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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1336



No. 985 Session of 2003

           RAFFERTY, DECEMBER 18, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, abolishing common-law marriage; and
     3     providing for declaration of marriage without solemnization.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 1103 of Title 23 of the Pennsylvania
     7  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
     8  [§ 1103.  Common-law marriage.
     9     This part shall not be construed to change the existing law
    10  with regard to common-law marriage.]
    11     Section 2.  Title 23 is amended by adding sections to read:
    12  § 1705.  Abolition of common-law marriage.
    13     Common-law marriage is prohibited in this Commonwealth, and
    14  the marriage of a man and woman may occur in this Commonwealth
    15  only if the marriage is solemnized by a person described in
    16  section 1503 (relating to persons qualified to solemnize
    17  marriages) or is established by written declaration under
    18  section 1706 (relating to declaration of marriage without

     1  solemnization) and the marriage otherwise is in compliance with
     2  this part.
     3  § 1706.  Declaration of marriage without solemnization.
     4     (a)  Requirements.--Persons desiring to establish a marriage
     5  by written declaration in this Commonwealth without the
     6  solemnization provided for in Chapter 15 (relating to marriage
     7  ceremony) must:
     8         (1)  Sign a declaration of marriage.
     9         (2)  Hold themselves out as being married.
    10         (3)  Be 18 years of age or older.
    11         (4)  Not be married to any other person.
    12         (5)  Not be related within the prohibited degrees of
    13     consanguinity set forth in section 1304(e) (relating to
    14     restrictions on issuance of license).
    15     (b)  Form.--The declaration of marriage shall be in
    16  substantially the following form:
    17         We declare under penalty of perjury:
    18         (1)  We are both 18 years of age or older.
    19         (2)  We want to be married and we intend to hold
    20         ourselves out as being married to each other.
    21         (3)  We understand that we will be regarded as married
    22         under Federal law, the laws of this Commonwealth or any
    23         applicable local laws.
    24         (4)  Neither of us is married to any other individual.
    25         (5)  Neither of us is related to the other in a manner
    26         that would bar us from being married to each other under
    27         the laws of this Commonwealth.
    28         _________________           _________________
    29         (Signature)                 (Signature)
    30         _________________           _________________
    20030S0985B1336                  - 2 -     

     1         (Print Name)                (Print Name)
     2         _________________           _________________
     3         (Date)                      (Date)
     4     (c)  Procedure.--A declaration of marriage must be either:
     5         (1)  signed in the presence of a district justice; or
     6         (2)  notarized by a notary public and delivered by mail
     7     or in person to the appropriate court of common pleas for
     8     filing.
     9     (d)  Filing.--The original declaration of marriage shall be
    10  signed by the parties to the marriage and retained by the
    11  parties contracting the marriage. A duplicate declaration of
    12  marriage shall be signed by the parties to the marriage and
    13  recorded by the court in the same manner as a marriage
    14  certificate.
    15     (e)  Marriage license.--The requirement of a marriage license
    16  under section 1301 (relating to marriage license required) shall
    17  not apply to marriages under this section.
    18     (f)  Legal effect.--A declaration of marriage under this
    19  section shall have the same legal effect as a marriage
    20  certificate under Chapter 15.
    21     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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