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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1445



No. 1154 Session of 2001

           AND KASUNIC, OCTOBER 16, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 74 (Transportation) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for Commercial Airport
     3     Security Enhancement Grant Program; and making an
     4     appropriation.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Chapter 61 of Title 74 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
     9                            SUBCHAPTER F
    11                           GRANT PROGRAM
    12  Sec.
    13  6171.  Short title of subchapter.
    14  6172.  Definitions.
    15  6173.  Establishment.
    16  6174.  Award of grants.
    17  6175.  Administration.
    18  6176.  Report to General Assembly.

     1  § 6171.  Short title of subchapter.
     2     This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the
     3  Commercial Airport Security Enhancement Grant Program Act.
     4  § 6172.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
     6  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     7  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Commercial airport."  A scheduled service public airport
     9  which is located in this Commonwealth.
    10     "Commercial airport security."  All measures, methods and
    11  procedures required by Federal statute and regulation for the
    12  security and protection of passengers, airport and airline
    13  personnel and facilities at commercial airports, including the
    14  requirements under 49 U.S.C. Ch. 449 (relating to security) and
    15  any regulations promulgated thereunder.
    16     "Grant."  A commercial airport security enhancement grant, as
    17  established in section 6173 (relating to establishment).
    18     "Grant applicant."  An owner or operator of a commercial
    19  airport that applied for a grant under this subchapter.
    20     "Grant recipient."  An owner or operator of a commercial
    21  airport that received a grant under this subchapter.
    22     "Scheduled service public airport."  A public airport that
    23  has:
    24         (1)  A paved runway.
    25         (2)  A runway lighting system.
    26         (3)  A precision instrument landing system.
    27         (4)  Passenger handling capabilities.
    28  § 6173.  Establishment.
    29     The Commercial Airport Security Enhancement Grant Program is
    30  hereby established and shall be administered by the department.
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     1  Grants provided under this program shall be used to improve and
     2  enhance the commercial airport security in this Commonwealth.
     3  § 6174.  Award of grants.
     4     (a)  Purpose.--The department is hereby authorized to make a
     5  one-time grant award from the Aviation Restricted Account to
     6  every commercial airport in this Commonwealth that properly
     7  applies for a grant.
     8     (b)  Amount.--Grants shall equal $1,000,000 per commercial
     9  airport.
    10     (c)  Grant application.--
    11         (1)  The department shall provide applications for grants
    12     under this subchapter to the owner or operator of every
    13     commercial airport in this Commonwealth no later than 60 days
    14     following the effective date of this section.
    15         (2)  The grant application shall include information
    16     regarding the grant applicant's intended uses for the grant.
    17     The grant application shall include:
    18             (i)  Information on how the intended uses of the
    19         grant will comply with Federal requirements for
    20         commercial airport security.
    21             (ii)  A summary of the applicable Federal
    22         requirements for commercial airport security addressed in
    23         subparagraph (i).
    24             (iii)  Any other information required by the
    25         department.
    26         (3)  The completed grant application shall be submitted
    27     to the department no later than 120 days after the effective
    28     date of this section.
    29     (d)  Award of grants.--The department shall award a grant to
    30  a grant applicant that submitted a timely and completed grant
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     1  application to the department. The department shall award all
     2  grants no later than 180 days after the effective date of this
     3  section.
     4     (e)  Grant utilization.--
     5         (1)  The department shall provide a grant utilization
     6     form to grant recipients for the purpose of reporting to the
     7     department how the funds were utilized to improve and enhance
     8     the security of the commercial airport. The department shall
     9     provide grant utilization forms to the grant recipients no
    10     later than 240 days after the effective date of this section.
    11     The form shall include information relating to:
    12             (i)  How the grant recipient utilized the grant for
    13         the purpose of improving and enhancing commercial airport
    14         security.
    15             (ii)  The percentage of the grant that remains
    16         unallocated or nonutilized for commercial airport
    17         security as of the date of the receipt of the grant
    18         utilization form.
    19             (iii)  Any commercial airport security requirements
    20         remaining that cannot be undertaken by a commercial
    21         airport due to insufficient funding.
    22             (iv)  Any other information required by the
    23         department.
    24         (2)  Grant recipients shall complete the grant
    25     utilization form and submit it to the department no later
    26     than one year after the effective date of this section.
    27  § 6175.  Administration.
    28     The department shall establish guidelines, procedures, forms
    29  and all applications necessary for the implementation of the
    30  program, including the grant utilization form. The department
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     1  shall submit the guidelines, procedures, forms and applications
     2  to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the
     3  Pennsylvania Bulletin and Pennsylvania Code no later than 45
     4  days after the effective date of this section.
     5  § 6176.  Report to General Assembly.
     6     (a)  Initial.--The department shall submit a report to the
     7  Governor and the chair and minority chair of the Transportation
     8  Committee of the Senate and the chair and minority chair of the
     9  Transportation Committee of the House of Representatives, no
    10  later than 180 days after the effective date of this section,
    11  that includes:
    12         (1)  The total number of applications received by the
    13     program established under this subchapter.
    14         (2)  A summary of security requirements as established by
    15     Federal statute and regulation prior to the effective date of
    16     this section.
    17         (3)  A summary of the intended uses for the grant, as
    18     reported by the grant applicants for the grants.
    19     (b) Subsequent.--The department shall submit a subsequent
    20  report to the Governor and the chair and minority chair of the
    21  Transportation Committee of the Senate and the chair and
    22  minority chair of the Transportation Committee of the House of
    23  Representatives, no later than 425 days after the effective date
    24  of this section, that includes information relating to:
    25         (1)  The total number of applications received by the
    26     program established under this subchapter.
    27         (2)  Commercial airport security requirements as
    28     established by Federal statute and regulation.
    29         (3)  The actual uses for the grant, as reported by the
    30     grant recipients.
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     1         (4)  The manner in which of the grant assisted the
     2     commercial airports to fully comply with Federal requirements
     3     for commercial airport security.
     4         (5)  Any remaining deficiencies in the commercial
     5     airports' compliance with Federal requirements for commercial
     6     airport security.
     7         (6)  Any additional information required by the
     8     department.
     9     Section 2.  The sum of $16,000,000, or as much thereof as may
    10  be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Aviation Restricted
    11  Account to carry out the provisions of 74 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 Subch.
    12  F.
    13     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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