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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1345



No. 1060 Session of 2001

           OCTOBER 1, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 17, 1961 (P.L.659, No.339), entitled
     2     "An act relating to bituminous coal mines; amending,
     3     revising, consolidating and changing the laws relating
     4     thereto; providing for the health and safety of persons
     5     employed in and about the bituminous coal mines of
     6     Pennsylvania and for the protection and preservation of
     7     property connected therewith; prescribing powers and duties
     8     in connection therewith; prescribing penalties; and repealing
     9     existing laws," further providing for certificates of
    10     qualification as mine foremen, mine electricians, assistant
    11     mine foremen, mine examiners and miners; and providing for
    12     safety precautions on coal stockpiles.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Sections 206 and 212 of the act of July 17, 1961
    16  (P.L.659, No.339), known as the Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal
    17  Mine Act, are amended by adding subsections to read:
    18     Section 206.  Qualifications for Certification.--* * *
    19     (h)  A certificate of qualification as mine foremen, mine
    20  electrician, assistant mine foreman or mine examiner shall be
    21  issued by the department to individuals possessing a comparable
    22  certificate from another state, provided that:

     1     (1)  The individual demonstrates that the individual meets
     2  the appropriate experience requirements of this act.
     3     (2)  The other state recognizes the comparable certificate
     4  issued by the department.
     5     (3)  The requirements for certification in the other state
     6  are substantially equivalent to those of this act.
     7     (4)  The individual shall, within one week's notice after
     8  submitting an application, take and pass a test prepared by the
     9  board of examiners addressing knowledge of Pennsylvania law with
    10  a grade equal to that required for the certification sought as
    11  set out in the appropriate sections of this act.
    12     (i)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (h), an
    13  individual who has had his certification revoked for any reason
    14  by any state shall not be eligible for certification by the
    15  department until two years after the certification was revoked.
    16  A certificate issued under subsection (h) is automatically
    17  suspended upon final revocation of a certificate in the state
    18  where certification was originally granted and which was used as
    19  a basis for reciprocal certification.
    20     Section 212.  Qualifications for Certification as Miners.--
    21  Miners shall be examined and granted certificates by the
    22  district board of examiners or the mine inspector in the
    23  district under such rules and regulations as the secretary shall
    24  prescribe.
    25     * * *
    26     (d)  A certificate of qualification as a miner shall be
    27  issued by the department to individuals possessing a comparable
    28  certificate from another state, provided that:
    29     (1)  The individual demonstrates that the individual meets
    30  the requirement of at least one year of practical experience in
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     1  an underground coal mine.
     2     (2)  The other state recognizes the comparable certificate
     3  issued by the department.
     4     (3)  The requirements for certification in the other state
     5  are substantially equivalent to those of this act.
     6     (e)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d), an
     7  individual who has had his certification revoked for any reason
     8  by any state shall not be eligible for certification by the
     9  department until one year after the certification was revoked. A
    10  certificate issued under subsection (d) is automatically
    11  suspended upon final revocation of a certificate in the state
    12  where certification was originally granted and which was used as
    13  a basis for reciprocal certification.
    14     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    15     Section 299.8.  Safety Precautions on Coal Stockpiles.--The
    16  following requirements shall apply to all surface coal
    17  stockpiles with draw-off tunnel feeders underneath the coal
    18  storage area of the stockpile which discharge onto a conveyor
    19  belt and where there is a chance of mobile equipment being
    20  submerged in a cavity created by a feeder beneath the stockpile:
    21     (1)  An individual may not operate mobile equipment on a coal
    22  stockpile or coal storage area directly over areas where
    23  underlying coal feeders are in place without a plan approving
    24  such activity by the Director of the Bureau of Deep Mine Safety
    25  or the director's authorized representative. The plan shall be
    26  submitted by the operator or the independent contractor
    27  performing the work and shall be reviewed with all individuals
    28  prior to work being done. A record shall be kept of such review.
    29     (2)  The plan shall outline procedures to protect the health
    30  and safety of those who may operate mobile equipment on a coal
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     1  stockpile or coal storage area directly over areas where
     2  underlying active coal feeders are in place. The minimum
     3  criteria for approval of the plan shall include:
     4     (i)  The mobile equipment shall be equipped with an enclosed
     5  cab, and doors and windows shall be closed and secured at all
     6  times the equipment is in operation. Within six months after the
     7  effective date of this section, all mobile equipment manually
     8  operated on coal stockpiles, where there is a potential of the
     9  mobile equipment becoming submerged in a cavity, shall be
    10  equipped with an enclosed cab fitted with a window support
    11  system that would enhance the protection afforded beyond that
    12  provided by the glass and window supports normally supplied with
    13  new mobile equipment at the time of the effective date of this
    14  section. Any window support system accepted or approved for such
    15  use by MSHA, any State agency charged with responsibility for
    16  mine safety and health, or a nationally recognized independent
    17  testing laboratory shall be deemed as complying with this
    18  requirement.
    19     (ii)  The mobile equipment shall have two-way communications
    20  and a backup communication system supplied on an independent
    21  power source. Either system may include portable radios in the
    22  cab.
    23     (iii)  The mobile equipment cab shall be provided with two
    24  self-contained self-rescuers.
    25     (iv)  The mobile equipment cab shall have a remote control
    26  device located in the cab capable of stopping the flow of coal
    27  from the feeder and stopping the coal coming onto the stockpile.
    28  This device shall be tested weekly.
    29     (v)  The mobile equipment shall have a means of providing
    30  emergency lighting to the mobile equipment operator in the cab.
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     1     (vi)  A warning sign shall be posted at the entrance to a
     2  coal stockpile with an underlying coal feeder.
     3     (3)  An individual may not travel on foot directly over areas
     4  of coal stockpiles where underlying feeders are in place except
     5  on an emergency basis and only under direct supervision, in
     6  which case the individual shall be secured by an overhead
     7  lifeline, and feeders shall be locked and tagged out.
     8     (4)  The operator shall establish rules for the safe
     9  procedures for breaking through cavities and for marking the
    10  feeder areas on the surface. A copy of the rules shall be
    11  submitted to the Director of the Bureau of Deep Mine Safety for
    12  approval. A copy of the approved rules shall be posted at the
    13  mine site, and all individuals who perform such work shall be
    14  instructed in these procedures.
    15     (5)  Telephone or equivalent two-way communications shall be
    16  established between mobile equipment operators working on
    17  stockpiles and those individuals who are operating conveyors,
    18  feeders and hoppers at storage piles, where more than one
    19  individual performs these duties, in order to keep such mobile
    20  equipment operators advised of the possibility of bridged
    21  material over a cavity in the stockpile. Regular contact at
    22  intervals not to exceed thirty minutes shall be maintained
    23  between the mobile equipment operator and an individual not
    24  operating on the stockpile.
    25     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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