See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1390



No. 1134 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain
     2     lands owned by the Ridgway Township Municipal Authority, Elk
     3     County, in return for imposition of Project 70 restrictions
     4     on certain lands being conveyed to the Ridgway Township
     5     Municipal Authority, Elk County.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Authorization.
     9     Pursuant to the requirements of section 20(b) of the act of
    10  June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.131, No.8), known as the Project 70
    11  Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act, the General Assembly hereby
    12  authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions from the lands
    13  owned by the Ridgway Township Municipal Authority, Elk county,
    14  and described in section 2, in exchange for imposition of
    15  Project 70 restrictions on the lands described in section 3
    16  which are being conveyed to the Ridgway Township Municipal
    17  Authority, Elk County, along with a donation of $50,000 for
    18  Sandy Beach Park.
    19  Section 2.  Lands to be released from Project 70 restrictions.

     1     Being all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying
     2  and being situate in Ridgway Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania,
     3  bounded and described as follows to wit:
     4                              PARCEL A
     5     Beginning at an existing iron pin, said iron pin being the
     6  southwest corner of lands now or formerly Lawrence D. and
     7  Maureen B. Buehler (Deed Book 238, Page 480, dated December 17,
     8  1980) and the northwest corner of herein described Parcel A;
     9     THENCE; North 89 Degrees 07 Minutes East along the lands now
    10  or formerly Larence D. and Maureen B. Buehler (Deed Book 238,
    11  Page 480, dated December 17, 1980) a distance of 696.74 feet to
    12  an existing iron pin, said iron pin being the northeast corner
    13  of the herein described Parcel A and to a corner of lands now or
    14  formerly Lawrence D. and Maureen B. Buehler (Deed Book 243, Page
    15  01, dated August 15, 1984);
    16     THENCE; South 12 Degrees 31 Minutes East along the lands now
    17  or formerly Lawrence D. and Maureen B. Buehler (Deed Book 243,
    18  Page 01, dated August 15, 1984) and through the northern right
    19  of way for SR 3002, Laurel Mill Road, a distance of 532.05 feet
    20  to a railroad spike, said railroad spike being the centerline of
    21  SR 3002, the southwest corner of lands now or formerly Lawrence
    22  D. and Maureen B. Buehler (Deed Book 243, Page 01, dated August
    23  15, 1984);
    24     THENCE; South 43 Degrees 50 Minutes West along the centerline
    25  of SR 3002 a distance of 99.39 feet to a railroad spike, said
    26  railroad spike being the centerline of SR 3002;
    27     THENCE; South 40 Degrees 54 Minutes West along the centerline
    28  of SR 3002 a distance of 17.55 feet to a railroad spike, said
    29  railroad spike being southeast corner of lands now or formerly
    30  Jack Myers (Deed Book 166, page 717, dated October 13, 1965);
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     1     THENCE; North 12 Degrees 29 Minutes West along the lands now
     2  or formerly Jack Myers (Deed Book 166, Page 717, dated October
     3  13, 1965) and along the lands now or formerly George D. and
     4  Beatrice D. Terbovich (Deed Book 218, Page 650, dated August 8,
     5  1978) a distance of 422.26 feet to an existing iron pipe, said
     6  iron pipe being the northeast corner of lands now or formerly
     7  George D. and Beatrice D. Terbovich (Deed Book 218, Page 650,
     8  dated August 8, 1978);
     9     THENCE; South 88 Degrees 57 Minutes West and along the lands
    10  now or formerly George D. and Beatrice D. Terbovich (Deed Book
    11  218, Page 650, dated August 8, 1978) and along the lands of
    12  intended conveyance, Parcel B, a distance of 710.09 feet to a
    13  point, said point being the northeast corner of lands now or
    14  formerly Ridgway Township Municipal Authority (Deed Book 223,
    15  Page 605, dated September 24, 1979);
    16     THENCE; North 19 Degrees 42 Minutes East through the 20 foot
    17  reserved right of way in Deed Book 199, page 435 and through the
    18  lands now or formerly Ridgway Township Municipal Authority (Deed
    19  Book 199, Page 435, second parcel, dated July 16, 1973) a
    20  distance of 206.42 feet to an existing iron pin, the place of
    21  beginning.
    22     CONTAINING 181,229.2 square feet or 4.16 acres.
    23     SUBJECT to a 20 foot right of way originating from S.R.3002
    24  (Laurel Mill Road) along the western and southern line of the
    25  herein described parcel as Deed Book 199, Page 435, parcel
    26  Number 2, dated July 16, 1973 and also the northern right of way
    27  for SR 3002, (Laurel Mill Road).
    28     Parcel A is a portion of the description given in Deed Book
    29  199, Page 435, Parcel Number 2 dated July 16, 1973 and Recorded
    30  August 2, 1973 for Ridgway Township Municipal Authority.
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     1                              PARCEL B
     2     BEGINNING at an existing iron pin, said iron pin being the
     3  northwest corner of lands now or formerly George D. and Beatrice
     4  D. Terbovich (Deed Book 218, Page 650, dated August 8, 1978);
     5     THENCE; South 37 Degrees 38 Minutes West along the lands now
     6  or formerly George D. and Beatrice D. Terbovich (Deed Book 218,
     7  Page 650, dated August 8, 1978) and through the northern right
     8  of way of SR 3002, Laurel Mill Road, a distance of 1,238.94 feet
     9  to a railroad spike, said railroad spike being in the centerline
    10  of said SR 3002 and the southern most corner of the herein
    11  described Parcel B;
    12     THENCE; North 19 Degrees 42 Minutes East through the northern
    13  right of way of SR 3002 and through the lands now or formerly
    14  Ridgway Township Municipal authority (Deed Book 223, Page 605,
    15  dated September 24, 1979) a distance of 1,034.19 feet to a
    16  point, said point being the northeast corner of lands now or
    17  formerly Ridgway Township Municipal Authority (Deed Book 223,
    18  Page 605, dated September 24, 1979);
    19     THENCE; North 88 Degrees 57 Minutes East along the lands now
    20  or formerly Ridgway Township Municipal Authority (Deed Book 199,
    21  Page 435, dated July 16, 1973) along the southern right of way
    22  of an existing 20 foot right of way reserved in Deed Book 199,
    23  Page 435 and along "Parcel A" as described above a distance of
    24  407.98 feet to an existing iron pipe, the place of beginning.
    25     CONTAINING 197,161.4 square feet or 4.53 acres.
    26     SUBJECT to the northern right of way of a 50 foot right of
    27  way, SR 3002, (Laurel Mill Road).
    28     PARCEL B is a portion of the description given in Deed Book
    29  223, Page 605, dated September 24, 1979 and Recorded October 17,
    30  1979 for Ridgway Township Municipal Authority.
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     1     BEING the same premises as surveyed and drawn by ALEXANDER &
     2  ASSOCIATES INC., Falls Creek, PA 15840. Said survey plat is
     3  under the date of July 20, 1998, referenced as JN1751-98.
     4  Section 3.  Lands to be conveyed to the Ridgway Township
     5                 Municipal Authority.
     6     Being all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying
     7  and being situate in Ridgway Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania,
     8  bounded and described as follows to wit:
     9     BEGINNING at an existing iron pipe, said iron pipe being at a
    10  corner of lands now or formerly Ridgway Township Municipal
    11  Authority (Deed Book 223, Page 605, dated September 24, 1979)
    12  and the southwest corner of herein described Parcel;
    13     THENCE; North 25 Degrees 28 Minutes West along the lands now
    14  or formerly Ridgway Township Municipal Authority (Deed Book 223,
    15  Page 605, dated September 24, 1979) and through the southern
    16  right of way of SR 3002, (Laurel Mill Road), a distance of
    17  193.62 feet to a point, said point being in the centerline of SR
    18  3002 and the northwest corner of herein described Parcel;
    19     THENCE; North 65 Degrees 53 Minutes East along the centerline
    20  of SR 3002 a distance of 61.27 feet to a point, said point being
    21  in the centerline of SR 3002;
    22     THENCE; North 63 Degrees 09 Minutes East along the centerline
    23  of SR 3002 a distance of 85.36 feet to a point, said point being
    24  in the centerline of SR 3002;
    25     THENCE; South 19 Degrees 22 Minutes East through the southern
    26  right of way of SR 3002, along the lands now or formerly Ridgway
    27  Township Municipal Authority (Deed Book 223, Page 605, dated
    28  September 24, 1979) and along the centerline of an existing 18
    29  foot Private Access Road a distance of 226.58 feet to a point,
    30  said point being in the centerline of said existing Private
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     1  Road;
     2     THENCE; South 78 Degrees 46 Minutes West along the lands now
     3  or formerly Ridgway Township Municipal Authority (Deed Book 223,
     4  Page 605, dated September 24, 1979) a distance of 126.36 feet to
     5  an existing iron pipe, the place of beginning.
     6     CONTAINING 28,237.4 square feet or 0.65 acres.
     7     SUBJECT to the southern right of way of SR 3002, (Laurel Mill
     8  Road), and an existing 18 foot Private Access Road.
     9     PARCEL being the same premises as described in Deed Book 236,
    10  Page 778, dated July 28, 1983 and Recorded August 8, 1983 for
    11  George D. and Beatrice D. Terbovich.
    12     BEING the same premises as surveyed and drawn by ALEXANDER &
    13  ASSOCIATES INC., Falls Creek, PA 15840. Said survey plat is
    14  under the date of July 20, 1998, referenced as JN1751-98.
    15  Section 4.  Description of deed restrictions.
    16     Project 70 restrictions shall be imposed on the lands
    17  described in section 3 by the following deed clause: The deed
    18  restrictions to be transferred to the parcel described in
    19  section 3 shall read as follows:
    20         This land is to be used for park, recreation and
    21         conservation purposes in accordance with provisions of
    22         the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.131, No.8), known
    23         as the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act.
    24  Section 5.  Effective date.
    25     This act shall take effect immediately.

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