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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1371



No. 1122 Session of 1989

           FATTAH AND ANDREZESKI, JUNE 28, 1989

        REFERRED TO FINANCE, JUNE 28, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," further providing for employment incentive
    11     payments.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 1701-A(f), (g) and (h) of the act of
    15  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of
    16  1971, added December 19, 1985 (P.L.356, No.102), are amended to
    17  read:
    18     Section 1701-A.  Employment Incentive Payments.--* * *
    19     (f)  The total amount of employment incentive payments
    20  authorized by this section shall not exceed twenty-five million
    21  dollars ($25,000,000) in any fiscal year. To insure that credits
    22  are not claimed in excess of this amount, an employer may claim

     1  the incentive payments only upon presentation of an authorizing
     2  certificate. Certificates will be issued to the [employe]
     3  employer by the Department of Public Welfare upon presentation
     4  to the Department of Public Welfare of evidence of a qualifying
     5  offer of employment. [The] If necessary to avoid certificate
     6  issuances in excess of the maximum authorized amount for any
     7  fiscal year, the department shall advise the Department of
     8  Public Welfare of the total number of certificates which may be
     9  issued in each calendar quarter [consistent with the limitation
    10  on total incentive payments. If an employe does not accept the
    11  job for which the certificate is authorized, the certificate
    12  shall be returned by the employe to the Department of Public
    13  Welfare. If an employe terminates employment for any reason
    14  prior to the expiration of three years, the employer shall
    15  return the certificate, noting the date of the employe's hiring
    16  and termination, to the department]. The Department of Public
    17  Welfare may issue certificates through the Office of Employment
    18  Security and may promulgate regulations to allocate
    19  certificates.
    20     (g)  Employment incentive payments shall not be available for
    21  employes hired after June 30, [1989] 1993, unless reenacted by
    22  the General Assembly. Not later than [July 1, 1986] September 1,
    23  1990, and [July] September 1 each year thereafter, the
    24  Department of Public Welfare shall report to the General
    25  Assembly on the effectiveness of incentive payments to encourage
    26  the employment of cash assistance recipients and recommend
    27  whether changes are needed in the program and whether the
    28  program should be continued. The report shall contain
    29  information, including the number of authorizing certificates
    30  issued by the Department of Public Welfare, the number of
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     1  authorizing certificates [returned because the welfare recipient
     2  did not accept the job, the number of certificates returned
     3  because the employe left employment voluntarily, the number
     4  returned because the employe became disabled and the number
     5  returned because the employe was terminated from employment for
     6  cause. The report shall also contain the number and dollar
     7  amounts of first, second and third year tax credits claimed by
     8  employers in each tax year] accepted by the Department of
     9  Revenue from employers as evidence of qualified hires, the
    10  number and dollar amounts of [first, second and third year] tax
    11  credits approved by the Department of Revenue in each tax year,
    12  [the length of time employes retained their jobs, the types of
    13  jobs obtained,] the average hourly starting wage of employes
    14  hired and the category of assistance received previously by
    15  employes hired. The report shall also include an analysis of
    16  [the types of businesses which have been issued authorizing
    17  certificates during the tax year, and] the types of businesses
    18  identified as either corporations or individuals or partnerships
    19  which have had tax credits approved by the Department of Revenue
    20  [by category of business] and the types of employment positions
    21  into which employes have been hired as indicated by Standard
    22  [Industrial] Occupational Classification Codes [and by size of
    23  business as indicated by the number of employes, and a
    24  discussion of]. The report shall describe outreach and publicity
    25  efforts by the Department of Public Welfare. The report shall
    26  contain similar information about the day care tax credit
    27  authorized in subsection (c)(2). Credits may be claimed against
    28  taxes payable for tax years beginning January 1, [1986] 1989,
    29  and thereafter, and may be claimed for employes hired on or
    30  after January 1, [1986] 1989.
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     1     [(h)  This section shall be deemed to be a continuation of
     2  the employment incentive payment program authorized heretofore
     3  by section 491 of the "Public Welfare Code."]
     4     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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