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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1349



No. 1049 Session of 2007

           AUGUST 13, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for protection of abused, neglected, exploited or
     2     abandoned adults; establishing a uniform Statewide reporting
     3     and investigative system for suspected abuse, neglect,
     4     exploitation or abandonment of adults; providing for
     5     protective services; and prescribing penalties.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Legislative policy.
    10  Section 103.  Definitions.
    11  Chapter 3.  Administration
    12  Section 301.  Duties of department and agencies.
    13  Section 302.  Reporting.
    14  Section 303.  Investigations of reports of need for protective
    15                 services.
    16  Section 304.  Provision of services.
    17  Section 305.  Immunity from civil and criminal liability.

     1  Section 306.  Confidentiality of records.
     2  Section 307.  Involuntary intervention by emergency court
     3                 order.
     4  Section 308.  Rights of protective services clients.
     5  Section 309.  Financial obligations, liabilities and payments.
     6  Chapter 5.  Reporting Suspected Abuse by Employees
     7  Section 501.  Reporting by employees.
     8  Section 502.  Reports to department and coroner or medical
     9                 examiner.
    10  Section 503.  Investigation.
    11  Section 504.  Restrictions on employees.
    12  Section 505.  Confidentiality of and access to confidential
    13                 reports.
    14  Section 506.  Penalties.
    15  Section 507.  Immunity.
    16  Chapter 7.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    17  Section 701.  Regulations.
    18  Section 702.  Report.
    19  Section 703.  Repeals.
    20  Section 704.  Effective date.
    21     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    22  hereby enacts as follows:
    23                             CHAPTER 1
    24                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    25  Section 101.  Short title.
    26     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Adult
    27  Protective Services Act.
    28  Section 102.  Legislative policy.
    29     It is declared the policy of this Commonwealth that:
    30         (1)  Adults who lack the capacity to protect themselves
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     1     and are at imminent risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation or
     2     abandonment must have access to services necessary to protect
     3     their health, safety and welfare.
     4         (2)  Adults have the right to make choices, subject to
     5     the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth, regarding their
     6     lifestyles, relationships, bodies and health, even when those
     7     choices present risks to themselves or their property.
     8         (3)  Adults have the right to refuse some or all
     9     protective services.
    10         (4)  Information about protective services should be
    11     provided in a safe place and in a safe, understandable and
    12     responsive manner.
    13         (5)  The Commonwealth must provide for the detection,
    14     prevention, reduction and elimination of abuse, neglect,
    15     exploitation and abandonment and establish a program of
    16     protective services for adults in need of them.
    17         (6)  Adults have the right to receive services in the
    18     most integrated settings and in the manner least restrictive
    19     of individual liberties.
    20  Section 103.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Abandonment."  The desertion of an adult by a caregiver.
    25     "Abuse."  The occurrence of one or more of the following
    26  acts:
    27         (1)  The infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement,
    28     intimidation or punishment with resulting physical harm, pain
    29     or mental anguish.
    30         (2)  The willful deprivation by a caregiver of goods or
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     1     services which are necessary to maintain physical or mental
     2     health.
     3         (3)  Sexual harassment, rape or "abuse" as defined in 23
     4     Pa.C.S. § 6102 (relating to definitions).
     5  The term does not include environmental factors which are beyond
     6  the control of an adult or caregiver, including, but not limited
     7  to, inadequate housing, furnishings, income, clothing or medical
     8  care.
     9     "Administrator."  The person responsible for the
    10  administration of a facility. The term includes a person
    11  responsible for employment decisions or an independent
    12  contractor.
    13     "Adult."  A resident of this Commonwealth between 18 and 59
    14  years of age who has a physical or mental impairment that
    15  substantially limits one or more major life activities.
    16     "Adult in need of protective services."  An adult who needs
    17  the assistance of another person to obtain protective services
    18  in order to prevent imminent risk to person or property.
    19     "Agency."  A local contracted provider of protective
    20  services.
    21     "Caregiver."  An individual or institution that has assumed
    22  the responsibility for the provision of care needed to maintain
    23  the physical or mental health of an adult. This responsibility
    24  may arise voluntarily, by contract, by receipt of payment for
    25  care, as a result of family relationship or by order of a court
    26  of competent jurisdiction. It is not the intent of this act to
    27  impose responsibility on any individual if the responsibility
    28  would not otherwise exist in law.
    29     "Client assessment."  Social, physical and psychological
    30  findings along with a description of the person's current
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     1  resources and needs.
     2     "Court."  A court of common pleas or a district magistrate
     3  court, where applicable.
     4     "Department."  The Department of Aging of the Commonwealth.
     5     "Employee."  An individual who is employed by a facility. The
     6  term includes:
     7         (1)  A contract employee who has direct contact with
     8     residents or unsupervised access to their personal living
     9     quarters.
    10         (2)  A person who is employed or who enters into a
    11     contractual relationship to provide care to an adult for
    12     monetary consideration in the adult's place of residence.
    13     "Exploitation."  An act or course of conduct by a caregiver
    14  or other person against an adult or an adult's resources,
    15  without the informed consent of the adult or with consent
    16  obtained through misrepresentation, coercion or threats of
    17  force, that results in monetary, personal or other benefit, gain
    18  or profit for the perpetrator or monetary or personal loss to
    19  the adult.
    20     "Facility."  The term includes, but is not limited to:
    21         (1)  A "domiciliary care" home as defined in section
    22     2202-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known
    23     as The Administrative Code of 1929.
    24         (2)  A home health care agency as defined in section
    25     802.1 of the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as
    26     the Health Care Facilities Act.
    27         (3)  An intermediate care facility for people with mental
    28     retardation.
    29         (4)  A long-term care nursing facility as defined in
    30     section 802.1 of the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48),
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     1     known as the Health Care Facilities Act.
     2         (5)  A personal care home as defined in section 1001 of
     3     the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public
     4     Welfare Code.
     5         (6)  An organization or group of people that uses public
     6     funds and is paid, in part, to provide care and support to
     7     adults in a licensed or unlicensed setting.
     8         (7)  A residential treatment facility.
     9     "Incident Reporting System."  Home and Community Services
    10  Information System (HCSIS) or its successor.
    11     "Intimidation."  An act or omission by a person or entity
    12  toward another person which is intended to or with knowledge
    13  that the act or omission will obstruct, impede, impair, prevent
    14  or interfere with the administration of this act or any law
    15  intended to protect adults from mistreatment.
    16     "Law enforcement official."  Any of the following:
    17         (1)  A police officer of a municipality.
    18         (2)  A district attorney.
    19         (3)  The Pennsylvania State Police.
    20     "Least restrictive alternative."  The least intrusive service
    21  or environment that can effectively and safely address the
    22  adult's needs and preferences.
    23     "Most integrated setting."  A setting that enables
    24  individuals with disabilities to interact with individuals who
    25  do not have disabilities to the fullest extent possible.
    26     "Neglect."  The failure to provide for oneself or the failure
    27  of a caregiver to provide goods or services essential to avoid a
    28  clear and serious threat to the physical or mental health of an
    29  adult. The term does not include environmental factors that are
    30  beyond the control of an adult or the caregiver, including, but
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     1  not limited to, inadequate housing, furnishings, income,
     2  clothing or medical care.
     3     "Protective services."  Those activities, resources and
     4  supports provided to adults under this act to detect, prevent,
     5  reduce or eliminate abuse, neglect, exploitation and
     6  abandonment.
     7     "Recipient."  An adult who receives care, services or
     8  treatment in or from a facility.
     9     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Aging of the Commonwealth.
    10     "Serious bodily injury."  Injury that:
    11         (1)  creates a substantial risk of death; or
    12         (2)  causes serious permanent disfigurement or protracted
    13     loss or impairment of the function of a body member or organ.
    14     "Serious injury."  An injury that:
    15         (1)  causes a person severe pain; or
    16         (2)  significantly impairs a person's physical or mental
    17     functioning, either temporarily or permanently.
    18     "Service plan."  A written plan that:
    19         (1)  Is cooperatively developed by an agency staff, an
    20     adult in need of protective services or the adult's appointed
    21     guardian, if any, and other family members and advocates when
    22     appropriate.
    23         (2)  Is based on multidisciplinary, comprehensive written
    24     assessments conducted by professionals who have met with the
    25     adult in need of protective services and are familiar with
    26     their situation.
    27         (3)  Provides for services in the most integrated setting
    28     and utilizes least restrictive alternatives.
    29         (4)  Describes identified needs, goals to be achieved and
    30     specific services to support goal attainment, with regular
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     1     follow-up and predetermined reassessment of client progress.
     2         (5)  Is updated as needed.
     3     "Sexual abuse."  Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly
     4  causing or attempting to cause rape, involuntary deviate sexual
     5  intercourse, sexual assault, statutory sexual assault,
     6  aggravated indecent assault or incest, as defined by 18 Pa.C.S.
     7  (relating to crimes and offenses).
     8                             CHAPTER 3
     9                           ADMINISTRATION
    10  Section 301.  Duties of department and agencies.
    11     (a)  General rule.--
    12         (1)  The department shall administer the protective
    13     services program in a manner designed to utilize least
    14     restrictive alternatives and to ensure services are provided
    15     in the most integrated setting.
    16         (2)  The department shall, in consultation with the
    17     Department of Public Welfare and other appropriate State
    18     agencies, define the geographic areas to be served by
    19     agencies and shall select those agencies based upon a
    20     competitive bidding process. Successful bidders must:
    21             (i)  Demonstrate knowledge of and experience working
    22         with adults.
    23             (ii)  Be separate from agencies providing direct
    24         services to adults or county mental health and mental
    25         retardation programs.
    26             (iii)  Demonstrate knowledge of service delivery
    27         principles important to adults and their families such as
    28         individual choice and use of least restrictive
    29         alternative.
    30             (iv)  Include at least 51% representation of adults
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     1         and their family members on the board of directors.
     2             (v)  Include letters of support that show
     3         collaboration with agencies which advocate for adults.
     4         (3)  The department shall conduct an ongoing campaign
     5     designed to inform and educate adults, families, caregivers,
     6     professionals and the general public about the need for and
     7     availability of protective services under this chapter. The
     8     campaign shall require facilities to post notice of the
     9     availability of protective services and to provide the notice
    10     to recipients and their families. The department shall
    11     consult with other departments of the Commonwealth on the
    12     design and implementation of the ongoing public awareness
    13     campaign. The department shall also consider the concerns of
    14     agencies and entities identified by them under subsection
    15     (b).
    16         (4)  The department shall establish, by regulation,
    17     minimum standards of training and experience that protective
    18     services agencies funded by the department shall follow in
    19     the selection and assignment of staff for the provision of
    20     protective services. The standards shall require local
    21     protective services providers to collaborate with adults,
    22     their families and advocates, and the standards shall be
    23     included in developing and delivering training.
    24         (5)  The department shall ensure that agencies have
    25     access to the incident reporting system.
    26     (b)  Agency duties.--Each agency shall submit a proposal that
    27  includes a protective services plan. The plan shall:
    28         (1)  Describe the implementation of this chapter,
    29     including, but not limited to, the organization, staffing,
    30     mode of operations and financing of protective services, as
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     1     well as the provisions made for purchase of services,
     2     interagency relations, interagency agreements, service
     3     referral mechanisms and locus of responsibility for cases
     4     with multiservice agency needs.
     5         (2)  Describe the methods that the agency, its designees
     6     and service providers will use to assure the privacy of all
     7     adults receiving services and the confidentiality of all
     8     records.
     9         (3)  List all other social service entities, whether
    10     public or private, that have been identified by the agency as
    11     having substantial contact with potential victims or
    12     perpetrators of abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment.
    13         (4)  Ensure that the entities have information regarding
    14     the unique aspects of various disabilities.
    15  The agency shall submit the list to the department for purposes
    16  of the public information campaign under subsection (a).
    17  Section 302.  Reporting.
    18     (a)  General rule.--A person having reasonable cause to
    19  believe that an adult is in need of protective services may
    20  report such information to the agency that is the local provider
    21  of protective services. Where applicable, reports shall comply
    22  with the provisions of Chapter 5.
    23     (b)  Receiving reports.--The agency shall be capable of
    24  receiving reports of adults in need of protective services 24
    25  hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays. This
    26  capability may include the use of a local emergency response
    27  system or a crisis intervention agency, provided that access can
    28  be made to a protective services caseworker in appropriate
    29  emergency situations as set forth in regulations promulgated by
    30  the department. All reports received orally under this section
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     1  shall be reduced to writing immediately by the person who
     2  receives the report.
     3     (c)  Screening.--A person who receives a report shall screen
     4  the report during and immediately following receipt of the
     5  report to assign it to one of the following referral categories:
     6         (1)  Priority. A report placed in this category shall
     7     require immediate attention because specific details in the
     8     report indicate the possibility that the adult reported to
     9     need protective services is at imminent risk of death or
    10     serious injury or serious bodily injury. The person receiving
    11     a priority report shall immediately contact a protective
    12     services caseworker and provide the caseworker with the
    13     information contained in the report.
    14         (2)  Nonpriority. A report shall be placed in this
    15     category when it does not appropriately fall within the
    16     priority category and, therefore, does not require immediate
    17     attention by the agency. A report in this category shall be
    18     referred to a protective services caseworker of an agency
    19     within the normal business hours of the agency's current or
    20     next day of business under the agency's established
    21     procedures for referring these reports.
    22         (3)  Another planning and service area. A report in which
    23     the adult who is the subject of the report does not reside in
    24     the planning and service area of the agency or, at that time,
    25     is not in the planning and service area shall be placed in
    26     this category. The report shall be referred to the agency
    27     that has the designated responsibility for protective
    28     services in the planning and service area in which the adult
    29     reported to be in need of protective services is located at
    30     the time of the report. A report in this category shall also
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     1     meet the criteria for placement in one of the other
     2     categories in this subsection. The provisions for referral
     3     for the other category shall apply to a referral to another
     4     planning and service area.
     5         (4)  No need for protective services. A report shall be
     6     placed in this category when the person reported to be in
     7     need of protective services meets either of the following
     8     criteria:
     9             (i)  has the capacity to perform or obtain, without
    10         help, services necessary to maintain physical or mental
    11         health;
    12             (ii)  is not at imminent risk or danger to his person
    13         or property.
    14     A report in this category shall be referred to a protective
    15     services caseworker of the agency within the normal business
    16     hours of the agency's current or next day of business. The
    17     protective services caseworker shall review the details of
    18     the report and take all steps necessary to confirm or reject
    19     the categorization of no need for protective services. If the
    20     caseworker confirms the screening categorization, and upon
    21     the request of any interested party and without objection by
    22     the adult appropriate referrals shall be made to other
    23     agencies. The protective services case shall then be closed.
    24     If the caseworker rejects the categorization, the report
    25     shall be placed in the appropriate category and shall be
    26     handled accordingly. A report may not be placed in this
    27     category if the adult is temporarily relocated to a safe
    28     environment and will return to the original abusive situation
    29     or to a new location which has not been determined to be
    30     safe.
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     1     (d)  Retaliatory action.--
     2         (1)  Any person who makes a report or cooperates with the
     3     agency, including providing testimony in any administrative
     4     or judicial proceeding, and any adult in need of protective
     5     services shall not be subject to any discriminatory,
     6     retaliatory or disciplinary action by an employer or by any
     7     other person or entity.
     8         (2)  Any person who violates this subsection is subject
     9     to a civil action by the reporter or the adult in need of
    10     protective services, in which action the reporter or adult
    11     need of protective services shall recover treble compensatory
    12     damages, compensatory and punitive damages or $5,000,
    13     whichever is greater.
    14     (e)  Intimidation.--
    15         (1)  A person, including an adult in need of protective
    16     services, with knowledge sufficient to justify making a
    17     report or cooperating with an agency, including possibly
    18     providing testimony in an administrative or judicial
    19     proceeding, shall not be subject to any intimidation by an
    20     employer or by any other person or entity.
    21         (2)  A person who violates this subsection is subject to
    22     civil action by the reporter or the adult in need of
    23     protective services, in which action the reporter or adult in
    24     need of protective services shall recover treble compensatory
    25     damages, compensatory and punitive damages or $5,000,
    26     whichever is greater.
    27     (f)  Immunity.--
    28         (1)  A person who participates in the making of a report
    29     or who provides testimony in an administrative or judicial
    30     proceeding arising out of a report shall be immune from any
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     1     civil or criminal liability, subject to paragraph (2), on
     2     account of the report or testimony, unless the person acted
     3     in bad faith or with malicious purpose.
     4         (2)  The immunity established under paragraph (1) shall
     5     not extend to liability for an act of abuse, neglect,
     6     exploitation or abandonment even if such act is the subject
     7     of the report or testimony.
     8  Section 303.  Investigations of reports of need for protective
     9                 services.
    10     (a)  Investigation.--
    11         (1)  An agency shall investigate each report made under
    12     section 302.
    13         (2)  The investigation shall be initiated immediately for
    14     a priority report, and to the extent feasible, the agency
    15     shall conduct a face-to-face interview with the reported
    16     adult in need of protective services.
    17         (3)  The investigation shall be initiated within 72 hours
    18     for a nonpriority report.
    19         (4)  The department shall adopt regulations providing for
    20     the methods of conducting investigations under this section
    21     and shall assure that steps are taken to avoid any conflict
    22     of interest between the investigator and service delivery
    23     functions.
    24         (5)  Reports and investigations conducted under this
    25     section shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 5, where
    26     applicable.
    27     (b)  Investigation involving licensed facilities.--
    28         (1)  A report concerning adults residing in a State-
    29     licensed facility shall be reported to the appropriate
    30     licensing department and investigated under procedures
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     1     developed by the department in consultation with the bureau
     2     within the appropriate State agency responsible for the
     3     licensure of the facility.
     4         (2)  The protective services agency may seek judicial
     5     relief to require the facility to protect the health and
     6     safety of the adult when the licensed program is believed to
     7     continue to jeopardize the adult's health and safety through
     8     evidence of risk substantiated.
     9     (c)  Unsubstantiated reports.--If after investigation by the
    10  agency a report is unsubstantiated, the case shall be closed,
    11  and all information shall be maintained for a period of one year
    12  under procedures established by the department.
    13     (d)  Substantiated reports.--
    14         (1)  The agency shall provide for a timely assessment of
    15     the adult if a report is substantiated by the agency or if an
    16     assessment is necessary in order to determine whether the
    17     report is substantiated. An adult may refuse the assessment.
    18         (2)  Upon completion of the assessment, written findings
    19     shall be prepared that include recommended action. A service
    20     plan shall be developed and shall:
    21             (i)  Provide for the least restrictive alternative
    22         and encourage choice and continuity of care.
    23             (ii)  Assure that services and supports are provided
    24         in the most integrated setting.
    25             (iii)  Absent a court order, not include the
    26         relocation of the adult unless the adult consents.
    27             (iv)  Be written in plain language whenever possible
    28         and prepared in a manner which can be easily understood
    29         by an adult in need of protective services or that
    30         adult's appointed guardian.
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     1             (v)  Be in writing and include a recommended course
     2         of action that may include the pursuit of civil or
     3         criminal remedies.
     4         (3)  If an adult who is found to be in need of protective
     5     services refuses a client assessment or the development of a
     6     service plan, the agency may apply to the case the provisions
     7     of section 307.
     8  Section 304.  Provision of services.
     9     (a)  Availability of protective services.--Once need is
    10  determined, an agency shall offer protective services if an
    11  adult requests services or an interested person requests
    12  services on behalf of an adult.
    13     (b)  Consent by request.--
    14         (1)  Except as provided in section 307, an adult shall
    15     only receive protective services voluntarily. In no event may
    16     protective services be provided under this chapter to an
    17     adult who refuses consent to the services or who, having
    18     consented, withdraws the consent, unless the services are
    19     ordered by a court or provided under section 307.
    20         (2)  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to
    21     prevent an agency from petitioning for the appointment of a
    22     guardian pursuant to 20 Pa.C.S. (relating to decedents,
    23     estates and fiduciaries).
    24     (c)  Interference with services.--If any person interferes
    25  with the provision of services or the right of an adult to
    26  consent to provision of services, the agency may petition the
    27  court for an order enjoining the interference.
    28     (d)  Access to records.--An agency shall have access to all
    29  records relevant to:
    30         (1)  Investigations of reports under section 303.
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     1         (2)  Assessment of client need.
     2         (3)  Development of a service plan when an adult's need
     3     for protective services has been or is being established.
     4         (4)  Delivery of services arranged for under the service
     5     plan developed by the agency to respond to an adult's
     6     assessed need for specific services.
     7     (e)  Access to persons.--An agency shall have access to
     8  adults who have been reported to be in need of protective
     9  services in order to:
    10         (1)  Investigate reports under section 303 and Chapter 5.
    11         (2)  Assess needs and develop a service plan for
    12     addressing them.
    13         (3)  Provide for the delivery of services by the agency
    14     or other service provider arranged for under the service
    15     plan.
    16     (f)  Denial of access to persons.--If the agency is denied
    17  access to an adult reported to be in need of protective services
    18  and access is necessary to complete the investigation or the
    19  assessment and service plan or the delivery of needed services
    20  in order to prevent further abuse, neglect, exploitation or
    21  abandonment of the adult, the agency may petition the court for
    22  an order to require the appropriate access when either of the
    23  following conditions apply:
    24         (1)  The caregiver or a third party has interfered with
    25     the completion of the investigation or the assessment and
    26     service plan or the delivery of services.
    27         (2)  The agency can demonstrate that the adult denies
    28     access because of coercion, extortion or justifiable fear of
    29     further abuse, neglect, exploitation or abandonment.
    30     (g)  Access by consent.--An agency's access to confidential
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     1  records held by other entities or individuals or an adult
     2  reported to be in need of protective services shall require the
     3  consent of the adult or a court-appointed guardian except as
     4  provided for under this section or section 307.
     5     (h)  Denial of access to records.--If the agency is denied
     6  access to records necessary for completion of a proper
     7  investigation of a report, assessment, service plan or the
     8  delivery of needed services in order to prevent further abuse,
     9  neglect, exploitation or abandonment of the adult reported to be
    10  in need of protective services, the agency may petition the
    11  court of common pleas for an order requiring the appropriate
    12  access when either of the following conditions apply:
    13         (1)  The adult has provided written consent for any
    14     confidential records to be disclosed and the keeper of the
    15     records denies access.
    16         (2)  The agency can demonstrate that the adult denies
    17     access to records because of incompetence, coercion,
    18     extortion or justifiable fear of future abuse, neglect,
    19     exploitation or abandonment.
    20  Section 305.  Immunity from civil and criminal liability.
    21     In the absence of willful misconduct or gross negligence, an
    22  agency, its director and employees, protective services workers
    23  or employees of the department shall not be civilly or
    24  criminally liable for any decision or action or resulting
    25  consequence of decisions or actions when acting under and
    26  according to the provisions of this chapter.
    27  Section 306.  Confidentiality of records.
    28     (a)  General rule.--Information contained in reports, records
    29  of investigation, assessment and service plans shall be
    30  considered confidential and shall be maintained under
    20070S1049B1349                 - 18 -     

     1  regulations promulgated by the department to safeguard
     2  confidentiality. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b),
     3  this information shall not be disclosed to anyone outside the
     4  agency other than to a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant
     5  to a court order.
     6     (b)  Limited access to agency's protective services
     7  records.--
     8         (1)  In the event that an investigation by an agency
     9     results in the discovery of suspected criminal conduct, law
    10     enforcement officials shall be given access to all relevant
    11     records maintained by the agency or the department.
    12         (2)  In arranging specific services to carry out service
    13     plans, an agency may disclose to appropriate service
    14     providers such information as may be necessary to initiate
    15     the delivery of services.
    16         (3)  An adult who is the subject of a report made under
    17     section 302 may receive, upon written request, all
    18     information contained in the report except that prohibited
    19     from disclosure under paragraph (4).
    20         (4)  The release of information that would identify a
    21     person who made a report of suspected abuse, neglect,
    22     exploitation or abandonment or who cooperated in a subsequent
    23     investigation is prohibited unless the secretary can
    24     determine that such a release will not be detrimental to the
    25     safety of the person.
    26         (5)  When the department is involved in the hearing of an
    27     appeal by an adult who is the subject of a report made under
    28     section 302, the appropriate department staff shall be given
    29     access to all information in the report record relevant to
    30     the appeal.
    20070S1049B1349                 - 19 -     

     1         (6)  For the purpose of monitoring agency performance,
     2     appropriate staff of the department may access agency
     3     protective services records.
     4  Section 307.  Involuntary intervention by emergency court order.
     5     (a)  Emergency petition.--
     6         (1)  Where there is clear and convincing evidence that,
     7     if protective services are not provided, the adult is at
     8     imminent risk of death, serious injury or serious bodily
     9     injury, the agency may petition the court for an emergency
    10     order to provide the necessary services.
    11         (2)  The court of common pleas of each judicial district
    12     shall ensure that a judge or magisterial district judge is
    13     available on a 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year basis to accept
    14     and decide on petitions for an emergency court order under
    15     this section whenever the agency determines that a delay
    16     until normal court hours would significantly increase the
    17     danger the adult faces.
    18     (b)  Limited order.--The court, after finding clear and
    19  convincing evidence of the need for an emergency order, shall
    20  order only such services as are necessary to remove the
    21  conditions creating the established need.
    22     (c)  Right to counsel.--In order to protect the rights of an
    23  adult in need of protective services, an emergency court order
    24  under this section shall provide that the adult has the right to
    25  legal counsel which shall be appointed by the court at public
    26  expense.
    27     (d)  Forcible entry.--Where it is necessary to forcibly enter
    28  premises after obtaining a court order, a law enforcement
    29  officer may do so, accompanied by a representative of an agency.
    30     (e)  Health and safety requirements.--An agency shall take
    20070S1049B1349                 - 20 -     

     1  reasonable steps to assure that while an adult is receiving
     2  services under an emergency court order, the health and safety
     3  needs of any of the adult's dependents are met and that personal
     4  property and the dwelling the adult occupies are secure.
     5     (f)  Community or general acute care hospitals.--An adult
     6  with medical conditions requiring treatment shall be sent to a
     7  community or general acute care hospital.
     8     (g)  Nonrestrictive setting.--In those cases in which an
     9  adult must be relocated, the court shall order the adult to be
    10  relocated to the most integrated setting and the least
    11  restrictive alternative that will ensure the adult's health and
    12  safety and appropriate care.
    13     (h)  Exclusion of remedy.--Nothing in this chapter shall be
    14  construed to deny an adult access to emergency medical services
    15  or police protection that would be provided to anyone,
    16  regardless of age, in similar circumstances.
    17  Section 308.  Rights of protective services clients.
    18     (a)  Minimum requirements.--The agency shall observe the
    19  following minimum requirements to safeguard the rights of an
    20  adult who is reported to be in need of protective services:
    21         (1)  The agency shall to the extent possible, notify the
    22     adult privately during the investigation that a report has
    23     been made and provide the adult with a brief summary of the
    24     nature of the report.
    25         (2)  As provided under section 306(b)(3), the adult may
    26     request and the agency shall provide additional information
    27     contained in the report.
    28         (3)  An appeal of a denial of services by the department
    29     or an authorized agency under this chapter shall be conducted
    30     according to the provisions of the rules and regulations
    20070S1049B1349                 - 21 -     

     1     issued by the department under Article XXII-A of the act of
     2     April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative
     3     Code of 1929.
     4     (b)  Construction.--Nothing in this act shall be construed to
     5  limit the right of an adult to file a petition pursuant to 23
     6  Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to protection from abuse).
     7  Section 309.  Financial obligations, liabilities and payments.
     8     An adult receiving services and each agency providing
     9  services under this chapter shall comply with the following
    10  provisions regarding liability for the payment of services:
    11         (1)  Funding to provide or make available protective
    12     services under this chapter shall not:
    13             (i)  Supplant any public and private entitlements or
    14         resources for which adults receiving protective services
    15         under this chapter are or may be eligible.
    16             (ii)  Be available until an adult has exhausted the
    17         adult's eligibility and receipt of benefits under public
    18         and private entitlements or resources.
    19         (2)  (i)  The obligation of the Commonwealth or a county
    20         to provide funding for services provided pursuant to this
    21         chapter shall be entirely discharged by the
    22         appropriations made to the department or an agency.
    23             (ii)  Provided that the agency has met its
    24         responsibility under the law, no action at law or equity
    25         may be instituted in a court to require the department,
    26         agency, county or Commonwealth to provide benefits or
    27         services under this chapter for which appropriations from
    28         the Commonwealth or counties are not available.
    29         (4)  Protective services clients receiving the same
    30     services provided to others under an agency services plan
    20070S1049B1349                 - 22 -     

     1     shall not be required to pay a fee for any services not
     2     subject to cost sharing for other adults.
     3                             CHAPTER 5
     5  Section 501.  Reporting by employees.
     6     (a)  Mandatory reporting to agency.--
     7         (1)  An employee or an administrator who has reasonable
     8     cause to suspect that a recipient is a victim of abuse or
     9     neglect shall immediately make an oral report to an agency.
    10     If applicable, the agency shall advise the employee or
    11     administrator of additional reporting requirements that may
    12     pertain under subsection (b). An employee shall notify the
    13     administrator immediately following the report to the agency.
    14         (2)  Within 48 hours of making the oral report, the
    15     employee or administrator shall make a written report to the
    16     agency. The agency shall notify the administrator that a
    17     report of abuse has been made with the agency.
    18         (3)  The provisions of this section shall be satisfied
    19     when the administrator or employee of a facility serving
    20     adults with mental retardation submits a report to the
    21     incident reporting system.
    22         (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b),
    23     any employee or administrator who has reasonable cause to
    24     suspect that an adult is a victim of abuse or neglect may
    25     make a report to the agency.
    26     (b)  Mandatory reports to law enforcement officials.--
    27         (1)  An employee or an administrator who has reasonable
    28     cause to suspect that a recipient is the victim of sexual
    29     abuse, serious injury or serious bodily injury or that a
    30     death is suspicious shall, in addition to contacting the
    20070S1049B1349                 - 23 -     

     1     agency and the department, immediately contact law
     2     enforcement officials to make an oral report. An employee
     3     shall notify the administrator immediately following the
     4     report to law enforcement officials.
     5         (2)  Within 48 hours of making the oral report, the
     6     employee and the administrator shall make a joint written
     7     report to appropriate law enforcement officials.
     8         (3)  The law enforcement officials shall notify the
     9     administrator that a report has been made with the law
    10     enforcement officials.
    11         (4)  The employee may request the administrator to make
    12     or to assist the employee to make the oral and written
    13     reports to law enforcement officials required by this
    14     subsection.
    15     (c)  Contents of report.--A written report under this section
    16  shall be submitted in a manner and on forms prescribed by the
    17  department. The report shall include, at a minimum, the
    18  following information:
    19         (1)  Name, age and address of the recipient.
    20         (2)  Name and address of the recipient's guardian,
    21     attorney-in-fact or next of kin.
    22         (3)  Name and address of the facility.
    23         (4)  Nature of the alleged offense.
    24         (5)  Any specific comments or observations that are
    25     directly related to the alleged incident and those involved.
    26  Section 502.  Reports to department and coroner or medical
    27                 examiner.
    28     (a)  Department.--
    29         (1)  Within 48 hours of receipt of a written report under
    30     section 501(a) involving sexual abuse, serious injury,
    20070S1049B1349                 - 24 -     

     1     serious bodily injury or suspicious death, the agency shall
     2     transmit a written report to the department. Supplemental
     3     reports shall be transmitted as they are obtained by the
     4     agency.
     5         (2)  A report under this subsection shall be made in a
     6     manner and on forms prescribed by the department. The report
     7     shall include, at a minimum, that information required to be
     8     submitted under section 501.
     9     (b)  Coroner or medical examiner.--For a report under section
    10  501(a) concerning the death of a recipient, if there is
    11  reasonable cause to suspect that the recipient died as a result
    12  of abuse or neglect, the agency shall give the oral report and
    13  forward a copy of the written report to the appropriate coroner
    14  or medical examiner within 24 hours.
    15  Section 503.  Investigation.
    16     (a)  Law enforcement officials.--Upon receipt of a report
    17  under section 501(b), law enforcement officials shall conduct an
    18  investigation to determine what criminal charges, if any, will
    19  be filed.
    20     (b)  Notification.--If law enforcement officials have
    21  reasonable cause to suspect that a recipient has suffered sexual
    22  abuse, serious injury, serious bodily injury or a suspicious
    23  death, law enforcement officials shall notify the agency.
    24     (c)  Cooperation.--To the fullest extent possible, law
    25  enforcement officials, facilities and agencies shall coordinate
    26  their respective investigations and advise each other and
    27  provide any applicable additional information on an ongoing
    28  basis.
    29     (d)  Further notification.--
    30         (1)  Law enforcement officials shall notify an agency and
    20070S1049B1349                 - 25 -     

     1     facility of a decision regarding criminal charges.
     2         (2)  Upon being notified by law enforcement, the agency
     3     shall notify the department and both shall keep a record of
     4     any decision regarding criminal charges.
     5     (e)  Compliance with Chapter 3.--In addition to the
     6  provisions of this section, the agency shall comply with the
     7  provisions of Chapter 3.
     8  Section 504.  Restrictions on employees.
     9     (a)  Plan of supervision.--
    10         (1)  On notification that an employee is alleged to have
    11     committed abuse, the facility shall immediately suspend the
    12     employee or where appropriate and subject to approval by the
    13     agency and by the appropriate State agency with regulatory
    14     authority over the facility, implement a plan of supervision.
    15         (2)  A plan of supervision for a home health care agency
    16     shall include periodic random direct inspections of
    17     recipients by an employee who has been continuously employed
    18     by the facility for a period of at least one year.
    19     (b)  Prohibition.--
    20         (1)  On the filing of criminal charges against a
    21     facility's employee, the appropriate State agency that
    22     licenses, regulates or has fiscal authority over the facility
    23     shall order the facility to immediately prohibit the employee
    24     from having access to recipients at the facility.
    25         (2)  If the employee is a director, operator,
    26     administrator or supervisor, the employee shall be subject to
    27     restrictions deemed appropriate by the Commonwealth agency
    28     that licenses, regulates or has fiscal authority over the
    29     facility to assure the safety of the recipients of the
    30     facility.
    20070S1049B1349                 - 26 -     

     1  Section 505.  Confidentiality of and access to confidential
     2                 reports.
     3     A report under this chapter shall be made available in the
     4  following circumstances:
     5         (1)  Information may be disclosed to a court of competent
     6     jurisdiction under a court order.
     7         (2)  If an investigation by an agency or law enforcement
     8     results in a report of criminal conduct, law enforcement
     9     officials shall have access to relevant records maintained by
    10     the agency or the department.
    11         (3)  In arranging specific services to effect service
    12     plans, an agency may disclose to appropriate service
    13     providers information necessary to initiate the delivery of
    14     services.
    15         (4)  A subject of a report may receive, upon written
    16     request, information contained in the report except that
    17     prohibited from being disclosed under paragraph (5).
    18         (5)  Except for reports to law enforcement officials, the
    19     release of information that would identify the person who
    20     made a report under this chapter or who cooperated in a
    21     subsequent investigation is prohibited. Law enforcement
    22     officials shall treat all reporting sources as confidential
    23     information.
    24         (6)  When the department is involved in the hearing of an
    25     appeal by a subject of a report, the appropriate department
    26     staff shall be given access to information in the report
    27     record relevant to the appeal.
    28         (7)  For the purposes of monitoring agency performance,
    29     appropriate staff of the department may be given access to
    30     agency protective service records.
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     1  Section 506.  Penalties.
     2     (a)  Administrative.--
     3         (1)  An administrator who intentionally or willfully
     4     fails to comply or obstructs compliance with the provisions
     5     of this chapter or intimidates or commits a retaliatory act
     6     against an employee who complies in good faith with the
     7     provisions of this chapter commits a violation of this
     8     chapter and shall be subject to an administrative penalty
     9     under paragraph (3).
    10         (2)  A facility owner that intentionally or willfully
    11     fails to comply with or obstructs compliance with this
    12     chapter or that intimidates or commits a retaliatory act
    13     against an employee who complies in good faith with this
    14     chapter commits a violation of this chapter and shall be
    15     subject to an administrative penalty under paragraph (3).
    16         (3)  The Commonwealth agency or Commonwealth agencies
    17     which regulate a facility shall have jurisdiction to
    18     determine violations of this chapter and may issue an order
    19     assessing a civil penalty of not more than $2,500. An order
    20     under this paragraph is subject to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A
    21     (relating to practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies)
    22     and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to judicial review of
    23     Commonwealth agency action).
    24     (b)  Criminal.--
    25         (1)  An administrator who intentionally or willfully
    26     fails to comply or obstructs compliance with this chapter
    27     commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon
    28     conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $2,500 or to
    29     imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
    30         (2)  A facility owner that intentionally or willfully
    20070S1049B1349                 - 28 -     

     1     fails to comply with or obstructs compliance with this
     2     chapter commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall,
     3     upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $2,500 or to
     4     imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
     5     (c)  Penalties for failure to report.--A person required
     6  under this chapter to report a case of suspected abuse or
     7  neglect who willfully fails to do so commits a summary offense
     8  for the first violation and a misdemeanor of the third degree
     9  for a second or subsequent violation.
    10     (d)  Whistleblower protection.--A person required under this
    11  act to report a case of suspected abuse or neglect shall not be
    12  subject to any retaliatory action for reporting suspected abuse
    13  or neglect and shall have the protections and remedies set forth
    14  in the act of December 12, 1986 (P.L.1559, No.169), known as the
    15  Whistleblower Law.
    16  Section 507.  Immunity.
    17     No administrator or facility shall be held civilly liable for
    18  any action directly related to good faith compliance with this
    19  chapter.
    20                             CHAPTER 7
    21                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    22  Section 701.  Regulations.
    23     (a)  The Department of Health and the Department of Public
    24  Welfare shall promulgate regulations necessary to carry out
    25  Chapter 5.
    26     (b)  The department shall promulgate rules and regulations
    27  necessary to implement this act. Regulations shall be developed
    28  in consultation with adults, their families and advocates.
    29  Section 702.  Report.
    30     The department shall present a report on the program and
    20070S1049B1349                 - 29 -     

     1  services performed to the Aging and Youth Committee of the
     2  Senate and the Aging and Older Adult Services Committee of the
     3  House of Representatives on an annual basis.
     4  Section 703. Repeals.
     5     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
     6  inconsistent with this act.
     7  Section 704.  Effective date.
     8     This act shall take effect in six months.

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