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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1408



No. 1023 Session of 2004

           FEBRUARY 11, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to counties of the first, third,
     3     fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth classes; amending,
     4     revising, consolidating and changing the laws relating
     5     thereto; relating to imposition of excise taxes by counties,
     6     including authorizing imposition of an excise tax on the
     7     rental of motor vehicles by counties of the first class; and
     8     providing for regional renaissance initiatives," further
     9     providing for separate specifications and contracts for
    10     certain items.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 2317 of the act of August 9, 1955
    14  (P.L.323, No.130), known as The County Code, amended July 10,
    15  1990 (P.L.379, No.89), is amended to read:
    16     Section 2317.  Separate Bids for Plumbing, Heating,
    17  Ventilating, Electrical Work, Elevators and Moving Stairs.--(a)
    18  In the preparation of specifications for the erection,
    19  construction and alteration of any public building, when the
    20  entire cost of such work shall exceed ten thousand dollars
    21  ($10,000) the architect, engineer or other person preparing such

     1  specifications shall prepare only the following separate
     2  specifications: (1) plumbing, (2) heating, (3) ventilating, (4)
     3  electrical work, (5) elevators and moving stairs, and (6) one
     4  complete set of specifications for all the other work to be done
     5  in such erection, construction and alteration. The board of
     6  commissioners shall receive separate bids upon each of the said
     7  branches of work and award the contract for the same to the
     8  lowest responsible bidder for each of said branches, including
     9  the balance of the work in addition to the plumbing, heating,
    10  ventilating and electrical work, and elevators and moving
    11  stairs. Where it is desired to install an air conditioning unit,
    12  the heating and ventilating so involved may be regarded as one
    13  branch of work having only one set of specifications, and bids
    14  may be received and a contract awarded thereon, as hereinbefore
    15  provided.
    16     (b)  Notwithstanding the separate specification provisions of
    17  subsection (a), the board of commissioners may, in its sole
    18  discretion, elect to use an alternative contracting procedure to
    19  achieve the construction of a new county correctional facility
    20  as follows:
    21     (1)  If the board of commissioners elects to utilize an
    22  alternative contracting procedure, the board shall adopt a
    23  resolution that the use of an alternative contracting procedure
    24  is the most efficient, economical and timely method to construct
    25  a new county correctional facility. Upon adoption of a
    26  resolution, the board of commissioners shall request written
    27  proposals from proposers for the construction of a new county
    28  correctional facility under an alternative contracting method.
    29  In its request for proposals, the board shall include such
    30  terms, conditions and requirements which it deems necessary to
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     1  protect the interests of the county.
     2     (2)  In reviewing and evaluating the proposals for
     3  construction of a new county correctional facility, the board of
     4  commissioners shall, in addition to compliance with the terms,
     5  conditions and requirements set forth in the request for
     6  proposals, consider the following criteria:
     7     (i)  the cost of the project;
     8     (ii)  experience of the proposer;
     9     (iii)  adherence to the act of March 3, 1978 (P.L.6, No.3),
    10  known as the "Steel Products Procurement Act";
    11     (iv)  adherence to prevailing wage laws and other work force
    12  standards; and
    13     (v)  commitment to a project labor agreement entered into by
    14  the board of commissioners and a trade council.
    15     (3)  After due consideration of proposals under the criteria
    16  described in clause (2), the board of commissioners may, in its
    17  discretion, select a proposal and award a contract to a
    18  responsible proposer for the construction of a new county
    19  correctional facility under an alternative contracting
    20  procedure. The award of a contract for the construction of a new
    21  county correctional facility need not be awarded to the lowest
    22  bidder.
    23     (4)  As used in this subsection, the following words and
    24  phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this clause:
    25     "Alternative contracting procedure."  A procedure under which
    26  a proposer would be responsible for all aspects or phases
    27  necessary to achieve the development of a parcel of property.
    28  Such aspect or phases of development may include, but not
    29  necessarily be limited to, the planning, design, finance,
    30  construction and management of property.
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     1     "Proposer."  A firm, organization or company or a combination
     2  of firms, organizations or companies acting as a partnership,
     3  joint venture, consortium or similar joint relationship with
     4  sufficient knowledge and experience in the areas of
     5  architectural design, construction, financing of real estate
     6  development or construction and real estate management.
     7     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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