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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1392



No. 1030 Session of 2005

           NOVEMBER 22, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 22, 1935 (P.L.233, No.99), entitled "An
     2     act creating and establishing a fund for the care,
     3     maintenance, and relief of aged, retired, and disabled
     4     employees of the Bureau of Police in cities of the second
     5     class; providing a pension fund for said employees; and
     6     providing for the payment of certain dues, fees, assessments,
     7     fines, and appropriations thereto; regulating membership
     8     therein; creating a board for the management thereof;
     9     providing the amount, mode, and manner of payment to
    10     beneficiaries thereof, and for the care and disposition of
    11     said fund; providing for the payment into this fund by cities
    12     of the second class of all monies heretofore payable into any
    13     other funds, organizations, corporations, or associations
    14     having the same or similar purposes, and of such additional
    15     monies as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of
    16     this act," further providing for amount payable upon
    17     resignation, dismissal or death of member, for married
    18     persons, pension to surviving spouse and dependent children,
    19     for payments to widows and for suspension of pension, death
    20     before receiving pension equal to contributions.

    21     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    22  hereby enacts as follows:
    23     Section 1.  Section 11 of the act of May 22, 1935 (P.L.233,
    24  No.99), referred to as the Second Class City Policemen Relief
    25  Law, amended November 9, 1965 (P.L.687, No.334), is amended to
    26  read:

     1     Section 11.  When any member of the fund shall resign or be
     2  dismissed from service, or shall die while in active service,
     3  there shall be paid to him or to his [widow] surviving spouse,
     4  and if no [widow] spouse survive, to his executor or
     5  administrator, if his service has been terminated by death, from
     6  the fund, all dues paid by him into the fund without interest,
     7  and all monies which the fund may have received under any
     8  assignment made by the said member to the fund at the time of
     9  his admission to membership, under the provisions of subsection
    10  (3) of section 8 hereof.
    11     In addition, when any member of the fund shall die as a
    12  result of injuries received while in the performance of his
    13  duties, there shall be paid to his [widow] surviving spouse from
    14  the fund, monthly sums in amounts which together with any
    15  payments received under "The Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation
    16  Act" or "The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act," will be
    17  equal to fifty per centum (50%) of his salary at the time of his
    18  death. Such monthly payments shall continue for five hundred
    19  (500) weeks, or until the [widow shall remarry, or until her
    20  death] surviving spouse's death, whichever shall first occur.
    21     In the event there are surviving children but no [widow]
    22  spouse, or after the payments herein provided for the [widow]
    23  spouse have been discontinued by reason of the end of the five
    24  hundred (500) week period or [her remarriage or] death, each
    25  unmarried child of the deceased member under eighteen (18) years
    26  of age shall thereafter receive payments equal to twenty-five
    27  per centum (25%) of the payments above provided for the [widow]
    28  spouse, but in no case shall total payments to one family be
    29  more than fifty per centum of his salary at the time of his
    30  death. Where there is only one child, the minimum monthly
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     1  payments shall be sixty dollars ($60). Where the maximum amount
     2  is payable it shall be divided equally among the children
     3  entitled thereto. The payments for each child shall terminate
     4  upon his reaching the age of eighteen (18) years, or his
     5  [marriage or] death: Provided, That the board may continue
     6  indefinitely payments to a dependent incompetent child. The
     7  payments shall consist of any payments received under "The
     8  Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Act" or "The Pennsylvania
     9  Occupational Disease Act," supplemented by the necessary amount
    10  from the pension fund.
    11     Payments to the [widows] surviving spouses and children of
    12  members killed while on duty shall be made on and after July 1,
    13  1959.
    14     In the event there are no surviving children or no [widow]
    15  spouse entitled to receive the payments provided for in this
    16  act, any dependent parents of the member shall receive the
    17  payments the [widow] spouse would have received had she survived
    18  [and not remarried].
    19     Section 2.  Section 11.1 of the act, amended or added
    20  November 9, 1965 (P.L.687, No.334) and July 8, 1970 (P.L.455,
    21  No.334), is amended to read:
    22     Section 11.1.  Married Persons; Pension to Surviving Spouse
    23  and Dependent Children.--
    24     (a)  Any married person who elects in writing to be governed
    25  by the provisions of this amendment and who retires under the
    26  provisions of this act shall, at the time of his retirement,
    27  receive the pension provided by this act during his lifetime and
    28  a pension after his death, payable to his surviving spouse at
    29  the time of his death, equal to fifty per centum of his pension:
    30  Provided, That such person so retiring shall have been married
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     1  to his spouse for not less than two years prior to the date of
     2  death and the spouse was dependent upon such deceased employee
     3  at the time of his death.
     4     (a.1)  Any retired member of the Police Pension Fund who
     5  retired prior to August 27, 1963, may, within ninety days after
     6  the effective date of this amendment, elect to be governed by
     7  the provisions of this subsection, provided such election shall
     8  be in writing and that such writing shall be filed with the
     9  Secretary of the Police Pension Fund. Each retired member who
    10  elects to be governed under the provisions of this subsection
    11  shall agree to contribute one-half of one percent of his monthly
    12  pension to the Police Pension Fund. Upon the death of any
    13  retired member who elected in the manner above prescribed to be
    14  governed by this subsection, his [widow] spouse and surviving
    15  children shall receive the benefits otherwise provided by this
    16  act for [widows] surviving spouses and children of deceased
    17  members who elected to be governed by the amending act of August
    18  27, 1963 (P.L.1297) and any further amendments thereto.
    19     (b)  Such surviving spouse shall be entitled to receive
    20  payments commencing the first day of the month in which the
    21  death of the deceased spouse occurs, and shall continue to and
    22  terminate upon the death of such surviving spouse[, unless such
    23  surviving spouse shall remarry], in which event the board may
    24  allocate the pension to dependent children or parents as
    25  provided in this act: Provided, That in no case shall total
    26  payments to a member or his survivors or his estate be less than
    27  the deceased member's contribution into the fund.
    28     (c)  In the event there is no surviving spouse, or the
    29  surviving spouse dies [or remarries] while receiving payments
    30  under this section, and where there are dependent children of
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     1  the deceased member of the fund, the board [may] shall pay to
     2  each such dependent child twenty-five per centum of the pension
     3  earned by the deceased member until the age of eighteen [or
     4  marriage] or death: Provided, That the board may indefinitely
     5  continue payments to a dependent incompetent child.
     6     Where the sums payable to dependent children under this
     7  section are equal to the maximum pension to which the [widow]
     8  surviving spouse would be entitled, it shall be divided equally
     9  among the children entitled thereto.
    10     In the event there are no surviving children or no [widow]
    11  spouse entitled to receive the payments provided for in this
    12  act, any dependent parents of the deceased member shall receive
    13  the monthly payments the [widow] spouse would have received had
    14  she survived [and not remarried].
    15     (d)  The word "pension" as used in this section shall be
    16  construed to mean the sum of the pension provided by this act
    17  plus the amount of service increment, if any, to which the
    18  married person retiring shall be entitled.
    19     Section 3.  Section 14.6 of the act, added March 3, 1972
    20  (P.L.96, No.34), is amended to read:
    21     Section 14.6.  In addition to the other benefits provided by
    22  this act the city council is authorized by ordinance to adopt a
    23  plan of paying to [widows] surviving spouses of deceased
    24  policemen, not otherwise covered under this act, a monthly award
    25  of such amount as the council may from time to time determine
    26  and may further appropriate from the city's general fund
    27  sufficient amounts to make such further awards.
    28     Section 4.  Section 16 of the act, amended November 21, 1959
    29  (P.L.1591, No.571), is amended to read:
    30     Section 16.  Any beneficiary of the fund who may obtain
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     1  employment in service of the city itself shall suffer suspension
     2  of his pension from the fund during the time of such employment.
     3  If any beneficiary shall die before receiving in pension, a sum
     4  equal to his total contributions to the fund, such difference
     5  shall be paid to his [widow] surviving spouse or if no [widow]
     6  spouse survive to his executor or administrator.
     7     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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