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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1583



No. 1123 Session of 2006



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the donation and sale of State-owned computers.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the State-owned
     6  Computer Disposal and Sale Act.
     7  Section 2.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Agency."  Every department, division, office, board, bureau,
    12  commission and institution of the Commonwealth, including State-
    13  supported institutions of higher education.
    14     "Agency policy."  An agency policy established under section
    15  3.
    16     "Computer."  A programmable electronic machine that performs
    17  high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles,

     1  stores, correlates or otherwise processes information.
     2     "Consumer electronic item."  A personal computer, computer
     3  component, audio player, stereo player, videocassette player,
     4  facsimile machine, copy machine, cellular telephone, wireless
     5  paging device, video game console or any electronic item
     6  containing an intact or broken cathode ray tube.
     7     "Degauss."  The complete removal of information from the hard
     8  drive of a computer.
     9     "Demanufacturing."  End-of-life disposition of electronic
    10  devices and computers. The term includes recovery of hard drives
    11  and chips with resale value, the removal of commodities such as
    12  copper, aluminum and gold for sale to scrap consumers, the
    13  removal and hazardous waste disposal of toxins and heavy metals
    14  and the shredding or melting of materials that can be sold and
    15  manufactured into new products.
    16     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
    17  the Commonwealth.
    18     "Disposal."  The discharge, deposit, injection, spilling,
    19  leaking, placing or dumping of any computer or electronic waste
    20  into or on any land or water in whatever manner so that the
    21  waste or any constituent thereof might enter the environment or
    22  be emitted into the air or be discharged into the waters of this
    23  Commonwealth, including groundwaters.
    24     "Electronic item containing an intact or broken cathode ray
    25  tube."  An electronic item containing a cathode ray tube
    26  includes a television, computer monitor or any other cathode ray
    27  tube monitor or display device.
    28     "Electronics."  Devices utilizing electrons and electric
    29  circuits, including household appliances, televisions, recording
    30  and playing devices for music or videotapes, compact discs and
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     1  digital technology.
     2     "Fugitive amounts of consumer electronic items."  Small
     3  quantities that escape the approved methods of usage, reduction,
     4  reuse or recycling.
     5     "Recycle."  The use of previously manufactured materials
     6  including metals, glass and plastics in the manufacture of new
     7  products.
     8     "Reuse."  Use of electronics, computers and equipment for
     9  harvesting of spare parts, resale or donation.
    10     "Surplus computer equipment."  Computer components no longer
    11  in use in an agency and which have residual market value.
    12  Section 3.  Agency policy.
    13     (a)  Establishment.--The following shall apply to agency
    14  policies:
    15         (1)  Each agency shall prepare and implement an
    16     agencywide policy for the management and sale of agency
    17     surplus computer equipment and electronics in accord with the
    18     department's policies for review and replacement of computer
    19     and electronic equipment.
    20         (2)  The policy shall mandate that all hard drives of
    21     surplus computer equipment be degaussed, cleared of all data
    22     and software and be otherwise prepared for sale within 90
    23     days after replacement.
    24         (3)  The policy may provide that computers and electronic
    25     equipment be offered for sale to public schools, local
    26     governments or agency employees after degaussing of the hard
    27     drive.
    28         (4)  (i)  The policy shall allow each agency to keep a
    29         back stock of computer hardware and electronics for the
    30         purpose of parts harvesting for the repair, maintenance
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     1         and upgrade of computers in use.
     2             (ii)  Back stock shall not exceed 10% of the number
     3         of State employee computers in the agency.
     4         (5)  The policy shall include a provision that State
     5     employees purchasing State agency computers and electronic
     6     equipment accept the computer or equipment on an "as-is"
     7     basis, without any warranty of any kind by the agency.
     8     (b)  Presentation.--Within 60 days after the effective date
     9  of this section, the policy shall be presented to the
    10  department.
    11  Section 4.  Sale of surplus computer equipment and electronics.
    12     If an agency policy provides for the preferential sale of
    13  surplus computer and electronic equipment to public schools,
    14  local governments or agency employees, that computer and
    15  electronic equipment shall be sold at a price of 105% of the
    16  depreciated value as determined by the department.
    17  Section 5.  Donation of surplus computer equipment and
    18                 electronics.
    19         (1)  Unsold surplus computer and electronic equipment may
    20     be donated by the owning agency to Pennsylvania public
    21     schools or local governments if the agency policy so
    22     provides.
    23         (2)  Pennsylvania public schools and local governments
    24     are not required but may choose to accept unsold surplus
    25     computer and electronic equipment donated by the owning
    26     agency.
    27  Section 10.  Effective date.
    28     This act shall take effect in one year.

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