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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1148, 2237               PRINTER'S NO. 2257



No. 962 Session of 2001

           JUNE 11, 2001

           OCTOBER 1, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789, No.285), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to insurance; establishing an
     3     insurance department; and amending, revising, and
     4     consolidating the law relating to the licensing,
     5     qualification, regulation, examination, suspension, and
     6     dissolution of insurance companies, Lloyds associations,
     7     reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and certain
     8     societies and orders, the examination and regulation of fire
     9     insurance rating bureaus, and the licensing and regulation of
    10     insurance agents and brokers; the service of legal process
    11     upon foreign insurance companies, associations or exchanges;
    12     providing penalties, and repealing existing laws," providing
    13     for licensing and regulation of insurance producers, managers
    14     and exclusive general agents; conferring powers and imposing
    15     duties on the Insurance Commissioner and Insurance
    16     Department; imposing penalties; and making repeals.

    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:
    19     Section 1.  Article VI of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789,
    20  No.285), known as The Insurance Department Act of 1921, is
    21  repealed.
    22     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding articles to read:
    23                            ARTICLE VI-A
    24                        INSURANCE PRODUCERS

     1                            SUBARTICLE A
     2                             LICENSING
     3                             DIVISION 1
     5  Section 601-A.  Definitions.
     6     The following words and phrases when used in this article
     7  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     8  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Applicant."  An individual who has passed or is exempt from
    10  taking the insurance producer licensing examination required by
    11  section 604-A.
    12     "Application."  A form approved by the Insurance Commissioner
    13  to be used to apply to the Insurance Department for an insurance
    14  producer license.
    15     "Appointment."  A written agreement between an insurance
    16  producer and an insurance entity under which the insurance
    17  producer may sell, solicit or negotiate contracts of insurance
    18  issued by the insurance entity, for compensation.
    19     "Business entity."  A person which is not an individual.
    20     "Business entity application."  A form approved by the
    21  Insurance Commissioner to be used by a business entity to apply
    22  to the Insurance Department for an insurance producer license.
    23     "Candidate."  An individual who has satisfactorily completed
    24  or is exempt from the preexamination educational requirements of
    25  section 604-A.
    26     "Commissioner."  The Insurance Commissioner of the
    27  Commonwealth.
    28     "Department."  The Insurance Department of the Commonwealth.
    29     "Designated licensee."  An individual who is licensed by the
    30  Insurance Department as an insurance producer and who is
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     1  designated by a business entity to be responsible for the
     2  business entity's compliance with the insurance laws and
     3  regulations of this Commonwealth.
     4     "Exclusive general agent."  A licensee:
     5         (1)  which has been granted sole authority to act
     6     directly or indirectly as an insurance producer for a
     7     domestic insurer with respect to a specific portion of the
     8     insurer's business or within a specific territory;
     9         (2)  which has the authority to bind coverage on behalf
    10     of the insurer; and
    11         (3)  either separately or together with affiliates or
    12     subproducers directly or indirectly produces and underwrites
    13     in any one year an amount of gross direct written premium
    14     equal to or more than 25% of the surplus as regards
    15     policyholders as reported in the last annual statement of the
    16     insurer.
    17     "Financial institution."  A Federal or State-chartered bank,
    18  bank and trust company, savings bank, savings and loan
    19  association, trust company or credit union.
    20     "Home state."  The District of Columbia or a state or
    21  territory of the United States in which an insurance producer
    22  maintains the producer's principal place of residence or
    23  principal place of business and is licensed to act as a resident
    24  insurance producer.
    25     "Insurance entity."  A person doing business involving the
    26  insuring of risks. The term includes insurers.
    27     "Insurance producer."  A person that sells, solicits or
    28  negotiates contracts of insurance.
    29     "Insurer."  An insurance company, association, exchange,
    30  interinsurance exchange, health maintenance organization,
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     1  preferred provider organization, professional health services
     2  plan corporation subject to 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to
     3  professional health services plan corporations), a hospital plan
     4  corporation subject to 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to hospital
     5  plan corporations), fraternal benefits society, beneficial
     6  association, Lloyd's insurer or health plan corporation.
     7     "Licensee."  A person licensed by the Insurance Department as
     8  an insurance producer.
     9     "Limited line credit insurance."  Includes credit life,
    10  credit disability, credit property, credit unemployment,
    11  involuntary unemployment, mortgage life, mortgage guaranty,
    12  mortgage disability, guaranteed automobile protection (GAP)
    13  insurance and any other form of insurance offered in connection
    14  with an extension of credit that is limited to partially or
    15  wholly extinguishing that credit obligation designated by the
    16  Insurance Commissioner as a form of limited line credit
    17  insurance.
    18     "Line of authority."  The licensed ability to sell, solicit
    19  or negotiate particular classes or types of insurance, including
    20  the following:
    21         (1) Life. Insurance coverage on human lives, including
    22     benefits of endowment and annuities, and may include benefits
    23     in the event of death or dismemberment by accident and
    24     benefits for disability income.
    25         (2)  Accident and health or sickness. Insurance coverage
    26     for sickness, bodily injury or accidental death and may
    27     include benefits for disability income.
    28         (3)  Property. Insurance coverage for the direct or
    29     consequential loss or damage to property of every kind.
    30         (4)  Casualty. Insurance coverage against legal
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     1     liability, including that for death, injury or disability or
     2     damage to real or personal property.
     3         (5)  Variable life and variable annuity products.
     4     Insurance coverage provided under variable life insurance
     5     contracts and variable annuities.
     6         (6)  Personal lines. Property and casualty insurance
     7     coverage sold to individuals and families primarily for
     8     noncommercial purposes.
     9         (7)  Credit. Limited line credit insurance.
    10         (8)  Limited line. Any other line of insurance as
    11     determined by the Insurance Commissioner.
    12     "Manager."  A person that negotiates and binds ceding
    13  reinsurance contracts on behalf of a domestic insurer or manages
    14  all or part of the insurance business of an insurer and does not
    15  act as an agent for such insurer.
    16     "NAIC."  The National Association of Insurance Commissioners,
    17  its subsidiaries and affiliates.
    18     "Negotiate."  To confer directly with or to offer advice
    19  directly to a purchaser or prospective purchaser of a particular
    20  contract of insurance concerning the substantive benefits, terms
    21  or conditions of the contract, provided that the person engaged
    22  in that act either sells insurance or obtains insurance from
    23  insurers for purchasers.
    24     "Nonresident insurance producer."  An insurance producer
    25  whose home state is a state or territory other than this
    26  Commonwealth.
    27     "Rental agreement."  Any written agreement setting forth the
    28  terms and conditions governing the use of a vehicle provided by
    29  the rental company for rental or lease.
    30     "Rental company."  A person or entity in the business of
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     1  providing primarily private passenger vehicles to the public
     2  under a rental agreement for a period not to exceed 90 days.
     3     "Renter."  Any person and other authorized drivers obtaining
     4  use of a vehicle from a rental company under the terms of a
     5  rental agreement for a period not to exceed 90 days.
     6     "Sell."  To exchange a contract of insurance by any means,
     7  for money or its equivalent, on behalf of an insurance entity.
     8     "Solicit."  To attempt to sell insurance or ask or urge a
     9  person to apply for a particular kind of insurance from a
    10  particular insurance entity.
    11     "Vehicle" or "rental vehicle."  A motor vehicle of the
    12  private passenger type, including passenger vans, minivans and
    13  sport utility vehicles, and of the cargo type, including cargo
    14  vans, pickup trucks and trucks with gross vehicle weight of less
    15  than 26,000 pounds and which do not require the operator to
    16  possess a commercial driver's license.
    17  Section 602-A.  Powers and duties of department.
    18     (a)  Responsibilities.--The commissioner shall do all of the
    19  following:
    20         (1)  License insurance producers in accordance with this
    21     act.
    22         (2)  Approve and administer, or contract for the overall
    23     administration of the preexamination program, preexamination
    24     courses of study, insurance producer licensing examinations
    25     and continuing education programs. A preexamination education
    26     program approved by the department shall include no less than
    27     three credit hours on ethics.
    28     (b)  Authorizations.--The commissioner may do all of the
    29  following:
    30         (1)  Secure or require any documents or information,
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     1     including fingerprints, reasonably necessary to verify the
     2     accuracy of information provided on an application.
     3         (2)  Participate with the NAIC in a centralized insurance
     4     producer license registry for purposes of submitting or
     5     obtaining information on insurance producers, including
     6     licensing history, lines of authority and regulatory action.
     7         (3)  Approve forms to be used by individuals and business
     8     entities to apply to the department for an insurance producer
     9     license.
    10         (4)  Approve additional limited lines of authority.
    11  Section 603-A.  License required.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b), a
    13  person shall not sell, solicit or negotiate a contract of
    14  insurance in this Commonwealth unless the person is licensed as
    15  an insurance producer for the line of authority under which the
    16  contract is issued.
    17     (b)  Exceptions.--The following persons shall not be
    18  insurance producers for purposes of this act:
    19         (1)  An insurer. For purposes of this exemption the term
    20     does not include an insurer's officers, directors or
    21     employees.
    22         (2)  An employee of an insurer or a rating organization
    23     employed by an insurer:
    24             (i)  who is not engaged in the sale, solicitation or
    25         negotiation of insurance contracts; and
    26             (ii)  who:
    27                 (A)  inspects, rates or classifies risks; or
    28                 (B)  supervises the training of insurance
    29             producers.
    30         (3)  An officer, director or employee of an insurer or of
    20010S0962B2257                  - 7 -

     1     an insurance producer if the officer, director or employee
     2     does not receive a commission on policies written or sold to
     3     insure risks residing, located or to be performed in this
     4     Commonwealth and:
     5             (i)  the officer, director or employee's activities
     6         are executive, administrative, managerial, clerical or a
     7         combination of these and are only indirectly related to
     8         the sale, solicitation or negotiation of insurance. These
     9         activities may include discussing and informing on
    10         insurance inquiries and matters, so long as no
    11         recommendation is made with respect to specific
    12         coverages, products or rates; receiving requests for
    13         coverage for transmittal to a licensee or insurance
    14         entity; assisting with the completion of applications at
    15         the licensee's or insurance entity's place of business;
    16         passing on to the licensee inquiries of a particular
    17         nature; receiving premium payments delivered to the
    18         licensee or insurance entity for coverage and issuing
    19         receipts on behalf of the licensee or insurance entity;
    20         and collecting expiration date information from clients
    21         or potential clients;
    22             (ii)  the officer, director or employee's function
    23         relates to underwriting, loss control, inspection or the
    24         processing, adjusting, investigating or settling of a
    25         claim on a contract of insurance; or
    26             (iii)  the officer, director or employee is acting in
    27         the capacity of assisting insurance producers where the
    28         person's activities are limited to providing technical
    29         advice and assistance to licensed insurance producers and
    30         does not include the sale, solicitation or negotiation of
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     1         insurance.
     2         (4)  A person that does any of the following, provided no
     3     commission is paid for the services:
     4             (i)  Secures and furnishes written information for
     5         the purpose of group life insurance, group property and
     6         casualty insurance, group annuities, group or blanket
     7         accident and health insurance.
     8             (ii)  Performs administrative services related to the
     9         enrollment of individuals under plans.
    10             (iii)  Issues certificates under plans or otherwise
    11         assists in administering plans.
    12             (iv)  Performs administrative services related to
    13         mass marketed property and casualty insurance.
    14             (v)  Provides risk management services to a business
    15         entity.
    16         (5)  An employer, including an association, or the
    17     trustees of an employee trust plan and their officers,
    18     directors and employees if:
    19             (i)  the employer, trustees, officers, directors or
    20         employees are engaged in the administration or operation
    21         of an employee benefits program;
    22             (ii)  the employee benefits program includes
    23         insurance issued by an insurer for the benefit of the
    24         employer's employees or the employees of its subsidiaries
    25         or affiliates; and
    26             (iii)  the employer, trustees, officers, directors or
    27         employees are not compensated, directly or indirectly, by
    28         the insurer issuing the policy of insurance.
    29         (6)  A person engaged in the advertising of insurance in
    30     this Commonwealth if:
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     1             (i)  the person does not sell, solicit or negotiate
     2         insurance for risks residing, located or to be performed
     3         in this Commonwealth; and
     4             (ii)  the advertising is distributed to persons
     5         residing both within and outside this Commonwealth
     6         through the use of printed publications or other forms of
     7         electronic mass media.
     8         (7)  A person who:
     9             (i)  Is not a resident of this Commonwealth.
    10             (ii)  Sells, solicits or negotiates a contract of
    11         insurance for commercial property and casualty risks to
    12         an insured with risks located in more than one state
    13         under that contract.
    14             (iii)  Is licensed as an insurance producer to sell,
    15         solicit or negotiate that line of authority in the state
    16         where the insured maintains its principal place of
    17         business.
    18             (iv)  The contract of insurance insures risks located
    19         in the state where the insured maintains its principal
    20         place of business.
    21         (8)  A salaried full-time employee who:
    22             (i)  counsels or advises the employee's employer on
    23         the employer's insurance issues; and
    24             (ii)  does not sell or solicit insurance or receive a
    25         commission.
    26         (9)  Officers, employees or contract vendors of the
    27     rental company who perform administrative functions, provide
    28     clerical support or enroll renters on behalf of the rental
    29     company which offers insurance coverages in connection with
    30     and incidental to the rental of motor vehicles at rental
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     1     offices, over the Internet or by preselection of coverage in
     2     master, corporate or group rental agreements. An officer,
     3     employee or contract vendor of the rental company may make
     4     insurance coverage available to renters. They may not receive
     5     compensation in the form of a monetary incentive based solely
     6     on the sale of such insurance.
     7  Section 604-A.  License prerequisites.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Prior to applying to the department for
     9  an insurance producer license, an individual shall do the
    10  following:
    11         (1)  satisfactorily complete the preexamination education
    12     requirements of subsection (b); and
    13         (2)  pass an insurance producer licensing examination
    14     required for the lines of authority for which a candidate
    15     desires a license.
    16     (b)  Preexamination education requirements.--Prior to making
    17  an application for the insurance producer licensing examination,
    18  an individual who desires to be licensed as an insurance
    19  producer shall complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of approved
    20  preexamination courses. Upon satisfactory completion of an
    21  approved preexamination course of study, the individual shall be
    22  issued proof of completion by the provider.
    23     (c)  Insurance producer licensing examination.--Except as
    24  provided in subsection (d), upon satisfactory completion of an
    25  approved preexamination course of study a candidate may apply to
    26  take an insurance producer licensing examination. A candidate
    27  shall remit a completed application for examination indicating
    28  the lines of authority for which the candidate desires to be
    29  licensed, a copy of the candidate's approved preexamination
    30  study certificate and the nonrefundable examination fee
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     1  established by the department prior to taking an insurance
     2  producer licensing examination.
     3     (d)  Exceptions.--The examination or preexamination education
     4  requirements of this act shall not be required if the person is:
     5         (1)  A business entity.
     6         (2)  A person who possesses the professional designation
     7     of Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) and is applying for life
     8     or accident and health line of authority.
     9         (3)  A person who possesses the professional designation
    10     of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) and is
    11     applying for property, casualty or accident and health line
    12     of authority.
    13         (4)  A person who possesses the professional designation
    14     of Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) and is applying for
    15     life, accident and health, or property and casualty line of
    16     authority.
    17         (5)  A person who possesses any other professional
    18     designation for which the requirements are waived by the
    19     commissioner.
    20         (6)  A person who is licensed in another state as an
    21     insurance producer for the lines of authority for which the
    22     person desires to be licensed under section 606-A or 610-A.
    23         (7)  A person who has a line of authority limited to
    24     LIMITED LINE credit insurance.                                 <--
    25         (8)  A person who has a line of authority limited to a
    26     limited line.
    27         (9)  An individual whose line of authority will be
    28     restricted to domestic mutual fire insurance and will be with
    29     an insurer writing only coverage other than insurance upon
    30     automobiles as authorized by section 202(b)(1) through (3) of
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     1     the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The
     2     Insurance Company Law of 1921.
     3         (10)  The individual whose line of authority will be
     4     restricted fraternal pursuant to section 609 of the act of
     5     December 14, 1992 (P.L.835, No.134), known as the Fraternal
     6     Benefit Societies Code.
     7  Section 605-A.  Application for insurance producer license.
     8     (a)  Individual application.--An applicant with a principal
     9  place of residence or business within this Commonwealth may
    10  apply to the department for a resident insurance producer
    11  license. An applicant with a principal place of residence or
    12  business outside this Commonwealth may apply for a nonresident
    13  insurance producer license. An applicant shall submit to the
    14  department:
    15         (1)  a completed application indicating the lines of
    16     authority for which the applicant desires to be licensed;
    17         (2)  the applicant's fingerprints, in order for the
    18     department to receive national criminal history records
    19     information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal
    20     Justice Information Services Division;
    21         (3)  documentation verifying that the applicant passed or
    22     is exempt from the insurance producer licensing examination
    23     on the lines of authority for which the applicant desires a
    24     license; and
    25         (4)  the required license fee and fees for obtaining
    26     national criminal history records information.
    27     (b)  Business entity application.--Upon designating one or
    28  more individuals licensed under this act to be responsible for
    29  the business entity's compliance with the insurance laws and
    30  regulations of the Commonwealth, a business entity may apply to
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     1  the department for an insurance producer license for the same
     2  lines of authority held by the designated licensees. A business
     3  entity with an office in this Commonwealth shall apply for a
     4  resident insurance producer license. A business entity that does
     5  not have an office in this Commonwealth shall apply for a
     6  nonresident insurance producer license. The designated licensees
     7  of the business entity shall submit to the department:
     8         (1)  a completed application indicating the lines of
     9     authority for which the business entity desires to be
    10     licensed;
    11         (2)  proof of the licenses held by the designated
    12     licensees; and
    13         (3)  the required license fee.
    14     (c)  License fee.--
    15         (1)  Residents. A nonrefundable $55 fee shall accompany
    16     an application for a resident insurance producer license
    17     until modified by the department by regulation.
    18         (2)  Nonresidents. A nonrefundable $110 fee shall
    19     accompany an application for a nonresident insurance producer
    20     license until modified by the department by regulation.
    21  Section 606-A.  Licensing.
    22     (a)  Applicants.--The department shall review each
    23  application and may conduct an investigation of each applicant
    24  who applies for a license in accordance with this act. The
    25  department shall issue a resident or nonresident insurance
    26  producer license, as appropriate, to the applicant when the
    27  department determines that all of the following criteria have
    28  been met:
    29         (1)  The applicant has reached 18 years of age.
    30         (2)  The applicant has not committed any act which is
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     1     prohibited under this act.
     2         (3)  The applicant has satisfied the preexamination
     3     education requirements of this act.
     4         (4)  The applicant has passed or is exempt from the
     5     insurance producer licensing examination on the lines of
     6     authority for which the applicant has applied for licensing.
     7         (5)  The applicant has paid all applicable fees
     8     established pursuant to this act.
     9         (6)  The applicant possesses the general fitness,
    10     competence and reliability sufficient to satisfy the
    11     department that the applicant is worthy of licensure.
    12     (b)  Business entities.--The department shall review each
    13  application and may conduct an investigation of each business
    14  entity seeking licensure and its designated licensees. The
    15  department shall issue a resident or nonresident insurance
    16  producer license, as appropriate, to the business entity when
    17  the department determines that all of the following criteria
    18  have been met:
    19         (1)  The business entity has one or more designated
    20     licensees.
    21         (2)  The business entity's designated licensees are
    22     licensees in good standing with the department.
    23         (3)  The business entity is applying for licensure for
    24     the same lines of authority held by the designated licensees.
    25         (4)  The business entity or its designated licensees have
    26     not committed any act which is prohibited under this act.
    27         (5)  The business entity is owned, operated and managed
    28     by persons possessing the general fitness, competence and
    29     reliability sufficient to satisfy the department that the
    30     business entity is worthy of licensure.
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     1         (6)  The business entity has paid all applicable fees.
     2         (7)  Such other criteria as the department may establish.
     3  Section 606.1-A.  Change of home state.
     4     (a)  General rule.--Upon establishing a principal place of
     5  residence or business within this Commonwealth, an individual
     6  who is licensed as a resident insurance producer in another
     7  state or territory may apply to the department to become
     8  licensed in this Commonwealth as a resident insurance producer
     9  for the equivalent lines of authority for which the individual
    10  is licensed in the individual's former home state. Within 90
    11  days of establishing a principal place of residence or business
    12  in this Commonwealth, the individual shall submit to the
    13  department a completed application indicating the lines of
    14  authority for which the individual desires to be licensed and
    15  for which the individual is licensed in the individual's former
    16  home state, proof of the individual's former home state license
    17  or a letter of clearance from the insurance commissioner of the
    18  individual's former home state and the required license fee. If
    19  the individual desires a resident insurance producer license for
    20  a line of authority for which the individual is not licensed in
    21  the individual's former home state, the individual shall comply
    22  with the requirements of this act prior to making applications
    23  to the department.
    24     (b)  Review of applications.--The department shall review
    25  each application and may conduct an investigation of each
    26  individual who applies for a license in accordance with this
    27  section. The department shall issue a resident insurance
    28  producer license to the individual when the department
    29  determines that all of the following criteria have been met:
    30         (1)  The individual holds a current insurance producer
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     1     license in the individual's former home state or made
     2     application to the department within 90 days of the
     3     cancellation of the individual's license in the individual's
     4     former home state.
     5         (2)  The individual is applying for licensure in the
     6     equivalent lines of authority for which the individual was
     7     licensed in the individual's former home state.
     8         (3)  The individual has not committed any act which is
     9     prohibited under this act.
    10         (4)  The individual has paid all applicable fees.
    11         (5)  The individual:
    12             (i)  was issued a letter of clearance from the
    13         insurance commissioner of the individual's former home
    14         state;
    15             (ii)  was licensed in good standing in the
    16         individual's former home state at the time of
    17         cancellation; or
    18             (iii)  is recorded as being licensed for the lines of
    19         authority and is in good standing in the individual's
    20         former home state's insurance producer records or records
    21         maintained by the NAIC.
    22         (6)  Such other criteria as the department may establish.
    23  Section 607-A.  Issuance and term of license.
    24     An insurance producer license issued by the department shall
    25  be:
    26         (1)  Issued only in the name of the applicant or business
    27     entity. If a licensee is doing business under a fictitious
    28     name other than the name appearing on the producer license,
    29     the licensee is required to notify the commissioner in
    30     writing prior to use of the fictitious name.
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     1         (2)  Issued in paper or electronic form.
     2         (3)  Nontransferable.
     3         (4)  Issued in one or more lines of authority.
     4         (5)  Issued for a period not to exceed two years.
     5  Section 608-A.  License renewals.
     6     (a)  General rule.--A licensee may request renewal of the
     7  license. The licensee shall remit to the department a completed
     8  renewal form, the required fee and verification that the
     9  licensee has completed the continuing education required by this
    10  act. A resident licensee that has not previously submitted
    11  fingerprints to the department shall also submit the licensee's
    12  fingerprints and the fee in order to permit the department to
    13  receive national criminal history records information from the
    14  Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information
    15  Services Division. Upon receipt and review, the department shall
    16  renew the license unless it determines that the licensee is not
    17  in compliance with this act.
    18     (b)  Continuing education.--A licensee shall successfully
    19  complete 24 credit hours of approved continuing education for
    20  each two-year license period as a condition for license renewal
    21  unless modified by the department by regulation. A licensee may
    22  carry forward excess continuing education credit hours up to a
    23  maximum of 24 credit hours from one licensing period to the next
    24  licensing period.
    25     (c)  Continuing education exemptions.--The following
    26  licensees shall be exempt from the requirements of continuing
    27  education:
    28         (1)  A licensee who was licensed as an agent or broker
    29     for a line of authority prior to January 1, 1971, and who has
    30     been continuously licensed as an agent, broker or producer
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     1     for the line of authority since that time.
     2         (2)  A licensee which is a business entity.
     3         (3)  A licensee who has only a limited line of authority.
     4         (4)  A licensee who has a line of authority limited to
     5     restricted fraternal.
     6         (5)  A licensee who has a line of authority limited to
     7     limited line credit INSURANCE if the insurer provided a        <--
     8     course of instruction to each individual whose duties will
     9     include selling, soliciting or negotiating the insurance.
    10         (6)  A nonresident licensee who has satisfied the
    11     continuing education requirements of the licensee's home
    12     state if that state recognizes the satisfaction of its
    13     continuing education requirements by a resident licensee
    14     satisfying the requirements of this act. If the licensee's
    15     home state has continuing education requirements and the
    16     nonresident licensee fails to satisfy the home state's
    17     continuing education requirements, the licensee shall be
    18     subject to continuing education requirements of this act.
    19         (7)  A licensee's line of authority is restricted to
    20     domestic mutual fire insurance and the licensee's appointment
    21     is with an insurer writing only coverage other than insurance
    22     upon automobiles as authorized by section 202(b)(1) through
    23     (3) of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as
    24     The Insurance Company Law of 1921.
    25     (d)  Lapses.--A licensee who allows his or her license to
    26  lapse by failing to timely renew the license, pay the fee
    27  required by this act or complete the continuing education
    28  required by this act may, within one year of the license renewal
    29  date, request the department to reinstate the license. Persons
    30  requesting reinstatement of a lapsed license shall submit a
    20010S0962B2257                 - 19 -

     1  completed renewal form, the fee required by this act and
     2  verification that the person has completed all continuing
     3  education required by subsection (b) for the previously licensed
     4  and lapsed periods. The department shall reinstate the license
     5  retroactively, with the reinstatement effective on the date the
     6  license lapsed, if the department receives a request for
     7  reinstatement together with a completed renewal application,
     8  payment of the lapsed license fee and proof of continuing
     9  education compliance within 60 days after the license lapsed.
    10  The department shall reinstate the license prospectively, with
    11  reinstatement effective on the date that the license is
    12  reinstated, if the department receives a request for
    13  reinstatement of a lapsed license more than 60 days after the
    14  license lapsed. If a person applies for reinstatement more than
    15  one year after the lapse date, the person shall reapply for the
    16  license under this act.
    17     (e)  Extenuating circumstances.--A licensee who is unable to
    18  timely comply with the requirements of subsection (a) as a
    19  result of military service or other extenuating circumstance may
    20  request the department to waive the requirements of having to
    21  complete continuing education for the period in which the
    22  license had lapsed and payment of the lapsed license fee. The
    23  request shall include sufficient detail and supporting
    24  documentation to determine the necessity of the waiver. If the
    25  department determines that there is good cause for
    26  noncompliance, the department shall grant the waiver and permit
    27  the licensee to request renewal of the license in accordance
    28  with this act.
    29     (f)  Renewal fees.--The following nonrefundable fees shall
    30  accompany an application for renewal of an insurance producer
    20010S0962B2257                 - 20 -

     1  license unless modified by the department by regulation:
     2         (1)  Resident renewal fee - $55.
     3         (2)  Non-resident renewal fee - $110.
     4         (3)  Lapsed license renewal fee - $165.
     5  Section 609-A.  Temporary licensing.
     6     (a)  General rule.--If the department determines that the
     7  issuance of a temporary insurance producer license is in the
     8  public interest and that the person requesting the license is
     9  worthy to receive a temporary license, the department may issue
    10  a temporary insurance producer license to the following persons:
    11         (1)  The surviving spouse or court-appointed personal
    12     representative of a resident individual licensee who dies or
    13     becomes mentally or physically disabled. The temporary
    14     license shall be used by the spouse or representative to
    15     operate the insurance business owned by the licensee until:
    16             (i)  the business is sold or transferred;
    17             (ii)  the licensee recovers and returns to the
    18         business; or
    19             (iii)  new personnel is trained and licensed to
    20         operate the licensee's business.
    21         (2)  An owner, partner or employee of a business entity
    22     licensee upon the death or disability of the designated
    23     licensee. The temporary license shall be used by the owner,
    24     partner or employee to operate the business entity until:
    25             (i)  the business is sold or transferred; or
    26             (ii)  new personnel is trained, licensed and
    27         designated as the designated licensee.
    28         (3)  The designee of an individual licensee who enters
    29     active service in the armed forces of the United States.
    30         (4)  Any other person in an extenuating circumstance
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     1     where the commissioner deems that the public interest will
     2     best be served by the issuance of a temporary license.
     3     (b)  Period of license.--The temporary license shall be for a
     4  period not to exceed 180 days and is not transferable.
     5     (c)  Other requirements.--The department may impose
     6  requirements upon a temporary licensee, including requiring a
     7  sponsoring insurer and limiting the lines of authority of a
     8  temporary licensee, as deemed necessary to protect insureds and
     9  the public.
    10     (d)  Revocation.--The department may immediately and without
    11  notice revoke a temporary license if it is deemed in the public
    12  interest.
    13  Section 610-A.  Reciprocal licensing.
    14     (a)  Nonresident individuals.--
    15         (1)  An individual who is currently licensed as a
    16     resident insurance producer in another state or territory may
    17     apply to the department for a nonresident insurance producer
    18     license for the equivalent lines of authority as the
    19     individual is licensed in the individual's home state. The
    20     individual shall submit to the department a completed
    21     application or an updated copy of the individual's home state
    22     application indicating the lines of authority for which the
    23     individual desires to be licensed, proof of the individual's
    24     current home state license and the required license fee. If
    25     the individual desires a nonresident insurance producer
    26     license for a line of authority for which the individual is
    27     not licensed in the individual's home state, the individual
    28     shall comply with the requirements of this act prior to
    29     making application to the department.
    30         (2)  Upon receipt and review of the application, proof of
    20010S0962B2257                 - 22 -

     1     the home state license and the fee, the department shall
     2     issue a nonresident insurance producer license to the
     3     individual for the equivalent lines of authority for which
     4     the individual is licensed in the individual's home state.
     5     The department may verify the individual's licensing status
     6     through the Producer Database maintained by the NAIC. The
     7     department may deny the application if the individual's home
     8     state does not award nonresident insurance producer licenses
     9     to resident licensees of this Commonwealth on the same basis.
    10     (b)  Nonresident business entities.--
    11         (1)  Upon designating one or more individuals licensed
    12     under this act to be responsible for the business entity's
    13     compliance with the insurance laws and regulations of this
    14     Commonwealth, a business entity which is currently licensed
    15     as a resident insurance producer in another state or
    16     territory may apply to the department for a nonresident
    17     insurance producer license for the equivalent lines of
    18     authority as the business entity is licensed in its home
    19     state. The designated licensees of the business entity shall
    20     remit to the department a completed business entity
    21     application or an updated copy of the business entity's home
    22     state application indicating the lines of authority for which
    23     the business entity desires to be licensed and for which the
    24     business entity is licensed in the other state, proof of the
    25     business entity's current home state license and the required
    26     license fee.
    27         (2)  Upon receipt and review of the application, proof of
    28     the home state license and the fee, the department shall
    29     issue a nonresident insurance producer license to the
    30     business entity for the equivalent lines of authority as the
    20010S0962B2257                 - 23 -

     1     business entity is licensed in its home state if the
     2     department determines that the business entity and its
     3     designated licensees are licensees in good standing in the
     4     business entity's home state. The department may verify
     5     licensing status through the Producer Database maintained by
     6     the NAIC. The department may deny the application if the
     7     business entity's home state does not award nonresident
     8     insurance producer licenses to resident licensees of this
     9     Commonwealth on the same basis.
    10  Section 611-A.  Prohibited acts.
    11     A licensee or applicant for an insurance producer license
    12  shall not:
    13         (1)  Provide incorrect, misleading, incomplete or false
    14     information to the department in a license application.
    15         (2)  Violate the insurance laws or regulations of this
    16     Commonwealth or a subpoena or order of the commissioner or of
    17     another state's insurance commissioner.
    18         (3)  Obtain or attempt to obtain a license through
    19     misrepresentation or fraud.
    20         (4)  Improperly withhold, misappropriate or convert money
    21     or property received in the course of doing business.
    22         (5)  Intentionally misrepresent the terms of an actual or
    23     proposed insurance contract or application for insurance.
    24         (6)  Admit to or been found to have committed any unfair
    25     insurance practice or fraud.
    26         (7)  Use fraudulent, coercive or dishonest practices or
    27     demonstrate incompetence, untrustworthiness or financial
    28     irresponsibility in the conduct of doing business in this
    29     Commonwealth or elsewhere.
    30         (8)  Have an insurance producer license or other
    20010S0962B2257                 - 24 -

     1     financial services license, or its equivalent, denied,
     2     suspended or revoked by a governmental entity.
     3         (9)  Forge another person's name on an application for
     4     insurance or on any document related to an insurance or
     5     financial service transaction.
     6         (10)  Cheat on an examination for an insurance producer
     7     license.
     8         (11)  Knowingly accept insurance business which was sold,
     9     solicited or negotiated by a person who is not licensed as an
    10     insurance producer.
    11         (12)  Fail to comply with an administrative or court
    12     order imposing a child support obligation.
    13         (13)  Fail to pay State income tax or comply with any
    14     administrative or court order directing the payment of State
    15     income tax.
    16         (14)  Commit a felony or its equivalent.
    17         (15)  Commit a misdemeanor that involves the misuse or
    18     theft of money or property belonging to another person.
    19         (16)  Commit a violation of Subarticle B.
    20         (17)  Commit fraud, forgery, dishonest acts or an act
    21     involving a breach of fiduciary duty.
    22         (18)  Transfer insurance coverage to an insurer other
    23     than the insurer expressly chosen by the insured without the
    24     consent of the insured.
    25         (19)  Fail to notify the department of a change of
    26     address within 30 days.
    27         (20)  Demonstrate a lack of general fitness, competence
    28     or reliability sufficient to satisfy the department that the
    29     licensee is worthy of licensure.
    30  Section 612-A.  Failure to respond or remit payment.
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     1     (a)  Response.--A licensee who fails to provide a written
     2  response to the department within 30 days of receipt of a
     3  written inquiry from the department or who fails to remit valid
     4  payment for all fees due and owing to the department shall,
     5  after notice from the department specifying the violation and
     6  advising of corrective action to be taken, correct the violation
     7  within 15 days of receipt of the notice.
     8     (b)  Correction.--If a licensee fails to correct the
     9  violation within 15 days of receiving notice, the department may
    10  assess an administrative fine of no more than $100 per day per
    11  violation.
    12  Section 613-A.  Failure to appeal.
    13     A decision of the department from which no timely appeal is
    14  taken to the administrative hearings office or an order of the
    15  commissioner from which no timely appeal is taken to a court of
    16  competent jurisdiction shall be a final order and shall be
    17  enforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction.
    18  Section 614-A.  Reciprocity.
    19     (a)  Waiver.--The department may waive the requirements for a
    20  person applying for a nonresident insurance producer license in
    21  this Commonwealth that possesses a valid insurance producer
    22  license from the person's home state if the person's home state
    23  awards nonresident insurance producer licenses to resident
    24  licensees of this Commonwealth on the same basis.
    25     (b)  Limited line.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
    26  this division, after application to the department in accordance
    27  with section 610-A, a person licensed as a limited line credit
    28  insurance or other type of limited lines producer in the
    29  person's home state shall receive a nonresident limited lines
    30  producer license in accordance with subsection (a), granting the
    20010S0962B2257                 - 26 -

     1  same scope of authority as granted under the license issued by
     2  the producer's home state.
     3                             DIVISION 2
     5                           GENERAL AGENTS
     6  Section 631-A.  License required.
     7     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b), no
     8  person shall engage in any activities requiring a manager or
     9  exclusive general agent license without being licensed as a
    10  manager or exclusive general agent by the department.
    11     (b)  Exceptions.--The following persons shall not be required
    12  to be licensed as a manager or exclusive general agent:
    13         (1)  A licensee whose authority is limited primarily to
    14     the production of insurance business with limited
    15     underwriting authority.
    16         (2)  A manager or exclusive general agent operating under
    17     a management contract or exclusive general agency agreement
    18     entered into prior to December 22, 1965.
    19         (3)  A person subject to regulation as a managing general
    20     agent under Article VIII.
    21     (c)  Penalty.--A person that violates subsection (a) commits
    22  a misdemeanor of the third degree, and, upon conviction, shall
    23  be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $1,000 for each day of
    24  operation without a license.
    25  Section 632-A.  Application and licensure.
    26     (a)  Application.--A person may apply to the department for a
    27  manager or exclusive general agent license. The person shall
    28  submit to the department a completed application, the fee
    29  required by subsection (c) and any other information required by
    30  the department.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 27 -

     1     (b)  Licensure.--The department shall review the application
     2  and may conduct an investigation of the person. The department
     3  shall issue a license to the person when the department is
     4  satisfied that all of the following criteria have been met:
     5         (1)  The person possesses a good business reputation.
     6         (2)  The person possesses the fitness, competence and
     7     reliability sufficient to satisfy the department that the
     8     individual is worthy of licensure as a manager or exclusive
     9     general agent.
    10         (3)  The person has paid all applicable fees established
    11     pursuant to this article.
    12         (4)  Such other criteria as the department may establish.
    13     (c)  License fee.--A nonrefundable $100 fee shall accompany
    14  an application for a manager or exclusive general agent license
    15  unless modified by the department by regulation.
    16     (d)  Term.--A license issued in accordance with this section
    17  shall be for a period of not more than one year.
    18  Section 633-A.  Insurers to certify names of managers or
    19                 exclusive general agents.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Every domestic insurer operating under a
    21  management contract or an exclusive general agency agreement
    22  shall certify to the department the name of the manager or
    23  exclusive general agent within ten days from the effective date
    24  of the contract or agreement and within ten days after the
    25  renewal of the license of the manager or exclusive general
    26  agent.
    27     (b)  Penalty.--An insurer that fails to file the
    28  certification required by subsection (a) commits a misdemeanor
    29  of the third degree and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to
    30  pay a fine not exceeding $1,000 for each day of noncompliance.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 28 -

     1  Section 634-A.  Enforcement by department.
     2     (a)  Notice.--Upon evidence of conduct which would disqualify
     3  a licensed manager or exclusive general agent from initial
     4  issuance of a license, the department shall notify the manager
     5  or exclusive general agent, specifying the nature of the alleged
     6  conduct and fixing a time and place, at least ten days
     7  thereafter, when a hearing on the matter shall be held.
     8     (b)  Hearing.--The department shall conduct the hearing fixed
     9  in subsection (a) in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A
    10  (relating to practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
    11     (c)  Penalties.--After the hearing or upon failure of the
    12  manager or exclusive general agent to appear at the hearing, the
    13  commissioner may impose any combination of the following actions
    14  deemed appropriate:
    15         (1)  Suspension or revocation of the license, if any, of
    16     the person.
    17         (2)  An order to cease and desist.
    18         (3)  Any other conditions as the commissioner deems
    19     appropriate.
    20  Section 635-A.  Appeals.
    21     The person aggrieved by a decision of the commissioner that
    22  has a direct interest in the decision may appeal the decision of
    23  the commissioner in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. A
    24  (relating to judicial review of Commonwealth agency action).
    25                            SUBARTICLE B
    27                             DIVISION 1
    28                       PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES
    29  Section 641-A.  Unlicensed activity.
    30     (a)  Prohibition.--No person shall act as or perform the
    20010S0962B2257                 - 29 -

     1  duties of an insurance producer in this Commonwealth without
     2  being licensed in accordance with this act. An insurer shall be
     3  responsible for a violation of this section by its employees;
     4  however, other than against directors and officers, the
     5  department may not seek to impose penalties against the
     6  individual employees in addition to the insurer for the same
     7  activity.
     8     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates this section commits a
     9  felony of the third degree.
    10  Section 641.1-A.  Doing business with unlicensed persons.
    11     (a)  Violation.--Any insurance entity or licensee accepting
    12  applications or orders for insurance from any person or securing
    13  any insurance business that was sold, solicited or negotiated by
    14  any person acting without an insurance producer license shall be
    15  subject to civil penalty of no more than $5,000 per violation in
    16  accordance with this act. This section shall not prohibit an
    17  insurer from accepting an insurance application directly from a
    18  consumer or prohibit the payment or receipt of referral fees in
    19  accordance with this act.
    20     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates this section commits a
    21  misdemeanor of the third degree.
    22  Section 642-A.  Theft by insurance producers.
    23     (a)  Prohibition.--No insurance producer shall sell, solicit
    24  or negotiate a contract of insurance and fraudulently
    25  appropriate or convert to his own use or, with intent to use or
    26  fraudulently appropriate, take, or otherwise dispose of, or
    27  withhold, appropriate, lend, invest or otherwise use or apply
    28  money or substitutes for money received by him as an insurance
    29  producer, contrary to the instructions or without the consent of
    30  the insurer.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 30 -

     1     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates this section commits a
     2  theft punishable in accordance with 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 39 (relating
     3  to theft and related offenses).
     4  Section 643-A.  Advertising as insurance producer of
     5                 unauthorized entity.
     6     (a)  Prohibition.--No person shall represent or advertise
     7  himself to be an insurance producer or representative of an
     8  unauthorized insurance entity, including an insurer that is not
     9  approved or admitted under section 208 and an insurer that has
    10  not met the requirements of an eligible surplus lines insurer
    11  under section 1605 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284),
    12  known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921.
    13     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates subsection (a) commits
    14  a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    15  Section 644-A.  Soliciting for nonexistent entity.
    16     (a)  Prohibition.--No person shall, directly or indirectly,
    17  offer to sell, solicit or negotiate contracts, certificates,
    18  agreements, binders or applications for insurance, surety or
    19  indemnity in this Commonwealth for or on behalf of a fictitious,
    20  nonexistent, dissolved, inactive, liquidated, liquidating or
    21  bankrupt insurance entity.
    22     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates this section commits a
    23  misdemeanor of the third degree.
    24  Section 645-A.  Rebates prohibited.
    25     (a)  Prohibition.--No insurance producer shall, directly or
    26  indirectly, offer, promise, allow, give, set off or pay a rebate
    27  of, or part of, a premium payable on the contract of insurance
    28  or on the insurance producer's commission, earnings, profits,
    29  dividends or other benefit founded, arising, accruing or to
    30  accrue thereon, or any special advantage in date of policy or
    20010S0962B2257                 - 31 -

     1  age of issue, or any paid employment or contract for services of
     2  any kind, or any other valuable consideration or inducement, to
     3  or for insurance on a risk in this Commonwealth which is not
     4  specified in the contract of insurance.
     5     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates subsection (a) commits
     6  a misdemeanor of the third degree.
     7  Section 646-A.  Inducements prohibited.
     8     (a)  Prohibition.--No insurance producer shall, directly or
     9  indirectly, offer, promise, give, option, sell or purchase any
    10  stocks, bonds, securities or property, or any dividends or
    11  profits accruing or to accrue thereon, or other thing of value
    12  whatsoever, as an inducement to purchase a contract of
    13  insurance. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent
    14  the taking of a bona fide obligation, with legal interest, in
    15  payment of any premium. This section shall not prohibit payment
    16  or receipt of referral fees in accordance with this act.
    17     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates subsection (a) commits
    18  a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    19  Section 647-A.  Misrepresentation of terms of policy and future
    20                 dividends by insurance producers.
    21     (a)  Prohibition.--No insurance producer shall, directly or
    22  indirectly:
    23         (1)  Issue, circulate, or use, or cause or permit to be
    24     issued, circulated or used a written or oral statement or
    25     circular misrepresenting the terms of a contract of insurance
    26     issued or to be issued by the insurer.
    27         (2)  Make an estimate with intent to deceive of the
    28     future dividends payable under the contract of insurance.
    29     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates subsection (a) commits
    30  a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 32 -

     1  Section 648-A.  Misrepresentations to an insured of another
     2                 company.
     3     (a)  Prohibition.--No insurance producer shall, directly or
     4  indirectly, misrepresent or make an incomplete comparison of
     5  contracts of insurance for the purpose of inducing an insured of
     6  another insurer to lapse, forfeit or surrender his contract of
     7  insurance and to take out a contract of insurance insuring
     8  against similar risks with the licensee or solicitor's insurer.
     9     (b)  Penalty.--A person that violates subsection (a) commits
    10  a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    11  Section 649-A.  The licensing of financial institutions as
    12                 insurers.
    13     No financial institution shall apply to be licensed or to be
    14  admitted as an insurer except to underwrite title insurance.
    15  Section 650-A.  Requirements on insurance producers by financial
    16                 institutions.
    17     No financial institution may impose any unreasonable
    18  requirement on an insurance producer not associated with that
    19  financial institution.
    20  Section 651-A.  Conditional financial transactions.
    21     No financial institution or its directors, officers,
    22  employees, agents or insurance producers may require the
    23  purchase of insurance from the financial institution or its
    24  affiliates or from a designated insurer or insurance producer as
    25  a condition of a loan or deposit transaction. A financial
    26  institution or its directors, officers, employees, agents or
    27  insurance producers may not reject a required contract of
    28  insurance solely because the contract was sold by a person that
    29  is not associated with the financial institution.
    30                             DIVISION 2
    20010S0962B2257                 - 33 -

     1                        REGULATED ACTIVITIES
     2  Section 671-A.  Appointments.
     3     (a)  Representative of the insurer.--An insurance producer
     4  shall not act on behalf of or as a representative of the insurer
     5  unless the insurance producer is appointed by the insurer. An
     6  insurance producer not acting as a representative of an insurer
     7  is not required to be appointed.
     8     (b)  Representative of the consumer.--An insurance producer
     9  acting on behalf of or representing an insurance consumer shall
    10  execute a written agreement with the insurance consumer prior to
    11  representing or acting on their behalf that:
    12         (1)  delineates the services to be provided; and
    13         (2)  provides full and complete disclosure of the fee to
    14     be paid to the insurance producer by the insurance consumer.
    15     (c)  Notification to department.--An insurer that appoints an
    16  insurance producer shall file with the department a notice of
    17  appointment. The notice shall state for which companies within
    18  the insurer's holding company system or group the appointment is
    19  made. Upon receipt of the notice, the department shall verify if
    20  the insurance producer is eligible for appointment. If the
    21  insurance producer is determined to be ineligible for
    22  appointment, the department shall notify the insurer of the
    23  determination.
    24     (d)  Termination of appointment.--Once appointed, an
    25  insurance producer shall remain appointed by an insurer until
    26  such time as the insurer terminates the appointment in writing
    27  to the insurance producer or until the insurance producer's
    28  license is suspended, revoked or otherwise terminated.
    29     (e)  Appointment fee.--An appointment fee of $12.50 will be
    30  billed annually to the insurer for each producer appointed by
    20010S0962B2257                 - 34 -

     1  the insurer during the preceding calendar year regardless of the
     2  length of time the producer held the appointment with the
     3  insurer. The appointment fee may be modified by regulation. The
     4  fee shall be paid in full within 30 days.
     5     (f)  Reporting.--An insurer shall, upon request, certify to
     6  the department the names of all licensees appointed by the
     7  insurer.
     8  Section 671.1-A.  Termination of appointments.
     9     (a)  Termination.--An insurer which terminates an appointment
    10  pursuant to section 671-A(d) shall notify the department in
    11  writing on a form approved by the department, or through an
    12  electronic process approved by the department, within 30 days
    13  following the effective date of the termination.
    14     (b)  Reason for termination.--If the reason for the
    15  termination was a violation of this act or if the insurer had
    16  knowledge that the licensee was found to have engaged in any
    17  activity prohibited by this act, the insurer shall inform the
    18  department in the notification. Upon the written request of the
    19  department, the insurer shall provide additional information,
    20  documents, records or other data pertaining to the termination
    21  or activity of the producer.
    22     (c)  Ongoing notification requirement.--The insurer shall
    23  promptly notify the department if, upon further review or
    24  investigation, the insurer discovers additional information that
    25  would have been reportable to the commissioner in accordance
    26  with subsection (b) had the insurer known of the existence of
    27  the information.
    28     (d)  Copy of notification to be provided to licensee.--
    29         (1)  Within 15 days of making a notification required by
    30     subsection (b) or (c), an insurer shall mail a copy of the
    20010S0962B2257                 - 35 -

     1     notification to the licensee's last known home address by
     2     certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid or
     3     by overnight delivery using a nationally recognized carrier.
     4         (2)  Within 30 days of receiving notification pursuant to
     5     paragraph (1), a licensee may file written comments
     6     concerning the substance of the notification with the
     7     department. The licensee shall simultaneously mail a copy of
     8     the comments to the insurer by certified mail, return receipt
     9     requested, postage prepaid or by overnight delivery using a
    10     nationally recognized carrier.
    11     (e)  Reports.--An insurer or licensee that fails to report as
    12  required under the provisions of this section or that is found
    13  to have falsely reported with malice by a court of competent
    14  jurisdiction may, after notice and hearing, have its license or
    15  certificate of authority suspended or revoked and may have civil
    16  penalties imposed against the insurer or licensee in an amount
    17  not to exceed $5,000 for each violation.
    18     (f)  Immunities.--
    19         (1)  In the absence of actual malice, an insurer, the
    20     authorized representative of the insurer, a licensee, the
    21     Insurance Commissioner, or an organization of which the
    22     Insurance Commissioner is a member and that compiles the
    23     information and makes it available to other insurance
    24     commissioners or regulatory or law enforcement agencies shall
    25     not be subject to civil liability, and a civil cause of
    26     action of any nature shall not arise against these entities
    27     or their respective agents or employees, as a result of any
    28     statement or information required by or provided pursuant to
    29     this section or any information relating to any statement
    30     that may be requested in writing by the Insurance
    20010S0962B2257                 - 36 -

     1     Commissioner, from an insurer or licensee; or a statement by
     2     a terminating insurer or licensee to an insurer or licensee
     3     limited solely and exclusively to whether a termination under
     4     subsection (a) was reported to the Insurance Commissioner,
     5     provided that the propriety of any termination under
     6     subsection (a) is certified in writing by an officer or
     7     authorized representative of the insurer or producer
     8     terminating the relationship.
     9         (2)  In any action brought against a person that may have
    10     immunity under paragraph (1) for making any statement
    11     required by this section or providing any information
    12     relating to any statement that may be requested by the
    13     Insurance Commissioner, the party bringing the action shall
    14     plead specifically in any allegation that paragraph (1) does
    15     not apply because the person making the statement or
    16     providing the information did so with actual malice.
    17         (3)  Paragraph (1) or (2) shall not abrogate or modify
    18     any existing statutory or common law privileges or
    19     immunities.
    20     (g)  Preemption.--Nothing in this section shall supersede any
    21  provision of the act of September 22, 1978, (P.L.763, No.143),
    22  entitled "An act establishing certain procedures relating to the
    23  termination of insurance agency contracts or accounts and
    24  providing penalties."
    25  Section 672-A.  Payment of commissions.
    26     (a)  Limitation.--An insurance entity may pay a commission,
    27  brokerage fee, service fee or other compensation to a licensee
    28  for selling, soliciting or negotiating a contract of insurance.
    29  A licensee may pay a commission, brokerage fee, service fee or
    30  other compensation to a licensee for selling, soliciting or
    20010S0962B2257                 - 37 -

     1  negotiating a contract of insurance. Except as provided in
     2  subsection (b), an insurance entity or licensee may not pay a
     3  commission, brokerage fee, service fee or other compensation to
     4  a person that is not a licensee for activities related to the
     5  sale, solicitation or negotiation of a contract of insurance.
     6     (b)  Exception.--An insurance entity or licensee may pay:
     7         (1)  a renewal or other deferred commission to a person
     8     that is not a licensee for selling, soliciting or negotiating
     9     a contract of insurance if the person was a licensee at the
    10     time of the sale, solicitation or negotiation; or
    11         (2)  a fee to a person that is not a licensee for
    12     referring to a licensee persons that are interested in
    13     purchasing insurance if the referring person does not discuss
    14     specific terms and conditions of a contract of insurance and,
    15     in the case of referrals for insurance that is primarily for
    16     personal, family or household use, the referring person
    17     receives no more than a one-time, nominal fee of a fixed
    18     dollar amount for each referral that does not depend on
    19     whether the referral results in a sale.
    20  An insurance entity or licensee shall not pay a commission or
    21  fee to a person under this subsection if the person is a
    22  licensee under suspension or a former licensee whose insurance
    23  producer license was revoked.
    24  Section 673-A.  Receipt of commissions.
    25     (a)  Limitation.--A licensee may accept a commission,
    26  brokerage fee, service fee or other compensation from an
    27  insurance entity or licensee for selling, soliciting or
    28  negotiating a contract of insurance. Except as provided in
    29  subsection (b), a person may not accept a commission, brokerage
    30  fee, service fee or other compensation from an insurance entity
    20010S0962B2257                 - 38 -

     1  or licensee if the person is not a licensee and the compensation
     2  is for activities related to the sale, solicitation or
     3  negotiation of a contract of insurance.
     4     (b)  Exception.--A person may accept:
     5         (1)  a renewal or other deferred commission for selling,
     6     soliciting or negotiating a contract of insurance if the
     7     person was a licensee at the time of the sale, solicitation
     8     or negotiation; or
     9         (2)  a fee for referring persons to a licensee that are
    10     interested in purchasing insurance provided they do not
    11     discuss specific terms and conditions of a contract of
    12     insurance and, in the case of referrals for insurance that is
    13     primarily for personal, family or household use, they receive
    14     no more than a one-time, nominal fee of a fixed dollar amount
    15     for each referral that does not depend on whether the
    16     referral results in a sale.
    17  A person may not accept a commission or fee under this
    18  subsection if the person is a licensee under suspension or a
    19  former licensee whose insurance producer license was revoked.
    20  Section 674-A.  Imposition of additional fees.
    21     (a)  General rule.--A licensee may charge a fee in addition
    22  to a commission to a person for the sale, solicitation or
    23  negotiation of a contract of insurance for commercial business.
    24  The fee charged by the licensee shall be disclosed in advance in
    25  writing to the person and shall be reasonable in relationship to
    26  the services provided.
    27     (b)  Application fee.--Notwithstanding other provisions of
    28  this section, no insurance producer shall charge a fee for the
    29  completion of an application for a contract of insurance.
    30  Section 675-A.  Credit life, credit accident and health and
    20010S0962B2257                 - 39 -

     1                 credit unemployment insurance.
     2     (a)  Sales restrictions.--A person that sells, solicits or
     3  negotiates a contract of credit insurance shall do so in
     4  accordance with the act of September 2, 1961 (P.L.1232, No.540),
     5  known as the Model Act for the Regulation of Credit Life
     6  Insurance and Credit Accident and Health Insurance, for all of
     7  the following:
     8         (1)  Credit life insurance.
     9         (2)  Credit accident and health insurance.
    10         (3)  Credit unemployment insurance.
    11  If the insurance is sold in connection with loans or other
    12  credit transactions, the provisions of the Model Act for the
    13  Regulation of Credit Life Insurance and Credit Accident and
    14  Health Insurance relating to credit life and credit accident and
    15  health insurance are applicable to credit unemployment
    16  insurance.
    17     (b)  Additional restrictions.--In addition to the
    18  requirements of subsection (a), the sale, solicitation or
    19  negotiation of credit unemployment insurance shall be subject to
    20  all of the following:
    21         (1)  The total amount of benefits payable by credit
    22     unemployment insurance in the event of unemployment shall not
    23     exceed the aggregate of the periodic scheduled unpaid
    24     installments of the indebtedness.
    25         (2)  The amount of each monthly payment shall not exceed
    26     the original indebtedness divided by the number of
    27     installments.
    28         (3)  The loss ratio for the insurance shall be set and
    29     regulated by the commissioner in the same manner as the loss
    30     ratio is set and regulated for credit life and credit
    20010S0962B2257                 - 40 -

     1     accident and health insurance.
     2         (4)  Involuntary unemployment insurance sold in
     3     connection with open-end credit shall provide monthly
     4     benefits at least equal to the insured's minimum monthly
     5     payment calculated at the time of unemployment, subject to a
     6     maximum monthly indemnity contained in the certificate of
     7     insurance.
     8         (5)  Benefits are payable, at a minimum, upon the debtor
     9     meeting the eligibility requirements for unemployment
    10     compensation.
    11         (6)  The period during which benefits are payable in the
    12     event of the insured's involuntary unemployment shall
    13     continue at least until the earliest of the following:
    14             (i)  The insured's return to full-time work.
    15             (ii)  Satisfaction of the loan or other credit
    16         transaction.
    17             (iii)  In the case of open-end credit, payment of 12
    18         consecutive monthly installments.
    19         (7)  The insurance shall not be required as a condition
    20     of the extension of credit.
    21         (8)  If a creditor offers the insurance to any of its
    22     debtors, it must offer it under the same terms and conditions
    23     to all of its like debtors and under the same terms and
    24     conditions as all of its offices or locations in this
    25     Commonwealth.
    26  Section 676-A.  Required purchases of insurance.
    27     (a)  Disclosures.--If a financial institution requires a
    28  person to obtain insurance in connection with a loan and the
    29  insurance is available through the financial institution, a
    30  licensee employed by or affiliated with the financial
    20010S0962B2257                 - 41 -

     1  institution shall inform the person at or prior to the time of
     2  application that the purchase of the insurance from the
     3  financial institution is not a condition of the loan and will
     4  not affect current or future credit decisions. The licensee may
     5  inform the person that insurance is available from the financial
     6  institution.
     7     (b)  Acknowledgment.--If the person purchases the insurance
     8  through the financial institution, the licensee shall obtain a
     9  written statement or acknowledgment from the person prior to the
    10  purchase of the insurance stating that the person has been
    11  advised that the purchase of the insurance from the financial
    12  institution is not a condition of receiving the loan and will
    13  not affect current or future credit decisions.
    14     (c)  Regulations.--The commissioner may promulgate
    15  regulations providing for alternative methods of achieving the
    16  disclosures and acknowledgment required by this section for
    17  situations which do not involve direct contact with the customer
    18  at the time of solicitation or application.
    19  Section 677-A.  Sales on or from the premises of a financial
    20                 institution.
    21     (a)  Disclosures.--A licensee employed by or affiliated with
    22  a financial institution that solicits the sale of annuities or
    23  life insurance, except credit life insurance, on or from the
    24  physical premises of the financial institution shall provide a
    25  person applying for a contract of insurance a written disclosure
    26  at or prior to the time of application for the insurance or
    27  annuity. The disclosure shall include a notice of all of the
    28  following:
    29         (1)  The insurance or annuity is not a deposit.
    30         (2)  The insurance or annuity is not insured by the
    20010S0962B2257                 - 42 -

     1     Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other agency or
     2     instrumentality of the Federal Government.
     3         (3)  The insurance or annuity is not guaranteed by the
     4     financial institution or an affiliated insured depository
     5     institution.
     6         (4)  The insurance or annuity is subject to investment
     7     risk, including potential loss of principal, when
     8     appropriate.
     9     (b)  Setting and circumstance.--Sales of annuities or
    10  insurance, except credit insurance, by a financial institution
    11  or by a licensee employed by or affiliated with the financial
    12  institution shall take place in a location which is distinct
    13  from the area where deposits are taken and loan applications are
    14  discussed and accepted. Signs or other means shall be used to
    15  distinguish the insurance or annuities sales area from the
    16  deposit taking and lending areas. The commissioner shall exempt
    17  a financial institution from the requirements of this section if
    18  the number of staff or size of the facility prevents compliance.
    19     (c)  Exceptions.--Compliance by a financial institution with
    20  the disclosure and the setting and circumstances requirements
    21  set forth in the "Interagency Statement on Retail Sales of
    22  Nondeposit Investment Products" issued February 15, 1994, by the
    23  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal
    24  Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of
    25  the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision shall satisfy
    26  the requirements of this section.
    27  Section 677.1-A.  Customer privacy.
    28     (a)  General rule.--No financial institution shall use or
    29  share with a third party any customer information INSURANCE       <--
    20010S0962B2257                 - 43 -

     1  CUSTOMER for the purpose of selling or soliciting the purchase
     2  of insurance or annuities unless the requirements of this
     3  section are met.
     4     (b)  Notice.--The following notice to a loan customer shall
     5  be set forth in standard or larger type:
     7                            TO YOUR LOAN
    17                              ............................
    18                                      (Signature)
    19     (c)  Mailing.--The notice prescribed in subsection (b) shall
    20  be sent by first class mail and may be included in a
    21  solicitation for the purchase of insurance or annuities. This
    22  notice shall be addressed to the individual customer and shall
    23  include a postage prepaid response mechanism.
    24     (d)  Consent.--For the purpose of complying with subsection
    25  (a), a financial institution may directly obtain written consent
    26  for the use of customer information from a current or
    27  prospective loan customer. The following notice, set forth in
    28  standard or larger type, shall be used for this purpose:
    30                            TO YOUR LOAN
    20010S0962B2257                 - 44 -

     4                               ......................
     5                                    (Signature)
     6  Section 678-A.  Licensee reporting of misconduct.
     7     (a)  Misconduct reporting.--A licensee shall report to the
     8  department any administrative action taken against the licensee
     9  in another jurisdiction or by another governmental agency in
    10  this Commonwealth within 30 days of the final disposition of the
    11  matter. This report shall include a copy of the order, consent
    12  order or other relevant legal documents.
    13     (b)  Criminal conduct reporting.--Within 30 days of being
    14  charged with criminal conduct, a licensee shall report the
    15  charges to the department. The licensee shall provide the
    16  department with all of the following within 30 days of their
    17  availability to the licensee:
    18         (1)  A copy of the criminal complaint, information or
    19     indictment.
    20         (2)  A copy of the order resulting from a pretrial
    21     hearing, if any.
    22         (3)  A report of the final disposition of the charges.
    23  Section 679-A.  Confidentiality.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Any documents, materials or other
    25  information in the control or possession of the department which
    26  is furnished by an insurer or licensee under section 671.1-A or
    27  which is obtained by the department in an investigation pursuant
    28  to this act shall be confidential by law and privileged, shall
    29  not be subject to the act of June 21, 1957, (P.L.390, No.212),
    30  referred to as the Right-to-Know Law, shall not be subject to
    20010S0962B2257                 - 45 -

     1  subpoena, and shall not be subject to discovery or admissible in
     2  evidence in any private civil action. However, the department is
     3  authorized to use the documents, materials or other information
     4  in the furtherance of any regulatory or legal action brought as
     5  a part of the department's duties.
     6     (b)  Testimony prohibited.--Neither the department nor any
     7  person who received documents, materials or other information
     8  while acting under the authority of the department shall be
     9  permitted or required to testify in any private civil action
    10  concerning any confidential documents, materials, or information
    11  subject to subsection (a).
    12     (c)  Information sharing.--In order to assist in the
    13  performance of the department's duties under this article the
    14  department may share and receive confidential information in
    15  accordance with section 202-A.
    16     (d)  Effect of sharing.--No waiver of any applicable
    17  privilege or claim of confidentiality in the documents,
    18  materials or information shall occur as a result of disclosure
    19  to the department under section 671.1-A or as a result of
    20  sharing as authorized in subsection (c).
    21     (e)  Exception.--Nothing in this article shall prohibit the
    22  department from releasing final, adjudicated actions that are
    23  open to public inspection pursuant to the Right-to-Know Law to a
    24  data base or other clearinghouse service maintained by the NAIC,
    25  its affiliates or subsidiaries.
    26                             DIVISION 3
    27                            ENFORCEMENT
    28  Section 691-A.  Enforcement by department.
    29     (a)  Notice.--Upon evidence of a violation of this act, the
    30  department shall notify the person of the alleged violation. The
    20010S0962B2257                 - 46 -

     1  notice shall specify the nature of the alleged violation and fix
     2  a time and place, at least ten days thereafter, when a hearing
     3  on the matter shall be held.
     4     (b)  Hearing.--The department shall conduct the hearing on
     5  the violation in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A
     6  (relating to practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
     7     (c)  Evidence.--No person shall be excused from testifying or
     8  from producing any books, papers, contracts, agreements or
     9  documents at any hearing held by the commissioner on the ground
    10  that the testimony or evidence may tend to incriminate that
    11  person.
    12     (d)  Penalties.--After the hearing or upon failure of the
    13  person to appear at the hearing, if a violation of this act is
    14  found, the commissioner may, in addition to any penalty which
    15  may be imposed by a court, impose any combination of the
    16  following deemed appropriate:
    17         (1)  Denial, suspension, refusal to renew or revocation
    18     of the license, if any, of the person.
    19         (2)  A civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 for each action
    20     in violation of this act.
    21         (3)  An order to cease and desist.
    22         (4)  Any other conditions as the commissioner deems
    23     appropriate.
    24  Section 692-A.  Injunctions.
    25     The commissioner may maintain an action for an injunction or
    26  other process against any person to restrain and prevent the
    27  person from engaging in any activity violating this act or
    28  regulations promulgated under this act.
    29  Section 693-A.  Appeals.
    30     The person aggrieved by a decision of the commissioner that
    20010S0962B2257                 - 47 -

     1  has a direct interest in the decision may appeal the decision of
     2  the commissioner in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. A
     3  (relating to judicial review of Commonwealth agency action).
     4                             DIVISION 4
     5                           MISCELLANEOUS
     6  Section 695-A.  Personal liability of an insurance producer for
     7                 an unauthorized entity.
     8     An insurance producer shall be personally liable on all
     9  contracts of insurance or suretyship unlawfully made by or
    10  through the producer, directly or indirectly, for or on behalf
    11  of any insurance entity which is not authorized to do business
    12  in this Commonwealth.
    13  Section 696-A.  Fiduciary capacity of an insurance producer.
    14     An insurance producer shall be responsible in a fiduciary
    15  capacity for all funds received or collected as an insurance
    16  producer and shall not, without the express consent of the
    17  insurance entity on whose behalf the funds were received, mingle
    18  the funds with the producer's own funds or with funds held by
    19  the insurance producer in any other capacity. Nothing in this
    20  article shall be deemed to require an insurance producer to
    21  maintain a separate bank deposit for the funds of each insurance
    22  entity, if and as long as the funds of each insurance entity are
    23  reasonably ascertainable from the books of account and records
    24  of the insurance producer.
    25  Section 697-A.  Federal preemption.
    26     Notwithstanding any law or regulation of this Commonwealth to
    27  the contrary, in the event of Federal preemption of any of the
    28  provisions of this act or any other law of this Commonwealth
    29  regarding the sale of insurance or annuities by federally
    30  chartered financial institutions, State-chartered financial
    20010S0962B2257                 - 48 -

     1  institutions shall not be subject to those provisions or laws
     2  which were the subject of the Federal preemption.
     3  Section 698-A.  Regulations.
     4     The department may promulgate regulations necessary for the
     5  administration of this article. Regulations promulgated under
     6  Article VI which are not clearly inconsistent with the
     7  provisions of this article shall remain in effect until
     8  replaced, revised or amended.
     9                            SUBARTICLE C
    10                       CONFLICTING PROVISIONS
    11  Section 699.1-A.  Scope.
    12         (1)  The provisions of this article shall supersede
    13     conflicting provisions found elsewhere in this act.
    14         (2)  Nothing in this act shall supersede any provision of
    15     the act of December 21, 1995 (P.L.714, No.79), entitled "An
    16     act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284),
    17     entitled 'An act relating to insurance; amending, revising,
    18     and consolidating the law providing for the incorporation of
    19     insurance companies, and the regulation, supervision, and
    20     protection of home and foreign insurance companies, Lloyds
    21     associations, reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and
    22     fire insurance rating bureaus, and the regulation and
    23     supervision of insurance carried by such companies,
    24     associations, and exchanges, including insurance carried by
    25     the State Workmen's Insurance Fund; providing penalties; and
    26     repealing existing laws,' further providing for financial
    27     requirements, for agents, for prohibition of commissions and
    28     other considerations, for rate filing, for making of rates
    29     and for penalties; further providing for the operation of the
    30     Pennsylvania Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty
    20010S0962B2257                 - 49 -

     1     Association, for covered claims and for loans to companies;
     2     providing for conditions with respect to escrow, closing and
     3     settlement services and title indemnification accounts and
     4     for division of fees; providing for mutual to stock
     5     conversion and for contributions to surplus; further
     6     providing for investment; providing for additional investment
     7     authority for subsidiaries; and making repeals."
     8                             ARTICLE XI
    10                            SUBARTICLE A
    11                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    12  Section 1101.  Scope.
    13     This article deals with Insurance Fraud Prevention.
    14  Section 1102.  Purpose.
    15     The purpose of this article is to establish, coordinate and
    16  fund activities in this Commonwealth to prevent, combat and
    17  reduce insurance fraud, to improve and support insurance fraud
    18  law enforcement and administration and to improve and support
    19  insurance fraud prosecution.
    20  Section 1103.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this article
    22  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Authority."  The Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority
    25  established in section 1121.
    26     "Board."  The board of directors of the Insurance Fraud
    27  Prevention Authority.
    28     "Fund."  The Insurance Fraud Prevention Trust Fund
    29  established in section 1123.
    30     "Insurance fraud."  Any activity defined as an offense under
    20010S0962B2257                 - 50 -

     1  18 Pa.C.S. § 4117 (relating to insurance fraud).
     2     "Section of Insurance Fraud" or "section."  The Section of
     3  Insurance Fraud in the Office of Attorney General.
     4                            SUBARTICLE B
     6  Section 1121.  Establishment of authority.
     7     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a body
     8  corporate and politic to be known as the Insurance Fraud
     9  Prevention Authority. The purposes, powers and duties of the
    10  authority shall be vested in and exercised by a board of
    11  directors.
    12     (b)  Composition.--The board of the authority shall consist
    13  of seven members, composed and appointed in accordance with the
    14  following:
    15         (1)  The Attorney General or his designee.
    16         (2)  A representative of the Philadelphia Federal
    17     Insurance Fraud Task Force.
    18         (3)  Four representatives of insurers, one of whom shall
    19     be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, one
    20     of whom shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    21     Senate, one of whom shall be appointed by the Speaker of the
    22     House of Representatives and one of whom shall be appointed
    23     by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. Each
    24     of the four members shall be, respectively, a representative
    25     of an insurer writing workers' compensation, accident and
    26     health, automobile or general commercial liability insurance
    27     in this Commonwealth.
    28         (4)  One representative of purchasers of insurance in
    29     this Commonwealth who is not employed by or connected with
    30     the business of insurance and is appointed by the Governor.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 51 -

     1     (c)  Terms.--With the exception of the Attorney General and
     2  the representative of the Philadelphia Federal Insurance Fraud
     3  Task Force, members of the board shall serve for terms of four
     4  years.
     5     (d)  Compensation.--Members of the board shall serve without
     6  compensation but shall receive reimbursement for all reasonable
     7  and necessary expenses incurred in connection with their duties
     8  in accordance with the rules of the Executive Board.
     9     (e)  Quorum.--A majority of the members of the board shall
    10  constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting
    11  or the exercise of a power or function of the authority.
    12  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, action may be taken
    13  by the board at a meeting upon a vote of the majority of its
    14  members present in person or through the use of amplified
    15  telephonic equipment if authorized by the bylaws of the board.
    16  The board shall meet at the call of the chairperson or as may be
    17  provided in the bylaws of the board. The board shall meet at
    18  least quarterly. Meetings of the board may be held anywhere
    19  within this Commonwealth. The board shall elect its own
    20  chairperson.
    21  Section 1122.  Powers and duties.
    22     The authority shall have the powers necessary and convenient
    23  to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this
    24  article and the purposes of the authority and the powers
    25  delegated by other laws, including, but not limited to:
    26         (1)  Employ administrative, professional, clerical and
    27     other personnel as may be required and organize the staff as
    28     may be appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this
    29     article.
    30         (2)  Have a seal and alter the same at pleasure, have
    20010S0962B2257                 - 52 -

     1     perpetual succession, make, execute and deliver contracts,
     2     conveyances and other instruments necessary or convenient to
     3     the exercise of its powers and make and amend bylaws.
     4         (3)  Procure insurance against any loss in connection
     5     with its property, assets or activities.
     6         (4)  Apply for, solicit, receive, establish priorities
     7     for, allocate, disburse, contract for, administer and spend
     8     funds in the fund and other funds that are made available to
     9     the authority from any source consistent with the purposes of
    10     this article.
    11         (5)  Make grants to and provide financial support for the
    12     Section of Insurance Fraud, the unit of insurance fraud in
    13     the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office, other county
    14     district attorneys' offices, other government agencies,
    15     community, consumer and business organizations consistent
    16     with the purposes of this article and considering the extent
    17     of the insurance fraud problem in each county of this
    18     Commonwealth.
    19         (6)  Advise the State Treasurer in relation to the
    20     investment of any money held in the fund and any funds held
    21     in reserve or sinking funds and any money not required for
    22     immediate use or disbursement and to advise the State
    23     Treasurer in relation to the use of depositories for moneys
    24     of the fund.
    25         (7)  Assess the scope of the problem of insurance fraud,
    26     including areas of this Commonwealth where the problem is
    27     greatest, and review State and local criminal justice
    28     policies, programs and plans dealing with insurance fraud.
    29         (8)  Develop and sponsor the implementation of Statewide
    30     plans, programs and strategies to combat insurance fraud,
    20010S0962B2257                 - 53 -

     1     improve the administration of the insurance fraud laws and
     2     provide a forum for identification of critical problems for
     3     those persons dealing with insurance fraud.
     4         (9)  Coordinate the development, adoption and
     5     implementation of plans, programs and strategies relating to
     6     interagency and intergovernmental cooperation with respect to
     7     insurance fraud law enforcement.
     8         (10)  Promulgate rules or regulations related to the
     9     expenditure of moneys held in the fund in order to assist and
    10     support those agencies, units of government, county district
    11     attorneys' offices and other organizations charged with the
    12     responsibility of reducing insurance fraud or interested and
    13     involved in achieving this goal.
    14         (11)  Audit at its discretion the plans and programs that
    15     it has funded in whole or in part in order to evaluate the
    16     effectiveness of the plans and programs and withdraw funding
    17     should the authority determine that a plan or program is
    18     ineffective or is no longer in need of further financial
    19     support from the fund.
    20         (12)  Report annually on or before the first day of April
    21     to the Governor and the General Assembly on the authority's
    22     activities in the preceding period of operation.
    23         (13)  Meet with the Section of Insurance Fraud on at
    24     least a quarterly basis in order to advise and assist it in
    25     implementing its statutory mandate.
    26         (14)  Advise the General Assembly on matters relating to
    27     insurance fraud and recommend to the General Assembly, on an
    28     annual basis, any changes to the operation of the Section of
    29     Insurance Fraud. The report shall be available for public
    30     inspection.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 54 -

     1         (15)  Establish either alone or in cooperation with
     2     authorized insurance companies and licensed agents and
     3     producers a fund to reward persons not connected with the
     4     insurance industry who provide information or furnish
     5     evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of persons
     6     responsible for insurance fraud.
     7         (16)  Require as a condition of every application and
     8     request for financial support, including every application
     9     for ongoing renewal of a multiyear grant under section
    10     1123(f), that the applicant described both the nature of and
    11     the amount of funding for the activities, if any, devoted to
    12     the investigation and prosecution of insurance fraud at the
    13     time of the application or request.
    14         (17)  Require as a condition of every application and
    15     request for financial support that every recipient of funding
    16     report annually within four months of the close of each
    17     funding cycle to the authority on the use of the funds
    18     obtained from the authority during the previous year,
    19     including a description of programs implemented and results
    20     obtained. The authority will include this information on the
    21     use of funds by grantees in its annual report under paragraph
    22     (12) and send a copy specifically to the chairman and the
    23     minority chairman of the standing committees of the Senate
    24     and the chairman and the minority chairman of the standing
    25     committees of the House of Representatives with jurisdiction
    26     over insurance matters.
    27  Section 1123.  Insurance Fraud Prevention Trust Fund.
    28     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a separate
    29  account in the State Treasury to be known as the Insurance Fraud
    30  Prevention Trust Fund. This fund shall be administered by the
    20010S0962B2257                 - 55 -

     1  State Treasurer with the advice of the authority. All interest
     2  earned from the investment or deposit of moneys accumulated in
     3  the fund shall be deposited in the fund for the same use.
     4     (b)  Funds.--All moneys deposited into the fund shall be held
     5  in trust and shall not be considered general revenue of the
     6  Commonwealth but shall be used only to effectuate the purposes
     7  of this article as determined by the authority and shall be
     8  subject to audit by the Auditor General.
     9     (c)  Assessment.--
    10         (1)  Annually on or before the first day of April, each
    11     insurer engaged in the writing of the insurance coverages
    12     listed below, as a condition of its authorization to transact
    13     business in this Commonwealth, shall pay into the fund in
    14     trust an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying
    15     $8,000,000 by a fraction, the numerator of which is the
    16     direct premium collected for those coverages listed below by
    17     that insurer in this Commonwealth during the preceding
    18     calendar year and the denominator of which is the direct
    19     premium written on such coverages in this Commonwealth by all
    20     insurers in the same period.
    21         (2)  The following coverages, as listed in the Annual
    22     Statistical Report of the Insurance Department, shall be
    23     considered in determining assessments: all fire and casualty
    24     direct business written and accident and health and credit
    25     accident and health written under life/annuity/accident and
    26     health direct business written. Assessments made under this
    27     section shall not be considered burdens and prohibitions
    28     under section 212.
    29         (3)  Assessments for health plan corporations and
    30     professional health services plan corporations when added
    20010S0962B2257                 - 56 -

     1     together shall not be more than 10% of the total assessment
     2     authorized by this subsection. If the total assessment for
     3     these organizations is more than 10%, such organizations will
     4     share the assessment up to the 10% limit among themselves in
     5     the same proportion as they would otherwise have shared their
     6     calculated assessment absent this limit. Any deficiency in
     7     the total assessment caused by the application of this limit
     8     will be shared by all other entities being assessed in the
     9     same proportions as they are sharing the rest of the
    10     assessment.
    11     (d)  Base amount.--In succeeding years the authority may vary
    12  the base amount of $8,000,000, provided, however, that any
    13  increase which on an annual basis exceeds the increase in the
    14  Consumer Price Index for this Commonwealth must be approved by
    15  three of the four insurance representatives on the board.
    16     (e)  Expenditures.--Moneys in the fund may be expended by the
    17  authority for the following purposes:
    18         (1)  Effectuate the powers, duties and responsibilities
    19     of the authority as set forth in this article.
    20         (2)  Pay the costs of administration and operation of the
    21     Section of Insurance Fraud and the unit for insurance fraud
    22     in the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office.
    23         (3)  Provide financial support to law enforcement,
    24     correctional agencies and county district attorneys' offices
    25     for programs designed to reduce insurance fraud and to
    26     improve the administration of insurance fraud laws.
    27         (4)  Provide financial support for other governmental
    28     agencies, community, consumer and business organizations for
    29     programs designed to reduce insurance fraud and to improve
    30     the administration of insurance fraud laws.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 57 -

     1         (5)  Provide financial support to programs designed to
     2     inform insurance consumers about the costs of insurance fraud
     3     to individuals and to society and to suggest methods for
     4     preventing insurance fraud.
     5         (6)  Provide financial support for reward programs
     6     leading to the arrest and conviction of persons and
     7     organizations engaged in insurance fraud.
     8         (7)  Provide financial support for other plans, programs
     9     and strategies consistent with the purposes of this article.
    10     (f)  Multiyear grants.--In funding the Section of Insurance
    11  Fraud, the Unit for Insurance Fraud in the Philadelphia District
    12  Attorney's Office and in funding grant requests, the authority
    13  may consider and approve requests for multiyear grants of not
    14  more than four years in length, although extensions of such
    15  multiyear commitments may be renewed from year to year. No
    16  funding reduction under subsection (d) can be imposed by the
    17  authority in any given year which would operate to reduce
    18  funding for any multiyear approved program for which persons
    19  have been hired for full-time positions to a funding level where
    20  such positions must be terminated, unless the organization
    21  employing such persons certifies either that other equivalent
    22  positions are available or that such positions with the
    23  antifraud program can be funded from other sources.
    24     (g)  Dissolution.--In the event that the trust fund is
    25  discontinued or the authority is dissolved by operation of law,
    26  any balance remaining in the fund, after deducting
    27  administrative costs for liquidation, shall be returned to
    28  insurers in proportion to their financial contributions to the
    29  fund in the preceding calendar year.
    30  Section 1124.  Immunity.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 58 -

     1     In the absence of malice, no board member and no employee of
     2  the authority shall be subject to any civil or criminal
     3  liability for receiving or disclosing information related to
     4  insurance fraud or the activities of the authority. In the
     5  absence of malice, persons or organizations shall not be subject
     6  to civil or criminal liability for providing information
     7  relating to insurance fraud to the authority, its employees,
     8  agents or designees. This section does not abrogate or modify in
     9  any way any common law or statutory privilege or immunity
    10  heretofore enjoyed by any person.
    11                            SUBARTICLE C
    12                     SECTION OF INSURANCE FRAUD
    13  Section 1141.  Establishment.
    14     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established within the
    15  Office of Attorney General, a Section of Insurance Fraud to
    16  investigate and prosecute insurance fraud in accordance with
    17  jurisdictional mandates as specified by the act of October 15,
    18  1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act,
    19  and 18 Pa.C.S. § 4117 (relating to insurance fraud).
    20     (b)  Funding.--All costs of administration and operation of
    21  the section shall be borne by the fund. Any moneys or other
    22  property awarded to the section as costs of investigation or as
    23  a fine shall be credited to the fund.
    24  Section 1142.  Powers and duties.
    25     The section shall have the powers necessary and convenient to
    26  carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this
    27  article and the powers delegated by other laws, including, but
    28  not limited to, the power:
    29         (1)  To employ administrative, professional, clerical and
    30     other personnel as may be required and organize the staff as
    20010S0962B2257                 - 59 -

     1     may be appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this
     2     article.
     3         (2)  To initiate inquiries and conduct investigations
     4     when the section has reason to believe that insurance fraud
     5     may have been or is being committed.
     6         (3)  To respond to notifications or complaints of
     7     suspected insurance fraud generated by State and local
     8     police, other law enforcement authorities, governmental
     9     units, including the Federal Government, and the general
    10     public.
    11         (4)  To review notices and reports of insurance fraud
    12     submitted by authorized insurers, their employees and
    13     licensed insurance agents or producers and to select those
    14     incidents of suspected fraud as, in its judgment, require
    15     further investigation and undertake such investigation.
    16         (5)  To conduct independent examination of insurance
    17     fraud, conduct studies to determine the extent of insurance
    18     fraud, deceit or intentional misrepresentation of any kind in
    19     the insurance process and publish information and reports on
    20     such examinations or studies.
    21         (6)  To prosecute both on its own and in conjunction with
    22     other sections and divisions within the Office of Attorney
    23     General any incidents of insurance fraud involving more than
    24     one county of this Commonwealth or involving any county of
    25     this Commonwealth and another state disclosed by its
    26     investigations and to assemble evidence, prepare charges,
    27     bring charges or, upon request of any other prosecutorial
    28     authority, otherwise assist that prosecutory authority having
    29     jurisdiction over such incidents.
    30         (7)  To report incidents of insurance fraud disclosed by
    20010S0962B2257                 - 60 -

     1     its investigations to any other appropriate law enforcement,
     2     administrative, regulatory or licensing agency.
     3         (8)  To pay over all civil and criminal fines and
     4     penalties collected for violations and acts subject to
     5     investigation and prosecution into the fund.
     6         (9)  To undertake programs to investigate insurance fraud
     7     and to meet, at least on a quarterly basis, with the
     8     Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority.
     9         (10)  To employ investigators trained in accordance with
    10     the act of June 18, 1974 (P.L.359, No.120), referred to as
    11     the Municipal Police Education and Training Law. The laws
    12     applicable to law enforcement officers of this Commonwealth
    13     shall be applicable to the investigators. Investigators of
    14     the section shall have the following additional powers:
    15             (i)  To make arrests in accordance with existing
    16         jurisdictional rules for criminal violations established
    17         as a result of their investigations.
    18             (ii)  To execute arrest and search warrants in
    19         accordance with existing jurisdictional rules for the
    20         same criminal violations.
    21         (11)  To designate, if evidence, documentation and
    22     related materials sought are located outside of this
    23     Commonwealth, representatives, including officials of the
    24     state where the matter is located, to secure the matter or
    25     inspect the matter on its behalf. The person so requested
    26     shall either make the matter available to the section or
    27     shall make the matter available for inspection or examination
    28     by a designated representative of the section.
    29  Section 1143.  Document confidentiality and immunity from
    30                 subpoena.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 61 -

     1     (a)  General rule.--Papers, records, documents, reports,
     2  materials or other evidence relative to the subject of an
     3  insurance fraud investigation shall remain confidential and
     4  shall not be subject to public inspection for so long as the
     5  section deems it reasonably necessary to complete its
     6  investigation or for so long as the section deems it reasonably
     7  necessary to protect the privacy of the person investigated, to
     8  protect the person furnishing the matter or to be in public
     9  interest.
    10     (b)  Subpoena.--
    11         (1)  Papers, records, documents, reports, materials or
    12     other evidence relative to the subject of an insurance fraud
    13     investigation shall not be subject to subpoena until opened
    14     for public inspection by the section unless the Office of
    15     Attorney General consents or until, after notice to the
    16     section and a hearing, a court of record determines that the
    17     section will not be unnecessarily hindered by compliance with
    18     a subpoena.
    19         (2)  Investigators employed by the section shall not be
    20     subject to subpoena in civil actions by any court in this
    21     Commonwealth to testify concerning any matter of which they
    22     have knowledge pursuant to a pending or continuing insurance
    23     fraud investigation being conducted by the section unless the
    24     Office of Attorney General consents or until, after notice to
    25     the Office of Attorney General and a hearing, a court of
    26     record determines that the investigation will not be hindered
    27     by the appearance.
    28  Section 1144.  Duties of insurers, employees, agents and
    29                 brokers.
    30     Every insurer, every employee of an insurer and every
    20010S0962B2257                 - 62 -

     1  licensed agent or broker shall cooperate fully with the section.
     2  Where an insurer, agent or broker who believes that an insurance
     3  fraud has been or is being committed notifies the section, the
     4  notification shall toll any applicable time period in the act of
     5  July 22, 1974 (P.L.589, No.205), known as the Unfair Insurance
     6  Practices Act, or any other law or regulation.
     7  Section 1145.  Persons not connected with insurance industry.
     8     Any person having knowledge of or who believes that an
     9  insurance fraud is being or has been committed may send to the
    10  section a report or information pertinent to the knowledge and
    11  belief.
    12  Section 1146.  Refusal to cooperate with investigation.
    13     It is unlawful for any person to resist an arrest authorized
    14  by this article or in any manner to interfere either by abetting
    15  or assisting such resistance or otherwise interfere with section
    16  investigators in the duties imposed upon them by this article or
    17  by any other applicable law.
    18  Section 1147.  Immunity.
    19     (a)  General rule.--In the absence of malice, persons or
    20  organizations providing information to or otherwise cooperating
    21  with the section, its employees, agents or designees, shall not
    22  be subject to civil or criminal liability for supplying the
    23  information.
    24     (b)  Civil and criminal liability.--
    25         (1)  In the absence of malice, persons or organizations
    26     shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability for
    27     complying with an order issued by a court of competent
    28     jurisdiction acting in response to a request by the section.
    29         (2)  In the absence of malice, the Attorney General and
    30     any employee, agent or designee of the Office of Attorney
    20010S0962B2257                 - 63 -

     1     General and the section shall not be subject to civil or
     2     criminal liability for the execution of official activities
     3     or duties of the section by virtue of the publication of any
     4     report or bulletin related to the official activities or
     5     duties of the section.
     6     (c)  Construction of section.--This section does not abrogate
     7  or modify in any way any common law or statutory privilege or
     8  immunity heretofore enjoyed by any person.
     9                            SUBARTICLE D
    10                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    11  Section 1161.  Other law enforcement authority.
    12     This article shall not:
    13         (1)  Preempt the authority of or relieve the duty of any
    14     other law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute
    15     suspected violations of law.
    16         (2)  Prevent or prohibit a person from voluntarily
    17     disclosing any information concerning insurance fraud to any
    18     law enforcement agency other than the section.
    19         (3)  Limit any of the powers granted to the Insurance
    20     Commissioner to investigate possible violations of law and to
    21     take appropriate action against wrongdoers.
    22  Section 1162.  Severability.
    23     If any provision of this article or its application thereof
    24  to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity
    25  does not affect other provisions or applications of this article
    26  which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
    27  application, and to this end the provisions of this article are
    28  severable.
    29                            ARTICLE XII
    20010S0962B2257                 - 64 -

     1  Section 1201.  Scope.
     2     This article deals with Automobile Theft Prevention.
     3  Section 1202.  Purpose.
     4     The purpose of this article is to establish, coordinate and
     5  fund activities in this Commonwealth to prevent, combat and
     6  reduce automobile theft, to improve and support automobile theft
     7  law enforcement and administration and to improve and support
     8  automobile theft prosecution.
     9  Section 1203.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this article
    11  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Authority."  The Automobile Theft Prevention Authority
    14  established under this article.
    15     "Automobile."  A private passenger four-wheel motor vehicle,
    16  except recreational vehicles not intended for highway use, which
    17  is insured.
    18     "Board."  The board of directors of the Automobile Theft
    19  Prevention Authority.
    20     "Fund."  The Automobile Theft Prevention Trust Fund created
    21  under section 1206.
    22  Section 1204.  Automobile Theft Prevention Authority.
    23     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a body
    24  corporate and politic to be known as the Automobile Theft
    25  Prevention Authority. The purposes, powers and duties of the
    26  authority shall be vested in and exercised by the board of
    27  directors thereof as provided for in this article.
    28     (b)  Composition.--The board of the authority shall consist
    29  of seven members composed and appointed in accordance with the
    30  following:
    20010S0962B2257                 - 65 -

     1         (1)  The Attorney General or his designee.
     2         (2)  Three representatives of insurers authorized to
     3     write automobile insurance doing business in this
     4     Commonwealth.
     5         (3)  Three at-large members who are not employed by the
     6     insurance industry.
     7     (c)  Appointment.--With the exception of the Attorney
     8  General, all board members shall be appointed by the Governor
     9  from names submitted to the Governor by the Pennsylvania Anti-
    10  Car Theft Committee.
    11     (d)  Terms.--With the exception of the Attorney General,
    12  members of the board shall serve for terms of four years.
    13     (e)  Compensation.--Members of the board shall serve without
    14  compensation, except that members of the board shall receive
    15  reimbursement for all reasonable expenses incurred in connection
    16  with their duties, in accordance with the rules of the board.
    17     (f)  Quorum and meetings.--A majority of the members of the
    18  board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business
    19  at a meeting or the exercise of a power or function of the
    20  authority. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, action
    21  may be taken by the board at a meeting upon a vote of the
    22  majority of its members present in person or through the use of
    23  amplified telephonic equipment, if authorized by the bylaws of
    24  the board and provided a quorum is present by such means. The
    25  board shall meet at the call of the chairperson or as may be
    26  provided in the bylaws of the board. The board shall meet at
    27  least quarterly. Meetings of the board may be held anywhere
    28  within this Commonwealth. The board shall elect its own
    29  chairperson.
    30  Section 1205.  Powers and duties.
    20010S0962B2257                 - 66 -

     1     The authority shall have the powers necessary and convenient
     2  to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this
     3  article and the purposes of the authority and the powers
     4  delegated by other laws, including, but not limited to, the
     5  power to:
     6         (1)  Employ administrative, professional, clerical and
     7     other personnel as may be required and organize the staff as
     8     may be appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this
     9     article.
    10         (2)  Have a seal and alter the same at pleasure, have
    11     perpetual succession, make, execute and deliver contracts,
    12     conveyances and other instruments necessary or convenient to
    13     the exercise of its powers and make and amend bylaws.
    14         (3)  Procure insurance against any loss in connection
    15     with its property, assets or activities.
    16         (4)  Apply for, solicit, receive, establish priorities
    17     for, allocate, disburse, contract for, administer and spend
    18     funds in the fund and other funds that are made available to
    19     the authority from any source consistent with the purposes of
    20     this article.
    21         (5)  Make grants to and provide financial support for
    22     government agencies, community, consumer and business
    23     organizations consistent with the purposes of this article.
    24         (6)  Invest any money held in the fund and any funds held
    25     in reserve or sinking funds and any money not required for
    26     immediate use or disbursement at its discretion and to name
    27     and use depositories for its money.
    28         (7)  Assess the scope of the problem of automobile theft,
    29     including identification of those areas of this Commonwealth
    30     where the problem is greatest, and review State and local
    20010S0962B2257                 - 67 -

     1     criminal justice policies, programs and plans dealing with
     2     automobile theft.
     3         (8)  Develop and sponsor the implementation of Statewide
     4     plans, programs and strategies to combat automobile theft,
     5     improve the administration of the automobile theft laws and
     6     provide a forum for identification of critical problems for
     7     those persons dealing with automobile theft.
     8         (9)  Coordinate the development, adoption and
     9     implementation of plans, programs and strategies relating to
    10     interagency and intergovernmental cooperation with respect to
    11     automobile theft law enforcement.
    12         (10)  Promulgate rules or regulations related to the
    13     expenditure of moneys held in the fund in order to assist and
    14     support those agencies, units of government and other
    15     organizations charged with the responsibility of reducing
    16     automobile theft or interested and involved in achieving this
    17     goal.
    18         (11)  Audit at its discretion the plans and programs that
    19     it has funded in whole or in part in order to evaluate the
    20     effectiveness of the plans and programs and withdraw funding
    21     should the authority determine that a plan or program is
    22     ineffective or is no longer in need of further financial
    23     support from the fund.
    24         (12)  Report annually on or before the first day of April
    25     to the Governor and the General Assembly on the authority's
    26     activities in the preceding period. The report shall be
    27     available for public inspection.
    28  Section 1206.  Automobile Theft Prevention Trust Fund.
    29     (a)  Creation.--A separate account in the State Treasury is
    30  hereby established to be known as the Automobile Theft
    20010S0962B2257                 - 68 -

     1  Prevention Trust Fund. The fund shall be administered by the
     2  authority. All interest earned from the investment or deposit of
     3  moneys accumulated in the fund shall be deposited in trust in
     4  the fund.
     5     (b)  Funds.--All moneys deposited into the fund shall not be
     6  considered general revenue of this Commonwealth but shall be
     7  used only to effectuate the purposes of this article as
     8  determined by the authority and shall be subject to audit by the
     9  Auditor General.
    10     (c)  Assessment.--Annually on or before the first day of
    11  April, each insurer engaged in the writing of automobile
    12  insurance coverages, as a condition of its authorization to
    13  transact automobile insurance business in this Commonwealth,
    14  shall pay into the fund in trust an amount equal to the product
    15  obtained by multiplying $4,000,000 by a fraction, the numerator
    16  of which is the total private passenger and commercial
    17  automobile physical damage insurance premiums written in this
    18  Commonwealth by that insurer during the preceding calendar year
    19  and the denominator of which is the total private passenger and
    20  commercial automobile physical damage insurance premiums written
    21  in this Commonwealth by all insurers in the same period.
    22  Assessments made under this section shall not be considered
    23  burdens and prohibitions under section 212.
    24     (d)  Base amount.--In succeeding years the authority may vary
    25  the base amount of $4,000,000, provided, however, that any
    26  increase which on an annual basis exceeds the increase in the
    27  Consumer Price Index for this Commonwealth must be approved by
    28  five of seven members of the board.
    29     (e)  Expenditures.--Moneys in the fund shall be expended by
    30  the authority for the following purposes:
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     1         (1)  To effectuate the powers, duties and
     2     responsibilities of the authority as set forth in section
     3     1205.
     4         (2)  To provide financial support to law enforcement,
     5     correctional agencies and prosecutors for programs designed
     6     to reduce automobile theft and to improve the administration
     7     of automobile theft laws.
     8         (3)  To provide financial support for other governmental
     9     agencies, community, consumer and business organizations for
    10     programs designed to reduce automobile theft and to improve
    11     the administration of automobile theft laws.
    12         (4)  To provide financial support to programs designed to
    13     inform owners of automobiles about the costs of automobile
    14     theft to individuals and to society and to suggest methods
    15     for preventing automobile theft.
    16         (5)  To provide financial support for reward programs
    17     leading to the arrest and conviction of persons and
    18     organizations engaged in automobile theft.
    19         (6)  To provide financial support for other plans,
    20     programs and strategies consistent with the purposes of this
    21     article.
    22     (f)  Dissolution.--In the event that the trust fund is
    23  discontinued or the authority is dissolved by operation of law,
    24  any balance remaining in the fund, after deducting
    25  administrative costs for liquidation, shall be returned to
    26  insurers in proportion to their financial contributions to the
    27  fund in the preceding calendar year.
    28  Section 1207.  Immunity.
    29     In the absence of malice, no board member and no employee,
    30  agent or designee of the authority shall be subject to civil or
    20010S0962B2257                 - 70 -

     1  criminal liability for receiving or disclosing information
     2  related to automobile theft or the activities of the authority.
     3  In the absence of malice, persons or organizations shall not be
     4  subject to civil or criminal liability for providing information
     5  to the authority or its employees relating to automobile theft.
     6  This section does not abrogate or modify in any way any common
     7  law or statutory privilege or immunity heretofore enjoyed by any
     8  person.
     9     Section 3.  Persons currently licensed under Article VI of
    10  the act remain licensed and are subject to the provisions of
    11  Subarticle B of Article VI-A. Upon expiration of existing
    12  licenses, persons shall be licensed in accordance with Article
    13  VI-A.
    14     Section 4.  Existing references to persons licensed in
    15  accordance with Article VI of the act are deemed to be
    16  references to persons licensed in accordance with Article VI-A
    17  and shall remain in effect until replaced, revised or amended.
    18     Section 5.  (a)  The following acts are repealed:
    19     Act of December 28, 1994 (P.L.1414, No.166), known as The
    20  Insurance Fraud Prevention Act.
    21     Act of December 28, 1994 (P.L.1445, No.171), known as the
    22  Automobile Theft Prevention Act.
    23     (b)  The following acts and parts of acts are repealed
    24  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act:
    25     Act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance
    26  Company Law of 1921.
    27     Act of September 2, 1961 (P.L.1232, No.540), known as the
    28  Model Act for the Regulation of Credit Life Insurance and Credit
    29  Accident and Health Insurance.
    30     Section 6.  This act shall take effect as follows:
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     1         (1)  The requirements in sections 605-A and 608-A of the
     2     act for submission of fingerprints shall take effect in 180
     3     days.
     4         (2)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
     5     immediately.

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