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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1134



No. 987 Session of 1989


           MAY 31, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Auctioneer Recovery Fund; and making a repeal.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Auctioneer
     6  Recovery Fund Act.
     7  Section 2.  Establishment of fund.
     8     There is hereby established the Auctioneer Recovery Fund for
     9  the purposes hereinafter set forth in this act.
    10  Section 3.  Funding.
    11     An auctioneer, apprentice auctioneer, auction company or
    12  auction house licensee entitled to renew his license on or after
    13  February 1, 1989, shall, when so renewing his license, pay in
    14  addition to the applicable license fee a further fee of $50
    15  which shall be paid and credited to the Auctioneer Recovery
    16  Fund. Thereafter, any person, upon receiving his initial
    17  auctioneer's license, shall, in addition to all fees, pay into

     1  the Auctioneer Recovery Fund a sum of $50. If, at the
     2  commencement of any biennial renewal period beginning in 1989
     3  and thereafter, the balance of the fund is less than $100,000,
     4  the State Board of Auctioneer Examiners may assess an additional
     5  fee, in addition to the renewal fee, against each licensee in an
     6  amount, not to exceed $25, which will yield revenues sufficient
     7  to bring the balance of the fund to $100,000. All said fees
     8  shall be paid into the State Treasury and credited to the
     9  Auctioneer Recovery Fund, and said deposits shall be allocated
    10  solely for the purposes of the fund as provided in this act. The
    11  fund shall be invested, and interest and dividends shall accrue
    12  to the fund. The bonding requirements of section 13 of the act
    13  of December 22, 1983 (P.L.327, No.85), known as the Auctioneer
    14  and Auction Licensing Act, shall not apply to a licensee who has
    15  paid the required fee into the Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    16  Section 4.  Application for recovery from fund.
    17     (a)  Procedure following judgment.--When any aggrieved person
    18  obtains a final judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction
    19  against any person licensed under the act of December 22, 1983
    20  (P.L.327, No.85), known as the Auctioneer and Auction Licensing
    21  Act, upon grounds of fraud, misrepresentation or deceit with
    22  reference to any transaction for which a license is required
    23  under the Auctioneer and Auction Licensing Act and the cause of
    24  action occurred on or after the effective date of this act, the
    25  aggrieved person may, upon termination of all proceedings,
    26  including reviews and appeals, file an application in the court
    27  in which the judgment was entered for an order directing payment
    28  out of the Auctioneer Recovery Fund of the amount unpaid upon
    29  the judgment.
    30     (b)  Application requirements.--The aggrieved person shall be
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     1  required to show:
     2         (1)  That he is not a spouse of the debtor or the
     3     personal representative of said spouse.
     4         (2)  That he has obtained a final judgment as set out in
     5     this section.
     6         (3)  That all reasonable personal acts, rights of
     7     discovery and such other remedies at law and in equity as
     8     exist have been exhausted in the collection thereof.
     9         (4)  That he is making said application no more than one
    10     year after the termination of the proceedings, including
    11     reviews and appeals in connection with the judgment.
    12     (c)  Payments from fund.--When there is an order of the court
    13  to make payment or a claim is otherwise to be levied against the
    14  fund, such amount shall be paid to the claimant in accordance
    15  with the limitations contained in this section. Notwithstanding
    16  any other provisions of this section, the liability of that
    17  portion of the fund allocated for the purpose of this act shall
    18  not exceed $20,000 for any one claim and shall not exceed
    19  $100,000 per licensee. If the $100,000 liability of the
    20  Auctioneer Recovery Fund as provided herein, is insufficient to
    21  pay in full claims adjudicated valid of all aggrieved persons
    22  against any one licensee, such $100,000 shall be distributed
    23  among them in such ratio that the respective claims of the
    24  aggrieved applicants bear to the aggregate of such claims held
    25  valid. If, at any time, the money deposited in the Auctioneer
    26  Recovery Fund is insufficient to satisfy any duly authorized
    27  claim or portion thereof, the State Board of Auctioneer
    28  Examiners shall, when sufficient money has been deposited in the
    29  fund, satisfy such unpaid claims or portions thereof in the
    30  order that such claims or portions thereof were originally
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     1  filed, plus accumulated interest at the rate of 6% a year.
     2     (d)  Joinder.--Upon petition of the State Board of Auctioneer
     3  Examiners, the court may require all claimants and prospective
     4  claimants against one licensee to be joined in one action, to
     5  the end that the respective rights of all such claimants to the
     6  Auctioneer Recovery Fund may be equitably adjudicated and
     7  settled.
     8     (e)  License suspension and reimbursement of fund.--Should
     9  the State Board of Auctioneer Examiners pay from the Auctioneer
    10  Recovery Fund any amount in settlement of a claim as provided
    11  for in this act against a licensee, the license of that person
    12  shall automatically suspend upon the effective date of the
    13  payment thereof by the State Board of Auctioneer Examiners. No
    14  licensee shall be granted reinstatement until he has paid in
    15  full, plus interest at the rate of 10% a year, the amount paid
    16  from the Auctioneer Recovery Fund. The State Board of Auctioneer
    17  Examiners may use any remedy available to it at law or in equity
    18  against a licensee or the assets of a licensee in order to
    19  reimburse the Auctioneer Recovery Fund for any amount paid from
    20  the fund in settlement of a claim against the licensee.
    21     (f)  Permitted requests.--In order to promote the public
    22  safety and welfare and reduce the incidence of transactions
    23  leading to claims against the Auctioneer Recovery Fund, the
    24  State Board of Auctioneer Examiners may include in its annual
    25  budget request, funds for the following purposes:
    26         (1)  To carry out the advancement of education and
    27     research in the auctioneering profession for the purpose of
    28     improving the practice of auctioneering in this Commonwealth.
    29         (2)  To underwrite educational seminars, training centers
    30     and other forms of educational projects for the use of
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     1     licensees for the purpose of improving the practice of
     2     auctioneering in this Commonwealth.
     3         (3)  To sponsor, contract for and underwrite any and all
     4     other educational and research projects of a similar nature
     5     for the purpose of improving the practice of auctioneering in
     6     this Commonwealth.
     7         (4)  To cooperate with associations of auctioneers and
     8     any and all other groups for the enlightenment and
     9     advancement of the auctioneer profession in this
    10     Commonwealth.
    11  Section 5.  Repeal.
    12     Section 13 of the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L.327, No.85),
    13  known as the Auctioneer and Auction Licensing Act, is repealed
    14  insofar as it is inconsistent with this act.
    15  Section 6.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect January 31, 1990.

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