernization plan pursuant to subsection (b)(1) or (2) shall
    18  notify the commission no later than one year after the effective
    19  date of its election that it is implementing a bona fide retail
    20  request program which shall continue through December 31, 2015,
    21  or such earlier date as the local telecommunications company
    22  achieves universal broadband deployment throughout its service
    23  territory. A bona fide retail request program shall consist of
    24  the following:
    25         (1)  Persons or entities seeking advanced services
    26     pursuant to a bona fide retail request program shall submit a
    27     written request for such services to the local exchange
    28     telecommunications company. The written request may be in the
    29     form of a petition which includes the information required by
    30     this paragraph or in the form of individual requests each of
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     1     which includes the information required by this paragraph. If
     2     individual requests are received, the local exchange
     3     telecommunications company shall aggregate requests for the
     4     same service and initiate appropriate action pursuant to this
     5     subsection when the required number of requests have been
     6     received. To be considered a bona fide retail request, the
     7     written request must include:
     8             (i)  a request that a minimum of 50 retail access
     9         lines be provided the same or comparable advanced service
    10         within a community or a request that 25% of retail access
    11         lines be provided the same or comparable advanced service
    12         within a community, whichever is less;
    13             (ii)  the name, address, telephone number and
    14         signature of each existing retail customer seeking the
    15         advanced service, the advanced service being requested, a
    16         commitment by each retail customer who signs the request
    17         to subscribe to the requested advanced service for a
    18         minimum of one year of the local exchange
    19         telecommunications company's applicable rate of service;
    20         and
    21             (iii)  the name, address and telephone number of a
    22         designated contact person.
    23         (2)  In administering the bona fide retail request
    24     program, the local exchange telecommunications company shall:
    25             (i)  establish a World Wide Web site and toll-free
    26         number to address customer inquiries regarding the
    27         program;
    28             (ii)  mail a request form to a customer upon request;
    29             (iii)  confirm its receipt of any completed request
    30         in writing to the customer. Such confirmation shall
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     1         identify the service requested, the applicable rate, the
     2         expected contract term, the status of the request and a
     3         term subscription agreement for execution; and
     4             (iv)  notify the customers in a community, within 45
     5         days, of the expected implementation date once the
     6         requisite number of requests has been received and the
     7         expected date of the availability of service.
     8         (3)  When a bona fide retail request has been received
     9     that meets the requirements of paragraph (1), the local
    10     exchange telecommunications company shall provide the
    11     requested advanced service or other reasonably comparable
    12     service that meets the data speed of the requested service to
    13     the community as soon as practicable, but no later than 365
    14     days of the date the requirements of paragraph (1) have been
    15     met or within the period approved by the commission under
    16     paragraph (4) where:
    17             (i)  the local exchange telecommunications company
    18         does not provide the requested advanced service to other
    19         customers in its service territory;
    20             (ii)  there is no advanced service using any
    21         technology available to the requesting customers that
    22         offers data speeds reasonably comparable to that
    23         requested; and
    24             (iii)  the community is situated outside the service
    25         territory of the local exchange telecommunications
    26         company.
    27         (4)  Where the total number of bona fide retail requests
    28     received by any local exchange telecommunications company or
    29     affiliated companies that meet the requirements of paragraphs
    30     (1) and (3) exceed 40 in any 12-month period, or where there
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     1     are more than 20 such requests that require property
     2     acquisition, including acquiring rights-of-way, or new
     3     construction in any 12-month period, the local exchange
     4     telecommunications company or companies may provide a
     5     verified certification to the commission that one or both of
     6     the foregoing criteria are met. Upon receipt of such
     7     certification, the commission, or the commission through its
     8     designated staff, shall permit the local exchange
     9     telecommunications company or companies to extend the time
    10     for such deployments for a period of no more than 12 months,
    11     or such additional time period as it finds to be just and
    12     reasonable.
    13         (5)  With regard to requests submitted under this
    14     subsection, a retail customer may challenge the action of a
    15     local exchange telecommunications company pursuant to section
    16     701 (relating to complaints).
    17         (6)  Local exchange telecommunications companies with
    18     bona fide retail request programs shall provide semiannual
    19     reports to the commission of the number of requests for
    20     advanced services received during the reporting period and
    21     the action taken on requests meeting the requirements of
    22     subsection (c). Local exchange telecommunications companies,
    23     within 30 days after initiating a bona fide retail request
    24     program, shall also provide the commission with the form of
    25     any advanced services term subscription agreements customers
    26     will be required to execute in connection with receiving the
    27     requested services.
    28     (d)  Notice and filing of amendments.--A local exchange
    29  telecommunications company that elects to amend its network
    30  modernization plan pursuant to subsection (b) shall notify the
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     1  commission in writing of such election and, within 60 days
     2  following such notification, file its amended network
     3  modernization plan with the commission. Copies of the written
     4  notice of election and of the amended network modernization plan
     5  shall be served by the local exchange telecommunications company
     6  on the Office of Consumer Advocate and the Office of Small
     7  Business Advocate. Concurrent with the filing of the amended
     8  plan with the commission, the local exchange telecommunications
     9  company shall publish notice of such filing in a newspaper or
    10  newspapers of general circulation in its service territory or by
    11  bill message or insert. The amended network modernization plan
    12  shall become effective upon filing with the commission.
    13     (e)  Network modernization plan report.--A local exchange
    14  telecommunications company that files an amended network
    15  modernization plan with the commission shall also file with the
    16  commission a report on its provisioning of broadband
    17  availability. The first report shall be filed no later than
    18  April 30, 2004, and shall be based upon the 12 months ending
    19  December 31, 2003. Thereafter, reports shall be filed biennially
    20  no later than April 30. To the extent applicable to the local
    21  exchange telecommunications company's amended network
    22  modernization plan, reports shall be limited to:
    23         (1)  The status of broadband deployment in or adjacent to
    24     public rights-of-way abutting all public schools, including
    25     the administration offices supporting public schools,
    26     industrial parks and health care facilities.
    27         (2)  The percentage of access lines capable of receiving
    28     advanced services from the local exchange telecommunications
    29     company.
    30         (3)  The percentage of access lines with broadband
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     1     availability from the local exchange telecommunications
     2     company.
     3         (4)  The number of written bona fide retail requests
     4     received.
     5         (5)  A general description of any technologies or media
     6     utilized by the local exchange telecommunications company to
     7     offer or provide advanced services and broadband
     8     availability.
     9  No additional network reports or information shall be required
    10  to be submitted to the commission by a local exchange
    11  telecommunications company unless the commission, following a
    12  hearing, determines that the report or information is essential
    13  for determining the status of the company's broadband
    14  availability commitment. If the commission requests any
    15  additional network reports or information, a local exchange
    16  telecommunications company may oppose the submission on the
    17  grounds that the report or information will be detrimental to
    18  the security of its network or will exceed the attendant expense
    19  or administrative time requirements associated with the report
    20  or information. Under no circumstances shall the commission
    21  compel the public release of maps or other information
    22  describing the actual location of a local exchange
    23  communications company's facilities.
    24     (f)  Waiver.--
    25         (1)  The commission shall grant a full or partial waiver
    26     of the requirements of the then effective network
    27     modernization plan of any local exchange telecommunications
    28     company upon receipt of a verified petition from the local
    29     exchange telecommunications company which meets the
    30     requirements of this subsection.
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     1         (2)  Within 60 days of the date of filing, the commission
     2     shall grant a waiver petition to the extent that and for such
     3     duration as the commission determines is necessary to avoid:
     4             (i)  a significant adverse economic impact on the
     5         users of the local exchange telecommunications company's
     6         protected services;
     7             (ii)  imposing on the local exchange
     8         telecommunications company a requirement that is unduly
     9         burdensome economically;
    10             (iii)  imposing a requirement on the local exchange
    11         telecommunications company that is not technically
    12         feasible;
    13             (iv)  imposing a requirement on the local exchange
    14         telecommunications company that is otherwise impractical
    15         to implement in the specific exchange or exchanges or to
    16         the affected customer or group of customers; or
    17             (v)  imposing a requirement that is adverse to
    18         universal service within the service territory of the
    19         local exchange telecommunications company.
    20         (3)  A petition that is not acted on by the commission
    21     within 60 days of the date of filing shall be deemed
    22     approved.
    23         (4)  Prior to filing of a waiver petition with the
    24     commission, a local exchange telecommunications company shall
    25     notify all potentially affected customers in the specific
    26     exchange or exchanges by:
    27             (i)  publication in a newspaper of general
    28         circulation in the geographic area subject to the waiver
    29         petition no more than seven calendar days prior to the
    30         filing of the waiver petition; or
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     1             (ii)  written notice through a direct mailing or bill
     2         insert sent to all potentially affected customers of the
     3         local exchange telecommunications company.
     4     The publication or written notice shall state the reasons for
     5     the waiver petition, the anticipated effect of the waiver
     6     petition on the customers and the process by which customers
     7     may request a hearing before the commission on the waiver
     8     petition.
     9     (g)  Assistance to political subdivisions.--In an effort to
    10  assist political subdivisions with economic revitalization
    11  projects, a local exchange telecommunications company shall
    12  commit, in its modified alternative form of regulation plan and
    13  its network modernization plan, to make technical assistance for
    14  such projects available to political subdivisions located in its
    15  service territory in pursuing the deployment of additional
    16  telecommunications infrastructure or services by the local
    17  telecommunications company. A political subdivision or any
    18  entity established by a political subdivision, including a
    19  municipal authority, may not provide any telecommunications
    20  services to the public for compensation within the service
    21  territory of a local exchange telecommunications company
    22  operating under a network modernization plan.
    23     (h)  Advanced Services Education and Aggregation Fund.--The
    24  commission shall establish and administer, under regulations to
    25  be promulgated by the commission, an Advanced Services Education
    26  and Aggregation Fund. This fund shall be administered in a
    27  separate, segregated, tax-exempt fund, and shall be funded
    28  exclusively by the mechanism set forth under section 3015(c)
    29  (relating to alternative forms of regulation). The commission
    30  shall authorize expenditures from the fund for two purposes:
    20030S0961B1270                 - 19 -     

     1         (1)  Educational outreach programs for political
     2     subdivisions, economic development entities, public schools,
     3     health care facilities and businesses and for residential
     4     customers concerning the benefits, use and procurement of
     5     advanced services and broadband telecommunications services
     6     from local exchange telecommunications companies.
     7         (2)  Seed grants to aggregate customer demand for
     8     advanced services or broadband in communities without these
     9     services and to permit customers in these communities to
    10     request the services under a local exchange
    11     telecommunications company bona fide retail request program.
    12  The fund shall continue until December 31, 2015, at which time
    13  the commission shall terminate the fund and return the remaining
    14  funds on a pro rata basis to the local exchange
    15  telecommunications companies that contributed to the fund.
    16     (i)  Balanced deployment.--A local exchange
    17  telecommunications company shall reasonably balance deployment
    18  of its broadband network among rural, urban and suburban areas
    19  within its service territory, as those areas are applicable,
    20  according to its approved network modernization plan.
    21     (j)  Impact of competition.--Notwithstanding any provision of
    22  this section or any network modernization plan to the contrary,
    23  if one or more alternative service providers have made advanced
    24  services or broadband available at reasonably comparable data
    25  speeds to at least 50% of the customers in a particular exchange
    26  served by a rural telecommunications carrier, the rural
    27  telecommunications carrier may petition the commission to be
    28  relieved of the requirement to meet any commitments for advanced
    29  services or broadband availability in that exchange. The
    30  commission shall grant the petition upon a showing that one or
    20030S0961B1270                 - 20 -     

     1  more alternative service providers are offering advanced
     2  services or broadband at reasonably comparable data speeds to
     3  50% or more of the customers within the exchange.
     4     (k)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
     5  construed:
     6         (1)  As giving the commission the authority to require a
     7     local exchange telecommunications company to provide specific
     8     services or to deploy a specific technology to retail
     9     customers seeking broadband or advanced services.
    10         (2)  As prohibiting a local exchange telecommunications
    11     company from participating in joint ventures with other
    12     entities in meeting its advanced services and broadband
    13     deployment commitments under its network modernization plan.
    14     (l)  Inventory of available services.--The department shall
    15  compile, periodically update and publish, including at its World
    16  Wide Web site, a listing of advanced and broadband services, by
    17  location, available from all advanced and broadband service
    18  providers operating in this Commonwealth irrespective of the
    19  technology used. All providers of advanced and broadband
    20  services shall cooperate with the department. The department
    21  shall not require the release of maps or other information
    22  describing the actual location of any provider's facilities.
    23  § 3015.  Alternative forms of regulation.
    24     (a)  Inflation offset.--A local exchange telecommunications
    25  company with an alternative form of regulation containing a
    26  price stability mechanism that files an amended network
    27  modernization plan under section 3014(b)(1)or (2) (relating to
    28  network modernization plans) shall not be subject to an
    29  inflation offset in its price stability mechanism in adjusting
    30  its rates for noncompetitive services. Through December 31,
    20030S0961B1270                 - 21 -     

     1  2015:
     2         (1)  In any year in which revenue-neutral rate changes
     3     are ordered by the commission for a nonrural
     4     telecommunications carrier, any increase in residential and
     5     small business protected service rates under that carrier's
     6     price stability mechanism in that year shall be offset
     7     against any revenue-neutral rate increase for those services.
     8         (2)  A rural telecommunications carrier may not
     9     separately propose, as part of a rate rebalancing filing, to
    10     increase the rates for residential or small business local
    11     exchange telecommunications service in the same calendar year
    12     as rates for residential or small business local exchange
    13     telecommunications service are increased under the annual
    14     price stability index if the rate rebalancing proposal is not
    15     submitted to the commission as part of the annual price
    16     stability mechanism filing. Any cap contained in the rate
    17     rebalancing section of a rural telecommunications carrier's
    18     existing alternative form of regulation plan that restricts
    19     the level of annual rate increases to a local exchange
    20     telecommunications service shall also be applied to limit any
    21     rate increase that occurs as a result of elimination of the
    22     offset. These limitations shall not apply where rates are
    23     changed as a result of a generic investigation and when the
    24     rebalancing filing does not increase the weighted average
    25     rates respectively of residential and small business local
    26     exchange telecommunications service. In all other respects,
    27     the price stability mechanism shall remain the same.
    28     (b)  Rate changes for rural telecommunications carriers.--
    29         (1)  In addition to the rate change provisions in its
    30     alternative form of regulation plan, a rural
    20030S0961B1270                 - 22 -     

     1     telecommunications carrier operating without a price
     2     stability mechanism that files with the commission an amended
     3     network modernization plan under section 3014(b)(1) or (2)
     4     shall be permitted at any time to file with the commission
     5     proposed tariff changes, effective 45 days after filing,
     6     setting forth miscellaneous changes, including increases and
     7     decreases, in rates for noncompetitive services, excluding
     8     basic residential and business rates, provided such rate
     9     changes do not increase the rural telecommunications
    10     carrier's annual intrastate revenues by more than 2%.
    11         (2)  The commission tariff filing requirements and review
    12     associated with such proposed rate changes shall be limited
    13     to schedules submitted by the rural telecommunications
    14     carrier detailing the impact of the rate changes on the
    15     carrier's annual intrastate revenues.
    16         (3)  A rural telecommunications carrier that implements
    17     noncompetitive rate changes consistent with the procedure set
    18     forth in its alternative form of regulation plan shall only
    19     be required to file such financial and cost data with the
    20     commission to justify such changes as are required under its
    21     commission-approved alternative form of regulation plan.
    22         (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), (2)
    23     or (3), for any rural telecommunications carrier serving less
    24     than 50,000 access lines in this Commonwealth and operating
    25     under an alternative form of regulation plan, a formal
    26     complaint to deny rate changes for noncompetitive services,
    27     unless signed by at least 20 customers of the rural
    28     telecommunications carrier, shall not prevent implementation
    29     of the rate changes pending the adjudication of the formal
    30     complaint by the commission.
    20030S0961B1270                 - 23 -     

     1     (c)  Payments to Advanced Services Education and Aggregation
     2  Fund.--Any local exchange telecommunications company that files
     3  an amended network modernization plan under section 3014(b)(1)
     4  or (2) may be required by the commission to contribute up to,
     5  but no more than, 10% of the first year's annual revenue effect:
     6         (1)  of any rate increases permitted by the elimination
     7     of the offset under subsection (a); or
     8         (2)  if the local exchange telecommunications company is
     9     operating without a price stability mechanism, of any rate
    10     increases under subsection (b)(1), to the Advanced Services
    11     Education and Aggregation Fund established under section
    12     3014(h). Such contribution shall be payable in equal
    13     quarterly installments, and shall be calculated on projected
    14     increased revenues for the first year of the rate change.
    15     Contributions shall also be made in connection with each
    16     subsequent noncompetitive service rate increase until the
    17     local exchange telecommunications company fulfills the higher
    18     percentage deployment obligation set forth in its amended
    19     network modernization plan. In no event shall the Advanced
    20     Services Education and Aggregation Fund exceed $5,000,000
    21     and, in the event of such overfunding, the commission shall
    22     credit the overcollection to the next year's contribution
    23     amount. If a local exchange telecommunications company is not
    24     required to provide a bona fide retail request program, then
    25     it shall not be required to contribute to the Advanced
    26     Services Education and Aggregation Fund.
    27     (d)  General filing requirements.--For a local exchange
    28  telecommunications company that files an amended network
    29  modernization plan under section 3014(b)(1) or (2), the
    30  commission's filing and audit requirements shall be limited to
    20030S0961B1270                 - 24 -     

     1  the following submissions by the company:
     2         (1)  Network modernization plan reports filed pursuant to
     3     section 3014(e).
     4         (2)  An annual financial report consisting of a balance
     5     sheet and income statement.
     6         (3)  An annual deaf, speech-impaired and hearing-impaired
     7     relay information report.
     8         (4)  An annual service report.
     9         (5)  Universal service reports.
    10         (6)  An annual access line report.
    11         (7)  An annual statement of gross intrastate operating
    12     revenues for purposes of calculating assessments for
    13     regulatory expenses.
    14         (8)  An annual State tax adjustment computation for years
    15     in which a tax change has occurred, if applicable.
    16         (9)  A bona fide retail request report under section
    17     3014(c)(6).
    18     (e)  Other reports.-- Notwithstanding any other provision of
    19  this title to the contrary, no report, statement, filing or
    20  other document or information, except as specified in subsection
    21  (d), shall be required of any local exchange telecommunications
    22  company unless the commission, upon notice to the affected local
    23  exchange telecommunications company and an opportunity to be
    24  heard, has first made specific written findings supporting
    25  conclusions in an entered order that:
    26         (1)  The report is necessary to ensure that the local
    27     exchange telecommunications company is charging rates that
    28     are in compliance with this chapter and its effective
    29     alternative form of regulation plan.
    30         (2)  The benefits of the report substantially outweigh
    20030S0961B1270                 - 25 -     

     1     the attendant expense and administrative time and effort
     2     required of the local exchange telecommunications company to
     3     prepare it.
     4     (f)  Rate change limitations.--Nothing in this chapter shall
     5  be construed to limit the requirement of section 1301 (relating
     6  to rates to be just and reasonable) that rates shall be just and
     7  reasonable. The annual rate change limitations set forth in a
     8  local exchange telecommunications company's effective
     9  commission-approved alternative form of regulation plan or any
    10  other commission-approved annual rate change limitation shall
    11  remain applicable.
    12     (g)  Small business customers.--Local exchange
    13  telecommunications carriers operating under an alternative form
    14  of regulation plan with small business customers defined as
    15  "three lines or less" shall amend such definition to "four or
    16  fewer lines."
    17     (h)  Conformance of plan.--Upon the filing by a local
    18  exchange telecommunications company of network modernization
    19  plan amendments pursuant to section 3014(d), the local exchange
    20  telecommunications company's alternative form of regulation plan
    21  shall be deemed amended consistent with this section.
    22  § 3016.  Competitive services.
    23     (a)  Declaration of services as competitive.--A service or
    24  business activity provided by a local exchange
    25  telecommunications company, including a protected service, not
    26  previously declared by the commission as competitive may be
    27  declared competitive by the commission under the following
    28  provisions:
    29         (1)  The local exchange telecommunications company may
    30     petition the commission for a determination of whether a
    20030S0961B1270                 - 26 -     

     1     service is competitive. The commission shall enter an order
     2     approving or disapproving the petition within 60 days of the
     3     filing date or 90 days where a protest is timely filed, or
     4     the petition shall be deemed approved. In making the
     5     determination, the commission shall consider all relevant
     6     information submitted to it.
     7         (2)  Simultaneously with the filing by the local exchange
     8     telecommunications company of a petition with the commission
     9     for a declaration of a service as competitive, the local
    10     exchange telecommunications company shall serve a copy of the
    11     petition on the Office of Consumer Advocate and the Office of
    12     Small Business Advocate and give notice to the public of the
    13     filing of its petition in a newspaper or newspapers of
    14     general circulation in the company's service territory.
    15         (3)  In a proceeding to declare a service competitive,
    16     the commission shall consider the availability of like or
    17     substitute services or other business activities in the
    18     relevant geographic area.
    19         (4)  The burden of proving that a protected service is
    20     competitive rests on the party seeking to have the service
    21     declared competitive. Hearings shall not be required, unless
    22     a protesting party has raised relevant and material factual
    23     issues.
    24     (b)  Optional declaration of nonprotected services as
    25  competitive.--Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a),
    26  a local exchange telecommunications company that has filed an
    27  amended network modernization plan pursuant to section
    28  3014(b)(1) or (2) (relating to network modernization plans), at
    29  its option, may declare services which are not protected as
    30  competitive by filing notice of its election of this option with
    20030S0961B1270                 - 27 -     

     1  the commission.
     2     (c)  Rural exchange specific pricing.--
     3         (1)  When an alternative service provider is providing
     4     local exchange telecommunications services within an exchange
     5     of a rural telecommunications carrier that has filed an
     6     amended network modernization plan under section 3014(b)(1)
     7     or (2), the rural telecommunications carrier may petition the
     8     commission for approval to begin pricing its services in the
     9     exchange at its discretion.
    10         (2)  The commission, following public notice, shall
    11     approve the petition within 60 days if shown by the rural
    12     telecommunications carrier that the alternative service
    13     provider is providing local exchange telecommunications
    14     services in the exchange.
    15         (3)  Any party with standing shall have the right to
    16     challenge the lawfulness of any petition filed or of any rate
    17     change pursuant to section 701 (relating to complaints).
    18         (4)  Following approval of a petition, the rural
    19     telecommunications carrier shall tariff any changes in
    20     noncompetitive rates effective one day after filing.
    21         (5)  The rural telecommunications carrier shall give
    22     notice to all customers impacted by any rate increases in the
    23     form of a bill insert, bill message, written notice or
    24     newspaper notice at least ten days prior to the tariff
    25     filing.
    26     (d)  Reclassification.--The commission shall have the
    27  authority to reclassify a telecommunications service or other
    28  service or business activity that it has previously found to be
    29  competitive if, after notice and hearing, it determines, upon
    30  application of the criteria set forth in this chapter, that
    20030S0961B1270                 - 28 -     

     1  sufficient competition is no longer present, that the local
     2  exchange telecommunications company has engaged in unfair
     3  competition with respect to the service or that the local
     4  exchange telecommunications company has failed to provide
     5  nondiscriminatory access in the provision of the service. If the
     6  commission finds that a reclassification is necessary, the
     7  commission must determine whether the rate for the
     8  telecommunications service or other service or business activity
     9  is just and reasonable in accordance with section 1301 (relating
    10  to rates to be just and reasonable). If the telecommunications
    11  service or other service or business activity subsequently
    12  becomes competitive, the local exchange telecommunications
    13  company shall petition the commission to make a determination of
    14  competitiveness for the service under the provisions of this
    15  chapter. The burden of proving that a competitive service should
    16  be declared noncompetitive rests on the party seeking to have
    17  the service declared noncompetitive.
    18     (e)  Additional requirements.--
    19         (1)  The prices which a local exchange telecommunications
    20     company charges for competitive services shall not be less
    21     than the costs to provide the services.
    22         (2)  Tariffs for competitive service offerings are not
    23     required to be filed with the commission. However, a local
    24     exchange telecommunications company, at its option, may
    25     tariff its rates, rules and regulations applicable to the
    26     provision of competitive services. The commission may require
    27     a local exchange telecommunications company to maintain price
    28     lists with the commission applicable to its competitive
    29     services.
    30     (f)  Pricing flexibility and bundling.--
    20030S0961B1270                 - 29 -     

     1         (1)  Subject to the requirements of subsection (e)(1), a
     2     local exchange telecommunications company may price
     3     competitive services at the company's discretion.
     4         (2)  A local exchange telecommunications company may
     5     offer and bill to customers on one bill bundled packages of
     6     services which include nontariffed, competitive,
     7     noncompetitive or protected services, including services of
     8     an affiliate, in combinations and at a single price selected
     9     by the company.
    10         (3)  If a customer subscribes to a bundled package of
    11     services which include nontariffed, competitive,
    12     noncompetitive or protected services as provided in paragraph
    13     (2) and does not make payment on a billing due date, the
    14     local exchange telecommunications company may first suspend
    15     all of the customer's services subscribed to in the bundled
    16     package following written notice to the customer of such
    17     suspension at least seven days prior to the suspension and
    18     thereafter may terminate all the customer's bundled package
    19     services following written notice to the customer of such
    20     termination at least ten days prior to the termination.
    21     (g)  Prohibitions.--
    22         (1)  A local exchange telecommunications company shall be
    23     prohibited from using revenues earned or expenses incurred in
    24     conjunction with protected services to subsidize competitive
    25     services.
    26         (2)  Paragraph (1) shall not be construed to prevent the
    27     marketing and billing of noncompetitive and competitive
    28     services as packages to customers.
    29  § 3017.  Access charges.
    30     (a)  General rule.--The commission may not require a local
    20030S0961B1270                 - 30 -     

     1  exchange telecommunications company to reduce access rates
     2  except on a revenue-neutral basis, provided, however, that
     3  commission-ordered decreases in access rates for a nonrural
     4  telecommunications carrier shall result only upon petition of
     5  the carrier.
     6     (b)  Refusal to pay access charges prohibited.--No person or
     7  entity may refuse to pay tariffed access charges for
     8  interexchange services provided by a local exchange
     9  telecommunications company.
    10     (c)  Limitation.--No telecommunications carrier providing
    11  competitive local exchange telecommunications service may charge
    12  access rates higher than those charged by the incumbent local
    13  exchange telecommunications company in the same service
    14  territory, unless such carrier can demonstrate, by substantial
    15  evidence, that the higher access rates are cost justified.
    16  § 3018.  Interexchange telecommunications carriers.
    17     (a)  Competitive and noncompetitive services.--Interexchange
    18  services provided by interexchange telecommunications carriers
    19  shall continue to be competitive services after December 31,
    20  2003, except for the provision of the following interexchange
    21  services which shall be noncompetitive services unless declared
    22  otherwise by the commission pursuant to section 3016 (relating
    23  to competitive services):
    24         (1)  Interexchange service to aggregator telephones.
    25         (2)  Optional calling plans required by the commission to
    26     be offered when justified by usage over an interexchange
    27     route.
    28     (b)  Rate regulation.--
    29         (1)  The commission may not fix or prescribe the rates,
    30     tolls, charges, rate structures, rate base, rate of return,
    20030S0961B1270                 - 31 -     

     1     operating margin or earnings for interexchange competitive
     2     services or otherwise regulate interexchange competitive
     3     services except as set forth in this chapter.
     4         (2)  An interexchange telecommunications carrier may file
     5     and maintain tariffs or price lists with the commission for
     6     competitive telecommunications services.
     7         (3)  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit
     8     the authority of the commission to regulate the privacy of
     9     interexchange service and the ordering, installation,
    10     restoration and disconnection of interexchange service to
    11     customers.
    12     (c)  Reclassification.--The commission may reclassify
    13  telecommunications services provided by an interexchange
    14  telecommunications carrier as noncompetitive if, after notice
    15  and hearing, it determines, upon application of the criteria set
    16  forth in this chapter, that sufficient competition is no longer
    17  present.
    18     (d)  Construction.--Nothing in this chapter shall be
    19  construed:
    20         (1)  To limit the authority of the commission to resolve
    21     complaints regarding the quality of interexchange
    22     telecommunications carrier service.
    23         (2)  To limit the authority of the commission to
    24     determine whether an interexchange telecommunications carrier
    25     should be extended the privilege of operating within this
    26     Commonwealth or to order the filing of such reports,
    27     documents and information as may be necessary to monitor the
    28     market for and competitiveness of interexchange
    29     telecommunications services.
    30  § 3019.  Additional powers and duties.
    20030S0961B1270                 - 32 -     

     1     (a)  General rule.--The commission may certify more than one
     2  telecommunications carrier to provide local exchange
     3  telecommunications service in a specific geographic location.
     4  The certification shall be granted upon a showing that it is in
     5  the public interest and that the applicant possesses sufficient
     6  technical, financial and managerial resources.
     7     (b)  Powers and duties retained.--The commission shall retain
     8  the following powers and duties relating to the regulation of
     9  all telecommunications carriers and interexchange
    10  telecommunications carriers:
    11         (1)  To audit the accounting and reporting systems of
    12     telecommunications carriers relating to their transactions
    13     with affiliates pursuant to Chapter 21 (relating to relations
    14     with affiliated interests). A telecommunications carrier
    15     shall file affiliated interest and affiliated transaction
    16     agreements, unless such agreements involve services declared
    17     to be competitive. The filings shall constitute notice to the
    18     commission only and shall not require approval by the
    19     commission.
    20         (2)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
    21     chapter, all services provided by a telecommunications
    22     carrier shall remain subject to all provisions of this title
    23     and other laws of this Commonwealth regarding the safety,
    24     adequacy, reliability and privacy of telecommunications
    25     services or other services or business activities. All new
    26     services or changes to existing noncompetitive services must
    27     be reviewed by the commission prior to their being offered to
    28     the public to ensure compliance with all applicable
    29     provisions regarding safety, adequacy, reliability and
    30     privacy of telecommunications services. The commission shall
    20030S0961B1270                 - 33 -     

     1     have the authority to reject or modify any such service to
     2     the extent the commission finds, after notice and opportunity
     3     for hearing, that the service is not in compliance with any
     4     such provision. Nothing in this chapter shall affect the
     5     commission's authority to regulate with respect to the
     6     ordering, installation, suspension, termination and
     7     restoration of any service, except as may be expressly set
     8     forth in this chapter.
     9         (3)  Subject to the provisions of section 3015(d)
    10     (relating to alternative forms of regulation), to establish
    11     such additional requirements as are consistent with this
    12     chapter as the commission determines to be necessary to
    13     ensure the protection of customers.
    14     (c)  Privacy of customer information.--
    15         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a
    16     telecommunications carrier may not disclose to any person
    17     information relating to any customer's patterns of use,
    18     equipment and network information and any accumulated records
    19     about customers.
    20         (2)  A telecommunications carrier may disclose such
    21     information:
    22             (i)  Pursuant to a court order or where otherwise
    23         required by law.
    24             (ii)  To the carrier's affiliates, agents,
    25         contractors or vendors and other telecommunications
    26         carriers or interexchange telecommunications carriers, as
    27         permitted by law.
    28             (iii)  Where the information consists of aggregate
    29         data which does not identify individual customers.
    30     (d)  Unreasonable preferences.--Nothing in this chapter shall
    20030S0961B1270                 - 34 -     

     1  limit the authority of the commission to ensure that local
     2  exchange telecommunications companies do not make or impose
     3  unjust preferences, discriminations or classifications for
     4  protected services and other noncompetitive services.
     5     (e)  Method for fixing rates.--The commission may not fix or
     6  prescribe the rates, tolls, charges, rate structures, rate base,
     7  rate of return or earnings of competitive services or otherwise
     8  regulate competitive services except as set forth in this
     9  chapter.
    10     (f)  Implementation.--The terms of a local exchange
    11  telecommunications company's alternative form of regulation and
    12  network modernization plans shall govern the regulation of the
    13  local exchange telecommunications company and, consistent with
    14  the provisions of this chapter, shall supersede any conflicting
    15  provisions of this title or other laws of this Commonwealth and
    16  shall specifically supersede all provisions of Chapter 13
    17  (relating to rates and rate making) other than sections 1301
    18  (relating to rates to be just and reasonable), 1302 (relating to
    19  tariffs; filing and inspection), 1303 (relating to adherence to
    20  tariffs), 1304 (relating to discrimination in rates), 1305
    21  (relating to advance payment of rates; interest on deposits),
    22  1309 (relating to rates fixed on complaint; investigation of
    23  costs of production) and 1312 (relating to refunds).
    24  § 3020.  Expiration of chapter.
    25     This chapter shall expire on December 31, 2015, unless sooner
    26  reenacted by the General Assembly; provided, however, that a
    27  local exchange telecommunications company's alternative form of
    28  regulation in effect at that time shall continue.
    29     Section 3.  The provisions of this act are severable. If any
    30  provision of this act or its application to any person or
    20030S0961B1270                 - 35 -     

     1  circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect
     2  other provisions or applications of this act which can be given
     3  effect without the invalid provision or application.
     4     Section 4.  Section 2471 of the act of February 1, 1966 (1965
     5  P.L.1656, No.581), known as The Borough Code, is repealed to the
     6  extent it is inconsistent with this act.
     7     Section 5.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2004, or
     8  immediately, whichever occurs later.

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