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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1108



No. 1000 Session of 1997

           ARMSTRONG AND THOMPSON, MAY 14, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     providing for the establishment, implementation and operation
    18     of a system of wine and spirits stores for the sale of wine
    19     and liquor for off-premises consumption, for the enforcement
    20     of underage consumption provisions and for the establishment
    21     of the Wine and Spirits Stores Fund; and further providing
    22     for certain hearings, for renewal of licenses, for revocation
    23     and suspension of licenses, for local options, for disorderly
    24     conduct, for nuisances and for fines and penalties.

    25     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    26  hereby enacts as follows:
    27     Section 1.  Section 102 of the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90,
    28  No.21), known as the Liquor Code, reenacted and amended June 29,

     1  1987 (P.L.32, No.14), is amended by adding definitions to read:
     2     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words or phrases,
     3  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the
     4  meanings ascribed to them in this section:
     5     * * *
     6     "Municipal police officer" shall mean any full-time or part-
     7  time employe of a city, borough, incorporated town, township or
     8  home rule municipality of like classification or county police
     9  department assigned to criminal or traffic law enforcement
    10  duties. The term shall not include persons employed to check
    11  parking meters or to perform only administrative duties and
    12  auxiliary and fire police.
    13     * * *
    14     "Wine and spirits store" shall mean and include any premises
    15  licensed by the Board under Article VIII-A where liquor or wine
    16  is offered for sale in the original sealed containers as
    17  prepared for the market by the manufacturer at the place of
    18  manufacture but not for consumption on the premises where sold.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 2.  Section 104(c) and (d) of the act, amended
    21  December 7, 1990 (P.L.622, No.160) and December 20, 1996
    22  (P.L.1513, No.196), are amended to read:
    23     Section 104.  Interpretation of Act.--* * *
    24     (c)  Except as otherwise expressly provided, the purpose of
    25  this act is to prohibit the manufacture of and transactions in
    26  liquor, alcohol and malt or brewed beverages which take place in
    27  this Commonwealth, except by and under the control of the board
    28  as herein specifically provided, and every section and provision
    29  of the act shall be construed accordingly; to provide a
    30  structure in this Commonwealth for a distribution system,
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     1  including the establishment of [Pennsylvania liquor] wine and
     2  spirits stores and licensing of importing distributors and
     3  distributors; and to preserve manufacturers of liquor and
     4  alcohol and malt and brewed beverages selling those products
     5  within this Commonwealth. The provisions of this act dealing
     6  with the manufacture, importation, sale, distribution and
     7  disposition of liquor, alcohol and malt or brewed beverages
     8  within the Commonwealth through the instrumentality of the
     9  board, licensees and otherwise, provide the means by which such
    10  control shall be made effective. This act shall not be construed
    11  as forbidding, affecting or regulating any transaction which is
    12  not subject to the legislative authority of this Commonwealth.
    13     (d)  The provisions of this act are intended to create a
    14  system for distribution that shall include the fixing of
    15  wholesale prices for liquor and alcohol and controls placed on
    16  prices for malt and brewed beverages and which shall be
    17  construed as integral to the preservation of the system, without
    18  which the Commonwealth's control of the sale of liquor and
    19  alcohol and malt and brewed beverages would not be possible.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 3.  Sections 207 and 208 of the act are amended to
    22  read:
    23     Section 207.  General Powers of Board.--Under this act, the
    24  board shall have the power and its duty shall be:
    25     (a)  To buy, import or have in its possession for sale, and
    26  sell liquor and alcohol in the manner set forth in this act:
    27  Provided, however, That all purchases shall be made subject to
    28  the approval of the State Treasurer, or his designated deputy.
    29  [The board shall buy liquor and alcohol at the lowest price and
    30  in the greatest variety reasonably obtainable.] The board shall
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     1  purchase at the lowest price obtainable and provide all readily
     2  available brands of alcohol, wine and liquor requested by a wine
     3  and spirits licensee for resale in a wine and spirits store.
     4     (b)  To control the manufacture, possession, sale,
     5  consumption, importation, use, storage, transportation and
     6  delivery of liquor, alcohol and malt or brewed beverages in
     7  accordance with the provisions of this act, and to fix the
     8  wholesale [and retail] prices at which liquors and alcohol shall
     9  be sold [at Pennsylvania Liquor Stores]. Prices shall be
    10  proportional with prices paid by the board to its suppliers and
    11  shall reflect any advantage obtained through volume purchases by
    12  the board. The board may establish a preferential price
    13  structure for wines produced within this Commonwealth for the
    14  promotion of such wines, as long as the price structure is
    15  uniform within each class of wine purchased by the board. The
    16  board shall require each Pennsylvania manufacturer and each
    17  nonresident manufacturer of liquors, other than wine, selling
    18  such liquors to the board, which are not manufactured in this
    19  Commonwealth, to make application for and be granted a permit by
    20  the board before such liquors not manufactured in this
    21  Commonwealth shall be purchased from such manufacturer. Each
    22  such manufacturer shall pay for such permit a fee which, in the
    23  case of a manufacturer of this Commonwealth, shall be equal to
    24  that required to be paid, if any, by a manufacturer or
    25  wholesaler of the state, territory or country of origin of the
    26  liquors, for selling liquors manufactured in Pennsylvania, and
    27  in the case of a nonresident manufacturer, shall be equal to
    28  that required to be paid, if any, in such state, territory or
    29  country by Pennsylvania manufacturers doing business in such
    30  state, territory or country. In the event that any such
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     1  manufacturer shall, in the opinion of the board, sell or attempt
     2  to sell liquors to the board through another person for the
     3  purpose of evading this provision relating to permits, the board
     4  shall require such person, before purchasing liquors from him or
     5  it, to take out a permit and pay the same fee as hereinbefore
     6  required to be paid by such manufacturer. All permit fees so
     7  collected shall be paid into the [State] Wine and Spirits Stores
     8  Fund. The board shall not purchase any alcohol or liquor
     9  fermented, distilled, rectified, compounded or bottled in any
    10  state, territory or country, the laws of which result in
    11  prohibiting the importation therein of alcohol or liquor,
    12  fermented, distilled, rectified, compounded or bottled in
    13  Pennsylvania.
    14     [(c)  To determine the municipalities within which
    15  Pennsylvania Liquor Stores shall be established and the
    16  locations of the stores within such municipalities.]
    17     (d)  To grant and issue all licenses and [to grant, issue,
    18  suspend and revoke all] permits authorized to be issued under
    19  this act.
    20     (e)  Through the Department of General Services as agent, to
    21  lease and furnish and equip such buildings, rooms and other
    22  accommodations as shall be required for the operation of this
    23  act.
    24     (f)  To appoint, fix the compensation and define the powers
    25  and duties of such managers, officers, inspectors, examiners[,
    26  clerks] and other employes as shall be required for the
    27  operation of this act, subject to the provisions of The
    28  Administrative Code of 1929 and the Civil Service Act.
    29     (g)  To determine the nature, form and capacity of all
    30  packages and original containers to be used for containing
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     1  liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages.
     2     (h)  Without in any way limiting or being limited by the
     3  foregoing, to do all such things and perform all such acts as
     4  are deemed necessary or advisable for the purpose of carrying
     5  into effect the provisions of this act and the regulations made
     6  thereunder.
     7     (i)  From time to time, to make such regulations not
     8  inconsistent with this act as it may deem necessary for the
     9  efficient administration of this act. The board shall cause such
    10  regulations to be published and disseminated throughout the
    11  Commonwealth in such manner as it shall deem necessary and
    12  advisable or as may be provided by law. Such regulations adopted
    13  by the board shall have the same force as if they formed a part
    14  of this act.
    15     [(j)  By regulation, to provide for the use of a computerized
    16  referral system to assist consumers in locating special items at
    17  Pennsylvania Liquor Stores and for the use of electronic
    18  transfer of funds and credit cards for the purchase of liquor
    19  and alcohol at Pennsylvania Liquor Stores.]
    20     Section 208.  Specific Subjects on Which Board May Adopt
    21  Regulations.--Subject to the provisions of this act and without
    22  limiting the general power conferred by the preceding section,
    23  the board may make regulations regarding:
    24     (a)  The equipment and management of [Pennsylvania Liquor
    25  Stores and] warehouses in which liquor and alcohol are kept [or
    26  sold], and the books and records to be kept therein.
    27     (b)  The duties and conduct of the officers and employes of
    28  the board.
    29     (c)  The purchase, as provided in this act, of liquor and
    30  alcohol, and its supply to [Pennsylvania Liquor Stores] wine and
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     1  spirits stores.
     2     [(d)  The classes, varieties and brands of liquor and alcohol
     3  to be kept and sold in Pennsylvania Liquor Stores. In making
     4  this determination the board shall meet not less than twice a
     5  year.
     6     (e)  The issuing and distribution of price lists for the
     7  various classes, varieties or brands of liquor and alcohol kept
     8  for sale by the board under this act.]
     9     (f)  The labeling of liquor and alcohol sold under this act
    10  and of liquor and alcohol lawfully acquired by any person prior
    11  to January first, one thousand nine hundred thirty-four.
    12     (g)  Forms to be used for the purposes of this act.
    13     (h)  The issuance of licenses and permits and the conduct,
    14  management, sanitation and equipment of places licensed or
    15  included in permits.
    16     [(i)  The place and manner of depositing the receipts of
    17  Pennsylvania Liquor Stores and the transmission of balances to
    18  the Treasury Department through the Department of Revenue.]
    19     (j)  The solicitation by resident or nonresident vendors of
    20  liquor from Pennsylvania licensees and other persons of orders
    21  for liquor to be sold through the [Pennsylvania Liquor Stores]
    22  wine and spirits stores and, in the case of nonresident vendors,
    23  the collection therefrom of license fees for such privilege at
    24  the same rate as provided herein for importers' licenses.
    25     (k)  Standards for the operation of wine and spirits stores.
    26     Section 4.  Section 215 of the act is repealed.
    27     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    28     Section 217.  Enforcement by Municipal Police Officers.--(a)
    29  Municipal police officers shall have the power to investigate
    30  licensees for violations of this act and of the regulations of
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     1  the board adopted pursuant to this act as specified in
     2  subsection (b) for the express purpose of providing the Bureau
     3  of Liquor Control Enforcement with evidence upon which an
     4  administrative citation may be filed.
     5     (b)  Municipal police officers shall have the power to
     6  investigate a licensee for violations of the following
     7  provisions of this act and regulations promulgated pursuant to
     8  this act:
     9     (1)  Section 406(a)(3).
    10     (2)  Section 493(1).
    11     (3)  Section 493(10).
    12     (4)  Section 493(14).
    13     (5)  Section 493(16).
    14     (6)  Section 499.
    15     (7)  Section 818-A.
    16     (8)  18 Pa.C.S. § 5503 (relating to disorderly conduct).
    17     (9)  40 Pa. Code § 5.32(a) (relating to
    18  restrictions/exceptions).
    19     (10)  40 Pa. Code § 5.32(c).
    20     (c)  Within thirty (30) days of the completion of his
    21  investigation, the municipal police officer shall notify the
    22  licensee of the nature of the violation by registered mail
    23  return receipt requested at the licensee's business address and
    24  forward his investigation to the Bureau of Liquor Control
    25  Enforcement for approval. Notification in this manner
    26  constitutes compliance with the requirement of the Bureau of
    27  Liquor Control Enforcement to notify the licensee under section
    28  471(b) of this act.
    29     (d)  Upon approval of the municipal police officer's
    30  investigation, the Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement shall
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     1  issue a citation against the licensee, in accordance with the
     2  provisions of this act, to show cause why such license should
     3  not be suspended or revoked or a fine imposed, or both.
     4     (e)  Except as provided in subsection (f), in conducting an
     5  investigation pursuant to this act, a municipal police officer
     6  can enter a licensed premises only when the licensed premises
     7  are open for the transaction of business or when patrons, guests
     8  or members are in that portion of the licensed premises wherein
     9  either liquor or malt or brewed beverages are sold. Failure to
    10  permit a municipal police officer to enter the licensed premises
    11  under these circumstances is a violation of section 493(21) of
    12  this act.
    13     (f)  In conducting an investigation pursuant to this act,
    14  municipal police officers may conduct an inspection or search
    15  without warrant of the licensed premises for minors or for
    16  patrons "after hours." Any other investigation or search of
    17  licensed premises shall only occur with a search warrant issued
    18  by a duly authorized magistrate or with the consent of the
    19  licensee or the licensee's board-approved manager. Municipal
    20  police officers may seize without warrant all evidence of any
    21  violation of this act for which they are authorized to
    22  investigate.
    23     (g)  Prior to investigating licensees for violations of this
    24  act and of the regulations thereunder, the municipal police
    25  officers must successfully complete a training regimen provided
    26  by the Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement in administrative
    27  investigations and enforcement of this act.
    28     (h)  Nothing in this section shall affect the authority of a
    29  municipal police officer to conduct an investigation for
    30  criminal violations of this act or for violations of any penal
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     1  statute.
     2     Section 218.  Confectionery Containing Alcohol or Liquor.--
     3  (a)  Notwithstanding the prohibition against the manufacture of
     4  confectionery containing alcohol as set forth in the fifth
     5  clause of subsection (a) of section 3 of the act of May 13, 1909
     6  (P.L.520, No.292), referred to as the Pure Food Law, the
     7  manufacture, storage, transportation and delivery to points out-
     8  of-State by manufacturers of confectionery containing alcohol or
     9  liquor is permitted.
    10     (b)  The sale of confectionery containing alcohol or liquor
    11  is prohibited within this Commonwealth.
    12     (c)  This section is not intended to cover, govern, nor
    13  control the sale of confectionery containing tinctures or
    14  extracts used for flavoring purposes or solvents for glazes.
    15     Section 6.  Sections 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 305.1 and 306
    16  of the act are repealed.
    17     Section 7.  Section 436(e) and (f) of the act are amended to
    18  read:
    19     Section 436.  Application for Distributors', Importing
    20  Distributors' and Retail Dispensers' Licenses.--Application for
    21  distributors', importing distributors' and retail dispensers'
    22  licenses, or for the transfer of an existing license to another
    23  premises not then licensed, shall contain or have attached
    24  thereto the following information and statements:
    25     * * *
    26     (e)  That the applicant is not, or in case of a partnership
    27  or association, that the members or partners are not, and in the
    28  case of a corporation, that the officers and directors are not,
    29  in any manner pecuniarily interested, either directly or
    30  indirectly, in the profits of any other class of business
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     1  regulated under this article, except [as] a wine and spirits
     2  store or as otherwise hereinafter permitted.
     3     (f)  That applicant is the only person in any manner
     4  pecuniarily interested in the business so asked to be licensed,
     5  and that no other person shall be in any manner pecuniarily
     6  interested therein during the continuance of the license, except
     7  [as] a wine and spirits store or as otherwise hereinafter
     8  permitted.
     9     * * *
    10     Section 8.  Section 464 of the act, amended October 5, 1994
    11  (P.L.522, No.77), is amended to read:
    12     Section 464.  Hearings Upon Refusal of Licenses, Renewals or
    13  Transfers; Appeals.--The board may of its own motion, and shall
    14  upon the written request of any applicant for club, hotel or
    15  restaurant liquor license, or any applicant for any malt or
    16  brewed beverage license other than a public service license, or
    17  for renewal or transfer thereof, or for the renewal of an
    18  amusement permit, whose application for such license, renewal or
    19  transfer, or the renewal of an amusement permit, has been
    20  refused, fix a time and place for hearing of such application
    21  for license or for renewal or transfer thereof, or the renewal
    22  of an amusement permit, notice of which hearing shall be mailed
    23  to the applicant at the address given in his application. Such
    24  hearing shall be before a hearing examiner designated by the
    25  board. At such hearing, the board shall present its reasons for
    26  its refusal or withholding of license, renewal or transfer
    27  thereof, or its refusal for renewal of an amusement permit. The
    28  applicant may appear in person or by counsel, may cross-examine
    29  the witnesses for the board and may present evidence which shall
    30  likewise be subject to cross-examination by the board. Such
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     1  hearing shall be stenographically recorded. The hearing examiner
     2  shall thereafter report, with the examiner's recommendation, to
     3  the board in each case. The board shall thereupon grant or
     4  refuse the license, renewal or transfer thereof or the renewal
     5  of an amusement permit. In considering the renewal of a license
     6  or amusement permit, the board shall not refuse any such renewal
     7  on the basis of the propriety of the original issuance or any
     8  prior renewal of such license or amusement permit. If the board
     9  shall refuse such license, renewal or transfer or the renewal of
    10  an amusement permit, following such hearing, notice in writing
    11  of such refusal shall be mailed to the applicant at the address
    12  given in his application. In all such cases, the board shall
    13  file of record at least a brief statement in the form of an
    14  opinion of the reasons for the ruling or order and furnish a
    15  copy thereof to the applicant. Any applicant who has appeared at
    16  any hearing, as above provided, who is aggrieved by the refusal
    17  of the board to issue any such license or to renew or transfer
    18  any such license or to renew any amusement permit may appeal, or
    19  any church, hospital, charitable institution, school or public
    20  playground located within three hundred feet of the premises
    21  applied for, aggrieved by the action of the board in granting
    22  the issuance or renewal of any such license or the transfer of
    23  any such license, may take an appeal limited to the question of
    24  such grievance, within twenty days from date of refusal or
    25  grant, to the court of common pleas of the county in which the
    26  premises or permit applied for is located. Such appeal shall be
    27  upon petition of the aggrieved party, who shall serve a copy
    28  thereof upon the board, whereupon a hearing shall be held upon
    29  the petition by the court upon ten days' notice to the board.
    30  The said appeal shall act as a supersedeas unless upon
    19970S1000B1108                 - 12 -

     1  sufficient cause shown the court shall determine otherwise. The
     2  court shall hear the application de novo on questions of fact,
     3  administrative discretion and such other matters as are
     4  involved, at such time as it shall fix, of which notice shall be
     5  given to the board. The court shall either sustain or over-rule
     6  the action of the board and either order or deny the issuance of
     7  a new license or the renewal or transfer of the license or the
     8  renewal of an amusement permit to the applicant.
     9     Section 9.  Section 470(a) of the act, amended April 29, 1994
    10  (P.L.212, No.30), is amended to read:
    11     Section 470.  Renewal of Licenses; Temporary Provisions for
    12  Licensees in Armed Service.--(a)  All applications for renewal
    13  of licenses under the provisions of this article shall be filed
    14  with a new bond, tax clearance from the Department of Revenue
    15  and the Department of Labor and Industry and requisite license
    16  and filing fees at least sixty days before the expiration date
    17  of same: Provided, however, That the board, in its discretion,
    18  may accept a renewal application filed less than sixty days
    19  before the expiration date of the license with the required bond
    20  and fees, upon reasonable cause shown and the payment of an
    21  additional filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for late
    22  filing: And provided further, That except where the failure to
    23  file a renewal application on or before the expiration date has
    24  created a license quota vacancy after said expiration date which
    25  has been filled by the issuance of a new license, after such
    26  expiration date, but before the board has received a renewal
    27  application within the time prescribed herein the board, in its
    28  discretion, may, after hearing, accept a renewal application
    29  filed within ten months after the expiration date of the license
    30  with the required bond and fees upon the payment of an
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     1  additional filing fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for
     2  late filing. Where any such renewal application is filed less
     3  than sixty days before the expiration date, or subsequent to the
     4  expiration date, no license shall issue upon the filing of the
     5  renewal application until the matter is finally determined by
     6  the board and if an appeal is taken from the board's action the
     7  courts shall not order the issuance of the renewal license until
     8  final determination of the matter by the courts. A renewal
     9  application will not be considered filed unless accompanied by a
    10  new bond and the requisite filing and license fees and any
    11  additional filing fee required by this section. Unless the
    12  [board] director of the Bureau of Licensing shall have given ten
    13  days' previous notice to the applicant of objections to the
    14  renewal of his license, based upon violation by the licensee or
    15  his servants, agents or employes of any of the laws of the
    16  Commonwealth or regulations of the board relating to the
    17  manufacture, transportation, use, storage, importation,
    18  possession or sale of liquors, alcohol or malt or brewed
    19  beverages, or the conduct of a licensed establishment, or unless
    20  the applicant has by his own act become a person of ill repute,
    21  or unless the premises do not meet the requirements of this act
    22  or the regulations of the board, the license of a licensee shall
    23  be renewed.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 10.  Section 471 of the act is amended to read:
    26     Section 471.  Revocation and Suspension of Licenses; Fines.--
    27  (a)  Upon learning of any violation of this act or any laws of
    28  this Commonwealth relating to liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed
    29  beverages, or of any regulations of the board adopted pursuant
    30  to such laws, or any violation of any laws of this Commonwealth
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     1  or of the Federal Government relating to the payment of taxes on
     2  liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages by any licensee
     3  within the scope of this [article] act, his officers, servants,
     4  agents or employes, or upon any other sufficient cause shown,
     5  the enforcement bureau may, within one year from the date of
     6  such violation or cause appearing, cite such licensee to appear
     7  before an administrative law judge, not less than ten nor more
     8  than sixty days from the date of sending such licensee, by
     9  registered mail, a notice addressed to him at his licensed
    10  premises, to show cause why such license should not be suspended
    11  or revoked or a fine imposed, or both. The bureau shall also
    12  send a copy of the hearing notice to the municipality in which
    13  the premises is located.
    14     (b)  Hearing on such citations shall be held in the same
    15  manner as provided herein for hearings on applications for
    16  license. [Upon such hearing,]
    17     (b.1)  Upon a hearing under subsection (b) and if satisfied
    18  that any such violation has occurred or for other sufficient
    19  cause, the administrative law judge shall immediately suspend or
    20  revoke the license, or impose a fine of not less than fifty
    21  dollars ($50) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or
    22  both, notifying the licensee by registered letter addressed to
    23  his licensed premises.
    24     (b.2)  If the licensee has been cited and found to have
    25  violated section 493(1) insofar as it relates to sales to
    26  minors, section 493(10) insofar as it relates to lewd, immoral
    27  or improper entertainment or section 493(14), (16) or (21), or
    28  has been found to be a public nuisance pursuant to section 611,
    29  or if the [owner] licensee or operator of the licensed premises
    30  or any authorized agent of the [owner] licensee or operator has
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     1  been convicted of or has been cited and found by the
     2  administrative law judge to have committed any violation of the
     3  act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as "The Controlled
     4  Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act," or of 18 Pa.C.S. §
     5  5902 (relating to prostitution and related offenses) or 6301
     6  (relating to corruption of minors), at or relating to the
     7  licensed premises, the administrative law judge shall
     8  immediately suspend or revoke the license, or impose a fine of
     9  not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than five
    10  thousand dollars ($5,000), or both.
    11     (b.3)  If the licensee has been found in three administrative
    12  citations within a four-year period to have violated section
    13  493(1) insofar as it relates to sales to minors or service to
    14  visibly intoxicated patrons, or if the licensee or operator of
    15  the licensed premises or any authorized agent of the licensee or
    16  operator has been convicted three or more times of any violation
    17  of the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as "The
    18  Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act," or of 18
    19  Pa.C.S. § 5902 or 6301 or any combination of these violations
    20  and offenses, the administrative law judge shall impose a fine
    21  of not less then two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) nor
    22  more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the third and any
    23  subsequent offense, and a mandatory suspension of three days.
    24  The board shall also institute license revocation proceedings. A
    25  licensee's appeal from this subsection shall not act as a
    26  supersedeas.
    27     (b.4)  The administrative law judge shall notify the licensee
    28  by registered mail, addressed to the licensed premises, of
    29  [such] a suspension, revocation or fine imposed under this
    30  section. The increased civil penalty imposed by [this]
    19970S1000B1108                 - 16 -

     1  subsection (b.2) shall not be used to require any licensee to
     2  increase the amount of the bond required by this act. In the
     3  event the fine is not paid within twenty days of the
     4  adjudication, the administrative law judge shall suspend or
     5  revoke the license, notifying the licensee by registered mail
     6  addressed to the licensed premises. Suspensions and revocations
     7  shall not go into effect until thirty days have elapsed from the
     8  date of the adjudication during which time the licensee may take
     9  an appeal as provided for in this act. When a license is
    10  revoked, the licensee's bond may be forfeited.
    11     (b.5)  Any licensee whose license is revoked shall be
    12  ineligible to have a license under this act until the expiration
    13  of three years from the date such license was revoked. In the
    14  event a license is revoked, no license shall be granted for the
    15  premises or transferred to the premises in which the said
    16  license was conducted for a period of at least one year after
    17  the date of the revocation of the license conducted in the said
    18  premises, except in cases where the licensee or a member of his
    19  immediate family is not the owner of the premises, in which case
    20  the board may, in its discretion, issue or transfer a license
    21  within the said year.
    22     (b.6)  In the event the bureau or the person who was fined or
    23  whose license was suspended or revoked shall feel aggrieved by
    24  the adjudication of the administrative law judge, there shall be
    25  a right to appeal to the board. The appeal shall be based solely
    26  on the record before the administrative law judge. [The board
    27  shall affirm the decision of the administrative law judge if it
    28  is based on substantial evidence; otherwise, the board shall
    29  reverse the decision of the administrative law judge.] The
    30  board's review shall be based upon substantial evidence, abuse
    19970S1000B1108                 - 17 -

     1  of discretion or an error of law. In the event the bureau or the
     2  person who was fined or whose license was suspended or revoked
     3  shall feel aggrieved by the decision of the board, there shall
     4  be a right to appeal to the court of common pleas in [the same
     5  manner as herein provided for appeals from refusals to grant
     6  licenses.] accord with 42 Pa.C.S. § 5105 (relating to right to
     7  appellate review). The court's review shall be based solely on
     8  the record. The court's review shall be based upon substantial
     9  evidence, abuse of discretion or error of law. Each of the
    10  appeals shall act as a supersedeas unless, upon sufficient cause
    11  shown, the reviewing authority shall determine otherwise;
    12  however, if the licensee has been cited and found to have
    13  violated section 493(1) insofar as it relates to sales to
    14  minors, section 493(10) insofar as it relates to lewd, immoral
    15  or improper entertainment or section 493(14), (16) or (21), or
    16  has been found to be a public nuisance pursuant to section 611,
    17  or if the owner or operator of the licensed premises or any
    18  authorized agent of the owner or operator has been convicted of
    19  any violation of "The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and
    20  Cosmetic Act," or of 18 Pa.C.S. § 5902 or 6301, at or relating
    21  to the licensed premises, or if the licensee has been cited and
    22  found by the administrative law judge to have violated "The
    23  Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act," its appeal
    24  shall not act as a supersedeas unless the reviewing authority
    25  determines otherwise upon sufficient cause shown.
    26     (b.7)  In any hearing on an application for a supersedeas
    27  under this section, the reviewing authority may consider, in
    28  addition to other relevant evidence, documentary evidence,
    29  including records of the bureau, showing the prior history of
    30  citations, fines, suspensions or revocations against the
    19970S1000B1108                 - 18 -

     1  licensee; and the reviewing authority may also consider, in
     2  addition to other relevant evidence, evidence of any recurrence
     3  of the unlawful activity occurring between the date of the
     4  citation which is the subject of the appeal and the date of the
     5  hearing. No penalty provided by this section shall be imposed
     6  for any violations provided for in this act unless the bureau
     7  notifies the licensee of its nature within thirty days of the
     8  completion of the investigation.
     9     (c)  [If] Except as provided in subsections (b.2) and (b.3),
    10  if the violation in question is a third or subsequent violation
    11  of this act or Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    12  Statutes (relating to crimes and offenses), occurring within a
    13  period of four years, the administrative law judge shall impose
    14  a suspension or revocation.
    15     Section 11.  Section 472 of the act, amended May 31, 1996
    16  (P.L.312, No.49), is amended to read:
    17     Section 472.  Local Option.--(a)  In any municipality or any
    18  part of a municipality where such municipality is split so that
    19  each part thereof is separated by another municipality, an
    20  election may be held, subject to subsection (c), on the date of
    21  the primary election immediately preceding any municipal
    22  election, but [not];
    23     (1)  not oftener than once in four years, to determine the
    24  will of the electors with respect to the granting of liquor
    25  licenses to hotels, restaurants and clubs[, not];
    26     (2)  not oftener than once in four years, to determine the
    27  will of the electors with respect to the granting of liquor
    28  licenses to privately-owned private golf courses or to
    29  privately-owned public golf courses[, not];
    30     (3)  not oftener than once in four years, to determine the
    19970S1000B1108                 - 19 -

     1  will of the electors with respect to the granting of licenses to
     2  retail dispensers of malt and brewed beverages[, not];
     3     (4)  not oftener than once in four years, to determine the
     4  will of the electors with respect to granting of licenses to
     5  wholesale distributors and importing distributors[, not];
     6     (5)  not more than once in two years, to determine the will
     7  of the electors with respect to the granting of club liquor
     8  licenses or club retail dispenser licenses to incorporated units
     9  of national veterans' organizations[, or not]; or
    10     (6)  subject to the authorization in subsection (a.2), not
    11  more than once in four years, to determine the will of the
    12  electors with respect to the establishment, operation and
    13  maintenance [by the board of Pennsylvania liquor stores,] of
    14  wine and spirits stores; within the limits of such municipality
    15  or part of a split municipality, under the provisions of this
    16  act[: Provided, however, Where].
    17     (a.1)  Where an election shall have been held at the primary
    18  preceding a municipal election in any year, another election may
    19  be held under the provisions of this act at the primary
    20  occurring the fourth year after such prior election: And
    21  provided further, That an election on the question of
    22  establishing and operating a [State liquor] wine and spirits
    23  store shall be initiated only in those municipalities, or that
    24  part of a split municipality that shall have voted against the
    25  granting of liquor licenses; and that an election on the
    26  question of granting wholesale distributor and importing
    27  distributor licenses shall be initiated only in those
    28  municipalities or parts of split municipalities that shall have
    29  at a previous election voted against the granting of dispenser's
    30  licenses.
    19970S1000B1108                 - 20 -

     1     (a.2)  In those municipalities, or that part of a split
     2  municipality that voted against the establishment of State
     3  liquor stores, the question relating to the establishment of
     4  wine and spirits stores may appear on the primary ballot first
     5  following passage of this subsection and subsequent to that time
     6  at any primary election immediately preceding a municipal
     7  election in any year at least four years thereafter. In all
     8  municipalities that have opted to exclude State liquor stores at
     9  elections preceding the adoption of this subsection, the
    10  exclusion of wine and spirits stores will continue until a later
    11  election at which a majority of the voting electors vote "yes"
    12  on the question.
    13     (a.3)  Whenever electors equal to at least twenty-five per
    14  centum of the highest vote cast for any office in the
    15  municipality or part of a split municipality at the last
    16  preceding general election shall file a petition with the county
    17  board of elections of the county for a referendum on the
    18  question of granting any of said classes of licenses [or the
    19  establishment of Pennsylvania liquor stores] or the continued
    20  operation or maintenance of a wine and spirits store, the said
    21  county board of elections shall cause a question to be placed on
    22  the ballots or on the voting machine board and submitted at the
    23  primary immediately preceding the municipal election. Separate
    24  petitions must be filed for each question to be voted on. Said
    25  proceedings shall be in the manner and subject to the provisions
    26  of the election laws which relate to the signing, filing and
    27  adjudication of nomination petitions, insofar as such provisions
    28  are applicable.
    29     (a.4)  The following are the specific forms for each
    30  question:
    19970S1000B1108                 - 21 -

     1     (1)  When the question is in respect to the granting of
     2  liquor licenses, it shall be in the following form:
     3     Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses
     4     for the sale of liquor in........................  Yes
     5     of..............................................?  No
     6     (2)  When the question is in respect to the granting of
     7  liquor licenses, for privately-owned private golf courses, it
     8  shall be in the following form:
     9     Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses for
    10     privately-owned private golf courses for the sale
    11     of liquor  Yes
    12     of..............................................?  No
    13     (3)  When the question is in respect to the granting of
    14  liquor licenses, for privately-owned public golf courses, it
    15  shall be in the following form:
    16     Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses for
    17     privately-owned public golf courses for the sale
    18     of liquor  Yes
    19     of..............................................?  No
    20     (4)  When the question is in respect to the granting of
    21  licenses to retail dispensers of malt and brewed beverages, it
    22  shall be in the following form:
    23     Do you favor the granting of malt and brewed
    24     beverage retail dispenser licenses for
    25     consumption on premises where sold in the........  Yes
    26     of..............................................?  No
    27     (5)  When the question is in respect to the granting of
    28  licenses to wholesale distributors of malt or brewed beverages
    29  and importing distributors, it shall be in the following form:
    30     Do you favor the granting of malt and brewed
    19970S1000B1108                 - 22 -

     1     beverage wholesale distributor's and importing
     2     distributor's licenses not for consumption on
     3     premises where sold in the.......................  Yes
     4     of..............................................?  No
     5     (6)  When the question is in respect to the granting of club
     6  liquor licenses to incorporated units of national veterans'
     7  organizations, it shall be in the following form:
     8     Do you favor the granting of club liquor licenses
     9     to incorporated units of national veterans' organizations
    10     in the...........................................  Yes
    11     of..............................................?  No
    12     (7)  When the question is in respect to the granting of club
    13  retail dispenser licenses to incorporated units of national
    14  veterans' organizations, it shall be in the following form:
    15     Do you favor the granting of club retail dispenser
    16     licenses to incorporated units of national veterans'
    17     organizations in the.............................  Yes
    18     of..............................................?  No
    19     (8)  When the question is in respect to the establishment,
    20  operation and maintenance of [Pennsylvania liquor stores] retail
    21  liquor stores, it shall be in the following form:
    22     Do you favor the establishment, operation
    23     and maintenance of [Pennsylvania liquor] wine and spirits
    24     stores in the....................................  Yes
    25     of..............................................?  No
    26     (a.5)  In case of a tie vote, the status quo shall obtain. If
    27  a majority of the voting electors on any such question vote
    28  "yes," then liquor licenses shall be granted by the board to
    29  hotels, restaurants and clubs, or liquor licenses shall be
    30  granted by the board to privately-owned private golf courses or
    19970S1000B1108                 - 23 -

     1  to privately-owned public golf courses, or malt and brewed
     2  beverage retail dispenser licenses or wholesale distributor's
     3  and importing distributor's license for the sale of malt or
     4  brewed beverages shall be granted by the board, or club liquor
     5  licenses or club retail dispenser licenses shall be granted by
     6  the board to incorporated units of national veterans'
     7  organizations, or [the board may establish, operate and maintain
     8  Pennsylvania liquor stores] wine and spirits store licenses
     9  shall be granted to individuals or corporations for
    10  establishing, operating and maintaining wine and spirits stores
    11  in accordance with Article VIII-A of this act, as the case may
    12  be, in such municipality or part of a split municipality, as
    13  provided by this act; but if a majority of the electors voting
    14  on any such question vote "no," then the board shall have no
    15  power to grant or to renew upon their expiration any licenses of
    16  the class so voted upon in such municipality or part of a split
    17  municipality; or if the negative vote is on the question in
    18  respect to the establishment, operation and maintenance of
    19  [Pennsylvania liquor stores, the board shall not open and
    20  operate a Pennsylvania liquor] wine and spirits stores, the
    21  board shall not license a wine and spirits store in such
    22  municipality or part of a split municipality, nor continue to
    23  operate a then existing Pennsylvania liquor store in the
    24  municipality or part of a split municipality for more than two
    25  years thereafter or after the expiration of the term of the
    26  lease on the premises occupied by such store, whichever period
    27  is less, unless and until at a later election a majority of the
    28  voting electors vote "yes" on such question.
    29     (b)  To be eligible for the local option under this section,
    30  the incorporated unit of a national veterans' organization must
    19970S1000B1108                 - 24 -

     1  have been incorporated on or before a date ten years prior to
     2  the filing of its application after authorization under local
     3  option. In each municipality, licenses approved under the local
     4  option for incorporated units of national veterans'
     5  organizations may not exceed four.
     6     (c)  For the first year that the local option is authorized
     7  for the incorporated units of national veterans' organizations,
     8  the local option election for the incorporated units of national
     9  veterans' organizations may be held at the primary election
    10  preceding any election.
    11     Section 12.  Section 491(2), (3), (7), (10) and (13) of the
    12  act are amended to read:
    13     Section 491.  Unlawful Acts Relative to Liquor, Alcohol and
    14  Liquor Licensees.--
    15     It shall be unlawful--
    16     * * *
    17     (2)  Possession or Transportation of Liquor or Alcohol. For
    18  any person, except a manufacturer or the board or the holder of
    19  a sacramental wine license or of an importer's license, to
    20  possess or transport any liquor or alcohol within this
    21  Commonwealth which was not lawfully acquired prior to January
    22  first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, or has not
    23  been purchased from a Pennsylvania Liquor Store or a wine and
    24  spirits store or a licensed limited winery in Pennsylvania,
    25  except miniatures totalling less than one gallon purchased by a
    26  collector of the same in another state or foreign country, or in
    27  accordance with the board's regulations. The burden shall be
    28  upon the person possessing or transporting such liquor or
    29  alcohol to prove that it was so acquired. But nothing herein
    30  contained shall prohibit the manufacture or possession of wine
    19970S1000B1108                 - 25 -

     1  by any person in his home for consumption of himself, his family
     2  and guests and not for sale, not exceeding, during any one
     3  calendar year, two hundred gallons, any other law to the
     4  contrary notwithstanding. Such wine shall not be manufactured,
     5  possessed, offered for sale or sold on any licensed premises.
     6     None of the provisions herein contained shall prohibit nor
     7  shall it be unlawful for any person to import into Pennsylvania,
     8  transport or have in his possession, an amount of liquor not
     9  exceeding one gallon in volume upon which a State tax has not
    10  been paid, if it can be shown to the satisfaction of the board
    11  that such person purchased the liquor in a foreign country or
    12  United States territory and was allowed to bring it into the
    13  United States. Neither shall the provisions contained herein
    14  prohibit nor make it unlawful for (i) any member of the armed
    15  forces on active duty, or (ii) any retired member of the armed
    16  forces, or (iii) any totally disabled veteran, or (iv) the
    17  spouse of any person included in the foregoing classes of
    18  persons to import into Pennsylvania, transport or have in his
    19  possession an amount of liquor not exceeding one gallon per
    20  month in volume upon which the State tax has not been paid, so
    21  long as such liquor has been lawfully purchased from a package
    22  store established and maintained under the authority of the
    23  United States and is in containers identified in accordance with
    24  regulations issued by the Department of Defense. Such liquor
    25  shall not be possessed, offered for sale or sold on any licensed
    26  premises.
    27     None of the provisions herein contained shall prohibit nor
    28  shall it be unlawful for any consul general, consul or other
    29  diplomatic officer of a foreign government to import into
    30  Pennsylvania, transport or have in his possession liquor upon
    19970S1000B1108                 - 26 -

     1  which a State tax has not been paid, if it can be shown to the
     2  satisfaction of the board that such person acquired the liquor
     3  in a foreign country and was allowed to bring it into the United
     4  States. Such liquor shall not be possessed, offered for sale or
     5  sold on any licensed premises.
     6     Any person violating the provisions of this clause for a
     7  first offense involving the possession or transportation in
     8  Pennsylvania of any liquor in a package (bottle or other
     9  receptacle) or wine not purchased from a Pennsylvania Liquor
    10  Store or a wine and spirits store or from a licensed limited
    11  winery in Pennsylvania, with respect to which satisfactory proof
    12  is produced that the required Federal tax has been paid and
    13  which was purchased, procured or acquired legally outside of
    14  Pennsylvania shall upon conviction thereof in a summary
    15  proceeding be sentenced to pay a fine of twenty-five dollars
    16  ($25) for each such package, plus costs of prosecution, or
    17  undergo imprisonment for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days.
    18  Each full quart or major fraction thereof shall be considered a
    19  separate package (bottle or other receptacle) for the purposes
    20  of this clause. Such packages of liquor shall be forfeited to
    21  the Commonwealth in the manner prescribed in Article VI of this
    22  act but the vehicle, boat, vessel, animal or aircraft used in
    23  the illegal transportation of such packages shall not be subject
    24  to forfeiture: Provided, however, That if it is a second or
    25  subsequent offense or if it is established that the illegal
    26  possession or transportation was in connection with a commercial
    27  transaction, then the other provisions of this act providing for
    28  prosecution as a misdemeanor and for the forfeiture of the
    29  vehicle, boat, vessel, animal or aircraft shall apply.
    30     (3)  Purchase of Liquor or Alcohol. For any person within
    19970S1000B1108                 - 27 -

     1  this Commonwealth, by himself or by an employe or agent, to
     2  attempt to purchase, or directly or indirectly, or upon any
     3  pretense or device whatsoever, to purchase any liquor or alcohol
     4  from any person or source other than a Pennsylvania Liquor Store
     5  or a wine and spirits store, except in accordance with the
     6  provisions of this act or the regulations of the board.
     7     * * *
     8     (7)  Sales of Liquor by Manufacturers and Licensed Importers.
     9  For any manufacturer or licensed importer of liquor in this
    10  Commonwealth, his agents, servants or employes, to sell or offer
    11  to sell any liquor in this Commonwealth except to the board for
    12  use in Pennsylvania Liquor Stores or a wine and spirits store,
    13  and in the case of a manufacturer, to the holder of a
    14  sacramental wine license or an importer's license, but a
    15  manufacturer or licensed importer may sell or offer to sell
    16  liquor to persons outside of this Commonwealth.
    17     * * *
    18     (10)  Fortifying, Adulterating or Contaminating Liquor. For
    19  any licensee, including a wine and spirits store licensee, or
    20  any employe or agent of a licensee or of the board, to fortify,
    21  adulterate or contaminate any liquor, except as permitted by the
    22  regulations of the board, or to refill wholly or in part, with
    23  any liquid or substance whatsoever, any liquor bottle or other
    24  liquor container.
    25     * * *
    26     (13)  Violation of Certain Rules and Regulations of Board.
    27  For any person, to violate any rules and regulations adopted by
    28  the board to insure the equitable wholesale and retail sale and
    29  distribution of liquor and alcohol through the Pennsylvania
    30  Liquor Stores or wine and spirits stores.
    19970S1000B1108                 - 28 -

     1     * * *
     2     Section 13.  Section 493 introductory paragraph, (11), (12),
     3  (13), (14), (20), (24) and (26) of the act, amended May 31, 1996
     4  (P.L.312, No.49), are amended and the section is amended by
     5  adding a clause to read:
     6     Section 493.  Unlawful Acts Relative to Liquor, Malt and
     7  Brewed Beverages and Licensees.--The term "licensee," when used
     8  in this section, shall mean those persons licensed under the
     9  provisions of Article IV or Article VIII-A, unless the context
    10  clearly indicates otherwise.
    11     It shall be unlawful--
    12     * * *
    13     (11)  Licensees Employed by Others. For any hotel, restaurant
    14  or club liquor licensee, wine and spirits store licensee, or any
    15  malt or brewed beverage licensee, or any servant, agent or
    16  employe of such licensee, to be at the same time employed,
    17  directly or indirectly, by any other person engaged in the
    18  manufacture, sale, transportation or storage of liquor, malt or
    19  brewed beverages or alcohol: Provided, That any person (except a
    20  licensee or the manager, officer or director of a licensee) who
    21  is employed by a retail licensee to prepare or serve food and
    22  beverages may be employed in the same capacity by another retail
    23  licensee during other hours or on other days.
    24     (12)  Failure to Have Records on Premises. For any liquor
    25  licensee[, or any importing distributor, or retail dispenser]
    26  under this act, to fail to keep on the licensed premises for a
    27  period of at least two years complete and truthful records
    28  covering the operation of his licensed business, particularly
    29  showing the date of all purchases of liquor and malt or brewed
    30  beverages, the actual price paid therefor, and the name of the
    19970S1000B1108                 - 29 -

     1  vendor, including State Store receipts or wine and spirits store
     2  receipts, or for any licensee under this act, his servants,
     3  agents or employes, to refuse the board or an authorized employe
     4  of the board or the enforcement bureau access thereto or the
     5  opportunity to make copies of the same when the request is made
     6  during business hours.
     7     (13)  Retail Licensees Employing Minors. For any hotel,
     8  restaurant or club liquor licensee, or any retail dispenser, to
     9  employ or to permit any minor under the age of eighteen to serve
    10  any alcoholic beverages or to employ or permit any minor under
    11  the age of sixteen to render any service whatever in or about
    12  the licensed premises, nor shall any entertainer under the age
    13  of eighteen be employed or permitted to perform in any licensed
    14  premises in violation of the labor laws of this Commonwealth:
    15  Provided, That in accordance with board regulations minors
    16  between the ages of sixteen and eighteen may be employed to
    17  serve food, clear tables and perform other similar duties, not
    18  to include the dispensing or serving of alcoholic beverages. The
    19  provisions of this clause shall not apply to any wine and
    20  spirits store licensee under Article VIII-A of this act.
    21     (14)  Permitting Undesirable Persons or Minors to Frequent
    22  Premises. For any hotel, restaurant or club liquor licensee, or
    23  wine and spirits store licensee, or any retail dispenser, his
    24  servants, agents or employes, to permit persons of ill repute,
    25  known criminals, prostitutes or minors to frequent his licensed
    26  premises or any premises operated in connection therewith,
    27  except minors accompanied by parents, guardians, or under proper
    28  supervision or except minors who frequent any restaurant or
    29  retail dispensing licensee whose sales of food and non-alcoholic
    30  beverages are equal to seventy per centum or more of the
    19970S1000B1108                 - 30 -

     1  combined gross sales of both food and alcoholic beverages on the
     2  condition that alcoholic beverages may not be served at the
     3  table or booth at which the said minor is seated at the time
     4  (unless said minor is under proper supervision as hereinafter
     5  defined) and on the further condition that only table service of
     6  alcoholic beverages or take-out service of beer shall be
     7  permitted in the room wherein the minor is located: Provided,
     8  however, That it shall not be unlawful for any hotel, restaurant
     9  or club liquor licensee or any retail dispenser to permit minors
    10  under proper supervision upon the licensed premises or any
    11  premises operated in connection therewith for the purpose of a
    12  social gathering, even if such gathering is exclusively for
    13  minors: And provided further, That no liquor shall be sold,
    14  furnished or given to such minors nor shall the licensee
    15  knowingly permit any liquor or malt or brewed beverages to be
    16  sold, furnished or given to or be consumed by any minor, and the
    17  area of such gathering shall be segregated from the remainder of
    18  the licensed premises. In the event the area of such gathering
    19  cannot be segregated from the remainder of the licensed
    20  premises, all alcoholic beverages must be either removed from
    21  the licensed premises or placed under lock and key during the
    22  time the gathering is taking place. Notice of such gathering
    23  shall be given the board as it may, by regulation, require. Any
    24  licensee violating the provisions of this clause shall be
    25  subject to the provisions of section 471.
    26     "Proper supervision," as used in this clause, means the
    27  presence, on that portion of the licensed premises where a minor
    28  or minors are present, of one person twenty-five years of age or
    29  older for every fifty minors or part thereof who is directly
    30  responsible for the care and conduct of such minor or minors
    19970S1000B1108                 - 31 -

     1  while on the licensed premises and in such proximity that the
     2  minor or minors are constantly within his sight or hearing. The
     3  presence of the licensee or any employe or security officer of
     4  the licensee shall not constitute proper supervision.
     5     * * *
     6     (20)  (i)  Retail Liquor and Retail Malt or Brewed Beverages
     7  Licensee's Inside Advertisements. For any retail liquor, or any
     8  wine and spirits store licensee, or retail malt or brewed
     9  beverages licensee, to display or permit the display in the show
    10  window or doorways of his licensed premises, any placard or sign
    11  advertising the brands of liquor or malt or brewed beverages, if
    12  the total display area of any such placard or sign advertising
    13  the product or products exceeds six hundred square inches.
    14  Nothing herein shall prohibit a licensee from displaying inside
    15  his licensed premises point of sale displays advertising brand
    16  names of products sold by him, other than a window or door
    17  display: Provided, That the total cost of all such point of sale
    18  advertising matter relating to any one brand shall not exceed
    19  the sum of one hundred forty dollars ($140) at any one time, and
    20  no single piece of advertising shall exceed a cost of seventy
    21  dollars ($70). The board is authorized to make annual
    22  adjustments to the cost limitations on point of display
    23  advertising to reflect any changes in such limitations by the
    24  United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms or its
    25  successors in accordance with 27 CFR 6.83 (relating to product
    26  displays) and 27 CFR 6.85 (relating to retailer advertising
    27  specialties). All such advertising material, including the
    28  window and door signs, may be furnished by a manufacturer,
    29  distributor or importing distributor. The restrictions on
    30  advertising set forth in subclause (ii) and in clauses (20.1)
    19970S1000B1108                 - 32 -

     1  and (20.2) shall also apply to this subclause.
     2     (ii)  Cooperative Advertising. No distributor or importing
     3  distributor, directly or indirectly, independent or otherwise,
     4  shall, except by prior written agreement, be required to
     5  participate with a manufacturer in the purchase of any
     6  advertising of a brand name product in any name, in any form,
     7  whether it be radio, television, newspaper, magazine or
     8  otherwise.
     9     * * *
    10     (24)  Things of Value Offered as Inducement. For any licensee
    11  under the provisions of this [article,] act, or any licensee
    12  under Article VIII-A, or the board or any manufacturer, or any
    13  employe or agent of a manufacturer, licensee or of the board, to
    14  offer to give anything of value or to solicit or receive
    15  anything of value as a premium for the return of caps, stoppers,
    16  corks, stamps or labels taken from any bottle, case, barrel or
    17  package containing liquor or malt or brewed beverage, or to
    18  offer or give or solicit or receive anything of value as a
    19  premium or present to induce directly the purchase of liquor or
    20  malt or brewed beverage, or for any licensee, manufacturer or
    21  other person to offer or give to trade or consumer buyers any
    22  prize, premium, gift or other inducement to purchase liquor or
    23  malt or brewed beverages, except advertising novelties of
    24  nominal value which the board shall define. This section shall
    25  not prevent any manufacturer or any agent of a manufacturer from
    26  offering only on licensed premises and honoring coupons which
    27  offer monetary rebates on purchases of wines and spirits through
    28  State Liquor Stores or wine and spirits stores and purchases of
    29  malt or brewed beverages in accordance with conditions or
    30  regulations established by the board. Further, no manufacturer
    19970S1000B1108                 - 33 -

     1  or any agent of a manufacturer shall honor any coupons without
     2  proof of purchase in the form of a sales slip or receipt
     3  attached to the coupons. This section shall not apply to the
     4  return of any monies specifically deposited for the return of
     5  the original container to the owners thereof.
     6     * * *
     7     (26)  Worthless Checks. For any retail liquor licensee, wine
     8  and spirits store licensee, or any retail dispenser, distributor
     9  or importing distributor, to make, draw, utter, issue or
    10  deliver, or cause to be made, drawn, uttered, issued or
    11  delivered, any check, draft or similar order, for the payment of
    12  money in payment for any purchase of malt or brewed beverages,
    13  when such retail liquor licensee, wine and spirits store
    14  licensee, retail dispenser, distributor or importing
    15  distributor, has not sufficient funds in, or credit with, such
    16  bank, banking institution, trust company or other depository,
    17  for the payment of such check. Any person who is a licensee
    18  under the provisions of this article, or any licensee under
    19  Article VIII-A, who shall receive in payment for malt or brewed
    20  beverages sold by him any check, draft or similar order for the
    21  payment of money, which is subsequently dishonored by the bank,
    22  banking institution, trust company or other depository, upon
    23  which drawn, for any reason whatsoever, shall, within five days
    24  of receipt of notice of such dishonor, notify by certified mail
    25  the person who presented the said worthless check, draft or
    26  similar order.
    27     * * *
    28     (29)  Disorderly conduct. For any licensee, including a wine
    29  and spirits store licensee, its servant, agent or employe to
    30  engage in or permit disorderly conduct on property adjacent to
    19970S1000B1108                 - 34 -

     1  its licensed premises under its control, including, but not
     2  limited to, the sidewalk and parking lot.
     3     (30)  Open container. For any licensee, including a wine and
     4  spirits store licensee, to permit the sale of liquor or malt or
     5  brewed beverages in an open container for off-premises
     6  consumption.
     7     Section 14.  Section 494 of the act, amended April 29, 1994
     8  (P.L.212, No.30), is amended to read:
     9     Section 494.  Penalties.--(a)  Any person who shall violate
    10  any of the provisions of this article, except as otherwise
    11  specifically provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and,
    12  upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not
    13  less than one hundred dollars ($100), nor more than five hundred
    14  dollars ($500), and on failure to pay such fine, to imprisonment
    15  for not less than one month, nor more than three months, and for
    16  any subsequent offense, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not
    17  less than three hundred dollars ($300), nor more than five
    18  hundred dollars ($500), and to undergo imprisonment for a period
    19  not less than three months, nor more than one year, or both. If
    20  the person, at or relating to the licensed premises, violates
    21  section [493(1), (10)] 493(10), (14), (16) or (21), or [if the
    22  owner or operator of the licensed premises or any authorized
    23  agent of the owner or operator violates the act of April 14,
    24  1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as "The Controlled Substance, Drug,
    25  Device and Cosmetic Act," or] 18 Pa.C.S. § 5902 (relating to
    26  prostitution and related offenses) or 6301 (relating to
    27  corruption of minors), he shall be sentenced to pay a fine not
    28  exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000) or to undergo
    29  imprisonment for a period not less than three months, nor more
    30  than one year, or both.
    19970S1000B1108                 - 35 -

     1     (a.1)  (1)  Any person who violates the provisions of clause
     2  (1) of section 493 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the
     3  second degree. If the licensee or operator of the licensed
     4  premises or any authorized agent of the licensee or operator
     5  violates "The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic
     6  Act," he or she shall, in addition to any other penalty, be
     7  guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree. The person shall
     8  be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than five hundred dollars
     9  ($500) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a first
    10  offense. In addition to the fine required by this subsection,
    11  the person may be sentenced to undergo imprisonment for a period
    12  of not less than three months nor more than one year.
    13     (2)  For any subsequent offense, the person shall pay a fine
    14  of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than two
    15  thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). In addition to the fine
    16  required by this subsection, the person shall be sentenced to
    17  imprisonment of not less than three months nor more than one
    18  year.
    19     (b)  The right to suspend and revoke licenses granted under
    20  this article shall be in addition to the penalty set forth in
    21  this section.
    22     (c)  A person convicted of selling or offering to sell any
    23  liquor or malt or brewed beverage without being licensed is in
    24  violation of this article and shall, in addition to any other
    25  penalty prescribed by law, be sentenced to pay a fine of
    26  [twenty-five dollars ($25) for each bottle of beer and] one
    27  hundred dollars ($100) for each bottle of beer and five hundred
    28  dollars ($500) for each bottle of wine or liquor found on the
    29  premises where the sale was made or attempted. In addition, all
    30  beer, wine and liquor found on the premises shall be
    19970S1000B1108                 - 36 -

     1  confiscated. If a person fails to pay the full amount of the
     2  fine levied under this subsection, the premises on which the
     3  beer, wine or liquor was found shall be subject to a lien in the
     4  amount of the unpaid fine if the premises are owned by the
     5  person against whom the fine was levied or by any other person
     6  who had knowledge of the proscribed activity. The lien shall be
     7  superior to any other liens on the premises other than a duly
     8  recorded mortgage.
     9     Section 15. Section 495(b), (c), (e) and (f) of the act,
    10  amended December 20, 1996 (P.L.1523, No.199), are amended and
    11  the section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    12     Section 495.  Identification cards; Licenses [and State
    13  Liquor Store Employes] Saved from Prosecution.--* * *
    14     (b)  Such identification card shall be presented by the
    15  holder thereof upon request of any [State Liquor Store or any]
    16  licensee, or the servant, agent or employe thereof, for the
    17  purpose of aiding such store, licensee, or the servant, agent or
    18  employe to determine whether or not such person is twenty-one
    19  years of age and upwards, when such person desires alcoholic
    20  beverage at a [State Liquor Store or] licensed establishment.
    21     (c)  In addition to the presentation of such identification
    22  card, the [agent of the State Liquor Store or the] licensee, or
    23  his servant, agent or employe, may require the person whose age
    24  may be in question to fill in and sign a form containing
    25  language approved by the board or containing the following:
    26                               ............................ 19
    27     I,........................................., hereby represent
    28  to ........................................., a [State Store or]
    29  licensee of the board, that I am of full age and discretion
    30  and over the age of 21 years, having been born on
    19970S1000B1108                 - 37 -

     1  ....................... 19..... at ..........................
     2  This statement is made to induce said store or licensee above
     3  named to sell or otherwise furnish alcoholic beverages to the
     4  undersigned.
     5  Serial Number of Identification Card:
     6     I understand that I am subject to a fine of
     7  [$300.00 and sixty] $500.00 and ninety days imprisonment for
     8  any misrepresentation herein.
     9                                                ..................
    10                                                     (Name)
    11                                                ..................
    12                                                    (Address)
    13  Witness:
    14  Name............................
    15  Address.........................
    16     The forms shall be printed in a manner approved by the board
    17  and shall be filed alphabetically by the [State Liquor Store or]
    18  wine and spirits store or other licensee in a file box
    19  containing a suitable alphabetical index at or before the close
    20  of business on the day that the form is executed, and any such
    21  form shall be subject to examination by any officer, agent or
    22  employe of the enforcement bureau at any and all times.
    23     * * *
    24     (e)  Any such signed form in the possession of a wine and
    25  spirits store or other licensee [or an employe of a State Liquor
    26  Store] or an employe thereof may be offered as a defense in all
    27  civil and criminal prosecutions for serving a minor, and no
    28  penalty shall be imposed if the administrative law judge or the
    29  courts are satisfied that the licensee [or State Liquor Store
    30  employe] acted in good faith.
    19970S1000B1108                 - 38 -

     1     * * *
     2     (e.1)  All wine and spirits stores shall maintain and utilize
     3  an age verification scanning device which meets the technical
     4  specifications established by the Department of Transportation
     5  to verify the age of a purchaser. For purposes of this
     6  subsection, an "age scanning device" is an electronic device
     7  which verifies a person's date of birth which is encoded on that
     8  person's driver's license or other form of identification.
     9     (f)  A photograph or photocopy or other visual or video
    10  presentation of the identification card set forth in subsection
    11  (a) in the possession of a wine and spirits store licensee, a
    12  licensee or an employe [of a State Liquor Store] thereof may be
    13  offered as a defense in all civil and criminal prosecutions for
    14  serving a minor, and no penalty shall be imposed if the
    15  administrative law judge or the courts are satisfied that the
    16  wine and spirits store licensee, a licensee or [State Liquor
    17  Store] employe thereof acted in good faith.
    18     Section 16.  Sections 496 and 611 of the act are amended to
    19  read:
    20     Section 496.  Reporting of Worthless Checks.--Any person who
    21  is a licensee under the provisions of this article or under the
    22  provisions of Article VIII-A, who shall receive in payment for
    23  malt or brewed beverages sold by him any check, draft or similar
    24  order, for the payment of money, which is subsequently
    25  dishonored by the bank, banking institution, trust company or
    26  other depository, upon which drawn, for any reason whatsoever,
    27  shall, within twenty days of receipt of notice of such dishonor,
    28  notify the board thereof. Such notification to the board shall
    29  be in such manner and form as the board shall direct.
    30     Section 611.  Nuisances; Actions To Enjoin.--(a)  Any room,
    19970S1000B1108                 - 39 -

     1  house, building, boat, vehicle, structure or place, except a
     2  private home, where liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages
     3  are manufactured, possessed, sold, transported, offered for
     4  sale, bartered or furnished, or stored in bond, or stored for
     5  hire, in violation of this act or any regulation of the board or
     6  any penal law, and all such liquids, beverages and property kept
     7  or used in maintaining the same, are hereby declared to be
     8  common nuisances, and any person who maintains such a common
     9  nuisance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction
    10  thereof, shall be subject to the same penalties provided in
    11  section four hundred ninety four of this act.
    12     (b)  An action to enjoin any nuisance defined in this act may
    13  be brought in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by
    14  the Attorney General, by the district attorney of the proper
    15  county, notwithstanding the provisions of the act of October 15,
    16  1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the "Commonwealth Attorneys
    17  Act," by the Chief Counsel of the Pennsylvania State Police with
    18  the consent of the district attorney or by a person who resides
    19  or has a place of business within five hundred feet of the
    20  location of the alleged nuisance. Such action shall be brought
    21  and tried as an action in equity and may be brought in any court
    22  having jurisdiction to hear and determine equity cases within
    23  the county in which the offense occurs. If it is made to appear,
    24  by affidavit or otherwise, to the satisfaction of the court that
    25  such nuisance exists, a temporary writ of injunction shall
    26  forthwith issue, restraining the defendant from conducting or
    27  permitting the continuance of such nuisance until the conclusion
    28  of the proceedings. If a temporary injunction is prayed for, the
    29  court may issue an order restraining the defendant and all other
    30  persons from removing or in any way interfering with the
    19970S1000B1108                 - 40 -

     1  liquids, beverages or other things used in connection with the
     2  violation of this act constituting such nuisance. No bond shall
     3  be required in instituting such proceedings brought in the name
     4  of the Commonwealth by the Attorney General [or], the district
     5  attorney or the Chief Counsel of the Pennsylvania State Police
     6  with the consent of the district attorney. Where such
     7  proceedings are brought by a person, the court, upon application
     8  of the defendant and prior to any injunction being issued, may
     9  direct the plaintiff to post bond in such amount as the court
    10  may find to be reasonable and sufficient. It shall not be
    11  necessary for the court to find the property involved was being
    12  unlawfully used, as aforesaid, at the time of the hearing, but
    13  on finding that the material allegations of the petition are
    14  true, the court shall order that no liquor, alcohol or malt or
    15  brewed beverage shall be manufactured, sold, offered for sale,
    16  transported, bartered or furnished, or stored in bond, or stored
    17  for hire in such room, house, building, structure, boat,
    18  vehicle, or place, or any part thereof.
    19     (c)  Upon the decree of the court ordering such nuisance to
    20  be abated, the court may, upon proper cause shown, order that
    21  the room, house, building, structure, boat, vehicle or place
    22  shall not be occupied or used for one year thereafter, but the
    23  court may, in its discretion, permit it to be occupied or used
    24  if the owner, lessee, tenant or occupant thereof shall give bond
    25  with sufficient surety to be approved by the court making the
    26  order in the penal and liquidated sum of not less than five
    27  hundred dollars ($500.00), payable to the Commonwealth of
    28  Pennsylvania, for use of the county in which said proceedings
    29  are instituted, and conditioned that neither liquor, alcohol,
    30  nor malt or brewed beverages will thereafter be manufactured,
    19970S1000B1108                 - 41 -

     1  sold, transported, offered for sale, bartered or furnished, or
     2  stored in bond, or stored for hire therein or thereon in
     3  violation of this act, and that he will pay all fines, costs and
     4  damages that may be assessed for any violation of this act upon
     5  said property.
     6     (d)  The injunctive remedy under this section shall in no way
     7  limit the authority of the Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement
     8  to seek the imposition of a fine or the suspension or
     9  revocation, or both, of any licensee issued under this act.
    10     Section 17.  Section 802 of the act, amended May 28, 1993
    11  (P.L.42, No.13), April 29, 1994 (P.L.212, No.30) and July 11,
    12  1996 (P.L.654, No.111), is amended to read:
    13     [Section 802.  Moneys Paid Into The State Stores Fund for Use
    14  of the Commonwealth.--(a)  All moneys, except fees to be paid
    15  into the Liquor License Fund as provided by section 801,
    16  collected, received or recovered under the provisions of this
    17  act for license fees, permit fees, filing fees and registration
    18  fees, from forfeitures, sales of forfeited property, compromise
    19  penalties and sales of liquor and alcohol at the Pennsylvania
    20  Liquor Stores, shall be paid into the State Treasury through the
    21  Department of Revenue into a special fund to be known as "The
    22  State Stores Fund."
    23     (c)  Two per centum of annual profits from the sale of liquor
    24  and alcohol shall be annually transferred to the Department of
    25  Health for use by the Office of Drug and Alcohol Programs, or
    26  its successor in function, for the following purposes:
    27     (1)  Treatment and rehabilitation of persons addicted to the
    28  excessive use of alcoholic beverages.
    29     (2)  Promotion of education, prevention and early
    30  intervention programs designed to eliminate abuse and addiction
    19970S1000B1108                 - 42 -

     1  to alcohol or other mood-altering substances or secure
     2  appropriate treatment for the already addicted.
     3     (3)  Study of the problem of addiction.
     4     (d)  All other moneys in such fund shall be available for the
     5  purposes for which they are appropriated by law.
     6     (e)  Annually, the General Assembly shall make an
     7  appropriation from the State Stores Fund to provide for the
     8  operational expenses of the enforcement bureau.
     9     (f)  Any moneys in the State Stores Fund, from time to time,
    10  which may not be required for any of the purposes specified in
    11  this act or in the act of December 20, 1933 (Sp.Sess., P.L.89,
    12  No.15), entitled "An act appropriating the moneys in The State
    13  Stores Fund," shall be paid over into the General Fund and shall
    14  be available for the payment of appropriations made from the
    15  General Fund. The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, with the
    16  approval of the Governor, shall, from time to time, fix the
    17  amount of money which may be so paid over into the General Fund
    18  and by its requisition shall direct the Department of the
    19  Auditor General and the Treasury Department to transfer such
    20  moneys from the State Stores Fund to the General Fund. The
    21  Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board shall, immediately upon voting
    22  to pay over any moneys from the State Stores Fund to the General
    23  Fund, notify the chairman and minority chairman of the
    24  Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
    25  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House
    26  of Representatives of such transfer of moneys.
    27     (g)  The sum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) shall be
    28  transferred from The State Stores Fund in accordance with
    29  subsection (f) to the Children's Health Fund for health care for
    30  indigent children established by section 1296 of the act of
    19970S1000B1108                 - 43 -

     1  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of
     2  1971," to carry out the provisions of the act of December 2,
     3  1992 (P.L.741, No.113), known as the "Children's Health Care
     4  Act," for the fiscal year July 1, 1996, to June 30, 1997. Funds
     5  transferred under this subsection shall not be subject to the
     6  limitation set forth in section 3101 of the "Children's Health
     7  Care Act."]
     8     Section 802.  Wine and Spirits Stores Fund.--There is hereby
     9  established a special fund in the State Treasury to be known as
    10  the Wine and Spirits Stores Fund which shall replace the State
    11  Stores Fund and into which shall be deposited all of the
    12  following:
    13     (1)  All moneys previously deposited into the former State
    14  Stores Fund.
    15     (2)  Except for fees to be paid into the Liquor License Fund
    16  pursuant to section 801, any and all other moneys collected,
    17  received or recovered under the provisions of this act,
    18  including license fees, application fees, franchise fees, moneys
    19  from forfeitures and the sale of forfeited property.
    20     (3)  Monetary proceeds from the sale of inventory of State
    21  stores.
    22     (4)  Moneys from penalties, wholesale profits and sales at
    23  existing State stores.
    24  Money shall remain in the fund until expended under section 823-
    25  A.
    26     Section 18.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
    27                          ARTICLE VIII-A.
    28                  RETAIL SALE OF WINE AND LIQUOR.
    29     Section 801-A.  Legislative Intent.--(a)  The General
    30  Assembly hereby finds and declares that:
    19970S1000B1108                 - 44 -

     1     (1)  the sale of liquor and wine at retail should no longer
     2  be by the Commonwealth, but rather by retail licensees;
     3     (2)  the health and welfare of the citizens of this
     4  Commonwealth will be adequately protected by the regulation of
     5  private licensees through strict enforcement of laws and rules
     6  relating to the sale of liquor and wine;
     7     (3)  the sale of liquor and wine through retail licenses will
     8  improve customer service, selection and price; and
     9     (4)  the operation and efficiency of State government will be
    10  improved.
    11     (b)  It is the purpose of the General Assembly to:
    12     (1)  continue and increase revenue to the Commonwealth;
    13     (2)  provide a system of controls, including limitations on
    14  the number of retail applications and enforcement procedures to
    15  discourage the intemperate use of liquor;
    16     (3)  create incentives and facilitate the transition of
    17  employes to other employment;
    18     (4)  minimize disruption of services to the public; and
    19     (5)  enhance alcohol education efforts for the benefit of the
    20  children of this Commonwealth.
    21     Section 802-A.  Definitions.--The following words and
    22  phrases, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall
    23  have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
    24     "Franchise" shall mean a written agreement between the board
    25  and a successful bidder in which the board agrees to issue a
    26  wine and spirits store license to the successful bidder for a
    27  period of ten (10) years within a specified geographic area for
    28  the establishment and operation of a wine and spirits store
    29  consistent with the provisions of this act.
    30     "Licensee" shall mean any person who successfully bids for a
    19970S1000B1108                 - 45 -

     1  franchise and who applies for and receives a license for the
     2  operation of a wine and spirits store for the retail sale of
     3  wine and liquor for off-premises consumption.
     4     Section 803-A.  Closure of State Stores and Initial
     5  Franchises.--(a)  It shall be the power and duty of the board to
     6  carry out an orderly transition to a wine and spirits store
     7  system in a manner which is consistent with this article and
     8  other laws of this Commonwealth and which maintains a continuous
     9  level of service to the public.
    10     (b)  Subject to the provisions of this article, the board
    11  shall establish seven hundred fifty-seven (757) franchise zones
    12  within this Commonwealth for the issuance of wine and spirit
    13  store licenses granting to a licensee the exclusive authority to
    14  sell liquor and wine at retail for off-premises consumption
    15  within each franchise zone. The board in establishing each
    16  franchise zone shall ensure the delivery of services currently
    17  provided by State stores. At a minimum there shall be a wine and
    18  spirits store located in each county.
    19     (c)  (1)  The board shall establish a schedule for the sale
    20  of exclusive wine and spirits store franchises within the
    21  franchise zones established pursuant to subsection (b) by sale
    22  to the highest responsible bidder in accordance with this
    23  article. The board may establish a staggered schedule for the
    24  sale of wine and spirits store franchises in order to maintain a
    25  continuous level of service to the public.
    26     (2)  The minimum bid for a franchise shall be fifty thousand
    27  dollars ($50,000).
    28     (3)  The franchise shall be valid for a period of ten (10)
    29  years from the date of issuance unless sooner forfeited,
    30  abandoned or revoked pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    19970S1000B1108                 - 46 -

     1     (4)  No applicant may hold, directly or indirectly:
     2     (i)  more than ten per centum of the franchises within this
     3  Commonwealth;
     4     (ii)  more than forty per centum of the franchises in any one
     5  county which has five (5) or more franchises; and
     6     (iii)  all the franchises in any one county which has less
     7  than five (5) franchises.
     8     (d)  In implementing the provisions of this article, the
     9  board shall have the following additional powers and duties:
    10     (1)  Prescribe application forms for persons desiring to
    11  acquire a wine and spirits store license.
    12     (2)  Adopt an orderly procedure for the investigation,
    13  processing and approval of applications for franchises and wine
    14  and spirits store licenses.
    15     (3)  Develop the form of the wine and spirits store license.
    16     (4)  Disseminate information to the public relating to the
    17  sale of franchises and the issuance of wine and spirits store
    18  licenses.
    19     (5)  Make available for public inspection the most recent
    20  inventory of the stock, equipment and other assets of each State
    21  store as well as a history of sales by product code and State
    22  store location for the last five (5) years.
    23     (6)  Enforce the provisions of this article.
    24     Section 804-A.  Application for Wine and Spirits Store
    25  Franchises and Licenses.--(a)  No person may bid upon, purchase
    26  or otherwise acquire a wine and spirits store franchise unless
    27  the applicant has satisfied all the prescribed requirements of
    28  this article and the board has approved the applicant's
    29  qualification to hold a wine and spirits store franchise and
    30  license pursuant to this article.
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     1     (b)  Prior to the submission of a bid for a retail liquor
     2  store franchise, each applicant shall file a written
     3  application, with any required application fee, in such form and
     4  containing such information as the board shall from time to time
     5  prescribe. The application shall contain, at a minimum, the
     6  following:
     7     (1)  The name and address of the applicant.
     8     (2)  Whether the applicant is an individual, corporation,
     9  limited liability company, limited partnership, partnership or
    10  association; the state of incorporation or organization, the
    11  names and residence addresses of each executive officer,
    12  director or general or limited partner; and the names and
    13  residence addresses of any person or interested individual
    14  owning, directly or indirectly, any legal or equitable interest
    15  in the operations of the licensed wine and spirits store
    16  proposed to be operated by the applicants, including all
    17  stockholders of any closed corporation and all stockholders
    18  having an ownership interest of five per centum or more of the
    19  voting stock of a public corporation. As provided in section
    20  404, parties not listed on the application, or any amendment
    21  thereof, can have no ownership interest in a licensed business.
    22     (3)  If the applicant is an association, the application
    23  shall set forth the names and addresses of the persons
    24  constituting the association.
    25     (4)  If the applicant is a corporation, the application must
    26  show that:
    27     (i)  the corporation was incorporated under the laws of
    28  Pennsylvania or holds a certificate of authority to transact
    29  business in Pennsylvania; and
    30     (ii)  all officers, directors and stockholders with an
    19970S1000B1108                 - 48 -

     1  interest of five per centum or more in the stock of the
     2  corporation are citizens of the United States.
     3     (5)  If the applicant is a natural person, the application
     4  must show that the applicant is a citizen of the United States
     5  and has been a resident of this Commonwealth for at least one
     6  (1) year immediately preceding the application and that the
     7  applicant is not acting as an agent for any other person,
     8  partnership, association or group of persons beneficially
     9  interested in the license.
    10     (6)  The proposed location and ownership of the site for the
    11  wine and spirits store, if available.
    12     (7)  A sworn statement that the applicant and all parties
    13  with any direct or indirect interests in the operation of a wine
    14  and spirits store have never been convicted in this Commonwealth
    15  of any crime involving fraud, moral turpitude or racketeering or
    16  within a period of ten (10) years immediately preceding the date
    17  of the application or have been convicted of any felony or of an
    18  equivalent crime in another state or of any crime in this or any
    19  other Federal or state court for a violation of any Federal or
    20  state liquor law. If the applicant is a corporation, limited
    21  partnership, partnership or association, the application shall
    22  contain a sworn statement that none of the executive officers,
    23  directors or general or limited partners, or any person owning,
    24  directly or indirectly, at least five per centum of the
    25  outstanding stock of or partnership interests in such applicant
    26  has been so convicted.
    27     (8)  A statement that the applicant will continuously operate
    28  a wine and spirits store for the duration of the ten (10) year
    29  franchise period and will provide a level of service, including,
    30  but not limited to, hours of operation and product availability
    19970S1000B1108                 - 49 -

     1  reasonably equivalent to the level of service currently provided
     2  in the same geographic area.
     3     (c)  In addition to the application filed under subsection
     4  (a), the applicant shall provide a financial statement in the
     5  form and containing such information as the board shall from
     6  time to time prescribe to indicate the applicant's financial
     7  capability to operate the wine and spirits store and the
     8  estimated volume of business to be conducted in the wine and
     9  spirits store.
    10     (d)  The application shall be signed and verified by oath or
    11  affirmation by the owner, if a natural person, or, in the case
    12  of an association, by a member or partner thereof, or, in the
    13  case of a corporation, by an executive officer thereof or any
    14  person specifically authorized by the corporation to sign the
    15  application, to which shall be attached written evidence of that
    16  authority.
    17     (e)  An applicant shall provide the board any additional
    18  information the board may request.
    19     (f)  When a change occurs in any information provided to the
    20  board, an amended application shall immediately be submitted to
    21  the board in the same manner as the original application.
    22     Section 805-A.  Issuance of Licenses.--(a)  Only those
    23  applicants for wine and spirits store licenses issued pursuant
    24  to this section who meet all of the requirements of this
    25  subsection shall be qualified to participate in the sale
    26  conducted under this article. The qualifications are as follows:
    27     (1)  applicants shall demonstrate, by submitting financial
    28  statements, that the applicants possess sufficient financial
    29  resources to operate a licensed wine and spirits store, pay all
    30  taxes due and owing to the Commonwealth and assume liability for
    19970S1000B1108                 - 50 -

     1  the safe operation of the licensed premises;
     2     (2)  applicants shall file a certificate obtained from the
     3  Department of Revenue indicating whether the applicant has any
     4  current tax deficiencies due and owing the Commonwealth. No
     5  applicant shall be permitted to participate in the sale of
     6  franchises pursuant to this article if that applicant has any
     7  outstanding tax assessments or deficiencies except for amounts
     8  subject to timely appeal; and
     9     (3)  all required bonds and letters of credit shall be posted
    10  and are subject to forfeiture for violations of this article in
    11  the same manner as provided by sections 465 and 466 of this act.
    12     (b)  Licenses shall be issued pursuant to this section to
    13  successful bidders upon demonstration that the licensee will
    14  comply with all of the following terms and conditions:
    15     (1)  notice shall be given to the board within fifteen (15)
    16  days of any change in financial interests as provided by
    17  subsection (a)(1);
    18     (2)  notice shall be given to the board within fifteen (15)
    19  days of any criminal indictments or convictions as provided in
    20  section 804-A(b)(7) and the ownership interest of any parties
    21  subject to such convictions shall be totally divested by the
    22  licensee within thirty (30) days of the date of any conviction,
    23  guilty plea or plea of nolo contendere;
    24     (3)  licensees shall continue to maintain the bonding for the
    25  operation of the wine and spirits store required by this
    26  article;
    27     (4)  licensees shall remit to the board the emergency liquor
    28  tax as provided by the act of June 9, 1936 (1st Sp.Sess.,
    29  P.L.13, No.4), entitled "An act imposing an emergency State tax
    30  on liquor, as herein defined, sold by the Pennsylvania Liquor
    19970S1000B1108                 - 51 -

     1  Control Board; providing for the collection and payment of such
     2  tax; and imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue and the
     3  Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board"; licensees shall remit to the
     4  Department of Revenue the sales and use tax as provided by
     5  Article II of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
     6  the "Tax Reform Code of 1971";
     7     (5)  licensees shall acquire wine and liquor exclusively from
     8  the wholesale system as provided in this act and shall keep a
     9  detailed log of all wholesale wine and liquor transactions;
    10     (6)  licensees shall establish adequate security to protect
    11  their inventory from unauthorized sale or diversion and prevent
    12  its unauthorized distribution; and
    13     (7)  no licensee shall locate or operate any wine and spirits
    14  store in any grocery store, convenience store, pharmacy or in
    15  any premises where the retail sale of motor fuel or malt or
    16  brewed beverages is conducted.
    17     Section 806-A.  Disqualification.--(a)  The board shall
    18  disqualify an applicant for a franchise or a wine and spirits
    19  store license if:
    20     (1)  The applicant has been convicted of a crime as provided
    21  in clause (4).
    22     (2)  Any executive officer, director or general or limited
    23  partner of the applicant, or any person owning, directly or
    24  indirectly, at least five per centum of the outstanding stock of
    25  or partnership interest in the applicant, has been convicted of
    26  a crime as provided in clause (4).
    27     (3)  The applicant receives funds for the financing of any
    28  part of the wine and spirits store from any individual who has
    29  been convicted of a crime as provided in clause (4).
    30     (4)  In any instance in which an applicant or persons with
    19970S1000B1108                 - 52 -

     1  financial interest in the license are under indictment for a
     2  felony or under investigation by a legally constituted grand
     3  jury, the board shall withhold approval or disapproval of the
     4  license until such time as all legal proceedings related to the
     5  felony are resolved.
     6     (5)  The applicant provides false or misleading information.
     7     (b)  If any false statement is intentionally made in any part
     8  of the application, the affiant shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
     9  of the second degree and, upon conviction, shall be subject to
    10  the penalties provided by this act. In addition, the applicant
    11  shall be denied a franchise and a license or, if already
    12  granted, the franchise and license shall be revoked.
    13     Section 807-A.  Application Procedure.--(a)  Upon receipt of
    14  an application for a wine and spirits store franchise and
    15  license, and any other information the board may require, the
    16  board shall conduct an investigation of the applicant as deemed
    17  necessary or desirable.
    18     (b)  Upon the completion of an investigation under subsection
    19  (a), the board shall inform the applicant, in writing, whether
    20  the application has been approved or denied and shall post a
    21  copy of the decision in the office of the board.
    22     (c)  If an application is denied, the board shall provide the
    23  applicant with the specific reasons for the denial. The
    24  applicant shall be entitled to a hearing if a hearing is
    25  requested within five (5) days of the decision.
    26     (d)  Every applicant for a wine and spirits store license or
    27  for the transfer of an existing license to another premises not
    28  then licensed shall post, for a period of at least sixty (60)
    29  days beginning with the day the application is filed with the
    30  board, in a conspicuous place on the outside of the premises or
    19970S1000B1108                 - 53 -

     1  at the proposed new location for which the license is applied, a
     2  notice of the application in the form, of the size, and
     3  containing all information as the board may require by
     4  regulation.
     5     (e)  The board shall hold a hearing on any application for a
     6  wine and spirits store license upon the request of any resident
     7  residing within a radius of five hundred (500) feet of the
     8  premises, if the request is filed within fifteen (15) days of
     9  posting the notice of application under subsection (d). The
    10  board and any hearing examiner of the board shall give
    11  appropriate evidentiary weight to any testimony of such
    12  residents at the hearing. The board may provide for the holding
    13  of such hearings by hearing examiners as provided in this act.
    14  The board shall refuse any application for a wine and spirits
    15  store license which could be detrimental to the welfare, health,
    16  peace and morals of the inhabitants of the neighborhood within a
    17  radius of five hundred (500) feet of the premises proposed to be
    18  licensed.
    19     (f)  The board shall approve or disapprove the location and
    20  notify the successful bidder or licensee of its decision.
    21     Section 808-A.  Physical Limitations.--(a)  The premises of
    22  each wine and spirits store shall be a self-contained unit with
    23  limited customer access dedicated solely to the sale of liquor
    24  and permitted merchandise. All purchases made within the
    25  limitations of the premises shall be paid for at a location
    26  within the confines of the liquor sales area. No wine and
    27  spirits store shall have any interior connection with any other
    28  business or with any residential building.
    29     (b)  Upon notice of a successful bid on a franchise or an
    30  application to relocate, each applicant for a wine and spirits
    19970S1000B1108                 - 54 -

     1  store license shall submit a description of the premises and any
     2  other material, information and description of the plan of that
     3  premises where it is proposed to keep and sell liquor as may be
     4  required by the regulations of the board.
     5     (c)  The descriptions, information and plans under subsection
     6  (b) shall show the proposed location, and shall show any
     7  alterations proposed to be made to the described premises, or
     8  the new building proposed to be constructed after the approval
     9  by the board of the application for a franchise or for the
    10  transfer of an existing license to another premises not then
    11  licensed.
    12     Section 809-A.  Denial of Application.--Hearings on the
    13  denial of an application or on the failure to renew a license
    14  shall be held in accordance with the procedures established in
    15  section 464 of this act.
    16     Section 810-A.  Bidding.--(a)  The granting of franchises
    17  under this article shall be by sealed competitive bids to the
    18  highest responsible bidder. No bid shall be considered unless
    19  the bond required under this section has been submitted to the
    20  board. All bids for a wine and spirits store franchise may be
    21  rejected by the board if the board determines that the highest
    22  bid is inadequate. Whenever the board rejects all the tendered
    23  bids, the board shall begin a new bidding process for that wine
    24  and spirits store franchise. The board shall notify qualified
    25  bid applicants of the date and the hour of the bid openings.
    26     (b)  In order to participate in the bidding under this
    27  section, bid applicants shall post bonds, cash, negotiable
    28  securities or letters of credit equal to an amount set by the
    29  board, but not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
    30     (c)  Each person desiring to submit a bid must file the bid
    19970S1000B1108                 - 55 -

     1  with the board prior to the specified date and hour for the bid
     2  openings. Failure to deliver a bid or nonreceipt of a bid prior
     3  to the appointed date and hour shall constitute sufficient
     4  reason for rejection of a bid. Following the award of the
     5  exclusive wine and spirits store franchise within each franchise
     6  zone, the board shall indicate the successful bidder. A copy of
     7  each awarded bid and the bidder's application shall be
     8  maintained as public record and open to public inspection in the
     9  offices of the board.
    10     (d)  The board shall issue a franchise to a successful bidder
    11  to operate a wine and spirits store within the specified
    12  franchise zone upon satisfaction of all of the following
    13  conditions:
    14     (1)  Execution by the successful bidder of a franchise
    15  agreement.
    16     (2)  Payment in full by the successful bidder of the amount
    17  of the successful bid.
    18     (3)  Approval by the board of the successful bidder's
    19  proposed franchise location.
    20     (4)  Posting by the successful bidder of bonds in an amount
    21  determined by the board to reasonably reflect the cost of the
    22  bidder's initial inventory. Bonds posted pursuant to this clause
    23  shall be released by the board upon payment in full by the
    24  successful bidder of the amount due for initial inventory or
    25  shall be forfeited in the event the amount due for initial
    26  inventory is not paid in full within fifteen (15) days of the
    27  date such inventory was delivered to the wine and spirits store
    28  location.
    29     (e)  Bonds posted by unsuccessful bidders pursuant to section
    30  810-A(b) of this act shall be released by the board upon
    19970S1000B1108                 - 56 -

     1  acceptance of the successful bid.
     2     (f)  Bonds posted by the successful bidder pursuant to
     3  section 810-A(b) of this act shall be released by the board upon
     4  payment by the successful bidder of the initial franchise fee. A
     5  successful bidder's bond shall be forfeited if the initial
     6  franchise fee is not paid within ninety (90) days of the date
     7  the board accepts the bid and the board shall then offer the
     8  franchise to the next highest responsible bidder. The board
     9  shall then either issue the wine and spirits store license to
    10  the next highest bidder for such license or reject all bids and
    11  start the bidding process anew for such retail liquor store
    12  license.
    13     Section 811-A.  Closure of Existing State Stores.--(a)  An
    14  awarded franchise and license shall grant the successful bidder
    15  the opportunity to bid upon the remaining inventory, tangible
    16  property and fixtures of all State stores owned by the
    17  Commonwealth pursuant to this article. The board shall establish
    18  a procedure for the sale of the inventory, property and fixtures
    19  of all State stores consistent with Article XXIV-A of the act of
    20  April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative
    21  Code of 1929." All monetary proceeds from such sales shall be
    22  deposited in the Wine and Spirits Store Fund.
    23     (b)  The board shall develop a schedule of closure for State
    24  stores. Under no circumstances shall any State store remain open
    25  for retail sales beyond eighteen months following the initial
    26  opening date set for any wine and spirits store.
    27     Section 812-A.  Monthly Franchise Fee, Initial Franchise
    28  Period and Renewal of Retail Liquor Store Licenses.--(a)  On or
    29  before the tenth day of each calendar month, each wine and
    30  spirits store licensee shall deliver to the board a statement of
    19970S1000B1108                 - 57 -

     1  the gross sales of liquor and wine from the wine and spirits
     2  store location for the preceding calendar month together with
     3  payment of the one per centum monthly franchise fee applied to
     4  such gross sales before the application of sales tax. Such
     5  statement shall be in the form prescribed by the board and shall
     6  include separate sales figures for the wine and spirits store's
     7  sales of liquor, wine and other items and a statement of total
     8  sales together with the calculation of the licensee's monthly
     9  franchise fee.
    10     (b)  The initial franchise period for each retail liquor
    11  store shall be ten (10) years from the effective date of the
    12  wine and spirits store license.
    13     (c)  At the end of the initial ten-year franchise period, the
    14  board shall conduct a review of each wine and spirits store
    15  franchise and licensee to determine if each licensee and each
    16  wine and spirits store has complied with the provisions of this
    17  act and any regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. The board
    18  shall also review the service provided by each wine and spirits
    19  store to determine its adequacy. The board may decline to renew
    20  the franchise and license of any wine and spirits store which
    21  has substantially failed to comply with the provisions of this
    22  act or which has failed to provide an adequate level of service
    23  to the public.
    24     (d)  At the end of the initial ten (10) year franchise
    25  period, the board shall determine the amount of the franchise
    26  renewal fee to be paid by the wine and spirits store licensee in
    27  order to retain the franchise for another ten (10) year period.
    28  The renewal fee shall be a percentage of the annual gross sales
    29  of the wine and spirits store, as determined by the board, but
    30  not less than the amount of the original bid for the franchise.
    19970S1000B1108                 - 58 -

     1  If the wine and spirits store licensee remits the franchise
     2  renewal fee as herein provided and is successfully reviewed by
     3  the board pursuant to subsection (c), the licensee shall retain
     4  the franchise for a second ten (10) year period.
     5     (e)  Should the wine and spirits store licensee fail to remit
     6  the franchise renewal fee within ninety (90) days of
     7  notification of the fee from the board, the franchise shall be
     8  rebid in the same manner as provided in section 810-A of this
     9  act. Applicants shall submit to the board the same information
    10  required for the initial issuance of the exclusive franchise and
    11  wine and spirits store license and any additional information
    12  required by the board by such dates as prescribed by the board.
    13     (f)  The requirements and procedures set forth in this
    14  section shall apply to all franchises and licenses at the end of
    15  each ten (10) year period.
    16     Section 813-A.  Sale, Assignment or Transfer of License.--(a)
    17  No person may sell, assign or otherwise transfer a wine and
    18  spirits store franchise and license without the prior written
    19  approval of the board.
    20     (b)  For purposes of this section, the merger of a wine and
    21  spirits store licensee or the sale of more than fifty per centum
    22  of the outstanding stock of or partnership interests in the wine
    23  and spirits store licensee shall be deemed to be a sale,
    24  assignment or transfer of a wine and spirits store franchise and
    25  license under this section.
    26     (c)  Any person to whom a wine and spirits store franchise
    27  and license is sold, transferred or reissued shall comply with
    28  the provisions of this act.
    29     Section 814-A.  Renewal or Transfer.--(a)  The board shall
    30  hold hearings on renewals or transfers as it deems necessary at
    19970S1000B1108                 - 59 -

     1  such times as it shall fix for the purpose of hearing such
     2  testimony. The board shall hold a hearing on any application for
     3  a renewal of a wine and spirits store license or the transfer of
     4  any such license to a new location, upon the request of any
     5  person with standing to testify under subsection (b), if the
     6  request is filed with the board within the first fifteen (15)
     7  days of posting of the notice of application pursuant to section
     8  807-A of this act. The board may provide for the holding of such
     9  hearings by hearing examiners as provided in this act.
    10     (b)  Where a hearing is held in the case of an application
    11  for a license or the transfer of a license under this article,
    12  the board shall permit residents residing within a radius of
    13  five hundred feet of the premises to testify at the hearing. The
    14  board and any hearing examiner of the board shall give
    15  appropriate evidentiary weight to any testimony of such
    16  residents given at the hearing.
    17     (c)  The board shall refuse any application for a renewal or
    18  transfer which would be detrimental to the welfare, health,
    19  peace and morals of the inhabitants of the neighborhood within a
    20  radius of five hundred feet of the place proposed to be
    21  licensed.
    22     Section 815-A.  Surrender, Revocation or Forfeiture of Wine
    23  and Spirits Store Franchise or License.--Any wine and spirits
    24  store licensee may surrender its franchise and license to the
    25  board at any time. Upon surrender, revocation or forfeiture of a
    26  franchise or license, the board shall proceed to reissue the
    27  exclusive wine and spirits store franchise within the franchise
    28  zone by the bidding process provided in this article.
    29     Section 816-A.  Sales by Wine and Spirits Stores.--(a)  Every
    30  wine and spirits store may sell liquor for consumption off-
    19970S1000B1108                 - 60 -

     1  premises. In addition to the sale of liquor, wine and spirits
     2  stores may sell related merchandise within the controlled area
     3  of the store. Sales of related merchandise shall not exceed
     4  thirty per centum of the gross annual sales of any wine and
     5  spirits store. Wine and spirits stores have no authority under
     6  any circumstances to sell malt or brewed beverages. The board
     7  shall promulgate regulations setting forth what additional
     8  related merchandise may be offered for retail sale in wine and
     9  spirits stores.
    10     (b)  No licensee shall engage in any separate business
    11  activities upon any licensed premises without prior approval of
    12  the board.
    13     (c)  All holders of licenses issued under section 401 of this
    14  act shall only purchase wine and liquor from the wine and
    15  spirits store in the franchise zone in which the section 401
    16  licensee is located or a contiguous franchise zone thereto.
    17     (d)  Wine and spirits store licensees may not sell liquor
    18  between eleven o'clock postmeridian and eight o'clock
    19  antemeridian or between the hours of eleven o'clock postmeridian
    20  Saturday and eight o'clock antemeridian on Monday.
    21     (e)  Nothing in this act, or any regulation promulgated
    22  thereunder, shall prohibit or prevent any wine and spirits store
    23  licensee from employing any person who is at least twenty-one
    24  (21) years of age to directly serve the public and who is at
    25  least sixteen (16) years of age to stock shelves and perform
    26  related work.
    27     Section 817-A.  Records.--All of the business and financial
    28  books and records and the wine and spirits store location shall
    29  be available at any time for inspection and audit by the board
    30  and the enforcement bureau. The board and the enforcement bureau
    19970S1000B1108                 - 61 -

     1  may audit all books and records and audit the physical inventory
     2  of the wine and spirits store at any time. The board shall audit
     3  each wine and spirits store at least once every three years.
     4  Failure to permit a review or an audit under this section is
     5  grounds for revocation.
     6     Section 818-A.  Civil Penalties.--(a)  In addition to the
     7  penalties set forth in sections 471 and 494 of this act, any
     8  wine and spirits store licensee who violates any provision of
     9  this article or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto may be
    10  assessed a civil penalty by the administrative law judge of not
    11  less than one hundred dollars ($100) and not more than one
    12  thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation. Each violation shall
    13  constitute a separate offense. In determining the amount of the
    14  penalty, the administrative law judge shall consider all of the
    15  following:
    16     (1)  the wine and spirits licensee's history of previous
    17  violations;
    18     (2)  the appropriateness of such penalty to the size of the
    19  business of the wine and spirits licensee charged;
    20     (3)  the gravity of the violation; and
    21     (4)  the demonstrated good faith of the wine and spirits
    22  licensee charged in attempting to achieve compliance after
    23  notification of a violation.
    24     (b)  A civil penalty shall be assessed after the
    25  administrative law judge has given at least ten (10) days'
    26  notice to the wine and spirits store licensee. Notice shall be
    27  in writing, shall state the reason for the proposed penalty and
    28  the amount thereof, and shall designate a time and place for a
    29  hearing. Notice shall be sent by certified mail to the address
    30  for which the wine and spirits store license was issued.
    19970S1000B1108                 - 62 -

     1     Section 819-A.  Suspension or Revocation.--(a)  The
     2  administrative law judge shall have the power to refuse to issue
     3  and the power to suspend or revoke a wine and spirits store
     4  license or impose a fine, or both, when the administrative law
     5  judge finds that:
     6     (1)  the licensee has violated any of the provisions of this
     7  act or any regulations of the board;
     8     (2)  the applicant or licensee has knowingly presented to the
     9  board or to the enforcement bureau false, incomplete or
    10  misleading information relating to licensure or to the operation
    11  of a franchise;
    12     (3)  the applicant or licensee has pleaded guilty, entered a
    13  plea of nolo contendere or has been found guilty of a felony by
    14  a judge or jury in any state or Federal court;
    15     (4)  no licensee shall operate any theater, circus, museum or
    16  other place of amusement or any bowling alley, game room, video
    17  arcade or other recreational area or have any passageway or
    18  connection between a licensed premises and a place of amusement
    19  or recreation;
    20     (5)  no licensee shall permit the consumption of alcoholic
    21  beverages on the premises of the licensed establishment, except
    22  for the sampling or tasting of products as approved by the
    23  board; or
    24     (6)  locate a wine and spirits store within three hundred
    25  (300) feet of any church, school, hospital, charitable
    26  institution or playground.
    27     (b)  The board shall have the power to refuse to issue or to
    28  suspend or revoke a wine and spirits store license or franchise
    29  if the licensee failed to operate the wine and spirits store or
    30  to provide a reasonable level of consumer service.
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     1     (c)  Suspension and revocation hearings shall be held in
     2  accordance with the procedures in section 514 of this act.
     3     (d)  No person may sell liquor at any outlet if the wine and
     4  spirits store license applicable to that outlet has been
     5  forfeited, suspended, revoked, or has expired.
     6     (e)  In the event of the revocation, forfeiture or surrender
     7  of any wine and spirits store license in accordance with this
     8  act, the board shall revoke the franchise and conduct a public
     9  sale to grant to the highest responsible bidder a replacement
    10  license for the duration of the franchise period as prescribed
    11  by the board.
    12     Section 820-A.  Reemployment Tax Credit.--(a)  A full-time
    13  employe of a Pennsylvania State store whose employment is
    14  terminated as a result of the closing of a State store shall be
    15  eligible for a two (2) year reemployment tax credit voucher in
    16  the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per taxable year.
    17  Such voucher shall be made available to each qualified employe
    18  of a Pennsylvania State store upon termination of employment by
    19  the Liquor Control Board. Each voucher shall be certified by the
    20  Liquor Control Board before the voucher is provided to the
    21  qualified employe, and the Department of Revenue shall be
    22  informed of each qualified employe to whom a voucher has been
    23  provided.
    24     (b)  Any employer in this Commonwealth who employs such a
    25  former employe of a Pennsylvania State store may, upon transfer
    26  of the voucher from the employe to the employer, use the voucher
    27  as a credit against the State tax liability of the business,
    28  provided that the employer can demonstrate the following:
    29     (1)  That the employe for which the tax credit is being
    30  sought was terminated from a Pennsylvania State store within
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     1  twelve months of being employed by the employer.
     2     (2)  That the former State store employe has been employed by
     3  the employer seeking the tax credit for a period not less than
     4  one (1) year.
     5     (c)  The employer shall submit the tax credit voucher to the
     6  Department of Revenue along with the information required under
     7  subsection (b)(1) and (2) in conjunction with the filing of a
     8  State business tax identified in subsection (d)(2).
     9     (d)  (1)  An employer may claim a reemployment tax credit for
    10  every job filled by a former Pennsylvania State store employe of
    11  one thousand dollars ($1,000) per taxable year for a maximum of
    12  two (2) taxable years.
    13     (2)  An employer may apply the reemployment tax credit to one
    14  hundred per centum of the employer's State corporate net income
    15  tax, capital stock and franchise tax or the personal tax of a
    16  shareholder of the company if the company is a Pennsylvania S
    17  corporation, gross premiums tax, gross receipts tax, bank and
    18  trust company shares tax, mutual thrift institution tax, title
    19  insurance company shares tax, personal income tax or the
    20  personal income tax of a shareholder of a Pennsylvania S
    21  corporation or any combination thereof.
    22     (3)  A former Pennsylvania State store employe whose
    23  employment is terminated with an employer who has utilized the
    24  reemployment tax credit voucher to claim a one (1) year one
    25  thousand dollar ($1,000) tax credit, may transfer the voucher to
    26  a new employer who may use the remaining one thousand dollar
    27  ($1,000) tax credit as a claim against the business tax
    28  liability identified in clause (2).
    29     (4)  The term of the reemployment tax credit voucher may not
    30  exceed three years from the date the voucher is provided to the
    19970S1000B1108                 - 65 -

     1  qualified former Pennsylvania State store employe.
     2     Section 821-A.  Annual Reports.--On or before October 31,
     3  2007, and each year thereafter, the board shall submit to the
     4  General Assembly an annual report on retail alcohol sales in
     5  this Commonwealth and the implementation of this article,
     6  including, but not limited to, the total revenue earned by the
     7  issuance of wine and spirits store license.
     8     Section 822-A.  Review.--Five (5) years following the
     9  effective date of this article, the board shall conduct a
    10  thorough review of the operations of the wine and spirits
    11  stores. The board shall submit a copy of this review and any
    12  recommendations relating to the expansion of existing franchise
    13  zones to the General Assembly. The same review shall be
    14  conducted ten (10) years following the sale of the first wine
    15  and spirits store franchise.
    16     Section 823-A.  Disposition of Proceeds.--All proceeds from
    17  initial franchise sales, wholesale sales, monthly franchise
    18  fees, bid forfeitures and other monies designated for deposit in
    19  the Wine and Spirits Stores Fund under this article and all
    20  other proceeds which are deposited in the Wine and Spirits
    21  Stores Fund are appropriated and shall be allocated as provided
    22  in this section. Proceeds shall mean all revenues and receipts
    23  less all costs of administration and operation of the board,
    24  including enforcement costs and including the costs attributable
    25  to the operations of the Pennsylvania State Police as certified
    26  by the Governor, and any other expenses related to the operation
    27  of the liquor system. The proceeds shall be allocated in the
    28  order set forth:
    29     (1)  Seventy-one million three hundred eighty thousand
    30  dollars ($71,380,000) shall be transferred to the General Fund
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     1  each year.
     2     (2)  An amount equal to the total amount of tax credits
     3  certified by the board pursuant to section 821-A(a) of this act
     4  in a fiscal year shall be transferred to the General Fund.
     5     (3)  Three million dollars ($3,000,000) per year shall be
     6  transferred to the Department of Transportation to be used for
     7  grants to district attorneys, municipal police departments and
     8  the Pennsylvania State Police for training, testing,
     9  certification and operation of programs designed to combat
    10  driving under the influence, including sobriety checkpoints.
    11     (4)  Four million dollars ($4,000,000) per year shall be
    12  transferred to the Department of Health for use by the Office of
    13  Drug and Alcohol Programs, or its successor in function for
    14  distribution. Not less than fifty per centum of the funds shall
    15  be used for the promotion of education and prevention programs
    16  designed to eliminate abuse and addiction to alcohol and
    17  controlled substances for children under eighteen (18) years of
    18  age.
    19     (5)  Two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000)
    20  shall be transferred to the Department of Transportation for the
    21  purchase of equipment and for training, testing and
    22  certification of municipal police departments and the
    23  Pennsylvania State Police in its use.
    24     (6)  The sum of five million dollars ($5,000,000) shall be
    25  transferred from The State Stores Fund in accordance with
    26  subsection (f) to the Children's Health Fund for health care for
    27  indigent children established by section 1296 of the act of
    28  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of
    29  1971," to carry out the provisions of the act of December 2,
    30  1992 (P.L.741, No.113), known as the "Children's Health Care
    19970S1000B1108                 - 67 -

     1  Act," for the fiscal year July 1, 1996, to June 30, 1997. Funds
     2  transferred under this subsection shall not be subject to the
     3  limitation set forth in section 3101 of the "Children's Health
     4  Care Act."
     5     (7)  The board may continue to carry over money from year to
     6  year and hold in the fund a reserve of retained earnings in an
     7  amount as may be approved by the Secretary of the Budget.
     8     (8)  Twenty-five per centum of the remaining balance of the
     9  fund at the end of each fiscal year shall be transferred to the
    10  Department of Education for deposit in a restricted account for
    11  the purposes of providing scholarships pursuant to section 824-A
    12  of this act.
    13     (9)  The remaining balance of the fund at the end of each
    14  fiscal year shall be transferred to the Better Communities Fund
    15  created and established pursuant to section 825-A of this act.
    16     Section 824-A.  Governor's Community Service Scholarship
    17  Program.--(a)  There is hereby established the Community Service
    18  Scholarship Program to be administered by the Department of
    19  Education.
    20     (b)  Scholarships granted under this section shall be
    21  available to graduating students in each public school,
    22  nonpublic school, comprehensive area vocational-technical school
    23  and the Scotland School. Scholarships of one thousand dollars
    24  ($1,000) each per year for up to four (4) years for educational
    25  costs at postsecondary institutions, to include specialized
    26  technical or vocational training institutions, within this
    27  Commonwealth shall be awarded annually in each public,
    28  nonpublic, comprehensive area vocational-technical school and
    29  the Scotland School. The Department of Education shall in
    30  consultation with the Secretary of the Budget determine the
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     1  number and the amount of the scholarships for each school year.
     2  In no event shall the number of scholarships per school exceed
     3  ten per centum of the number of members of the graduating class
     4  of each school year. The Department of Education may enter into
     5  an agreement with the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
     6  Agency to distribute the scholarship funds.
     7     (c)  A scholarship award pursuant to this section shall not
     8  be considered in determining eligibility for State higher
     9  education financial assistance.
    10     (d)  In order to be eligible for a scholarship under this
    11  section, a graduating student shall:
    12     (1)  Have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or its
    13  equivalent approved by the department.
    14     (2)  Score at the level of proficiency or above on State
    15  assessment tests or an equivalent approved by the department.
    16     (3)  Submit a written essay regarding education and career
    17  goals.
    18     (4)  Submit two recommendations, one from a teacher or school
    19  official and one from a member of the community.
    20     (5)  Demonstrate a commitment to nonschool related community
    21  service.
    22     (e)  The Department of Education shall adopt guidelines for:
    23     (1)  The establishment by a local board of school directors
    24  of Community Service Scholarship Evaluation Boards.
    25     (2)  The evaluation of scholarship applications of students
    26  who are eligible pursuant to subsection (d).
    27     (f)  (1)  In order to receive scholarships pursuant to this
    28  section, each local board of school directors shall establish an
    29  evaluation board comprised of residents of the school district.
    30  Each board shall be comprised of nine members as follows:
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     1     (i)  One representative of a public school.
     2     (ii)  One representative of a private school.
     3     (iii)  One representative of a comprehensive area vocational
     4  school.
     5     (iv)  Three representatives of community service
     6  organizations.
     7     (v)  Three public members.
     8     (2)  Members of the evaluation board established under this
     9  subsection shall be elected by the members of the local board of
    10  school directors based upon recommendations from the local board
    11  of school directors and from the public at large.
    12     (g)  A scholarship awarded under subsection (b) shall be for
    13  four (4) years of postsecondary education and shall expire six
    14  (6) years after the date of award.
    15     Section 825-A.  Better Communities Fund.--(a)  There is
    16  hereby created in the State Treasury a special fund known as the
    17  Better Communities Fund into which shall be deposited the
    18  remaining balance of the Wine and Spirits Store Fund pursuant to
    19  section 823-A of this act. The board of the State Employees
    20  Retirement System shall be trustees of the fund and shall have
    21  exclusive control and management of the fund and full power to
    22  invest the same under the same conditions that the board uses in
    23  the investment of other moneys under its control.
    24     (b)  Moneys in the Better Communities Fund shall be used for
    25  capital projects which meet the criteria in subsection (c).
    26  Quarterly, or as required by the Secretary of the Budget, the
    27  board of the State Employees Retirement System shall transfer to
    28  the General Fund the amount certified by the Secretary of the
    29  Budget as equal to the amount of debt service on bonds issued to
    30  fund community asset projects.
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     1     (c)  In order to be eligible for funding from the Better
     2  Communities Fund, a project must be specifically itemized in a
     3  capital budget. Projects must meet the following criteria to
     4  receive funding:
     5     (1)  are community, historic, cultural or recreational
     6  facilities. Higher education facilities may qualify for funding
     7  except facilities owned or operated by a State-related
     8  institution or a State System of Higher Education institution;
     9     (2)  are eligible for tax-exempt bond funding under existing
    10  Federal law and regulation;
    11     (3)  have a total project cost of one million dollars
    12  ($1,000,000) or more; and
    13     (4)  have a nonstate participation of at least sixty-five per
    14  centum which shall be identified at the time of application and
    15  toward which State funds from other programs may not be used.
    16  The Governor may waive a portion of the nonstate participation
    17  if compelling circumstances exist. However, in no case shall the
    18  nonstate participation be less than fifty per centum.
    19     (d)  The maximum amount of redevelopment assistance projects
    20  which may be funded from the Better Communities Fund is five
    21  hundred eighty million dollars ($580,000,000), which shall be in
    22  addition to the seven hundred million dollars ($700,000,000)
    23  limit provided in section 1616-1-B of the act of April 9, 1929
    24  (P.L.343, No.176), known as "The Fiscal Code." Any redevelopment
    25  assistance project funded from the Better Communities Fund must
    26  meet the criteria in subsection (c) but does not have to fulfill
    27  the requirements for redevelopment assistance projects contained
    28  in section 1602-B of "The Fiscal Code."
    29     (e)  In addition, projects which receive funding must comply
    30  with the provisions of section 1616.2-B of "The Fiscal Code" on
    19970S1000B1108                 - 71 -

     1  funding and administration of projects. However, the fee which
     2  may be charged against bond proceeds for administrative costs
     3  may not be used to pay salaries of Commonwealth employes.
     4     Section 19.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1997, or
     5  immediately, whichever is later.

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