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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1277



No. 1046 Session of 1999


           JULY 8, 1999

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 14, 1949 (P.L.482, No.98), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act authorizing and requiring cities,
     3     boroughs, townships, municipal authorities and public utility
     4     companies engaged in the supplying of water, to shut off the
     5     supply of water for nonpayment of sewer, sewerage, or sewage
     6     treatment rentals, rates, or charges imposed by municipal
     7     authorities organized by counties of the second class, by
     8     cities of the second class, by cities of the second class A,
     9     by cities of the third class, by boroughs or by townships of
    10     the first or second class; authorizing and requiring them to
    11     supply to such authorities lists of metered water readings
    12     and flat-rate water bills and other data; authorizing them to
    13     act as billing and collecting agents for such authorities;
    14     and conferring certain powers upon the Pennsylvania Public
    15     Utility Commission in connection therewith," further
    16     providing for notice prior to shutting off sewer for
    17     nonpayment.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of April 14, 1949 (P.L.482,
    21  No.98), entitled, as amended, "An act authorizing and requiring
    22  cities, boroughs, townships, municipal authorities and public
    23  utility companies engaged in the supplying of water, to shut off
    24  the supply of water for nonpayment of sewer, sewerage, or sewage
    25  treatment rentals, rates, or charges imposed by municipal

     1  authorities organized by counties of the second class, by cities
     2  of the second class, by cities of the second class A, by cities
     3  of the third class, by boroughs or by townships of the first or
     4  second class; authorizing and requiring them to supply to such
     5  authorities lists of metered water readings and flat-rate water
     6  bills and other data; authorizing them to act as billing and
     7  collecting agents for such authorities; and conferring certain
     8  powers upon the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission in
     9  connection therewith," amended September 28, 1978 (P.L.827,
    10  No.162), is amended to read:
    11     Section 1.  If the owner or occupant of premises served by
    12  any water utility, as hereinafter defined, shall neglect or fail
    13  to pay, for a period of thirty (30) days from the due date
    14  thereof, any rental, rate or charge for sewer, sewerage, or
    15  sewage treatment service imposed by any municipality or
    16  municipal authority organized by any county of the second class,
    17  by any city of the second class, by any city of the second class
    18  A, by any city of the third class, by any borough or by any
    19  township of the first or second class, such water utility is
    20  hereby authorized and required, at the request and direction of
    21  the municipality or of such authority, or of the city, borough,
    22  or township to which the authority shall have assigned its claim
    23  or lien for such service, to shut off the supply of water to
    24  such premises until all such overdue rentals, rates and charges,
    25  together with any penalties and interest thereon, shall be paid.
    26  If such authority or such city, borough, or township shall also
    27  supply water to any premises, it is hereby authorized to shut
    28  off the supply of water to such premises, as herein set forth.
    29  If the rental rate or charge for sewer, sewerage or sewage
    30  treatment service is imposed by a municipality as lessee of an
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     1  authority organized as aforesaid and the said lessee shall also
     2  supply water to such premises, then such municipality is hereby
     3  authorized to shut off the supply of water to such premises as
     4  herein set forth without prior request from said authority or
     5  without prior assignment of its claim or lien for such services.
     6  In no case shall the water supply be shut off to any premises
     7  until [ten] fifteen (15) days after written notice of an
     8  intention so to do has been mailed by first-class mail to the
     9  person liable for payment of the rentals and charges, and in
    10  addition thereto, there has been posted a written notice at a
    11  main entrance to the premises. If during such [ten] fifteen (15)
    12  day period, the person liable for the payment of the rentals and
    13  charges delivers to the water utility authority or municipality
    14  supplying water to the premises a written statement, under oath
    15  or affirmation, stating that he has a just defense to the claim,
    16  or part of it, for such rentals or charges, then the water
    17  supply shall not be shut off until the claim has been judicially
    18  determined. The statement shall also contain a declaration under
    19  oath or affirmation that it was not executed for the purpose of
    20  delay.
    21     Nothing contained in this section shall authorize any
    22  authority or any privately owned sewer or water company to shut
    23  off or deny water service to any lessee of a property because a
    24  previous lessee failed to pay either the water or sewer service
    25  rate, rental or charge.
    26     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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