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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1058



No. 962 Session of 1997

           MAY 5, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of November 17, 1982 (P.L.676, No.192),
     2     entitled "An act establishing standards for the body and
     3     frame design and construction and the installation of
     4     plumbing, heating and electrical systems for manufactured
     5     homes; defining terms; requiring manufactured homes to bear a
     6     label issued by the United States Department of Housing and
     7     Urban Development; providing for the administration of the
     8     act; providing for enforcement and penalties; and making a
     9     repeal," adding definitions; providing for installation of
    10     manufactured homes; establishing additional fees; and
    11     establishing the Industrialized Housing Account.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The Definition of "department" in section 2 of
    15  the act of November 17, 1982 (P.L.676, No.192), known as the
    16  Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards
    17  Authorization Act, is amended and the section is amended by
    18  adding definitions to read:
    19  Section 2.  Definitions.
    20     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    21  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    22  meanings given to them in this section:

     1     "Certified installer" or "installer."  A manufacturer, dealer
     2  or third person certified under section 3.1 to engage in the
     3  installation of manufactured homes on site.
     4     * * *
     5     "Department."  The Department of Community [Affairs] and
     6  Economic Development of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     7     * * *
     8     "Installation."  The assembly of manufactured homes on site
     9  and the process of affixing manufactured homes to land, a
    10  foundation, footings, utilities or an existing building. The
    11  term includes the process of affixing manufactured home
    12  components to or within the housing structure for which they are
    13  designed.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    16  Section 3.1.  Installation of manufactured homes.
    17     (a)  The department shall present a certificate to install
    18  manufactured housing onsite to any individual who presents
    19  evidence satisfactory to the department that the individual has
    20  attended and satisfactorily completed a manufactured housing
    21  installation course of study approved by the department at which
    22  instruction has been given concerning soil density and ability
    23  to determine soil density, an understanding of installation
    24  instructions and the principals of weight distribution of
    25  manufactured home to foundation. To satisfy these requirements,
    26  a course of study shall include classroom instruction, field
    27  directions for installation and a written test. The department
    28  shall promulgate regulations to require each installer to
    29  participate in continuing education programs and to demonstrate
    30  continued competency and compliance with this act in order to
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     1  remain certified.
     2     (b)  Notwithstanding any other statute, regulation or
     3  ordinance, a manufactured home shall be installed by an
     4  installer in accordance with one or more of the following:
     5         (1)  The manufacturer's recommended installation
     6     requirements as set forth in 24 CFR 3280 (relating to
     7     manufactured home construction and safety standards).
     8         (2)  Manufactured home installations approved by the
     9     American National Standards Institute as ANSI A225.1-1994.
    10         (3)  The manufacturer's setup specifications for that
    11     type of home, model and location.
    12         (4)  Plans sealed by a registered professional engineer
    13     or subrules established by the department, if:
    14             (i)  the design is engineered specifically for the
    15         manufactured home; and
    16             (ii)  the designer used criteria specified in
    17         paragraphs (1), (2) and (3).
    18     (c)  The homeowner shall be provided, prior to occupancy,
    19  with a notarized certificate of installation from the installer
    20  or, in the case of a new home, from the manufactured housing
    21  dealer if the dealer arranged for the installation, which shall
    22  state that the home was set up by the installer according to the
    23  manufacturer's specifications for that home. The department
    24  shall prepare and promulgate the certificate of installation to
    25  be used by installers and manufactured housing dealers.
    26     (d)  Should any damage occur to the home in the future as a
    27  result of improper initial installation or setup:
    28         (1)  If the dealer has arranged for installation, the
    29     dealer and the installer shall be jointly and severally
    30     liable for the cost of repairs resulting from the damage as
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     1     long as it remains on the site where the home was originally
     2     installed.
     3         (2)  If the dealer has not arranged for installation, the
     4     installer shall be liable for the cost of repairs resulting
     5     from the damage as long as it remains on the site where the
     6     home was originally installed.
     7         (3)  If the home is transported or moved from the site
     8     where the home was originally installed, all liability under
     9     this subsection shall cease.
    10         (4)  This subsection shall not remove:
    11             (i)  the responsibility of an installer who
    12         subsequently sets up the home at another location from
    13         the original site of installation to install and set up
    14         the home at the new site according to the manufacturer's
    15         original setup specifications for that type of home,
    16         model and location; or
    17             (ii)  the liability of an installer under
    18         subparagraph (i) for repairs and replacement costs
    19         resulting from improper installation or setup of the
    20         home.
    21     (e)  The certificate of installation promulgated under
    22  subsection (a), when completed, will certify that the
    23  installation has been accomplished under this act. Within ten
    24  days of the completion of the installation the following
    25  requirements shall be met:
    26         (1)  A copy of the form shall be submitted to the
    27     department.
    28         (2)  A copy shall be submitted to the manufacturer.
    29         (3)  A copy shall be submitted to the manufactured
    30     housing dealer.
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     1         (4)  A copy shall be provided to the manufactured housing
     2     owner.
     3         (5)  A copy shall be retained in the file of the
     4     certified installer.
     5     (f)  At least one member of any installation or setup crew
     6  involved in the installation of the manufactured home is
     7  required to be certified under subsection (a).
     8     (g)  The department shall establish a filing fee in the
     9  amount of $20 for each form certifying proper installation. The
    10  department shall establish a certification fee of $100 per year
    11  for each certified installer.
    12     (h)  The department is authorized to conduct inspections of
    13  manufactured housing installations to ensure compliance with
    14  this act.
    15     (i)  Upon inspection and investigation, the department shall
    16  have the authority to suspend the certificate of any installer
    17  if, based on good cause shown, the department is satisfied that
    18  installation and setup done under the direction and control of
    19  the licensed installer is not performed in accordance with
    20  subsection (b).
    21     (j)  The requirements of this section shall apply to all
    22  manufactured homes regardless of the date of manufacture.
    23  Section 9.1.  Industrialized Housing Account.
    24     All fees and civil penalties collected under this act shall
    25  be deposited in the Industrialized Housing Account established
    26  in the act of May 11, 1972 (P.L.286, No.70), known as the
    27  "Industrialized Housing Act." The department shall draw from the
    28  account sufficient funds to cover the administrative and
    29  enforcement costs of operating the program. Such funds are
    30  hereby appropriated to the department to carry out the purposes
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     1  of this act.
     2     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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