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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1253



No. 1006 Session of 2001


        REFERRED TO FINANCE, JUNE 21, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 21, 1923 (P.L.288, No.184), entitled "An
     2     act to better secure all bonds, stocks, mortgages, or other
     3     securities deposited with the State Treasurer, by providing
     4     for their inspection, examination, and verification, and the
     5     verification of the books, containing a record of such bonds,
     6     stocks, mortgages, or other securities, by the Auditor
     7     General or his agents," further providing for audits of
     8     securities deposited with the State Treasurer.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of May 21, 1923 (P.L.288,
    12  No.184), entitled "An act to better secure all bonds, stocks,
    13  mortgages, or other securities deposited with the State
    14  Treasurer, by providing for their inspection, examination, and
    15  verification, and the verification of the books, containing a
    16  record of such bonds, stocks, mortgages, or other securities, by
    17  the Auditor General or his agents," amended April 22, 1986
    18  (P.L.86, No.31), is amended to read:
    19     Section 1.  Be it enacted, &c., That the Auditor General,
    20  through such agents as he may select, shall[, at his discretion,
    21  but not less than annually, examine] annually perform an audit

     1  of all the bonds, stocks, mortgages, or other securities, which
     2  under the law are deposited with the State Treasurer in whatever
     3  capacity, and shall verify the books in which a record is kept
     4  of all such bonds, stocks, mortgages, or other securities; and,
     5  for this purpose, the Auditor General is hereby authorized to
     6  employ such consultants, experts, accountants, or investigators
     7  as he may deem advisable. The annual audit shall be conducted
     8  pursuant to generally accepted auditing standards. A record of
     9  the results and date of such examination and verification shall
    10  be made in a book or books kept for this purpose in the office
    11  of the Auditor General.
    12     Section 2.  Section 2 of the act is amended to read:
    13     Section 2.  The State Treasurer shall, whenever demand is
    14  made upon him by the Auditor General, submit for the inspection
    15  and [examination] audit of the Auditor General, or his agents,
    16  all records in his possession relating to such bonds, stocks,
    17  mortgages, or other securities [and the books containing the
    18  record thereof] including such records in the possession of any
    19  custodian or subcustodian engaged by him regarding such
    20  securities, and his failure so to do shall disqualify him from
    21  holding his said office.
    22     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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