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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1582



No. 1122 Session of 2006

           ERICKSON AND STACK, MARCH 17, 2006


                                     AN ACT

     1  Banning the disposal of all computer and electronic equipment in
     2     landfills; providing for the recycling of electronic waste;
     3     creating the Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Account;
     4     and providing for penalties.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Computer and
     9  Electronic Equipment Disposal and Recycling Act.
    10  Section 2.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    12  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     "Account."  The Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling
    15  Account created pursuant to section 7.
    16     "Authorized collector."  Any of the following:
    17         (1)  A political subdivision of the Commonwealth that
    18     collects covered electronic devices.

     1         (2)  A person or entity that is required or authorized by
     2     a political subdivision of the Commonwealth to collect
     3     covered electronic devices pursuant to the terms of a
     4     contract, license, permit or other written authorization.
     5         (3)  A nonprofit organization that collects or accepts
     6     covered electronic devices.
     7         (4)  A manufacturer or agent of the manufacturer that
     8     collects, consolidates and transports covered electronic
     9     devices for recycling from consumers, businesses,
    10     institutions and other generators.
    11         (5)  Any entity that collects, handles, consolidates and
    12     transports covered electronic devices.
    13     "Consumer."  A purchaser or owner of a covered electronic
    14  device. The term also includes a business, corporation, limited
    15  partnership, nonprofit organization or governmental entity. The
    16  term does not include an entity involved in a wholesale
    17  transaction between a distributor and retailer or a manufacturer
    18  who purchases specialty or medical electronic equipment that is
    19  a covered electronic device.
    20     "Covered electronic device."  A cathode ray tube, cathode ray
    21  tube device, flat panel screen or any other similar video
    22  display device with a screen size that is greater than four
    23  inches in size measured diagonally and which the department
    24  determines, when discarded or disposed, would be a hazardous
    25  waste. The term does not include an automobile or a large piece
    26  of commercial or industrial equipment, including commercial
    27  medical equipment, that contains a cathode ray tube, cathode ray
    28  tube device, flat panel screen or other similar video display
    29  device that is contained within and is not separate from the
    30  larger piece of industrial or commercial equipment.
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     1     "Covered electronic waste" or "covered e-waste."  A covered
     2  electronic device that is discarded or disposed.
     3     "Covered electronic waste recycler" or "covered e-waste
     4  recycler."  Any of the following:
     5         (1)  A person who engages in the manual or mechanical
     6     separation of covered electronic devices to recover
     7     components and commodities contained therein for the purpose
     8     of reuse or recycling.
     9         (2)  A person who changes the physical or chemical
    10     composition of a covered electronic device by deconstructing,
    11     size reduction, crushing, cutting, sawing, compacting,
    12     shredding or refining for purposes of segregating components,
    13     for purposes of recovering or recycling those components, and
    14     who arranges for the transport of those components to an end
    15     user.
    16         (3)  A manufacturer who meets any conditions established
    17     by this act for the collection or recycling of covered
    18     electronic waste.
    19     "Covered electronic waste recycling fee" or "covered e-waste
    20  recycling fee."  The fee imposed pursuant to this act.
    21     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    22  the Commonwealth.
    23     "Distributor."  A person who sells a covered electronic
    24  device to a retailer.
    25     "Electronic waste recovery payment."  An amount established
    26  and paid by the department pursuant to this act.
    27     "Electronic waste recycling payment."  A payment made by the
    28  department to an authorized collector of covered electronic
    29  waste pursuant to this act.
    30     "Manufacturer."  Any of the following:
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     1         (1)  A person who manufactures a covered electronic
     2     device sold in this Commonwealth.
     3         (2)  A person who sells a covered electronic device in
     4     this Commonwealth under a person's brand name.
     5     "Medical electronic equipment."  Includes radiotherapy
     6  equipment, cardiology equipment, dialysis equipment, pulmonary
     7  ventilators, nuclear medicine equipment, laboratory equipment
     8  for in-vitro diagnosis, analyzers and freezers.
     9     "Retailer."  A person who sells a covered electronic device
    10  in this Commonwealth to a consumer but who did not manufacture
    11  the device. The term includes a manufacturer of a covered
    12  electronic device who sells that covered electronic device
    13  directly to a consumer through any means, including transactions
    14  conducted through sales outlets, catalogs or the Internet, or
    15  any other similar electronic means, but does not include a sale
    16  that is a wholesale transaction with a distributor or retailer.
    17     "Sell" or "sale."  Any transfer for consideration of title or
    18  of the right to use, by lease or sales contract, including
    19  transactions conducted through sales outlets, catalogs or the
    20  Internet, or any other similar electronic means, but does not
    21  include a wholesale transaction with a distributor or a
    22  retailer.
    23     "Specialty electronic equipment."  Includes smoke detectors,
    24  heating regulators and thermostats.
    25  Section 3.  Disposal banned.
    26     (a)  Promulgation.--The department may promulgate rules and
    27  regulations banning the disposal of all computer and electronic
    28  equipment in landfills beginning on January 1, 2008.
    29     (b)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    30  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
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     1  subsection:
     2     "Computer."  A programmable electronic machine that performs
     3  high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles,
     4  stores, correlates or otherwise processes information.
     5     "Electronic item containing an intact or broken cathode ray
     6  tube."  An electronic item containing a cathode ray tube
     7  includes a television, computer monitor or any other cathode ray
     8  tube monitor or display device.
     9     "Electronics."  Devices utilizing electrons and electric
    10  circuits, including household appliances, televisions, recording
    11  and playing devices for music or video tapes, compact discs, and
    12  digital technology.
    13  Section 4.  Covered electronic waste recycling fee.
    14     (a)  Imposition.--On and after July 1, 2006, a covered
    15  electronic waste recycling fee is imposed upon the first sale in
    16  this Commonwealth of a covered electronic device to a consumer
    17  by a retailer.
    18     (b)  Amount.--A retailer that sells a covered electronic
    19  device to a consumer shall collect the fee imposed under
    20  subsection (a) for each covered electronic device sold by the
    21  retailer in the following amounts:
    22         (1)  Six dollars for each covered electronic device with
    23     a screen size of less than 15 inches measured diagonally.
    24         (2)  Eight dollars for each covered electronic device
    25     with a screen size greater than or equal to 15 inches but
    26     less than 35 inches measured diagonally.
    27         (3)  Ten dollars for each covered electronic device with
    28     a screen size greater than or equal to 35 inches measured
    29     diagonally.
    30     (c)  Deposit.--The electronic waste recycling fee collected
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     1  pursuant to this section shall be transmitted to the department
     2  in a manner as determined by the department. The covered
     3  electronic waste recycling fees shall be deposited in the
     4  account.
     5     (d)  Retainment.--A retailer selling a covered electronic
     6  device may retain 3% of the covered electronic waste recycling
     7  fee as reimbursement for any costs associated with the
     8  collection of the fee.
     9     (e)  On and after July 1, 2006, and at least once every two
    10  years thereafter, the department shall review, at a public
    11  hearing, the covered electronic waste recycling fee and shall
    12  make any adjustments to the fee to ensure that there are
    13  sufficient revenues in the account to fund the covered
    14  electronic waste recycling program established pursuant to this
    15  chapter. The department shall base any adjustment of the covered
    16  electronic waste recycling fee on both of the following factors:
    17         (1)  The sufficiency, and any surplus, of revenues in the
    18     account to fund the collection, consolidation and recycling
    19     of 100% of the covered electronic waste that is projected to
    20     be recycled.
    21         (2)  The sufficiency of revenues in the account for the
    22     department to administer, enforce and promote the program
    23     established pursuant to this act, plus a prudent reserve not
    24     to exceed 5% of the amount in the account.
    25  Section 5.  Manufacturer responsibility.
    26     (a)  Compliance.--On and after July 1, 2006, it shall be
    27  unlawful to sell a covered electronic device to a consumer in
    28  this Commonwealth unless the department determines that the
    29  manufacturer of that covered electronic device demonstrates
    30  compliance with this act.
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     1     (b)  Labeling.--On and after January 1, 2006, a person may
     2  not sell or offer for sale in this Commonwealth a covered
     3  electronic device unless the device is labeled with the name of
     4  the manufacturer or the manufacturer's brand label so that it is
     5  readily visible.
     6     (c)  Duties.--On or before July 1, 2007, and at least once
     7  annually thereafter as determined by the department, each
     8  manufacturer of a covered electronic device who sells those
     9  devices in this Commonwealth shall do all of the following:
    10         (1)  Submit to the department a report that includes all
    11     of the following information:
    12             (i)  An estimate of the number of covered electronic
    13         devices sold by the manufacturer in this Commonwealth
    14         during the previous year.
    15             (ii)  A baseline or set of baselines that show the
    16         total estimated amounts of mercury, cadmium, lead,
    17         hexavalent chromium, PBDEs and PBBs used in covered
    18         electronic devices manufactured by the manufacturer in
    19         that year and the reduction in the use of those hazardous
    20         materials from the previous year.
    21             (iii)  A baseline or set of baselines that show the
    22         total estimated amount of recycled materials contained in
    23         covered electronic devices sold by the manufacturer in
    24         that year and the increase in the use of those recyclable
    25         materials from the previous year.
    26             (iv)  A baseline or a set of baselines that describe
    27         any efforts to design covered electronic devices for
    28         recycling and goals and plans for further increasing
    29         design for recycling.
    30         (2)  Make information available to consumers that
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     1     describes where and how to return, recycle and dispose of the
     2     covered electronic device and opportunities and locations for
     3     the collection or return of the device through the use of a
     4     toll-free telephone number, Internet website, information
     5     labeled on the device, information included in the packaging
     6     or information accompanying the sale of a covered electronic
     7     device.
     8     (b)  Protection of information.--Any information submitted to
     9  the department pursuant to subsection (a) that is proprietary in
    10  nature or a trade secret shall be subject to protection under
    11  State laws and regulations governing that information.
    12     (c)  Information.--On or before April 1, 2006, a manufacturer
    13  shall inform the retailer if a covered electronic device sold by
    14  that manufacturer is subject to the covered electronic waste
    15  recycling fee established pursuant to this act.
    16  Section 6.  Administration.
    17     (a)  Applicability.--The imposition of a covered electronic
    18  waste recycling fee is a matter of Statewide interest and
    19  concern and is applicable uniformly throughout this
    20  Commonwealth. A political subdivision or other public agency may
    21  not adopt, implement or enforce an ordinance, resolution,
    22  regulation or rule requiring a consumer, manufacturer or
    23  retailer to recycle covered electronic devices or imposing a
    24  covered electronic waste recycling fee upon a manufacturer,
    25  retailer or consumer unless expressly authorized under this act.
    26     (b)  Solid or household hazardous waste.--Nothing in this
    27  section shall prohibit the adoption, implementation or
    28  enforcement of any local ordinance, resolution, regulation or
    29  rule governing curbside or drop-off recycling programs operated
    30  by or pursuant to a contract with a political subdivision or
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     1  other public agency, including any action relating to fees for
     2  these programs. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
     3  affect any contract, franchise, permit, license or other
     4  arrangement regarding the collection or recycling of solid waste
     5  or household hazardous waste.
     6     (c)  Civil penalty.--The following civil penalties may be
     7  imposed by the department:
     8         (1)  A civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $5,000
     9     per offense for each sale of a covered electronic device for
    10     which a covered electronic waste recycling fee has not been
    11     paid pursuant to this act.
    12         (2)  A civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $25,000
    13     against manufacturers for failure to comply with this act,
    14     except as otherwise provided in subsection (a).
    15  Section 7.  Financial provisions.
    16     (a)  Creation.--The Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling
    17  Account is created as a restricted account in the State
    18  Treasury.
    19     (b)  Deposit.--The department shall deposit all fees or fines
    20  collected under this act into the account. The funds in the
    21  account may be expended by the department, upon appropriation by
    22  the General Assembly, for the following purposes:
    23         (1)  To make electronic waste recovery payments to an
    24     authorized collector of covered electronic waste pursuant to
    25     this act.
    26         (2)  To make electronic waste recycling payments to
    27     covered electronic waste recyclers of covered electronic
    28     waste pursuant to this act.
    29         (3)  To provide for costs of the department to administer
    30     this act.
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     1     (c)  Interest.--Any interest earned upon funds in the account
     2  shall be deposited in the account for expenditure pursuant to
     3  this act.
     4     (d)  Education.--Not more than 1% of the funds annually
     5  deposited in the account shall be expended for the purposes of
     6  establishing the public information program to educate the
     7  public in the hazards of improper covered electronic device
     8  storage and disposal and on the opportunities to recycle covered
     9  electronic devices.
    10     (e)  Payment for covered electronic devices prohibited.--The
    11  department may not provide any payment for covered electronic
    12  devices unless the materials will be handled in compliance with
    13  all statutes and regulations regarding the export of hazardous
    14  wastes. No payment may be made for covered electronic devices
    15  exported to any country where the export or import of hazardous
    16  waste is prohibited.
    17     (f)  Payment for covered electronic waste prohibited.--The
    18  department may not provide any payment for covered electronic
    19  waste unless the materials are handled in compliance with all
    20  statutes and regulations regarding the export of hazardous
    21  wastes.
    22  Section 20.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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