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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1391



No. 1142 Session of 1989

           JUNE 28, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for the weighing and measurement
     3     of vehicles.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 4981(a) and (e) of Title 75 of the
     7  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended and the section
     8  is amended by adding a subsection to read:
     9  § 4981.  Weighing and measurement of vehicles.
    10     (a)  Authority of police officers and qualified department
    11  employees.--Any police officer or qualified department employee
    12  is authorized to require the driver of any vehicle or
    13  combination to stop and submit the vehicle or combination to be
    14  measured and weighed. Weighing may be done by using either
    15  portable or stationary scales, provided that when portable
    16  scales more than one inch in height are used, sufficient ramp
    17  blocks shall be made available to allow the vehicle or
    18  combination to mount the scales safely. The weighing shall be

     1  conducted by qualified personnel who have been trained in the
     2  use of weighing equipment in a training program approved by the
     3  Department of Agriculture. The personnel performing the weighing
     4  on all highways and interstates in this Commonwealth shall
     5  inform the drivers of the vehicle of the right to readjust or
     6  rearrange the load under section 4982(c) (relating to reducing
     7  or readjusting loads of vehicles). The driver or owner, if
     8  present, of any vehicle or combination may, at the time of
     9  weighing, witness in an orderly fashion the weighing procedure.
    10  If the driver wishes to witness the procedure from outside the
    11  cab of the vehicle, he shall be required to turn off the engine,
    12  put the transmission in gear and set the emergency brake before
    13  leaving the cab. A police officer or qualified department
    14  employee may require that a vehicle or combination be driven to
    15  the nearest available portable or stationary scales if the
    16  scales are within two miles. For the purpose of enforcing this
    17  chapter, qualified department employees shall be authorized to
    18  institute criminal proceedings by citation pursuant to the
    19  Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure.
    20     * * *
    21     (e)  [Calibration] Certification and accuracy of portable
    22  scales.--Portable scales shall be [calibrated] checked every 30
    23  days for the purpose of certification [and] of accuracy by the
    24  Department of [Agriculture] General Services. A certificate from
    25  the Department of General Services, showing that portable scales
    26  were checked and found to be accurate and the date the portable
    27  scales were certified, shall be competent and prima facie
    28  evidence of those facts in every proceeding in which a violation
    29  of this chapter is charged. The weight of a vehicle or
    30  combination, determined by using portable scales so certified,
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     1  shall not be contradicted except by clear and convincing
     2  evidence.
     3     (f)  Certification of qualified personnel.--A certificate
     4  from an agency of the Commonwealth, showing that a person was
     5  trained in the use of weighing equipment in a training program
     6  approved by the Department of Agriculture, shall be admissible
     7  as competent and prima facie evidence that the person is
     8  qualified and trained in the use of weighing equipment in such a
     9  training program.
    10     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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