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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1391



No. 1029 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for wrongful
     3     conviction and imprisonment.

     4     The General Assembly finds that innocent persons who have
     5  been wrongfully convicted of crimes and subsequently imprisoned
     6  have been uniquely victimized and have difficulty achieving
     7  legal redress due to a variety of substantive and technical
     8  obstacles in the law and that such persons should have an
     9  available avenue of redress over and above the existing tort
    10  remedies to seek compensation for damages. In light of the
    11  particular and substantial horror of being imprisoned for a
    12  crime one did not commit, the General Assembly intends by
    13  enactment of this act that those persons who can demonstrate
    14  that they were imprisoned despite their actual innocence be able
    15  to recover damages.
    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Chapter 85 of Title 42 of the Pennsylvania

     1  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
     2                           SUBCHAPTER B.1
     3                        CLAIMS FOR WRONGFUL
     4                    CONVICTION AND IMPRISONMENT
     5  Sec.
     6  8531.  Eligibility.
     7  8532.  Statement of claim.
     8  8533.  Jurisdiction.
     9  8534.  Award.
    10  8535.  Notice.
    11  8536.  Statute of limitations.
    12  8537.  Right of appeal.
    13  § 8531.  Eligibility.
    14     Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, a person
    15  convicted and subsequently imprisoned for one or more crimes
    16  which he did not commit may present a claim for damages against
    17  the Commonwealth.
    18  § 8532.  Statement of claim.
    19     (a)  Evidentiary proof required.--In order to obtain a
    20  judgment in his claim for unjust conviction and imprisonment,
    21  the claimant must file a verified claim and establish by
    22  documentary evidence that is both clear and compelling that:
    23         (1)  the claimant was convicted of or was persuaded to
    24     plead guilty, no contest or nolo contendere to one or more
    25     criminal offenses against the Commonwealth and subsequently
    26     sentenced to a term of imprisonment and has served all or any
    27     part of the sentence;
    28         (2)  (i)  the claimant was pardoned upon the ground of
    29         innocence of the crime or crimes for which the claimant
    30         was sentenced and which are the grounds for the
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     1         complaint; or
     2             (ii)  the claimant's judgment of conviction was
     3         reversed or vacated, or his plea of guilty, no contest or
     4         nolo contendere was withdrawn by leave of court, and the
     5         indictment or information dismissed or, if a new trial
     6         was ordered, either the claimant was found not guilty at
     7         the new trial or was not retried and the indictment or
     8         information dismissed, provided that the count or counts
     9         dismissed were the sole basis for the imprisonment
    10         complained of;
    11         (3)  the claimant's claim is not time barred by the
    12     provisions of section 8536 (relating to statute of
    13     limitations);
    14         (4)  at the time of presenting the claim, the claimant is
    15     not currently incarcerated for the commission of a
    16     misdemeanor in this Commonwealth or in another jurisdiction;
    17     and
    18         (5)  the claimant has never been incarcerated in this
    19     Commonwealth or in another jurisdiction for commission of a
    20     felony.
    21     (b)  Statement of facts.--The claim shall state facts in
    22  sufficient detail to permit the court to find that the claimant
    23  is likely to succeed at trial in proving that:
    24         (1)  the claimant did not commit any of the acts charged
    25     in the accusatory instrument or the claimant's acts or
    26     omissions charged in the accusatory instrument did not
    27     constitute a crime; and
    28         (2)  the claimant did not commit or suborn perjury or
    29     fabricate evidence to cause or bring about his conviction. A
    30     guilty plea to a crime the claimant did not commit does not
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     1     constitute perjury under this paragraph.
     2     (c)  Dismissal.--If the court finds after reading the claim
     3  that the claimant is not likely to succeed at trial, it shall
     4  dismiss the claim, either on its own motion or on the motion of
     5  the Commonwealth.
     6  § 8533.  Jurisdiction.
     7     All claims of wrongful conviction and imprisonment shall be
     8  presented to and heard by the court of common pleas of this
     9  Commonwealth in accordance with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil
    10  Procedure.
    11  § 8534.  Award.
    12     (a)  Damages.--If the court finds that the claimant was
    13  wrongfully convicted and imprisoned, it shall award damages
    14  amounting to the greater of the following:
    15         (1)  $50,000 per year; or
    16         (2)  the claimant's actual salary or wage loss during the
    17     period of incarceration, calculated on the basis of the
    18     claimant's salary or wages immediately prior to the arrest
    19     for the crime for which the claimant was unjustly convicted
    20     and imprisoned and annually adjusted for inflation based on
    21     the consumer price index for Pennsylvania as published by the
    22     United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
    23     Statistics.
    24     (b)  Award.--If the court finds that the claimant was
    25  wrongfully convicted and imprisoned:
    26         (1)  (i)  The court shall award damages in addition to
    27         those provided in subsection (a) which shall include
    28         $50,000 for each year served on death row, as adjusted to
    29         account for:
    30                 (A)  inflation from the date of enactment; and
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     1                 (B)  partial years served.
     2             (ii)  Tuition costs for education at a State-related
     3         university, university of the State system of higher
     4         education or community college.
     5             (iii)  Up to ten years of physical and mental health
     6         care through the State employees health care system, to
     7         be offset by any amount provided through the claimant's
     8         employers during that time period.
     9             (iv)  Compensation for any reasonable reintegrative
    10         services and mental and physical health care costs
    11         incurred by the claimant for the time period between the
    12         claimant's release from mistaken incarceration and the
    13         date of the claimant's award.
    14             (v)  Reasonable attorney fees calculated at 10% of
    15         the damage award plus expenses. These fees, exclusive of
    16         expenses, shall not exceed $75,000, as adjusted to
    17         account for inflation from the date of enactment. These
    18         fees shall not be deducted from the compensation due to
    19         the claimant, nor is counsel entitled to receive
    20         additional fees from the client.
    21         (2)  The damage award shall not be subject to:
    22             (i)  any cap applicable to private parties in civil
    23         lawsuits; or
    24             (ii)  any taxes, except for those portions of the
    25         judgment awarded as attorney fees for bringing a claim
    26         under this subchapter.
    27         (3)  The acceptance by the claimant of any such award,
    28     compromise or settlement shall be in writing and shall,
    29     except when procured by fraud, be final and conclusive on the
    30     claimant, and shall constitute a complete release of any
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     1     claim against the Commonwealth and all political subdivisions
     2     of the Commonwealth and a complete bar to any action by the
     3     claimant against the Commonwealth or any political
     4     subdivision of the Commonwealth by reason of the same subject
     5     matter.
     6         (4)  The damage award shall not be offset by any expenses
     7     incurred by the Commonwealth or any political subdivision of
     8     the Commonwealth, including, but not limited to, expenses
     9     incurred to secure the claimant's custody or to feed, clothe
    10     or provide medical services for the claimant, nor shall the
    11     court offset against the award the value of any services or
    12     reduction in fees for services or the value thereof to be
    13     provided to the claimant that may be awarded to the claimant
    14     pursuant to this section.
    15     (c)  Source of funds.--
    16         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), damages awarded
    17     shall be paid out of the General Fund.
    18         (2)  Where the court finds by clear and convincing
    19     evidence that prosecutorial misconduct has occurred and
    20     resulted in the prior conviction of the petitioner that is
    21     the subject of a petition under this subchapter, the amount
    22     awarded shall be paid by the Commonwealth or the political
    23     subdivision that was responsible for the conviction pleas of
    24     guilty, no contest or nolo contendere of the petitioner.
    25  § 8535.  Notice.
    26     (a)  Court.--A court granting judicial relief consistent with
    27  the criteria set forth in this subchapter shall provide a copy
    28  of this subchapter to the individual seeking such relief at the
    29  time the court determines that the claimant's claim is likely to
    30  succeed. The individual shall be required to acknowledge his
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     1  receipt of a copy of this subchapter in writing on a form
     2  established by the Supreme Court. The acknowledgment shall be
     3  entered on the docket by the court and shall be admissible in
     4  any proceeding filed by a claimant under this subchapter.
     5     (b)  Parole board.--The Pennsylvania Board of Probation and
     6  Parole, upon the issuance of a full pardon on or after the
     7  effective date of this subchapter, shall provide a copy of this
     8  subchapter to the individual at the time of the granting of the
     9  pardon. The individual shall be required to acknowledge his
    10  receipt of a copy of this subchapter in writing on a form
    11  established by the parole board, which shall be retained on file
    12  by the parole board as part of its official records and shall be
    13  admissible in any proceeding filed by a claimant under this
    14  subchapter.
    15     (c)  Failure to provide notice.--In the event a claimant
    16  granted judicial relief or a full pardon on or after the
    17  effective date of this subchapter shows he did not properly
    18  receive a copy of the information required by this section, the
    19  claimant shall receive a one-year extension on the three-year
    20  time limit provided in section 8536 (relating to statute of
    21  limitations).
    22     (d)  Notice by Supreme Court.--The Supreme Court shall make
    23  reasonable attempts to notify all persons pardoned or granted
    24  judicial relief consistent with this subchapter before the
    25  enactment of this subchapter of their rights under this
    26  subchapter.
    27  § 8536.  Statute of limitations.
    28     An action for compensation brought by a wrongfully convicted
    29  person under the provisions of this subchapter shall be
    30  commenced within three years after either the grant of a pardon
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     1  or the grant of judicial relief and satisfaction of other
     2  conditions described in section 8532 (relating to statement of
     3  claim), provided, however, that any action by the Commonwealth
     4  challenging or appealing the grant of judicial relief shall toll
     5  the three-year period. Persons convicted, incarcerated and
     6  released from custody prior to the effective date of this
     7  subchapter shall commence an action under this subchapter within
     8  five years of the effective date.
     9  § 8537.  Right of appeal.
    10     Any party is entitled to the rights of appeal afforded
    11  parties in a civil action in accordance with the Constitution of
    12  Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure.
    13     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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