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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1165



No. 1003 Session of 1989

           JUNE 6, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 13 (Commercial Code) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, conforming the text of the title to
     3     the current official text of the Uniform Commercial Code
     4     relating to uncertificated securities.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Short title.--This act shall be known and may be
     8  cited as the 1977 UCC Investment Securities and Related Sections
     9  Amendments Act.
    10     Section 2.  Legislative findings.--The General Assembly finds
    11  and determines:
    12         (1)  That the 1977 Amendments to Division 8 of the
    13     Uniform Commercial Code relating to uncertificated securities
    14     have been adopted by the states of Arkansas, California,
    15     Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho,
    16     Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland,
    17     Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New
    18     Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio,

     1     Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee,
     2     Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and
     3     Wyoming and the District of Columbia.
     4         (2)  The public interest requires that Pennsylvania
     5     conform its law to the 1977 uniform text of the Uniform
     6     Commercial Code relating to uncertificated securities.
     7     Section 3.  Amendment of Title 13.--Sections 1201
     8  (definitions of "bearer," "delivery" and "holder"), 5114(b)(1),
     9  8102, 8103, 8104, 8105, 8106, 8107, 8201, 8202, 8203, 8204,
    10  8205, 8206, 8207, 8208, 8301, 8302, 8303, 8304, 8305, 8306,
    11  8307, 8308, 8309, 8310, 8311, 8312, 8313, 8314, 8315, 8316,
    12  8317, 8318, 8319, 8320, 8401, 8402, 8403, 8404, 8405 and 8406
    13  and the heading of Chapter 83 of Title 13 of the Pennsylvania
    14  Consolidated Statutes are amended and sections 8108, 8321, 8407
    15  and 8408 are added to read:
    16  § 1201.  General definitions.
    17     Subject to additional definitions contained in the subsequent
    18  provisions of this title which are applicable to specific
    19  provisions of this title, the following words and phrases when
    20  used in this title shall have, unless the context clearly
    21  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    22     * * *
    23     "Bearer."  The person in possession of an instrument,
    24  document of title, or certificated security payable to bearer or
    25  indorsed in blank.
    26     * * *
    27     "Delivery."  With respect to instruments, documents of title,
    28  chattel paper or certificated securities, means voluntary
    29  transfer of possession.
    30     * * *
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     1     "Holder."  A person who is in possession of a document of
     2  title or an instrument or [an] a certificated investment
     3  security drawn, issued or indorsed to him or to his order or to
     4  bearer or in blank.
     5     * * *
     6  § 5114.  Duty and privilege of issuer to honor; right to
     7             reimbursement.
     8     * * *
     9     (b)  Nonconforming document or fraud.--Unless otherwise
    10  agreed when documents appear on their face to comply with the
    11  terms of a credit but a required document does not in fact
    12  conform to the warranties made on negotiation or transfer of a
    13  document of title (section 7507) or of a certificated security
    14  (section 8306) or is forged or fraudulent or there is fraud in
    15  the transaction:
    16         (1)  the issuer must honor the draft or demand for
    17     payment if honor is demanded by a negotiating bank or other
    18     holder of the draft or demand which has taken the draft or
    19     demand under the credit and under circumstances which would
    20     make it a holder in due course (section 3302) and in an
    21     appropriate case would make it a person to whom a document of
    22     title has been duly negotiated (section 7502) or a bona fide
    23     purchaser of a certificated security (section 8302); and
    24         * * *
    25  § 8102.  Definitions and index of definitions.
    26     (a)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used
    27  in this division shall have, unless the context clearly
    28  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this
    29  subsection:
    30     "Certificated security."
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     1         (1)  A share, participation or other interest in property
     2     of or an enterprise of the issuer or an obligation of the
     3     issuer which is:
     4             (i)  represented by an instrument issued in bearer or
     5         registered form;
     6             (ii)  of a type commonly dealt in on securities
     7         exchanges or markets or commonly recognized in any area
     8         in which it is issued or dealt in as a medium for
     9         investment; and
    10             (iii)  either one of a class or series or by its
    11         terms divisible into a class or series of shares,
    12         participations, interests or obligations.
    13         (2)  If a partnership interest in a limited partnership
    14     is evidenced by a certificate of partnership interest, the
    15     certificate is a certificated security.
    16     "Clearing corporation."  A corporation registered as a
    17  "clearing agency" under the Federal securities laws or a
    18  corporation:
    19         (1)  at least 90% of [the] whose capital stock [of which]
    20     is held by or for one or more [persons (other than
    21     individuals)] organizations, none of which, other than a
    22     national securities exchange or association, holds in excess
    23     of 20% of the capital stock of the corporation, and each of
    24     [whom] which is:
    25             (i)  [is] subject to supervision or regulation
    26         pursuant to the provisions of Federal or State banking
    27         laws or State insurance laws;
    28             (ii)  [is] a broker or dealer or investment company
    29         registered under the [Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or
    30         the Investment Company Act of 1940] Federal securities
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     1         laws; or
     2             (iii)  [is] a national securities exchange or
     3         association registered under [a statute of the United
     4         States such as the Securities Exchange Act of 1934] the
     5         Federal securities laws;
     6     and [none of whom, other than a national securities exchange
     7     or association, holds in excess of 20% of the capital stock
     8     of such corporation; and]
     9         (2)  any remaining capital stock of which is held by
    10     individuals who have purchased [such capital stock] it at or
    11     prior to the time of their taking office as directors of
    12     [such] the corporation and who have purchased only so much of
    13     such capital stock as [may be] is necessary to permit them to
    14     qualify as [such] directors.
    15     "Custodian bank."  [Any] A bank or trust company [which] that
    16  is supervised and examined by State or Federal authority having
    17  supervision over banks and [which] is acting as custodian for a
    18  clearing corporation.
    19     ["Security."
    20         (1)  A "security" is an instrument which:
    21             (i)  is issued in bearer or registered form;
    22             (ii)  is of a type commonly dealt in upon securities
    23         exchanges or markets or commonly recognized in any area
    24         in which it is issued or dealt in as a medium for
    25         investment;
    26             (iii)  is either one of a class or series or by its
    27         terms is divisible into a class or series of instruments;
    28         and
    29             (iv)  evidences a share, participation or other
    30         interest in property or in an enterprise or evidences an
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     1         obligation of the issuer.]
     2     "Security."  A security is either a certificated or an
     3  uncertificated security:
     4         (1)  If a security is certificated, the terms "security"
     5     and "certificated security" may mean either the intangible
     6     interest, the instrument representing that interest, or both,
     7     as the context requires.
     8         (2)  A writing [which] that is a certificated security is
     9     governed by this division and not by Division 3 (relating to
    10     commercial paper) even though it also meets the requirements
    11     of that division. This division does not apply to money.
    12         (3)  If a certificated security has been retained by or
    13     surrendered to the issuer or its transfer agent for reasons
    14     other than registration of transfer, other temporary purpose,
    15     payment, exchange or acquisition by the issuer, that security
    16     shall be treated as an uncertificated security for purposes
    17     of this division.
    18         (4)  A certificated security is in "registered form"
    19     [when] if:
    20             (i)  it specifies a person entitled to the security
    21         or to the rights it [evidences] represents; and [when]
    22             (ii)  its transfer may be registered upon books
    23         maintained for that purpose by or on behalf of [an] the
    24         issuer or the security so states.
    25         [(4)] (5)  A certificated security is in "bearer form"
    26     [when] if it runs to bearer according to its terms and not by
    27     reason of any indorsement.
    28     "Subsequent purchaser."  A person who takes other than by
    29  original issue.
    30     "Uncertificated security."
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     1         (1)  A share, participation or other interest in property
     2     or an enterprise of the issuer or an obligation of the issuer
     3     which is:
     4             (i)  not represented by an instrument and the
     5         transfer of which is registered upon books maintained for
     6         that purpose by or on behalf of the issuer;
     7             (ii)  of a type commonly dealt in on securities
     8         exchanges or markets; and
     9             (iii)  either one of a class or series or by its
    10         terms divisible into a class or series of shares,
    11         participations, interests or obligations.
    12         (2)  Any partnership interest in a limited partnership
    13     which is not evidenced by a certificated security is an
    14     uncertificated security only if the partnership interest is
    15     approved for trading on a national securities exchange
    16     registered under the Federal securities laws or for quotation
    17     in the automated quotation system of a national securities
    18     association registered under the Federal securities laws.
    19     (b)  Index of other definitions.--Other definitions applying
    20  to this division or to specified chapters thereof and the
    21  sections in which they appear are:
    22     "Adverse claim."  Section [8301] 8302.
    23     "Bona fide purchaser."  Section 8302.
    24     "Broker."  Section 8303.
    25     "Debtor."  Section 9105.
    26     "Financial intermediary."  Section 8313.
    27     "Guarantee of the signature."  Section 8402.
    28     "Initial transaction statement."  Section 8408.
    29     "Instruction."  Section 8308.
    30     "Intermediary bank."  Section 4105.
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     1     "Issuer."  Section 8201.
     2     "Overissue."  Section 8104.
     3     "Secured party."  Section 9105.
     4     "Security agreement."  Section 9105.
     5     (c)  Applicability of general definitions and principles.--In
     6  addition Division 1 (relating to general provisions) contains
     7  general definitions and principles of construction and
     8  interpretation applicable throughout this division.
     9  § 8103.  Lien of issuer.
    10     A lien upon a security in favor of an issuer thereof is valid
    11  against a purchaser only if:
    12         (1)  the security if certificated and the right of the
    13     issuer to [such] the lien is noted conspicuously [on the
    14     security.] thereon; or
    15         (2)  the security is uncertificated and a notation of the
    16     right of the issuer to the lien is contained in the initial
    17     transaction statement sent to the purchaser or, if his
    18     interest is transferred to him other than by registration of
    19     transfer, pledge or release, the initial transaction
    20     statement sent to the registered owner or the registered
    21     pledgee.
    22  § 8104.  Effect of overissue; "overissue."
    23     (a)  General rule.--The provisions of this division which
    24  validate a security or compel its issue or reissue do not apply
    25  to the extent that validation, issue or reissue would result in
    26  overissue; but, if:
    27         (1)  [if] an identical security which does not constitute
    28     an overissue is reasonably available for purchase, the person
    29     entitled to issue or validation may compel the issuer to
    30     purchase [and deliver such a] the security [to] for him and
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     1     either to deliver a certificated security or to register the
     2     transfer of an uncertificated security to him against
     3     surrender of [the] any certificated security [, if any,
     4     which] he holds; or
     5         (2)  [if] a security is not so available for purchase,
     6     the person entitled to issue or validation may recover from
     7     the issuer the price he or the last purchaser for value paid
     8     for it with interest from the date of his demand.
     9     (b)  Definition of "overissue".--"Overissue" means the issue
    10  of securities in excess of the amount [which] the issuer has
    11  corporate power to issue.
    12  § 8105.  [Securities] Certificated securities negotiable;
    13             statements and instructions not negotiable;
    14             presumptions.
    15     (a)  [Securities] Certificated securities negotiable.--
    16  [Securities] Certificated securities governed by this division
    17  are negotiable instruments.
    18     (b)  Statements not negotiable.--Statements (section 8408),
    19  notices or the like sent by the issuer of uncertificated
    20  securities and instructions (section 8308) are neither
    21  negotiable instruments nor certificated securities.
    22     (c)  Presumptions and burden of proof.--In any action on a
    23  security:
    24         (1)  unless specifically denied in the pleadings, each
    25     signature on [the] a certificated security [or], in a
    26     necessary indorsement, on an initial transaction statement or
    27     on an instruction is admitted;
    28         (2)  [when] if the effectiveness of a signature is put in
    29     issue, the burden of establishing it is on the party claiming
    30     under the signature, but the signature is presumed to be
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     1     genuine or authorized;
     2         (3)  [when] if signatures on a certificated security are
     3     admitted or established, production of the [instrument]
     4     security entitles a holder to recover on it unless the
     5     defendant establishes a defense or a defect going to the
     6     validity of the security; [and]
     7         (4)  if signatures on an initial transaction statement
     8     are admitted or established, the facts stated in the
     9     statement are presumed to be true as of the time of its
    10     issuance; and
    11         (5)  after it is shown that a defense or defect exists
    12     the plaintiff has the burden of establishing that he or some
    13     person under whom he claims is a person against whom the
    14     defense or defect is ineffective (section 8202 [(relating to
    15     responsibility and defenses of issuer; notice of defect or
    16     defense)]).
    17  § 8106.  Applicability.
    18     The law (including the conflict of laws rules) of the
    19  jurisdiction of organization of the issuer governs the validity
    20  of a security, the effectiveness of registration by the issuer,
    21  and the rights and duties of the issuer with respect to:
    22         (1)  registration of transfer [are governed by the law
    23     (including the conflict of laws rules) of the jurisdiction of
    24     organization of the issuer.] of a certificated security;
    25         (2)  registration of transfer, pledge or release of an
    26     uncertificated security; and
    27         (3)  sending of statements of uncertificated securities.
    28  § 8107.  Securities [deliverable] transferable; action for
    29             price.
    30     (a)  Securities [deliverable] transferable.--Unless otherwise
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     1  agreed and subject to any applicable law or regulation
     2  respecting short sales, a person obligated to [deliver] transfer
     3  securities may [deliver] transfer any certificated security of
     4  the specified issue in bearer form or registered in the name of
     5  the transferee, or indorsed to him or in blank, or he may
     6  transfer an equivalent uncertificated security to the transferee
     7  or a person designated by the transferee.
     8     (b)  Action for price of securities.--[When] If the buyer
     9  fails to pay the price as it comes due under a contract of sale,
    10  the seller may recover the price of:
    11         (1)  [of] certificated securities accepted by the buyer;
    12     [and]
    13         (2)  uncertificated securities that have been transferred
    14     to the buyer or a person designated by the buyer; and
    15         (3)  [of] other securities if efforts at their resale
    16     would be unduly burdensome or if there is no readily
    17     available market for their resale.
    18  § 8108.  Registration of pledge and release of uncertificated
    19             securities.
    20     A security interest in an uncertificated security may be
    21  evidenced by the registration of pledge to the secured party or
    22  a person designated by him. There can be no more than one
    23  registered pledge of an uncertificated security at any time. The
    24  registered owner of an uncertificated security is the person in
    25  whose name the security is registered, even if the security is
    26  subject to a registered pledge. The rights of a registered
    27  pledgee of an uncertificated security under this division are
    28  terminated by the registration of release.
    29  § 8201.  "Issuer."
    30     (a)  General rule.--With respect to obligations on or
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     1  defenses to a security, "issuer" includes a person who:
     2         (1)  places or authorizes the placing of his name on a
     3     certificated security (otherwise than as authenticating
     4     trustee, registrar, transfer agent or the like) to evidence
     5     that it represents a share, participation or other interest
     6     in his property or in an enterprise or to evidence his duty
     7     to perform an obligation [evidenced] represented by the
     8     certificated security;
     9         (2)  creates shares, participations or other interests in
    10     his property or in an enterprise or undertakes obligations,
    11     which shares, participations, interests or obligations are
    12     uncertificated securities;
    13         (3)  directly or indirectly creates fractional interests
    14     in his rights or property, which fractional interests are
    15     [evidenced] represented by certificated securities; or
    16         [(3)] (4)  becomes responsible for or in place of any
    17     other person described as an issuer in this section.
    18     (b)  Guarantor.--With respect to obligations on or defenses
    19  to a security, a guarantor is an issuer to the extent of his
    20  guaranty, whether or not his obligation is noted on [the] a
    21  certificated security or on statements of uncertificated
    22  securities sent pursuant to section 8408 (relating to statements
    23  of uncertificated securities).
    24     (c)  Person for whom transfer books maintained.--With respect
    25  to registration of a transfer, pledge or release (Chapter 84),
    26  "issuer" means a person on whose behalf transfer books are
    27  maintained.
    28  § 8202.  Responsibility and defenses of issuer; notice of defect
    29             or defense.
    30     (a)  Terms included in security.--Even against a purchaser
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     1  for value and without notice, the terms of a security include:
     2         (1)  if the security is certificated, those stated on the
     3     security [and];
     4         (2)  if the security is uncertificated, those contained
     5     in the initial transaction statement sent to such purchaser,
     6     or, if his interest is transferred to him other than by
     7     registration of transfer, pledge or release, the initial
     8     transaction statement sent to the registered owner or
     9     registered pledgee; and
    10         (3)  those made part of the security by reference, on the
    11     certificated security or in the initial transaction
    12     statement, to another instrument, indenture or document or to
    13     a constitution, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, order
    14     or the like, to the extent that the terms [so] referred to do
    15     not conflict with the [stated] terms stated on the
    16     certificated security or contained in the statement.
    17  [Such a] A reference under paragraph (3) does not of itself
    18  charge a purchaser for value with notice of a defect going to
    19  the validity of the security even though the certificated
    20  security or statement expressly states that a person accepting
    21  it admits [such] notice.
    22     (b)  Defect affecting validity of security.--
    23         [(1)]  A certificated security in the hands of a
    24     purchaser for value or an uncertificated security as to which
    25     an initial transaction statement has been sent to a purchaser
    26     for value, other than [one] a security issued by a government
    27     or governmental agency or unit, even though issued with a
    28     defect going to its validity, is valid [in the hands of a]
    29     with respect to the purchaser [for value and] if he is
    30     without notice of the particular defect unless the defect
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     1     involves a violation of constitutional provisions, in which
     2     case the security is valid [in the hands of] with respect to
     3     a subsequent purchaser for value and without notice of the
     4     defect.
     5         [(2)  The rule of paragraph (1)] This subsection applies
     6     to an issuer [which] that is a government or governmental
     7     agency or unit only if either there has been substantial
     8     compliance with the legal requirements governing the issue or
     9     the issuer has received a substantial consideration for the
    10     issue as a whole or for the particular security and a stated
    11     purpose of the issue is one for which the issuer has power to
    12     borrow money or issue the security.
    13     (c)  Lack of genuineness as complete defense.--Except as
    14  [otherwise] provided in the case of certain unauthorized
    15  signatures [on issue] (section 8205), lack of genuineness of a
    16  certificated security or an initial transaction statement is a
    17  complete defense, even against a purchaser for value and without
    18  notice.
    19     (d)  Defenses ineffective against purchaser for value without
    20  notice.--All other defenses of the issuer of a certificated or
    21  uncertificated security, including nondelivery and conditional
    22  delivery of [the] a certificated security, are ineffective
    23  against a purchaser for value who has taken without notice of
    24  the particular defense.
    25     (e)  Right to cancel certain contracts unaffected.--Nothing
    26  in this section shall be construed to affect the right of a
    27  party to a "when, as and if issued" or a "when distributed"
    28  contract to cancel the contract in the event of a material
    29  change in the character of the security [which] that is the
    30  subject of the contract or in the plan or arrangement pursuant
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     1  to which [such] the security is to be issued or distributed.
     2  § 8203.  Staleness as notice of defects or defenses.
     3     (a)  General rule.--After an act or event [which creates]
     4  creating a right to immediate performance of the principal
     5  obligation [evidenced] represented by [the] a certificated
     6  security or [which] that sets a date on or after which the
     7  security is to be presented or surrendered for redemption or
     8  exchange, a purchaser is charged with notice of any defect in
     9  its issue or defense of the issuer if:
    10         (1)  [if] the act or event is one requiring the payment
    11     of money [or], the delivery of certificated securities, the
    12     registration of transfer of uncertificated securities, or
    13     [both] any of these on presentation or surrender of the
    14     certificated security [and such], the funds or securities are
    15     available on the date set for payment or exchange, and he
    16     takes the security more than one year after that date; and
    17         (2)  [if] the act or event is not covered by paragraph
    18     (1) and he takes the security more than two years after the
    19     date set for surrender or presentation or the date on which
    20     [such] performance became due.
    21     (b)  Exception.--A call [which] that has been revoked is not
    22  within subsection (a).
    23  § 8204.  Effect of restrictions by issuer on transfer.
    24     [Unless noted conspicuously on the security a] A restriction
    25  on transfer of a security imposed by the issuer, even though
    26  otherwise lawful, is ineffective [except] against [a] any person
    27  [with] without actual knowledge of it unless:
    28         (1)  the security is certificated and the restriction is
    29     noted conspicuously thereon; or
    30         (2)  the security is uncertificated and a notation of the
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     1     restriction is contained in the initial transaction statement
     2     sent to the person or, if his interest is transferred to him
     3     other than by registration of transfer, pledge or release,
     4     the initial transaction statement sent to the registered
     5     owner or the registered pledgee.
     6  § 8205.  Effect of unauthorized signature on [issue]
     7             certificated security or initial transaction
     8             statement.
     9     An unauthorized signature placed on a certificated security
    10  prior to or in the course of issue or placed on an initial
    11  transaction statement is ineffective [except that], but the
    12  signature is effective in favor of a purchaser for value [and]
    13  of the certificated security or a purchaser for value of an
    14  uncertificated security to whom such initial transaction
    15  statement has been sent, if the purchaser is without notice of
    16  the lack of authority [if] and the signing has been done by:
    17         (1)  an authenticating trustee, registrar, transfer agent
    18     or other person entrusted by the issuer with the signing of
    19     the security [or], of similar securities or [their] of
    20     initial transaction statements or the immediate preparation
    21     for signing of any of them; or
    22         (2)  an employee of the issuer, or of any of the
    23     foregoing, entrusted with responsible handling of the
    24     security or initial transaction statement.
    25  § 8206.  Completion or alteration of [instrument] certificated
    26             security or initial transaction statement.
    27     (a)  Completion of certificated security [containing
    28  necessary signatures.--Where a].--If a certificated security
    29  contains the signatures necessary to its issue or transfer but
    30  is incomplete in any other respect:
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     1         (1)  any person may complete it by filling in the blanks
     2     as authorized; and
     3         (2)  even though the blanks are incorrectly filled in,
     4     the security as completed is enforceable by a purchaser who
     5     took it for value and without notice of [such] the
     6     incorrectness.
     7     (b)  Enforceability of improperly altered certificated
     8  security.--A complete certificated security [which] that has
     9  been improperly altered, even though fraudulently, remains
    10  enforceable but only according to its original terms.
    11     (c)  Completion of initial transaction statement.--If an
    12  initial transaction statement contains the signatures necessary
    13  to its validity, but is incomplete in any other respect:
    14         (1)  any person may complete it by filling in the blanks
    15     as authorized; and
    16         (2)  even though the blanks are incorrectly filled in,
    17     the statement as completed is effective in favor of the
    18     person to whom it is sent if he purchased the security
    19     referred to therein for value and without notice of the
    20     incorrectness.
    21     (d)  Effectiveness of improperly altered initial transaction
    22  statement.--A complete initial transaction statement that has
    23  been improperly altered, even though fraudulently, is effective
    24  in favor of a purchaser to whom it has been sent, but only
    25  according to its original terms.
    26  § 8207.  Rights and duties of issuer with respect to registered
    27             owners and registered pledges.
    28     (a)  [General rule] Registered owner of certificated
    29  security.--Prior to due presentment for registration of transfer
    30  of a certificated security in registered form, the issuer or
    19890S1003B1165                 - 17 -

     1  indenture trustee may treat the registered owner as the person
     2  exclusively entitled to vote, to receive notifications and
     3  otherwise to exercise all the rights and powers of an owner.
     4     (b)  Registered owner of uncertificated security.--Subject to
     5  the provisions of subsections (c), (d) and (f), the issuer or
     6  indenture trustee may treat the registered owner of an
     7  uncertificated security as the person exclusively entitled to
     8  vote, to receive notifications and otherwise to exercise all the
     9  rights and powers of an owner.
    10     (c)  Registered owner of uncertificated security subject to
    11  registered pledge.--The registered owner of an uncertificated
    12  security that is subject to a registered pledge is not entitled
    13  to registration of transfer prior to the due presentment to the
    14  issuer of a release instruction. The exercise of conversion
    15  rights with respect to a convertible uncertificated security is
    16  a transfer within the meaning of this section.
    17     (d)  Transfer instructions from registered pledgee of
    18  uncertificated security.--Upon due presentment of a transfer
    19  instruction from the registered pledgee of an uncertificated
    20  security, the issuer shall:
    21         (1)  register the transfer of the security to the new
    22     owner free of pledge, if the instruction specifies a new
    23     owner (who may be the registered pledgee) and does not
    24     specify a pledgee;
    25         (2)  register the transfer of the security to the new
    26     owner subject to the interest of the existing pledgee, if the
    27     instruction specifies a new owner and the existing pledgee;
    28     or
    29         (3)  register the release of the security from the
    30     existing pledge and register the pledge of the security to
    19890S1003B1165                 - 18 -

     1     the other pledgee, if the instruction specifies the existing
     2     owner and another pledgee.
     3     (e)  Continuity of perfection of security interest.--
     4  Continuity of perfection of a security interest is not broken by
     5  registration of transfer under subsection (d)(2) or by
     6  registration of release and pledge under subsection (d)(3), if
     7  the security interest is assigned.
     8     (f)  Uncertificated security subject to registered pledge.--
     9  If an uncertificated security is subject to a registered pledge:
    10         (1)  any uncertificated securities issued in exchange for
    11     or distributed with respect to the pledged security shall be
    12     registered subject to the pledge;
    13         (2)  any certificated securities issued in exchange for
    14     or distributed with respect to the pledged security shall be
    15     delivered to the registered pledgee; and
    16         (3)  any money paid in exchange for or in redemption of
    17     part or all of the security shall be paid to the registered
    18     pledgee.
    19     (g)  Liability of registered owner for calls, etc.,
    20  unaffected.--Nothing in this division shall be construed to
    21  affect the liability of the registered owner of a security for
    22  calls, assessments or the like.
    23  § 8208.  Effect of signature of authenticating trustee,
    24             registrar or transfer agent.
    25     (a)  General rule.--A person placing his signature upon a
    26  certificated security or an initial transaction statement as
    27  authenticating trustee, registrar, transfer agent or the like
    28  warrants to a purchaser for value of the certificated security
    29  or a purchaser for value of an uncertificated security to whom
    30  the initial transaction statement has been sent, if the
    19890S1003B1165                 - 19 -

     1  purchaser is without notice of the particular defect, that:
     2         (1)  the certificated security or initial transaction
     3     statement is genuine;
     4         (2)  his own participation in the issue or registration
     5     of the transfer, pledge or release of the security is within
     6     his capacity and within the scope of the [authorization]
     7     authority received by him from the issuer; and
     8         (3)  he has reasonable grounds to believe that the
     9     security is in the form and within the amount the issuer is
    10     authorized to issue.
    11     (b)  Limitation.--Unless otherwise agreed, a person by so
    12  placing his signature does not assume responsibility for the
    13  validity of the security in other respects.
    14                             CHAPTER 83
    15                        [PURCHASE] TRANSFER
    16  § 8301.  Rights acquired by purchaser[; "adverse claim"; title
    17             acquired by bona fide purchaser].
    18     (a)  Rights acquired by purchaser.--Upon [delivery] transfer
    19  of a security to a purchaser (section 8313), the purchaser
    20  acquires the rights in the security which his transferor had or
    21  had actual authority to convey [except that a purchaser who has
    22  himself been a party to any fraud or illegality affecting the
    23  security or who as a prior holder had notice of an adverse claim
    24  cannot improve his position by taking from a later bona fide
    25  purchaser. "Adverse claim" includes a claim that a transfer was
    26  or would be wrongful or that a particular adverse person is the
    27  owner of or has an interest in the security.] unless the rights
    28  of the purchaser are limited by section 8302(d) (relating to
    29  limitation on rights acquired from bona fide purchaser).
    30     [(b)  Rights acquired by bona fide purchaser.--A bona fide
    19890S1003B1165                 - 20 -

     1  purchaser in addition to acquiring the rights of a purchaser
     2  also acquires the security free of any adverse claim.
     3     (c)] (b)  Rights acquired by [purchaser] transferee of
     4  limited interest.--A [purchaser] transferee of a limited
     5  interest acquires rights only to the extent of the interest
     6  [purchased] transferred. The creation or release of a security
     7  interest in a security is the transfer of a limited interest in
     8  that security.
     9  § 8302.  "Bona fide purchaser"; "adverse claim"; title acquired
    10             by bona fide purchaser.
    11     (a)  Bona fide purchaser.--A "bona fide purchaser" is a
    12  purchaser for value in good faith and without notice of any
    13  adverse claim:
    14         (1)  who takes delivery of a certified security in bearer
    15     form or [of one] in registered form, issued [to him] or
    16     indorsed to him or in blank[.];
    17         (2)  to whom the transfer, pledge or release of an
    18     uncertificated security is registered on the books of the
    19     issuer; or
    20         (3)  to whom a security is transferred under the
    21     provisions of section 8313(a)(3), (4)(i) or (7) (relating to
    22     when transfer to purchaser occurs; financial intermediary as
    23     bona fide purchaser; "financial intermediary").
    24     (b)  Adverse claim.--"Adverse claim" includes a claim that a
    25  transfer was or would be wrongful or that a particular adverse
    26  person is the owner of or has an interest in the security.
    27     (c)  Rights acquired by bona fide purchaser.--A bona fide
    28  purchaser in addition to acquiring the rights of a purchaser
    29  (section 8301) also acquires his interest in the security free
    30  of any adverse claim.
    19890S1003B1165                 - 21 -

     1     (d)  Limitation on rights acquired from bona fide
     2  purchaser.--Notwithstanding section 8301(a) (relating to rights
     3  acquired by purchaser), the transferee of a particular
     4  certificated security who has been a party to any fraud or
     5  illegality affecting the security, or who as a prior holder of
     6  that certificated security had notice of an adverse claim,
     7  cannot improve his position by taking from a bona fide
     8  purchaser.
     9  § 8303.  "Broker."
    10     "Broker" means a person engaged for all or part of his time
    11  in the business of buying and selling securities, who in the
    12  transaction concerned acts for, [or] buys a security from, or
    13  sells a security to, a customer. Nothing in this division
    14  determines the capacity in which a person acts for purposes of
    15  any other statute or rule to which [such] the person is subject.
    16  § 8304.  Notice to purchaser of adverse claims.
    17     (a)  [General rule] Notice to purchaser of certificated
    18  security.--A purchaser (including a broker for the seller or
    19  buyer, but excluding an intermediary bank) of a certificated
    20  security is charged with notice of adverse claims if:
    21         (1)  the security, whether in bearer or registered form,
    22     has been indorsed "for collection" or "for surrender" or for
    23     some other purpose not involving transfer; or
    24         (2)  the security is in bearer form and has on it an
    25     unambiguous statement that it is the property of a person
    26     other than a transferor. The mere writing of a name on a
    27     security is not such a statement.
    28     (b)  Notice to purchaser of uncertificated security.--A
    29  purchaser (including a broker for the seller or buyer, but
    30  excluding an intermediary bank) to whom the transfer, pledge or
    19890S1003B1165                 - 22 -

     1  release of an uncertificated security is registered is charged
     2  with notice of adverse claims as to which the issuer has a duty
     3  under section 8403(d) (relating to duty of issuer as to adverse
     4  claims, uncertificated security) at the time of registration and
     5  which are noted in the initial transaction statement sent to the
     6  purchaser or, if his interest is transferred to him other than
     7  by registration of transfer, pledge or release, the initial
     8  transaction statement sent to the registered owner or the
     9  registered pledgee.
    10     [(b)] (c)  Duty of inquiry in fiduciary transactions.--The
    11  fact that the purchaser (including a broker for the seller or
    12  buyer) of a certificated or uncertificated security has notice
    13  that the security is held for a third person or is registered in
    14  the name of or indorsed by a fiduciary does not create a duty of
    15  inquiry into the rightfulness of the transfer or constitute
    16  constructive notice of adverse claims. [If, however,] However,
    17  if the purchaser (excluding an intermediary bank) has knowledge
    18  that the proceeds are being used or [that] the transaction is
    19  for the individual benefit of the fiduciary or otherwise in
    20  breach of duty, the purchaser is charged with notice of adverse
    21  claims.
    22  § 8305.  Staleness as notice of adverse claims.
    23     An act or event [which] that creates a right to immediate
    24  performance of the principal obligation [evidenced] represented
    25  by [the] a certificated security or [which] sets a date on or
    26  after which [the] a certificated security is to be presented or
    27  surrendered for redemption or exchange does not [of] itself
    28  constitute any notice of adverse claims except in the case of a
    29  [purchase] transfer:
    30         (1)  after one year from any date set for [such]
    19890S1003B1165                 - 23 -

     1     presentment or surrender for redemption or exchange; or
     2         (2)  after six months from any date set for payment of
     3     money against presentation or surrender of the security if
     4     funds are available for payment on that date.
     5  § 8306.  Warranties on presentment and transfer of certificated
     6             securities; warranties of originators of
     7             instructions.
     8     (a)  Warranties of [presenter to issuer] person presenting
     9  certificated security.--A person who presents a certificated
    10  security for registration of transfer or for payment or exchange
    11  warrants to the issuer that he is entitled to the registration,
    12  payment or exchange. But a purchaser for value and without
    13  notice of adverse claims who receives a new, reissued or
    14  reregistered certificated security on registration of transfer
    15  or receives an initial transaction statement confirming the
    16  registration of transfer of an equivalent uncertificated
    17  security to him warrants only that he has no knowledge of any
    18  unauthorized signature (section 8311) in a necessary
    19  indorsement.
    20     (b)  Warranties of person transferring a certificated
    21  security to purchaser for value.--A person by transferring a
    22  certificated security to a purchaser for value warrants only
    23  that:
    24         (1)  his transfer is effective and rightful;
    25         (2)  the security is genuine and has not been materially
    26     altered; and
    27         (3)  he knows of no fact which might impair the validity
    28     of the security.
    29     (c)  Warranties of intermediary delivering certificated
    30  security.--[Where] If a certificated security is delivered by an
    19890S1003B1165                 - 24 -

     1  intermediary known to be entrusted with delivery of the security
     2  on behalf of another or with collection of a draft or other
     3  claim against [such] delivery, the intermediary by [such]
     4  delivery warrants only his own good faith and authority, even
     5  though he has purchased or made advances against the claim to be
     6  collected against the delivery.
     7     (d)  Warranties of pledgee or other holder for security.--A
     8  pledgee or other holder for security who redelivers [the] a
     9  certificated security received, or after payment and on order of
    10  the debtor delivers that security to a third person, makes only
    11  the warranties of an intermediary under subsection (c).
    12     (e)  Warranties of person originating instruction; issuer.--A
    13  person who originates an instruction warrants to the issuer
    14  that:
    15         (1)  he is an appropriate person to originate the
    16     instruction; and
    17         (2)  at the time the instruction is presented to the
    18     issuer, he will be entitled to the registration of transfer,
    19     pledge or release.
    20     (f)  Warranties of person originating instruction; signature
    21  guarantor.--A person who originates an instruction warrants to
    22  any person specially guaranteeing his signature (section
    23  8312(c)) that:
    24         (1)  he is an appropriate person to originate the
    25     instruction; and
    26         (2)  at the time the instruction is presented to the
    27     issuer:
    28             (i)  he will be entitled to the registration of
    29         transfer, pledge or release; and
    30             (ii)  the transfer, pledge or release requested in
    19890S1003B1165                 - 25 -

     1         the instruction will be registered by the issuer free
     2         from all liens, security interests, restrictions and
     3         claims other than those specified in the instruction.
     4     (g)  Other warranties of person originating instruction.--A
     5  person who originates an instruction warrants to a purchaser for
     6  value and to any person guaranteeing the instruction (section
     7  8312(f)) that:
     8         (1)  he is an appropriate person to originate the
     9     instruction;
    10         (2)  the uncertificated security referred to therein is
    11     valid; and
    12         (3)  at the time the instruction is presented to the
    13     issuer:
    14             (i)  the transferor will be entitled to the
    15         registration of transfer, pledge or release;
    16             (ii)  the transfer, pledge or release requested in
    17         the instruction will be registered by the issuer free
    18         from all liens, security interests, restrictions and
    19         claims other than those specified in the instruction; and
    20             (iii)  the requested transfer, pledge or release will
    21         be rightful.
    22     (h)  Warranties of person who originates instruction of
    23  release or transfer.--If a secured party is the registered
    24  pledgee or the registered owner of an uncertificated security, a
    25  person who originates an instruction of release or transfer to
    26  the debtor or, after payment and on order of the debtor, a
    27  transfer instruction to a third person, warrants to the debtor
    28  or the third person only that he is an appropriate person to
    29  originate the instruction and, at the time the instruction is
    30  presented to the issuer, the transferor will be entitled to the
    19890S1003B1165                 - 26 -

     1  registration of release or transfer. If a transfer instruction
     2  to a third person who is a purchaser for value is originated on
     3  order of the debtor, the debtor makes to the purchaser the
     4  warranties of subsection (g)(2) and (3)(ii) and (iii).
     5     (i)  Warranties of person who transfers uncertificated
     6  security to purchaser for value.--A person who transfers an
     7  uncertificated security to a purchaser for value and does not
     8  originate an instruction in connection with the transfer
     9  warrants only that:
    10         (1)  his transfer is effective and rightful; and
    11         (2)  the uncertificated security is valid.
    12     [(e)] (j)  Warranties, rights and privileges of broker.--A
    13  broker gives to his customer and to the issuer and a purchaser
    14  the applicable warranties provided in this section and has the
    15  rights and privileges of a purchaser under this section. The
    16  warranties of and in favor of the broker acting as an agent are
    17  in addition to applicable warranties given by and in favor of
    18  his customer.
    19  § 8307.  Effect of delivery without indorsement; right to compel
    20             indorsement.
    21     [Where] If a certificated security in registered form has
    22  been delivered to a purchaser without a necessary indorsement he
    23  may become a bona fide purchaser only as of the time the
    24  indorsement is supplied, but against the transferor the transfer
    25  is complete upon delivery and the purchaser has a specifically
    26  enforceable right to have any necessary indorsement supplied.
    27  § 8308.  [Indorsement, how made; special indorsement; indorser
    28             not a guarantor; partial assignment] Indorsements;
    29             instructions.
    30     (a)  Manner of indorsement.--An indorsement of a certificated
    19890S1003B1165                 - 27 -

     1  security in registered form is made when an appropriate person
     2  signs on it or on a separate document an assignment or transfer
     3  of the security or a power to assign or transfer it or [when
     4  the] his signature [of such person] is written without more upon
     5  the back of the security.
     6     (b)  Blank and special indorsements.--An indorsement may be
     7  in blank or special. An indorsement in blank includes an
     8  indorsement to bearer. A special indorsement specifies [the
     9  person] to whom the security is to be transferred, or who has
    10  power to transfer it. A holder may convert a blank indorsement
    11  into a special indorsement.
    12     [(c)  Definition of "appropriate person".--An "appropriate
    13  person" in subsection (a) means:
    14         (1)  the person specified by the security or by special
    15     indorsement to be entitled to the security;
    16         (2)  where the person so specified is described as a
    17     fiduciary but is no longer serving in the described
    18     capacity,--either that person or his successor;
    19         (3)  where the security or indorsement so specifies more
    20     than one person as fiduciaries and one or more are no longer
    21     serving in the described capacity,--the remaining fiduciary
    22     or fiduciaries, whether or not a successor has been appointed
    23     or qualified;
    24         (4)  where the person so specified is an individual and
    25     is without capacity to act by virtue of death, incompetence,
    26     infancy or otherwise, --his executor, administrator, guardian
    27     or like fiduciary;
    28         (5)  where the security or indorsement so specifies more
    29     than one person as tenants by the entirety or with right of
    30     survivorship and by reason of death all cannot sign,--the
    19890S1003B1165                 - 28 -

     1     survivor or survivors;
     2         (6)  a person having power to sign under applicable law
     3     or controlling instrument; or
     4         (7)  to the extent that any of the foregoing persons may
     5     act through an agent,--his authorized agent.
     6     (d)  Indorser not a guarantor.--Unless otherwise agreed the
     7  indorser by his indorsement assumes no obligation that the
     8  security will be honored by the issuer.
     9     (e)  Effect of partial indorsement.--An indorsement
    10  purporting to be only of part of a security representing units
    11  intended by the issuer to be separately transferable is
    12  effective to the extent of the indorsement.]
    13     (c)  Effect of partial indorsement.--An indorsement
    14  purporting to be only of part of a certificated security
    15  representing units intended by the issuer to be separately
    16  transferable is effective to the extent of the indorsement.
    17     (d)  Definition of "instruction."--An "instruction" is an
    18  order to the issuer of an uncertificated security requesting
    19  that the transfer, pledge or release from pledge of the
    20  uncertificated security specified therein be registered.
    21     (e)  Instruction originated by appropriate person.--An
    22  instruction originated by an appropriate person is:
    23         (1)  a writing signed by an appropriate person; or
    24         (2)  a communication to the issuer in any form agreed
    25     upon in a writing signed by the issuer and an appropriate
    26     person.
    27  If an instruction has been originated by an appropriate person
    28  but is incomplete in any other respect, any person may complete
    29  it as authorized, and the issuer may rely on it as completed
    30  even though it has been completed incorrectly.
    19890S1003B1165                 - 29 -

     1     (f)  Definition of "appropriate person" in certain cases.--An
     2  "appropriate person" in subsection (a) means the person
     3  specified by the certificated security or by special indorsement
     4  to be entitled to the security.
     5     (g)  Definition of "appropriate person" in other cases.--"An
     6  appropriate person" in subsection (e) means:
     7         (1)  for an instruction to transfer or pledge an
     8     uncertificated security which is then not subject to a
     9     registered pledge, the registered owner; or
    10         (2)  for an instruction to transfer or release an
    11     uncertificated security which is then subject to a registered
    12     pledge, the registered pledgee.
    13     (h)  Definition of "appropriate person" in additional
    14  cases.--In addition to the persons designated in subsections (f)
    15  and (g), "an appropriate person" in subsections (a) and (e)
    16  includes:
    17         (1)  if the person designated is described as a fiduciary
    18     but is no longer serving in the described capacity, either
    19     that person or his successor;
    20         (2)  if the persons designated are described as more than
    21     one person as fiduciaries and one or more are no longer
    22     serving in the described capacity, the remaining fiduciary or
    23     fiduciaries, whether or not a successor has been appointed or
    24     qualified;
    25         (3)  if the person designated is an individual and is
    26     without capacity to act by virtue of death, incompetence,
    27     infancy, or otherwise, his executor, administrator, guardian
    28     or like fiduciary;
    29         (4)  if the persons designated are described as more than
    30     one person as tenants by the entirety or with right of
    19890S1003B1165                 - 30 -

     1     survivorship and by reason of death all cannot sign, the
     2     survivor or survivors;
     3         (5)  a person having power to sign under applicable law
     4     or controlling instrument; and
     5         (6)  to the extent that the person designated or any of
     6     the foregoing persons may act through an agent, his
     7     authorized agent.
     8     (i)  Indorser not a guarantor.--Unless otherwise agreed, the
     9  indorser of a certificated security by his indorsement or the
    10  originator of an instruction by his origination assumes no
    11  obligation that the security will be honored by the issuer but
    12  only the obligations provided in section 8306 (relating to
    13  warranties on presentment and transfer of certificated
    14  securities; warranties of originators of instructions).
    15     [(f)] (j)  Status of appropriate person.--Whether the person
    16  signing is appropriate is determined as of the date of signing
    17  and an indorsement made by or an instruction originated by [such
    18  a person] him does not become unauthorized for the purposes of
    19  this division by virtue of any subsequent change of
    20  circumstances.
    21     [(g)] (k)  Effect of noncompliance by fiduciary on his
    22  indorsement.--Failure of a fiduciary to comply with a
    23  controlling instrument or with the law of the state having
    24  jurisdiction of the fiduciary relationship, including any law
    25  requiring the fiduciary to obtain court approval of the
    26  transfer, pledge or release, does not render his indorsement or
    27  an instruction originated by him unauthorized for the purposes
    28  of this division.
    29  § 8309.  Effect of indorsement without delivery.
    30     An indorsement of a certificated security, whether special or
    19890S1003B1165                 - 31 -

     1  in blank, does not constitute a transfer until delivery of the
     2  certificated security on which it appears or, if the indorsement
     3  is on a separate document, until delivery of both the document
     4  and the certificated security.
     5  § 8310.  Indorsement of certificated security in bearer form.
     6     An indorsement of a certificated security in bearer form may
     7  give notice of adverse claims (section 8304) but does not
     8  otherwise affect any right to registration the holder [may
     9  possess] possesses.
    10  § 8311.  Effect of unauthorized indorsement or instruction.
    11     Unless the owner or pledgee has ratified an unauthorized
    12  indorsement or instruction or is otherwise precluded from
    13  asserting its ineffectiveness:
    14         (1)  he may assert its ineffectiveness against the issuer
    15     or any purchaser, other than a purchaser for value and
    16     without notice of adverse claims, who has in good faith
    17     received a new, reissued or reregistered certificated
    18     security on registration of transfer or received an initial
    19     transaction statement confirming the registration of
    20     transfer, pledge or release of an equivalent uncertificated
    21     security to him; and
    22         (2)  an issuer who registers the transfer of a
    23     certificated security upon the unauthorized indorsement or
    24     who registers the transfer, pledge or release of an
    25     uncertificated security upon the unauthorized instruction is
    26     subject to liability for improper registration (section
    27     8404).
    28  § 8312.  Effect of guaranteeing signature, [or] indorsement or
    29             instruction.
    30     (a)  Warranties of signature guarantor.--Any person
    19890S1003B1165                 - 32 -

     1  guaranteeing a signature of an indorser of a certificated
     2  security warrants that at the time of signing:
     3         (1)  the signature was genuine;
     4         (2)  the signer was an appropriate person to indorse
     5     (section 8308); and
     6         (3)  the signer had legal capacity to sign.
     7  [But the guarantor does not otherwise warrant the rightfulness
     8  of the particular transfer.]
     9     (b)  Warranties of person guaranteeing signature of
    10  originator of instruction.--Any person guaranteeing a signature
    11  of the originator of an instruction warrants that at the time of
    12  signing:
    13         (1)  the signature was genuine;
    14         (2)  the signer was an appropriate person to originate
    15     the instruction (section 8308) if the person specified in the
    16     instruction as the registered owner or registered pledgee of
    17     the uncertificated security was, in fact, the registered
    18     owner or registered pledgee of such security, as to which
    19     fact the signature guarantor makes no warranty;
    20         (3)  the signer had legal capacity to sign; and
    21         (4)  the taxpayer identification number, if any,
    22     appearing on the instruction as that of the registered owner
    23     or registered pledgee was the taxpayer identification number
    24     of the signer or of the owner or pledgee for whom the signer
    25     was acting.
    26     (c)  Warranties of person specially guaranteeing signature of
    27  originator of an instruction.--Any person specially guaranteeing
    28  the signature of the originator of an instruction makes not only
    29  the warranties of a signature guarantor (subsection (b)) but
    30  also warrants that at the time the instruction is presented to
    19890S1003B1165                 - 33 -

     1  the issuer;
     2         (1)  the person specified in the instruction as the
     3     registered owner or registered pledgee of the uncertificated
     4     security will be the registered owner or registered pledgee;
     5     and
     6         (2)  the transfer, pledge or release of the
     7     uncertificated security requested in the instruction will be
     8     registered by the issuer free from all liens, security
     9     interests, restrictions and claims other than those specified
    10     in the instruction.
    11     (d)  Limitations on warranties.--The guarantor under
    12  subsections (a) and (b) or the special guarantor under
    13  subsection (c) does not otherwise warrant the rightfulness of
    14  the particular transfer, pledge or release.
    15     [(b)] (e)  Warranties of indorsement guarantor.--Any person
    16  [may guarantee] guaranteeing an indorsement of a certificated
    17  security [and by so doing warrants not only the signature
    18  (subsection (a))] makes not only the warranties of a signature
    19  guarantor under subsection (a) but also warrants the
    20  rightfulness of the particular transfer in all respects. [But no
    21  issuer may require a guarantee of indorsement as a condition to
    22  registration of transfer.]
    23     (f)  Warranties of person guaranteeing certain
    24  instructions.--Any person guaranteeing an instruction requesting
    25  the transfer, pledge or release of an uncertificated security
    26  makes not only the warranties of a special signature guarantor
    27  under subsection (c) but also warrants the rightfulness of the
    28  particular transfer, pledge or release in all respects.
    29     (g)  Matters which issuer may not require.--No issuer may
    30  require a special guarantee of signature (subsection (c)), a
    19890S1003B1165                 - 34 -

     1  guarantee of indorsement (subsection (e)) or a guarantee of
     2  instruction (subsection (f)) as a condition to registration of
     3  transfer, pledge or release.
     4     [(c)] (h)  Persons protected by warranties.--The foregoing
     5  warranties are made to any person taking or dealing with the
     6  security in reliance on the guarantee, and the guarantor is
     7  liable to [such] the person for any loss resulting from breach
     8  of the warranties.
     9  § 8313.  When [delivery] transfer to purchaser occurs; [broker
    10             of purchaser] financial intermediary as [holder] bona
    11             fide purchaser; "financial intermediary".
    12     (a)  When [delivery] transfer to purchaser occurs.--
    13  [Delivery] Transfer of a security or a limited interest
    14  (including a security interest) therein to a purchaser occurs
    15  [when] only:
    16         (1)  at the time he or a person designated by him
    17     acquires possession of a certificated security;
    18         (2)  at the time the transfer, pledge or release of an
    19     uncertificated security is registered to him or a person
    20     designated by him;
    21         [(2)] (3)  at the time his [broker] financial
    22     intermediary acquires possession of a certificated security
    23     specially indorsed to or issued in the name of the purchaser;
    24         [(3)  his broker] (4)  at the time a financial
    25     intermediary, not a clearing corporation, sends him
    26     confirmation of the purchase and also by book entry or
    27     otherwise identifies [a specific security in the possession
    28     of the broker] as belonging to the purchaser[;]:
    29             (i)  a specific certificated security in the
    30         possession of the financial intermediary;
    19890S1003B1165                 - 35 -

     1             (ii)  a quantity of securities that constitute or are
     2         part of a fungible bulk of certificated securities in the
     3         financial intermediary's possession or of uncertificated
     4         securities registered in the name of the financial
     5         intermediary; or
     6             (iii)  a quantity of securities that constitute or
     7         are part of a fungible bulk of securities shown on the
     8         account of the financial intermediary on the books of
     9         another financial intermediary;
    10         [(4)] (5)  with respect to an identified certificated
    11     security to be delivered while still in the possession of a
    12     third person [when], not a financial intermediary, at the
    13     time that person acknowledges that he holds for the
    14     purchaser; [or]
    15         (6)  with respect to a specific uncertificated security
    16     the pledge or transfer of which has been registered to a
    17     third person, not a financial intermediary, at the time that
    18     person acknowledges that he holds for the purchaser;
    19         [(5)] (7)  at the time appropriate entries to the account
    20     of the purchaser or a person designated by him on the books
    21     of a clearing corporation are made under section 8320
    22     (relating to transfer or pledge within [a] central depository
    23     system)[.];
    24         (8)  with respect to the transfer of a security interest
    25     where the debtor has signed a security agreement containing a
    26     description of the security, at the time a written
    27     notification, which, in the case of the creation of the
    28     security interest, is signed by the debtor (which may be a
    29     copy of the security agreement) or which, in the case of the
    30     release or assignment of the security interest created
    19890S1003B1165                 - 36 -

     1     pursuant to this paragraph, is signed by the secured party,
     2     is received by:
     3             (i)  a financial intermediary on whose books the
     4         interest of the transferor in the security appears;
     5             (ii)  a third person, not a financial intermediary,
     6         in possession of the security, if it is certificated;
     7             (iii)  a third person, not a financial intermediary,
     8         who is the registered owner of the security, if it is
     9         uncertificated and not subject to a registered pledge; or
    10             (iv)  a third person, not a financial intermediary,
    11         who is the registered pledgee of the security, if it is
    12         uncertificated and subject to a registered pledge;
    13         (9)  with respect to the transfer of a security interest
    14     where the transferor has signed a security agreement
    15     containing a description of the security, at the time new
    16     value is given by the secured party; or
    17         (10)  with respect to the transfer of a security interest
    18     where the secured party is a financial intermediary and the
    19     security has already been transferred to the financial
    20     intermediary under paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4) or (7), at
    21     the time the transferor has signed a security agreement
    22     containing a description of the security and value is given
    23     by the secured party.
    24     (b)  Rights of purchaser in security held by [broker]
    25  financial intermediary.--The purchaser is the owner of a
    26  security held for him by [his broker,] a financial intermediary,
    27  but [is not the holder] cannot be a bona fide purchaser of a
    28  security so held except [as] in the circumstances specified in
    29  subsection (a)[(2)](3),(4)(i) and [(5)] (7). [Where] If a
    30  security so held is part of a fungible bulk, as in the
    19890S1003B1165                 - 37 -

     1  circumstances specified in subsection (a)(4)(ii) and (iii), the
     2  purchaser is the owner of a proportionate property interest in
     3  the fungible bulk.
     4     (c)  Notice of adverse claim to security held by [broker]
     5  financial intermediary.--Notice of an adverse claim received by
     6  the [broker] financial intermediary or by the purchaser after
     7  the [broker] financial intermediary takes delivery of a
     8  certificated security as a holder for value or after the
     9  transfer, pledge or release of an uncertificated security has
    10  been registered free of the claim to a financial intermediary
    11  who has given value is not effective either as to the [broker]
    12  financial intermediary or as to the purchaser. However, as
    13  between the [broker] financial intermediary and the purchaser,
    14  the purchaser may demand [delivery] transfer of an equivalent
    15  security as to which no notice of [an] adverse claim has been
    16  received.
    17     (d)  Definition of "financial intermediary".--A "financial
    18  intermediary" is a bank, broker, clearing corporation or other
    19  person (or the nominee of any of them) which in the ordinary
    20  course of its business maintains security accounts for its
    21  customers and is acting in that capacity. A financial
    22  intermediary may have a security interest in securities held in
    23  account for its customer.
    24  § 8314.  Duty to [deliver] transfer, when completed.
    25     (a)  Sale through broker.--Unless otherwise agreed [where],
    26  if a sale of a security is made on an exchange or otherwise
    27  through brokers:
    28         (1)  the selling customer fulfills his duty to [deliver
    29     when he] transfer at the time he;
    30             (i)  places [such] a certificated security in the
    19890S1003B1165                 - 38 -

     1         possession of the selling broker or of a person
     2         designated by the broker [or if requested causes an
     3         acknowledgement to be made to the selling broker that it
     4         is held for him; and];
     5             (ii)  causes an uncertificated security to be
     6         registered in the name of the selling broker or a person
     7         designated by the broker;
     8             (iii)  if requested, causes an acknowledgment to be
     9         made to the selling broker that a certificated or
    10         uncertificated security is held for the broker; or
    11             (iv)  places in the possession of the selling broker
    12         or of a person designated by the broker a transfer
    13         instruction for an uncertificated security, providing the
    14         issuer does not refuse to register the requested transfer
    15         if the instruction is presented to the issuer for
    16         registration within 30 days thereafter; and
    17         (2)  the selling broker, including a correspondent broker
    18     acting for a selling customer, fulfills his duty to [deliver
    19     by placing the] transfer at the time he;
    20             (i)  places a certificated security [or a like
    21         security] in the possession of the buying broker or a
    22         person designated by [him or by effecting] the buying
    23         broker;
    24             (ii)  causes an uncertificated security to be
    25         registered in the name of the buying broker or a person
    26         designated by the buying broker;
    27             (iii)  places in the possession of the buying broker
    28         or of a person designated by the buying broker a transfer
    29         instruction for an uncertificated security, providing the
    30         issuer does not refuse to register the requested transfer
    19890S1003B1165                 - 39 -

     1         if the instruction is presented to the issuer for
     2         registration within 30 days thereafter; or
     3             (iv)  effects clearance of the sale in accordance
     4         with the rules of the exchange on which the transaction
     5         took place.
     6     (b)  Other sales.--Except as [otherwise] provided in this
     7  section and unless otherwise agreed, the duty of a transferor to
     8  [deliver] transfer a security under a contract of purchase is
     9  not fulfilled until he:
    10         (1)  places [the] a certificated security in form to be
    11     negotiated by the purchaser in the possession of the
    12     purchaser or of a person designated by [him or at the request
    13     of the purchaser causes an acknowledgment to be made to the
    14     purchaser that it is held for him.] the purchaser;
    15         (2)  causes an uncertificated security to be registered
    16     in the name of the purchaser or a person designated by the
    17     purchaser; or
    18         (3)  if the purchaser requests, causes an acknowledgment
    19     to be made to the purchaser that a certificated or
    20     uncertificated security is held for the purchaser.
    21     (c)  Sales to brokers.--Unless made on an exchange, a sale to
    22  a broker purchasing for his own account is within [this]
    23  subsection (b) and not within subsection (a).
    24  § 8315.  Action against [purchaser] transferee based upon
    25             wrongful transfer.
    26     (a)  General rule.--Any person against whom the transfer of a
    27  security is wrongful for any reason, including his incapacity,
    28  [may] as against anyone except a bona fide purchaser, may:
    29         (1)  reclaim possession of the certificated security [or]
    30     wrongfully transferred;
    19890S1003B1165                 - 40 -

     1         (2)  obtain possession of any new certificated security
     2     [evidencing] representing all or part of the same rights
     3     [or];
     4         (3)  compel the origination of an instruction to transfer
     5     to him or a person designated by him an uncertificated
     6     security constituting all or part of the same rights; or
     7         (4)  have damages.
     8     (b)  Unauthorized [endorsement] indorsements.--If the
     9  transfer is wrongful because of an unauthorized indorsement of a
    10  certificated security, the owner may also reclaim or obtain
    11  possession of the security or a new certificated security, even
    12  from a bona fide purchaser, if the ineffectiveness of the
    13  purported indorsement can be asserted against him under the
    14  provisions of this division on unauthorized indorsements
    15  (section 8311).
    16     (c)  Remedies available.--The right to obtain or reclaim
    17  possession of a certificated security or to compel the
    18  origination of a transfer instruction may be specifically
    19  enforced and [its] the transfer of a certificated or
    20  uncertificated security enjoined and [the] a certificated
    21  security impounded pending the litigation.
    22  § 8316.  Right of purchaser to requisites for registration of
    23             transfer, pledge or release on books.
    24     Unless otherwise agreed, the transferor [must] of a
    25  certificated security or the transferor, pledgor or pledgee of
    26  an uncertificated security on due demand must supply his
    27  purchaser with any proof of his authority to transfer, pledge or
    28  release or with any other requisite [which may be] necessary to
    29  obtain registration of the transfer, pledge or release of the
    30  security; but, if the transfer, pledge or release is not for
    19890S1003B1165                 - 41 -

     1  value, a transferor, pledgor or pledgee need not do so unless
     2  the purchaser furnishes the necessary expenses. Failure within a
     3  reasonable time to comply with a demand made [within a
     4  reasonable time] gives the purchaser the right to reject or
     5  rescind the transfer, pledge or release.
     6  § 8317.  [Attachment or levy upon security] Rights of creditor.
     7     (a)  [Seizure required.--No] General rule for certificated
     8  securities.--Subject to the exceptions in subsections (c) and
     9  (d), no attachment or levy upon a certificated security or any
    10  share or other interest [evidenced] represented thereby which is
    11  outstanding [shall be] is valid until the security is actually
    12  seized by the officer making the attachment or levy, but a
    13  certificated security which has been surrendered to the issuer
    14  may be [attached or levied upon at the source.] reached by a
    15  creditor by legal process at the chief executive office of the
    16  issuer in the United States.
    17     (b)  General rule for uncertificated securities.--An
    18  uncertificated security registered in the name of the debtor may
    19  not be reached by a creditor except by legal process at the
    20  chief executive office of the issuer in the United States.
    21     (c)  Reaching interest of debtor when secured party is not
    22  financial intermediary.--The interest of a debtor in a
    23  certificated security that is in the possession of a secured
    24  party not a financial intermediary or in an uncertificated
    25  security registered in the name of a secured party not a
    26  financial intermediary (or in the name of a nominee of the
    27  secured party) may be reached by a creditor by legal process
    28  upon the secured party.
    29     (d)  Reaching interest of debtor when secured party is
    30  financial intermediary.--The interest of a debtor in a
    19890S1003B1165                 - 42 -

     1  certificated security that is in the possession of or registered
     2  in the name of a financial intermediary or in an uncertificated
     3  security registered in the name of a financial intermediary may
     4  be reached by a creditor by legal process upon the financial
     5  intermediary on whose books the interest of the debtor appears.
     6     (e)  Effect of lien upon transfer of security to third
     7  party.--Unless otherwise provided by law, the lien of a creditor
     8  upon the interest of a debtor in a security obtained pursuant to
     9  subsection (c) or (d) is not a restraint on the transfer of the
    10  security, free of the lien, to a third party for new value; but,
    11  in the event of a transfer, the lien applies to the proceeds of
    12  the transfer in the hands of the secured party or financial
    13  intermediary, subject to any claims having priority.
    14     [(b)] (f)  Remedies available.--A creditor whose debtor is
    15  the owner of a security [shall be] is entitled to [such] aid
    16  from courts of appropriate jurisdiction, by injunction or
    17  otherwise, in reaching [such] the security or in satisfying the
    18  claim by means [thereof as is] allowed at law or in equity in
    19  regard to property [which] that cannot readily be [attached or
    20  levied upon] reached by ordinary legal process.
    21  § 8318.  No conversion by good faith [delivery] conduct.
    22     An agent or bailee who in good faith (including observance of
    23  reasonable commercial standards if he is in the business of
    24  buying, selling or otherwise dealing with securities) has
    25  received certificated securities and sold, pledged or delivered
    26  them or has sold or caused the transfer or pledge of
    27  uncertificated securities over which he had control according to
    28  the instructions of his principal is not liable for conversion
    29  or for participation in breach of fiduciary duty although the
    30  principal had no right [to dispose of them] so to deal with the
    19890S1003B1165                 - 43 -

     1  securities.
     2  § 8319.  Statute of frauds.
     3     A contract for the sale of securities is not enforceable by
     4  way of action or defense unless:
     5         (1)  there is some writing signed by the party against
     6     whom enforcement is sought or by his authorized agent or
     7     broker sufficient to indicate that a contract has been made
     8     for sale of a stated quantity of described securities at a
     9     defined or stated price;
    10         (2)  delivery of [the] a certificated security or
    11     transfer instruction has been accepted, or transfer of an
    12     uncertificated security has been registered and the
    13     transferee has failed to send written objection to the issuer
    14     within ten days after receipt of the initial transaction
    15     statement confirming the registration, or payment has been
    16     made, but the contract is enforceable under this paragraph
    17     only to the extent of [such] the delivery, registration or
    18     payment;
    19         (3)  within a reasonable time a writing in confirmation
    20     of the sale or purchase and sufficient against the sender
    21     under paragraph (1) has been received by the party against
    22     whom enforcement is sought and he has failed to send written
    23     objection to its contents within ten days after its receipt;
    24     or
    25         (4)  the party against whom enforcement is sought admits
    26     in his pleadings, testimony or otherwise in court that a
    27     contract was made for the sale of a stated quantity of
    28     described securities at a defined or stated price.
    29  § 8320.  Transfer or pledge within [a] central depository
    30             system.
    19890S1003B1165                 - 44 -

     1     (a)  Manner of effecting transfer [or], pledge or release.--
     2  [If a security:] In addition to other methods, a transfer,
     3  pledge or release of a security or any interest therein may be
     4  effected by the making of appropriate entries on the books of a
     5  clearing corporation reducing the account of the transferor,
     6  pledgor or pledgee and increasing the account of the transferee,
     7  pledgee or pledgor by the amount of the obligation, or the
     8  number of shares or rights transferred, pledged or released, if
     9  the security is shown on the account of a transferor, pledgor or
    10  pledgee on the books of the clearing corporation, is subject to
    11  the control of the clearing corporation and:
    12         (1)  if certificated:
    13             (i)  is in the custody of [a] the clearing
    14         corporation [or of], another clearing corporation, a
    15         custodian bank or a nominee of [either subject to the
    16         instructions of the clearing corporation;] any of them;
    17         and
    18             [(2)] (ii)  is in bearer form or indorsed in blank by
    19         an appropriate person or registered in the name of the
    20         clearing corporation [or], a custodian bank or a nominee
    21         of [either; and] any of them; or
    22         (2)  if uncertificated, is registered in the name of the
    23     clearing corporation, another clearing corporation, a
    24     custodian bank or a nominee of any of them.
    25         [(3)  is shown on the account of a transferor or pledgor
    26     on the books of the clearing corporation;
    27  then, in addition to other methods, a transfer or pledge of the
    28  security or any interest therein may be effected by the making
    29  of appropriate entries on the books of the clearing corporation
    30  reducing the account of the transferor or pledgor and increasing
    19890S1003B1165                 - 45 -

     1  the account of the transferee or pledgee by the amount of the
     2  obligation or the number of shares or rights transferred or
     3  pledged.]
     4     (b)  Requisites for book entries.--Under this section entries
     5  may be made with respect to like securities or interests therein
     6  as a part of a fungible bulk and may refer merely to a quantity
     7  of a particular security without reference to the name of the
     8  registered owner, certificate or bond number or the like and, in
     9  appropriate cases, may be on a net basis taking into account
    10  other transfers [or], pledges or releases of the same security.
    11     (c)  Effect of transfer [or], pledge or release.--A transfer
    12  [or pledge] under this section [has the effect of a delivery of
    13  a security in bearer form or duly indorsed in blank (section
    14  8301 (relating to rights acquired by purchaser; "adverse claim";
    15  title acquired by bona fide purchaser)) representing the amount
    16  of the obligation or the number of shares or rights transferred
    17  or pledged.] is effective (section 8313) and the purchaser
    18  acquires the rights of the transferor (section 8301). A pledge
    19  or release under this section is the transfer of a limited
    20  interest. If a pledge or the creation of a security interest is
    21  intended, [the making of entries has the effect of a taking of
    22  delivery by the pledgee or a secured party (section 9304
    23  (relating to perfection of security interest in instruments,
    24  documents and goods covered by documents) and section 9305
    25  (relating to when possession by secured party perfects security
    26  interest without filing)).] the security interest is perfected
    27  at the time when both value is given by the pledgee and the
    28  appropriate entries are made (section 8321). A transferee or
    29  pledgee under this section [is a holder] may be a bona fide
    30  purchaser (section 8302).
    19890S1003B1165                 - 46 -

     1     (d)  Transfer or pledge not a registration.--A transfer or
     2  pledge under this section [does] is not [constitute] a
     3  registration of transfer under Chapter 84 (relating to
     4  registration).
     5     (e)  Effect of inappropriate entries.--That entries made on
     6  the books of the clearing corporation as provided in subsection
     7  (a) are not appropriate does not affect the validity or effect
     8  of the entries [nor] or the liabilities or obligations of the
     9  clearing corporation to any person adversely affected thereby.
    10  § 8321.  Enforceability, attachment, perfection and termination
    11             of security interests.
    12     (a)  Enforceability and attachment.--A security interest in a
    13  security is enforceable and can attach only if it is transferred
    14  to the secured party or a person designated by him pursuant to a
    15  provision of section 8313(a) (relating to when transfer to
    16  purchaser occurs).
    17     (b)  Perfection.--A security interest so transferred pursuant
    18  to agreement by a transferor who has rights in the security to a
    19  transferee who has given value is a perfected security interest,
    20  but a security interest that has been transferred solely under
    21  section 8313(a)(9) becomes unperfected after 21 days unless,
    22  within that time, the requirements for transfer under any other
    23  provision of section 8313(a) are satisfied.
    24     (c)  Other provisions.--A security interest in a security is
    25  subject to the provisions of Division 9 (relating to secured
    26  transactions sales of accounts; contract rights and chattel
    27  paper), but:
    28         (1)  no filing is required to perfect the security
    29     interest; and
    30         (2)  no written security agreement signed by the debtor
    19890S1003B1165                 - 47 -

     1     is necessary to make the security interest enforceable,
     2     except as otherwise provided in section 8313(a)(8), (9) or
     3     (10).
     4  The secured party has the rights and duties provided under
     5  section 9207 (relating to rights and duties when collateral in
     6  possession of secured party), to the extent they are applicable,
     7  whether or not the security is certificated, and, if
     8  certificated, whether or not it is in his possession.
     9     (d)  Termination and temporary perfection.--Unless otherwise
    10  agreed, a security interest in a security is terminated by
    11  transfer to the debtor or a person designated by him pursuant to
    12  a provision of section 8313(a). If a security is thus
    13  transferred, the security interest, if not terminated, becomes
    14  unperfected unless the security is certificated and is delivered
    15  to the debtor for the purpose of ultimate sale or exchange or
    16  presentation, collection, renewal or registration of transfer.
    17  In that case, the security interest becomes unperfected after 21
    18  days unless, within that time, the security (or securities for
    19  which it has been exchanged) is transferred to the secured party
    20  or a person designated by him pursuant to a provision of section
    21  8313(a).
    22  § 8401.  Duty of issuer to register transfer, pledge or release.
    23     (a)  General rule.--[Where] If a certificated security in
    24  registered form is presented to the issuer with a request to
    25  register transfer or an instruction is presented to the issuer
    26  with a request to register transfer, pledge or release, the
    27  issuer [is under a duty to] shall register the transfer, pledge
    28  or release as requested if:
    29         (1)  the security is indorsed or the instruction was
    30     originated by the appropriate person or persons (section
    19890S1003B1165                 - 48 -

     1     8308);
     2         (2)  reasonable assurance is given that those
     3     indorsements or instructions are genuine and effective
     4     (section 8402);
     5         (3)  the issuer has no duty [to inquire into] as to
     6     adverse claims or has discharged [any such] the duty (section
     7     8403);
     8         (4)  any applicable law relating to the collection of
     9     taxes has been complied with; and
    10         (5)  the transfer, pledge or release is in fact rightful
    11     or is to a bona fide purchaser.
    12     (b)  Liability for failure or delay in [registering transfer]
    13  registration.--[Where] If an issuer is under a duty to register
    14  a transfer, pledge or release of a security, the issuer is also
    15  liable to the person presenting [it] a certificated security or
    16  an instruction for registration or his principal for loss
    17  resulting from any unreasonable delay in registration or from
    18  failure or refusal to register the transfer, pledge or release.
    19  § 8402.  Assurance that indorsements and instructions are
    20             effective.
    21     (a)  Assurances that issuer may require.--The issuer may
    22  require the following assurance that each necessary indorsement
    23  of a certificated security or each instruction (section 8308) is
    24  genuine and effective:
    25         (1)  In all cases, a guarantee of the signature (section
    26     8312(a) or (b)) of the person indorsing a certificated
    27     security or originating an instruction, including, in the
    28     case of an instruction, a warranty of the taxpayer
    29     identification number or, in the absence thereof, other
    30     reasonable assurance of identity.
    19890S1003B1165                 - 49 -

     1         (2)  [Where] If the indorsement is made or the
     2     instruction is originated by an agent, appropriate assurance
     3     of authority to sign.
     4         (3)  [Where] If the indorsement is made or the
     5     instruction is originated by a fiduciary, appropriate
     6     evidence of appointment or incumbency.
     7         (4)  [Where] If there is more than one fiduciary,
     8     reasonable assurance that all who are required to sign have
     9     done so.
    10         (5)  [Where] If the indorsement is made or the
    11     instruction is originated by a person not covered by any of
    12     the foregoing, assurance appropriate to the case
    13     corresponding as nearly as may be to the foregoing.
    14     (b)  Guarantee of the signature.--A "guarantee of the
    15  signature" in subsection (a) means a guarantee signed by or on
    16  behalf of a person reasonably believed by the issuer to be
    17  responsible. The issuer may adopt standards with respect to
    18  responsibility [provided such standards] if they are not
    19  manifestly unreasonable.
    20     (c)  Appropriate evidence of appointment or incumbency.--
    21  "Appropriate evidence of appointment or incumbency" in
    22  subsection (a) means:
    23         (1)  in the case of a fiduciary appointed or qualified by
    24     a court, a certificate issued by or under the direction or
    25     supervision of that court or an officer thereof and dated
    26     within 60 days before the date of presentation for transfer,
    27     pledge or release; or
    28         (2)  in any other case, a copy of a document showing the
    29     appointment or a certificate issued by or on behalf of a
    30     person reasonably believed by the issuer to be responsible
    19890S1003B1165                 - 50 -

     1     or, in the absence of [such a] that document or certificate,
     2     other evidence reasonably deemed by the issuer to be
     3     appropriate. The issuer may adopt standards with respect to
     4     [such] the evidence [provided such standards] if they are not
     5     manifestly unreasonable. The issuer is not charged with
     6     notice of the contents of any document obtained pursuant to
     7     this paragraph [(2)] except to the extent that the contents
     8     relate directly to the appointment or incumbency.
     9     (d)  Additional assurances that issuer may require.--The
    10  issuer may elect to require reasonable assurance beyond that
    11  specified in this section, but if it does so and, for a purpose
    12  other than that specified in subsection (c)(2), both requires
    13  and obtains a copy of a will, trust, indenture, articles of
    14  copartnership, bylaws or other controlling instrument, it is
    15  charged with notice of all matters contained therein affecting
    16  the transfer, pledge or release.
    17  § 8403.  [Limited duty of inquiry] Duty of issuer as to adverse
    18             claims.
    19     (a)  [General rule] Duty of issuer as to certificated
    20  security.--An issuer to whom a certificated security is
    21  presented for registration [is under a duty to] shall inquire
    22  into adverse claims if:
    23         (1)  a written notification of an adverse claim is
    24     received at a time and in a manner [which affords] affording
    25     the issuer a reasonable opportunity to act on it prior to the
    26     issuance of a new, reissued or re-registered certificated
    27     security, and the notification identifies the claimant, the
    28     registered owner and the issue of which the security is a
    29     part, and provides an address for communications directed to
    30     the claimant; or
    19890S1003B1165                 - 51 -

     1         (2)  the issuer is charged with notice of an adverse
     2     claim from a controlling instrument [which] it has elected to
     3     require under section 8402(d) (relating to additional
     4     assurances that issuer may require).
     5     (b)  [Method of inquiry] Discharge of duty as to certificated
     6  security.--The issuer may discharge any duty of inquiry by any
     7  reasonable means, including notifying an adverse claimant by
     8  registered or certified mail at the address furnished by him or,
     9  if there be no such address, at his residence or regular place
    10  of business that the certificated security has been presented
    11  for registration of transfer by a named person, and that the
    12  transfer will be registered unless within 30 days from the date
    13  of mailing the notification, either:
    14         (1)  an appropriate restraining order, injunction or
    15     other process issues from a court of competent jurisdiction;
    16     or
    17         (2)  there is filed with the issuer an indemnity bond
    18     sufficient in the judgment of the issuer to protect the
    19     issuer and any transfer agent, registrar or other agent of
    20     the issuer involved from any loss [which] it or they may
    21     suffer by complying with the adverse claim [is filed with the
    22     issuer].
    23     (c)  When inquiry unnecessary.--Unless an issuer is charged
    24  with notice of an adverse claim from a controlling instrument
    25  which it has elected to require under section 8402(d) or
    26  receives notification of an adverse claim under subsection (a),
    27  [where] if a certificated security presented for registration is
    28  indorsed by the appropriate person or persons the issuer is
    29  under no duty to inquire into adverse claims. In particular:
    30         (1)  an issuer registering a certificated security in the
    19890S1003B1165                 - 52 -

     1     name of a person who is a fiduciary or who is described as a
     2     fiduciary is not bound to inquire into the existence, extent,
     3     or correct description of the fiduciary relationship; and
     4     thereafter the issuer may assume without inquiry that the
     5     newly registered owner continues to be the fiduciary until
     6     the issuer receives written notice that the fiduciary is no
     7     longer acting as such with respect to the particular
     8     security;
     9         (2)  an issuer registering transfer on an indorsement by
    10     a fiduciary is not bound to inquire whether the transfer is
    11     made in compliance with a controlling instrument or with the
    12     law of the state having jurisdiction of the fiduciary
    13     relationship, including any law requiring the fiduciary to
    14     obtain court approval of the transfer; and
    15         (3)  the issuer is not charged with notice of the
    16     contents of any court record or file or other recorded or
    17     unrecorded document even though the document is in its
    18     possession and even though the transfer is made on the
    19     indorsement of a fiduciary to the fiduciary himself or to his
    20     nominee.
    21     (d)  Duty of issuer as to uncertificated security.--An issuer
    22  is under no duty as to adverse claims with respect to an
    23  uncertificated security except:
    24         (1)  claims embodied in a restraining order, injunction
    25     or other legal process served upon the issuer if the process
    26     was served at a time and in a manner affording the issuer a
    27     reasonable opportunity to act on it in accordance with the
    28     requirements of subsection (e);
    29         (2)  claims of which the issuer has received a written
    30     notification from the registered owner or the registered
    19890S1003B1165                 - 53 -

     1     pledgee if the notification was received at a time and in a
     2     manner affording the issuer a reasonable opportunity to act
     3     on it in accordance with the requirements of subsection (e);
     4         (3)  claims (including restrictions on transfer not
     5     imposed by the issuer) to which the registration of transfer
     6     to the present registered owner was subject and were so noted
     7     in the initial transaction statement sent to him; and
     8         (4)  claims as to which an issuer is charged with notice
     9     from a controlling instrument it has elected to require under
    10     section 8402(d).
    11     (e)  Discharge of duty as to uncertificated security.--If the
    12  issuer of an uncertificated security is under a duty as to an
    13  adverse claim, he discharges that duty by:
    14         (1)  Including a notation of the claim in any statements
    15     sent with respect to the security under section 8408(c), (f)
    16     and (g) (relating to statements of uncertificated
    17     securities).
    18         (2)  Refusing to register the transfer or pledge of the
    19     security unless the nature of the claim does not preclude
    20     transfer or pledge subject thereto.
    21     (f)  Notation of adverse claim.--If the transfer or pledge of
    22  the security is registered subject to an adverse claim, a
    23  notation of the claim must be included in the initial
    24  transaction statement and all subsequent statements sent to the
    25  transferee and pledgee under section 8408.
    26     (g)  Exceptions to duty of issuer.--Notwithstanding
    27  subsections (d) and (e), if an uncertificated security was
    28  subject to a registered pledge at the time the issuer first came
    29  under a duty as to a particular adverse claim, the issuer has no
    30  duty as to that claim if transfer of the security is requested
    19890S1003B1165                 - 54 -

     1  by the registered pledgee or an appropriate person acting for
     2  the registered pledgee unless:
     3         (1)  the claim was embodied in legal process which
     4     expressly provides otherwise;
     5         (2)  the claim was asserted in a written notification
     6     from the registered pledgee;
     7         (3)  the claim was one as to which the issuer was charged
     8     with notice from a controlling instrument it required under
     9     section 8402(d) (relating to additional assurances that
    10     issuer may require) in connection with the pledgee's request
    11     for transfer; or
    12         (4)  the transfer requested is to the registered owner.
    13  § 8404.  Liability and nonliability for registration.
    14     (a)  General rule.--Except as [otherwise] provided in any law
    15  relating to the collection of taxes, the issuer is not liable to
    16  the owner, pledgee or any other person suffering loss as a
    17  result of the registration of a transfer, pledge or release of a
    18  security if:
    19         (1)  there were on or with [the] a certificated security
    20     the necessary indorsements or the issuer has received an
    21     instruction originated by an appropriate person (section
    22     8308); and
    23         (2)  the issuer had no duty [to inquire into] as to
    24     adverse claims or has discharged [any such] the duty (section
    25     8403).
    26     (b)  Transfer to person not entitled.--[Where] If an issuer
    27  has registered a transfer of a certificated security to a person
    28  not entitled to it, the issuer on demand [must] shall deliver a
    29  like security to the true owner unless:
    30         (1)  the registration was pursuant to subsection (a);
    19890S1003B1165                 - 55 -

     1         (2)  the owner is precluded from asserting any claim for
     2     registering the transfer under section 8405(a) (relating to
     3     lost, destroyed and stolen certificated securities); or
     4         (3)  [such] the delivery would result in overissue, in
     5     which case the liability of the issuer is governed by section
     6     8104 (relating to effect of overissue).
     7     (c)  Improper registration.--If an issuer has improperly
     8  registered a transfer, pledge or release of an uncertificated
     9  security, the issuer on demand from the injured party shall
    10  restore the records as to the injured party to the condition
    11  that would have obtained if the improper registration had not
    12  been made unless:
    13         (1)  the registration was pursuant to subsection (a); or
    14         (2)  the registration would result in overissue, in which
    15     case the liability of the issuer is governed by section 8104.
    16  § 8405.  Lost, destroyed and stolen certificated securities.
    17     (a)  Failure of owner to notify issuer.--[Where] If a
    18  certificated security has been lost, apparently destroyed or
    19  wrongfully taken, and the owner fails to notify the issuer of
    20  that fact within a reasonable time after he has notice of it and
    21  the issuer registers a transfer of the security before receiving
    22  [such a] notification, the owner is precluded from asserting
    23  against the issuer any claim for registering the transfer under
    24  section 8404 (relating to liability and nonliability for
    25  registration) or any claim to a new security under this section.
    26     (b)  When owner entitled to new security.--[Where] If the
    27  owner of a certificated security claims that the security has
    28  been lost, destroyed or wrongfully taken, the issuer [must]
    29  shall issue a new certificated security or, at the option of the
    30  issuer, an equivalent uncertificated security in place of the
    19890S1003B1165                 - 56 -

     1  original security if the owner:
     2         (1)  so requests before the issuer has notice that the
     3     security has been acquired by a bona fide purchaser;
     4         (2)  files with the issuer a sufficient indemnity bond;
     5     and
     6         (3)  satisfies any other reasonable requirements imposed
     7     by the issuer.
     8     (c)  Rights and duties of issuer when original certificated
     9  security presented for transfer.--If, after the issue of [the] a
    10  new certificated or uncertificated security, a bona fide
    11  purchaser of the original certificated security presents it for
    12  registration of transfer, the issuer [must] shall register the
    13  transfer, unless registration would result in overissue, in
    14  which event the liability of the issuer is governed by section
    15  8104 (relating to effect of overissue). In addition to any
    16  rights on the indemnity bond, the issuer may recover the new
    17  certificated security from the person to whom it was issued or
    18  any person taking under him except a bona fide purchaser or may
    19  cancel the uncertificated security unless a bona fide purchaser
    20  or any person taking under a bona fide purchaser is then the
    21  registered owner or registered pledgee thereof.
    22  § 8406.  Duty of authenticating trustee, transfer agent or
    23             registrar.
    24     (a)  General rule.--[Where] If a person acts as
    25  authenticating trustee, transfer agent, registrar, or other
    26  agent for an issuer in the registration of transfers of its
    27  certificated securities or in the registration of transfers,
    28  pledges and releases of its uncertificated securities, in the
    29  issue of new securities or in the cancellation of surrendered
    30  securities:
    19890S1003B1165                 - 57 -

     1         (1)  he is under a duty to the issuer to exercise good
     2     faith and due diligence in performing his functions; and
     3         (2)  [he has] with regard to the particular functions he
     4     performs, he has the same obligation to the holder or owner
     5     of [the] a certificated security or to the owner or pledgee
     6     of an uncertificated security and has the same rights and
     7     privileges as the issuer has in regard to those functions.
     8     (b)  Notice to agent is notice to issuer.--Notice to an
     9  authenticating trustee, transfer agent, registrar or other
    10  [such] agent is notice to the issuer with respect to the
    11  functions performed by the agent.
    12  § 8407.  Exchangeability of securities.
    13     (a)  Applicability of section.--No issuer is subject to the
    14  requirements of this section unless it regularly maintains a
    15  system for issuing the class of securities involved under which
    16  both certificated and uncertificated securities are regularly
    17  issued to the category of owners, which includes the person in
    18  whose name the new security is to be registered.
    19     (b)  Duty to issue uncertificated security for certificated
    20  security.--Upon surrender of a certificated security with all
    21  necessary indorsements and presentation of a written request by
    22  the person surrendering the security, the issuer, if he has no
    23  duty as to adverse claims or has discharged the duty (section
    24  8403), shall issue to the person or a person designated by him
    25  an equivalent uncertificated security subject to all liens,
    26  restrictions and claims that were noted on the certificated
    27  security.
    28     (c)  Duty to issue certificated security for uncertificated
    29  security.--Upon receipt of a transfer instruction originated by
    30  an appropriate person who so requests, the issuer of an
    19890S1003B1165                 - 58 -

     1  uncertificated security shall cancel the uncertificated security
     2  and issue an equivalent certificated security on which must be
     3  noted conspicuously any liens and restrictions of the issuer and
     4  any adverse claims as to which the issuer has a duty under
     5  section 8403(d) (relating to duty of issuer as to adverse
     6  claims) to which the uncertificated security was subject. The
     7  certificated security shall be registered in the name of and
     8  delivered to:
     9         (1)  the registered owner, if the uncertificated security
    10     was not subject to a registered pledge; or
    11         (2)  the registered pledgee, if the uncertificated
    12     security was subject to a registered pledge.
    13  § 8408.  Statements of uncertificated securities.
    14     (a)  Initial transaction statement for transfer.--Within two
    15  business days after the transfer of an uncertificated security
    16  has been registered, the issuer shall send to the new registered
    17  owner and, if the security has been transferred subject to a
    18  registered pledge, to the registered pledgee a written statement
    19  containing:
    20         (1)  a description of the issue of which the
    21     uncertificated security is a part;
    22         (2)  the number of shares or units transferred;
    23         (3)  the name and address and any taxpayer identification
    24     number of the new registered owner and, if the security has
    25     been transferred subject to a registered pledge, the name and
    26     address and any taxpayer identification number of the
    27     registered pledgee;
    28         (4)  a notation of any liens and restrictions of the
    29     issuer and any adverse claims (as to which the issuer has a
    30     duty under section 8403(d) (relating to duty of issuer as to
    19890S1003B1165                 - 59 -

     1     adverse claims)) to which the uncertificated security is or
     2     may be subject at the time of registration or a statement
     3     that there are none of those liens, restrictions or adverse
     4     claims; and
     5         (5)  the date the transfer was registered.
     6     (b)  Initial transaction statement for pledge.--Within two
     7  business days after the pledge of an uncertificated security has
     8  been registered, the issuer shall send to the registered owner
     9  and the registered pledgee a written statement containing:
    10         (1)  a description of the issue of which the
    11     uncertificated security is a part;
    12         (2)  the number of shares or units pledged;
    13         (3)  the name and address and any taxpayer identification
    14     number of the registered owner and the registered pledgee;
    15         (4)  a notation of any liens and restrictions of the
    16     issuer and any adverse claims (as to which the issuer has
    17     duty under section 8403(d)) to which the uncertificated
    18     security is or may be subject at the time of registration or
    19     a statement that there are none of those liens, restrictions
    20     or adverse claims; and
    21         (5)  the date the pledge was registered.
    22     (c)  Initial transaction statement for release.--Within two
    23  business days after the release from pledge of an uncertificated
    24  security has been registered, the issuer shall send to the
    25  registered owner and the pledgee whose interest was released a
    26  written statement containing:
    27         (1)  a description of the issue of which the
    28     uncertificated security is a part;
    29         (2)  the number of shares or units released from pledge;
    30         (3)  the name and address and any taxpayer identification
    19890S1003B1165                 - 60 -

     1     number of the registered owner and the pledgee whose interest
     2     was released;
     3         (4)  a notation of any liens and restrictions of the
     4     issuer and any adverse claims (as to which the issuer has a
     5     duty under section 8403(d)) to which the uncertificated
     6     security is or may be subject at the time of registration or
     7     a statement that there are none of those liens, restrictions
     8     or adverse claims; and
     9         (5)  the date the release was registered.
    10     (d)  What constitutes initial transaction statement.--An
    11  "initial transaction statement" is the statement sent to:
    12         (1)  the new registered owner and, if applicable, to the
    13     registered pledgee pursuant to subsection (a);
    14         (2)  the registered pledgee pursuant to subsection (b);
    15     or
    16         (3)  the registered owner pursuant to subsection (c).
    17  Each initial transaction statement shall be signed by or on
    18  behalf of the issuer and must be identified as "initial
    19  transaction statement."
    20     (e)  Statement of transfer.--Within two business days after
    21  the transfer of an uncertificated security has been registered,
    22  the issuer shall send to the former registered owner and the
    23  former registered pledgee, if any, a written statement
    24  containing:
    25         (1)  a description of the issue of which the
    26     uncertificated security is a part;
    27         (2)  the number of shares or units transferred;
    28         (3)  the name and address and any taxpayer identification
    29     number of the former registered owner and of any former
    30     registered pledgee; and
    19890S1003B1165                 - 61 -

     1         (4)  the date the transfer was registered.
     2     (f)  Periodic statement of registered owner.--At periodic
     3  intervals no less frequent than annually and at any time upon
     4  the reasonable written request of the registered owner, the
     5  issuer shall send to the registered owner of each uncertificated
     6  security a dated written statement containing:
     7         (1)  a description of the issue of which the
     8     uncertificated security is a part;
     9         (2)  the name and address and any taxpayer identification
    10     number of the registered owner;
    11         (3)  the number of shares or units of the uncertificated
    12     security registered in the name of the registered owner on
    13     the date of the statement;
    14         (4)  the name and address and any taxpayer identification
    15     number of any registered pledgee and the number of shares or
    16     units subject to the pledge; and
    17         (5)  a notation of any liens and restrictions of the
    18     issuer and any adverse claims (as to which the issuer has a
    19     duty under section 8403(d)) to which the uncertificated
    20     security is or may be subject or a statement that there are
    21     none of those liens, restrictions or adverse claims.
    22     (g)  Periodic statement to registered pledgee.--At periodic
    23  intervals no less frequent than annually and at any time upon
    24  the reasonable written request of the registered pledgee, the
    25  issuer shall send to the registered pledgee of each
    26  uncertificated security a dated written statement containing:
    27         (1)  a description of the issue of which the
    28     uncertificated security is a part;
    29         (2)  the name and address and any taxpayer identification
    30     number of the registered owner;
    19890S1003B1165                 - 62 -

     1         (3)  the name and address and any taxpayer identification
     2     number of the registered pledgee;
     3         (4)  the number of shares or units subject to the pledge;
     4     and
     5         (5)  a notation of any liens and restrictions of the
     6     issuer and any adverse claims (as to which the issuer has a
     7     duty under section 8403(d)) to which the uncertificated
     8     security is or may be subject or a statement that there are
     9     none of those liens, restrictions or adverse claims.
    10     (h)  Limitation on duty to such statements.--If the issuer
    11  sends the statements described in subsections (f) and (g) at
    12  periodic intervals no less frequent than quarterly, the issuer
    13  is not obliged to send additional statements upon request unless
    14  the owner or pledgee requesting them pays to the issuer the
    15  reasonable cost of furnishing them.
    16     (i)  Legend required on statements.--Each statement sent
    17  pursuant to this section must bear a conspicuous legend reading
    18  substantially as follows: "This statement is merely a record of
    19  the rights of the addressee as of the time of its issuance.
    20  Delivery of this statement of itself, confers no rights on the
    21  recipient. This statement is neither a negotiable instrument nor
    22  a security."
    23     Section 4.  Section 9103(c) and (f) of Title 13, amended
    24  December 21, 1988 (P.L.1444, No.177), are amended to read:
    25  § 9103.  Perfection of security interests in multiple state
    26             transactions.
    27     * * *
    28     (c)  Accounts, general intangibles and mobile goods.--
    29         (1)  This subsection applies to accounts (other than an
    30     account described in subsection (e) relating to minerals) and
    19890S1003B1165                 - 63 -

     1     general intangibles (other than uncertificated securities)
     2     and to goods which are mobile and which are of a type
     3     normally used in more than one jurisdiction, such as motor
     4     vehicles, trailers, rolling stock, airplanes, shipping
     5     containers, road building and construction machinery and
     6     commercial harvesting machinery and the like, if the goods
     7     are equipment or are inventory leased or held for lease by
     8     the debtor to others and are not covered by a certificate of
     9     title described in subsection (b).
    10     * * *
    11     (f)  Uncertificated securities.--
    12         [(1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), the] The law
    13     (including the conflict of laws rules) of the jurisdiction of
    14     organization of the issuer governs the perfection and the
    15     effect of perfection or nonperfection of a security interest
    16     in uncertificated securities.
    17         [(2)  In the case of a registered corporation as defined
    18     in 15 Pa.C.S. § 2502 (relating to registered corporation
    19     status), which has a class of uncertificated securities
    20     listed on the New York Stock Exchange or the American Stock
    21     Exchange, the law (including the conflict of laws rules) of
    22     the jurisdiction in which those exchanges are located governs
    23     the perfection and the effect of perfection or nonperfection
    24     of a security interest in such uncertificated securities.]
    25     Section 5.  Sections 9105 (definition of "instrument"),
    26  9203(a), 9302(a)(6), 9304(a), (d), (e) and (f), 9305, 9309 and
    27  9312(g) are amended to read:
    28  § 9105.  Definitions and index of definitions.
    29     (a)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used
    30  in this division shall have, unless the context clearly
    19890S1003B1165                 - 64 -

     1  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this
     2  subsection:
     3     * * *
     4     "Instrument."  A negotiable instrument (defined in section
     5  3104), or a certificated security (defined in section 8102) or
     6  any other writing which evidences a right to the payment of
     7  money and is not itself a security agreement or lease and is of
     8  a type which is in ordinary course of business transferred by
     9  delivery with any necessary indorsement or assignment.
    10     * * *
    11  § 9203.  Attachment and enforceability of security interest;
    12             proceeds, formal requisites.
    13     (a)  Enforceability.--Subject to the provisions of section
    14  4208 on the security interest of a collecting bank, section 8321
    15  on security interests in securities and section 9113 on a
    16  security interest arising under the division on sales, a
    17  security interest is not enforceable against the debtor or third
    18  parties with respect to the collateral and does not attach
    19  unless:
    20         (1)  the collateral is in the possession of the secured
    21     party pursuant to agreement, or the debtor has signed a
    22     security agreement which contains a description of the
    23     collateral and in addition, when the security interest covers
    24     crops growing or to be grown or timber to be cut, a
    25     description of the land concerned;
    26         (2)  value has been given; and
    27         (3)  the debtor has rights in the collateral.
    28     * * *
    29  § 9302.  When filing is required to perfect security interest;
    30             security interests to which filing provisions of
    19890S1003B1165                 - 65 -

     1             division do not apply.
     2     (a)  General rule.--A financing statement must be filed to
     3  perfect all security interests except the following:
     4         * * *
     5         (6)  a security interest of a collecting bank (section
     6     4208) or in securities (section 8321) or arising under
     7     Division 2 (relating to sales) (see section 9113) or covered
     8     in subsection (c); and
     9         * * *
    10  § 9304.  Perfection of security interest in instruments,
    11             documents and goods covered by documents; perfection
    12             by permissive filing; temporary perfection without
    13             filing or transfer of possession.
    14     (a)  Chattel paper, negotiable documents, money and
    15  instruments.--A security interest in chattel paper or negotiable
    16  documents may be perfected by filing. A security interest in
    17  money or instruments (other than certificated securities or
    18  instruments which constitute part of chattel paper) can be
    19  perfected only by the secured party's taking possession, except
    20  as provided in subsections (d) and (e) and section 9306(b) and
    21  (c) (relating to "proceeds"; rights of secured party on
    22  disposition of collateral).
    23     * * *
    24     (d)  Temporary perfection for new value given.--A security
    25  interest in instruments (other than certificated securities) or
    26  negotiable documents is perfected without filing or the taking
    27  of possession for a period of 21 days from the time it attaches
    28  to the extent that it arises for new value given under a written
    29  security agreement.
    30     (e)  Temporary perfection on transfer of possession.--A
    19890S1003B1165                 - 66 -

     1  security interest remains perfected for a period of 21 days
     2  without filing where a secured party having a perfected security
     3  interest in an instrument (other than a certificated security),
     4  a negotiable document or goods in possession of a bailee other
     5  than one who has issued a negotiable document therefor:
     6         (1)  makes available to the debtor the goods or documents
     7     representing the goods for the purpose of ultimate sale or
     8     exchange or for the purpose of loading, unloading, storing,
     9     shipping, transshipping, manufacturing, processing or
    10     otherwise dealing with them in a manner preliminary to their
    11     sale or exchange, but priority between conflicting security
    12     interests in the goods is subject to section 9312(c)
    13     (relating to priorities among conflicting security interests
    14     in same collateral); or
    15         (2)  delivers the instrument to the debtor for the
    16     purpose of ultimate sale or exchange or of presentation,
    17     collection, renewal or registration of transfer.
    18     (f)  Expiration of period of temporary perfection.--After the
    19  21-day period in subsections (d) and (e) perfection depends upon
    20  compliance with applicable provisions of this division.
    21  § 9305.  When possession by secured party perfects security
    22             interest without filing.
    23     A security interest in letters of credit and advices of
    24  credit (section 5116(b)(1)), goods, instruments (other than
    25  certificated securities), money, negotiable documents or chattel
    26  paper may be perfected by the secured party's taking possession
    27  of the collateral. If such collateral other than goods covered
    28  by a negotiable document is held by a bailee, the secured party
    29  is deemed to have possession from the time the bailee receives
    30  notification of the interest of the secured party. A security
    19890S1003B1165                 - 67 -

     1  interest is perfected by possession from the time possession is
     2  taken without relation back and continues only so long as
     3  possession is retained, unless otherwise specified in this
     4  division.
     5     The security interest may be otherwise perfected as provided
     6  in this division before or after the period of possession by the
     7  secured party.
     8  § 9309.  Protection of purchasers of instruments and documents.
     9     Nothing in this division limits the rights of a holder in due
    10  course of a negotiable instrument (section 3302) or a holder to
    11  whom a negotiable document of title has been duly negotiated
    12  (section 7501) or a bona fide purchaser of a security (section
    13  [8301] 8302) and such holders or purchasers take priority over
    14  an earlier security interest even though perfected. Filing under
    15  this division does not constitute notice of the security
    16  interest to such holders or purchasers.
    17  § 9312.  Priorities among conflicting security interests in same
    18             collateral.
    19     * * *
    20     (g)  Future advances.--If future advances are made while a
    21  security interest is perfected by filing or the taking of
    22  possession or under section 8321 (relating to enforceability,
    23  attachment, perfection and termination of security interests),
    24  the security interest has the same priority for the purposes of
    25  subsection (e) with respect to the future advances as it does
    26  with respect to the first advance. If a commitment is made
    27  before or while the security interest is so perfected, the
    28  security interest has the same priority with respect to advances
    29  made pursuant thereto. In other cases a perfected security
    30  interest has priority from the date the advance is made.
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     1     Section 6.  Effective date.--This act shall take effect in 90
     2  days.

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