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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1400



No. 1120 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for emergency tuition assistance to employees who were
     2     laid off or terminated due to a terroristic act; and imposing
     3     powers and duties on the Pennsylvania Emergency Management
     4     Agency.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Displaced
     9  Workers Tuition and Fees Assistance Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
    15  Agency created by the act of August 7, 1963 (P.L.549, No.290),
    16  referred to as the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
    17  Agency Act.
    18     "Community college."  A public college or technical institute

     1  which is established and operated under Article XIX-A of the act
     2  of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School
     3  Code of 1949, and all branches or campuses of a community
     4  college.
     5     "Employee."  A resident of this Commonwealth who:
     6         (1)  is or was employed at a facility or business located
     7     in this Commonwealth or whose employment was principally
     8     localized in this Commonwealth; and
     9         (2)  was laid off or terminated due to the direct or
    10     indirect effects of a terroristic act and not for just cause.
    11     "State-owned institution."  An institution which is part of
    12  the State System of Higher Education under Article XX-A of the
    13  act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public
    14  School Code of 1949, and all branches and campuses of a State-
    15  owned institution.
    16     "State-related institution."  The Pennsylvania State
    17  University, the University of Pittsburgh, Temple University, the
    18  Pennsylvania College of Technology and Lincoln University.
    19     "Terroristic act."  An act which:
    20         (1)  causes substantial damage to individuals or
    21     property; and
    22         (2)  is declared to be a terroristic act by the
    23     Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency on the basis of
    24     targeting of institutions or citizens of the United States or
    25     of this Commonwealth.
    26     "Tuition and fees."  The instructional charge and any other
    27  fee established by the governing board of a community college
    28  for Commonwealth residents attending the community college or
    29  the instructional fee established by the Board of Governors of
    30  the State System of Higher Education for Commonwealth residents
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     1  attending State-owned institutions. The term includes tuition
     2  and fees set by the respective governing bodies of the State-
     3  related institutions.
     4  Section 3.  Assistance for tuition and fees.
     5     (a)  Assistance.--Within 90 days of the declaration of a
     6  terroristic act, the agency may provide assistance for tuition
     7  and fees to any employee who was enrolled in a community
     8  college, State-owned institution or State-related institution or
     9  who enrolls in a community college, State-owned institution or
    10  State-related institution.
    11     (b)  Amount and duration.--If the agency provides assistance
    12  pursuant to subsection (a), it shall determine the amount and
    13  duration of tuition and fees assistance to be provided; but in
    14  no case may the amount be less than 50% of the total amount of
    15  tuition and fees an employee incurs or would incur for the
    16  academic year for which assistance is being provided.
    17     (c)  Other grants.--The agency shall not reduce the amount of
    18  other agency grants or aid for which the employee qualifies on
    19  account of the employee's eligibility for or receipt of grants
    20  under this act.
    21  Section 10.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect immediately.

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