See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1326



No. 1097 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
     2     approval of the Governor, to sell and convey to Transitional
     3     Housing and Care Center of Columbia and Montour Counties
     4     certain land and a building, referred to as the Gatehouse,
     5     situate on Danville State Hospital, Montour County.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Conveyance at Danville State Hospital, Montour
     9                 County.
    10     (a)  Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
    11  the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of
    12  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to grant and convey to
    13  Transitional Housing and Care Center of Columbia and Montour
    14  Counties the tract of land and building, referred to as the
    15  Gatehouse, described in subsection (b), for fair consideration
    16  based on a fair market value as determined by an independent
    17  appraisal.
    18     (b)  Description.--The property to be conveyed pursuant to
    19  subsection (a) is the following tract of land and building

     1  situate on Danville State Hospital, Montour County bounded and
     2  described as follows:
     3     BEGINNING at a point on the northerly edge of the macadam on
     4  an access road, said point being North 18 degrees 19 minutes 56
     5  seconds West 122.66 feet from a point in the centerline
     6  intersection of another macadam access road and existing
     7  railroad tracks; thence along the northerly edge of the macadam
     8  on the first mentioned access road, North 42 degrees 42 minutes
     9  48 seconds West, a distance of 650.73 feet to a point; thence
    10  passing through a rebar set on line 5.00 feet from the last
    11  mentioned corner, North 46 degrees 38 minutes 57 seconds East, a
    12  distance of 195.62 feet to a rebar set; thence passing through a
    13  rebar set on line 5.00 feet from the next mentioned corner,
    14  South 43 degrees 18 minutes 25 seconds East, a distance of
    15  332.45 feet to a point on a curve on the westerly edge of the
    16  macadam on another access road; thence along the westerly edge
    17  of the macadam on said access road and along a curve to the left
    18  having a radius of 182.19 feet, arc length of 113.80 feet, delta
    19  angle of 35 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds, a chord bearing of
    20  South 14 degrees 24 minutes 38 seconds West, and a chord length
    21  of 111.96 feet to a point; thence along the same and along a
    22  curve to the left having a radius of 100.32 feet, arc length of
    23  57.92 feet, delta angle of 33 degrees 04 minutes 44 seconds, a
    24  chord bearing of South 15 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds East,
    25  and a chord length of 57.12 feet to a point; thence along the
    26  same, South 23 degrees 46 minutes 43 seconds East, a distance of
    27  120.26 feet to a point; thence along the same, South 24 degrees
    28  20 minutes 09 seconds East, a distance of 100.60 feet to a point
    29  of curve; thence the same and along a curve to the right having
    30  a radius of 4.87 feet, arc length of 9.84 feet, delta angle of
    19990S1097B1326                  - 2 -

     1  115 degrees 51 minutes 53 seconds, a chord bearing of South 49
     2  degrees 47 minutes 15 seconds West, a chord length of 8.25 feet
     3  to the place of BEGINNING.
     4     CONTAINING 2.000 acres of land in all.
     5     (c)  Easements.--The conveyance shall be made under and
     6  subject to any and all easements for utilities which cross said
     7  property, including, but not limited to, streets, roadways and
     8  rights of any storm sewer, electric service, potable water
     9  service and a sanitary sewer lateral, as well as under and
    10  subject to any interest, estates or tenancies vested in third
    11  persons appearing of record, for any portion of the land or
    12  improvements erected thereon.
    13     (d)  Execution.--The deed of conveyance shall be approved as
    14  provided by law and shall be executed by the Secretary of
    15  General Services in the name of the Commonwealth of
    16  Pennsylvania. In the event this property is not conveyed to
    17  Transitional Housing and Care Center of Columbia and Montour
    18  Counties within 12 months of the effective date of this act, at
    19  the discretion of the Secretary of General Services, the
    20  property shall be offered for sale through auction, sealed bid
    21  or request for proposal, under the terms of the act of April 9,
    22  1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of
    23  1929, and conditions in section 2405-A of The Administrative
    24  Code of 1929 authorizing the sale of the herein noted property
    25  to Transitional Housing and Care Center of Columbia and Montour
    26  Counties shall automatically cease and become null and void.
    27     (e)  Costs.--All other costs and fees, including, but not
    28  limited to, appraisal fees, title insurance and surveys,
    29  incidental to this conveyance shall be borne by the Grantee.
    30  Section 2.  Effective date.
    19990S1097B1326                  - 3 -

     1     This act shall take effect immediately.

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