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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1335



No. 994 Session of 2005

           NOVEMBER 14, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," providing for a presidential nomination caucus
    12     system and for a penalty.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known
    16  as the Pennsylvania Election Code, is amended by adding an
    17  article to read:
    18                            ARTICLE IX-A
    20  Section 901-A.  Authority of State convention.
    21     (a)  Time.--The final authority over the affairs of each
    22  major political party shall be vested in the party's State

     1  convention to be held at least once every presidential election
     2  year at the call of the State central committee.
     3     (b)  State central committee.--Subject to the control of the
     4  State convention the general management of the affairs of the
     5  state party shall be vested in the party's State central
     6  committee.
     7     (c)  State executive committee.--The State executive
     8  committee of the party shall have charge of the administration
     9  of the party's affairs, subject to the direction and control of
    10  the State convention and the State central committee.
    11     (d)  Constitution.--The chair of the State central committee
    12  of each party shall file with the Secretary of State a copy of
    13  the party's constitution and all amendments to the constitution
    14  as they are enacted.
    15  Section 902-A.  Committees and conventions.
    16     (a) Conventions.--The rules of each major political party
    17  shall provide that for each congressional district a convention
    18  shall be held at least once every general election year. Each
    19  major political party shall also provide for each congressional
    20  district, an executive committee consisting of a chair and other
    21  officers as may be necessary.
    22     (b) Impaired delegates.--The following shall apply:
    23         (1)  A communicatively impaired delegate or alternate who
    24     needs interpreter services at a congressional district or
    25     State convention shall notify the executive committee of the
    26     major political party unit whose convention the delegate or
    27     alternate plans to attend. Written notice must be given by
    28     certified mail to the executive committee at least 30 days
    29     before the convention date. The major political party, not
    30     later than 14 days before the convention date, shall secure
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     1     the services of one or more interpreters if available and
     2     shall assume responsibility for the cost of the services. The
     3     State central committee of the major political party shall
     4     determine the process for reimbursing interpreters.
     5         (2)  A visually impaired delegate or alternate to a
     6     congressional district or State convention may notify the
     7     executive committee of the major political party unit that
     8     the delegate or alternate requires convention materials in
     9     audio tape, Braille or large print format. Upon receiving the
    10     request, the executive committee shall provide all official
    11     written convention materials as soon as they are available,
    12     so that the visually impaired individual may have them
    13     converted to audio tape, Braille or large print format, prior
    14     to the convention.
    15  Section 903-A.  Leave time from employment; party officers;
    16                 delegates to party conventions.
    17     If an employee gives at least ten days' written notice to the
    18  employer, the employee may be absent from work to attend any
    19  meeting of the State central committee or executive committee of
    20  a major political party if the employee is a member of the
    21  committee, or may attend any convention of major political party
    22  delegates including meetings of official convention committees
    23  if the employee is a delegate or alternate delegate to that
    24  convention. An employee who gives proper notice as provided in
    25  this section shall suffer no penalty or deduction from salary or
    26  wages on account of absence other than a deduction in salary or
    27  wages for the actual time of absence from employment. A
    28  violation of this section by an employer shall be a misdemeanor.
    29  Section 904-A.  Presidential nomination caucus.
    30     (a)  Time and manner of holding; postponement.--At 7:00 p.m.
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     1  on the first Tuesday in March in every general election year
     2  there shall be held for every election precinct a party caucus
     3  pursuant to this article to nominate a presidential candidate.
     4     (b)  Caucus call.--The chair of the congressional district
     5  executive committee, whichever is provided for by party rules,
     6  shall issue the call for the precinct caucus at least 20 days
     7  before the time set for holding the caucus, and the call shall
     8  contain all of the following:
     9         (1)  Name of party.
    10         (2)  Precinct number.
    11         (3)  Date caucus is to be held.
    12         (4)  Place caucus is to be held.
    13         (5)  Hours during which caucus is to be held.
    14         (6)  Statutory rules governing the caucus.
    15         (7)  A statement of business to be conducted including
    16     the election of a chair and other officers as may be provided
    17     by party rules and the election of delegates to district
    18     conventions.
    19         (8)  Number of delegates to be elected.
    20         (9)  Name of the congressional district chair issuing the
    21     call.
    22         (10)  Name of the present precinct chair or other person
    23     who will be the convener of the caucus.
    24         (11)  A space for entering the names of the officers and
    25     delegates elected by the caucus.
    26     (c)  Notice.--The congressional district chair shall give at
    27  least six days' published notice of the holding of the precinct
    28  caucus, stating the place, date and time for holding the caucus,
    29  and shall deliver the same information to the municipal clerk
    30  and county auditor at least 20 days before the precinct caucus.
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     1  The county auditor shall make this information available at
     2  least ten days before the date of the caucuses to persons who
     3  request it.
     4  Section 905-A.  Time and place of caucus.
     5     (a)  Time.--Precinct caucuses within a county shall be held
     6  on the day provided by law and the caucuses shall remain open
     7  for at least one hour.
     8     (b)  Place.--The following shall apply:
     9         (1)  Precinct caucuses shall be held at the regular
    10     polling places for each precinct or other suitable places
    11     designated in the call, and no caucus may be adjourned to any
    12     other place or time.
    13         (2)  In the event that there is only one suitable meeting
    14     place in the precinct polling place and the major political
    15     parties cannot agree as to its use, the county auditor shall
    16     decide by lot the party which is to receive the use of the
    17     meeting place in years evenly divisible by four and which
    18     party shall receive the use of the meeting place in other
    19     years in which a State general election is held. The report
    20     of the selections by lot in the county shall be filed by the
    21     auditor with the county board which shall publish the same as
    22     a part of the minutes of the board meeting at which the
    23     report is filed.
    24         (3)  A precinct caucus must be held at a place that meets
    25     the accessibility standards for a precinct polling place and
    26     must contain restrooms that conform to standards for
    27     accessibility by handicapped persons. If a precinct caucus is
    28     held on a floor of a building that is either above or below
    29     the entrance level for the building, an elevator must be
    30     available. Any elevators used for access to the room where
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     1     the precinct caucus is held must conform to standards for
     2     accessibility by handicapped persons.
     3         (4)  If there are not enough places within a precinct
     4     that are or can be made accessible for each major party to
     5     hold its precinct caucus, a major party may hold its caucus
     6     at a place outside one of the boundaries of the precinct in
     7     order to comply with accessibility requirements.
     8         (5)  If only one place satisfies the accessibility and
     9     location requirements of this article, the major parties
    10     shall alternate use of the place.
    11  The county auditor shall decide by lot which party is to use the
    12  accessible place in years evenly divisible by four and which
    13  party is to use the place in other years when a general election
    14  is held.
    15  Section 906-A.  Interpreter services; caucus materials.
    16     The following shall apply:
    17         (1)  A communicatively impaired individual who needs
    18     interpreter services at a precinct caucus shall notify the
    19     major political party whose caucus the individual plans to
    20     attend. Written notice must be given by certified mail to the
    21     congressional district committee of the political party at
    22     least 30 days before the precinct caucus date. The major
    23     political party, not later than 14 days before the precinct
    24     caucus date, shall secure the services of one or more
    25     interpreters if available and shall assume responsibility for
    26     the cost of the services. The State central committee of the
    27     major political party shall determine the process for
    28     reimbursing interpreters.
    29         (2)  A visually impaired individual may notify the
    30     congressional district committee of the major political party
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     1     whose precinct caucus the individual plans to attend, that
     2     the individual requires caucus materials in audio tape,
     3     Braille or large type format. Upon receiving the request, the
     4     congressional district committee shall provide all official
     5     written caucus materials as soon as they are available, so
     6     that the visually impaired individual may have them converted
     7     to audio tape, Braille or large print format prior to the
     8     precinct caucus.
     9  Section 907-A.  Interpreter services and accessible precinct
    10                 caucus exemptions.
    11     A major political party shall not be required to do any of
    12  the following:
    13         (1)  Provide an interpreter for a convention or precinct
    14     caucus if it has made documented good faith efforts to locate
    15     and assign an interpreter, including contacting an
    16     interpreter referral center or regional service center for
    17     the hearing impaired and no interpreters are available.
    18         (2)  Hold a precinct caucus at a place that meets the
    19     accessibility standards for precinct polling places, if it
    20     has made documented good faith efforts to locate and secure
    21     an available accessible site within a reasonable distance of
    22     the precinct and no accessible site is available.
    23  Section 908-A.  Participation and vote.
    24     (a)  Eligible voters.--Only those individuals who are or will
    25  be eligible to vote at the time of the next general election,
    26  may vote or be elected a delegate or officer at the precinct
    27  caucus. An eligible voter may vote or be elected a delegate or
    28  officer only in the precinct where the voter resides at the time
    29  of the caucus.
    30     (b)  Agreement with party principles.--Only those persons who
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     1  are in agreement with the principles of the party as stated in
     2  the party's constitution, and who either voted or affiliated
     3  with the party at the last general election or intend to vote or
     4  affiliate with the party at the next general election, may vote
     5  at the precinct caucus.
     6     (c)  Decision by caucus vote.--In case the right of a person
     7  to participate at the caucus is challenged, the question of the
     8  right to participate shall be decided by a vote of the whole
     9  caucus. A person so challenged may not vote on the question of
    10  the person's right to participate.
    11     (d)  One caucus per year.--No person may vote or participate
    12  at more than one party's caucus in any presidential election
    13  year.
    14  Section 909-A.  Procedure.
    15     (a)  Temporary chair.--The convener shall be the temporary
    16  chair of the caucus.
    17     (b)  Nominations; time of election of officers and
    18  delegates.--Nominations for the election of permanent officers
    19  and delegates shall remain open for at least the first quarter
    20  hour of the caucus. Election of delegates and alternates must
    21  begin within one hour of convening a caucus. Election of
    22  delegates and alternates may begin one-half hour after the
    23  convening of the caucus.
    24     (c)  Preference ballot.--Prior to the opening of nominations
    25  for the election of permanent officers and delegates, a ballot
    26  must be distributed to permit caucus participants to indicate
    27  their preference for the office of President of the United
    28  States. The results of preference voting must be reported to the
    29  Secretary of State immediately upon conclusion of the voting, in
    30  the manner provided by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of
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     1  State shall provide the appropriate forms to the party for
     2  reporting the results.
     3     (d)  Secret ballot.--All voting shall be by secret ballot.
     4     (e)  Announcement and certification of election results.--
     5  Upon completion of the counting of votes the chair shall
     6  announce the names of persons who are elected and shall certify
     7  the names to the chair of the congressional district executive
     8  committee and to the chair of the State central committee.
     9     (f)  Rules of order.--All questions concerning the manner in
    10  which a caucus is conducted or called that are not covered by
    11  statute shall be determined by Robert's Rules of Order unless
    12  otherwise specified by party rules.
    13  Section 910-A.  School schedule preemption, excusal from
    14                 employment to attend.
    15     (a)  Limits on local government meetings.--No school board,
    16  county board of commissioners, township board or city council
    17  may conduct a meeting after 6:00 p.m. on the day of a major
    18  political party precinct caucus.
    19     (b)  Absence from work.--Every employee who is entitled to
    20  attend a major political party precinct caucus is entitled,
    21  after giving the employer at least ten days' written notice, to
    22  be absent from work for the purpose of attending the caucus
    23  during the time for which the caucus is scheduled without
    24  penalty or deduction from salary or wages on account of the
    25  absence other than a deduction in salary for the time of absence
    26  from employment.
    27     (c)  Limits on college or university meetings.--A State-owned
    28  or State-related university may not schedule an event which will
    29  take place after 6:00 p.m. on the day of a major political party
    30  precinct caucus unless permission to do so has been received
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     1  from the Department of Education.
     2     (d)  Use of public school buildings.--No school official may
     3  deny the use of a public school building for the holding of a
     4  major political party precinct caucus if the school office has
     5  received a written request for the use of the school building 30
     6  days or more prior to the date of the caucus.
     7     (e)  Limits on public school events.--No public elementary or
     8  secondary school may hold a school-sponsored event after 6:00
     9  p.m. on the day of a major political party precinct caucus.
    10     (f)  Limits on Commonwealth public meetings.--No Commonwealth
    11  agency, board, commission, department or committee shall conduct
    12  a public meeting after 6:00 p.m. on the day of a major political
    13  party precinct caucus.
    14  Section 911-A.  Use of public facilities.
    15     Every political subdivision of the Commonwealth, including
    16  State-owned or State-related universities, shall make their
    17  facilities available for the holding of precinct caucuses and
    18  congressional district conventions required by this article. A
    19  charge for the use of the facilities may be imposed in an amount
    20  that does not exceed the lowest amount charged to any public or
    21  private group.
    22  Section 912-A.  Information; results.
    23     (a)  Information.--The Secretary of State may sponsor or
    24  participate in activities designed to provide public information
    25  related to the precinct caucuses and to promote participation in
    26  the caucus process.
    27     (b)  Reporting caucus results.--The Secretary of State shall
    28  promptly report to the public the results of preference
    29  balloting at the precinct caucuses.
    30     Section 2.  The addition of Article IX-A of the act shall
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     1  apply to the next presidential election to be held at least one
     2  year after the effective date of this section.
     3     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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