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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1081



No. 970 Session of 1997

           MELLOW, MAY 7, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the removal of waste illegally deposited on or
     2     adjacent to State forests, for the closure of disposal sites,
     3     for the prevention of unauthorized waste disposal on State
     4     forests and for grant programs; and establishing the Forest
     5     Lands Beautification Restricted Account.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Forest Lands
    10  Beautification Act.
    11  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
    12     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    13         (1)  State forest lands comprise more than 2.1 million
    14     acres, owned by the Commonwealth for the benefit of its
    15     citizens, which are available for public use and which are
    16     increasingly important to the Commonwealth's travel and
    17     tourism industry.
    18         (2)  The illegal disposal of household trash, tires, used

     1     appliances and other waste material is a growing problem
     2     which can adversely affect health and safety, degrade
     3     environmental resources and detract from the scenic and
     4     recreational quality of State forest lands.
     5         (3)  The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
     6     does not have the financial and other resources needed to
     7     adequately address the problem of the illegal disposal of
     8     waste on State forest lands.
     9  Section 3.  Purpose.
    10     It is the purpose of this act:
    11         (1)  To deter illegal waste disposal practices on State
    12     forest and State park lands and to ensure that waste is
    13     recycled or disposed of properly.
    14         (2)  To provide for the abatement of illegal waste
    15     disposal sites on State forest and State parks lands and the
    16     threats to public health, safety and the environment which
    17     are associated with such sites.
    18         (3)  To provide for the removal, recycling or proper
    19     disposal of waste illegally disposed of on State forest and
    20     State parks lands.
    21         (4)  To develop cooperative programs with local
    22     communities for preventing the illegal disposal of waste on
    23     or adjacent to State forests and State parks.
    24  Section 4.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    26  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Commonwealth agency."  The Commonwealth and its departments,
    29  boards, commissions and agencies, Commonwealth-owned
    30  universities and any authority now in existence or hereafter
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     1  created or organized by the Commonwealth.
     2     "Department."  The Department of Conservation and Natural
     3  Resources of the Commonwealth.
     4     "Local agency."  A political subdivision, school district,
     5  conservation district or municipal authority of the
     6  Commonwealth.
     7  Section 5.  Authority of department.
     8     The department is authorized:
     9         (1)  To collect and remove waste illegally deposited on
    10     or adjacent to State forest and State park lands and to
    11     ensure the proper disposal of these materials.
    12         (2)  To eliminate, in accordance with applicable
    13     statutes, rules and regulations, unauthorized waste disposal
    14     sites which have been created by the illegal disposal of
    15     waste on State forest and State park lands or on adjacent
    16     properties, in cooperation with the owners of those
    17     properties, when the conditions on such properties are likely
    18     to affect the State lands.
    19         (3)  To recycle, whenever practical, materials found in
    20     the course of waste collection and removal.
    21         (4)  To place waste receptacles in appropriate places on
    22     or adjacent to State forests and State parks and to arrange
    23     for the proper disposal and recycling of their contents.
    24         (5)  To enforce laws and regulations which prohibit
    25     unauthorized waste disposal and to cooperate with other
    26     Commonwealth agencies and local agencies to enforce such laws
    27     and regulations.
    28         (6)  To establish educational programs to increase public
    29     awareness of the problem of unauthorized waste disposal and
    30     to encourage recycling, waste reduction and proper waste
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     1     disposal.
     2  Section 6.  Funds.
     3     There is hereby established in the General Fund a restricted
     4  account to be known as the Forest Lands Beautification
     5  Restricted Account. For a period of five years from the
     6  effective date of this act, this account may receive up to
     7  $1,500,000 annually, upon approval of the Governor, from the
     8  Recycling Fund created by section 706 act of July 28, 1988
     9  (P.L.556, No.101), known as the Municipal Waste Planning,
    10  Recycling and Waste Reduction Act. Moneys in the restricted
    11  account are hereby appropriated to the department to carry out
    12  the purposes of this act.
    13  Section 7.  Grants and contracts.
    14     The department is authorized:
    15         (1)  To make grants to local agencies and nonprofit
    16     organizations to establish and administer programs to prevent
    17     the unauthorized disposal of waste on or adjacent to State
    18     forest and State park lands, to encourage the proper disposal
    19     of waste in areas in which such lands are located, to
    20     encourage recycling and reduction of waste in those areas and
    21     to increase public awareness of proper waste disposal
    22     methods.
    23         (2)  To enter into contracts and agreements with
    24     Commonwealth agencies, local agencies, corporations,
    25     partnerships, associations or other organizations to carry
    26     out the purposes of this act.
    27  Section 8.  Effective date.
    28     This act shall take effect immediately.

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