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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1273



No. 1081 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of October 27, 1955 (P.L.744, No.222),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act prohibiting certain practices
     3     of discrimination because of race, color, religious creed,
     4     ancestry, age or national origin by employers, employment
     5     agencies, labor organizations and others as herein defined;
     6     creating the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission in the
     7     Department of Labor and Industry; defining its functions,
     8     powers and duties; providing for procedure and enforcement;
     9     providing for formulation of an educational program to
    10     prevent prejudice; providing for judicial review and
    11     enforcement and imposing penalties," providing for
    12     compensatory damages.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Section 4 of the act of October 27, 1955
    16  (P.L.744, No.222), known as the Pennsylvania Human Relations
    17  Act, is amended by adding a clause to read:
    18     Section 4.  Definitions.--As used in this act unless a
    19  different meaning clearly appears from the context:
    20     * * *
    21     (t)  The term "compensatory damages" means such actual
    22  pecuniary damages as are reasonably incurred by a bona fide
    23  complainant as a result of any act declared by this act to be an

     1  unlawful discriminatory practice, and in accordance with such
     2  standards as the Commission shall, from time to time, adopt and
     3  publish. Damages shall include, but not be limited to, back pay,
     4  front pay, loss of work, personal time loss for matters
     5  involving the complaint, depreciation of major goods or
     6  equipment, and out-of-pocket expenses or indebtedness for
     7  employment agency fees, real estate agency fees, cost of
     8  obtaining suitable alternate housing or commercial
     9  accommodations, storage of goods and effects, moving costs,
    10  travel expenses, required purchases of material and services
    11  (excluding motor vehicles), physical damages to goods or
    12  effects, medical or psychological expenses, and reasonable
    13  attorney and other legal fees and costs, and compound interest
    14  thereon at the maximum rates allowed by the Department of
    15  Banking for savings and loan associations.
    16     Section 2.  Section 9(f) of the act, amended December 16,
    17  1986 (P.L.1626, No.186), is amended to read:
    18     Section 9.  Procedure.--* * *
    19     (f)  If, upon all the evidence at the hearing, the Commission
    20  shall find that a respondent has engaged in or is engaging in
    21  any unlawful discriminatory practice as defined in this act, the
    22  Commission shall state its findings of fact, and shall issue and
    23  cause to be served on such respondent an order requiring such
    24  respondent to cease and desist from such unlawful discriminatory
    25  practice and to take such affirmative action, including, but not
    26  limited to, reimbursement of certifiable travel expenses in
    27  matters involving the complaint, not to exceed fifty dollars
    28  ($50), compensation for loss of work in matters involving the
    29  complaint, not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200), an award of
    30  compensatory damages, hiring, reinstatement or upgrading of
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     1  employes, with or without back pay, admission or restoration to
     2  membership in any respondent labor organization, the making of
     3  reasonable accommodations, or selling or leasing specified
     4  housing accommodations or commercial property upon such equal
     5  terms and conditions and with such equal facilities, services
     6  and privileges or lending money, whether or not secured by
     7  mortgage or otherwise for the acquisition, construction,
     8  rehabilitation, repair or maintenance of housing accommodations
     9  or commercial property, upon such equal terms and conditions to
    10  any person discriminated against or all persons as, in the
    11  judgment of the Commission, will effectuate the purposes of this
    12  act, and including a requirement for report of the manner of
    13  compliance. When the respondent is a licensee of the
    14  Commonwealth, the Commission shall inform the appropriate State
    15  licensing authority of the order with the request that the
    16  licensing authority take such action as it deems appropriate
    17  against such licensee. An appeal from the Commission's order
    18  shall act as a supersedeas and stay such action by the State
    19  licensing authority until a final decision on said appeal. If,
    20  upon all the evidence, the Commission shall find that a
    21  respondent has not engaged in any such unlawful discriminatory
    22  practice, the Commission shall state its findings of fact, and
    23  shall issue and cause to be served on the complainant an order
    24  dismissing the said complaint as to such respondent.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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