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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1248



No. 1057 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, providing for commercial drivers; further providing
     3     for buses, for exemptions from licensing, for classes of
     4     licenses, for school bus drivers, for issuance and content of
     5     driver's license, for revocation or suspension of operating
     6     privilege, for schedule of convictions and points, for
     7     surrender of license, for chemical testing to determine
     8     amount of alcohol or controlled substance, for judicial
     9     review, for violations concerning licenses, for driving under
    10     foreign license during suspension or revocation, for reckless
    11     driving, for driving under the influence of alcohol or
    12     controlled substance, for enforcement agreements and for
    13     reports by courts; and providing for careless driving.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  The definitions of "bus," "passenger car" and
    17  "school bus" in section 102 of Title 75 of the Pennsylvania
    18  Consolidated Statutes are amended and the section is amended by
    19  adding a definition to read:
    20  § 102.  Definitions.
    21     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
    22  provisions of this title which are applicable to specific
    23  provisions of this title, the following words and phrases when

     1  used in this title shall have, unless the context clearly
     2  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
     3     * * *
     4     "Bus."
     5         [(1)  At all times prior to July 1, 1986, a motor vehicle
     6     designed for carrying more than ten passengers, exclusive of
     7     the driver, and used for the transportation of persons and a
     8     motor vehicle, other than a taxicab, designed and used for
     9     the transportation of persons for compensation.
    10         (2)  On and after July 1, 1986, a motor vehicle designed
    11     for carrying more than ten persons, including the driver, and
    12     used for the transportation of persons and a motor vehicle,
    13     other than a taxicab, designed and used for the
    14     transportation of persons for compensation. The term does not
    15     include a vehicle owned by a natural person which is used
    16     solely for noncommercial purposes, or a vehicle used in a
    17     ridesharing arrangement, as defined in the act of December
    18     14, 1982 (P.L.1211, No.279), entitled "An act providing for
    19     ridesharing arrangements and providing that certain laws
    20     shall be inapplicable to ridesharing arrangements."]
    21         (1)  a motor vehicle designed to transport 16 or more
    22     passengers, including the driver; and
    23         (2)  a motor vehicle, other than a taxicab, designed to
    24     transport not more than 15 passengers, including the driver,
    25     and used for the transportation of persons for compensation.
    26     The term does not include a vehicle used in a ridesharing
    27     arrangement, as defined in the act of December 14, 1982
    28     (P.L.1211, No.279), entitled "An act providing for
    29     ridesharing arrangements and providing that certain laws
    30     shall be inapplicable to ridesharing arrangements," or a
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     1     school bus.
     2     * * *
     3     "Passenger car."  A motor vehicle, except a motorcycle,
     4  designed for carrying [ten] no more than fifteen passengers [or
     5  less], including the driver, and primarily used for the
     6  transportation of persons.
     7     * * *
     8     "School bus."  A motor vehicle which [complies with the color
     9  and lighting identification requirements of section 4552
    10  (relating to general requirements for school buses).]:
    11         (1) is designed or used to carry 11 passengers or more,
    12     including the driver;
    13         (2)  is used for the transportation of preprimary,
    14     primary or secondary school students, personnel or chaperones
    15     to such schools or school-related activities from home, or
    16     from such schools or school-related activities to home.
    17     "School vehicle."  A motor vehicle, except a motorcycle,
    18  designed for carrying no more than ten passengers, including the
    19  driver, and used for the transportation of preprimary, primary
    20  or secondary school students while registered by or under
    21  contract to a school district or private or parochial school.
    22  The term includes vehicles having chartered, group and party
    23  rights under the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and used
    24  for the transportation of school children.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 2.  Sections 1501(c) and 1502(1) of Title 75 are
    27  amended to read:
    28  § 1501.  Drivers required to be licensed.
    29     * * *
    30     (c)  Limitation on number of licenses.--No person shall
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     1  receive a driver's license unless and until the person
     2  surrenders to the department all valid licenses in the person's
     3  possession issued by this or any other state. All surrendered
     4  licenses issued by another state shall be returned to that
     5  state, together with information that the person is licensed in
     6  this Commonwealth. No person shall be permitted to have more
     7  than one valid driver's license issued by this or any other
     8  state at any time. This subsection shall not apply to a
     9  nonresident who holds a nonresident commercial driver's license
    10  issued under Chapter 16 (relating to commercial drivers).
    11     * * *
    12  § 1502.  Persons exempt from licensing.
    13     The following persons are not required to obtain a driver's
    14  license under this chapter:
    15         (1)  Any employee of the Federal Government while
    16     operating a motor vehicle owned by or leased to the Federal
    17     Government and being operated on official business unless the
    18     employee is required by the Federal Government or any agency
    19     thereof to have a state driver's license. This exemption
    20     shall not apply to the operation of commercial motor
    21     vehicles, as defined in Chapter 16 (relating to commercial
    22     drivers).
    23         * * *
    24     Section 3.  Section 1504(d) of Title 75 is amended and the
    25  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    26  § 1504.  Classes of licenses.
    27     * * *
    28     (d)  Number and description of classes.--Licenses issued by
    29  the department shall be classified in the following manner:
    30         [(1)  Class 1.--A Class 1 license shall be issued to
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     1     those persons who have demonstrated their qualifications to
     2     operate a single vehicle not in excess of 30,000 pounds
     3     registered gross weight or any such vehicle towing a trailer
     4     not in excess of 10,000 pounds gross weight. Any fireman who
     5     is the holder of a Class 1 license and who has a certificate
     6     of authorization from his fire chief shall be authorized to
     7     operate any vehicle registered to the fire department
     8     regardless of the other requirements of this section as to
     9     the class of license required. The holder of a Class 1
    10     license shall also be authorized to drive a motorized
    11     pedalcycle or a three-wheeled motorcycle equipped with an
    12     enclosed cab. The holder of a Class 1 license shall not be
    13     deemed qualified to operate buses, school buses or
    14     motorcycles unless the license is endorsed as provided in
    15     this section.
    16         (2)  Class 2.--A Class 2 license shall be issued to those
    17     persons over 18 years of age who have demonstrated their
    18     qualifications to operate a single vehicle of over 30,000
    19     pounds registered gross weight or any bus or any such vehicle
    20     towing a trailer not in excess of 10,000 pounds gross weight.
    21     The holder of a Class 2 license shall be deemed qualified to
    22     operate those vehicles for which a Class 1 license is issued,
    23     but not school buses or motorcycles unless the license is
    24     endorsed as provided in this section.
    25         (3)  Class 3.--A Class 3 license shall be issued to those
    26     persons over 18 years of age who have demonstrated their
    27     qualifications to operate a vehicle while in combination with
    28     or towing a trailer in excess of 10,000 pounds gross weight.
    29     The holder of a Class 3 license shall be deemed qualified to
    30     operate those vehicles for which a Class 1 or Class 2 license
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     1     is issued, but not school buses or motorcycles unless the
     2     license is endorsed as provided in this section.
     3         (4)  Class 4.--Persons who have qualified to operate
     4     school buses in accordance with this title and the rules and
     5     regulations promulgated and adopted by the department shall
     6     have the qualification endorsed on the license on the license
     7     as provided in this section.
     8         (5)  Class 5.--Those persons who have demonstrated their
     9     qualifications to operate a motorcycle, shall have that
    10     qualification endorsed on one of the basic classes of license
    11     described in this section. If a person is qualified only to
    12     operate a motorcycle he shall be issued a license with only
    13     that qualification endorsed on the license.
    14         (6)  Class 6.--Those persons who have demonstrated their
    15     qualifications to operate a motor-driven cycle or motorized
    16     pedalcycle shall have that qualification endorsed on one of
    17     the basic classes of license described in this section. If a
    18     person is qualified only to operate a motor-driven cycle or
    19     motorized pedalcycle he shall be issued a license with only
    20     that qualification endorsed on the license.]
    21         (1)  Class A.--A Class A license shall be issued to those
    22     persons 21 years of age or older who have demonstrated their
    23     qualifications to operate any combination of vehicles with a
    24     gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more,
    25     provided the gross vehicle weight rating of the vehicle or
    26     vehicles being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
    27             (i)  The holder of a Class A license shall be deemed
    28         qualified to operate those vehicles for which a Class B,
    29         Class C or Class D license is issued.
    30             (ii)  Where required under this title, appropriate
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     1         endorsements must be obtained.
     2             (iii)  A Class A license is a commercial driver's
     3         license as defined in this title.
     4         (2)  Class B.--A Class B license shall be issued to those
     5     persons 21 years of age or older who have demonstrated their
     6     qualifications to operate any single vehicle with a gross
     7     vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more, or any bus or
     8     school bus designed to transport 26 or more passengers,
     9     including the driver, or any such vehicle towing a vehicle
    10     having a gross vehicle weight rating of not more than 10,000
    11     pounds.
    12             (i)  The holder of a Class B license shall be deemed
    13         qualified to operate those vehicles for which a Class C
    14         or Class D license is issued.
    15             (ii)  Where required under this title, appropriate
    16         endorsements must be obtained.
    17             (iii)  A Class B license is a commercial driver's
    18         license as defined in this title.
    19         (3)  Class C.--A Class C license shall be issued to those
    20     persons 21 years of age or older who have demonstrated their
    21     qualifications to operate any single vehicle with a gross
    22     vehicle weight rating of not more than 26,000 pounds or any
    23     such vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight
    24     rating of not more than 10,000 pounds or any bus or school
    25     bus designed to transport not more than 25 passengers,
    26     including the driver.
    27             (i)  The holder of a Class C license shall be deemed
    28         qualified to operate those vehicles for which a Class D
    29         license is issued.
    30             (ii)  Where required under this title, appropriate
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     1         endorsements must be obtained.
     2             (iii)  A Class C license is a commercial driver's
     3         license, as defined in this title.
     4         (4)  Class D.--A Class D license shall be issued to those
     5     persons who have demonstrated their qualifications to operate
     6     any single vehicle, other than a bus, with a gross vehicle
     7     weight rating not in excess of 26,000 pounds or any such
     8     vehicle towing a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating
     9     not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
    10             (i)  Any fireman who is the holder of a Class D
    11         license and who has a certificate of authorization from
    12         his fire chief shall be authorized to operate any fire or
    13         emergency vehicle registered to the fire department,
    14         regardless of the other requirements of this section as
    15         to the class of license required.
    16             (ii)  The holder of a Class D license shall also be
    17         authorized to drive a motorized pedalcycle or a three-
    18         wheeled motorcycle equipped with an enclosed cab, but not
    19         a motorcycle unless the license is endorsed, as provided
    20         in this title.
    21         (5)  Class M.--A Class M license shall be issued to those
    22     persons who have demonstrated their qualifications to operate
    23     a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle. If a person is qualified
    24     to operate only a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle, he shall
    25     be issued a Class M license only.
    26     (d.1)  Special provisions for current Class 2, 3 or 4
    27  drivers.--Any person who holds a valid Class 2, 3 or 4 license,
    28  but is under 21 years of age on the effective date of this
    29  section, shall be treated as if he is 21 years of age for
    30  purposes of applying for and obtaining a commercial driver's
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     1  license.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 4.  The heading and subsection (a) of section 1509
     4  and sections 1510(a), 1532(b)(1), 1535(a), 1540(b) and (c),
     5  1547(d), 1550, 1571(a)(1) and (4) and 1573 of Title 75 are
     6  amended to read:
     7  § 1509.  Qualifications for [Class 4 license] school bus driver
     8             endorsement.
     9     (a)  School bus driver requirements.--No person shall be
    10  issued [a Class 4 license] an endorsement to operate a school
    11  bus unless the person:
    12         (1)  has successfully completed a course of instruction
    13     as provided in subsection (c);
    14         (2)  has satisfactorily passed an annual physical
    15     examination to be given by the physician for the school
    16     district by which the person is employed; and
    17         (3)  is [18] 21 years of age or older.
    18     * * *
    19  § 1510.  Issuance and content of driver's license.
    20     (a)  General rule.--The department shall, upon payment of the
    21  required fee, issue to every qualified applicant a driver's
    22  license indicating the type or general class of vehicles the
    23  licensee is authorized to drive and any endorsements or
    24  restrictions, which license shall contain a distinguishing
    25  number assigned by the department to the licensee, the [social
    26  security] Social Security number of the licensee, the actual
    27  name, date of birth, residence address, a color photograph or
    28  photographic facsimile of the licensee, such other information
    29  as may be required by the department, and either a facsimile of
    30  the signature of the licensee or a space upon which the licensee
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     1  shall write his usual signature with pen and ink. Personal
     2  medical data and other information for use in an emergency may
     3  be included as a part of the license. Information other than
     4  that required to identify the licensee, the distinguishing
     5  number and the class of license issued may be included in
     6  microdata form. No driver's license shall be valid until it has
     7  been signed by the licensee.
     8     * * *
     9  § 1532.  Revocation or suspension of operating privilege.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Suspension.--
    12         (1)  The department shall suspend the operating privilege
    13     of any driver for six months upon receiving a certified
    14     record of the driver's conviction of any offense under the
    15     following provisions:
    16             Section 3367 (relating to racing on highways).
    17             Section 3733 (relating to fleeing or attempting to
    18         elude police officer).
    19             Section 3734 (relating to driving without lights to
    20         avoid identification or arrest).
    21             Section 3736 (relating to reckless driving).
    22             Section 3743 (relating to accidents involving damage
    23         to attended vehicle or property).
    24         * * *
    25  § 1535.  Schedule of convictions and points.
    26     (a)  General rule.--A point system for driver education and
    27  control is hereby established which is related to other
    28  provisions for use, suspension and revocation of the operating
    29  privilege as specified under this title. Every driver licensed
    30  in this Commonwealth who is convicted of any of the following
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     1  offenses shall be assessed points as of the date of violation in
     2  accordance with the following schedule:
     3  Section Number                 Offense                  Points
     4     1512                Violation of restriction on
     5                         driver's license.                   2
     6     1571                Violation concerning license.       3
     7     3102                Failure to obey policeman or
     8                         authorized person.                  2
     9     3112(a)(3)(i)       Failure to stop for a red light.    3
    10     3114(a)(1)          Failure to stop for a flashing
    11                         red light.                          3
    12     3302                Failure to yield half of roadway
    13                         to oncoming vehicle.                3
    14     3303                Improper passing.                   3
    15     3304                Other improper passing.             3
    16     3305                Other improper passing.             3
    17     3306(a)(1)          Other improper passing.             4
    18     3306(a)(2)          Other improper passing.             3
    19     3306(a)(3)          Other improper passing.             3
    20     3307                Other improper passing.             3
    21     3310                Following too closely.              3
    22     3321                Failure to yield to driver on the
    23                         right at intersection.              3
    24     3322                Failure to yield to oncoming
    25                         driver when making left turn.       3
    26     3323(b)             Failure to stop for stop sign.      3
    27     3323(c)             Failure to yield at yield sign.     3
    28     3324                Failure to yield when entering or
    29                         crossing roadway between inter-
    30                         sections.                           3
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     1     3332                Improper turning around.            3
     2     3341                Failure to stop for flashing red
     3                         lights or gate at railroad
     4                         crossing.                           3
     5     3344                Failure to stop when entering from
     6                         alley, driveway or building.        3
     7     3345(a)             Failure to stop for school bus
     8                         with flashing red lights.           5
     9                                         (and 60 days suspension)
    10     3361                Driving too fast for conditions.    2
    11     3362                Exceeding maximum speed.--Over Limit:
    12                                                  6-10       2
    13                                                 11-15       3
    14                                                 16-25       4
    15                                                 26-30       5
    16                                                 31-over     5
    17                                         (and departmental hearing
    18                                         and sanctions provided
    19                                         under section 1538(d))
    20     3365(b)             Exceeding special speed limit
    21                         in school zone.                     3
    22     3365(c)             Exceeding special speed limit
    23                         for trucks on downgrades.           3
    24     3542(a)             Failure to yield to pedestrian in
    25                         crosswalk.                          2
    26     3547                Failure to yield to pedestrian on
    27                         sidewalk.                           3
    28     3549(a)             Failure to yield to blind
    29                         pedestrian.                         3
    30     3702                Improper backing.                   3
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     1     3714                [Reckless] Careless driving.        3
     2     3745                Leaving scene of accident
     3                         involving property damage only.     4
     4     * * *
     5  § 1540.  Surrender of license.
     6     * * *
     7     (b)  Suspension [or], revocation or disqualification of
     8  operating privilege.--Upon the suspension or revocation of the
     9  operating privilege or the disqualification of the commercial
    10  operating privilege of any person by the department, the
    11  department shall forthwith notify the person in writing at the
    12  address of record to surrender his driver's license to the
    13  department for the term of suspension [or], revocation or
    14  disqualification. The suspension [or], revocation or
    15  disqualification shall be effective upon a date determined by
    16  the department or the date of surrender of the license to the
    17  department if that date is subsequent to the department's notice
    18  to surrender the license, whichever occurs first. Upon surrender
    19  of the license, the department shall issue a receipt showing the
    20  date that it received the license.
    21     (c)  Seizure of revoked [and], suspended, canceled or
    22  disqualified licenses.--The department may delegate authority to
    23  any authorized [department] Commonwealth employee, member of the
    24  Pennsylvania State Police or local police officer to seize the
    25  driver's license of any person when the operating privilege of
    26  that person has been revoked [or], suspended, canceled or
    27  disqualified and his driver's license has been ordered to be
    28  surrendered by a court or district attorney or by the
    29  department. The department shall, by regulation, prescribe the
    30  manner of selecting the Commonwealth employees and [State and]
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     1  local police officers to seize the drivers' licenses.
     2  § 1547.  Chemical testing to determine amount of alcohol or
     3             controlled substance.
     4     * * *
     5     (d)  Presumptions from amount of alcohol.--If chemical
     6  testing of a person's breath, blood or urine shows:
     7         (1)  That the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of
     8     the person tested is 0.05% or less, it shall be presumed that
     9     the person tested was not under influence of alcohol and the
    10     person shall not be charged with any violation under section
    11     3731(a)(1) or (4) (relating to driving under influence of
    12     alcohol or controlled substance), or, if the person was so
    13     charged prior to the test, the charge shall be void ab
    14     initio. This fact shall not give rise to any presumption
    15     concerning a violation of section 3731(a)(2) or (3) or (i).
    16         (2)  That the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of
    17     the person tested is in excess of 0.05% but less than 0.10%,
    18     this fact shall not give rise to any presumption that the
    19     person tested was or was not under the influence of alcohol,
    20     but this fact may be considered with other competent evidence
    21     in determining whether the person was or was not under the
    22     influence of alcohol. This provision shall not negate the
    23     provisions of section 3731(i).
    24         (3)  That the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of
    25     the person tested is 0.10% or more, this fact may be
    26     introduced into evidence if the person is charged with
    27     violating section 3731.
    28     * * *
    29  § 1550.  Judicial review.
    30     (a)  General rule.--Any person denied a driver's license or
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     1  whose operating privilege has been recalled, canceled, suspended
     2  [or], revoked or disqualified by the department shall have the
     3  right to appeal to the court vested with jurisdiction of such
     4  appeals by or pursuant to Title 42 (relating to judiciary and
     5  judicial procedure).
     6     (b)  Supersedeas.--[The]
     7         (1)  In the case of a recall, suspension, cancellation or
     8     revocation, the filing of the petition shall operate as a
     9     supersedeas, and no recall, suspension, cancellation or
    10     revocation shall be imposed against such person until final
    11     determination of the matter.
    12         (2)  In the case of a disqualification of the commercial
    13     operating privilege, the driver may petition to the court of
    14     common pleas of his county of residence, which court may
    15     grant a supersedeas ex parte upon a showing of reasonable
    16     likelihood of successful prosecution of the appeal.
    17     (c)  Proceedings of court.--The court shall set the matter
    18  for hearing upon 30 days written notice to the department and
    19  determine whether the petitioner is in fact the person whose
    20  operating privilege is subject to the recall, suspension,
    21  cancellation [or], revocation or disqualification.
    22  § 1571.  Violations concerning licenses.
    23     (a)  Offenses defined.--It is unlawful for any person:
    24         (1)  To exhibit or cause or permit to be exhibited or
    25     have in possession any recalled, canceled, suspended,
    26     revoked, disqualified, fictitious or fraudulently altered
    27     driver's license.
    28         * * *
    29         (4)  To fail or refuse to surrender to the department
    30     upon lawful demand a recalled, canceled, suspended, revoked,
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     1     disqualified, fictitious or fraudulently altered driver's
     2     license.
     3     * * *
     4  § 1573.  [Driving under] Displaying a foreign license during
     5             suspension or revocation.
     6     [Any] (a)  Offense defined.--It is unlawful for any resident
     7  or nonresident whose operating privilege to drive a motor
     8  vehicle in this Commonwealth has been recalled, canceled,
     9  suspended [or], revoked or disqualified as provided in this
    10  title shall not [drive a motor vehicle in this Commonwealth
    11  under] display a license or permit issued by any other
    12  jurisdiction or otherwise during the suspension or after the
    13  recall, cancellation [or], revocation or disqualification until
    14  [a new driver's license is obtained when and as permitted under
    15  this chapter] the individual's operating privilege has been
    16  restored by the department.
    17     (b)  Penalty.--Any person violating the provisions of this
    18  section commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be
    19  sentenced to pay a fine of $100. This penalty shall be in
    20  addition to any other penalties imposed under this title.
    21     Section 5.  Title 75 is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    22                             CHAPTER 16
    23                         COMMERCIAL DRIVERS
    24  Sec.
    25  1601.  Short title of chapter.
    26  1602.  Purpose and construction of chapter.
    27  1603.  Definitions.
    28  1604.  Notification requirements for drivers.
    29  1605.  Employer responsibilities.
    30  1606.  Requirement for commercial driver's license.
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     1  1607.  Commercial driver's license qualification standards.
     2  1608.  Nonresident CDL.
     3  1609.  Application for commercial driver's license.
     4  1610.  Commercial driver's license.
     5  1611.  Disqualification.
     6  1612.  Commercial drivers prohibited from operating with any
     7             alcohol in system.
     8  1613.  Implied consent requirements for commercial motor vehicle
     9             drivers.
    10  1614.  Notification of traffic convictions.
    11  1615.  Authority to enter agreements.
    12  1616.  Reciprocity.
    13  1617.  Fees.
    14  § 1601.  Short title of chapter.
    15     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Uniform
    16  Commercial Driver's License Act.
    17  § 1602.  Purpose and construction of chapter.
    18     (a)  Purpose.--The purpose of this chapter is to implement
    19  the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-
    20  570, 49 U.S.C. app. § 2701 et seq.) and reduce or prevent
    21  commercial motor vehicle accidents, fatalities and injuries by:
    22         (1)  Permitting commercial drivers to hold only one
    23     driver's license.
    24         (2)  Disqualifying commercial drivers who have committed
    25     certain serious traffic violations, or other specified
    26     offenses.
    27         (3)  Strengthening licensing and testing standards.
    28     (b)  Construction.--This chapter is a remedial law and shall
    29  be liberally construed to promote the public health, safety and
    30  welfare. To the extent that this chapter conflicts with other
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     1  driver licensing provisions, this chapter prevails. Where this
     2  chapter is silent, the general driver licensing provisions
     3  apply.
     4  § 1603.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     6  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     7  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Commercial driver's license" or "CDL."  A license issued in
     9  accordance with the requirements of this chapter authorizing an
    10  individual to drive a class of commercial motor vehicle.
    11     "Commercial Driver's License Information System" or "CDLIS."
    12  The information system established pursuant to the Commercial
    13  Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570, 49 U.S.C.
    14  app. § 2701 et seq.) to serve as a clearinghouse for locating
    15  information related to the licensing and identification of
    16  commercial motor vehicle drivers.
    17     "Commercial driver learner's permit."  A permit issued
    18  pursuant to section 1607(d) (relating to commercial driver's
    19  license qualification standards).
    20     "Commercial motor vehicle."  A motor vehicle designed or used
    21  to transport passengers or property:
    22         (1)  if the vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating of
    23     26,001 or more pounds or such lesser rating as the department
    24     shall adopt under the provisions of section 6103(c) (relating
    25     to promulgation of rules and regulations by department), as
    26     determined by Federal regulation and published by the
    27     department as a notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin;
    28         (2)  if the vehicle is designed to transport 16 or more
    29     passengers, including the driver; or
    30         (3)  if the vehicle is a school bus; or
    19890S1057B1248                 - 18 -

     1         (4)  if the vehicle is transporting hazardous materials
     2     and is required to be placarded in accordance with department
     3     regulations.
     4     The term does not include an implement of husbandry.
     5     "Controlled substance."  Any substance so defined or
     6  classified under:
     7         (1)  The act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as
     8     The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.
     9         (2)  Section 102(6) of the Controlled Substance Act
    10     (Public Law 91-513 § 21 U.S.C. 802(6)).
    11         (3)  Schedules I through V of 21 CFR Part 1308.
    12         (4)  Any revisions to paragraphs (2) or (3) which are
    13     published by the department as notices in the Pennsylvania
    14     Bulletin.
    15     "Disqualification."  A prohibition against driving a
    16  commercial motor vehicle.
    17     "Employer."  Any person, including the United States, a state
    18  or a political subdivision of a state, who owns or leases a
    19  commercial motor vehicle, or assigns a person to drive a
    20  commercial motor vehicle.
    21     "Felony."  An offense under state or Federal law which is
    22  punishable by death or imprisonment exceeding one year.
    23     "Foreign jurisdiction."  Any jurisdiction other than a state
    24  of the United States.
    25     "Nonresident CDL."  A commercial driver's license issued by a
    26  state to an individual who resides in a foreign jurisdiction.
    27     "Out-of-service order."  A temporary prohibition against
    28  driving a commercial motor vehicle.
    29     "Serious traffic violation:"
    30         (1)  Excessive speeding as defined by the United States
    19890S1057B1248                 - 19 -

     1     Secretary of Transportation by regulation and published by
     2     the department as a notice in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
     3         (2)  Reckless driving.
     4         (3)  Any offense under this title relating to motor
     5     vehicle traffic control arising in connection with an
     6     accident resulting in death to any person.
     7         (4)  Any violation of section 3326 (relating to duty of
     8     driver in construction and maintenance areas) or 3365(c)
     9     (relating to special speed limitations).
    10         (5)  Any other offenses defined by the United States
    11     Secretary of Transportation as serious traffic violations and
    12     published by the department as a notice in the Pennsylvania
    13     Bulletin.
    14     "State."  A state of the United States or the District of
    15  Columbia.
    16     "United States."  The fifty states and the District of
    17  Columbia.
    18  § 1604.  Notification requirements for drivers.
    19     (a)  Notification of convictions.--A driver of a commercial
    20  motor vehicle holding a driver's license issued by this
    21  Commonwealth who is convicted of violating a Federal or state
    22  law or local ordinance relating to motor vehicle traffic control
    23  in this or any other state or any Federal, provincial,
    24  territorial or municipal law relating to motor vehicle traffic
    25  control in Canada, other than parking violations, shall notify
    26  his employer, in writing, of the conviction within 30 days of
    27  the date of conviction.
    28     (b)  Notification of suspensions, revocations, cancellations
    29  and disqualifications.--Each driver whose operating privilege is
    30  suspended, revoked or canceled by any state, who loses the
    19890S1057B1248                 - 20 -

     1  privilege to drive a commercial motor vehicle in any state for
     2  any period or who is disqualified from driving a commercial
     3  motor vehicle for any period, shall notify his employer of that
     4  fact before the end of the business day following the day the
     5  driver received notice of the suspension, revocation,
     6  cancellation, loss or disqualification.
     7     (c)  Notification of previous employment.--
     8         (1)  Each person who applies for employment as a
     9     commercial motor vehicle driver shall provide the employer,
    10     at the time of the application for employment, with the
    11     following information for the ten years preceding the date of
    12     application:
    13             (i)  A list of the names and addresses of the
    14         applicant's previous employers for which the applicant
    15         was a driver of a commercial motor vehicle.
    16             (ii)  The dates between which the applicant drove for
    17         each employer.
    18             (iii)  The reason for leaving that employer.
    19         (2)  The applicant shall certify that all information
    20     furnished is true and complete.
    21         (3)  An employer may require an applicant to provide
    22     additional information.
    23     (d)  Penalties.--
    24         (1)  Any person who knowingly and willfully violates any
    25     provision of this section commits a summary offense and
    26     shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine not to
    27     exceed $5,000 or to imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or
    28     both.
    29         (2)  Any person who is determined by the department,
    30     after notice and opportunity for hearing, to have committed
    19890S1057B1248                 - 21 -

     1     an act which is in violation of this section shall be liable
     2     to the Commonwealth for a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500
     3     for each offense.
     4         (3)  Any person having a civil penalty imposed by the
     5     department under this section shall have the right to appeal
     6     to the Commonwealth Court pursuant to Title 42 (relating to
     7     judiciary and judicial procedure).
     8  § 1605.  Employer responsibilities.
     9     (a)  Requirements.--Each employer shall require the applicant
    10  to provide the information specified in section 1604(c)
    11  (relating to notification requirements for drivers). Each
    12  employer shall inform the applicant that the information he
    13  provides in accordance with section 1604(c) may be used, and the
    14  applicant's previous employers may be contacted for the purpose
    15  of investigating the applicant's work history.
    16     (b)  Prohibitions.--No employer shall knowingly allow,
    17  require, permit or authorize a driver to drive a commercial
    18  motor vehicle during any period:
    19         (1)  in which:
    20             (i)  the driver's license was suspended, revoked or
    21         canceled by a state;
    22             (ii)  the driver has lost the privilege to drive a
    23         commercial motor vehicle in a state; or
    24             (iii)  the driver has been disqualified from driving
    25         a commercial motor vehicle; or
    26         (2)  in which the driver has more than one driver's
    27     license.
    28     (c)  Penalties.--
    29         (1)  Any person who knowingly and willfully violates any
    30     provision of this section commits a summary offense and
    19890S1057B1248                 - 22 -

     1     shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine not to
     2     exceed $5,000 or to imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or
     3     both.
     4         (2)  Any person who is determined by the department,
     5     after notice and opportunity for hearing, to have committed
     6     an act which is in violation of this section shall be liable
     7     to the Commonwealth for a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500
     8     for each offense.
     9         (3)  Any person against whom a civil penalty is imposed
    10     by the department under this section shall have the right to
    11     appeal to the Commonwealth Court pursuant to Title 42
    12     (relating to judiciary and judicial procedure).
    13  § 1606.  Requirement for commercial driver's license.
    14     (a)  When required.--No person, except those specifically
    15  exempted in subsection (b), shall drive a commercial motor
    16  vehicle unless the person has been issued and is in immediate
    17  possession of a valid commercial driver's license and applicable
    18  endorsements valid for the vehicle he is driving.
    19     (b)  Exemptions.--The following persons are not required to
    20  obtain a commercial driver's license in order to drive the
    21  commercial motor vehicle specified:
    22         (1)  A person with a commercial driver learner's permit
    23     who is accompanied by the holder of a commercial driver's
    24     license valid for the vehicle being driven.
    25         (2)  A person in the service of the Armed Forces of the
    26     United States, including members of the Reserves and National
    27     Guard on active duty; personnel on full-time National Guard
    28     duty; and personnel on inactive National Guard duty training
    29     or part-time National Guard training and National Guard
    30     military technicians who are required to wear military
    19890S1057B1248                 - 23 -

     1     uniforms and are subject to the Uniform Code of Military
     2     Justice when operating equipment owned or operated by the
     3     Department of Defense.
     4         (3)  A person who is a volunteer or paid fireman with a
     5     Class D license and who has a certificate of authorization
     6     from his fire chief while operating a fire or emergency
     7     vehicle registered to the fire department.
     8         (4)  A farmer operating a farm vehicle used exclusively
     9     to transport agricultural products, farm machinery or farm
    10     supplies to or from a farm owned or operated by the owner of
    11     the farm vehicle. The farm vehicle may not be used in the
    12     operations of a common or contract carrier and may be used
    13     only within a radius of 25 miles of the farm.
    14     (c)  Prohibitions.--
    15         (1)  No person shall drive a commercial motor vehicle
    16     while their operating privilege is suspended, revoked,
    17     canceled or recalled; while subject to a disqualification; or
    18     in violation of an out-of-service order.
    19         (2)  No person who operates a commercial motor vehicle
    20     shall at any time have more than one driver's license.
    21     (d)  Penalties.--
    22         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (8), a person who
    23     violates subsection (a) commits a summary offense and shall,
    24     upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed
    25     $5,000 or to imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or both.
    26         (2)  Except as provided in paragraph (8), a person who is
    27     determined by the department, after notice and opportunity
    28     for a hearing, to have committed an act which is in violation
    29     of subsection (a) shall be liable to the Commonwealth for a
    30     civil penalty not to exceed $2,500 for each offense.
    19890S1057B1248                 - 24 -

     1         (3)  A person who drives a commercial motor vehicle while
     2     subject to disqualification commits a summary offense and
     3     shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $500.
     4     The department shall impose an additional one-year
     5     disqualification upon receipt of a certified record of the
     6     driver's conviction.
     7         (4)  A person who drives a commercial motor vehicle while
     8     subject to disqualification under section 1611(b) or (e)
     9     (relating to disqualification) commits a summary offense and
    10     shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000
    11     or to imprisonment for six months, or both. In cases where
    12     the disqualification for life under section 1611(b) is
    13     reduced under section 1611(d), the department shall impose an
    14     additional one-year disqualification upon receipt of a
    15     certified record of the driver's conviction.
    16         (5)  A person who knowingly and willfully drives a
    17     commercial motor vehicle in violation of an out-of-service
    18     order issued under section 1612 (relating to commercial
    19     drivers prohibited from operating with any alcohol in system)
    20     commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be
    21     sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed $5,000 or imprisonment
    22     not to exceed 90 days, or both.
    23         (6)  A person who is determined by the department, after
    24     notice and opportunity for a hearing, to have been driving a
    25     commercial motor vehicle in violation of an out-of-service
    26     order issued under section 1612 shall be liable to the
    27     Commonwealth for a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500 for
    28     each offense. Appeals of such a determination shall be to the
    29     Commonwealth Court pursuant to Title 42 (relating to
    30     judiciary and judicial procedure).
    19890S1057B1248                 - 25 -

     1         (7)  A person who drives a commercial motor vehicle in
     2     violation of an out-of-service order (other than an out-of-
     3     service order issued under section 1612) commits a summary
     4     offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
     5     fine of $500. The department shall also impose a one-year
     6     disqualification upon the person upon receipt of a certified
     7     record of the conviction.
     8         (8)  A person charged with violating subsection (a)
     9     commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, pay a
    10     fine of $100 in lieu of the fine and disqualification under
    11     paragraph (2) if the person produces at the office of the
    12     issuing authority within five days of the violation:
    13             (i)  a commercial driver's license valid in this
    14         Commonwealth at the time of the violation; or
    15             (ii)  if the commercial driver's license is lost,
    16         stolen, destroyed or illegible, evidence that the driver
    17         was licensed at the time of the violation and that
    18         application for a duplicate license had been made at the
    19         time of the violation.
    20         (9)  A person who knowingly and willfully drives a
    21     commercial motor vehicle in violation of paragraph (2)
    22     commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be
    23     sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed $5,000 or to
    24     imprisonment not to exceed 90 days, or both.
    25         (10)  A person who is determined by the department, after
    26     notice and opportunity for a hearing, to have committed an
    27     act which is in violation of paragraph (2) shall be liable to
    28     the Commonwealth for a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500 for
    29     each offense. Appeal of such a determination shall be to the
    30     Commonwealth Court pursuant to Title 42.
    19890S1057B1248                 - 26 -

     1  § 1607.  Commercial driver's license qualification standards.
     2     (a)  Testing.--
     3         (1)  No person shall be issued a commercial driver's
     4     license unless the person is a resident of this Commonwealth
     5     and has passed a knowledge and skills test for driving a
     6     commercial motor vehicle which complies with minimum Federal
     7     standards established by Federal regulation, all other
     8     requirements of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of
     9     1986 (Public Law 99-570, 49 U.S.C. app. § 2701 et seq.) and
    10     other requirements imposed under Federal regulation which are
    11     published by the department as a notice in the Pennsylvania
    12     Bulletin, as well as all requirements of this title or State
    13     regulation. The tests shall be prescribed and conducted by
    14     the department or its agents.
    15         (2)  The department may authorize a person, including an
    16     agency of this or another state, an employer, a private
    17     institution or association, or a department, agency or
    18     instrumentality of local government to administer the skills
    19     test specified by this section, provided:
    20             (i)  The test is the same as that which would
    21         otherwise be administered by the department.
    22             (ii)  The third party has entered into an agreement
    23         with the department.
    24     (b)  Waiver of test.--The department may establish procedures
    25  to waive the skills test specified in this section for a
    26  commercial driver's license applicant who meets the requirements
    27  of Federal regulations. If permitted by Federal regulation, the
    28  department's waiver procedures may waive the written test
    29  requirement for a commercial driver's license applicant holding
    30  a valid Class 2, 3 or 4 license.
    19890S1057B1248                 - 27 -

     1     (c)  Limitations on issuance of license.--A commercial
     2  driver's license or commercial driver learner's permit shall not
     3  be issued to a person while the person is subject to a
     4  disqualification from driving a commercial motor vehicle or
     5  while the person's driver's license is suspended, revoked or
     6  canceled in any state; nor shall a commercial driver's license
     7  be issued to a person who has a commercial driver's license
     8  issued by any other state unless the person first surrenders all
     9  such licenses, which shall be returned to the issuing state for
    10  cancellation.
    11     (d)  Commercial driver learner's permit.--The department
    12  shall issue a commercial driver learner's permit in accordance
    13  with section 1505 (relating to learners' permits). A commercial
    14  driver learner's permit is required for the addition of
    15  endorsements and the removal of restrictions established under
    16  this chapter, including those established by regulation.
    17  § 1608.  Nonresident CDL.
    18     (a)  Issuance of nonresident CDL.--The department may issue a
    19  nonresident CDL to a resident of a foreign jurisdiction if the
    20  United States Secretary of Transportation has determined that
    21  the commercial motor vehicle testing and licensing standards in
    22  the foreign jurisdiction do not meet the testing standards
    23  established in Federal regulations.
    24         (1)  The word "nonresident" shall appear on the face of
    25     the nonresident CDL.
    26         (2)  An applicant shall surrender any nonresident CDL
    27     issued by another state.
    28         (3)  Prior to issuing a nonresident CDL, the department
    29     shall establish the practical capability of revoking,
    30     suspending or canceling the nonresident CDL and disqualifying
    19890S1057B1248                 - 28 -

     1     the commercial motor vehicle driving privilege of that
     2     person.
     3     (b)  Other provisions applicable.--All provisions of this
     4  chapter applicable to the commercial driver's license for a
     5  resident of this Commonwealth, except the residency requirement,
     6  and all provisions of this title applicable to drivers' licenses
     7  shall be applicable to a nonresident CDL.
     8  § 1609.  Application for commercial driver's license.
     9     (a)  Contents of application.--The application for a
    10  commercial driver's license or commercial drivers learner's
    11  permit shall include the following:
    12         (1)  The full name and current residential address of the
    13     person.
    14         (2)  A physical description of the person, including sex,
    15     height and eye color.
    16         (3)  Date of birth.
    17         (4)  The applicant's Social Security number.
    18         (5)  The person's signature.
    19         (6)  Certifications, including those required by Federal
    20     regulations.
    21         (7)  Any other information required by the department.
    22     (b)  Change of name or address.--Whenever any person, after
    23  applying for or receiving a commercial driver's license or
    24  commercial driver learner's permit, moves from the address named
    25  in the application or in the driver's license or learner's
    26  permit issued, or when the name of the licensee or permittee is
    27  changed, such person shall within 15 days make application for a
    28  duplicate license. The duplicate shall be issued upon payment of
    29  the required fee and return of the original, or previous
    30  duplicate, license.
    19890S1057B1248                 - 29 -

     1     (c)  New residents.--No person who is a resident of this
     2  Commonwealth for 30 days shall drive a commercial motor vehicle
     3  under the authority of a commercial driver's license issued by
     4  another jurisdiction.
     5  § 1610.  Commercial driver's license.
     6     (a)  Content of license.--The commercial driver's license
     7  shall indicate "commercial driver's license" or "CDL" and shall
     8  include, but not be limited to, the following information:
     9         (1)  The name and residential address of the person.
    10         (2)  The person's color photograph or photographic
    11     facsimile.
    12         (3)  A physical description of the person, including sex,
    13     height and eye color.
    14         (4)  Date of birth.
    15         (5)  The license number assigned by the department.
    16         (6)  The person's signature or a facsimile of that
    17     signature.
    18         (7)  The class or type of commercial motor vehicle or
    19     vehicles which the person is authorized to drive, together
    20     with any endorsements or restrictions.
    21     (b)  Classifications, endorsements and restrictions.--
    22  Commercial drivers' licenses may be issued with the following
    23  classifications, endorsements and restrictions. The holder of a
    24  valid commercial driver's license may drive all vehicles in the
    25  class for which that license is issued and all lesser classes of
    26  vehicles except motorcycles. Vehicles requiring an endorsement
    27  may not be driven unless the proper endorsement appears on the
    28  license:
    29         (1)  Commercial driver classifications are Classes A, B
    30     and C, as set forth in section 1504 (relating to classes of
    19890S1057B1248                 - 30 -

     1     licenses).
     2         (2)  The following codes shall be used as required to
     3     describe the commercial driver's license endorsements and
     4     restrictions. Additional endorsements and restrictions may be
     5     added by regulation for use on the commercial driver's
     6     license:
     7             H - Authorizes the driver to operate a vehicle
     8                 transporting hazardous materials.
     9             K - Restricts the driver to vehicles not equipped
    10                 with airbrakes.
    11             N - Authorizes driving tank vehicles.
    12             P - Authorizes driving vehicles carrying passengers.
    13             S - Authorizes the driver to operate a school bus.
    14             T - Authorizes driving double and triple trailers.
    15             X - Represents a combination of hazardous materials
    16                 and tank vehicle endorsements.
    17     (c)  Applicant record check.--Before issuing a commercial
    18  driver's license, the department shall obtain driving record
    19  information through the Commercial Driver's License Information
    20  System and the National Driver Register.
    21     (d)  Notification of license issuance.--When the department
    22  has electronic access, but no later than March 31, 1992, the
    23  department, within ten days after issuing a commercial driver's
    24  license, shall notify the Commercial Driver's License
    25  Information System of that fact, providing all information
    26  required to ensure identification of the person.
    27     (e)  License renewal procedures.--When applying for renewal
    28  of a commercial driver's license, the applicant must complete
    29  the application form required by section 1609(a) (relating to
    30  application for commercial driver's license), providing current
    19890S1057B1248                 - 31 -

     1  and valid information and required certifications. If the
     2  applicant wishes to retain a hazardous materials endorsement,
     3  the written test for a hazardous materials endorsement must be
     4  taken and passed.
     5  § 1611.  Disqualification.
     6     (a)  Disqualification for first violation of certain
     7  offenses.--Upon receipt of a certified copy of conviction, the
     8  department shall, in addition to any other penalties imposed
     9  under this title, disqualify any person from driving a
    10  commercial motor vehicle for a period of one year for the first
    11  violation of:
    12         (1)  section 3731(i) (relating to driving under the
    13     influence of alcohol or controlled substance);
    14         (2)  section 3742 (relating to accidents involving death
    15     or personal injury), where the violation occurred while the
    16     person was driving a commercial motor vehicle;
    17         (3)  section 3743 (relating to accidents involving damage
    18     to attended vehicle or property), where the violation
    19     occurred while the person was driving a commercial motor
    20     vehicle;
    21         (4)  section 3745 (relating to accidents involving damage
    22     to unattended vehicle or property), where the violation
    23     occurred while the person was driving a commercial motor
    24     vehicle;
    25         (5)  any felony in the commission of which a court
    26     determines a commercial motor vehicle was essentially
    27     involved, except as described in subsection (e); or
    28         (6)  section 1606(b) (relating to requirement for
    29     commercial driver's license), while their driving privilege
    30     is suspended, revoked, canceled or recalled or while subject
    19890S1057B1248                 - 32 -

     1     to disqualification or in violation of an out-of-service
     2     order.
     3     (b)  Disqualification for offense while carrying hazardous
     4  materials.--The department shall disqualify any person from
     5  driving a commercial motor vehicle for three years if any of the
     6  offenses in subsection (a) occurred while transporting a
     7  hazardous material required to be placarded.
     8     (c)  Disqualification for two violations of certain
     9  offenses.--The department shall disqualify for life any person
    10  convicted of two or more violations of any of the offenses
    11  specified in subsection (a), or any combination of those
    12  offenses, arising from two or more separate and distinct
    13  incidents. Only offenses committed after the effective date of
    14  this chapter may be considered in applying this subsection.
    15     (d)  Mitigation of disqualification for life.--The department
    16  may issue regulations establishing guidelines, including
    17  conditions, under which a disqualification for life under
    18  subsection (b) may be reduced to a period of not less than ten
    19  years, if such reductions are permitted by Federal regulations.
    20     (e)  Disqualification for controlled substance offenses.--The
    21  department shall disqualify any person from driving a commercial
    22  motor vehicle for life who is convicted of using a commercial
    23  motor vehicle in the commission of any felony involving the
    24  manufacture, distribution or dispensing of a controlled
    25  substance, or possession with intent to manufacture, distribute
    26  or dispense a controlled substance. There shall be no exceptions
    27  or reductions to this disqualification for life.
    28     (f)  Disqualification for failure to have CDL.--The
    29  department shall disqualify any person from driving a commercial
    30  motor vehicle for six months upon receiving a certified record
    19890S1057B1248                 - 33 -

     1  of the person's conviction of violating section 1606(a), except
     2  as provided in section 1606(c)(8).
     3     (g)  Disqualification for serious traffic offenses.--The
     4  department shall disqualify any person from driving a commercial
     5  motor vehicle for a period of 60 days if convicted of two
     6  serious traffic violations, or 120 days if convicted of three
     7  serious traffic violations, committed in a commercial motor
     8  vehicle arising from separate and distinct incidents occurring
     9  within a three-year period.
    10     (h)  Disqualification for failure to pay civil penalty.--If a
    11  commercial motor vehicle licensee fails to pay a civil penalty
    12  under section 1604(d)(2) (relating to notification requirements
    13  for drivers), 1605(c)(2) (relating to employer responsibilities)
    14  or 1606(d)(2) or (10), the department shall disqualify the
    15  person from driving a commercial motor vehicle until payment is
    16  made.
    17     (i)  Conviction in Federal court or another state.--For
    18  purposes of the provisions of this section, a copy of a
    19  certified record of conviction or a copy of a certified record
    20  of administrative adjudication from a Federal court or another
    21  state for an offense essentially similar to those offenses which
    22  would result in disqualification in this section shall be
    23  treated by the department as if the conviction had occurred in
    24  this Commonwealth.
    25     (j)  Surrender of license.--Upon the disqualification of the
    26  commercial driving privilege of a person, the license shall be
    27  surrendered as provided in section 1540 (relating to surrender
    28  of license).
    29     (k)  Updating driving record.--After suspending, revoking,
    30  recalling or canceling a commercial driver's license, the
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     1  department shall update its records to reflect that action.
     2  After suspending, revoking, recalling or canceling a commercial
     3  driving privilege issued by another state, the department shall
     4  notify the licensing authority of the state which issued the
     5  commercial driver's license or nonresident commercial driver's
     6  license.
     7  § 1612.  Commercial drivers prohibited from operating with any
     8             alcohol in system.
     9     (a)  Offense defined.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
    10  this title, a person shall not drive, operate or be in physical
    11  control of a commercial motor vehicle while having any alcohol
    12  in his system.
    13     (b)  Penalty.--A person who violates subsection (a) commits a
    14  summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay
    15  a fine of $100. A person who drives, operates or is in physical
    16  control of a commercial motor vehicle while having alcohol in
    17  his system or who refuses to take a test to determine his
    18  alcohol content as provided by section 1613 (relating to implied
    19  consent requirements for commercial motor vehicle drivers) shall
    20  be placed out of service for 24 hours.
    21  § 1613.  Implied consent requirements for commercial motor
    22             vehicle drivers.
    23     (a)  Implied consent.--A person who drives a commercial motor
    24  vehicle in this Commonwealth is deemed to have given consent to
    25  take a test or tests of the person's breath, blood or urine for
    26  the purpose of determining the person's alcohol concentration or
    27  the presence of other controlled substances.
    28     (b)  Tests ordered by police officer.--A test or tests may be
    29  administered at the direction of a police officer who, after
    30  stopping or detaining the commercial motor vehicle driver, has
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     1  reasonable grounds to believe that the driver was driving a
     2  commercial motor vehicle while having any alcohol in his system.
     3     (c)  Warning against refusal.--A person requested to submit
     4  to a test as provided in subsection (a) shall be warned by the
     5  police officer requesting the test that refusal to submit to the
     6  test will result in the person's being disqualified from
     7  operating a commercial motor vehicle under subsection (e).
     8     (d)  Report on test refusal.--If the person refuses testing,
     9  the police officer shall submit a sworn report to the department
    10  certifying that the test was requested pursuant to subsection
    11  (a) and that the person refused to submit to testing.
    12     (e)  Disqualification for refusal.--Upon receipt of the sworn
    13  report of a police officer submitted under subsection (d), the
    14  department shall disqualify the driver from driving a commercial
    15  motor vehicle for a period of one year.
    16     (f)  Appeal of disqualification.--Any holder of a commercial
    17  driver's license who is disqualified under the provisions of
    18  this section from driving a commercial motor vehicle shall have
    19  the same right of appeal as provided for in cases of suspension.
    20  § 1614.  Notification of traffic convictions.
    21     After receiving a report of the conviction of any holder of a
    22  commercial driver's license issued by another state for
    23  violation of Chapter 15, 16, 17, 31, 33 or 37 committed in a
    24  commercial motor vehicle, the department shall notify the driver
    25  licensing authority in the licensing state of the conviction.
    26  § 1615.  Authority to enter agreements.
    27     The department may enter into or make agreements,
    28  arrangements or declarations to carry out the provisions of this
    29  chapter.
    30  § 1616.  Reciprocity.
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     1     Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a person may drive a
     2  commercial motor vehicle if the person has a commercial driver's
     3  license issued by any state, or any province or territory of
     4  Canada in accordance with the minimum Federal standards for the
     5  issuance of commercial motor vehicle drivers' licenses, if the
     6  person's operating privilege is not suspended, revoked or
     7  canceled and if the person is not disqualified from driving a
     8  commercial motor vehicle or subject to an out-of-service order.
     9  § 1617.  Fees.
    10     Fees relating to commercial drivers' licenses to be collected
    11  by the department under this chapter shall be in addition to any
    12  other fees imposed under the provisions of this title and are as
    13  follows:
    14         (1)  The annual fee for a commercial driver's license
    15     designation shall be $10.
    16         (2)  In addition to any other restoration fee required by
    17     this title, an additional restoration fee of $50 shall be
    18     assessed and collected before reinstating a commercial
    19     driver's operating privilege following a suspension or
    20     revocation under this title or disqualification under this
    21     chapter.
    22         (3)  If the commercial driving privilege of a driver is
    23     disqualified, a Class D license may be obtained upon payment
    24     of the fees associated with obtaining a duplicate license.
    25     Section 6.  Section 3714 of Title 75 is amended to read:
    26  § 3714.  [Reckless] Careless driving.
    27     Any person who drives a vehicle in careless disregard for the
    28  safety of persons or property is guilty of [reckless] careless
    29  driving, a summary offense.
    30     Section 7.  Section  3731 of Title 75 is amended by adding a
    19890S1057B1248                 - 37 -

     1  subsection to read:
     2  § 3731.  Driving under influence of alcohol or controlled
     3             substance.
     4     * * *
     5     (i)  Driving a commercial motor vehicle while under the
     6  influence of alcohol or controlled substance.--A person shall
     7  not drive, operate or be in physical control of the movement of
     8  any commercial vehicle while:
     9         (1)  under the influence of alcohol to a degree which
    10     renders the person incapable of safely driving a commercial
    11     motor vehicle;
    12         (2)  under the influence of any controlled substance as
    13     defined in section 1603 (relating to definitions) to a degree
    14     which renders the person incapable of safely driving a
    15     commercial motor vehicle;
    16         (3)  under the combined influence of alcohol and any
    17     controlled substance to a degree which renders the person
    18     incapable of safely driving a commercial motor vehicle; or
    19         (4)  the amount of alcohol by weight in the person's
    20     blood is 0.04% or more.
    21     Section 8.  Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
    22  § 3736.  Reckless driving.
    23     (a)  General rule.--Any person who drives any vehicle in
    24  willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or
    25  property is guilty of reckless driving.
    26     (b)  Penalty.--Any person who violates this section commits a
    27  summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay
    28  a fine of $200.
    29     Section 9.  Section 6146 of Title 75 is amended to read:
    30  § 6146.  Enforcement agreements.
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     1     The secretary may enter into agreements relating to
     2  enforcement of this title, including, but not limited to[,]:
     3         (1)  agreements to notify any state of violations
     4     incurred by residents of that state[,];
     5         (2)  agreements to suspend or revoke the operating
     6     privilege of Pennsylvania licensed drivers who are convicted
     7     in Federal Court or in another state of any offense
     8     essentially similar to those enumerated in [Subchapter B of
     9     Chapter 37 (relating to serious traffic offenses) and]
    10     section 1532(a) and (b) (relating to suspension or revocation
    11     of operating privilege);
    12         (3)  agreements to disqualify the commercial driving
    13     privilege of Pennsylvania-licensed drivers convicted in
    14     Federal Court or in another state of offenses essentially
    15     similar to those resulting in disqualification under section
    16     1611 (relating to disqualification);
    17         (4)  agreements to establish procedures for the seizure
    18     of suspended, revoked or disqualified drivers' licenses of
    19     residents of other states; and
    20         (5)  agreements to take measures to assure taking of
    21     chemical tests of breath, blood or urine and payment of fines
    22     or attendance at hearings by persons charged with these or
    23     other violations.
    24     Section 10.  Section 6323(2) of Title 75 is amended and the
    25  section is amended by adding a paragraph to read:
    26  § 6323.  Reports by courts.
    27     Subject to any inconsistent procedures and standards relating
    28  to reports and transmission of funds prescribed pursuant to
    29  Title 42 (relating to judiciary and judicial procedure):
    30         * * *
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     1         (2)  A record of the judgment shall also be forwarded to
     2     the department upon conviction or acquittal of a person of a
     3     felony, a misdemeanor of the first degree or a misdemeanor of
     4     the second degree in the commission of which the judge
     5     determines that a motor vehicle was essentially involved.
     6         * * *
     7         (4)  The record of judgment required to be sent to the
     8     department by subsections (1) and (2) shall indicate if the
     9     vehicle driven by the person was a commercial motor vehicle.
    10     Section 11.  Section 6501(a) of Title 75 is amended and the
    11  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    12  § 6501.  Definition of conviction.
    13     (a)  General rule.--For the purposes of this title, a
    14  conviction includes a plea of guilty, a plea of nolo contendere,
    15  a finding of guilty by a court or administrative proceeding, an
    16  adjudication of delinquency by a court or an unvacated
    17  forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure a
    18  defendant's appearance in court.
    19     * * *
    20     (c)  Certified record of convictions.--For the purpose of
    21  this title, a certified record of conviction includes a
    22  certified record of conviction from any Federal or state court
    23  and a certified record of administrative adjudication from any
    24  state. These records or copies of these records shall be
    25  admissible in any court of law without any need for further
    26  documentation.
    27     Section 12.  (a)  For purposes of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1606(a)
    28  (relating to requirement for commercial driver's license), a
    29  driver with a valid driver's license endorsed with Class 2, 3 or
    30  4 shall be considered a commercial driver until such time as
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     1  established by regulation.
     2     (b)  The Department of Transportation shall require
     3  applicants with valid Class 2, 3 or 4 learners' permits issued
     4  prior to the effective date of this act to take the examinations
     5  required by this act.
     6     (c)  The department shall send to a driver holding a valid
     7  Class 2, 3 or 4 license issued by the department which expires
     8  before April 1, 1992, an application for a commercial driver's
     9  license with his license renewal so that he may obtain a
    10  commercial driver's license under this act upon successfully
    11  meeting the requirements of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1607 (relating to
    12  commercial driver's license qualification standards) and payment
    13  of the required fees.
    14     (d)  The department shall send to a driver holding a valid
    15  Class 2, 3 or 4 driver's license issued by the department which
    16  expires after April 1, 1992, an application for a commercial
    17  driver's license which shall indicate that his Class 2, 3 or 4
    18  license shall expire on a date established by the department.
    19  Upon meeting the requirements of section 1607 and payment of the
    20  appropriate fees, the driver shall be issued a commercial
    21  driver's license.
    22     (e)  A driver with a valid Class 2, 3 or 4 license issued by
    23  the department, who for the third time fails either of the tests
    24  required for Class A, B or C under section 1607, must make an
    25  application for a commercial learner's permit in order to obtain
    26  a commercial driver's license. If a driver has not passed the
    27  Class A, B or C test by the expiration date established by the
    28  department, his Class 2, 3 or 4 license will no longer be valid
    29  and a Class D license will be issued.
    30     (f)  A driver holding a valid Class 1 driver's license issued
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     1  by the department which expires after April 1, 1992, shall be
     2  considered to be a Class D driver until expiration of the
     3  license.
     4     Section 13.  For the purpose of implementing the skill test
     5  requirements for all new commercial driver applicants and
     6  current drivers with a Class 2, 3 or 4 license, the Department
     7  of Transportation shall initiate a testing program, which meets
     8  Federal minimum standards for commercial driver testing, on
     9  November 7, 1989.
    10     Section 14.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    11         (1)  Section 5 (sections 1604(d), 1605(c), 1606(c) and
    12     (d), 1611, 1612 and 1613) shall take effect April 1, 1992.
    13         (2)  Section 5 (section 1610(c)) shall take effect when
    14     the Department of Transportation has access to the Commercial
    15     Driver's License Information System, but no later than April
    16     1, 1992.
    17         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect November
    18     1, 1990.

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