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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1392                      PRINTER'S NO. 1741



No. 1157 Session of 1997

           OCTOBER 14, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 15 (Corporations and Unincorporated
     2     Associations) and 54 (Names) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     3     Statutes, relating to associations; making revisions,
     4     corrections and additions; and making repeals.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the GAA
     9  Amendments Act of (in preparing this act for printing in the
    10  Laws of Pennsylvania, the Legislative Reference Bureau shall
    11  insert here, in lieu of this statement, the calendar year of
    12  enactment of this act).
    13  Section 2.  Amendment of Title 15.
    14     As much of Title 15 as is hereinafter set forth is amended or
    15  added to read:
    16  § 102.  Definitions.
    17     Subject to additional or inconsistent definitions contained
    18  in subsequent provisions of this title that are applicable to

     1  specific provisions of this title, the following words and
     2  phrases when used in this title shall have, unless the context
     3  clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this
     4  section:
     5     * * *
     6     "Limited liability company."  A domestic or foreign limited
     7  liability company as defined in section 8903 (relating to
     8  definitions and index of definitions).
     9     "Profession."  Includes the performance of any type of
    10  personal service to the public that requires as a condition
    11  precedent to the performance of the service the obtaining of a
    12  license or admission to practice or other legal authorization
    13  from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania or a licensing board or
    14  commission under the Bureau of Professional and Occupational
    15  Affairs in the Department of State. Except as otherwise
    16  expressly provided by law, this definition shall be applicable
    17  to this title only and shall not affect the interpretation of
    18  any other statute or any local zoning ordinance or other
    19  official document heretofore or hereafter enacted or
    20  promulgated.
    21     "Professional services."  Any type of services that may be
    22  rendered by a member of a profession within the purview of his
    23  profession.
    24     * * *
    25  § 134.  DOCKETING STATEMENT.                                      <--
    19970S1157B1741                  - 2 -

    30     DOCUMENTS).
    19970S1157B1741                  - 3 -

    19  FILING.
    19970S1157B1741                  - 4 -

     1  § 135.  Requirements to be met by filed documents.
     2     * * *
     3     (e)  Distinguishable names.--A name shall not be considered
     4  distinguishable upon the records of the department from another
     5  name for purposes of this title and Title 54 (relating to names)
     6  solely because the names differ from each other in any or all of
     7  the following respects:
     8         (1)  the use of punctuation marks;
     9         (2)  the use of the definite or indefinite article; or
    10         (3)  the use of any of the following terms to designate
    11     the status of an association: "corporation," "company,"
    12     "incorporated," "limited," "association," "fund,"
    13     "syndicate," "limited partnership," "limited liability
    14     company," "trust" or "business trust" or abbreviations of any
    15     of the foregoing terms or words or abbreviations of like
    16     import in languages other than English.
    17  § 138.  Statement of correction.
    18     * * *
    19     (b)  Effect of filing.--
    20         * * *
    21         (2)  A filing under this section shall not have the
    22     effect of causing original articles of incorporation of a
    23     corporation or a similar type of document creating any other
    24     form of association to be stricken from the records of the
    25     department but the articles or other document may be
    26     corrected under this section.
    27         * * *
    28     (d)  Cross reference.--See section 135 (relating to
    29  requirements to be met by filed documents).
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    21     BUSINESS TRUST.
    26     ASSOCIATION.
    19970S1157B1741                  - 6 -

     1  § 161.  Domestication of certain alien associations.
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  Statement of domestication.--The statement of
     4  domestication shall be executed by the association and shall set
     5  forth in the English language:
     6         (1)  The name of the association. If the name is in a
     7     foreign language, it shall be set forth in Roman letters or
     8     characters or Arabic or Roman numerals. If the name is one
     9     that is rendered unavailable for use by a corporation by any
    10     provision of section 1303(b) or (c) (relating to corporate
    11     name), the association shall adopt a new name, in accordance
    12     with any procedures for changing the name of the association
    13     that are applicable prior to the domestication of the
    14     association, and shall set forth the new name in the
    15     statement.
    16         (2)  The name of the jurisdiction under the laws of which
    17     and the date on which it was first formed, incorporated or
    18     otherwise came into being.
    19         (3)  The name of the jurisdiction that constituted the
    20     seat, siege social or principal place of business or control
    21     administration of the association, or any equivalent under
    22     applicable law, immediately prior to the filing of the
    23     statement.
    24         (4)  A statement [that upon domestication the association
    25     will be a domestic association under the laws of this
    26     Commonwealth] of the type of domestic association that the
    27     association will be upon domestication.
    28         (5)  A statement that the filing of the statement of
    29     domestication and, if desired, the renunciation of the prior
    30     domicile has been authorized (unless its charter or other
    19970S1157B1741                  - 7 -

     1     organic documents require a greater vote) by a majority in
     2     interest of the shareholders, members or other proprietors of
     3     the association.
     4         (6)  If the association will be a type of domestic
     5     association that is created by a filing in the department,
     6     such other provisions as are required to be included in an
     7     initial filing to create that type of domestic association,
     8     except that it shall not be necessary to set forth the name
     9     of the person organizing the association.
    10         (7)  Any other provision that the association may choose
    11     to insert unless this title prohibits the inclusion of such a
    12     provision in a filing that creates the type of domestic
    13     association that the association will be upon domestication.
    14     (c)  Execution.--The statement shall be signed on behalf of
    15  the association by any authorized person.
    16     (d)  Effect of domestication.--Upon the filing of the
    17  statement of domestication, the association shall be
    18  domesticated in this Commonwealth and the association shall
    19  thereafter be subject to any applicable provisions of this
    20  title[, except Subpart B of Part II (relating to business
    21  corporations),] and [to] any other provisions of law applicable
    22  to associations existing under the laws of this Commonwealth. If
    23  the association will be a type of domestic association that is
    24  created by a filing in the department, the statement of
    25  domestication shall constitute that filing. The domestication of
    26  any association in this Commonwealth pursuant to this section
    27  shall not be deemed to affect any obligations or liabilities of
    28  the association incurred prior to its domestication.
    29     (e)  Exclusion.--An association that can be domesticated
    30  under [section 4161 (relating to domestication) or 6161
    19970S1157B1741                  - 8 -

     1  (relating to domestication)] any of the following sections shall
     2  not be domesticated under this section:
     3         Section 4161 (relating to domestication).
     4         Section 6161 (relating to domestication).
     5         Section 8590 (relating to domestication).
     6         Section 8982 (relating to domestication).
     7         Section 9501(a)(1)(ii) (relating to application and
     8     effect of chapter).
     9     (f)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    10  "association," except as restricted by subsection (e), includes
    11  any alien incorporated organization, private law corporation
    12  (whether or not organized for business purposes), public law
    13  corporation, partnership, proprietorship, joint venture,
    14  foundation, trust, association or similar organization or entity
    15  existing under the laws of any jurisdiction other than this
    16  Commonwealth.
    17     (g)  Cross [reference] references.--See [section] sections
    18  134 (relating to docketing statement) and 135 (relating to
    19  requirements to be met by filed documents).
    20  § 162.  Contingent domestication of certain alien associations.
    21     * * *
    22     (c)  Statement of consummation of domestication.--At any time
    23  after the filing of a statement of contingent domestication, the
    24  association may file in the department a statement of
    25  consummation of domestication which shall be executed by the
    26  association and shall set forth:
    27         (1)  The name of the association[. If the name is in a
    28     foreign language, it shall be set forth in Roman letters or
    29     characters or Arabic or Roman numerals.] as set forth in its
    30     statement of contingent domestication.
    19970S1157B1741                  - 9 -

     1         * * *
     2     (j)  Cross [reference] references.--See [section] sections
     3  134 (relating to docketing statement) and 135 (relating to
     4  requirements to be met by filed documents).
     5  § 1303.  Corporate name.
     6     * * *
     7     (b)  Duplicate use of names.--The corporate name shall [not
     8  be the same as or confusingly similar to] be distinguishable
     9  upon the records of the Department of State from:
    10         (1)  The name of any other domestic corporation for
    11     profit or not-for-profit which is either in existence or for
    12     which articles of incorporation have been filed but have not
    13     yet become effective, or of any foreign corporation for
    14     profit or not-for-profit which is either authorized to do
    15     business in this Commonwealth or for which an application for
    16     a certificate of authority has been filed but has not yet
    17     become effective, [or of any domestic or foreign limited
    18     partnership that has filed in the Department of State a
    19     certificate or qualified under Chapter 85 (relating to
    20     limited partnerships) or under corresponding provisions of
    21     prior law,] or the name of any association registered at any
    22     time under 54 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 (relating to corporate and other
    23     association names), unless[: (i)  where the name is the same
    24     or confusingly similar,] the other association:
    25                 [(A)] (i)  has stated that it is about to change
    26             its name, or to cease to do business, or is being
    27             wound up, or is a foreign association about to
    28             withdraw from doing business in this Commonwealth,
    29             and the statement and [the] a written consent [of the
    30             other association] to the adoption of the name
    19970S1157B1741                 - 10 -

     1             executed by the other association is filed in the
     2             Department of State;
     3                 [(B)] (ii)  has filed with the Department of
     4             Revenue a certificate of out of existence, or has
     5             failed for a period of three successive years to file
     6             with the Department of Revenue a report or return
     7             required by law and the fact of such failure has been
     8             certified by the Department of Revenue to the
     9             Department of State;
    10                 [(C)] (iii)  has abandoned its name under the
    11             laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, by
    12             amendment, merger, consolidation, division,
    13             expiration, dissolution or otherwise, without its
    14             name being adopted by a successor in a merger,
    15             consolidation, division or otherwise, and an official
    16             record of that fact, certified as provided by 42
    17             Pa.C.S. § 5328 (relating to proof of official
    18             records), is presented by any person to the
    19             department; or
    20                 [(D)] (iv)  has had the registration of its name
    21             under 54 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 terminated and, if the
    22             termination was effected by operation of 54 Pa.C.S. §
    23             504 (relating to effect of failure to make decennial
    24             filings), the application for the use of the name is
    25             accompanied by a verified statement stating that at
    26             least 30 days' written notice of intention to
    27             appropriate the name was given to the delinquent
    28             association at its [registered office] last known
    29             place of business and that, after diligent search by
    30             the affiant, the affiant believes the association to
    19970S1157B1741                 - 11 -

     1             be out of existence.[; or
     2             (ii)  where the name is confusingly similar, the
     3         consent of the other association to the adoption of the
     4         name is filed in the Department of State.
     5     The consent of the association shall be evidenced by a
     6     statement to that effect executed by the association.]
     7         * * *
     8     (e)  Remedies for violation of section.--The use of a name in
     9  violation of this section shall not vitiate or otherwise affect
    10  the corporate existence but any court having jurisdiction may
    11  enjoin the corporation from using or continuing to use a name in
    12  violation of this section, upon the application of:
    13         (1)  the Attorney General, acting on his own motion or at
    14     the instance of any administrative department, board or
    15     commission of this Commonwealth; or
    16         (2)  any person adversely affected.[;
    17  may enjoin the corporation from using or continuing to use a
    18  name in violation of this section.]
    19     (f)  Cross references.--See sections 135(e) (relating to
    20  distinguishable names) and 1106(b)(2) (relating to uniform
    21  application of subpart).
    22  § 1304.  Required name changes by senior corporations.
    23     * * *
    24     (b)  Enforcement of undertaking to release name.--If a
    25  corporation has used a name [the same as or confusingly similar
    26  to] that is not distinguishable upon the records of the
    27  Department of State from the name of another corporation or
    28  other association as permitted by section [1303(b)(1)(i)]
    29  1303(b)(1) (relating to duplicate use of names) and the other
    30  corporation or other association continues to use its name in
    19970S1157B1741                 - 12 -

     1  this Commonwealth and does not change its name, cease to do
     2  business, be wound up or withdraw as it proposed to do in its
     3  consent or change its name as required by subsection (a), any
     4  court having jurisdiction may enjoin the other corporation or
     5  other association from continuing to use its name or a name that
     6  is not distinguishable therefrom, upon the application of:
     7         (1)  the Attorney General, acting on his own motion or at
     8     the instance of any administrative department, board or
     9     commission of this Commonwealth; or
    10         (2)  any person adversely affected.[;
    11  may enjoin the other corporation or other association from
    12  continuing to use its name or a confusingly similar name.]
    13  § 1311.  Filing of statement of summary of record by certain
    14             corporations.
    15     (a)  General rule.--Where any of the [valid] charter
    16  documents of a business corporation are not on file in the
    17  Department of State or there is an error in any such document as
    18  transferred to the department pursuant to section 140 (relating
    19  to custody and management of orphan corporate and business
    20  records), and the corporation desires to file any document in
    21  the department under any other provision of this subpart or the
    22  corporation desires to secure from the department any
    23  certificate to the effect that the corporation is a corporation
    24  duly incorporated and existing under the laws of this
    25  Commonwealth or a certified copy of the articles of the
    26  corporation or the corporation desires to correct the text of
    27  its charter documents as on file in the department, the
    28  corporation shall file in the department a statement of summary
    29  of record which shall be executed by the corporation and shall
    30  set forth:
    19970S1157B1741                 - 13 -

     1         (1)  The name of the corporation and, subject to section
     2     109 (relating to name of commercial registered office
     3     provider in lieu of registered address), the location,
     4     including street and number, if any, of its registered
     5     office.
     6         (2)  The statute by or under which the corporation was
     7     incorporated.
     8         (3)  The name under which, the manner in which and the
     9     date on which the corporation was originally incorporated,
    10     including the date when and the place where the original
    11     articles were recorded.
    12         (4)  The place or places, including volume and page
    13     numbers or their equivalent, where the documents
    14     [constituting the currently effective articles are] that are
    15     not on file in the department or that require correction in
    16     the records of the department were originally filed or
    17     recorded, the date or dates of each filing or recording and
    18     the correct text of the [currently effective articles.]
    19     documents. The information specified in this paragraph may be
    20     omitted in a statement of summary of record that is delivered
    21     to the department contemporaneously with amended and restated
    22     articles of the corporation filed under this subpart.
    23         [(5)  Each name by which the corporation was known, if
    24     any, other than its original name and its current name, and
    25     the date or dates on which each change of name of the
    26     corporation became effective.
    27         (6)  In the case of any entity brought within the scope
    28     of Chapter 29 (relating to professional corporations) by or
    29     pursuant to section 2905 (relating to election of
    30     professional associations to become professional
    19970S1157B1741                 - 14 -

     1     corporations), amended and restated articles of incorporation
     2     which shall include all of the information required to be set
     3     forth in restated articles of a professional corporation.
     4  A corporation shall be required to make only one filing under
     5  this subsection.]
     6     (b)  Validation of prior defects in incorporation.--Upon the
     7  filing of a statement by a corporation under this section or the
     8  transfer to the department of the records relating to a
     9  corporation pursuant to section 140, the corporation [named in
    10  the statement] shall be deemed to be a validly subsisting
    11  corporation to the same extent as if it had been duly
    12  incorporated and was existing under this subpart and the
    13  department shall so certify regardless of any absence of or
    14  defect in the prior proceedings relating to incorporation.
    15     (c)  Cross [reference] references.--See [section] sections
    16  134 (relating to docketing statement), 135 (relating to
    17  requirements to be met by filed documents) and 1106(b)(2)
    18  (relating to uniform application of subpart).
    19  § 1504.  Adoption, amendment and contents of bylaws.
    20     * * *
    21     (d)  Amendment of voting provisions.--
    22         (1)  Unless otherwise provided in a bylaw adopted by the
    23     shareholders, whenever [the bylaws require] a bylaw adopted
    24     by the shareholders requires for the taking of any action by
    25     the shareholders or a class of shareholders a specific number
    26     or percentage of votes, the provision of the bylaws setting
    27     forth that requirement shall not be amended or repealed by
    28     any lesser number or percentage of votes of the shareholders
    29     or of the class of shareholders or only by action of the
    30     board of directors.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 15 -

     1         (2)  Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a bylaw setting
     2     forth the right of shareholders to act by unanimous written
     3     consent as provided in section 1766(a) (relating to unanimous
     4     consent).
     5  § 1505.  Persons bound by bylaws.
     6     Except as otherwise provided by section 1713 (relating to
     7  personal liability of directors) or any similar provision of
     8  law, the bylaws of a business corporation shall operate only as
     9  regulations among the shareholders, directors and officers of
    10  the corporation and shall not affect contracts or other dealings
    11  with other persons unless those persons have actual knowledge of
    12  the bylaws.
    13  § 1508.  Corporate records; inspection by shareholders.
    14     (a)  Required records.--Every business corporation shall keep
    15  complete and accurate books and records of account, minutes of
    16  the proceedings of the incorporators, shareholders and directors
    17  and a share register giving the names and addresses of all
    18  shareholders and the number and class of shares held by each.
    19  The share register shall be kept at [either] any of the
    20  following locations:
    21         (1)  the registered office of the corporation in this
    22     Commonwealth [or at its];
    23         (2)  the principal place of business of the corporation
    24     wherever situated;
    25         (3)  any actual business office of the corporation; or
    26     [at]
    27         (4)  the office of [its] the registrar or transfer agent
    28     of the corporation. [Any books, minutes or other records may
    29     be in written form or any other form capable of being
    30     converted into written form within a reasonable time.]
    19970S1157B1741                 - 16 -

     1     (b)  Right of inspection by a shareholder.--Every shareholder
     2  shall, upon written verified demand stating the purpose thereof,
     3  have a right to examine, in person or by agent or attorney,
     4  during the usual hours for business for any proper purpose, the
     5  share register, books and records of account, and records of the
     6  proceedings of the incorporators, shareholders and directors and
     7  to make copies or extracts therefrom. A proper purpose shall
     8  mean a purpose reasonably related to the interest of the person
     9  as a shareholder. In every instance where an attorney or other
    10  agent is the person who seeks the right of inspection, the
    11  demand shall be accompanied by a verified power of attorney or
    12  other writing that authorizes the attorney or other agent to so
    13  act on behalf of the shareholder. The demand shall be directed
    14  to the corporation:
    15         (1)  at its registered office in this Commonwealth [or];
    16         (2)  at its principal place of business wherever
    17     situated; or
    18         (3)  in care of the person in charge of an actual
    19     business office of the corporation.
    20     (c)  Proceedings for the enforcement of inspection by a
    21  shareholder.--If the corporation, or an officer or agent
    22  thereof, refuses to permit an inspection sought by a shareholder
    23  or attorney or other agent acting for the shareholder pursuant
    24  to subsection (b) or does not reply to the demand within five
    25  business days after the demand has been made, the shareholder
    26  may apply to the court for an order to compel the inspection.
    27  The court shall determine whether or not the person seeking
    28  inspection is entitled to the inspection sought. The court may
    29  summarily order the corporation to permit the shareholder to
    30  inspect the share register and the other books and records of
    19970S1157B1741                 - 17 -

     1  the corporation and to make copies or extracts therefrom, or the
     2  court may order the corporation to furnish to the shareholder a
     3  list of its shareholders as of a specific date on condition that
     4  the shareholder first pay to the corporation the reasonable cost
     5  of obtaining and furnishing the list and on such other
     6  conditions as the court deems appropriate. Where the shareholder
     7  seeks to inspect the books and records of the corporation, other
     8  than its share register or list of shareholders, he shall first
     9  establish:
    10         (1)  That he has complied with the provisions of this
    11     section respecting the form and manner of making demand for
    12     inspection of the document.
    13         (2)  That the inspection he seeks is for a proper
    14     purpose.
    15  Where the shareholder seeks to inspect the share register or
    16  list of shareholders of the corporation and he has complied with
    17  the provisions of this section respecting the form and manner of
    18  making demand for inspection of the documents, the burden of
    19  proof shall be upon the corporation to establish that the
    20  inspection he seeks is for an improper purpose. The court may,
    21  in its discretion, prescribe any limitations or conditions with
    22  reference to the inspection or award such other or further
    23  relief as the court deems just and proper. The court may order
    24  books, documents and records, pertinent extracts therefrom, or
    25  duly authenticated copies thereof, to be brought into this
    26  Commonwealth and kept in this Commonwealth upon such terms and
    27  conditions as the order may prescribe.
    28     (d)  Certain provisions of articles ineffective.--This
    29  section may not be relaxed by any provision of the articles.
    30     (e)  Cross [reference] references.--See [section] sections
    19970S1157B1741                 - 18 -

     1  107 (relating to form of records), 1512 (relating to
     2  informational rights of a director) and 1763(c) (relating to
     3  certification by nominee).
     4  § 1512.  Informational rights of a director.
     5     (a)  General rule.--To the extent reasonably related to the
     6  performance of the duties of the director, including those
     7  arising from service as a member of a committee of the board of
     8  directors, a director of a business corporation is entitled:
     9         (1)  in person or by any attorney or other agent, at any
    10     reasonable time, to inspect and copy corporate books, records
    11     and documents and, in addition, to inspect, and receive
    12     information regarding, the assets, liabilities and operations
    13     of the corporation and any subsidiaries of the corporation
    14     incorporated or otherwise organized or created under the laws
    15     of this Commonwealth that are controlled directly or
    16     indirectly by the corporation; and
    17         (2)  to demand that the corporation exercise whatever
    18     rights it may have to obtain information regarding any other
    19     subsidiaries of the corporation.
    20     (b)  Proceedings for enforcement of inspection by a
    21  director.--If the corporation, or an officer or agent thereof,
    22  refuses to permit an inspection or obtain or provide information
    23  sought by a director or attorney or other agent acting for the
    24  director pursuant to subsection (a) or does not reply to the
    25  request within two business days after the request has been
    26  made, the director may apply to the court for an order to compel
    27  the inspection or the obtaining or providing of the information.
    28  The court shall summarily order the corporation to permit the
    29  requested inspection or to obtain the information unless the
    30  corporation establishes that the information to be obtained by
    19970S1157B1741                 - 19 -

     1  the exercise of the right is not reasonably related to the
     2  performance of the duties of the director or that the director
     3  or the attorney or agent of the director is likely to use the
     4  information in a manner that would violate the duty of the
     5  director to the corporation. The order of the court may contain
     6  provisions protecting the corporation from undue burden or
     7  expense and prohibiting the director from using the information
     8  in a manner that would violate the duty of the director to the
     9  corporation.
    10     (c)  Cross references.--See sections 107 (relating to form of
    11  records) and 1508 (relating to corporate records; inspection by
    12  shareholders) and 42 Pa.C.S. § 2503(7) (relating to right of
    13  participants to receive counsel fees).
    14  § 1521.  Authorized shares.
    15     * * *
    16     (b)  Provisions specifically authorized.--
    17         (1)  Without limiting the authority contained in
    18     subsection (a), a corporation, when so authorized in its
    19     articles, may issue classes or series of shares:
    20             (i)  Subject to the right or obligation of the
    21         corporation to redeem any of the shares for the
    22         consideration, if any, fixed by or in the manner provided
    23         by the articles for the redemption thereof. Unless
    24         otherwise provided in the articles, any shares subject to
    25         redemption shall be redeemable only pro rata or by lot or
    26         by such other equitable method as may be selected by the
    27         corporation. [An amendment of the articles to add or
    28         amend a provision permitting the redemption of any shares
    29         by a method that is not pro rata nor by lot nor otherwise
    30         equitable may be effected only pursuant to section 1906
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     1         (relating to special treatment of holders of shares of
     2         same class or series).]
     3             (ii)  Entitling the holders thereof to cumulative,
     4         noncumulative or partially cumulative dividends.
     5             (iii)  Having preference over any other shares as to
     6         dividends or assets or both.
     7             (iv)  Convertible into shares of any other class or
     8         series, or into obligations of the corporation.
     9         (2)  Any of the terms of a class or series of shares may
    10     be made dependent upon:
    11             (i)  Facts ascertainable outside of the articles if
    12         the manner in which the facts will operate upon the terms
    13         of the class or series is set forth in the articles. Such
    14         facts may include, without limitation, actions or events
    15         within the control of or determinations made by the
    16         corporation or a representative of the corporation.
    17             * * *
    18     (d)  Status and rights.--Shares of a business corporation
    19  shall be deemed personal property. Except as otherwise provided
    20  by the articles or, when so permitted by subsection (c), by one
    21  or more bylaws adopted by the shareholders, each share shall be
    22  in all respects equal to every other share. See section
    23  1906(d)(4) (relating to special treatment of holders of shares
    24  of same class or series).
    25  § 1526.  Liability of [subscribers and] shareholders.
    26     [A subscriber to, or holder or owner of, shares of a business
    27  corporation shall not be under any liability to the corporation
    28  or any creditor thereof with respect to the shares other than
    29  the personal obligation of a shareholder who has acquired his
    30  shares by subscription to comply with the terms of the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 21 -

     1  subscription.] (a)  General rule.--A shareholder of a business
     2  corporation shall not be liable, solely by reason of being a
     3  shareholder, under an order of a court or in any other manner
     4  for a debt, obligation or liability of the corporation of any
     5  kind or for the acts of any shareholder or representative of the
     6  corporation.
     7     (b)  Professional relationship unaffected.--Subsection (a)
     8  shall not afford the shareholders of a business corporation that
     9  is not a professional corporation, but that provides
    10  professional services, with greater immunity than is available
    11  to the officers, shareholders, employees or agents of a business
    12  corporation that is a professional corporation. See section 2925
    13  (relating to professional relationship retained).
    14     (c)  Disciplinary jurisdiction unaffected.--A business
    15  corporation providing professional services shall be subject to
    16  the applicable rules and regulations adopted by, and all the
    17  disciplinary powers of, the court, department, board, commission
    18  or other government unit regulating the profession in which the
    19  corporation is engaged. The court, department, board or other
    20  government unit may require that a corporation include in its
    21  articles provisions that conform to any rule or regulation
    22  heretofore or hereafter promulgated for the purpose of enforcing
    23  the ethics of a profession. This subpart shall not affect or
    24  impair the disciplinary powers of the court, department, board,
    25  commission or other government unit over licensed persons or any
    26  law, rule or regulation pertaining to the standards for
    27  professional conduct of licensed persons or to the professional
    28  relationship between any licensed person rendering professional
    29  services and the person receiving professional services.
    30  § 1571.  Application and effect of subchapter.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 22 -

     1     (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in
     2  subsection (b), any shareholder (as defined in section 1572
     3  (relating to definitions)) of a business corporation shall have
     4  the right to dissent from, and to obtain payment of the fair
     5  value of his shares in the event of, any corporate action, or to
     6  otherwise obtain fair value for his shares, only where this part
     7  expressly provides that a shareholder shall have the rights and
     8  remedies provided in this subchapter. See:
     9         Section 1906(c) (relating to dissenters rights upon
    10     special treatment).
    11         Section 1930 (relating to dissenters rights).
    12         Section 1931(d) (relating to dissenters rights in share
    13     exchanges).
    14         Section 1932(c) (relating to dissenters rights in asset
    15     transfers).
    16         Section 1952(d) (relating to dissenters rights in
    17     division).
    18         Section 1962(c) (relating to dissenters rights in
    19     conversion).
    20         Section 2104(b) (relating to procedure).
    21         Section 2324 (relating to corporation option where a
    22     restriction on transfer of a security is held invalid).
    23         Section 2325(b) (relating to minimum vote requirement).
    24         Section 2704(c) (relating to dissenters rights upon
    25     election).
    26         Section 2705(d) (relating to dissenters rights upon
    27     renewal of election).
    28         Section 2904(b) (relating to procedure).
    29         Section 2907(a) (relating to proceedings to terminate
    30     breach of qualifying conditions).
    19970S1157B1741                 - 23 -

     1         Section 7104(b)(3) (relating to procedure).
     2     (b)  Exceptions.--
     3         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2), the
     4     holders of the shares of any class or series of shares [that,
     5     at] shall not have the right to dissent and obtain payment of
     6     the fair value of the shares under this subchapter if, on the
     7     record date fixed to determine the shareholders entitled to
     8     notice of and to vote at the meeting at which a plan
     9     specified in any of section 1930, 1931(d), 1932(c) or 1952(d)
    10     is to be voted on, or on the date of the first public
    11     announcement that such a plan has been approved by the
    12     shareholders by written consent without a meeting, the shares
    13     are either:
    14             (i)  listed on a national securities exchange or
    15         designated as a national market system security on an
    16         interdealer quotation system by the National Association
    17         of Securities Dealers, Inc.; or
    18             (ii)  held beneficially or of record by more than
    19         2,000 [shareholders;
    20     shall not have the right to obtain payment of the fair value
    21     of any such shares under this subchapter.] persons.
    22         (2)  Paragraph (1) shall not apply to and dissenters
    23     rights shall be available without regard to the exception
    24     provided in that paragraph in the case of:
    25             (i)  [Shares converted by a plan if the shares are
    26         not converted solely into shares of the acquiring,
    27         surviving, new or other corporation or solely into such
    28         shares and money in lieu of fractional shares.]
    29         (Repealed.)
    30             (ii)  Shares of any preferred or special class or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 24 -

     1         series unless the articles, the plan or the terms of the
     2         transaction entitle all shareholders of the class or
     3         series to vote thereon and require for the adoption of
     4         the plan or the effectuation of the transaction the
     5         affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast by all
     6         shareholders of the class or series.
     7             (iii)  Shares entitled to dissenters rights under
     8         section 1906(c) (relating to dissenters rights upon
     9         special treatment).
    10         (3)  The shareholders of a corporation that acquires by
    11     purchase, lease, exchange or other disposition all or
    12     substantially all of the shares, property or assets of
    13     another corporation by the issuance of shares, obligations or
    14     otherwise, with or without assuming the liabilities of the
    15     other corporation and with or without the intervention of
    16     another corporation or other person, shall not be entitled to
    17     the rights and remedies of dissenting shareholders provided
    18     in this subchapter regardless of the fact, if it be the case,
    19     that the acquisition was accomplished by the issuance of
    20     voting shares of the corporation to be outstanding
    21     immediately after the acquisition sufficient to elect a
    22     majority or more of the directors of the corporation.
    23     * * *
    24     (g)  Computation of beneficial ownership.--For purposes of
    25  subsection (b)(1)(ii), shares that are held beneficially as
    26  joint tenants, tenants by the entireties, tenants in common or
    27  in trust by two or more persons, as fiduciaries or otherwise,
    28  shall be deemed to be held beneficially by one person.
    29     [(g)] (h)  Cross references.--See sections 1105 (relating to
    30  restriction on equitable relief), 1904 (relating to de facto
    19970S1157B1741                 - 25 -

     1  transaction doctrine abolished), 1763(c) (relating to
     2  determination of shareholders of record) and 2512 (relating to
     3  dissenters rights procedure).
     4  § 1572.  Definitions.
     5     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
     6  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     7  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Corporation."  The issuer of the shares held or owned by the
     9  dissenter before the corporate action or the successor by
    10  merger, consolidation, division, conversion or otherwise of that
    11  issuer. A plan of division may designate which one or more of
    12  the resulting corporations is the successor corporation for the
    13  purposes of this subchapter. The designated successor
    14  corporation or corporations in a division shall have sole
    15  responsibility for payments to dissenters and other liabilities
    16  under this subchapter except as otherwise provided in the plan
    17  of division.
    18     "Dissenter."  A shareholder [or beneficial owner] who is
    19  entitled to and does assert dissenters rights under this
    20  subchapter and who has performed every act required up to the
    21  time involved for the assertion of those rights.
    22     * * *
    23     "Shareholder."  A shareholder as defined in section 1103
    24  (relating to definitions), or an ultimate beneficial owner of
    25  shares, including without limitation a holder of depository
    26  receipts, where the beneficial interest owned includes an
    27  interest in the assets of the corporation upon dissolution.
    28  § 1704.  Place and notice of meetings of shareholders.
    29     (a)  Place.--Meetings of shareholders may be held at such
    30  place within or without this Commonwealth as may be provided in
    19970S1157B1741                 - 26 -

     1  or fixed pursuant to the bylaws. Unless otherwise provided in or
     2  pursuant to the bylaws, all meetings of the shareholders shall
     3  be held [in this Commonwealth at the registered office of the
     4  corporation] at the executive office of the corporation wherever
     5  situated.
     6     * * *
     7  § 1709.  Conduct of shareholders meeting.
     8     (a)  Presiding officer.--There shall be a presiding officer
     9  at every meeting of the shareholders. The presiding officer
    10  shall be appointed in the manner provided in the bylaws or, in
    11  the absence of such provision, by the board of directors. If the
    12  bylaws are silent on the appointment of the presiding officer
    13  and the board fails to designate a presiding officer, the
    14  president shall be the presiding officer.
    15     (b)  Authority of the presiding officer.--Except as otherwise
    16  provided in the bylaws, the presiding officer shall determine
    17  the order of business and shall have the authority to establish
    18  rules for the conduct of the meeting.
    19     (c)  Procedural standard.--Any action by the presiding
    20  officer in adopting rules for, and in conducting, a meeting
    21  shall be fair to the shareholders.
    22     (d)  Closing of the polls.--The presiding officer shall
    23  announce at the meeting when the polls close for each matter
    24  voted upon. If no announcement is made, the polls shall be
    25  deemed to have closed upon the final adjournment of the meeting.
    26  After the polls close, no ballots, proxies or votes, nor any
    27  revocations or changes thereto, may be accepted.
    28  § 1729.  Voting rights of directors.
    29     (a)  General rule.--Unless otherwise provided in a bylaw
    30  adopted by the shareholders, every director of a business
    19970S1157B1741                 - 27 -

     1  corporation shall be entitled to one vote. Without limiting the
     2  generality of the foregoing, a bylaw adopted by the shareholders
     3  may provide that a class or other defined group of directors
     4  shall have multiple or fractional voting rights, or no right to
     5  vote, either generally or under specified circumstances.
     6     (b)  [Multiple and fractional voting] Application of
     7  procedural requirements.--Any requirement of this subpart for
     8  the presence of or vote or other action by a specified
     9  percentage of directors shall be satisfied by the presence of or
    10  vote or other action by directors entitled to cast the specified
    11  percentage of the votes that all voting directors in office are
    12  entitled to cast.
    13  § 1731.  Executive and other committees of the board.
    14     (a)  Establishment and powers.--Unless otherwise restricted
    15  in the bylaws:
    16         * * *
    17         (2)  Any committee, to the extent provided in the
    18     resolution of the board of directors or in the bylaws, shall
    19     have and may exercise all of the powers and authority of the
    20     board of directors except that a committee shall not have any
    21     power or authority as to the following:
    22             (i)  The submission to shareholders of any action
    23         requiring approval of shareholders under this subpart.
    24             (ii)  The creation or filling of vacancies in the
    25         board of directors.
    26             (iii)  The adoption, amendment or repeal of the
    27         bylaws.
    28             (iv)  The amendment or repeal of any resolution of
    29         the board that by its terms is amendable or repealable
    30         only by the board.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 28 -

     1             (v)  Action on matters committed by the bylaws or
     2         resolution of the board of directors exclusively to
     3         another committee of the board.
     4         * * *
     5  § 1745.  Advancing expenses.
     6     Expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in defending
     7  any action or proceeding referred to in this subchapter may be
     8  paid by a business corporation in advance of the final
     9  disposition of the action or proceeding upon receipt of an
    10  undertaking by or on behalf of the representative to repay the
    11  amount if it is ultimately determined that he is not entitled to
    12  be indemnified by the corporation as authorized in this
    13  subchapter or otherwise. Except as otherwise provided in the
    14  bylaws, advancement of expenses shall be authorized by the board
    15  of directors. Sections 1728 (relating to interested directors or
    16  officers; quorum) and 2538 (relating to approval of transactions
    17  with interested shareholders) shall not be applicable to the
    18  advancement of expenses under this section.
    19  § 1748.  Application to surviving or new corporations.
    20     [For] (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection
    21  (b), for the purposes of this subchapter, references to "the
    22  corporation" include all constituent corporations absorbed in a
    23  consolidation, merger or division, as well as the surviving or
    24  new corporations surviving or resulting therefrom, so that any
    25  person who is or was a representative of the constituent,
    26  surviving or new corporation, or is or was serving at the
    27  request of the constituent, surviving or new corporation as a
    28  representative of another domestic or foreign corporation for
    29  profit or not-for-profit, partnership, joint venture, trust or
    30  other enterprise, shall stand in the same position under the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 29 -

     1  provisions of this subchapter with respect to the surviving or
     2  new corporation as he would if he had served the surviving or
     3  new corporation in the same capacity.
     4     (b)  Divisions.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), the
     5  obligations of a dividing corporation to indemnify and advance
     6  expenses to its representatives, whether arising under this
     7  subchapter or otherwise, may be allocated in a division in the
     8  same manner and with the same effect as any other liability of
     9  the dividing corporation.
    10  § 1756.  Quorum.
    11     (a)  General rule.--A meeting of shareholders of a business
    12  corporation duly called shall not be organized for the
    13  transaction of business unless a quorum is present. Unless
    14  otherwise provided in a bylaw adopted by the shareholders:
    15         * * *
    16         (4)  If a proxy casts a vote on behalf of a shareholder
    17     on any issue considered at a meeting of shareholders, the
    18     shareholder shall be deemed to be present during the entire
    19     meeting for purposes of determining whether a quorum is
    20     present for consideration of any other issue.
    21     * * *
    22  § 1758.  Voting rights of shareholders.
    23     * * *
    24     (b)  Procedures for election of directors.--[If the bylaws
    25  provide a fair and reasonable procedure for the nomination of
    26  candidates for any office, only candidates who have been duly
    27  nominated in accordance therewith shall be eligible for
    28  election.] Unless otherwise restricted in the bylaws, in
    29  elections for directors, voting need not be by ballot unless
    30  required by vote of the shareholders before the voting for
    19970S1157B1741                 - 30 -

     1  election of directors begins. The candidates for election as
     2  directors receiving the highest number of votes from each class
     3  or group of classes, if any, entitled to elect directors
     4  separately up to the number of directors to be elected by the
     5  class or group of classes shall be elected. If at any meeting of
     6  shareholders, directors of more than one class are to be
     7  elected, each class of directors shall be elected in a separate
     8  election.
     9     * * *
    10     (e)  Advance notice of nominations and other business.--If
    11  the bylaws provide a fair and reasonable procedure for the
    12  nomination of candidates for election as directors, only
    13  candidates who have been duly nominated in accordance therewith
    14  shall be eligible for election. If the bylaws impose a fair and
    15  reasonable requirement of advance notice of proposals to be made
    16  by a shareholder at the annual meeting of the shareholders, only
    17  proposals for which advance notice has been properly given may
    18  be acted upon at the meeting.
    19  § 1759.  VOTING AND OTHER ACTION BY PROXY.                        <--
    20     * * *
    19970S1157B1741                 - 31 -

    21     * * *
    22  § 1906.  Special treatment of holders of shares of same class or
    23             series.
    24     (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise restricted in the
    25  articles, [an amendment or] a plan may contain a provision
    26  classifying the holders of shares of a class or series into one
    27  or more separate groups by reference to any facts or
    28  circumstances that are not manifestly unreasonable and providing
    29  mandatory treatment for shares of the class or series held by
    30  particular shareholders or groups of shareholders that differs
    19970S1157B1741                 - 32 -

     1  materially from the treatment accorded other shareholders or
     2  groups of shareholders holding shares of the same class or
     3  series (including a provision modifying or rescinding rights
     4  previously created under this section) if:
     5         (1)  (i)  such provision is specifically authorized by a
     6         majority of the votes cast by all shareholders entitled
     7         to vote on the [amendment or] plan, as well as by a
     8         majority of the votes cast by any class or series of
     9         shares any of the shares of which are so classified into
    10         groups, whether or not such class or series would
    11         otherwise be entitled to vote on the [amendment or] plan;
    12         and
    13             (ii)  the provision voted on specifically enumerates
    14         the type and extent of the special treatment authorized;
    15         or
    16         (2)  under all the facts and circumstances, a court of
    17     competent jurisdiction finds such special treatment is
    18     undertaken in good faith, after reasonable deliberation and
    19     is in the best interest of the corporation.
    20     (b)  Statutory voting rights upon special treatment.--Except
    21  as provided in subsection (c), if [an amendment or] a plan
    22  contains a provision for special treatment, each group of
    23  holders of any outstanding shares of a class or series who are
    24  to receive the same special treatment under the [amendment or]
    25  plan shall be entitled to vote as a special class in respect to
    26  the plan regardless of any limitations stated in the articles or
    27  bylaws on the voting rights of any class or series.
    28     (c)  Dissenters rights upon special treatment.--If any
    29  [amendment or] plan contains a provision for special treatment
    30  without requiring for the adoption of the [amendment or] plan
    19970S1157B1741                 - 33 -

     1  the statutory class vote required by subsection (b), the holder
     2  of any outstanding shares the statutory class voting rights of
     3  which are so denied, who objects to the [amendment or] plan and
     4  complies with Subchapter D of Chapter 15 (relating to dissenters
     5  rights), shall be entitled to the rights and remedies of
     6  dissenting shareholders provided in that subchapter.
     7     (d)  Exceptions.--This section shall not apply to:
     8         (1)  The creation or issuance of securities, contracts,
     9     warrants or other instruments evidencing any shares, option
    10     rights, securities having conversion or option rights or
    11     obligations authorized by section 2513 (relating to disparate
    12     treatment of certain persons).
    13         (2)  A provision of [an amendment or] a plan that offers
    14     to all holders of shares of a class or series the same option
    15     to elect certain treatment.
    16         (3)  [An amendment or] A plan that contains an express
    17     provision that this section shall not apply or that fails to
    18     contain an express provision that this section shall apply.
    19     The shareholders of a corporation that proposes [an amendment
    20     or] a plan to which this section is not applicable by reason
    21     of this paragraph shall have the remedies contemplated by
    22     section 1105 (relating to restriction on equitable relief).
    23         (4)  A provision of a plan that treats all of the holders
    24     of a particular class or series of shares differently from
    25     the holders of another class or series. A provision of a plan
    26     that treats the holders of a class or series of shares
    27     differently from the holders of another class or series of
    28     shares shall not constitute a violation of section 1521(d)
    29     (relating to authorized shares).
    30     (e)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "plan"
    19970S1157B1741                 - 34 -

     1  includes:
     2         (1)  an amendment of the articles that effects a
     3     reclassification of shares, whether or not the amendment is
     4     accompanied by a separate plan of reclassification; and
     5         (2)  a resolution recommending that the corporation
     6     dissolve voluntarily adopted under section 1972(a) (relating
     7     to proposal of voluntary dissolution).
     8  § 1912.  Proposal of amendments.
     9     * * *
    10     (c)  Terms of amendment.--The resolution or petition may set
    11  forth the manner and basis of reclassifying the shares of the
    12  corporation. Any of the terms of a plan of reclassification or
    13  other action contained in an amendment may be made dependent
    14  upon facts ascertainable outside of the amendment if the manner
    15  in which the facts will operate upon the terms of the amendment
    16  is set forth in the amendment. Such facts may include, without
    17  limitation, actions or events within the control of or
    18  determinations made by the corporation or a representative of
    19  the corporation.
    20  § 1914.  Adoption of amendments.
    21     * * *
    22     (b)  Statutory voting rights.--Except as provided in this
    23  subpart, the holders of the outstanding shares of a class or
    24  series of shares shall be entitled to vote as a class in respect
    25  of a proposed amendment regardless of any limitations stated in
    26  the articles or bylaws on the voting rights of any class or
    27  series if [a proposed] the amendment would:
    28         (1)  authorize the board of directors to fix and
    29     determine the relative rights and preferences, as between
    30     series, of any preferred or special class;
    19970S1157B1741                 - 35 -

     1         (2)  make any change in the preferences, limitations or
     2     special rights (other than preemptive rights or the right to
     3     vote cumulatively) of the shares of a class or series adverse
     4     to the class or series;
     5         (3)  authorize a new class or series of shares having a
     6     preference as to dividends or assets which is senior to the
     7     shares of a class or series; [or]
     8         (4)  increase the number of authorized shares of any
     9     class or series having a preference as to dividends or assets
    10     which is senior in any respect to the shares of a class or
    11     series; or
    12         (5)  make the outstanding shares of a class or series
    13     redeemable by a method that is not pro rata, by lot or
    14     otherwise equitable.
    15  [then the holders of the outstanding shares of the class or
    16  series shall be entitled to vote as a class in respect to the
    17  amendment regardless of any limitations stated in the articles
    18  or bylaws on the voting rights of any class or series.]
    19     (c)  Adoption by board of directors.--Unless otherwise
    20  restricted in the articles, an amendment of articles shall not
    21  require the approval of the shareholders of the corporation if:
    22         (1)  shares have not been issued;
    23         (2)  the amendment is restricted to [any] one or more of
    24     the following:
    25             (i)  changing the corporate name;
    26             (ii)  providing for perpetual existence;
    27             (iii)  reflecting a reduction in authorized shares
    28         effected by operation of section 1552(a) (relating to
    29         power of corporation to acquire its own shares) and, if
    30         appropriate, deleting all references to a class or series
    19970S1157B1741                 - 36 -

     1         of shares that is no longer outstanding; [or]
     2             (iv)  adding or deleting a provision authorized by
     3         section 1528(f) (relating to uncertificated shares)[.];
     4         or
     5             (v)  adding, changing or eliminating the par value of
     6         any class or series of shares if the par value of that
     7         class or series does not have any substantive effect
     8         under the terms of that or any other class or series of
    10         (3)  (i)  the corporation has only one class or series of
    11         voting shares outstanding;
    12             (ii)  the corporation does not have any class or
    13         series of shares outstanding that is:
    14                 (A)  convertible into those voting shares;
    15                 (B)  junior in any way to those voting shares; or
    16                 (C)  entitled to participate on any basis in
    17             distributions with those voting shares; and
    18             (iii)  the amendment is effective solely to
    19         accomplish one of the following purposes with respect to
    20         those voting shares:
    21             [(i)]  (A)  in connection with effectuating a stock
    22         dividend of voting shares on the voting shares, to
    23         increase the number of authorized shares [to the extent
    24         necessary to permit the board of directors to effectuate
    25         a stock dividend in the shares of the corporation] of the
    26         voting shares in the same proportion that the voting
    27         shares to be distributed in the stock dividend increase
    28         the issued voting shares; or
    29             [(ii)  effectuate a]  (B)  to split the voting shares
    30         and, if desired, increase the number of authorized shares
    19970S1157B1741                 - 37 -

     1         of the voting shares or change the par value of [the
     2         authorized] the voting shares, or both, in proportion
     3         thereto;
     4         (4)  to the extent the amendment has not been approved by
     5     the shareholders, it restates without change all of the
     6     operative provisions of the articles as theretofore amended
     7     or as amended thereby; or
     8         (5)  the amendment accomplishes any combination of
     9     purposes specified in this subsection.
    10  Whenever a provision of this subpart authorizes the board of
    11  directors to take any action without the approval of the
    12  shareholders and provides that a statement, certificate, plan or
    13  other document relating to such action shall be filed in the
    14  Department of State and shall operate as an amendment of the
    15  articles, the board upon taking such action may, in lieu of
    16  filing the statement, certificate, plan or other document, amend
    17  the articles under this subsection without the approval of the
    18  shareholders to reflect the taking of such action. An amendment
    19  of articles under this subsection shall be deemed adopted by the
    20  corporation when it has been adopted by the board of directors
    21  pursuant to section 1912 (relating to proposal of amendments).
    22     * * *
    23     (f)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "voting
    24  shares" has the meaning specified in section 2552 (relating to
    25  definitions).
    26  § 1922.  Plan of merger or consolidation.
    27     (a)  Preparation of plan.--A plan of merger or consolidation,
    28  as the case may be, shall be prepared, setting forth:
    29         * * *
    30         (5)  Such other provisions as are deemed desirable.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 38 -

     1  [Any of the terms of the plan may be made dependent upon facts
     2  ascertainable outside of the plan if the manner in which the
     3  facts will operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in
     4  the plan.]
     5     (b)  Post-adoption amendment.--A plan of merger or
     6  consolidation may contain a provision that the boards of
     7  directors of the constituent corporations may amend the plan at
     8  any time prior to its effective date, except that an amendment
     9  made subsequent to the adoption of the plan by the shareholders
    10  of any constituent domestic business corporation shall not
    11  change:
    12         (1)  The amount or kind of shares, obligations, cash,
    13     property or rights to be received in exchange for or on
    14     conversion of all or any of the shares of the constituent
    15     domestic business corporation adversely to the holders of
    16     those shares.
    17         (2)  Any [term] provision of the articles of the
    18     surviving or new corporation [to be effected by] as it is to
    19     be in effect immediately following consummation of the merger
    20     or consolidation, except provisions that may be amended
    21     without the approval of the shareholders under section
    22     1914(c)(2) (relating to adoption of amendments).
    23         (3)  Any of the other terms and conditions of the plan if
    24     the change would adversely affect the holders of any shares
    25     of the constituent domestic business corporation.
    26     (c)  Proposal.--[Every] Except where the approval of the
    27  board of directors is unnecessary under this subchapter, every
    28  merger or consolidation shall be proposed in the case of each
    29  domestic business corporation by the adoption by the board of
    30  directors of a resolution approving the plan of merger or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 39 -

     1  consolidation. Except where the approval of the shareholders is
     2  unnecessary under this subchapter, the board of directors shall
     3  direct that the plan be submitted to a vote of the shareholders
     4  entitled to vote thereon at a regular or special meeting of the
     5  shareholders.
     6     * * *
     7     (e)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of a plan
     8  of merger or consolidation may be made dependent upon facts
     9  ascertainable outside of the plan if the manner in which the
    10  facts will operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in
    11  the plan. Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or
    12  events within the control of or determinations made by a party
    13  to the plan or a representative of a party to the plan.
    14  § 1923.  Notice of meeting of shareholders.
    15     (a)  General rule.--Written notice of the meeting of
    16  shareholders that will act on the proposed plan shall be given
    17  to each shareholder of record, whether or not entitled to vote
    18  thereon, of each domestic business corporation that is a party
    19  to the merger or consolidation. There shall be included in, or
    20  enclosed with, the notice a copy of the proposed plan or a
    21  summary thereof and, if Subchapter D of Chapter 15 (relating to
    22  dissenters rights) is applicable to the holders of shares of any
    23  class or series, a copy of that subchapter and of section 1930
    24  (relating to dissenters rights) shall be furnished to the
    25  holders of shares of that class or series. The notice shall
    26  state that a copy of the bylaws of the surviving or new
    27  corporation will be furnished to any shareholder on request and
    28  without cost.
    29     * * *
    30  § 1924.  Adoption of plan.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 40 -

     1     * * *
     2     (b)  Adoption by board of directors.--
     3         (1)  Unless otherwise required by its bylaws, a plan of
     4     merger or consolidation shall not require the approval of the
     5     shareholders of a constituent domestic business corporation
     6     if:
     7             * * *
     8             (ii)  immediately prior to the adoption of the plan
     9         and at all times thereafter prior to its effective date,
    10         another corporation that is a party to the [merger or
    11         consolidation] plan owns directly or indirectly 80% or
    12         more of the outstanding shares of each class of the
    13         constituent corporation; or
    14             * * *
    15         (3)  If a merger or consolidation of a subsidiary
    16     corporation with a parent corporation is effected pursuant to
    17     paragraph (1)(ii), the plan of merger or consolidation shall
    18     be deemed adopted by the subsidiary corporation when it has
    19     been adopted by the board of the parent corporation and
    20     neither approval of the plan by the board of directors of the
    21     subsidiary corporation nor execution of articles of merger or
    22     consolidation by the subsidiary corporation shall [not] be
    23     necessary.
    24         (4)  (i)  Unless other required by its bylaws, a plan of
    25         merger or consolidation providing for the merger or
    26         consolidation of a domestic business corporation
    27         (referred to in this paragraph as the "constituent
    28         corporation") with or into a single indirect wholly owned
    29         subsidiary (referred to in this paragraph as the
    30         "subsidiary corporation") of the constituent corporation
    19970S1157B1741                 - 41 -

     1         shall not require the approval of the shareholders of
     2         either the constituent corporation or the subsidiary
     3         corporation if all of the provisions of this paragraph
     4         are satisfied.
     5             (ii)  A merger or consolidation under this paragraph
     6         shall satisfy the following conditions:
     7                 (A)  The constituent corporation and the
     8             subsidiary corporation are the only parties to the
     9             merger or consolidation, other than the resulting
    10             corporation, if any, in a consolidation (the
    11             corporation that survives or results from the merger
    12             or consolidation is referred to in this paragraph as
    13             the "resulting subsidiary").
    14                 (B)  Each share or fraction of a share of the
    15             capital stock of the constituent corporation
    16             outstanding immediately prior to the effective time
    17             of the merger or consolidation is converted in the
    18             merger or consolidation into a share or equal
    19             fraction of a share of capital stock of a holding
    20             company having the same designations, rights, powers
    21             and preferences and the qualifications, limitations
    22             and restrictions as the share of stock of the
    23             constituent corporation being converted in the merger
    24             or consolidation.
    25                 (C)  The holding company and the resulting
    26             subsidiary are each domestic business corporations.
    27                 (D)  Immediately following the effective time of
    28             the merger or consolidation, the articles of
    29             incorporation and bylaws of the holding company are
    30             identical to the articles of incorporation and bylaws
    19970S1157B1741                 - 42 -

     1             of the constituent corporation immediately before the
     2             effective time of the merger or consolidation, except
     3             for changes that could be made without shareholder
     4             approval under section 1914(c) (relating to adoption
     5             by board of directors).
     6                 (E)  Immediately following the effective time of
     7             the merger or consolidation, the resulting subsidiary
     8             is a direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiary of
     9             the holding company.
    10                 (F)  The directors of the constituent corporation
    11             become or remain the directors of the holding company
    12             upon the effective time of the merger or
    13             consolidation.
    14                 (G)  The board of directors of the constituent
    15             corporation has made a good faith determination that
    16             the shareholders of the constituent corporation will
    17             not recognize gain or loss for United States Federal
    18             Income Tax purposes.
    19             (iii)  As used in this paragraph only, the term
    20         "holding company" means a corporation that, from its
    21         incorporation until consummation of the merger or
    22         consolidation governed by this paragraph, was at all
    23         times a direct wholly owned subsidiary of the constituent
    24         corporation and whose capital stock is issued in the
    25         merger or consolidation.
    26             (iv)  If the holding company is a registered
    27         corporation, the shares of the holding company issued in
    28         connection with the merger or consolidation shall be
    29         deemed to have been acquired at the time that the shares
    30         of the constituent corporation converted in the merger or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 43 -

     1         consolidation were acquired.
     2         (5)  A plan of merger or consolidation adopted by the
     3     board of directors under this subsection without the approval
     4     of the shareholders shall not, by itself, create or impair
     5     any rights or obligations on the part of any person under
     6     section 2538 (relating to approval of transactions with
     7     interested shareholders) or under Subchapters E (relating to
     8     control transactions), F (relating to business combinations),
     9     G (relating to control-share acquisitions), H (relating to
    10     disgorgement by certain controlling shareholders following
    11     attempts to acquire control), I (relating to severance
    12     compensation for employees terminated following certain
    13     control-share acquisitions) and J (relating to business
    14     combination transactions - labor contracts) of Chapter 25,
    15     nor shall it change the standard of care applicable to the
    16     directors under Subchapter B of Chapter 17 (relating to
    17     fiduciary duty).
    18             * * *
    19  § 1929.  Effect of merger or consolidation.
    20     * * *
    21     (b)  Property rights.--All the property, real, personal and
    22  mixed, and franchises of each of the corporations parties to the
    23  merger or consolidation, and all debts due on whatever account
    24  to any of them, including subscriptions for shares and other
    25  choses in action belonging to any of them, shall be deemed to be
    26  [transferred to and] vested in and shall belong to the surviving
    27  or new corporation, as the case may be, without further action,
    28  and the title to any real estate, or any interest therein,
    29  vested in any of the corporations shall not revert or be in any
    30  way impaired by reason of the merger or consolidation. The
    19970S1157B1741                 - 44 -

     1  surviving or new corporation shall thenceforth be responsible
     2  for all the liabilities of each of the corporations so merged or
     3  consolidated. Liens upon the property of the merging or
     4  consolidating corporations shall not be impaired by the merger
     5  or consolidation and any claim existing or action or proceeding
     6  pending by or against any of the corporations may be prosecuted
     7  to judgment as if the merger or consolidation had not taken
     8  place or the surviving or new corporation may be proceeded
     9  against or substituted in its place.
    10     * * *
    11  § 1930.  Dissenters rights.
    12     * * *
    13     (b)  Plans adopted by directors only.--Except as otherwise
    14  provided pursuant to section 1571(c) (relating to grant of
    15  optional dissenters rights), Subchapter D of Chapter 15 shall
    16  not apply to any of the shares of a corporation that is a party
    17  to a merger or consolidation pursuant to section 1924(b)(1)(i)
    18  or (4) (relating to adoption by board of directors).
    19     * * *
    20  § 1931.  Share exchanges.
    21     (a)  General rule.--All the outstanding shares of one or more
    22  classes or series of a domestic business corporation, designated
    23  in this section as the exchanging corporation, may, in the
    24  manner provided in this section, be acquired by any person,
    25  designated in this section as the acquiring person, through an
    26  exchange of all the shares pursuant to a plan of exchange. The
    27  plan of exchange may also provide for the conversion of any
    28  other shares of the exchanging corporation into shares, other
    29  securities or obligations of any person or cash, property or
    30  rights. The procedure authorized by this section shall not be
    19970S1157B1741                 - 45 -

     1  deemed to limit the power of any person to acquire all or part
     2  of the shares or other securities of any class or series of a
     3  corporation through a voluntary exchange or otherwise by
     4  agreement with the holders of the shares or other securities.
     5     (b)  Plan of exchange.--A plan of exchange shall be prepared,
     6  setting forth:
     7         (1)  The terms and conditions of the exchange.
     8         (2)  The manner and basis of exchanging or converting the
     9     shares of the exchanging corporation into shares or other
    10     securities or obligations of the acquiring person, and, if
    11     any of the shares of the exchanging corporation are not to be
    12     exchanged or converted solely into shares or other securities
    13     or obligations of the acquiring person, the shares or other
    14     securities or obligations of any other person or cash,
    15     property or rights that the holders of the shares of the
    16     exchanging corporation are to receive in exchange for, or
    17     upon conversion of, the shares and the surrender of any
    18     certificates evidencing them, which securities or
    19     obligations, if any, of any other person or cash, property
    20     and rights may be in addition to or in lieu of the shares or
    21     other securities or obligations of the acquiring person.
    22         (3)  Any changes desired to be made in the articles of
    23     the exchanging corporation, which may include a restatement
    24     of the articles.
    25         (4)  Any provisions desired providing special treatment
    26     of shares held by any shareholder or group of shareholders as
    27     authorized by, and subject to the provisions of, section 1906
    28     (relating to special treatment of holders of shares of same
    29     class or series). Notwithstanding subsection (a), a plan that
    30     provides special treatment may affect less than all of the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 46 -

     1     outstanding shares of a class or series.
     2         (5)  Such other provisions as are deemed desirable.
     3  [Any of the terms of the plan may be made dependent upon facts
     4  ascertainable outside of the plan if the manner in which the
     5  facts will operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in
     6  the plan.]
     7     (c)  Proposal and adoption.--The plan of exchange shall be
     8  proposed and adopted and may be amended after its adoption and
     9  terminated by the exchanging corporation in the manner provided
    10  by this subchapter for the proposal, adoption, amendment and
    11  termination of a plan of merger except section 1924(b) (relating
    12  to adoption by board of directors). There shall be included in,
    13  or enclosed with, the notice of the meeting of shareholders to
    14  act on the plan a copy or a summary of the plan and, if
    15  Subchapter D of Chapter 15 (relating to dissenters rights) is
    16  applicable, a copy of the subchapter and of subsection (d). The
    17  holders of any class of shares to be [acquired] exchanged or
    18  converted pursuant to the plan of exchange shall be entitled to
    19  vote as a class on the plan if they would have been entitled to
    20  vote on a plan of merger that affects the class in substantially
    21  the same manner as the plan of exchange.
    22     (d)  Dissenters rights in share exchanges.--Any holder of
    23  shares that are to be [acquired] exchanged or converted pursuant
    24  to a plan of exchange who objects to the plan and complies with
    25  the provisions of Subchapter D of Chapter 15 shall be entitled
    26  to the rights and remedies of dissenting shareholders therein
    27  provided, if any. See section 1906(c) (relating to dissenter
    28  rights upon special treatment).
    29     (e)  Articles of exchange.--Upon adoption of a plan of
    30  exchange, as provided in this section, articles of exchange
    19970S1157B1741                 - 47 -

     1  shall be executed by the exchanging corporation and shall set
     2  forth:
     3         (1)  The name and, subject to section 109 (relating to
     4     name of commercial registered office provider in lieu of
     5     registered address), the location of the registered office,
     6     including street and number, if any, of the exchanging
     7     corporation.
     8         (2)  If the plan is to be effective on a specified date,
     9     the hour, if any, and the month, day and year of the
    10     effective date.
    11         (3)  The manner in which the plan was adopted by the
    12     exchanging corporation.
    13         (4)  Except as provided in section 1901 (relating to
    14     omission of certain provisions from filed plans), the plan of
    15     exchange.
    16  The articles of exchange shall be filed in the Department of
    17  State. See [section] sections 134 (relating to docketing
    18  statement) and 135 (relating to requirements to be met by filed
    19  documents.
    20     * * *
    21     (i)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of a plan
    22  of exchange may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable
    23  outside of the plan if the manner in which the facts will
    24  operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in the plan.
    25  Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or events
    26  within the control of or determinations made by a party to the
    27  plan or a representative of a party to the plan.
    28  § 1932.  Voluntary transfer of corporate assets.
    29     * * *
    30     (b)  Shareholder approval required.--
    19970S1157B1741                 - 48 -

     1         (1)  A sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all,
     2     or substantially all, the property and assets, with or
     3     without the goodwill, of a business corporation, if not made
     4     pursuant to subsection (a) or (d) or to section 1551
     5     (relating to distributions to shareholders) or Subchapter D
     6     (relating to division), may be made only pursuant to a plan
     7     of asset transfer[.] in the manner provided in this
     8     subsection. A corporation selling, leasing or otherwise
     9     disposing of all, or substantially all, its property and
    10     assets is referred to in this subsection and in subsection
    11     (c) as the "transferring corporation."
    12         (2)  The property or assets of a direct or indirect
    13     subsidiary corporation that is controlled by a parent
    14     corporation shall also be deemed the property or assets of
    15     the parent corporation for the purposes of this subsection
    16     and of subsection (c). A merger or consolidation to which
    17     such a subsidiary corporation is a party and in which a third
    18     party acquires direct or indirect ownership of the property
    19     or assets of the subsidiary corporation constitutes an "other
    20     disposition" of the property or assets of the parent
    21     corporation within the meaning of that term as used in this
    22     section.
    23         (3)  The plan of asset transfer shall set forth the terms
    24     and conditions of the sale, lease, exchange or other
    25     disposition or may authorize the board of directors to fix
    26     any or all of the terms and conditions, including the
    27     consideration to be received by the corporation therefor. The
    28     plan may provide for the distribution to the shareholders of
    29     some or all of the consideration to be received by the
    30     corporation, including provisions for special treatment of
    19970S1157B1741                 - 49 -

     1     shares held by any shareholder or group of shareholders as
     2     authorized by, and subject to the provisions of, section 1906
     3     (relating to special treatment of holders of shares of same
     4     class or series). It shall not be necessary for the person
     5     acquiring the property or assets of the transferring
     6     corporation to be a party to the plan. Any of the terms of
     7     the plan may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable
     8     outside of the plan if the manner in which the facts will
     9     operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in the plan.
    10     Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or events
    11     within the control of or determinations made by the
    12     corporation or a representative of the corporation.
    13         (4)  The plan of asset transfer shall be proposed and
    14     adopted, and may be amended after its adoption and
    15     terminated, by [a business] the transferring corporation in
    16     the manner provided in this subchapter for the proposal,
    17     adoption, amendment and termination of a plan of merger,
    18     except section 1924(b) (relating to adoption by board of
    19     directors). The procedures of this subchapter shall not be
    20     applicable to the person acquiring the property or assets of
    21     the transferring corporation. There shall be included in, or
    22     enclosed with, the notice of the meeting of the shareholders
    23     of the transferring corporation to act on the plan a copy or
    24     a summary of the plan and, if Subchapter D of Chapter 15
    25     (relating to dissenters rights) is applicable, a copy of the
    26     subchapter and of subsection (c).
    27         (5)  In order to make effective the plan of asset
    28     transfer so adopted, it shall not be necessary to file any
    29     articles or other documents in the Department of State.
    30     (c)  Dissenters rights in asset transfers.--
    19970S1157B1741                 - 50 -

     1         (1)  If a shareholder of a transferring corporation that
     2     adopts a plan of asset transfer objects to the plan and
     3     complies with Subchapter D of Chapter 15, the shareholder
     4     shall be entitled to the rights and remedies of dissenting
     5     shareholders therein provided, if any.
     6         (2)  Paragraph (1) shall not apply to a sale pursuant to
     7     an order of court having jurisdiction in the premises or a
     8     sale [for money on terms requiring] pursuant to a plan of
     9     asset transfer that requires that all or substantially all of
    10     the net proceeds of sale be distributed to the shareholders
    11     in accordance with their respective interests within one year
    12     after the date of sale or to a liquidating trust.
    13         * * *
    14  § 1952.  Proposal and adoption of plan of division.
    15     (a)  Preparation of plan.--A plan of division shall be
    16  prepared, setting forth:
    17         (1)  The terms and conditions of the division, including
    18     the manner and basis of:
    19             (i)  The reclassification of the shares of the
    20         surviving corporation, if there be one, and, if any of
    21         the shares of the dividing corporation are not to be
    22         converted solely into shares or other securities or
    23         obligations of one or more of the resulting corporations,
    24         the shares or other securities or obligations of any
    25         other person, or cash, property or rights that the
    26         holders of such shares are to receive in exchange for or
    27         upon conversion of such shares, and the surrender of any
    28         certificates evidencing them, which securities or
    29         obligations, if any, of any other person or cash,
    30         property or rights may be in addition to or in lieu of
    19970S1157B1741                 - 51 -

     1         shares or other securities or obligations of one or more
     2         of the resulting corporations.
     3             (ii)  The disposition of the shares and other
     4         securities or obligations, if any, of the new corporation
     5         or corporations resulting from the division.
     6         (2)  A statement that the dividing corporation will, or
     7     will not, survive the division.
     8         (3)  Any changes desired to be made in the articles of
     9     the surviving corporation, if there be one, including a
    10     restatement of the articles.
    11         (4)  The articles of incorporation required by subsection
    12     (b).
    13         (5)  Any provisions desired providing special treatment
    14     of shares held by any shareholder or group of shareholders as
    15     authorized by, and subject to the provisions of, section 1906
    16     (relating to special treatment of holders of shares of same
    17     class or series).
    18         (6)  Such other provisions as are deemed desirable.
    19  [Any of the terms of the plan may be made dependent upon facts
    20  ascertainable outside of the plan if the manner in which the
    21  facts will operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in
    22  the plan.]
    23     * * *
    24     (g)  [Action by] Rights of holders of indebtedness.--[Unless
    25  otherwise provided by an indenture or other contract by which
    26  the dividing corporation is bound, a plan of division shall not
    27  require the approval of the holders of any debt securities or
    28  other obligations of the dividing corporation or of any
    29  representative of the holders, if the transfer of assets
    30  effected by the division, if effected by means of a sale, lease,
    19970S1157B1741                 - 52 -

     1  exchange or other disposition, and any related distribution,
     2  would not require the approval of the holders or representatives
     3  thereof.] If any debt securities, notes or similar evidences of
     4  indebtedness for money borrowed, whether secured or unsecured,
     5  indentures or other contracts were issued, incurred or executed
     6  by the dividing corporation before (the Legislative Reference
     7  Bureau shall insert here the effective date of the amendments of
     8  this section) and have not been amended subsequent to that date,
     9  the liability of the dividing corporation thereunder shall not
    10  be affected by the division nor shall the rights of the obligees
    11  thereunder be impaired by the division, and each of the
    12  resulting corporations may be proceeded against or substituted
    13  in place of the dividing corporation as joint and several
    14  obligors on such liability, regardless of any provision of the
    15  plan of division apportioning the liabilities of the dividing
    16  corporations.
    17     * * *
    18     (i)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of a plan
    19  of division may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable
    20  outside of the plan if the manner in which the facts will
    21  operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in the plan.
    22  Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or events
    23  within the control of or determinations made by the dividing
    24  corporation or a representative of the dividing corporation.
    25  § 1953.  Division without shareholder approval.
    26     (a)  General rule.--Unless otherwise restricted by its bylaws
    27  or required by section 1952(f) (relating to action by holders of
    28  preferred or special shares), a plan of division that does not
    29  alter the state of incorporation of a business corporation,
    30  provide for special treatment nor amend in any respect the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 53 -

     1  provisions of its articles (except amendments which under
     2  section 1914(c) (relating to adoption by board of directors) may
     3  be made without shareholder action) shall not require the
     4  approval of the shareholders of the corporation if:
     5         (1)  the dividing corporation has only one class of
     6     shares outstanding and the shares and other securities, if
     7     any, of each corporation resulting from the plan are
     8     distributed pro rata to the shareholders of the dividing
     9     corporation;
    10         (2)  the dividing corporation survives the division and
    11     all the shares and other securities and obligations, if any,
    12     of all new corporations resulting from the plan are owned
    13     solely by the surviving corporation; or
    14         (3)  the [transfers] allocation of assets among the
    15     resulting corporations effected by the division, if effected
    16     by means of a sale, lease, exchange or other disposition,
    17     would not require the approval of shareholders under section
    18     1932(b) (relating to shareholder approval required).
    19     (b)  Limitation.--A plan of division adopted by the board of
    20  directors under this section without the approval of the
    21  shareholders shall not, by itself, create or impair any rights
    22  or obligations on the part of any person under section 2538
    23  (relating to approval of transactions with interested
    24  shareholders) or under Subchapters E (relating to control
    25  transactions), F (relating to business combinations), G
    26  (relating to control-share acquisitions), H (relating to
    27  disgorgement by certain controlling shareholders following
    28  attempts to acquire control), I (relating to severance
    29  compensation for employees terminated following certain control-
    30  share acquisitions) and J (relating to business combination
    19970S1157B1741                 - 54 -

     1  transactions - labor contracts) of Chapter 25, nor shall it
     2  change the standard of care applicable to the directors under
     3  Subchapter B of Chapter 17 (relating to fiduciary duty).
     4  § 1955.  Filing of articles of division.
     5     (a)  General rule.--The articles of division, and the
     6  certificates or statement, if any, required by section 139
     7  (relating to tax clearance of certain fundamental transactions)
     8  shall be filed in the Department of State.
     9     (b)  Cross [reference] references.--See [section] sections
    10  134 (relating to docketing statement) and 135 (relating to
    11  requirements to be met by filed documents).
    12  § 1957.  Effect of division.
    13     * * *
    14     (b)  Property rights; allocations of assets and
    15  liabilities.--
    16         (1)  (i)  All the property, real, personal and mixed, and
    17         franchises of the dividing corporation, and all debts due
    18         on whatever account to it, including subscriptions for
    19         shares and other choses in action belonging to it, shall
    20         (except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2)), to the
    21         extent [transfers] allocations of assets are contemplated
    22         by the plan of division, be deemed without further action
    23         to be [transferred] allocated to and vested in the
    24         resulting corporations on such a manner and basis and
    25         with such effect as is specified in the plan, or per
    26         capita among the resulting corporations, as tenants in
    27         common, if no specification is made in the plan, and the
    28         title to any real estate, or interest therein, vested in
    29         any of the corporations shall not revert or be in any way
    30         impaired by reason of the division.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 55 -

     1             (ii)  Upon the division becoming effective, the
     2         resulting corporations shall each thenceforth be
     3         responsible as separate and distinct corporations only
     4         for such liabilities as each corporation may undertake or
     5         incur in its own name but shall be liable for the
     6         liabilities of the dividing corporation in the manner and
     7         on the basis provided in subparagraphs (iv) and (v).
     8             (iii)  Liens upon the property of the dividing
     9         corporation shall not be impaired by the division.
    10             (iv)  [One] To the extent allocations of liabilities
    11         are contemplated by the plan of division, the liabilities
    12         of the dividing corporation shall be deemed without
    13         further action to be allocated to and become the
    14         liabilities of the resulting corporations on such a
    15         manner and basis and with such effect as is specified in
    16         the plan; and one or more, but less than all, of the
    17         resulting corporations shall be free of the liabilities
    18         of the dividing corporation to the extent, if any,
    19         specified in the plan, if in either case:
    20                 (A)  no fraud [of corporate creditors, or of] on
    21             minority shareholders or shareholders without voting
    22             rights or violation of law shall be effected thereby,
    23             and [if applicable provisions of law are complied
    24             with.]
    25                 (B)  the plan does not constitute a fraudulent
    26             transfer under 12 Pa.C.S. Ch. 51 (relating to
    27             fraudulent transfers).
    28             (v)  If the conditions in subparagraph (iv) for
    29         freeing one or more of the resulting corporations from
    30         the liabilities of the dividing corporation, or for
    19970S1157B1741                 - 56 -

     1         allocating some or all of the liabilities of the dividing
     2         corporation, are not satisfied, the liabilities of the
     3         dividing corporation as to which those conditions are not
     4         satisfied shall not be affected by the division nor shall
     5         the rights of creditors [thereof or of any person dealing
     6         with the corporation] thereunder be impaired by the
     7         division and any claim existing or action or proceeding
     8         pending by or against the corporation with respect to
     9         those liabilities may be prosecuted to judgment as if the
    10         division had not taken place, or the resulting
    11         corporations may be proceeded against or substituted in
    12         [its] place of the dividing corporation as joint and
    13         several obligors on [such liability] those liabilities,
    14         regardless of any provision of the plan of division
    15         apportioning the liabilities of the dividing corporation.
    16             (vi)  The conditions in subparagraph (iv) for freeing
    17         one or more of the resulting corporations from the
    18         liabilities of the dividing corporation and for
    19         allocating some or all of the liabilities of the dividing
    20         corporation shall be conclusively deemed to have been
    21         satisfied if the plan of division has been approved by
    22         the Department of Banking, the Insurance Department or
    23         the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission in a final
    24         order issued after (the Legislative Reference Bureau
    25         shall insert here the effective date of the amendments of
    26         this section) that has become not subject to further
    27         appeal.
    28         (2)  (i)  The [transfer] allocation of any fee or
    29         freehold interest or leasehold having a remaining term of
    30         30 years or more in any tract or parcel of real property
    19970S1157B1741                 - 57 -

     1         situate in this Commonwealth owned by a dividing
     2         corporation (including property owned by a foreign
     3         business corporation dividing solely under the law of
     4         another jurisdiction) to a new corporation resulting from
     5         the division shall not be effective until one of the
     6         following documents is filed in the office for the
     7         recording of deeds of the county, or each of them, in
     8         which the tract or parcel is situated:
     9                 (A)  A deed, lease or other instrument of
    10             confirmation describing the tract or parcel.
    11                 (B)  A duly executed duplicate original copy of
    12             the articles of division.
    13                 (C)  A copy of the articles of division certified
    14             by the Department of State.
    15                 (D)  A declaration of acquisition setting forth
    16             the value of real estate holdings in such county of
    17             the corporation as an acquired company.
    18             (ii)  The provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1114 (relating
    19         to transfer of vehicle by operation of law) shall not be
    20         applicable to [a transfer] an allocation of ownership of
    21         any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer [from a
    22         dividing corporation] to a new corporation under this
    23         section or under a similar law of any other jurisdiction
    24         but any such [transfer] allocation shall be effective
    25         only upon compliance with the requirements of 75 Pa.C.S.
    26         § 1116 (relating to issuance of new certificate following
    27         transfer).
    28         (3)  It shall not be necessary for a plan of division to
    29     list each individual asset or liability of the dividing
    30     corporation to be allocated to a new corporation so long as
    19970S1157B1741                 - 58 -

     1     those assets and liabilities are described in a reasonable
     2     manner.
     3         (4)  Each new corporation shall hold any assets and
     4     liabilities allocated to it as the successor to the dividing
     5     corporation, and those assets and liabilities shall not be
     6     deemed to have been assigned to the new corporation in any
     7     manner, whether directly or indirectly or by operation of
     8     law.
     9     * * *
    10     (h)  Conflict of laws.--It is the intent of the General
    11  Assembly that:
    12         (1)  The effect of a division of a domestic business
    13     corporation shall be governed solely by the laws of this
    14     Commonwealth and any other jurisdiction under the laws of
    15     which any of the resulting corporations is incorporated.
    16         (2)  The effect of a division on the assets and
    17     liabilities of the dividing corporation shall be governed
    18     solely by the laws of this Commonwealth and any other
    19     jurisdiction under the laws of which any of the resulting
    20     corporations is incorporated.
    21         (3)  The validity of any allocations of assets or
    22     liabilities by a plan of division of a domestic business
    23     corporation, regardless of whether or not any of the new
    24     corporations is a foreign business corporation, shall be
    25     governed solely by the laws of this Commonwealth.
    26         (4)  In addition to the express provisions of this
    27     subsection, this subchapter shall otherwise generally be
    28     granted the protection of full faith and credit under the
    29     Constitution of the United States.
    30  § 1962.  Proposal and adoption of plan of conversion.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 59 -

     1     (a)  Preparation of plan.--A plan of conversion shall be
     2  prepared, setting forth:
     3         (1)  The terms and conditions of the conversion.
     4         (2)  A restatement of the articles of the resulting
     5     corporation, which articles shall comply with the
     6     requirements of this part relating to nonprofit corporations.
     7         (3)  Any provisions desired providing special treatment
     8     of shares held by any shareholder or group of shareholders as
     9     authorized by, and subject to the provisions of, section 1906
    10     (relating to special treatment of holders of shares of same
    11     class or series).
    12         (4)  Such other provisions as are deemed desirable.
    13  [Any of the terms of the plan may be made dependent upon facts
    14  ascertainable outside of the plan if the manner in which the
    15  facts will operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in
    16  the plan.]
    17     * * *
    18     (d)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of a plan
    19  of conversion may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable
    20  outside of the plan if the manner in which the facts will
    21  operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in the plan.
    22  Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or events
    23  within the control of or determinations made by the corporation
    24  or a representative of the corporation.
    25  § 1972.  Proposal of voluntary dissolution.
    26     (a)  General rule.--Any business corporation that has
    27  commenced business may dissolve voluntarily in the manner
    28  provided in this subchapter and wind up its affairs in the
    29  manner provided in section 1975 (relating to predissolution
    30  provision for liabilities) or Subchapter H (relating to
    19970S1157B1741                 - 60 -

     1  postdissolution provision for liabilities). Voluntary
     2  dissolution shall be proposed by the adoption by the board of
     3  directors of a resolution recommending that the corporation be
     4  dissolved voluntarily. The resolution shall contain a statement
     5  either that the dissolution shall proceed under section 1975 or
     6  that the dissolution shall proceed under Subchapter H. The
     7  resolution may set forth provisions for the distribution to
     8  shareholders of any surplus remaining after paying or providing
     9  for all liabilities of the corporation, including provisions for
    10  special treatment of shares held by any shareholder or group of
    11  shareholders as authorized by, and subject to the provisions of,
    12  section 1906 (relating to special treatment of holders of shares
    13  of same class or series).
    14     (b)  Submission to shareholders.--The board of directors
    15  shall direct that the [question of] resolution recommending
    16  dissolution be submitted to a vote of the shareholders of the
    17  corporation entitled to vote thereon at a regular or special
    18  meeting of the shareholders.
    19     * * *
    20  § 1973.  Notice of meeting of shareholders.
    21     (a)  General rule.--Written notice of the meeting of
    22  shareholders that will consider the [advisability of voluntarily
    23  dissolving a] resolution recommending dissolution of the
    24  business corporation shall be given to each shareholder of
    25  record entitled to vote thereon and the purpose shall be
    26  included in the notice of the meeting.
    27     * * *
    28  § 1975.  Predissolution provision for liabilities.
    29     (a)  Powers of board.--The board of directors of a business
    30  corporation that has elected to proceed under this section shall
    19970S1157B1741                 - 61 -

     1  have full power to wind up and settle the affairs of [a
     2  business] the corporation in accordance with this section prior
     3  to filing articles of dissolution in accordance with section
     4  1977 (relating to articles of dissolution).
     5     (b)  Notice to creditors and taxing authorities.--After the
     6  approval by the shareholders of the [proposal] resolution
     7  recommending that the corporation dissolve voluntarily, the
     8  corporation shall immediately cause notice of the winding up
     9  proceedings to be officially published and to be mailed by
    10  certified or registered mail to each known creditor and claimant
    11  and to each municipal corporation in which [its registered
    12  office or principal] it has a place of business in this
    13  Commonwealth [is located].
    14     (c)  Winding up and distribution.--The corporation shall, as
    15  speedily as possible, proceed to collect all sums due it,
    16  convert into cash all corporate assets the conversion of which
    17  into cash is required to discharge its liabilities and, out of
    18  the assets of the corporation, discharge or make adequate
    19  provision for the discharge of all liabilities of the
    20  corporation, according to their respective priorities. Any
    21  surplus remaining after paying or providing for all liabilities
    22  of the corporation shall be distributed to the shareholders
    23  according to their respective rights and preferences. See
    24  section 1972(a) (relating to proposal of voluntary dissolution).
    25  § 1976.  Judicial supervision of proceedings.
    26     A business corporation that has elected to proceed under
    27  section 1975 (relating to predissolution provision for
    28  liabilities), at any time during the winding up proceedings, may
    29  apply to the court to have the proceedings continued under the
    30  supervision of the court and thereafter the proceedings shall
    19970S1157B1741                 - 62 -

     1  continue under the supervision of the court as provided in
     2  Subchapter G (relating to involuntary liquidation and
     3  dissolution).
     4  § 1977.  Articles of dissolution.
     5     (a)  General rule.--Articles of dissolution and the
     6  certificates or statement required by section 139 (relating to
     7  tax clearance of certain fundamental transactions) shall be
     8  filed in the Department of State when:
     9         (1)  all liabilities of the business corporation have
    10     been discharged, or adequate provision has been made
    11     therefor, in accordance with section 1975 (relating to
    12     predissolution provision for liabilities), and all of the
    13     remaining assets of the corporation have been distributed as
    14     provided in section 1975 (or in case its assets are not
    15     sufficient to discharge its liabilities, when all the assets
    16     have been fairly and equitably applied, as far as they will
    17     go, to the payment of such liabilities); or
    18         (2)  an election to proceed under Subchapter H (relating
    19     to postdissolution provision for liabilities) has been made.
    20  [See section 134 (relating to docketing statement).]
    21     (b)  Contents of articles.--The articles of dissolution shall
    22  be executed by the corporation and shall set forth:
    23         * * *
    24         (5)  A statement that:
    25             (i)  [that] all liabilities of the corporation have
    26         been discharged or that adequate provision has been made
    27         therefor; [or]
    28             (ii)  [that] the assets of the corporation are not
    29         sufficient to discharge its liabilities, and that all the
    30         assets of the corporation have been fairly and equitably
    19970S1157B1741                 - 63 -

     1         applied, as far as they will go, to the payment of such
     2         liabilities[. An election by]; or
     3             (iii) the corporation has elected to proceed under
     4         Subchapter H [shall constitute the making of adequate
     5         provision for the liabilities of the corporation,
     6         including any judgment or decree that may be obtained
     7         against the corporation in any pending action or
     8         proceeding].
     9         * * *
    10         (7)  [A] In the case of a corporation that has not
    11     elected to proceed under Subchapter H, a statement that no
    12     actions or proceedings are pending against the corporation in
    13     any court, or that adequate provision has been made for the
    14     satisfaction of any judgment or decree that may be obtained
    15     against the corporation in each pending action or proceeding.
    16         (8)  [A] In the case of a corporation that has not
    17     elected to proceed under Subchapter H, a statement that
    18     notice of the winding-up proceedings of the corporation was
    19     mailed by certified or registered mail to each known creditor
    20     and claimant and to each municipal corporation in which the
    21     [registered office or principal place of business of the]
    22     corporation has a place of business in this Commonwealth [is
    23     located].
    24     * * *
    25     (d)  Cross references.--See sections 134 (relating to
    26  docketing statement) and 135 (relating to requirements to be met
    27  by filed documents).
    28  § 1978.  Winding up of corporation after dissolution.
    29     * * *
    30     (b)  Standard of care of directors and officers.--The
    19970S1157B1741                 - 64 -

     1  dissolution of the corporation shall not subject its directors
     2  or officers to standards of conduct different from those
     3  prescribed by or pursuant to Chapter 17 (relating to officers,
     4  directors and shareholders). Directors of a dissolved
     5  corporation who have complied with section 1975 (relating to
     6  predissolution provision for liabilities) or Subchapter H
     7  (relating to postdissolution provision for liabilities) shall
     8  not be personally liable to the creditors of the dissolved
     9  corporation.
    10  § 1979.  Survival of remedies and rights after dissolution.
    11     (a)  General rule.--The dissolution of a business
    12  corporation, either under this subchapter or under Subchapter G
    13  (relating to involuntary liquidation and dissolution) or by
    14  expiration of its period of duration or otherwise, shall not
    15  eliminate nor impair any remedy available to or against the
    16  corporation or its directors, officers or shareholders for any
    17  right or claim existing, or liability incurred, prior to the
    18  dissolution, if an action or proceeding thereon is brought on
    19  behalf of:
    20         (1)  the corporation within the time otherwise limited by
    21     law; or
    22         (2)  any other person before or within two years after
    23     the date of the dissolution or within the time otherwise
    24     limited by this subpart or other provision of law, whichever
    25     is less. See sections 1987 (relating to proof of claims),
    26     1993 (relating to acceptance or rejection of matured claims)
    27     and 1994 (relating to disposition of unmatured claims).
    28  [The actions or proceedings may be prosecuted against and
    29  defended by the corporation in its corporate name.]
    30     * * *
    19970S1157B1741                 - 65 -

     1     (e)  Conduct of actions.--An action or proceeding may be
     2  prosecuted against and defended by a dissolved corporation in
     3  its corporate name.
     4  § 1980.  Dissolution by domestication.
     5     Whenever a domestic business corporation has domesticated
     6  itself under the laws of another jurisdiction by action similar
     7  to that provided by section 4161 (relating to domestication) and
     8  has authorized that action by the vote required by this
     9  subchapter for the approval of a proposal that the corporation
    10  dissolve voluntarily, the corporation may surrender its charter
    11  under the laws of this Commonwealth by filing in the Department
    12  of State articles of dissolution under this subchapter
    13  containing the statement specified by section [1977(a)(1)]
    14  1977(b)(1) through (4) (relating to [preparation of articles).]
    15  articles of dissolution). If the corporation as domesticated in
    16  the other jurisdiction qualifies to do business in this
    17  Commonwealth either prior to or simultaneously with the filing
    18  of the articles of dissolution under this section, the
    19  corporation shall not be required to file with the articles of
    20  dissolution the tax clearance certificates that would otherwise
    21  be required by section 139 (relating to tax clearance of certain
    22  fundamental transactions).
    23  § 1989.  ARTICLES OF INVOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION.                     <--
    19970S1157B1741                 - 66 -

    16  DOCUMENTS).
    17     * * *
    18  § 1991.1.  Authority of board of directors.
    19     (a)  General rule.--The board of directors of a business
    20  corporation that has elected to proceed under this subchapter
    21  shall have full power to wind up and settle the affairs of the
    22  corporation in accordance with this subchapter both prior to and
    23  after the filing of articles of dissolution in accordance with
    24  section 1977 (relating to articles of dissolution).
    25     (b)  Winding up.--The corporation shall, as speedily as
    26  possible, proceed to comply with the requirements of this
    27  subchapter while simultaneously collecting all sums due it and
    28  converting into cash all corporate assets, the conversion of
    29  which into cash is required to make adequate provision for its
    30  liabilities.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 67 -

     1  § 1992.  Notice to claimants.
     2     * * *
     3     (c)  Publication and service of notices.--
     4         (1)  The notices required by this section shall be
     5     officially published at least once a week for two consecutive
     6     weeks and, in the case of a corporation having $10,000,000 or
     7     more in total assets at the time of its dissolution, at least
     8     once in all editions of a daily newspaper with a national
     9     circulation.
    10         (2)  Concurrently with or preceding the publication, the
    11     corporation or successor entity shall send a copy of the
    12     notice by certified or registered mail, return receipt
    13     requested, to each:
    14             (i)  known creditor or claimant;
    15             (ii)  holder of a claim described in subsection (b);
    16         and
    17             (iii)  municipal corporation in which [the registered
    18         office or principal] a place of business of the
    19         corporation in this Commonwealth was located at the time
    20         of filing the articles of dissolution in the department.
    21     * * *
    22  § 1997.  Payments and distributions.
    23     * * *
    24     (b)  Disposition.--The claims and liabilities shall be paid
    25  in full and any provision for payment shall be made in full if
    26  there are sufficient assets. If there are insufficient assets,
    27  the claims and liabilities shall be paid or provided for in
    28  order of their priority, and, among claims of equal priority,
    29  ratably to the extent of funds legally available therefor. Any
    30  remaining assets shall be distributed to the shareholders of the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 68 -

     1  corporation according to their respective rights and
     2  preferences, except that the distribution shall not be made less
     3  than 60 days after the last notice of rejection, if any, was
     4  given under section 1993 (relating to acceptance or rejection of
     5  matured claims). See section 1972(a) (relating to proposal of
     6  voluntary dissolution).
     7     * * *
     8     [(d)  Liability of directors.--Directors of a dissolved
     9  corporation or governing persons of a successor entity that has
    10  complied with this section shall not be personally liable to the
    11  claimants of the dissolved corporation.]
    12  § 2902.  Definitions and index of definitions.
    13     (a)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used
    14  in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this
    15  section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     "Disqualified person."  [A] The term "disqualified person" as
    17  used in this chapter means a licensed person who for any reason
    18  is or becomes legally disqualified (temporarily or permanently)
    19  to render the same professional services that the particular
    20  professional corporation of which he is an officer, director,
    21  shareholder or employee is or was rendering.
    22     ["Licensed person."  Any natural person who is duly licensed
    23  or admitted to practice his profession by a court, department,
    24  board, commission or other agency of this Commonwealth or
    25  another jurisdiction to render a professional service that is or
    26  will be rendered by the professional corporation of which he is,
    27  or intends to become, an officer, director, shareholder,
    28  employee or agent.
    29     "Profession."  Includes the performance of any type of
    30  personal service to the public that requires as a condition
    19970S1157B1741                 - 69 -

     1  precedent to the performance of the service the obtaining of a
     2  license or admission to practice or other legal authorization,
     3  including all personal services that prior to the enactment of
     4  the act of July 9, 1970 (P.L.461, No.160), known as the
     5  Professional Corporation Law, could not lawfully be rendered by
     6  means of a corporation. By way of example, and without limiting
     7  the generality of the foregoing, the term includes for the
     8  purposes of this chapter personal services rendered as an
     9  architect, chiropractor, dentist, funeral director, osteopath,
    10  podiatrist, physician, professional engineer, veterinarian,
    11  certified public accountant or surgeon and, except as otherwise
    12  prescribed by general rules, an attorney at law. Except as
    13  otherwise expressly provided by law, the definition specified in
    14  this paragraph shall be applicable to this chapter only and
    15  shall not affect the interpretation of any other statute or any
    16  local zoning ordinance or other official document heretofore or
    17  hereafter enacted or promulgated.
    18     "Professional services."  Any type of services that may be
    19  rendered by the member of any profession within the purview of
    20  his profession.]
    21     (b)  Index of other definitions.--Other definitions applying
    22  to this chapter and the sections in which they appear are:
    23     "Licensed person."  Section 102 (relating to definitions).
    24     "Profession."  Section 102.
    25     "Professional services."  Section 102.
    26  § 2904.  Election of an existing business corporation to become
    27             a professional corporation.
    28     * * *
    29     (b)  Procedure.--The amendment shall be adopted in accordance
    30  with the requirements of Subchapter B of Chapter 19 (relating to
    19970S1157B1741                 - 70 -

     1  amendment of articles) [except that the amendment must be
     2  approved by the unanimous consent of all shareholders of the
     3  corporation regardless of any limitations on voting rights
     4  stated in the articles or bylaws]. If any shareholder of a
     5  business corporation that proposes to amend its articles to
     6  become a professional corporation objects to that amendment and
     7  complies with the provisions of Subchapter D of Chapter 15
     8  (relating to dissenters rights), the shareholder shall be
     9  entitled to the rights and remedies of dissenting shareholders
    10  therein provided, if any.
    11  § 2922.  Stated purposes.
    12     * * *
    13     (b)  Additional powers.--A professional corporation may be [a
    14  partner in or a shareholder] an equity owner of a partnership
    15  [or], limited liability company, corporation or other
    16  association engaged in the business of rendering the
    17  professional service or services for which the professional
    18  corporation was incorporated.
    19  § 2923.  Issuance and retention of shares.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise provided by a
    21  statute, rule or regulation applicable to a particular
    22  profession, all of the ultimate beneficial owners of shares in a
    23  professional corporation [may be beneficially owned, directly or
    24  indirectly, only by one or more] shall be licensed persons and
    25  any issuance or transfer of shares in violation of this
    26  restriction shall be void. A shareholder of a professional
    27  corporation shall not enter into a voting trust, proxy or any
    28  other arrangement vesting another person (other than [another
    29  licensed] a person who is qualified to be a direct or indirect
    30  shareholder of the same corporation) with the authority to
    19970S1157B1741                 - 71 -

     1  exercise the voting power of any or all of his shares, and any
     2  such purported voting trust, proxy or other arrangement shall be
     3  void.
     4     (b)  Ownership by estate.--Unless a lesser period of time is
     5  provided in a bylaw [of the corporation] adopted by the
     6  shareholders or in a written agreement among the shareholders of
     7  the corporation, the estate of a deceased shareholder may
     8  continue to hold shares of the professional corporation for a
     9  reasonable period of administration of the estate, but the
    10  personal representative of the estate shall not by reason of the
    11  retention of shares be authorized to participate in any
    12  decisions concerning the rendering of professional service.
    13     * * *
    14  § 3133.  Notice of meetings of members of mutual insurance
    15             companies.
    16     (a)  General rule.--Unless otherwise restricted in the
    17  bylaws, persons authorized or required to give notice of an
    18  annual meeting of members of a mutual insurance company for the
    19  election of directors or of a meeting of members of a mutual
    20  insurance company called for the purpose of considering [an]
    21  amendment of the articles or bylaws, or both, of the corporation
    22  may, in lieu of any written notice of meeting of members
    23  required to be given by this subpart, give notice of such
    24  meeting by causing notice of such meeting to be officially
    25  published. Such notice shall be published each week for at
    26  least:
    27         (1)  Three successive weeks, in the case of an annual
    28     meeting.
    29         (2)  Four successive weeks, in the case of a meeting to
    30     consider [an] amendment of the articles or bylaws, or both.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 72 -

     1     * * *
     2  § 4123.  Requirements for foreign corporation names.
     3     * * *
     4     (b)  Exceptions.--
     5         (1)  The provisions of section 1303(b) (relating to
     6     duplicate use of names) shall not prevent the issuance of a
     7     certificate of authority to a foreign business corporation
     8     setting forth a name that is [confusingly similar to] not
     9     distinguishable upon the records of the department from the
    10     name of any other domestic or foreign corporation for profit
    11     or corporation not-for-profit, [or of any domestic or foreign
    12     limited partnership that has filed a certificate or qualified
    13     under Chapter 85 (relating to limited partnerships) or
    14     corresponding provisions of prior law,] or of any corporation
    15     or other association then registered under 54 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5
    16     (relating to corporate and other association names) or to any
    17     name reserved or registered as provided in this part, if the
    18     foreign business corporation applying for a certificate of
    19     authority files in the department [one of the following:
    20             (i)  A] a resolution of its board of directors
    21         adopting a fictitious name for use in transacting
    22         business in this Commonwealth, which fictitious name is
    23         [not confusingly similar to] distinguishable upon the
    24         records of the department from the name of the other
    25         corporation or other association or [to] from any name
    26         reserved or registered as provided in this part and that
    27         is otherwise available for use by a domestic business
    28         corporation.
    29             [(ii)  The written consent of the other corporation
    30         or other association or holder of a reserved or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 73 -

     1         registered name to use the same or confusingly similar
     2         name and one or more words are added to make the name
     3         applied for distinguishable from the other name.]
     4         * * *
     5  § 4126.  AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY.                        <--
    15  STATE:
    24         (4)] (2)  SUBJECT TO SECTION 109 (RELATING TO NAME OF
    19970S1157B1741                 - 74 -

     3     THAT EITHER:
     6             (II)  DOCUMENTS COMPLYING WITH SECTION 4123(B)
    12  STATEMENT).
    13  § 4146.  Provisions applicable to all foreign corporations.
    14     The following provisions of this subpart shall, except as
    15  otherwise provided in this section, be applicable to every
    16  foreign corporation for profit, whether or not required to
    17  procure a certificate of authority under this chapter:
    18         Section 1503 (relating to defense of ultra vires), as to
    19     contracts and conveyances [made in] governed by the laws of
    20     this Commonwealth and conveyances affecting real property
    21     situated in this Commonwealth.
    22         Section 1506 (relating to form of execution of
    23     instruments), as to instruments or other documents [made or
    24     to be performed in] governed by the laws of this Commonwealth
    25     or affecting real property situated in this Commonwealth.
    26         Section 1510 (relating to certain specifically authorized
    27     debt terms), as to obligations (as defined in the section)
    28     [executed or effected in] governed by the laws of this
    29     Commonwealth or affecting real property situated in this
    30     Commonwealth.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 75 -

     1         * * *
     2  § 4161.  Domestication.
     3     * * *
     4     (b)  Articles of domestication.--The articles of
     5  domestication shall be executed by the corporation and shall set
     6  forth in the English language:
     7         (1)  The name of the corporation. If the name is in a
     8     foreign language, it shall be set forth in Roman letters or
     9     characters or Arabic or Roman numerals. If the name is one
    10     that is rendered unavailable by any provision of section
    11     1303(b) or (c) (relating to corporate name), the corporation
    12     shall adopt, in accordance with any procedures for changing
    13     the name of the corporation that are applicable prior to the
    14     domestication of the corporation, and shall set forth in the
    15     articles of domestication an available name.
    16         * * *
    17     (c)  Cross [reference] references.--See [section] sections
    18  134 (relating to docketing statement) and 135 (relating to
    19  requirements to be met by filed documents).
    20  § 4162.  Effect of domestication.
    21     (a)  General rule.--As a domestic business corporation, the
    22  domesticated corporation shall no longer be a foreign business
    23  corporation for the purposes of this subpart and shall [have],
    24  instead, be a domestic business corporation with all the powers
    25  and privileges and [be subject to] all the duties and
    26  limitations granted and imposed upon domestic business
    27  corporations. [The property, franchises, debts, liens, estates,
    28  taxes, penalties and public accounts due the Commonwealth shall
    29  continue to be vested in and imposed upon the corporation to the
    30  same extent as if it were the successor by merger of the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 76 -

     1  domesticating corporation with and into a domestic business
     2  corporation under Subchapter C of Chapter 19 (relating to
     3  merger, consolidation, share exchanges and sale of assets).] In
     4  all other respects, the domesticated corporation shall be deemed
     5  to be the same corporation as it was prior to the domestication
     6  without any change in or effect on its existence. Without
     7  limiting the generality of the previous sentence, the
     8  domestication shall not be deemed to have affected in any way:
     9         (1)  the right and title of the corporation in and to its
    10     assets, property, franchises, estates and choses in action;
    11         (2)  the liability of the corporation for its debts,
    12     obligations, penalties and public accounts due the
    13     Commonwealth;
    14         (3)  any liens or other encumbrances on the property or
    15     assets of the corporation; or
    16         (4)  any contract, license or other agreement to which
    17     the corporation is a party or under which it has any rights
    18     or obligations.
    19     (b)  Reclassification of shares.--The shares of the
    20  domesticated corporation shall be unaffected by the
    21  domestication except to the extent, if any, reclassified in the
    22  articles of domestication.
    23  § 5303.  Corporate name.
    24     * * *
    25     (b)  Duplicate use of names.--The corporate name shall [not
    26  be the same as or confusingly similar to] be distinguishable
    27  upon the records of the Department of State from:
    28         (1)  The name of any other domestic corporation for
    29     profit or not-for-profit which is either in existence or for
    30     which articles of incorporation have been filed but have not
    19970S1157B1741                 - 77 -

     1     yet become effective, or of any foreign corporation for
     2     profit or not-for-profit which is either authorized to do
     3     business in this Commonwealth or for which an application for
     4     a certificate of authority has been filed but which has not
     5     yet become effective, [or of any domestic or foreign limited
     6     partnership that has filed in the Department of State a
     7     certificate or qualified under Chapter 85 (relating to
     8     limited partnerships) or under corresponding provisions of
     9     prior law,] or the name of any association registered at any
    10     time under 54 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 (relating to corporate and other
    11     association names), unless[:
    12             (i)  where the name is the same or confusingly
    13         similar,] the other association:
    14                 [(A)] (i)  has stated that it is about to change
    15             its name, or to cease to do business, or is being
    16             wound up, or is a foreign association about to
    17             withdraw from doing business in this Commonwealth,
    18             and the statement and [the] a written consent [of the
    19             other association] to the adoption of the name
    20             executed by the other association is filed in the
    21             Department of State;
    22                 [(B)] (ii)  has filed with the Department of
    23             Revenue a certificate of out of existence, or has
    24             failed for a period of three successive years to file
    25             with the Department of Revenue a report or return
    26             required by law and the fact of such failure has been
    27             certified by the Department of Revenue to the
    28             Department of State;
    29                 [(C)] (iii)  has abandoned its name under the
    30             laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation, by
    19970S1157B1741                 - 78 -

     1             amendment, merger, consolidation, division,
     2             expiration, dissolution or otherwise, without its
     3             name being adopted by a successor in a merger,
     4             consolidation, division or otherwise, and an official
     5             record of that fact, certified as provided by 42
     6             Pa.C.S. § 5328 (relating to proof of official
     7             records), is presented by any person to the
     8             department; or
     9                 [(D)] (iv)  has had the registration of its name
    10             under 54 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 terminated and, if the
    11             termination was effected by operation of 54 Pa.C.S. §
    12             504 (relating to effect of failure to make decennial
    13             filings), the application for the use of the name is
    14             accompanied by a verified statement stating that at
    15             least 30 days' written notice of intention to
    16             appropriate the name was given to the delinquent
    17             association at its [registered office] last known
    18             place of business and that, after diligent search by
    19             the affiant, the affiant believes the association to
    20             be out of existence.[; or
    21             (ii)  where the name is confusingly similar, the
    22         consent of the other association to the adoption of the
    23         name is filed in the Department of State.
    24     The consent of the association shall be evidenced by a
    25     statement to that effect executed by the association.]
    26         * * *
    27     (e)  Remedies for violation of section.--The use of a name in
    28  violation of this section shall not vitiate or otherwise affect
    29  the corporate existence but any court having jurisdiction may
    30  enjoin the corporation from using or continuing to use a name in
    19970S1157B1741                 - 79 -

     1  violation of this section, upon the application of:
     2         (1)  the Attorney General, acting on his own motion or at
     3     the instance of any administrative department, board or
     4     commission of this Commonwealth; or
     5         (2)  any person adversely affected.[;
     6  may enjoin the corporation from using or continuing to use a
     7  name in violation of this section.]
     8     (f)  Cross references.--See sections 135(e) (relating to
     9  distinguishable names) and 5106(b)(2) (relating to limited
    10  uniform application of subpart).
    11  § 5304.  Required name changes by senior corporations.
    12     (a)  Adoption of new name upon reactivation.--Where a
    13  corporate name is made available on the basis that the
    14  corporation or [nonprofit unincorporated] other association
    15  [which] that formerly registered [such] the name has failed to
    16  file with the Department of Revenue [or in the Department of
    17  State] a report or a return required by law or where the
    18  corporation or [nonprofit unincorporated] other association has
    19  filed with the Department of Revenue a certificate of out of
    20  existence, [such] the corporation or other association shall
    21  cease to have by virtue of its prior registration any right to
    22  the use of [such] the name[, and such]. The corporation or other
    23  association, upon withdrawal of the certificate of out of
    24  existence or upon the removal of its delinquency in the filing
    25  of the required reports or returns, shall make inquiry with the
    26  Department of State with regard to the availability of its
    27  name[,] and, if [such] the name has been made available to
    28  another domestic or foreign corporation for profit or not-for-
    29  profit or other association by virtue of [the above] these
    30  conditions, shall adopt a new name in accordance with law before
    19970S1157B1741                 - 80 -

     1  resuming its activities.
     2     (b)  Enforcement of undertaking to release name.--If a
     3  corporation has used a name [the same as, or deceptively similar
     4  to,] that is not distinguishable upon the records of the
     5  Department of State from the name of another corporation or
     6  [nonprofit unincorporated] other association as permitted by
     7  section 5303(b)(1)[(i)] (relating to duplicate use of names) and
     8  the other corporation or [nonprofit unincorporated] other
     9  association continues to use its name in this Commonwealth and
    10  does not change its name, cease to do business, be wound up, or
    11  withdraw as it proposed to do in its consent or change its name
    12  as required by subsection (a), any court [of competent] having
    13  jurisdiction may enjoin the other corporation or other
    14  association from continuing to use its name or a name that is
    15  not distinguishable therefrom, upon the application of:
    16         (1)  the Attorney General, acting on his own motion or at
    17     the instance of any administrative department, board or
    18     commission of this Commonwealth[,]; or
    19         (2)  upon the application of any person adversely
    20     affected[, may enjoin the other corporation or association
    21     from continuing to use its name or a name deceptively similar
    22     thereto].
    23  § 5311.  Filing of statement of summary of record by certain
    24             corporations.
    25     (a)  General rule.--Where any of the [valid] charter
    26  documents of a nonprofit corporation are not on file in the
    27  Department of State or there is an error in any such document as
    28  transferred to the department pursuant to section 140 (relating
    29  to custody and management of orphan corporate and business
    30  records), and the corporation desires to file any document in
    19970S1157B1741                 - 81 -

     1  the department under any other provision of this [article]
     2  subpart or the corporation desires to secure from the department
     3  any certificate to the effect that the corporation is a
     4  corporation duly incorporated and existing under the laws of
     5  this Commonwealth or a certified copy of the articles of the
     6  corporation or the corporation desires to correct the text of
     7  its charter documents as on file in the department, the
     8  corporation shall file in the department a statement of summary
     9  of record which shall be executed by the corporation and shall
    10  set forth:
    11         (1)  The name of the corporation and, subject to section
    12     109 (relating to name of commercial registered office
    13     provides in lieu of registered address), the location,
    14     including street and number, if any, of its registered
    15     office.
    16         (2)  The statute by or under which the corporation was
    17     incorporated.
    18         (3)  The name under which, the manner in which and the
    19     date on which the corporation was originally incorporated,
    20     including the date when and the place where the original
    21     articles were recorded.
    22         (4)  The place or places, including volume and page
    23     numbers or their equivalent, where the documents
    24     [constituting the currently effective articles are] that are
    25     not on file in the department or that require correction in
    26     the records of the department were originally filed or
    27     recorded, the date or dates of each [such] filing or
    28     recording and the correct text of [such currently effective
    29     articles] the documents. The information specified in this
    30     paragraph may be omitted in a statement of summary of record
    19970S1157B1741                 - 82 -

     1     that is delivered to the department contemporaneously with
     2     amended and restated articles of the corporation filed under
     3     this subpart.
     4         [(5)  Each name by which the corporation was known, if
     5     any, other than its original name and its current name, and
     6     the date or dates on which each change of name of the
     7     corporation became effective.
     8  A corporation shall be required to make only one filing under
     9  this subsection.]
    10     (b)  Validation of prior defects in incorporation.--Upon the
    11  filing of a statement by a corporation under this section or the
    12  transfer to the department of the records relating to a
    13  corporation pursuant to section 140, the corporation [named in
    14  the statement] shall be deemed to be a validly subsisting
    15  corporation to the same extent as if it had been duly
    16  incorporated and was existing under this subpart and the
    17  department shall so certify regardless of any absence of or
    18  defect in the prior proceedings relating to incorporation.
    19     (c)  Cross [reference] references.--See [section] sections
    20  134 (relating to docketing statement), 135 (relating to
    21  requirements to be met by filed documents) and 5106(b)(2)
    22  (relating to uniform application of subpart).
    23  § 5503.  Defense of ultra vires.
    24     (a)  General rule.--[No] A limitation upon the business,
    25  [purpose or] purposes[,] or powers of a nonprofit corporation,
    26  expressed or implied in its articles or bylaws or implied by
    27  law, shall not be asserted in order to defend any action at law
    28  or in equity between the corporation and a third person, or
    29  between a member and a third person, involving any contract to
    30  which the corporation is a party or any right of property or any
    19970S1157B1741                 - 83 -

     1  alleged liability of [whatsoever] whatever nature[; but such],
     2  but the limitation may be asserted:
     3         (1)  In an action by a member against the corporation to
     4     enjoin the doing of unauthorized acts or the transaction or
     5     continuation of unauthorized business. If the unauthorized
     6     acts or business sought to be enjoined are being transacted
     7     pursuant to any contract to which the corporation is a party,
     8     the court may, if all of the parties to the contract are
     9     parties to the action[,] and if it deems [such action] the
    10     result to be equitable, set aside and enjoin the performance
    11     of [such] the contract, and in so doing shall allow to the
    12     corporation, or to the other parties to the contract, as the
    13     case may be, such compensation as may be [equitable]
    14     appropriate for the loss or damage sustained by any of them
    15     from the action of the court in setting aside and enjoining
    16     the performance of [such] the contract, but anticipated
    17     profits to be derived from the performance of the contract
    18     shall not be awarded by the court as a loss or damage
    19     sustained.
    20         (2)  In any action by or in the right of the corporation
    21     to procure a judgment in its favor against an incumbent or
    22     former officer, director or member of an other body of the
    23     corporation for loss or damage due to his unauthorized acts.
    24         (3)  In a proceeding by the Commonwealth under section
    25     503 (relating to actions to revoke corporate franchises)[,]
    26     or in a proceeding by the Commonwealth to enjoin the
    27     corporation from the doing of unauthorized or unlawful
    28     business.
    29     (b)  Conveyances of property by or to a corporation.--[No] A
    30  conveyance or transfer by or to a nonprofit corporation of
    19970S1157B1741                 - 84 -

     1  property, real or personal, of any kind or description, shall
     2  not be invalid or fail because in making [such] the conveyance
     3  or transfer, or in acquiring the property, real or personal,
     4  [the board of directors or other body or any of the officers]
     5  any representative of the corporation acting within the scope of
     6  the actual or apparent authority given to [them] him by the
     7  [board of directors or other body, have] corporation has
     8  exceeded any of the purposes or powers of the corporation.
     9     (c)  [Nonqualified foreign corporations.--The provisions of
    10  this section shall extend to contracts and conveyances made by
    11  nonqualified foreign corporations in this Commonwealth and to
    12  conveyances by nonqualified foreign corporations of real
    13  property situated in this Commonwealth.] Cross reference.--See
    14  section 6146 (relating to provisions applicable to all foreign
    15  corporations).
    16  § 5505.  Persons bound by bylaws.
    17     Except as otherwise provided by section 5713 (relating to
    18  personal liability of directors) or any similar provision of
    19  law, bylaws of a nonprofit corporation shall operate only as
    20  regulations among the members, directors, members of an other
    21  body and officers of the corporation, and shall not affect
    22  contracts or other dealings with other persons, unless those
    23  persons have actual knowledge of the bylaws.
    24  § 5506.  Form of execution of instruments.
    25     (a)  General rule.--Any form of execution provided in the
    26  articles or bylaws to the contrary notwithstanding, any note,
    27  mortgage, evidence of indebtedness, contract[,] or other
    28  [instrument in writing] document, or any assignment or
    29  endorsement thereof, executed or entered into between any
    30  nonprofit corporation and any other person, when signed by one
    19970S1157B1741                 - 85 -

     1  or more officers or agents having actual or apparent authority
     2  to sign it, or by the president or vice-president and secretary
     3  or assistant secretary or treasurer or assistant treasurer of
     4  [such] the corporation, shall be held to have been properly
     5  executed for and in behalf of the corporation.
     6     (b)  Seal unnecessary.--[Except as otherwise required by
     7  statute, the] The affixation of the corporate seal shall not be
     8  necessary to the valid execution, assignment or endorsement by a
     9  corporation of any instrument [in writing] or other document.
    10     (c)  [Nonqualified foreign corporations.--The provisions of
    11  this section shall extend to instruments in writing made or to
    12  be performed in this Commonwealth by a nonqualified foreign
    13  corporation and to instruments executed by nonqualified foreign
    14  corporations affecting real property situated in this
    15  Commonwealth.] Cross reference.--See section 6146 (relating to
    16  provisions applicable to all foreign corporations).
    17  § 5508.  Corporate records; inspection by members.
    18     (a)  Required records.--Every nonprofit corporation shall
    19  keep [an original or duplicate record] minutes of the
    20  proceedings of the members [and], the directors[,] and [of] any
    21  other body [exercising powers or performing duties which under
    22  this article may be exercised or performed by such other body,
    23  the original or a copy of its bylaws, including all amendments
    24  thereto to date, certified by the secretary of the corporation],
    25  and [an original or] a [duplicate] membership register, giving
    26  the names [of the members, and showing their respective] and
    27  addresses of all members and the class and other details of the
    28  membership of each. [Every such] The corporation shall also keep
    29  appropriate, complete and accurate books or records of account.
    30  The records provided for in this subsection shall be kept at
    19970S1157B1741                 - 86 -

     1  [either] any of the following locations:
     2         (1)  the registered office of the corporation in this
     3     Commonwealth [or at its];
     4         (2)  the principal place of business wherever
     5     situated[.]; or
     6         (3)  any actual business office of the corporation.
     7     (b)  Right of inspection by a member.--Every member shall,
     8  upon written verified demand [under oath] stating the purpose
     9  thereof, have a right to examine, in person or by agent or
    10  attorney, during the usual hours for business for any proper
    11  purpose, the membership register, books and records of account,
    12  and records of the proceedings of the members, directors and
    13  [such] any other body, and to make copies or extracts therefrom.
    14  A proper purpose shall mean a purpose reasonably related to the
    15  interest of [such] the person as a member. In every instance
    16  where an attorney or other agent [shall be] is the person who
    17  seeks the right [to] of inspection, the demand [under oath]
    18  shall be accompanied by a verified power of attorney or [such]
    19  other writing [which] that authorizes the attorney or other
    20  agent to so act on behalf of the member. The demand [under oath]
    21  shall be directed to the corporation:
    22         (1)  at its registered office in this Commonwealth [or];
    23         (2)  at its principal place of business wherever
    24     situated[.]; or
    25         (3)  in care of the person in charge of an actual
    26     business office of the corporation.
    27     (c)  Proceedings for the enforcement of inspection by a
    28  member.--If the corporation, or an officer or agent thereof,
    29  refuses to permit an inspection sought by a member or attorney
    30  or other agent acting for the member pursuant to subsection (b)
    19970S1157B1741                 - 87 -

     1  [of this section] or does not reply to the demand within five
     2  business days after the demand has been made, the member may
     3  apply to the court for an order to compel [such] the inspection.
     4  The court shall determine whether or not the person seeking
     5  inspection is entitled to the inspection sought. The court may
     6  summarily order the corporation to permit the member to inspect
     7  the membership register and the other books and records of the
     8  corporation and to make copies or extracts therefrom; or the
     9  court may order the corporation to furnish to the member a list
    10  of its members as of a specific date on condition that the
    11  member first pay to the corporation the reasonable cost of
    12  obtaining and furnishing [such] the list and on such other
    13  conditions as the court deems appropriate. Where the member
    14  seeks to inspect the books and records of the corporation, other
    15  than its membership register or list of members, he shall first
    16  establish:
    17         (1)  that he has complied with the provisions of this
    18     section respecting the form and manner of making demand for
    19     inspection of such document; and
    20         (2)  that the inspection he seeks is for a proper
    21     purpose.
    22  Where the member seeks to inspect the membership register or
    23  list of members of the corporation and he has complied with the
    24  provisions of this section respecting the form and manner of
    25  making demand for inspection of [such] the documents, the burden
    26  of proof shall be upon the corporation to establish that the
    27  inspection he seeks is for an improper purpose. The court may,
    28  in its discretion, prescribe any limitations or conditions with
    29  reference to the inspection, or award such other or further
    30  relief as the court [may deem] deems just and proper. The court
    19970S1157B1741                 - 88 -

     1  may order books, documents and records, pertinent extracts
     2  therefrom, or duly authenticated copies thereof, to be brought
     3  [within] into this Commonwealth and kept in this Commonwealth
     4  upon such terms and conditions as the order may prescribe.
     5     (d)  Cross references.--See sections 107 (relating to form of
     6  records) and 5512 (relating to informational rights of a
     7  director).
     8  § 5510.  [(Reserved).] Certain specifically authorized debt
     9             terms.
    10     (a)  Interest rates.--A nonprofit corporation shall not plead
    11  or set up usury, or the taking of more than the lawful rate of
    12  interest, or the taking of any finance, service or default
    13  charge in excess of any maximum rate therefor provided or
    14  prescribed by law, as a defense to any action or proceeding
    15  brought against it to recover damages on, or to enforce payment
    16  of, or to enforce any other remedy on, any obligation executed
    17  or effected by the corporation.
    18     (b)  Yield maintenance premiums.--A prepayment premium
    19  determined by reference to the approximate spread between the
    20  yield at issuance, or at the date of amendment of any of the
    21  terms, of an obligation of a corporation and the yield at or
    22  about such date of an interest rate index of independent
    23  significance and contingent upon a change in the ownership of or
    24  memberships in the corporation or a default by or other change
    25  in the condition or prospects of the corporation or any
    26  affiliate of the corporation shall be deemed liquidated damages
    27  and shall not constitute a penalty.
    28     (c)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    29  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    30  subsection:
    19970S1157B1741                 - 89 -

     1     "Affiliate."  An affiliate or associate as defined in section
     2  2552 (relating to definitions).
     3     "Obligation."  Includes an installment sale contract.
     4     (d)  Cross reference.--See section 6146 (relating to
     5  provisions applicable to all foreign corporations).
     6  § 5512.  Informational rights of a director.
     7     (a)  General rule.--To the extent reasonably related to the
     8  performance of the duties of the director, including those
     9  arising from service as a member of a committee of the board of
    10  directors, a director of a nonprofit corporation is entitled:
    11         (1)  in person or by any attorney or other agent, at any
    12     reasonable time, to inspect and copy corporate books, records
    13     and documents and, in addition, to inspect, and receive
    14     information regarding, the assets, liabilities and operations
    15     of the corporation and any subsidiaries of the corporation
    16     incorporated or otherwise organized or created under the laws
    17     of this Commonwealth that are controlled directly or
    18     indirectly by the corporation; and
    19         (2)  to demand that the corporation exercise whatever
    20     rights it may have to obtain information regarding any other
    21     subsidiaries of the corporation.
    22     (b)  Proceedings for the enforcement of inspection by a
    23  director.--If the corporation, or an officer or agent thereof,
    24  refuses to permit an inspection or obtain or provide information
    25  sought by a director or attorney or other agent acting for the
    26  director pursuant to subsection (a) or does not reply to the
    27  request within two business days after the request has been
    28  made, the director may apply to the court for an order to compel
    29  the inspection or the obtaining or providing of the information.
    30  The court shall summarily order the corporation to permit the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 90 -

     1  requested inspection or to obtain the information unless the
     2  corporation establishes that the information to be obtained by
     3  the exercise of the right is not reasonably related to the
     4  performance of the duties of the director or that the director
     5  or the attorney or agent of the director is likely to use the
     6  information in a manner that would violate the duty of the
     7  director to the corporation. The order of the court may contain
     8  provisions protecting the corporation from undue burden or
     9  expense and prohibiting the director from using the information
    10  in a manner that would violate the duty of the director to the
    11  corporation.
    12     (c)  Cross references.--See sections 107 (relating to form of
    13  records), 5508 (relating to corporate records; inspection by
    14  members) and 42 Pa.C.S. § 2503(7) (relating to right of
    15  participants to receive counsel fees).
    16  § 5545.  Income from corporate activities.
    17     (a)  General rule.--A nonprofit corporation whose lawful
    18  activities involve among other things the charging of fees or
    19  prices for its services or products, shall have the right to
    20  receive [such] that income and, in so doing, may make [an
    21  incidental] a profit. All [such incidental] profits shall be
    22  applied to the maintenance and operation of the lawful
    23  activities of the corporation, or any of its subordinate units
    24  or of any not-for-profit association to which it is subordinate,
    25  and [in no case] shall otherwise not be divided or distributed
    26  in any manner whatsoever among the members, directors, members
    27  of an other body or officers of the corporation. [As used in
    28  this section the terms fees or prices do not include rates of
    29  contribution, fees or dues levied under an insurance certificate
    30  issued by a fraternal benefit society, so long as the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 91 -

     1  distribution of profits arising from said fees or prices is
     2  limited to the purposes set forth in this section and section
     3  5551 (relating to dividends prohibited; compensation and certain
     4  payments authorized).]
     5     (b)  Cross references.--See sections 5511 (relating to
     6  establishment of subordinate units) and 5551(relating to
     7  dividends prohibited; compensation and certain payments
     8  authorized).
     9  § 5546.  Purchase, sale[, mortgage] and lease of [real]
    10             property.
    11     [Except for an industrial development corporation whose
    12  articles or bylaws otherwise provide, no purchase of real
    13  property shall be made by a nonprofit corporation and no
    14  corporation shall sell, mortgage, lease away or otherwise
    15  dispose of its real property, unless authorized by the vote of
    16  two-thirds of the members in office of the board of directors or
    17  other body, except that if there are 21 or more directors or
    18  members of such other body, the vote of a majority of the
    19  members in office shall be sufficient. No application to or
    20  confirmation of any court shall be required and, unless
    21  otherwise restricted in the bylaws, no vote or consent of the
    22  members shall be required to make effective such action by the
    23  board or other body. If the real property is subject to a trust
    24  the conveyance away shall be free of trust and the trust shall
    25  be impinged upon the proceeds of such conveyance.] Except as
    26  otherwise provided in this subpart and unless otherwise provided
    27  in the bylaws, no application to or confirmation of any court
    28  shall be required for the purchase by or the sale, lease or
    29  other disposition of the real or personal property, or any part
    30  thereof, of a nonprofit corporation, and, unless otherwise
    19970S1157B1741                 - 92 -

     1  restricted in section 5930 (relating to voluntary transfer of
     2  corporate assets) or in the bylaws, no vote or consent of the
     3  members shall be required to make effective such action by the
     4  board or other body. If the property is subject to a trust, the
     5  conveyance away shall be free of trust, and the trust shall be
     6  impinged upon the proceeds of the conveyance.
     7  § 5547.  Authority to take and hold trust property.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Every nonprofit corporation incorporated
     9  for a charitable purpose or purposes may take, receive and hold
    10  such real and personal property as may be given, devised to[,]
    11  or otherwise vested in [such] the corporation, in trust or
    12  otherwise, for the purpose or purposes set forth in its
    13  articles.
    14     (b)  Standard of conduct.--The board of directors or other
    15  body of the corporation shall, as trustees of [such] trust
    16  property, be held to the same degree of responsibility and
    17  accountability as if not incorporated, unless:
    18         (1)  a less degree or a particular degree of
    19     responsibility and accountability is prescribed in the trust
    20     instrument, or [unless]
    21         (2)  the board of directors or such other body remain
    22     under the control of the members of the corporation or third
    23     persons who retain the right to direct, and do direct, the
    24     actions of the board or other body as to the use of the trust
    25     property from time to time.
    26     [(b)] (c)  Nondiversion of certain property.--[Property
    27  committed to charitable purposes] Trust property shall not, by
    28  any proceeding under Chapter 59 (relating to fundamental
    29  changes) or otherwise, be diverted from the objects to which it
    30  was donated, granted or devised, unless and until the [board of
    19970S1157B1741                 - 93 -

     1  directors or other body] corporation obtains from the court an
     2  order under 20 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to estates) specifying
     3  the disposition of the property.
     4  § 5551.  Dividends prohibited; compensation and certain payments
     5             authorized.
     6     (a)  General rule.--[A] Except as provided in section 5545
     7  (relating to income from corporate activities), a nonprofit
     8  corporation shall not pay dividends or distribute any part of
     9  its net income or profits to its members, directors, members of
    10  an other body or officers. [Nothing herein contained shall
    11  prohibit a fraternal benefit society operating under the
    12  insurance laws of Pennsylvania from paying dividends or refunds
    13  by whatever name known pursuant to the terms of its insurance
    14  contracts.] A contribution by a corporation to a not-for-profit
    15  association made on or after February 13, 1973, shall not be
    16  deemed a dividend or distribution for purposes of this subpart.
    17     (b)  Reasonable compensation for services.--A [nonprofit]
    18  corporation may pay compensation in a reasonable amount to
    19  members, directors, members of an other body or officers for
    20  services rendered.
    21     (c)  Certain payments authorized.--A [nonprofit] corporation
    22  may confer monetary or other benefits upon members or nonmembers
    23  in conformity with its purposes, may repay capital
    24  contributions, and may redeem its [subvention certificates or
    25  evidences of indebtedness] subventions or obligations, as
    26  authorized by this [article, except when the corporation is
    27  currently insolvent or would thereby be made insolvent or
    28  rendered unable to carry on its corporate purposes, or when the
    29  fair value of the assets of the corporation remaining after such
    30  conferring of benefits, payment or redemption would be
    19970S1157B1741                 - 94 -

     1  insufficient to meet its liabilities.] subpart unless, after
     2  giving effect thereto, the corporation would be unable to pay
     3  its debts as they become due in the usual course of its
     4  business. A [nonprofit] corporation may make distributions of
     5  cash or property to members upon dissolution or final
     6  liquidation as permitted by this article.
     7  § 5552.  Liabilities of members.
     8     (a)  General rule.--[The members of a nonprofit corporation
     9  shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities or
    10  obligations of the corporation.] A member of a nonprofit
    11  corporation shall not be liable, solely by reason of being a
    12  member, under an order of a court or in any other manner for a
    13  debt, obligation or liability of the corporation of any kind or
    14  for the acts of any member or representative of the corporation.
    15     (b)  Obligations of member to corporation.--A member shall be
    16  liable to the corporation only to the extent of any unpaid
    17  portion of the capital contributions, membership dues or
    18  assessments which the corporation may have lawfully imposed upon
    19  him, or for any other indebtedness owed by him to the
    20  corporation. No action shall be brought by any creditor of the
    21  corporation to reach and apply any such liability to any debt of
    22  the corporation until after:
    23         (1)  final judgment [shall have] has been rendered
    24     against the corporation in favor of the creditor and
    25     execution thereon returned unsatisfied[, or the corporation
    26     shall have been adjudged bankrupt, or];
    27         (2)  a case involving the corporation has been brought
    28     under 11 U.S.C. Ch. 7 (relating to liquidation) and a
    29     distribution has been made and the case closed or a notice of
    30     no assets has been issued; or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 95 -

     1         (3)  a receiver [shall have] has been appointed with
     2     power to collect debts, and [which] the receiver, on demand
     3     of a creditor to bring an action thereon, has refused to sue
     4     for [such] the unpaid amount, or the corporation [shall have]
     5     has been dissolved or ceased its activities leaving debts
     6     unpaid.
     7     [No such] (c)  Action by a creditor.--An action by a creditor
     8  under subsection (b) shall not be brought more than three years
     9  after the happening of [any one of such events.] the first to
    10  occur of the events listed in subsection (b)(1) through (3).
    11  § 5709.  Conduct of members meeting.
    12     (a)  Presiding officer.--There shall be a presiding officer
    13  at every meeting of the members. The presiding officer shall be
    14  appointed in the manner provided in the bylaws or, in the
    15  absence of such provision, by the board of directors. If the
    16  bylaws are silent on the appointment of the presiding officer
    17  and the board fails to designate a presiding officer, the
    18  president shall be the presiding officer.
    19     (b)  Authority of the presiding officer.--Except as otherwise
    20  provided in the bylaws, the presiding officer shall determine
    21  the order of business and shall have the authority to establish
    22  rules for the conduct of the meeting.
    23     (c)  Procedural standard.--Any action by the presiding
    24  officer in adopting rules for, and in conducting, a meeting
    25  shall be fair to the members.
    26     (d)  Closing of the polls.--The presiding officer shall
    27  announce at the meeting when the polls close for each matter
    28  voted upon. If no announcement is made, the polls shall be
    29  deemed to have closed upon the final adjournment of the meeting.
    30  After the polls close, no ballots, proxies or votes, nor any
    19970S1157B1741                 - 96 -

     1  revocations or changes thereto, may be accepted.
     2  § 5729.  Voting rights of directors.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Unless otherwise provided in a bylaw
     4  adopted by the members, every director of a nonprofit
     5  corporation shall be entitled to one vote. Without limiting the
     6  generality of the foregoing, a bylaw adopted by the members may
     7  provide that a class or other defined group of directors shall
     8  have multiple or fractional voting rights, or no right to vote,
     9  either generally or under specified circumstances.
    10     (b)  [Multiple and fractional voting.--The requirement of
    11  this article] Application of procedural requirements.--Any
    12  requirement of this subpart for the presence of or vote or other
    13  action by a specified percentage of directors shall be satisfied
    14  by the presence of or vote or other action by directors entitled
    15  to cast [such] the specified percentage of the votes [which all]
    16  that all voting directors in office are entitled to cast.
    17  § 5731.  Executive and other committees of the board.
    18     (a)  Establishment and powers.--Unless otherwise restricted
    19  in the bylaws:
    20         (1)  The board of directors may, by resolution adopted by
    21     a majority of the directors in office, establish one or more
    22     committees to consist of one or more directors of the
    23     corporation.
    24         (2)  Any [such] committee, to the extent provided in the
    25     resolution of the board of directors or in the bylaws, shall
    26     have and may exercise all of the powers and authority of the
    27     board of directors, except that [no such] a committee shall
    28     not have any power or authority as to the following:
    29             (i)  The submission to members of any action
    30         requiring approval of members under this [article]
    19970S1157B1741                 - 97 -

     1         subpart.
     2             (ii)  The creation or filling of vacancies in the
     3         board of directors.
     4             (iii)  The adoption, amendment or repeal of the
     5         bylaws.
     6             (iv)  The amendment or repeal of any resolution of
     7         the board that by its terms is amendable or repealable
     8         only by the board.
     9             (v)  Action on matters committed by the bylaws or a
    10         resolution of the board of directors exclusively to
    11         another committee of the board.
    12         [(2)] (3)  The board may designate one or more directors
    13     as alternate members of any committee, who may replace any
    14     absent or disqualified member at any meeting of the
    15     committee. In the absence or disqualification of a member of
    16     a committee, the member or members thereof present at any
    17     meeting and not disqualified from voting, whether or not he
    18     or they constitute a quorum, may unanimously appoint another
    19     director to act at the meeting in the place of any [such]
    20     absent or disqualified member.
    21     (b)  Term.--Each committee of the board shall serve at the
    22  pleasure of the board.
    23  § 5745.  Advancing expenses.
    24     Expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in defending
    25  any action or proceeding referred to in this subchapter may be
    26  paid by a nonprofit corporation in advance of the final
    27  disposition of the action or proceeding upon receipt of an
    28  undertaking by or on behalf of the representative to repay the
    29  amount if it is ultimately determined that he is not entitled to
    30  be indemnified by the corporation as authorized in this
    19970S1157B1741                 - 98 -

     1  subchapter or otherwise. Except as otherwise provided in the
     2  bylaws, advancement of expenses shall be authorized by the board
     3  of directors. Section 5728 (relating to interested members,
     4  directors or officers; quorum) shall not be applicable to the
     5  advancement of expenses under this section.
     6  § 5748.  Application to surviving or new corporations.
     7     [For] (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection
     8  (b), for the purposes of this subchapter, references to "the
     9  corporation" include all constituent corporations absorbed in a
    10  consolidation, merger or division, as well as the surviving or
    11  new corporations surviving or resulting therefrom, so that any
    12  person who is or was a representative of the constituent,
    13  surviving or new corporation, or is or was serving at the
    14  request of the constituent, surviving or new corporation as a
    15  representative of another domestic or foreign corporation for
    16  profit or not-for-profit, partnership, joint venture, trust or
    17  other enterprise, shall stand in the same position under the
    18  provisions of this subchapter with respect to the surviving or
    19  new corporation as he would if he had served the surviving or
    20  new corporation in the same capacity.
    21     (b)  Divisions.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), the
    22  obligations of a dividing corporation to indemnify and advance
    23  expenses of its representatives, whether arising under this
    24  subchapter or otherwise, may be allocated in a division in the
    25  same manner and with the same effect as any other liability of
    26  the dividing corporation.
    27  § 5758.  Voting rights of members.
    28     (a)  General rule.--Unless otherwise provided in a bylaw
    29  adopted by the members, every member of a nonprofit corporation
    30  shall be entitled to one vote.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 99 -

     1     (b)  Procedures.--The manner of voting on any matter,
     2  including changes in the articles or bylaws, may be by ballot,
     3  mail or any reasonable means provided in a bylaw adopted by the
     4  members. If a bylaw adopted by the members provides a fair and
     5  reasonable procedure for the nomination of candidates for any
     6  office, only candidates who have been duly nominated in
     7  accordance therewith shall be eligible for election. Unless
     8  otherwise provided in such a bylaw, in elections for directors,
     9  voting shall be by ballot, and the candidates receiving the
    10  highest number of votes from each class or group of classes, if
    11  any, of members entitled to elect directors separately up to the
    12  number of directors to be elected by such class or group of
    13  classes shall be elected. If at any meeting of members directors
    14  of more than one class are to be elected, each class of
    15  directors shall be elected in a separate election.
    16     (c)  Cumulative voting.--[The members of a nonprofit
    17  corporation shall have the right to cumulate their votes for the
    18  election of directors only if and to the extent a bylaw adopted
    19  by the members so provides.] If a bylaw adopted by the members
    20  so provides, in each election of directors of a nonprofit
    21  corporation every member entitled to vote shall have the right
    22  to multiply the number of votes to which he may be entitled by
    23  the total number of directors to be elected in the same election
    24  by the members or the class of members to which he belongs and
    25  he may cast the whole number of his votes for one candidate or
    26  he may distribute them among any two or more candidates.
    27     (d)  Sale of votes.--No member shall sell his vote or issue a
    28  proxy for money or anything of value.
    29     (e)  Voting lists.--Upon request of a member, the books or
    30  records of membership shall be produced at any regular or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 100 -

     1  special meeting of the corporation. If at any meeting the right
     2  of a person to vote is challenged, the presiding officer shall
     3  require [such] the books or records to be produced as evidence
     4  of the right of the person challenged to vote, and all persons
     5  who appear by [such] the books or records to be members entitled
     6  to vote may vote. See section 6145 (relating to applicability of
     7  certain safeguards to foreign corporations).
     8  § 5782.  Actions against directors, members of an other body and
     9             officers.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b), in
    11  any action or proceeding brought to enforce a secondary right on
    12  the part of one or more members of a nonprofit corporation
    13  against any present or former officer, director or member of an
    14  other body of the corporation because the corporation refuses to
    15  enforce rights that may properly be asserted by it, each
    16  plaintiff must aver and it must be made to appear that each
    17  plaintiff was a member of the corporation at the time of the
    18  transaction of which he complains.
    19     (b)  Exception.--Any member who, except for the provisions of
    20  subsection (a), would be entitled to maintain the action or
    21  proceeding and who does not meet such requirements may,
    22  nevertheless in the discretion of the court, be allowed to
    23  maintain the action or proceeding on preliminary showing to the
    24  court, by application and upon such verified statements and
    25  depositions as may be required by the court, that there is a
    26  strong prima facie case in favor of the claim asserted on behalf
    27  of the corporation and that without the action serious injustice
    28  will result.
    29     (c)  Security for costs.--In any action or proceeding
    30  instituted or maintained by less than the smaller of 50 members
    19970S1157B1741                 - 101 -

     1  of any class or 5% of the members of any class of the
     2  corporation, the corporation in whose right the action or
     3  proceeding is brought shall be entitled at any stage of the
     4  proceedings to require the plaintiffs to give security for the
     5  reasonable expenses, including attorney fees, that may be
     6  incurred by it in connection therewith or for which it may
     7  become liable pursuant to section 5743 (relating to mandatory
     8  indemnification), but only insofar as relates to actions by or
     9  in the right of the corporation, to which security the
    10  corporation shall have recourse in such amount as the court
    11  determines upon the termination of the action or proceeding. The
    12  amount of security may, from time to time, be increased or
    13  decreased in the discretion of the court upon showing that the
    14  security provided has or may become inadequate or excessive. The
    15  security may be denied or limited in the discretion of the court
    16  upon preliminary showing to the court, by application and upon
    17  such verified statements and depositions as may be required by
    18  the court, establishing prima facie that the requirement of full
    19  or partial security would impose undue hardship on plaintiffs
    20  and serious injustice would result.
    21     (d)  Cross reference.--See section 6146 (relating to
    22  provisions applicable to all foreign corporations).
    23  § 5903.  Bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings.
    24     (a)  General rule.--[Whenever] Unless otherwise provided in
    25  the bylaws, whenever a nonprofit corporation is insolvent or in
    26  financial difficulty, the board of directors may, by resolution
    27  and without the consent of the members, authorize and designate
    28  the officers of the corporation to execute a deed of assignment
    29  for the benefit of creditors, or file a voluntary petition in
    30  bankruptcy, or file an answer consenting to the appointment of a
    19970S1157B1741                 - 102 -

     1  receiver upon a complaint in the nature of an equity action
     2  filed by creditors or members, or, if insolvent, file an answer
     3  to an involuntary petition in bankruptcy admitting the
     4  insolvency of the corporation and its willingness to be adjudged
     5  a debtor on that ground.
     6     (b)  Bankruptcy proceedings.--[A] If authorized pursuant to
     7  subsection (a), a nonprofit corporation may participate in
     8  proceedings under and in the manner provided by Title 11 of the
     9  United States Code (relating to bankruptcy) notwithstanding any
    10  contrary provision of its articles or bylaws or this subpart,
    11  other than [section] sections 103 (relating to subordination of
    12  title to regulatory laws) and 5107 (relating to subordination of
    13  subpart to canon law). The corporation shall have full power and
    14  authority to put into effect and carry out a plan of
    15  reorganization or arrangement and the decrees and orders of the
    16  court, or judge or referee relative thereto, and may take any
    17  proceeding and do any act provided in the plan or arrangement or
    18  directed by such decrees and orders, without further action by
    19  its directors or members. Such power and authority may be
    20  exercised, and such proceedings and acts may be taken, as may be
    21  directed by such decrees or orders, by the trustees or receivers
    22  of the corporation appointed in the bankruptcy proceedings, or a
    23  majority thereof, or, if none be appointed and acting, by
    24  designated officers of the corporation, or by a master or other
    25  representative appointed by the court or judge or referee, with
    26  the effect as if exercised and taken by unanimous action of the
    27  directors and members of the corporation. Without limiting the
    28  generality or effect of the foregoing, the corporation may:
    29         * * *
    30  § 5912.  Proposal of amendments.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 103 -

     1     (a)  General rule.--Every amendment [to] of the articles of a
     2  nonprofit corporation shall be proposed [by]:
     3         (1)  by the adoption by the board of directors or other
     4     body of a resolution setting forth the proposed amendment;
     5         (2)  unless otherwise provided in the articles, by
     6     petition of members entitled to cast at least 10% of the
     7     votes [which] that all members are entitled to cast thereon,
     8     setting forth the proposed amendment, which petition shall be
     9     directed to the board of directors and filed with the
    10     secretary of the corporation; or
    11         (3)  by such other method as may be provided in the
    12     bylaws.
    13     [The] (b)  Submission to members.--Except where the approval
    14  of the members is unnecessary under this subchapter, the board
    15  of directors or other body [or the petitioning members] shall
    16  direct that the proposed amendment be submitted to a vote of the
    17  members entitled to vote thereon at a regular or special meeting
    18  of the members.
    19     [(b)] (c)  Form of amendment.--[The resolution or petition
    20  shall contain the language of the proposed amendment to the
    21  articles by providing that the articles shall be amended so as
    22  to read as therein set forth in full, or that any provision
    23  thereof be amended so as to read as therein set forth in full,
    24  or that the matter stated in the resolution or petition be added
    25  to or stricken from the articles. The resolution or petition may
    26  set forth the manner and basis of reclassifying the shares of
    27  the corporation.] The resolution or petition shall contain the
    28  language of the proposed amendment of the articles:
    29         (1)  by setting forth the existing text of the articles
    30     or the provision thereof that is proposed to be amended, with
    19970S1157B1741                 - 104 -

     1     brackets around language that is to be deleted and
     2     underscoring under language that is to be added; or
     3         (2)  by providing that the articles shall be amended so
     4     as to read as therein set forth in full, or that any
     5     provision thereof be amended so as to read as therein set
     6     forth in full, or that the matter stated in the resolution or
     7     petition be added to or stricken from the articles.
     8     (d)  Terms of amendment.--The resolution or petition may set
     9  forth the manner and basis of reclassifying the memberships in
    10  or shares of the corporation. Any of the terms of a plan of
    11  reclassification or other action contained in an amendment may
    12  be made dependent upon facts ascertainable outside of the
    13  amendment if the manner in which the facts will operate upon the
    14  terms of the amendment is set forth in the amendment. Such facts
    15  may include, without limitation, actions or events within the
    16  control of or determinations made by the corporation or a
    17  representative of the corporation.
    18  § 5922.  Plan of merger or consolidation.
    19     (a)  Preparation of plan.--A plan of merger or consolidation,
    20  as the case may be, shall be prepared, setting forth:
    21         (1)  The terms and conditions of the merger or
    22     consolidation.
    23         [(2)  The mode of carrying the merger or consolidation
    24     into effect.
    25         (3)] (2)  If the surviving or new corporation is or is to
    26     be a domestic nonprofit corporation:
    27             (i)  any changes desired to be made in the articles,
    28         which may include a restatement of the articles in the
    29         case of a merger; or
    30             (ii)  in the case of a consolidation, all of the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 105 -

     1         statements required by this [article] subpart to be set
     2         forth in restated articles.
     3         [(4)] (3)  Such other [details and] provisions as are
     4     deemed desirable.
     5     (b)  Post-adoption amendment.--A plan of merger or
     6  consolidation may contain a provision that the boards of
     7  directors or other bodies of the constituent corporations may
     8  amend the plan at any time prior to its effective date, except
     9  that an amendment made subsequent to the adoption of the plan by
    10  the members of any constituent corporation shall not change:
    11         (1)  The term of memberships or the amount or kind of
    12     securities, obligations, cash, property or rights to be
    13     received in exchange for or on conversion of all or any of
    14     the memberships in the constituent corporation.
    15         (2)  Any term of the articles of the surviving or new
    16     corporation to be effected by the merger or consolidation.
    17         (3)  Any of the terms and conditions of the plan if the
    18     change would adversely affect the members of the constituent
    19     corporation.
    20     [(b)] (c)  Proposal.--Every merger or consolidation shall be
    21  proposed in the case of each domestic nonprofit corporation
    22  [by]:
    23         (1)  by the adoption by the board of directors or other
    24     body of a resolution approving the plan of merger or
    25     consolidation;
    26         (2)  unless otherwise provided in the articles, by
    27     petition of members entitled to cast at least 10% of the
    28     votes [which] that all members are entitled to cast thereon,
    29     setting forth the proposed plan of merger or consolidation,
    30     which petition shall be directed to the board of directors
    19970S1157B1741                 - 106 -

     1     and filed with the secretary of the corporation; or
     2         (3)  by such other method as may be provided in the
     3     bylaws.
     4     [The] (d)  Submission to members.--Except where the
     5  corporation has no members entitled to vote thereon, the board
     6  of directors or other body [or the petitioning members] shall
     7  direct that the plan be submitted to a vote of the members
     8  entitled to vote thereon at a regular or special meeting of the
     9  members.
    10     (e)  Party to plan or transaction.--A corporation,
    11  partnership, business trust or other association that approves a
    12  plan in its capacity as a member or creditor of a merging or
    13  consolidating corporation, or that furnishes all or a part of
    14  the consideration contemplated by a plan, does not thereby
    15  become a party to the plan or the merger or consolidation for
    16  the purposes of this subchapter.
    17     (f)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of a plan
    18  of merger or consolidation may be made dependent upon facts
    19  ascertainable outside of the plan if the manner in which the
    20  facts will operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in
    21  the plan. Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or
    22  events within the control of or determinations made by a party
    23  to the plan or a representative of a party to the plan.
    24  § 5923.  Notice of meeting of members.
    25     (a)  General rule.--Written notice of the meeting of members
    26  that will act on the proposed plan shall[, not less than ten
    27  days before the meeting of members called for the purpose of
    28  considering the proposed plan,] be given to each member of
    29  record, whether or not entitled to vote thereon, of each
    30  domestic nonprofit corporation that is a party to the merger or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 107 -

     1  consolidation. There shall be included in, or enclosed with,
     2  [such] the notice a copy of the proposed plan or a summary
     3  thereof. The notice shall state that a copy of the bylaws of the
     4  surviving or new corporation will be furnished to any member on
     5  request and without cost.
     6     (b)  Cross reference.--See Subchapter A of Chapter 57
     7  (relating to notice and meetings generally).
     8  § 5929.  Effect of merger or consolidation.
     9     (a)  Single surviving or new corporation.--Upon the merger or
    10  consolidation becoming effective, the several corporations
    11  parties to the [plan of] merger or consolidation shall be a
    12  single corporation which, in the case of a merger, shall be
    13  [that] the corporation designated in the plan of merger as the
    14  surviving corporation[,] and, in the case of a consolidation,
    15  shall be the new corporation provided for in the plan of
    16  consolidation. The separate existence of all corporations
    17  parties to the [plan of] merger or consolidation shall cease,
    18  except that of the surviving corporation, in the case of a
    19  merger. The surviving or new corporation, as the case may be, if
    20  it is a domestic nonprofit corporation, shall not thereby
    21  acquire authority to engage in any business or exercise any
    22  right [which] that a corporation may not be incorporated under
    23  this [article] subpart to engage in or exercise.
    24     (b)  Property rights.--Except as otherwise provided by order,
    25  if any, obtained pursuant to section [5547(b)] 5547(c) (relating
    26  to nondiversion of certain property), all the property, real,
    27  personal[,] and mixed, and franchises of each of the
    28  corporations parties to the [plan of] merger or consolidation,
    29  and all debts due on whatever account to any of them, including
    30  subscriptions for membership and other choses in action
    19970S1157B1741                 - 108 -

     1  belonging to any of them, shall be [taken and] deemed to be
     2  [transferred to and] vested in and shall belong to the surviving
     3  or new corporation, as the case may be, without further [act or
     4  deed] action, and the title to any real estate, or any interest
     5  therein, vested in any of the corporations shall not revert or
     6  be in any way impaired by reason of the merger or consolidation.
     7  The surviving or new corporation shall thenceforth be
     8  responsible for all the liabilities [and obligations] of each of
     9  the corporations so merged or consolidated. [No liens] Liens
    10  upon the property of the merging or consolidating corporations
    11  shall not be impaired by [such] the merger or consolidation, and
    12  any claim existing or action or proceeding pending by or against
    13  any of [such] the corporations may be prosecuted to judgment as
    14  if [such] the merger or consolidation had not taken place, or
    15  the surviving or new corporation may be proceeded against or
    16  substituted in its place. Any devise, gift or grant contained in
    17  any will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before
    18  or after such merger or consolidation, to or for any of the
    19  constituent corporations, shall inure to the surviving or new
    20  corporation, as the case may be, subject to compliance with the
    21  requirements of section 5550 (relating to devises, bequests and
    22  gifts after certain fundamental changes).
    23     (c)  Taxes.--Any taxes, penalties and public accounts of the
    24  Commonwealth, claimed against any of the merging or
    25  consolidating corporations, but not settled, assessed or
    26  determined prior to [such] the merger or consolidation, shall be
    27  settled, assessed or determined against the surviving or new
    28  corporation[,] and, together with interest thereon, shall be a
    29  lien against the franchises and property, both real and
    30  personal, of the surviving or new corporation.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 109 -

     1     (d)  Articles of incorporation.--In the case of a merger, the
     2  articles of incorporation of the surviving domestic nonprofit
     3  corporation, if any, shall be deemed to be amended to the
     4  extent, if any, that changes in its articles are stated in the
     5  plan of merger[; and in]. In the case of a consolidation into a
     6  domestic nonprofit corporation, the statements [which] that are
     7  set forth in the plan of consolidation, or articles of
     8  incorporation set forth therein, shall be deemed to be the
     9  articles of incorporation of the new corporation.
    10  § 5952.  Proposal and adoption of plan of division.
    11     (a)  Preparation of plan.--A plan of division shall be
    12  prepared, setting forth:
    13         (1)  The terms and conditions of the division, including
    14     the manner and basis of:
    15             (i)  [the] The reclassification of the membership
    16         interests or shares [or obligations] of the surviving
    17         corporation, if there be one[; and].
    18             (ii)  [the] The disposition of the membership
    19         interests or shares [and] or obligations, if any, of the
    20         new corporation or corporations resulting from the
    21         division.
    22         [(2)  The mode of carrying the division into effect.
    23         (3)] (2)  A statement that the dividing nonprofit
    24     corporation will, or will not, survive the division.
    25         [(4)] (3)  Any changes desired to be made in the articles
    26     of the surviving corporation, if there be one, including a
    27     restatement of the articles.
    28         [(5)] (4)  The articles of incorporation required by
    29     subsection (b) [of this section].
    30         [(6)] (5)  Such other [details and] provisions as are
    19970S1157B1741                 - 110 -

     1     deemed desirable.
     2     (b)  Articles of new corporations.--There shall be included
     3  in or annexed to the plan of division:
     4         (1)  Articles of incorporation, which shall contain all
     5     of the statements required by this [article] subpart to be
     6     set forth in restated articles, for each of the new domestic
     7     nonprofit corporations, if any, resulting from the division.
     8         (2)  Articles of incorporation, certificates of
     9     incorporation[,] or other charter documents for each of the
    10     new foreign nonprofit corporations [not-for-profit], if any,
    11     resulting from the division.
    12     (c)  Proposal and adoption.--[The] Except as otherwise
    13  provided in section 5953 (relating to division without member
    14  approval), the plan of division shall be proposed and adopted,
    15  and may be amended after its adoption and terminated, by a
    16  domestic nonprofit corporation in the manner provided for the
    17  proposal, adoption, amendment and termination of a plan of
    18  merger in Subchapter C (relating to merger, consolidation and
    19  sale of assets) or, if the dividing corporation is a foreign
    20  nonprofit corporation [not-for-profit], in accordance with the
    21  laws of the jurisdiction in which it is incorporated[.] and, in
    22  the case of a foreign domiciliary corporation, the provisions of
    23  this subpart to the extent provided by section 6145 (relating to
    24  applicability of certain safeguards to foreign corporations).
    25  There shall be included in or enclosed with the notice of the
    26  meeting of members that will act on the plan a copy or summary
    27  of the plan.
    28     (d)  Special requirements.--If any provision of the bylaws of
    29  a dividing domestic nonprofit corporation adopted before January
    30  1, 1972 shall require for the adoption of a plan of merger or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 111 -

     1  consolidation or a plan involving the sale, lease or exchange of
     2  all or substantially all of the property and assets of the
     3  corporation a specific number or percentage of votes of
     4  directors, members, or members of an other body or other special
     5  procedures, the plan of division shall not be adopted without
     6  such number or percentage of votes or compliance with such other
     7  special procedures.
     8     (e)  Financial status of resulting corporations.--Unless the
     9  plan of division provides that the dividing corporation shall
    10  survive the division and that all membership interests or shares
    11  or obligations, if any, of all new corporations resulting from
    12  the plan shall be owned solely by the surviving corporation, no
    13  plan of division may be made effective at a time when the
    14  dividing corporation is insolvent or when the division would
    15  render any of the resulting corporations insolvent.
    16     (f)  Rights of holders of indebtedness.--If any debt
    17  securities, notes or similar evidences of indebtedness for money
    18  borrowed, whether secured or unsecured, indentures or other
    19  contracts were issued, incurred or executed by the dividing
    20  corporation before January 1, 1972, and have not been amended
    21  subsequent to that date, the liability of the dividing
    22  corporation thereunder shall not be affected by the division nor
    23  shall the rights of the obligees thereunder be impaired by the
    24  division, and each of the resulting corporations may be
    25  proceeded against or substituted in place of the dividing
    26  corporation as joint and several obligors on such liability,
    27  regardless of any provision of the plan of division apportioning
    28  the liabilities of the dividing corporation.
    29     (g)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of a plan
    30  of division may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable
    19970S1157B1741                 - 112 -

     1  outside of the plan if the manner in which the facts will
     2  operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in the plan.
     3  Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or events
     4  within the control of or determinations made by the dividing
     5  corporation or a representative of the dividing corporation.
     6  § 5953.  [(Reserved).]  Division without member approval.
     7     Unless otherwise required by its bylaws or by section 5952
     8  (relating to proposal and adoption of plan of division), a plan
     9  of division that does not alter the state of incorporation of a
    10  nonprofit corporation nor amend in any respect the provisions of
    11  its articles, except amendments that under section 5914(b)
    12  (relating to adoption in absence of voting members) may be made
    13  without member action, shall not require the approval of the
    14  members of the corporation if the transfers of assets effected
    15  by the division, if effected by means of a sale, lease, exchange
    16  or other disposition, would not require the approval of members
    17  under section 5930 (relating to voluntary transfer of corporate
    18  assets).
    19  § 5957.  Effect of division.
    20     (a)  Multiple resulting corporations.--Upon the division
    21  becoming effective, the dividing corporation shall be subdivided
    22  into the distinct and independent resulting corporations named
    23  in the plan of division and, if the dividing corporation is not
    24  to survive the division, the existence of the dividing
    25  corporation shall cease. The resulting corporations, if they are
    26  domestic nonprofit corporations, shall not thereby acquire
    27  authority to engage in any business or exercise any right
    28  [which] that a corporation may not be incorporated under this
    29  [article] subpart to engage in or exercise. Any resulting
    30  foreign nonprofit corporation [which] that is stated in the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 113 -

     1  articles of division to be a qualified foreign nonprofit
     2  corporation shall be a qualified foreign nonprofit corporation
     3  under [this subpart] Article C (relating to foreign nonprofit
     4  corporations), and the articles of division shall be deemed to
     5  be the application for a certificate of authority and the
     6  certificate of authority issued thereon of [such] the
     7  corporation.
     8     (b)  Property rights; allocations of assets and
     9  liabilities.--
    10         (1)  Except as otherwise provided by order, if any,
    11     obtained pursuant to section [5547(b)] 5547(c) (relating to
    12     nondiversion of certain property)[, all]:
    13             (i)  All the property, real, personal[,] and mixed,
    14         and franchises of the dividing corporation, and all debts
    15         due on whatever account to it, including subscriptions
    16         for membership and other choses in action belonging to
    17         it, shall, to the extent allocations of assets are
    18         contemplated by the plan of division, be [taken and]
    19         deemed without further [act or deed] action to be
    20         [transferred] allocated to and vested in the resulting
    21         corporations on such a manner and basis and with such
    22         effect as is specified in the plan [of division], or per
    23         capita among the resulting corporations, as tenants in
    24         common, if no [such] specification is made in the plan[.
    25         The], and the title to any real estate, or interest
    26         therein, vested in any of the corporations shall not
    27         revert or be in any way impaired by reason of the
    28         division.
    29             (ii)  Upon the division becoming effective, the
    30         resulting corporations shall each thenceforth be
    19970S1157B1741                 - 114 -

     1         responsible as separate and distinct corporations only
     2         for such liabilities [and obligations] as each
     3         corporation may undertake or incur in its own name, but
     4         shall be liable [inter se] for the [debts and]
     5         liabilities of the dividing corporation in the manner and
     6         on the basis [specified in the plan of division. No
     7         liens] provided in paragraphs (4) and (5).
     8             (iii)  Liens upon the property of the dividing
     9         corporation shall not be impaired by the division.
    10             [One] (iv)  To the extent allocations of liabilities
    11         are contemplated by the plan of division, the liabilities
    12         of the dividing corporation shall be deemed without
    13         further action to be allocated to and become the
    14         liabilities of the resulting corporations on such a
    15         manner and basis and with such effect as is specified in
    16         the plan; and one or more, but less than all, of the
    17         resulting corporations shall be free of [all] the
    18         liabilities [and obligations] of the dividing corporation
    19         to the extent, if any, specified in the plan, if in
    20         either case:
    21                 (A)  no fraud [of corporate creditors or] on
    22             members without voting rights [and if no] or
    23             violation of law shall be effected thereby[,]; and
    24             [if applicable provisions of law are complied with.
    25             Otherwise, the liability]
    26                 (B)  the plan does not constitute a fraudulent
    27             transfer under 12 Pa.C.S. Ch. 51 (relating to
    28             fraudulent transfers).
    29             (v)  If the conditions in subparagraph (iv) for
    30         freeing one or more of the resulting corporations from
    19970S1157B1741                 - 115 -

     1         the liabilities of the dividing corporation, or for
     2         allocating some or all of the liabilities of the dividing
     3         corporation, are not satisfied, the liabilities of the
     4         dividing corporation[, or of its members, directors, or
     5         officers,] as to which those conditions are not satisfied
     6         shall not be affected by the division[,] nor shall the
     7         rights of [the] creditors [thereof or of any person
     8         dealing with such corporation] thereunder be impaired by
     9         [such] the division[,] and[, except as otherwise provided
    10         in this section,] any claim existing or action or
    11         proceeding pending by or against [such] the corporation
    12         with respect to those liabilities may be prosecuted to
    13         judgment as if [such] the division had not taken place,
    14         or the resulting corporations may be proceeded against or
    15         substituted in [its] place of the dividing corporation as
    16         joint and several obligors on [such liability] those
    17         liabilities, regardless of any provision of the plan of
    18         division apportioning the [debts and] liabilities of the
    19         dividing corporation.
    20         (2)  It shall not be necessary for a plan of division to
    21     list each individual asset or liability of the dividing
    22     corporation to be allocated to a new corporation so long as
    23     those assets and liabilities are described in a reasonable
    24     manner.
    25         (3)  Each new corporation shall hold any assets and
    26     liabilities allocated to it as the successor to the dividing
    27     corporation, and those assets and liabilities shall not be
    28     deemed to have been assigned to the new corporation in any
    29     manner, whether directly or indirectly or by operation of
    30     law.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 116 -

     1     (c)  Taxes.--Any taxes, penalties and public accounts of the
     2  Commonwealth, claimed against the dividing corporation, but not
     3  settled, assessed or determined prior to [such] the division,
     4  shall be settled, assessed or determined against any of the
     5  resulting corporations[,] and, together with interest thereon,
     6  shall be a lien against the franchises and property, both real
     7  and personal, of all [such] the corporations. [The] Upon the
     8  application of the dividing corporation, the Department of
     9  Revenue [may, upon the application of the dividing corporation],
    10  with the concurrence of the Office of Employment Security of the
    11  Department of Labor and Industry, shall release one or more, but
    12  less than all, of the resulting corporations from liability and
    13  liens for all taxes, penalties and public accounts of the
    14  dividing corporation due the Commonwealth [or any other taxing
    15  authority] for periods prior to the effective date of the
    16  division, if [the Department of Revenue is] those departments
    17  are satisfied that the public revenues will be adequately
    18  secured.
    19     (d)  Articles of surviving corporation.--The articles of
    20  incorporation of the surviving corporation, if there be one,
    21  shall be deemed to be amended to the extent, if any, that
    22  changes in its articles are stated in the plan of division.
    23     (e)  Articles of new corporations.--The statements [which]
    24  that are set forth in the plan of division with respect to each
    25  new domestic nonprofit corporation and [which] that are required
    26  or permitted to be set forth in restated articles of
    27  incorporation of corporations incorporated under this [article]
    28  subpart, or the articles of incorporation of each new
    29  corporation set forth therein, shall be deemed to be the
    30  articles of incorporation of each [such] new corporation.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 117 -

     1     (f)  Directors and officers.--Unless otherwise provided in
     2  the plan, the directors and officers of the dividing corporation
     3  shall be the initial directors and officers of each of the
     4  resulting corporations.
     5     (g)  Disposition of memberships.--Unless otherwise provided
     6  in the plan, the memberships and other securities or
     7  obligations, if any, of each new corporation resulting from the
     8  division shall be distributable to:
     9         (1)  the surviving corporation, if the dividing
    10     corporation survives the division; or
    11         (2)  the members of the dividing corporation pro rata, in
    12     any other case.
    13     (h)  Conflict of laws.--It is the intent of the General
    14  Assembly that:
    15         (1)  The effect of a division of a domestic business
    16     corporation shall be governed solely by the laws of this
    17     Commonwealth and any other jurisdiction under the laws of
    18     which any of the resulting corporations is incorporated.
    19         (2)  The effect of a division on the assets and
    20     liabilities of the dividing corporation shall be governed
    21     solely by the laws of this Commonwealth and any other
    22     jurisdiction under the laws of which any of the resulting
    23     corporations is incorporated.
    24         (3)  The validity of any allocations of assets or
    25     liabilities by a plan of division of a domestic business
    26     corporation, regardless of whether or not any of the new
    27     corporations is a foreign business corporation, shall be
    28     governed solely by the laws of this Commonwealth.
    29         (4)  In addition to the express provisions of this
    30     subsection, this subchapter shall otherwise generally be
    19970S1157B1741                 - 118 -

     1     granted the protection of full faith and credit under the
     2     Constitution of the United States.
     3  § 5961.  Conversion authorized.
     4     (a)  General rule.--Any nonprofit corporation may, in the
     5  manner provided in this subchapter, be converted into a business
     6  corporation, [hereinafter] designated in this subchapter as the
     7  resulting corporation.
     8     (b)  Exceptions.--
     9         (1)  This subchapter shall not authorize any conversion
    10     involving:
    11             [(i)  A cooperative corporation.
    12             (ii)] (i)  Beneficial, benevolent, fraternal or
    13         fraternal benefit societies having a lodge system and a
    14         representative form of government, or transacting any
    15         type of insurance whatsoever.
    16             [(iii)] (ii)  Any corporation [which] that by the
    17         laws of this Commonwealth is subject to the supervision
    18         of the Department of Banking, the Insurance Department or
    19         the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, unless the
    20         agency expressly approves the transaction in writing.
    21         (2)  [Paragraph (1) of this subsection] Subsection (a)
    22     shall not be construed as repealing any statute [which] that
    23     provides a procedure for the conversion of a nonprofit
    24     corporation into an insurance corporation.
    25  § 5962.  Proposal and adoption of plan of conversion.
    26     (a)  Preparation of plan.--A plan of conversion shall be
    27  prepared, setting forth:
    28         (1)  The terms and conditions of the conversion.
    29         [(2)  The mode of carrying the conversion into effect.
    30         (3)] (2)  A restatement of the articles of the resulting
    19970S1157B1741                 - 119 -

     1     corporation, which articles shall comply with the
     2     requirements of [Subpart B of Part II (relating to business
     3     corporations)] this part relating to business corporations.
     4         [(4)] (3)  Such other [details and] provisions as are
     5     deemed desirable.
     6     (b)  Proposal and adoption.--The plan of conversion shall be
     7  proposed and adopted, and may be amended after its adoption and
     8  terminated, by the nonprofit corporation in the manner provided
     9  for the proposal, adoption, amendment and termination of a plan
    10  of merger in Subchapter C (relating to merger, consolidation and
    11  sale of assets). There shall be included in or enclosed with the
    12  notice of meeting of members of the nonprofit corporation that
    13  will act upon the plan a copy or a summary of the plan.
    14     (c)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of a plan
    15  of conversion may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable
    16  outside of the plan if the manner in which the facts will
    17  operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in the plan.
    18  Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or events
    19  within the control of or determinations made by the corporation
    20  or a representative of the corporation.
    21  § 5964.  Filing of articles of conversion.
    22     (a)  General rule.--The articles of conversion shall be filed
    23  in the Department of State.
    24     (b)  Cross [reference.--See section] references.--See
    25  sections 134 (relating to docketing statement) and 135 (relating
    26  to requirements to be met by filed documents).
    27  § 5965.  Effective date of conversion.
    28     Upon the filing of articles of conversion in the Department
    29  of State[,] or upon the effective date specified in the plan of
    30  conversion, whichever is later, the conversion shall become
    19970S1157B1741                 - 120 -

     1  effective.
     2  § 5966.  Effect of conversion.
     3     Upon the conversion becoming effective, the converting
     4  nonprofit corporation shall be deemed to be a business
     5  corporation subject to the provisions of this part relating to
     6  business corporations for all purposes, shall cease to be a
     7  nonprofit corporation[,] and may thereafter operate for a
     8  purpose or purposes resulting in pecuniary profit, incidental or
     9  otherwise, to its members or shareholders. [The] Unless the
    10  shares of the corporation are to be uncertificated, the
    11  corporation shall issue share certificates to each shareholder
    12  entitled thereto. The corporation shall remain liable for all
    13  existing obligations, public [and] or private, and taxes due the
    14  Commonwealth or any other taxing authority for periods prior to
    15  the effective date of the conversion, and, as [such] a business
    16  corporation, it shall continue to be entitled to all assets
    17  theretofore pertaining to it as a nonprofit corporation except
    18  as otherwise provided by order, if any, obtained pursuant to
    19  section 5547(b) (relating to nondiversion of certain property).
    20  § 5975.  Predissolution provision for liabilities.
    21     (a)  Powers of board.--The board of directors or other body
    22  of a nonprofit corporation that has elected to proceed under
    23  this section shall have full power to wind up and settle the
    24  affairs of [a nonprofit] the corporation in accordance with this
    25  section prior to filing articles of dissolution in accordance
    26  with section 5977 (relating to articles of dissolution).
    27     (b)  Notice to creditors and taxing authorities.--After the
    28  approval by the members or the board of directors or other body
    29  pursuant to section 5974(b) (relating to adoption in absence of
    30  voting members) that the corporation dissolve voluntarily, the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 121 -

     1  corporation shall immediately cause notice of the winding up
     2  proceedings to be officially published and to be mailed by
     3  certified or registered mail to each known creditor and claimant
     4  and to each municipal corporation in which [its registered
     5  office or principal] it has a place of business in this
     6  Commonwealth [is located].
     7     (c)  Winding up and distribution.--The corporation shall, as
     8  speedily as possible, proceed to collect all sums due it,
     9  convert into cash all corporate assets the conversion of which
    10  into cash is required to discharge its liabilities and, out of
    11  the assets of the corporation, discharge or make adequate
    12  provision for the discharge of all liabilities of the
    13  corporation, according to their respective priorities. Except as
    14  otherwise provided in a bylaw adopted by the members or in this
    15  subpart or by any other provision of law, any surplus remaining
    16  after paying or providing for all liabilities of the corporation
    17  shall be distributed to the shareholders, if any, pro rata, or
    18  if there be no shareholders, among the members per capita. See
    19  section 1972(a) (relating to proposal of voluntary dissolution).
    20  § 5976.  Judicial supervision of proceedings.
    21     (a)  General rule.--A nonprofit corporation that has elected
    22  to proceed under section 1975 (relating to predissolution
    23  provision for liabilities), at any time during the winding up
    24  proceedings, may apply to the court to have the proceedings
    25  continued under the supervision of the court and thereafter the
    26  proceedings shall continue under the supervision of the court as
    27  provided in Subchapter G (relating to involuntary liquidation
    28  and dissolution).
    29     * * *
    30  § 5977.  Articles of dissolution.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 122 -

     1     * * *
     2     (b)  Contents of articles.--The articles of dissolution shall
     3  be executed by the corporation and shall set forth:
     4         * * *
     5         (5)  A statement that:
     6             (i)  [that] all liabilities of the corporation have
     7         been discharged or that adequate provision has been made
     8         therefor; [or]
     9             (ii)  [that] the assets of the corporation are not
    10         sufficient to discharge its liabilities, and that all the
    11         assets of the corporation have been fairly and equitably
    12         applied, as far as they will go, to the payment of such
    13         liabilities[. An election by]; or
    14             (iii)  the corporation has elected to proceed under
    15         Subchapter H [shall constitute the making of adequate
    16         provision for the liabilities of the corporation,
    17         including any judgment or decree that may be obtained
    18         against the corporation in any pending action or
    19         proceeding].
    20         * * *
    21         (7)  [A] In the case of a corporation that has not
    22     elected to proceed under Subchapter H, a statement that no
    23     actions or proceedings are pending against the corporation in
    24     any court, or that adequate provision has been made for the
    25     satisfaction of any judgment or decree that may be obtained
    26     against the corporation in each pending action or proceeding.
    27         (8)  [A] In the case of a corporation that has not
    28     elected to proceed under Subchapter H, a statement that
    29     notice of the winding-up proceedings of the corporation was
    30     mailed by certified or registered mail to each known creditor
    19970S1157B1741                 - 123 -

     1     and claimant and to each municipal corporation in which the
     2     [registered office or principal place of business of the]
     3     corporation has a place of business in this Commonwealth [is
     4     located].
     5     * * *
     6     (d)  Cross references.--See sections 134 (relating to
     7  docketing statement) and 135 (relating to requirements to be met
     8  by filed documents).
     9  § 5989.  ARTICLES OF INVOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION.                     <--
    19970S1157B1741                 - 124 -

     4  DOCUMENTS).
     5     * * *
     6  § 5991.1.  Authority of board of directors.
     7     (a)  General rule.--The board of directors or other body of a
     8  nonprofit corporation that has elected to proceed under this
     9  subchapter shall have full power to wind up and settle the
    10  affairs of the corporation in accordance with this subchapter
    11  both prior to and after the filing of articles of dissolution in
    12  accordance with section 5977 (relating to articles of
    13  dissolution).
    14     (b)  Winding up.--The corporation shall, as speedily as
    15  possible, proceed to comply with the requirements of this
    16  subchapter while simultaneously collecting all sums due it and
    17  converting into cash all corporate assets, the conversion of
    18  which into cash is required to make adequate provision for its
    19  liabilities.
    20  § 6126.  AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY.                        <--
    30  STATE:
    19970S1157B1741                 - 125 -

     9         (4)] (2)  SUBJECT TO SECTION 109 (RELATING TO NAME OF
    18     THAT EITHER:
    21             (II)  DOCUMENTS COMPLYING WITH SECTION 6123(B)
    27  STATEMENT).
    28  § 6146.  Provisions applicable to all foreign corporations.
    29     The following provisions of this subpart shall, except as
    30  otherwise provided in this section, be applicable to every
    19970S1157B1741                 - 126 -

     1  foreign corporation not-for-profit, whether or not required to
     2  procure a certificate of authority under this chapter:
     3         Section 5503 (relating to defense of ultra vires), as to
     4     contracts and conveyances governed by the laws of this
     5     Commonwealth and conveyances affecting real property situated
     6     in this Commonwealth.
     7         Section 5506 (relating to form of execution of
     8     instruments), as to instruments or other documents governed
     9     by the laws of this Commonwealth or affecting real property
    10     situated in this Commonwealth.
    11         Section 5510 (relating to certain specifically authorized
    12     debt terms), as to obligations (as defined in the section)
    13     governed by the laws of this Commonwealth or affecting real
    14     property situated in this Commonwealth.
    15         Section 5782 (relating to actions against directors,
    16     members of an other body and officers), as to any action or
    17     proceeding brought in a court of this Commonwealth.
    18  § 8105.  Ownership of certain professional partnerships.
    19     Except as otherwise provided by statute, rule or regulation
    20  applicable to a particular profession, all of the [partners in]
    21  ultimate beneficial owners of the partnership interests in a
    22  partnership that renders one or more restricted professional
    23  services shall be licensed persons.  As used in this section,
    24  the term "restricted professional services" shall have the
    25  meaning specified in section 8903 (relating to definitions and
    26  index of definitions).
    27  § 8201.  Scope.
    28     * * *
    29     (e)  Prohibited termination.--A registration under this
    30  subchapter may not be terminated while the partnership is a
    19970S1157B1741                 - 127 -

     1  bankrupt as that term is defined in section 8903 (relating to
     2  definitions and index of definitions). See section 8221(f)
     3  (relating to annual registration).
     4     (f)  Alternative procedure.--In lieu of filing a statement of
     5  registration as provided in subsection (a), a limited
     6  partnership may register as a registered limited liability
     7  partnership by including in its certificate of limited
     8  partnership, either originally or by amendment, the statements
     9  required by subsection (a)(3) and (4). To terminate its
    10  registration, a limited partnership that uses the procedure
    11  authorized by this subsection shall amend its certificate of
    12  limited partnership to delete the statements required by this
    13  subsection.
    14     (g)  Constructive notice.--Filing under this section shall
    15  constitute constructive notice that the partnership is a
    16  registered limited liability partnership and that the partners
    17  are entitled to the protections from liability provided by this
    18  subchapter.
    19     [(e)] (h)  Cross references.--See sections 134 (relating to
    20  docketing statement) and 135 (relating to requirements to be met
    21  by filed documents).
    22  § 8202.  Definitions.
    23     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    24  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    25  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    26     * * *
    27     "Partner."  Includes a person who is or was a partner in a
    28  registered limited liability partnership at any time while the
    29  registration of the partnership under this subchapter is or was
    30  in effect.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 128 -

     1     * * *
     2  § 8204.  Limitation on liability of partners.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b), a
     4  partner in a registered limited liability partnership shall not
     5  be individually liable directly or indirectly, whether by way of
     6  indemnification, contribution or otherwise, for debts and
     7  obligations of, or chargeable to, the partnership, whether
     8  sounding in contract or tort or otherwise, that arise from any
     9  negligent or wrongful acts or misconduct committed by another
    10  partner or other representative of the partnership while the
    11  registration of the partnership under this subchapter is in
    12  effect.
    13     (b)  Exceptions.--
    14         (1)  [Subsection (a) shall not apply to any debt or
    15     obligation with respect to which the partnership is not in
    16     compliance with section 8206(a) (relating to insurance).]
    17     (Repealed).
    18         * * *
    19         (3)  Subsection (a) shall not affect in any way:
    20             (i)  the liability of the partnership itself for all
    21         its debts and obligations; [or]
    22             (ii)  the availability of the entire assets of the
    23         partnership to satisfy its debts and obligations; or
    24             (iii)  any obligation undertaken by a partner in
    25         writing to individually indemnify another partner of the
    26         partnership or to individually contribute toward a
    27         liability of another partner.
    28     * * *
    29  § 8205.  Liability of withdrawing partner.
    30     * * *
    19970S1157B1741                 - 129 -

     1     (b)  Exceptions.--Subsection (a) shall not affect the
     2  liability of a partner:
     3         * * *
     4         (7)  For any obligation undertaken by a partner in
     5     writing to individually indemnify another partner of the
     6     partnership or to individually contribute toward a liability
     7     of another partner.
     8     * * *
     9     (e)  Permissive filing.--Filing under this section is
    10  permissive, and failure to make a filing under this section by a
    11  partner entitled to do so shall not affect the right of that
    12  partner to the limitation on liability provided by section 8204
    13  (relating to limitation on liability of partners).
    14     (f)  Constructive notice.--Filing under this section shall
    15  constitute constructive notice that the partner has withdrawn
    16  from the partnership and is entitled to the protection from
    17  liability provided by this section.
    18     (g)  Variation of section.--A written provision of the
    19  partnership agreement may restrict or condition the application
    20  of this section to some or all of the partners of the
    21  partnership.
    22     (h)  Application of section.--A partner in a foreign
    23  registered limited liability partnership, regardless of whether
    24  or not it has registered to do business in this Commonwealth
    25  under section 8211 (relating to foreign registered limited
    26  liability partnerships), shall not be entitled to make a filing
    27  under this section with regard to that partnership.
    28     [(e)] (i)  Cross references.--See sections 134 (relating to
    29  docketing statement) and 135 (relating to requirements to be met
    30  by filed documents).
    19970S1157B1741                 - 130 -

     1  § 8211.  Foreign registered limited liability partnerships.
     2     (a)  Governing law.--Subject to the Constitution of
     3  Pennsylvania:
     4         (1)  The laws of the jurisdiction under which a foreign
     5     registered limited liability partnership is organized govern
     6     its organization and internal affairs and the liability of
     7     its partners, except as provided in subsection (c).
     8         (2)  A foreign registered limited liability partnership
     9     may not be denied registration by reason of any difference
    10     between those laws and the laws of this Commonwealth.
    11     (b)  Registration to do business.--A foreign registered
    12  limited liability partnership, regardless of whether or not it
    13  is also a foreign limited partnership, shall be subject to
    14  Subchapter K of Chapter 85 (relating to foreign limited
    15  partnerships) as if it were a foreign limited partnership,
    16  except that [the]:
    17         (1)  Its application for registration shall state that it
    18     is a registered limited liability partnership.
    19         (2)  The name under which [the foreign registered limited
    20     liability partnership] it registers and conducts business in
    21     this Commonwealth shall comply with the requirements of
    22     section 8203 (relating to name).
    23         (3)  Section 8582(a)(5) and (6) (relating to
    24     registration) shall not be applicable to the application for
    25     registration of a foreign limited liability partnership that
    26     is not a foreign limited partnership.
    27     (c)  Exception.--The liability of the partners in a foreign
    28  registered limited liability partnership shall be governed by
    29  the laws of the jurisdiction under which it is organized, except
    30  that the partners shall not be entitled to greater protection
    19970S1157B1741                 - 131 -

     1  from liability than is available to the partners in a domestic
     2  registered limited liability partnership.
     3  § 8221.  Annual registration.
     4     * * *
     5     (e)  [Annual fee to be lien] Failure to pay annual fee.--
     6         (1)  Failure to [pay the annual registration fee imposed]
     7     file the certificate of annual registration required by this
     8     section [shall not affect the existence or] for five
     9     consecutive years shall result in the automatic termination
    10     of the status of the registered limited liability partnership
    11     as such[, but the]. In addition, any annual registration fee
    12     that is not paid when due shall be a lien in the manner
    13     provided in this subsection from the time the annual
    14     registration fee is due and payable [upon]. If a certificate
    15     of annual registration is not filed within 30 days after the
    16     date on which it is due, the department shall assess a
    17     penalty of $500 against the partnership, which shall also be
    18     a lien in the manner provided in this subsection. The
    19     imposition of that penalty shall not be construed to relieve
    20     the partnership from liability for any other penalty or
    21     interest provided for under other applicable law.
    22         (2)  If the annual registration fee paid by a registered
    23     limited liability partnership is subsequently determined to
    24     be less than should have been paid because it was based on an
    25     incorrect number of general partners or was otherwise
    26     incorrectly computed, that fact shall not affect the
    27     existence or status of the registered limited liability
    28     partnership as such, but the amount of the additional annual
    29     registration fee that should have been paid shall be a lien
    30     in the manner provided in this subsection from the time the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 132 -

     1     incorrect payment is discovered by the department.
     2         (3)  The annual registration fee shall bear simple
     3     interest from the date that it becomes due and payable until
     4     paid. The interest rate shall be that provided for in section
     5     806 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as
     6     The Fiscal Code, with respect to unpaid taxes. The penalty
     7     provided for in paragraph (1) shall not bear interest. The
     8     payment of interest shall not relieve the registered limited
     9     liability partnership from liability for any other penalty or
    10     interest provided for under other applicable law.
    11         (4)  The lien created by this subsection shall attach to
    12     all of the property and proceeds thereof of the registered
    13     limited liability partnership in which a security interest
    14     can be perfected in whole or in part by filing in the
    15     department under 13 Pa.C.S. Div. 9 (relating to secured
    16     transactions; sales of accounts, contract rights and chattel
    17     paper), whether the property and proceeds are owned by the
    18     partnership at the time the annual registration fee or any
    19     penalty or interest becomes due and payable or whether the
    20     property and proceeds are acquired thereafter. Except as
    21     otherwise provided by statute, the lien created by this
    22     subsection shall have priority over all other liens, security
    23     interests or other charges, except liens for taxes or other
    24     charges due the Commonwealth. The lien created by this
    25     subsection shall be entered on the records of the department
    26     and indexed in the same manner as a financing statement filed
    27     under 13 Pa.C.S. Div. 9. At the time an annual registration
    28     fee, penalty or interest that has resulted in the creation of
    29     a lien under this subsection is paid, the department shall
    30     terminate the lien with respect to that annual registration
    19970S1157B1741                 - 133 -

     1     fee, penalty or interest without requiring a separate filing
     2     by the partnership for that purpose.
     3         (5)  If the annual registration fee paid by a registered
     4     limited liability partnership is subsequently determined to
     5     be more than should have been paid for any reason, no refund
     6     of the additional fee shall be made.
     7         (6)  Termination of the status of a registered limited
     8     liability partnership as such, whether voluntarily or
     9     involuntarily, shall not release it from the obligation to
    10     pay any accrued fees, penalties and interest and shall not
    11     release the lien created by this subsection.
    12     (f)  Exception for bankrupt partnerships.--A partnership that
    13  would otherwise be required to pay the annual registration fee
    14  set forth in subsection (b) shall not be required to pay that
    15  fee with respect to any year during any part of which the
    16  partnership is a bankrupt as defined in section 8903 (relating
    17  to definitions and index of definitions). The partnership shall,
    18  instead, indicate on its certificate of annual registration for
    19  that year that it is exempt from payment of the annual
    20  registration fee pursuant to this subsection. If the partnership
    21  fails to file timely a certificate of annual registration, a
    22  lien shall be entered on the records of the department pursuant
    23  to subsection (e) which shall not be removed until the
    24  partnership files a certificate of annual registration
    25  indicating its entitlement to an exemption from payment of the
    26  annual registration fee as provided in this subsection. See
    27  section 8201(e) (relating to scope).
    28  § 8359.  RIGHT TO WIND UP AFFAIRS.                                <--
    19970S1157B1741                 - 134 -

     6  § 8503.  Definitions and index of definitions.
     7     (a)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used
     8  in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this
     9  section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    10     "Certificate of limited partnership."  The certificate
    11  referred to in section 8511 (relating to certificate of limited
    12  partnership) and the certificate as amended. The term includes
    13  any other statements or certificates permitted or required to be
    14  filed in the Department of State by sections 108 (relating to
    15  change in location or status of registered office provided by
    16  agent) and 138 (relating to statement of correction) or this
    17  part. If an amendment of the certificate of limited partnership
    18  or a certificate of merger or division made in the manner
    19  permitted by this chapter restates the certificate in its
    20  entirety or if there is a certificate of consolidation,
    21  thenceforth the "certificate of limited partnership" shall not
    22  include any prior documents and any certificate issued by the
    23  department with respect thereto shall so state.
    24     * * *
    25     "Court."  Subject to any inconsistent general rule prescribed
    26  by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania:
    27         (1)  the court of common pleas of the judicial district
    28     embracing the county where the registered office of the
    29     limited partnership is or is to be located; or
    30         (2)  where a limited partnership results from a merger,
    19970S1157B1741                 - 135 -

     1     consolidation, division or other transaction without
     2     establishing a registered office in this Commonwealth or
     3     withdraws as a foreign limited partnership, the court of
     4     common pleas in which venue would have been laid immediately
     5     prior to the transaction or withdrawal.
     6     ["Department."  The Department of State of the Commonwealth.]
     7     * * *
     8     "Partnership agreement."  Any agreement, written or oral, of
     9  the partners as to the affairs of a limited partnership and the
    10  conduct of its business. [A written partnership agreement:
    11         (1)  May provide that a person shall be admitted as a
    12     limited partner, or shall become an assignee of a partnership
    13     interest or other rights or powers of a limited partner to
    14     the extent assigned, and shall become bound by the
    15     partnership agreement:
    16             (i)  if such person (or a representative authorized
    17         by such person orally, in writing or by other action such
    18         as payment for a partnership interest) executes the
    19         partnership agreement or any other writing evidencing the
    20         intent of such person to become a limited partner or
    21         assignee; or
    22             (ii)  without such execution, if such person (or a
    23         representative authorized by such person orally, in
    24         writing or by other action such as payment for a
    25         partnership interest) complies with the conditions for
    26         becoming a limited partner or assignee as set forth in
    27         the partnership agreement or any other writing and
    28         requests (orally, in writing or by other action such as
    29         payment for a partnership interest) that the records of
    30         the limited partnership reflect such admission or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 136 -

     1         assignment.
     2         (2)  Shall not be unenforceable by reason of its not
     3     having been signed by a person being admitted as a limited
     4     partner or becoming an assignee as provided in paragraph (1)
     5     or by reason of its having been signed by a representative as
     6     provided in section 8514(b) (relating to attorney-in-fact).
     7         (3)  May provide that, whenever a provision of this
     8     chapter requires the vote or consent of a specified number or
     9     percentage of partners or of a class of partners for the
    10     taking of any action, a higher number or percentage of votes
    11     or consents shall be required for the action. Except as
    12     otherwise provided in the partnership agreement, whenever the
    13     partnership agreement requires for the taking of any action
    14     by the partners or a class of partners a specific number or
    15     percentage of votes or consents, the provision of the
    16     partnership agreement setting forth that requirement shall
    17     not be amended or repealed by any lesser number or percentage
    18     of votes or consents of the partners or the class of
    19     partners.]
    20     * * *
    21     "Relax."  When used with respect to a provision of the
    22  certificate of limited partnership or partnership agreement,
    23  means to provide lesser rights for an affected representative or
    24  partner.
    25     (b)  Index of definitions.--Other definitions applying to
    26  this chapter and the sections in which they appear are:
    27     "Act" or "action."  Section 102.
    28     "Department."  Section 102.
    29     "Licensed person."  Section 102.
    30     "Professional services."  Section 102.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 137 -

     1  § 8510.  Indemnification.
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  When indemnification is not to be made.--Indemnification
     4  pursuant to subsection (a) shall not be made in any case where
     5  the act [or failure to act] giving rise to the claim for
     6  indemnification is determined by a court to have constituted
     7  willful misconduct or recklessness. The certificate of limited
     8  partnership or partnership agreement may not provide for
     9  indemnification in the case of willful misconduct or
    10  recklessness.
    11     * * *
    12     (f)  Mandatory indemnification.--Without regard to whether
    13  indemnification or advancement of expenses is provided under
    14  subsections (a) and (d), a limited partnership shall be subject
    15  to section 8331(2) (relating to rules determining rights and
    16  duties of partners).
    17                            SUBCHAPTER B
    19  § 8511.  Certificate of limited partnership.
    20     (a)  General rule.--In order to form a limited partnership, a
    21  certificate of limited partnership must be executed and filed in
    22  the Department of State. The certificate shall set forth:
    23         (1)  The name of the limited partnership.
    24         (2)  Subject to section 109 (relating to name of
    25     commercial registered office provider in lieu of registered
    26     address), the address, including street and number, if any,
    27     of its registered office.
    28         (3)  The name and business address of each general
    29     partner.
    30         (4)  If a partner's interest in the limited partnership
    19970S1157B1741                 - 138 -

     1     is to be evidenced by a certificate of partnership interest,
     2     a statement to that effect.
     3         (5)  Any other [matters the partners determine to include
     4     therein. A provision included in the certificate of limited
     5     partnership pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed to be
     6     a provision of the partnership agreement for purposes of any
     7     provision of this chapter that refers to a rule as set forth
     8     in the partnership agreement.] provision, whether or not
     9     specifically authorized by or in contravention of this
    10     chapter, that the partners elect to set out in the
    11     certificate of limited partnership for the regulation of the
    12     internal affairs of the limited partnership, except where a
    13     provision of this chapter expressly provides that the
    14     certificate of limited partnership shall not relax or
    15     contravene any provision on a specified subject.
    16     (b)  Effective date of formation.--A limited partnership is
    17  formed at the time of the filing of the certificate of limited
    18  partnership in the department or at any later time specified in
    19  the certificate of limited partnership if, in either case, there
    20  has been substantial compliance with the requirements of this
    21  section or the corresponding provisions of prior law.
    22     (c)  [Duties of recorders of deeds.--Each recorder of deeds
    23  shall continue to keep open for public inspection the record of
    24  limited partnership certificates recorded under the statutes
    25  supplied by this chapter and by prior law the custody of which
    26  has not been transferred to the department pursuant to section
    27  140 (relating to custody and management of orphan corporate and
    28  business records).] (Repealed).
    29     (d)  Transitional provision.--A limited partnership formed
    30  under prior law shall not be required to set forth in its
    19970S1157B1741                 - 139 -

     1  certificate of limited partnership a registered office or the
     2  business address of each general partner until such time as it
     3  first amends its certificate of limited partnership under this
     4  chapter.
     5     (e)  Effect of provisions.--A provision of the certificate of
     6  limited partnership shall be deemed to be a provision of the
     7  partnership agreement for purposes of any provision of this
     8  chapter that refers to a rule as set forth in the partnership
     9  agreement.
    10     [(e)] (f)  Cross references.--See sections 134 (relating to
    11  docketing statement), 135 (relating to requirements to be met by
    12  filed documents) and 8514 (relating to execution of
    13  certificates).
    14  § 8517.  Notice.
    15     The fact that a certificate of limited partnership is on file
    16  in the Department of State is not notice of any fact other than:
    17         (1)  that the partnership is a limited partnership and
    18     that all partners are limited partners except the persons
    19     designated therein as general partners[, but it is not notice
    20     of any other fact]; and
    21         (2)  if it is registered under Chapter 82 (relating to
    22     registered limited liability partnerships), that it is also a
    23     registered limited liability partnership.
    24  § 8519.  Filing of certificate of summary of record by limited
    25             partnerships formed prior to 1976.
    26     (a)  General rule.--[Any limited partnership that was not
    27  formed under this chapter, has never made any filing under this
    28  section or corresponding provisions of prior law and] Where any
    29  of the organic documents of a limited partnership are not on
    30  file in the Department of State or there is an error in any such
    19970S1157B1741                 - 140 -

     1  document as transferred to the department pursuant to section
     2  140 (relating to custody and management of orphan corporate and
     3  business records), and the limited partnership desires to file
     4  any document in the [Department of State] department under any
     5  other provision of this chapter or [that desires] to secure from
     6  the department a certified copy of the certificate of limited
     7  partnership or to correct the text of its organic documents as
     8  on file in the department, the limited partnership shall file in
     9  the department a certificate of summary of record which shall
    10  set forth:
    11         (1)  The name of the limited partnership.
    12         (2)  Subject to section 109 (relating to name of
    13     commercial registered office provider in lieu of registered
    14     address), the address, including street and number, if any,
    15     of its registered office.
    16         (3)  The statute under which the limited partnership was
    17     formed.
    18         (4)  The name under which, and the date on which, the
    19     limited partnership was originally formed, including the date
    20     when and the place where the original certificate was
    21     recorded.
    22         (5)  The place or places, including the volume and page
    23     numbers or their equivalent, where the documents
    24     [constituting the currently effective certificate are] that
    25     are not on file in the department or that require correction
    26     in the records of the department where originally recorded,
    27     the date or dates of each recording and the correct text of
    28     the [currently effective certificate] documents. The
    29     information specified in this paragraph may be omitted in a
    30     certificate of summary of record that is delivered to the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 141 -

     1     department contemporaneously with an amended certificate
     2     filed under this chapter that restates the certificate in its
     3     entirety.
     4         [(6)  Each name by which the limited partnership was
     5     known, if any, other than its original name and its current
     6     name and the date or dates on which each change of name of
     7     the partnership became effective.]
     8     (b)  Cross references.--See sections 134 (relating to
     9  docketing statement), 135 (relating to requirements to be met by
    10  filed documents) and 8514 (relating to execution of
    11  certificates).
    12  § 8520.  Partnership agreement.
    13     (a)  Admission of limited partners.--A partnership agreement
    14  may provide in writing that a person shall be admitted as a
    15  limited partner, or shall become an assignee of a partnership
    16  interest or other rights or powers of a limited partner to the
    17  extent assigned, and shall become bound by the partnership
    18  agreement:
    19         (1)  if such person (or a representative authorized by
    20     such person orally, in writing or by other action such as
    21     payment for a partnership interest) executes the partnership
    22     agreement or any other writing evidencing the intent of such
    23     person to become a limited partner or assignee; or
    24         (2)  without such execution, if such person (or a
    25     representative authorized by such person orally, in writing
    26     or by other action such as payment for a partnership
    27     interest) complies with the conditions for becoming a limited
    28     partner or assignee as set forth in the partnership agreement
    29     or any other writing and requests (orally, in writing or by
    30     other action such as payment for a partnership interest) that
    19970S1157B1741                 - 142 -

     1     the records of the limited partnership reflect such admission
     2     or assignment.
     3     (b)  Signature by limited partners.--A written partnership
     4  agreement shall not be unenforceable by reason of its not having
     5  been signed by a person being admitted as a limited partner or
     6  becoming an assignee as provided in subsection (a) or by reason
     7  of its having been signed by a representative as provided in
     8  section 8514(b) (relating to attorney-in-fact).
     9     (c)  Voting requirements.--A partnership agreement may
    10  provide in writing that, whenever a provision of this chapter
    11  requires the vote or consent of a specified number or percentage
    12  of partners or of a class of partners for the taking of any
    13  action, a higher number or percentage of votes or consents shall
    14  be required for the action. Except as otherwise provided in the
    15  partnership agreement, whenever the partnership agreement
    16  requires for the taking of any action by the partners or a class
    17  of partners a specific number or percentage of votes or
    18  consents, the provision of the partnership agreement setting
    19  forth that requirement shall not be amended or repealed by any
    20  lesser number or percentage of votes or consents of the partners
    21  or the class of partners.
    22     (d)  Freedom of contract.--A written partnership agreement
    23  may contain any provision for the regulation of the internal
    24  affairs of the limited partnership agreed to by the partners,
    25  whether or not specifically authorized by or in contravention of
    26  this chapter, except where this chapter:
    27         (1)  refers only to a rule as set forth in the
    28     certificate of limited partnership; or
    29         (2)  expressly provides that the partnership agreement
    30     shall not relax or contravene any provision on a specified
    19970S1157B1741                 - 143 -

     1     subject.
     2     (e)  Oral provisions.--A partnership agreement may provide in
     3  writing that it cannot be amended or modified except in writing,
     4  in which case an oral agreement, amendment or modification shall
     5  not be enforceable.
     6     (f)  Cross reference.--See section 8511(a)(5) (relating to
     7  certificate of limited partnership).
     8  § 8523.  Liability of limited partners to third parties.
     9     (a)  General rule.--A limited partner is not liable [for the
    10  obligations of a limited partnership unless he is also a general
    11  partner or, in addition to the exercise of his rights and powers
    12  as a limited partner, he participates in the control of the
    13  business. However, if the limited partner participates in the
    14  control of the business, he is liable only to persons who
    15  transact business with the limited partnership reasonably
    16  believing, based upon the conduct of the limited partner, that
    17  the limited partner is a general partner.], solely by reason of
    18  being a limited partner, under an order of a court or in any
    19  other manner, for a debt, obligation or liability of the limited
    20  partnership of any kind or for the acts of any partner, agent or
    21  employee of the limited partnership.
    22     (b)  [Activities compatible with limited partner status.--A
    23  limited partner does not participate in the control of the
    24  business within the meaning of subsection (a) solely by doing
    25  one or more of the following:
    26         (1)  Being a contractor for, or an agent or employee of
    27     the limited partnership or of a general partner, or being an
    28     officer, director, trustee, partner or shareholder of a
    29     general partner.
    30         (2)  Consulting with and advising a general partner with
    19970S1157B1741                 - 144 -

     1     respect to any matter, including, without limitation, the
     2     business of the limited partnership.
     3         (3)  (i)  Acting as surety for the limited partnership,
     4         or guaranteeing, endorsing or assuming one or more
     5         specific obligations of the limited partnership, or a
     6         general partner.
     7             (ii)  Borrowing money from the limited partnership or
     8         a general partner.
     9             (iii)  Lending money to the limited partnership or a
    10         general partner.
    11             (iv)  Providing collateral for the limited
    12         partnership or a general partner.
    13         (4)  Taking any action required or permitted by law to
    14     bring, pursue or settle or otherwise terminate a derivative
    15     action in the right of the limited partnership.
    16         (5)  Requesting or attending a meeting of partners.
    17         (6)  Acting or causing the taking or refraining from the
    18     taking of any action, including, without limitation, by
    19     proposing, approving, consenting or disapproving, by voting
    20     or otherwise, with respect to one or more of the following
    21     matters:
    22             (i)  The dissolution and winding up of the limited
    23         partnership, or an election to continue the limited
    24         partnership or the business of the limited partnership.
    25             (ii)  The sale, exchange, lease, mortgage, pledge or
    26         other transfer of, or the grant of a security interest
    27         in, any asset or assets of the limited partnership.
    28             (iii)  The incurrence, renewal, refinancing or
    29         payment or other discharge of indebtedness by the limited
    30         partnership.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 145 -

     1             (iv)  A change in the nature of the business.
     2             (v)  The admission or removal of a general partner.
     3             (vi)  The admission or removal of a limited partner.
     4             (vii)  A transaction involving an actual or potential
     5         conflict of interest between a general partner and the
     6         limited partnership or the limited partners.
     7             (viii)  An amendment to the partnership agreement or
     8         certificate of limited partnership.
     9             (ix)  The merger or consolidation of the limited
    10         partnership.
    11             (x)  The indemnification of any partner or other
    12         person.
    13             (xi)  Matters related to the business of the limited
    14         partnership not otherwise enumerated in this subsection,
    15         which the partnership agreement states in writing may be
    16         subject to the approval or disapproval of limited
    17         partners.
    18         (7)  Applying for dissolution of the partnership pursuant
    19     to section 8572 (relating to judicial dissolution).
    20         (8)  Winding up the limited partnership pursuant to
    21     section 8573 (relating to winding up).
    22         (9)  In the case of a registered investment company,
    23     voting on one or more of the following matters:
    24             (i)  The approval or termination of investment
    25         advisory or underwriting contracts.
    26             (ii)  The approval of auditors.
    27             (iii)  Any other matter that by reason of the
    28         Investment Company Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. §
    29         80a-1 et seq.) the general partners consider to be a
    30         proper matter for the vote of the holders of voting
    19970S1157B1741                 - 146 -

     1         securities or beneficial interests in the limited
     2         partnership.
     3         (10)  Serving on a committee of the limited partnership
     4     or the limited partners.
     5         (11)  Exercising any right or power permitted to limited
     6     partners under this chapter and not specifically enumerated
     7     in this subsection.
     8         (12)  Exercising any other right or power stated in the
     9     partnership agreement.] (Repealed).
    10     (c)  [Enumeration nonexclusive.--The enumeration in
    11  subsection (b) does not mean that the possession or exercise of
    12  any other powers, or having or acting in other capacities, by a
    13  limited partner constitutes participation by him in the control
    14  of the business of the limited partnership.] (Repealed).
    15     (d)  Use of name of limited partner.--A limited partner does
    16  not [participate in the control of the business within the
    17  meaning of subsection (a)] become liable for the obligations of
    18  a limited partnership by reason of the fact that all or any part
    19  of the name of the limited partner is included in the name of
    20  the limited partnership.
    21     (e)  [Effect of section.--This section does not create rights
    22  or powers of limited partners. Such rights and powers may be
    23  created only by the certificate of limited partnership,
    24  partnership agreement or any other agreement or other provisions
    25  of this chapter.] (Repealed).
    26     * * *
    27  § 8546.  Approval of merger or consolidation.
    28     (a)  Preparation of plan of merger or consolidation.--A plan
    29  of merger or consolidation, as the case may be, shall be
    30  prepared, setting forth:
    19970S1157B1741                 - 147 -

     1         * * *
     2         (3)  The manner and basis of converting the partnership
     3     interests of each limited partnership into partnership
     4     interests, securities or obligations of the surviving or new
     5     limited partnership, as the case may be, and, if any of the
     6     partnership interests of any of the limited partnerships that
     7     are parties to the [plan] merger or consolidation are not to
     8     be converted solely into partnership interests, securities or
     9     obligations of the surviving or new limited partnership, the
    10     partnership interests, securities or obligations of any other
    11     person or cash, property or rights that the holders of such
    12     partnership interests are to receive in exchange for, or upon
    13     conversion of, such partnership interests, and the surrender
    14     of any certificates evidencing them, which securities or
    15     obligations, if any, of any other person or cash, property or
    16     rights may be in addition to or in lieu of the partnership
    17     interests, securities or obligations of the surviving or new
    18     limited partnership.
    19         (4)  Such other provisions as are deemed desirable.
    20  [Any of the terms of the plan may be made dependent upon facts
    21  ascertainable outside of the plan if the manner in which the
    22  facts will operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in
    23  the plan.]
    24     (b)  Post-adoption amendment of plan of merger or
    25  consolidation.--A plan of merger or consolidation may contain a
    26  provision that the general partners of the constituent limited
    27  partnerships may amend the plan at any time prior to its
    28  effective date, except that an amendment made subsequent to any
    29  adoption of the plan by the limited partners of any constituent
    30  domestic limited partnership shall not change:
    19970S1157B1741                 - 148 -

     1         (1)  The amount or kind of partnership interests,
     2     obligations, cash, property or rights to be received in
     3     exchange for or on conversion of all or any of the
     4     partnership interests of the constituent domestic limited
     5     partnership adversely to the holders of those partnership
     6     interests.
     7         (2)  Any term of the certificate of limited partnership
     8     or partnership agreement of the surviving or new limited
     9     partnership [to be effected by] as it is to be in effect
    10     immediately following consummation of the merger or
    11     consolidation except provisions that may be amended without
    12     the approval of the limited partners.
    13         (3)  Any of the other terms and conditions of the plan if
    14     the change would adversely affect the holders of any
    15     partnership interests of the constituent domestic limited
    16     partnership.
    17     * * *
    18     (d)  Party to plan.--[A limited partnership] An association
    19  that approves a plan in its capacity as a partner or creditor of
    20  a merging or consolidating limited partnership, or that
    21  furnishes all or a part of the consideration contemplated by a
    22  plan, does not thereby become a party to the [plan] merger or
    23  consolidation for the purposes of this subchapter.
    24     (e)  Notice of meeting of limited partners.--Notwithstanding
    25  any other provision of the partnership agreement, written notice
    26  of the meeting of limited partners called for the purpose of
    27  considering the proposed plan shall be given to each limited
    28  partner of record, whether or not entitled to vote thereon, of
    29  each domestic limited partnership that is a party to the [plan]
    30  proposed merger or consolidation. There shall be included in, or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 149 -

     1  enclosed with, the notice a copy of the proposed plan or a
     2  summary thereof. The provisions of this subsection may not be
     3  relaxed by the certificate of limited partnership or partnership
     4  agreement.
     5     (f)  Adoption of plan by limited partners.--The plan of
     6  merger or consolidation shall be adopted upon receiving a
     7  majority of the votes cast by all limited partners, if any,
     8  entitled to vote thereon of each of the domestic limited
     9  partnerships that is a party to the [plan] proposed merger or
    10  consolidation and, if any class of limited partners is entitled
    11  to vote thereon as a class, a majority of the votes cast in each
    12  class vote. A proposed plan of merger or consolidation shall not
    13  be deemed to have been adopted by the limited partnership unless
    14  it has also been approved by the general partners, regardless of
    15  the fact that the general partners have directed or suffered the
    16  submission of the plan to the limited partners for action.
    17     * * *
    18     (h)  Termination of plan.--Prior to the time when a merger or
    19  consolidation becomes effective, the merger or consolidation may
    20  be terminated pursuant to provisions therefor, if any, set forth
    21  in the plan. If a certificate of merger or consolidation has
    22  been filed in the department prior to the termination, a
    23  certificate of termination executed by each limited partnership
    24  that is a party to the [plan] merger or consolidation, unless
    25  the plan permits termination by less than all of the limited
    26  partnerships, in which case the certificate shall be executed on
    27  behalf of the limited partnership exercising the right to
    28  terminate, shall be filed in the department. The certificate of
    29  termination shall set forth:
    30         (1)  A copy of the certificate of merger or consolidation
    19970S1157B1741                 - 150 -

     1     relating to the plan that is terminated.
     2         (2)  A statement that the plan has been terminated in
     3     accordance with the provisions therefor set forth therein.
     4  See sections 134 (relating to docketing statement), 135
     5  (relating to requirements to be met by filed documents), 138
     6  (relating to statement of correction) and 8514 (relating to
     7  execution of certificates).
     8     * * *
     9     (j)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of a plan
    10  of merger or consolidation may be made dependent upon facts
    11  ascertainable outside of the plan if the manner in which the
    12  facts will operate upon the terms of the plan is set forth in
    13  the plan. Such facts may include, without limitation, actions or
    14  events within the control of or determinations made by a party
    15  to the plan or a representative of a party to the plan.
    16  § 8553.  Voluntary withdrawal of limited partner.
    17     (a)  General rule.--A limited partner may withdraw from a
    18  limited partnership only at the time or upon the happening of
    19  events specified in writing in the partnership agreement. [If
    20  the partnership agreement does not specify in writing the time
    21  or the events upon the happening of which a limited partner may
    22  withdraw or a definite time for the dissolution and winding up
    23  of the limited partnership, a limited partner may withdraw upon
    24  not less than six months' prior written notice to each general
    25  partner at his address on the books of the limited partnership.]
    26     (b)  [Prohibition of withdrawal.--The partnership agreement
    27  may provide that a limited partner may not withdraw from the
    28  limited partnership or assign a partnership interest in the
    29  limited partnership prior to the dissolution and winding up of
    30  the limited partnership.] (Repealed).
    19970S1157B1741                 - 151 -

     1     (c)  Transitional rule.--This section applies to all limited
     2  partnerships formed on or after January 1, 1999. If the
     3  partnership agreement of a limited partnership formed before
     4  January 1, 1999, did not on December 31, 1998, specify in
     5  writing the time or the events upon the happening of which a
     6  limited partner could withdraw or a definite time for the
     7  dissolution and winding up of the limited partnership, the
     8  provisions of this section that were in effect prior to January
     9  1, 1999, shall apply until such time, if any, as the partnership
    10  agreement is amended in writing after January 1, 1999, to
    11  specify:
    12         (1)  a time or the events upon the happening of which a
    13     limited partner may withdraw;
    14         (2)  a definite time for the dissolution and winding up
    15     of the limited partnership; or
    16         (3)  that this section as effective January 1, 1999,
    17     shall apply to the limited partnership.
    18  § 8557.  [Limitations on distribution.] Distributions and
    19             allocation of profits and losses.
    20     [A partner may not receive a distribution from a limited
    21  partnership to the extent that, after giving effect to the
    22  distribution, all liabilities of the limited partnership, other
    23  than liabilities to partners on account of their partnership
    24  interests and liabilities as to which recourse of creditors is
    25  limited to specified property of the limited partnership, exceed
    26  the fair value of the partnership assets. The fair value of any
    27  property that is subject to a liability as to which recourse of
    28  creditors is so limited shall be included in the partnership
    29  assets only to the extent that the fair value of the property
    30  exceeds that liability.] A limited partnership may from time to
    19970S1157B1741                 - 152 -

     1  time make distributions and allocate the profits and losses of
     2  its business to the partners upon the basis stipulated in the
     3  partnership agreement or, if not stipulated in the partnership
     4  agreement, per capita. The allocation of losses pursuant to this
     5  section shall not affect the limitation on liability of limited
     6  partners as provided in section 8523 (relating to liability of
     7  limited partners to third parties).
     8  § 8558.  Liability upon return of contribution.
     9     * * *
    10     (c)  Determination of return of contribution.--A partner
    11  receives a return of his contribution to the extent that a
    12  distribution to him reduces his share of the fair value of the
    13  net assets of the limited partnership[, as determined under
    14  section 8557 (relating to limitations on distribution),] below
    15  the value (as stated or determined in the manner provided in the
    16  partnership agreement, if stated or provided for therein) of his
    17  contribution (to the extent it has been received by the limited
    18  partnership) that has not been distributed to him, and otherwise
    19  to the extent of the fair value of the distribution.
    20     (d)  Fair value of net assets.--For purposes of computing the
    21  fair value of the net assets of the limited partnership under
    22  subsection (c):
    23         (1)  liabilities of the limited partnership to partners
    24     on account of their partnership interests and liabilities as
    25     to which recourse of creditors is limited to specified
    26     property of the limited partnership shall not be considered;
    27     and
    28         (2)  the fair value of property that is subject to a
    29     liability as to which recourse of creditors is so limited
    30     shall be included in the partnership assets only to the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 153 -

     1     extent that the fair value of the property exceeds that
     2     liability.
     3  § 8571.  Nonjudicial dissolution.
     4     (a)  General rule.--A limited partnership is dissolved and
     5  its affairs shall be wound up upon the happening of the first to
     6  occur of the following:
     7         (1)  At the time or upon the happening of events
     8     specified in the certificate of limited partnership.
     9         (2)  At the time or upon the happening of events
    10     specified in writing in the partnership agreement.
    11         (3)  Written consent of all partners.
    12         (4)  An event of withdrawal of a general partner unless
    13     at the time there is at least one other general partner and
    14     the written provisions of the partnership agreement permit
    15     the business of the limited partnership to be carried on by
    16     the remaining general partner and that partner does so. The
    17     limited partnership is not dissolved and is not required to
    18     be wound up by reason of any event of withdrawal if, within
    19     180 days after the withdrawal, [all] a majority in interest,
    20     or such greater number as shall be provided in writing in the
    21     partnership agreement, of the partners agree in writing to
    22     continue the business of the limited partnership or to the
    23     appointment of one or more replacement general partners.
    24         (5)  Entry of an order of judicial dissolution under
    25     section 8572 (relating to judicial dissolution).
    26     * * *
    27     (c)  Dissolution by domestication.--Whenever a domestic
    28  limited partnership has domesticated itself under the laws of
    29  another jurisdiction by action similar to that provided by
    30  section 8590 (relating to domestication) and has authorized that
    19970S1157B1741                 - 154 -

     1  action in the manner required by this subchapter for the
     2  approval of a proposal that the partnership dissolve
     3  voluntarily, the partnership may surrender its certificate of
     4  limited partnership under the laws of this Commonwealth by
     5  filing in the department a certificate of cancellation under
     6  section 8513 (relating to cancellation of certificate). If the
     7  partnership, as domesticated in the other jurisdiction,
     8  registers to do business in this Commonwealth either prior to or
     9  simultaneously with the filing of the certificate of
    10  cancellation under this subsection, the partnership shall not be
    11  required to file with the certificate of cancellation the tax
    12  clearance certificates that would otherwise be required by
    13  section 139 (relating to tax clearance of certain fundamental
    14  transactions).
    15     [(c)] (d)  Cross [references] reference.--See [sections 8103
    16  (relating to continuation of certain limited partnerships) and]
    17  section 8512(b) (relating to events requiring amendment).
    18  § 8573.  WINDING UP.                                              <--
    19970S1157B1741                 - 155 -

     1  § 8577.  Proposal and adoption of plan of division.
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of the
     4  plan may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable outside of
     5  the plan if the manner in which the facts will operate upon the
     6  terms of the plan is set forth in the plan. Such facts may
     7  include, without limitation, actions or events within the
     8  control of or determinations made by the dividing limited
     9  partnership or a representative of the dividing limited
    10  partnership.
    11     * * *
    12     (e)  [Restrictions on certain distributions.--A plan of
    13  division may not be made effective if the effect of the plan is
    14  to make a distribution to the holders of any class or series of
    15  partnership interests of the dividing limited partnership unless
    16  the distribution is permitted by section 8557 (relating to
    17  limitations on distribution.] (Repealed).
    18     (f)  [Action by] Rights of holders of indebtedness.--[Unless
    19  otherwise provided by an indenture or other contract by which
    20  the dividing limited partnership is bound, a plan of division
    21  shall not require the approval of the holders of any debt
    22  securities or other obligations of the dividing limited
    23  partnership or of any representative of the holders if the
    24  transfer of assets effected by the division, if effected by
    25  means of a sale, lease, exchange or other disposition, and any
    26  related distribution would not require the approval of the
    27  holders or representatives thereof.] If any such debt
    28  securities, notes, similar evidences of indebtedness, indentures
    29  or other contracts were issued, incurred or executed by the
    30  dividing limited partnership before (the Legislative Reference
    19970S1157B1741                 - 156 -

     1  Bureau shall insert here the effective date of the amendments of
     2  this section) and have not been amended subsequent to that date,
     3  the liability of the dividing limited partnership thereunder
     4  shall not be affected by the division nor shall the rights of
     5  the obligees thereunder be impaired by the division, and each of
     6  the resulting limited partnerships may be proceeded against or
     7  substituted in place of the dividing limited partnership as
     8  joint and several obligors on such liability, regardless of any
     9  provision of the plan of division apportioning the liabilities
    10  of the dividing limited partnership.
    11     * * *
    12  § 8580.  Effect of division.
    13     * * *
    14     (b)  Property rights; allocations of assets and
    15  liabilities.--
    16         (1)  (i)  All the property, real, personal and mixed, of
    17         the dividing limited partnership, and all debts due on
    18         whatever account to it, including subscriptions for
    19         partnership interests or other causes of action belonging
    20         to it, shall, except as otherwise provided in paragraph
    21         (2), to the extent [transfers] allocations of assets are
    22         contemplated by the plan of division, be deemed without
    23         further action to be [transferred] allocated to and
    24         vested in the resulting limited partnerships on such a
    25         manner and basis and with such effect as is specified in
    26         the plan, or per capita among the resulting limited
    27         partnerships, as tenants in common, if no specification
    28         is made in the plan, and the title to any real estate or
    29         interest therein vested in any of the limited
    30         partnerships shall not revert or be in any way impaired
    19970S1157B1741                 - 157 -

     1         by reason of the division.
     2             (ii)  Upon the division becoming effective, the
     3         resulting limited partnerships shall each thenceforth be
     4         responsible as separate and distinct limited partnerships
     5         only for such liabilities as each limited partnership may
     6         undertake or incur in its own name but shall be liable
     7         for the liabilities of the dividing limited partnership
     8         in the manner and on the basis provided in subparagraphs
     9         (iv) and (v).
    10             (iii)  Liens upon the property of the dividing
    11         limited partnership shall not be impaired by the
    12         division.
    13             (iv)  [One] To the extent allocations of liabilities
    14         are contemplated by the plan of division, the liabilities
    15         of the dividing limited partnership shall be deemed
    16         without further action to be allocated to and become the
    17         liabilities of the resulting limited partnerships on such
    18         a manner and basis and with such effect as is specified
    19         in the plan; and one or more but less than all of the
    20         resulting limited partnerships shall be free of the
    21         liabilities of the dividing limited partnership to the
    22         extent, if any, specified in the plan [if no fraud of
    23         creditors or partners or violation of law shall be
    24         effected thereby and if all applicable provisions of law
    25         are complied with.], if in either case:
    26                 (A)  no fraud of partners or violation of law
    27             shall be effected thereby; and
    28                 (B)  the plan does not constitute a fraudulent
    29             transfer under 12 Pa.C.S. Ch. 51 (relating to
    30             fraudulent transfers).
    19970S1157B1741                 - 158 -

     1             (v)  If the conditions in subparagraph (iv) for
     2         freeing one or more of the resulting limited partnerships
     3         from the liabilities of the dividing limited partnership,
     4         or for allocating some or all of the liabilities of the
     5         dividing limited partnership, are not satisfied, the
     6         liabilities of the dividing limited partnership as to
     7         which those conditions are not satisfied shall not be
     8         affected by the division nor shall the rights of
     9         creditors [thereof] thereunder or of any person dealing
    10         with the limited partnership be impaired by the division,
    11         and any claim existing or action or proceeding pending by
    12         or against the limited partnership with respect to those
    13         liabilities may be prosecuted to judgment as if the
    14         division had not taken place, or the resulting limited
    15         partnerships may be proceeded against or substituted in
    16         [its] place of the dividing limited partnership as joint
    17         and several obligors on [such liability] those
    18         liabilities, regardless of any provision of the plan of
    19         division apportioning the liabilities of the dividing
    20         limited partnership.
    21             (vi)  The conditions in subparagraph (iv) for freeing
    22         one or more of the resulting limited partnerships from
    23         the liabilities of the dividing limited partnership and
    24         for allocating some or all of the liabilities of the
    25         dividing limited partnership shall be conclusively deemed
    26         to have been satisfied if the plan of division has been
    27         approved by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission in
    28         a final order issued after (the Legislative Reference
    29         Bureau shall insert here the effective date of the
    30         amendments of this section) that has become not subject
    19970S1157B1741                 - 159 -

     1         to further appeal.
     2         (2)  (i)  The [transfer] allocation of any fee or
     3         freehold interest or leasehold having a remaining term of
     4         30 years or more in any tract or parcel of real property
     5         situate in this Commonwealth owned by a dividing limited
     6         partnership (including property owned by a foreign
     7         limited partnership dividing solely under the law of
     8         another jurisdiction) to a new limited partnership
     9         resulting from the division shall not be effective until
    10         one of the following documents is filed in the office for
    11         the recording of deeds of the county, or each of them, in
    12         which the tract or parcel is situated:
    13                 (A)  A deed, lease or other instrument of
    14             confirmation describing the tract or parcel.
    15                 (B)  A duly executed duplicate original copy of
    16             the certificate of division.
    17                 (C)  A copy of the certificate of division
    18             certified by the Department of State.
    19                 (D)  A declaration of acquisition setting forth
    20             the value of real estate holdings in the county of
    21             the limited partnership as an acquired company.
    22             (ii)  The provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1114 (relating
    23         to transfer of vehicle by operation of law) shall not be
    24         applicable to [a transfer] an allocation of ownership of
    25         any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer [from a
    26         dividing limited partnership] to a new limited
    27         partnership under this section or under a similar law of
    28         any other jurisdiction, but any such [transfer]
    29         allocation shall be effective only upon compliance with
    30         the requirements of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1116 (relating to
    19970S1157B1741                 - 160 -

     1         issuance of new certificate following transfer).
     2         (3)  It shall not be necessary for a plan of division to
     3     list each individual asset or liability of the dividing
     4     limited partnership to be allocated to a new limited
     5     partnership so long as those assets and liabilities are
     6     described in a reasonable and customary manner.
     7         (4)  Each new limited partnership shall hold any assets
     8     and liabilities allocated to it as the successor to the
     9     dividing limited partnership, and those assets and
    10     liabilities shall not be deemed to have been assigned to the
    11     new limited partnership in any manner, whether directly or
    12     indirectly or by operation of law.
    13     * * *
    14     (g)  Conflict of laws.--It is the intent of the General
    15  Assembly that:
    16         (1)  The effect of a division of a domestic limited
    17     partnership shall be governed solely by the laws of this
    18     Commonwealth and any other jurisdiction under the laws of
    19     which any of the resulting limited partnerships is organized.
    20         (2)  The effect of a division on the assets and
    21     liabilities of the dividing limited partnership shall be
    22     governed solely by the laws of this Commonwealth and any
    23     other jurisdiction under the laws of which any of the
    24     resulting limited partnerships is organized.
    25         (3)  The validity of any allocations of assets or
    26     liabilities by a plan of division of a domestic limited
    27     partnership, regardless of whether or not any of the new
    28     limited partnerships is a foreign limited partnership, shall
    29     be governed solely by the laws of this Commonwealth.
    30         (4)  In addition to the express provisions of this
    19970S1157B1741                 - 161 -

     1     subsection, this subchapter shall otherwise generally be
     2     granted the protection of full faith and credit under the
     3     Constitution of the United States.
     4  § 8590.  Domestication.
     5     * * *
     6     (b)  Certificate of domestication.--The certificate of
     7  domestication shall be executed by the limited partnership and
     8  shall set forth in the English language:
     9         (1)  The name of the limited partnership. If the name is
    10     in a foreign language, it shall be set forth in Roman letters
    11     or characters or Arabic or Roman numerals. If the name is one
    12     that is rendered unavailable for use by any provision of
    13     section 8505 (relating to name), the limited partnership
    14     shall adopt, in accordance with any procedures for changing
    15     the name of the limited partnership that are applicable prior
    16     to the domestication of the limited partnership, and shall
    17     set forth in the certificate of domestication an available
    18     name.
    19         * * *
    20     (c)  Effect of domestication.--
    21         (1)  As a domestic limited partnership, the domesticated
    22     limited partnership shall no longer be a foreign limited
    23     partnership for the purposes of this chapter and shall [have]
    24     instead be a domestic limited partnership with all the powers
    25     and privileges and [be subject to] all the duties and
    26     limitations granted and imposed upon domestic limited
    27     partnerships. [The property, debts, liens, estates, taxes,
    28     penalties and public accounts due the Commonwealth shall
    29     continue to be vested in and imposed upon the limited
    30     partnership to the same extent as if it were the successor by
    19970S1157B1741                 - 162 -

     1     merger of the domesticating limited partnership with and into
     2     a domestic limited partnership under Subchapter F (relating
     3     to merger and consolidation).] In all other respects, the
     4     domesticated limited partnership shall be deemed to be the
     5     same limited partnership as it was prior to the domestication
     6     without any change in or affect on its existence. Without
     7     limiting the generality of the previous sentence, the
     8     domestication shall not be deemed to have dissolved the
     9     limited partnership or to have affected in any way:
    10             (i)  the right and title of the limited partnership
    11         in and to its assets, property, franchises, estates and
    12         choses in action;
    13             (ii)  the liability of the limited partnership for
    14         its debts, obligations, penalties and public accounts due
    15         the Commonwealth;
    16             (iii)  any liens or other encumbrances on the
    17         property or assets of the limited partnership; or
    18             (iv)  any contract, license or other agreement to
    19         which the limited partnership is a party or under which
    20         it has any rights or obligations.
    21         (2)  The partnership interests in the domesticated
    22     limited partnership shall be unaffected by the domestication
    23     except to the extent, if any, reclassified in the certificate
    24     of domestication.
    25  § 8903.  Definitions and index of definitions.
    26     (a)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used
    27  in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this
    28  section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    29     * * *
    30     ["Department."  The Department of State of the Commonwealth.]
    19970S1157B1741                 - 163 -

     1     * * *
     2     "Event of dissociation."  An event that causes a person to
     3  cease to be a member of a limited liability company.  See
     4  section [8971(a)(4)] 8971(4) (relating to dissolution).
     5     * * *
     6     ["Licensed person."  A natural person who is duly licensed or
     7  admitted to practice his profession by a court, department,
     8  board, commission or other agency of this Commonwealth or
     9  another jurisdiction to render a professional service that is or
    10  will be rendered by the professional company of which he is or
    11  intends to become a manager, member, employee or agent.]
    12     "Limited liability company," "domestic limited liability
    13  company" or "company."  An association that is a limited
    14  liability company organized and existing under this chapter.
    15     * * *
    16     "Operating agreement."  Any [agreement of the members as to]
    17  rules or procedures adopted for the regulation and governance of
    18  the affairs of a limited liability company and the conduct of
    19  its business. [The operating agreement need not be in writing
    20  except where this chapter refers to a written provision of the
    21  operating agreement. The operating agreement may contain any
    22  provision for the regulation of the internal affairs of the
    23  company agreed to by the members, whether or not specifically
    24  authorized by or in contravention of this chapter, except where
    25  this chapter:
    26         (1)  refers only to a rule as set forth in the
    27     certificate of organization; or
    28         (2)  expressly provides that the operating agreement
    29     shall not relax or contravene any provision on a specified
    30     subject. See sections 8913(8) (relating to certificate of
    19970S1157B1741                 - 164 -

     1     organization) and 8915 (relating to modification by
     2     agreement).]
     3     * * *
     4     ["Professional services."  The term shall have the meaning
     5  specified in section 2902 (relating to definitions).]
     6     * * *
     7     (b)  Index of other definitions.--Other definitions applying
     8  to this chapter and the sections in which they appear are:
     9     "Act" or "action."  Section 102.
    10     "Department."  Section 102.
    11     "Licensed person."  Section 102.
    12     "Professional services."  Section 102.
    13                            SUBCHAPTER B
    15  § 8915.  Modification by agreement.
    16     The provisions of this chapter are intended to permit a
    17  limited liability company to qualify for taxation as an entity
    18  that is not an association taxable as a corporation under the
    19  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1
    20  et seq.). Notwithstanding the limitations in [the definition of
    21  "operating agreement" in section 8903 (relating to definitions)
    22  and the limitations in section] sections 8913(8) (relating to
    23  certificate of organization) and 8916(b) (relating to operating
    24  agreement), the certificate of organization and operating
    25  agreement may effect any change in the form of organization of
    26  the company, in addition to or in contravention of the
    27  provisions of this chapter, that may be necessary to accomplish
    28  that purpose.
    29  § 8916.  Operating agreement.
    30     (a)  General rule.--The operating agreement of a limited
    19970S1157B1741                 - 165 -

     1  liability company need not be in writing except where this
     2  chapter refers to a written provision of the operating
     3  agreement. If a written operating agreement provides that it
     4  cannot be amended or modified except in writing, an oral
     5  agreement, amendment or modification shall not be enforceable.
     6     (b)  Freedom of contract.--An operating agreement may contain
     7  any provision for the regulation of the internal affairs of a
     8  limited liability company adopted by the members, whether or not
     9  specifically authorized by or in contravention of this chapter,
    10  except where this chapter:
    11         (1)  refers only to a rule as set forth in the
    12     certificate of organization; or
    13         (2)  expressly provides that the operating agreement
    14     shall not relax or contravene any provision on a specified
    15     subject.
    16     (c)  Cross references.--See sections 8913(8) (relating to
    17  certificate of organization) and 8915 (relating to modification
    18  by agreement).
    19  § 8922.  Liability of members [and managers].
    20     (a)  General rule.--[Neither] Except as provided in
    21  subsection (e), the members of a limited liability company [nor
    22  the managers of a company managed by one or more managers are]
    23  shall not be liable, solely by reason of being a member [or a
    24  manager], under an order of a court or in any other manner for a
    25  debt, obligation or liability of the company of any kind or for
    26  the acts [or omissions] of any [other] member, manager, agent or
    27  employee of the company.
    28     (b)  Professional relationship unaffected.--Subsection (a)
    29  shall not afford members [and managers] of a professional
    30  company with greater immunity than is available to the officers,
    19970S1157B1741                 - 166 -

     1  shareholders, employees or agents of a professional corporation.
     2  See section 2925 (relating to professional relationship
     3  retained).
     4     * * *
     5     (d)  Conflict of laws.--The personal liability of a member of
     6  a company to any person or in any action or proceeding for the
     7  debts, obligations or liabilities of the company or for the acts
     8  [or omissions] of other members, managers, employees or agents
     9  of the company shall be governed solely and exclusively by this
    10  chapter and the laws of this Commonwealth. Whenever a conflict
    11  arises between the laws of this Commonwealth and the laws of any
    12  other state with regard to the liability of members of a company
    13  organized and existing under this chapter for the debts,
    14  obligations and liabilities of the company or for the acts [or
    15  omissions] of the other members, managers, employees or agents
    16  of the company, the laws of this Commonwealth shall govern in
    17  determining such liability.
    18     (e)  Expansion of liability.--The certificate of organization
    19  may provide that some or all of the members shall be liable for
    20  some or all of the debts, obligations and liabilities of the
    21  company to the extent and under the circumstances provided in
    22  the certificate.
    23     (f)  Medical professional liability.--A professional company
    24  shall be deemed to be a partnership for purposes of section 811
    25  of the act of October 15, 1975 (P.L.390, No.111), known as the
    26  Health Care Services Malpractice Act.
    27     [(e)] (g)  Cross reference.--See section 8904(b) (relating to
    28  rules for cases not provided for in this chapter).
    29  § 8924.  Limited transferability of membership interest.
    30     (a)  General rule.--The interest of a member in a limited
    19970S1157B1741                 - 167 -

     1  liability company constitutes the personal estate of the member
     2  and may be transferred or assigned as provided in writing in the
     3  operating agreement.  Unless otherwise provided in writing in
     4  the operating agreement, if all of the other members of the
     5  company other than the member proposing to dispose of his
     6  interest do not approve of the proposed transfer or assignment
     7  by unanimous vote or written consent, which approval may be
     8  unreasonably withheld by any of the other members, the
     9  transferee of the interest of the member shall have no right to
    10  participate in the management of the business and affairs of the
    11  company or to become a member. The transferee shall only be
    12  entitled to receive the distributions and the return of
    13  contributions to which that member would otherwise be entitled.
    14     (b)  Certificate of membership interest.--The certificate of
    15  organization may provide that a member's interest in a company
    16  may be evidenced by a certificate of membership interest issued
    17  by the company [and]. If such provision is made for the issuance
    18  of certificates of membership interest, the operating agreement
    19  may [also] provide for the assignment or transfer of any
    20  membership interest represented by such a certificate and make
    21  other provisions with respect to such certificates. [See 13
    22  Pa.C.S. § 8102 (relating to definitions and index of
    23  definitions).]
    24  § 8932.  Distributions and allocation of profits and losses.
    25     A limited liability company may from time to time [divide]
    26  make distributions and allocate the profits and losses of its
    27  business [and distribute the same] to [and allocate any losses
    28  among] the members of the company upon the basis stipulated in
    29  the operating agreement or, if not stipulated in the operating
    30  agreement, per capita. The allocation of losses pursuant to this
    19970S1157B1741                 - 168 -

     1  section shall not affect the limitation on liability of members
     2  as provided in section 8922 (relating to liability of members).
     3  § 8942.  Voting.
     4     * * *
     5     (c)  Exception.--An amendment of the certificate of
     6  organization that:
     7         (1)  restates without change all of the operative
     8     provisions of the certificate of organization as theretofore
     9     in effect;
    10         (2)  changes the name or registered office of the
    11     company; or
    12         (3)  accomplishes any combination of the foregoing
    13     purposes;
    14  is not an amendment of the certificate of organization for the
    15  purposes of subsection (b). Unless otherwise provided in writing
    16  in the operating agreement, an amendment described in this
    17  subsection may be made by the affirmative vote of a majority of
    18  the managers or, in the case of a company that is not managed by
    19  one or more managers, of a majority of the members.
    20     * * *
    21  § 8943.  Duties of managers and members.
    22     * * *
    23     (b)  Companies with managers.--If the certificate of
    24  organization provides that the company shall be managed by one
    25  or more managers:
    26         (1)  [Unless otherwise provided in writing in the
    27     operating agreement, the provisions of Subchapter B of
    28     Chapter 17 (relating to officers, directors and
    29     shareholders)] Sections 1711 (relating to alternative
    30     provisions) through 1717 (relating to limitation on standing)
    19970S1157B1741                 - 169 -

     1     shall be applicable to representatives of the company. A
     2     written provision of the operating agreement may increase,
     3     but not relax, the duties of representatives of the company
     4     to its members under those sections. For purposes of applying
     5     the provisions of those sections, references to the "articles
     6     of incorporation," "bylaws," "directors" and "shareholders"
     7     shall mean the certificate of organization, operating
     8     agreement, managers and members, respectively.
     9         (2)  A member who is not a manager shall have no duties
    10     to the company or to the other members solely by reason of
    11     acting in his capacity as a member.
    12  § 8944.  [Classes of members.]  Members.
    13     (a)  General rule.--A limited liability company may have one
    14  or more members.
    15     (b)  Classes of members.--An operating agreement may provide
    16  for:
    17         (1)  classes or groups of members having such relative
    18     rights, powers and duties as the operating agreement may
    19     provide;
    20         (2)  the future creation in the manner provided in the
    21     operating agreement of additional classes or groups of
    22     members having such relative rights, powers and duties as may
    23     from time to time be established, including rights, powers
    24     and duties senior to existing classes and groups of members;
    25     and
    26         (3)  the taking of an action, including, without
    27     limitation, amendment of the certificate of organization or
    28     operating agreement or creation of a class or group of
    29     interests in the limited liability company that was not
    30     previously outstanding, without the vote or approval of any
    19970S1157B1741                 - 170 -

     1     member or class or group of members.
     2     [(b)] (c)  Class voting.--The operating agreement may grant
     3  to all or certain identified members or a specified class or
     4  group of members the right to vote (on a per capita or other
     5  basis), separately or with all or any class or group of members,
     6  upon any matter.
     7  § 8945.  Indemnification.
     8     * * *
     9     (f)  Mandatory indemnification.--Without regard to whether
    10  indemnification or advancement of expenses is provided under
    11  subsections (a) and (d), a limited liability company shall be
    12  subject to section 8331(2) (relating to rules determining rights
    13  and duties of partners) and both the members and the managers,
    14  if any, shall be deemed to be general partners for purposes of
    15  applying that section.
    16  § 8948.  [Dissociation of member limited.] Limitation on
    17             dissociation or assignment of membership interest.
    18     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this
    19  part, an operating agreement may provide that a member may not
    20  voluntarily dissociate from the limited liability company or
    21  assign his membership interest prior to the dissolution and
    22  winding-up of the company, and an attempt by a member to
    23  dissociate voluntarily from the company or to assign his
    24  membership interest in violation of the operating agreement
    25  shall be ineffective.
    26  § 8957.  Approval of merger or consolidation.
    27     * * *
    28     (b)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of the
    29  plan may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable outside of
    30  the plan if the manner in which the facts will operate upon the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 171 -

     1  terms of the plan is set forth in the plan. Such facts may
     2  include, without limitation, actions or events within the
     3  control of or determinations made by a party to the plan or a
     4  representative of a party to the plan.
     5     (c)  [Postadoption] Post-adoption amendment of plan of merger
     6  or consolidation.--A plan of merger or consolidation may contain
     7  a provision that the managers, if any, of the constituent
     8  companies may amend the plan at any time prior to its effective
     9  date, except that an amendment made subsequent to any adoption
    10  of the plan by the members of any constituent domestic company
    11  shall not, without the approval of the members, change:
    12         (1)  The amount or kind of membership interests,
    13     obligations, cash, property or rights to be received in
    14     exchange for or on conversion of all or any of the membership
    15     interests of the constituent domestic company adversely to
    16     the holders of those membership interests.
    17         (2)  Any [term] provision of the certificate of
    18     organization or operating agreement of the surviving or new
    19     company [to be effected by] as it is to be in effect
    20     immediately following consummation of the merger or
    21     consolidation except provisions that may be amended without
    22     the approval of the members.
    23         (3)  Any of the other terms and conditions of the plan if
    24     the change would adversely affect the holders of any
    25     membership interests of the constituent domestic company.
    26     * * *
    27     (e)  Party to plan.--An association that approves a plan in
    28  its capacity as a member or creditor of a merging or
    29  consolidating company or that furnishes all or a part of the
    30  consideration contemplated by a plan does not thereby become a
    19970S1157B1741                 - 172 -

     1  party to the [plan or the] merger or consolidation for the
     2  purposes of this subchapter.
     3     * * *
     4     (i)  Termination of plan.--Prior to the time when a merger or
     5  consolidation becomes effective, the merger or consolidation may
     6  be terminated pursuant to provisions therefor, if any, set forth
     7  in the plan. If a certificate of merger or consolidation has
     8  been filed in the department prior to the termination, a
     9  certificate of termination executed by each company that is a
    10  party to the merger or consolidation, unless the plan permits
    11  termination by less than all of the companies, in which case the
    12  certificate shall be executed on behalf of the company
    13  exercising the right to terminate, shall be filed in the
    14  department. The certificate of termination shall set forth:
    15         (1)  A copy of the certificate of merger or consolidation
    16     relating to the plan that is terminated.
    17         (2)  A statement that the plan has been terminated in
    18     accordance with the provisions therefor set forth therein.
    19  See sections 134 (relating to docketing statement), 135
    20  (relating to requirements to be met by filed documents), 138
    21  (relating to statement of correction) and 8907 (relating to
    22  execution of documents).
    23     * * *
    24  § 8962.  Proposal and adoption of plan of division.
    25     * * *
    26     (b)  Reference to outside facts.--Any of the terms of the
    27  plan may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable outside of
    28  the plan if the manner in which the facts will operate upon the
    29  terms of the plan is set forth in the plan. Such facts may
    30  include, without limitation, actions or events within the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 173 -

     1  control of or determinations made by the dividing limited
     2  liability company or a representative of the dividing limited
     3  liability company.
     4     * * *
     5     (e)  [Action by holders of indebtedness.--Unless otherwise
     6  provided by an indenture or other contract by which the dividing
     7  limited liability company is bound, a plan of division shall not
     8  require the approval of the holders of any debt securities or
     9  other obligations of the dividing company or of any
    10  representative of the holders if the transfer of assets effected
    11  by the division, if effected by means of a sale, lease, exchange
    12  or other disposition, and any related distribution would not
    13  require the approval of the holders or representatives thereof.]
    14  (Repealed).
    15  § 8965.  Effect of division.
    16     * * *
    17     (b)  Property rights; allocations of assets and
    18  liabilities.--
    19         (1)  (i)  All the property, real, personal and mixed, of
    20         the dividing company and all debts due on whatever
    21         account to it, including subscriptions for membership
    22         interests and other causes of action belonging to it,
    23         shall, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2), to
    24         the extent [transfers] allocations of assets are
    25         contemplated by the plan of division, be deemed without
    26         further action to be [transferred] allocated to and
    27         vested in the resulting companies on such a manner and
    28         basis and with such effect as is specified in the plan,
    29         or per capita among the resulting companies as tenants in
    30         common if no specification is made in the plan, and the
    19970S1157B1741                 - 174 -

     1         title to any real estate or interest therein vested in
     2         any of the companies shall not revert or be in any way
     3         impaired by reason of the division.
     4             (ii)  Upon the division becoming effective, the
     5         resulting companies shall each thenceforth be responsible
     6         as separate and distinct companies only for such
     7         liabilities as each company may undertake or incur in its
     8         own name but shall be liable for the liabilities of the
     9         dividing company in the manner and on the basis provided
    10         in subparagraphs (iv) and (v).
    11             (iii)  Liens upon the property of the dividing
    12         company shall not be impaired by the division.
    13             (iv)  [One] To the extent allocations of liabilities
    14         are contemplated by the plan of division, the liabilities
    15         of the dividing company shall be deemed without further
    16         action to be allocated to and become the liabilities of
    17         the resulting companies on such a manner and basis and
    18         with such effect as is specified in the plan; and one or
    19         more, but less than all, of the resulting companies shall
    20         be free of the liabilities of the dividing company to the
    21         extent, if any, specified in the plan [if no fraud of
    22         creditors or members or violation of law shall be
    23         effected thereby and if all applicable provisions of law
    24         are complied with.], if in either case:
    25                 (A)  no fraud on members or violation of law
    26             shall be effected thereby; and
    27                 (B)  the plan does not constitute a fraudulent
    28             transfer under 12 Pa.C.S. Ch. 51 (relating to
    29             fraudulent transfers).
    30             (v)  If the conditions in subparagraph (iv) for
    19970S1157B1741                 - 175 -

     1         freeing one or more of the resulting companies from the
     2         liabilities of the dividing company, or for allocating
     3         some or all of the liabilities of the dividing company,
     4         are not satisfied, the liabilities of the dividing
     5         company as to which those conditions are not satisfied
     6         shall not be affected by the division nor shall the
     7         rights of creditors [thereof] thereunder or of any person
     8         dealing with the company be impaired by the division, and
     9         any claim existing or action or proceeding pending by or
    10         against the company with respect to those liabilities may
    11         be prosecuted to judgment as if the division had not
    12         taken place, or the resulting companies may be proceeded
    13         against or substituted in [its] place of the dividing
    14         company as joint and several obligors on [such liability]
    15         those liabilities, regardless of any provision of the
    16         plan of division apportioning the liabilities of the
    17         dividing company.
    18             (vi)  The conditions in subparagraph (iv) for freeing
    19         one or more of the resulting companies from the
    20         liabilities of the dividing company and for allocating
    21         some or all of the liabilities of the dividing company
    22         shall be conclusively deemed to have been satisfied if
    23         the plan of division has been approved by the
    24         Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission in a final order
    25         issued after (the Legislative Reference Bureau shall
    26         insert here the effective date of the amendments of this
    27         section) that has become not subject to further appeal.
    28         (2)  (i)  The [transfer] allocation of any fee or
    29         freehold interest or leasehold having a remaining term of
    30         30 years or more in any tract or parcel of real property
    19970S1157B1741                 - 176 -

     1         situate in this Commonwealth owned by a dividing company
     2         (including property owned by a foreign limited liability
     3         company dividing solely under the law of another
     4         jurisdiction) to a new company resulting from the
     5         division shall not be effective until one of the
     6         following documents is filed in the office for the
     7         recording of deeds of the county, or each of them, in
     8         which the tract or parcel is situated:
     9                 (A)  A deed, lease or other instrument of
    10             confirmation describing the tract or parcel.
    11                 (B)  A duly executed duplicate original copy of
    12             the certificate of division.
    13                 (C)  A copy of the certificate of division
    14             certified by the Department of State.
    15                 (D)  A declaration of acquisition setting forth
    16             the value of real estate holdings in such county of
    17             the company as an acquired company.
    18             (ii)  The provisions of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1114 (relating
    19         to transfer of vehicle by operation of law) shall not be
    20         applicable to [a transfer] an allocation of ownership of
    21         any motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer [from a
    22         dividing company] to a new company under this section or
    23         under a similar law of any other jurisdiction but any
    24         such [transfer] allocation shall be effective only upon
    25         compliance with the requirements of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1116
    26         (relating to issuance of new certificate following
    27         transfer).
    28         (3)  It shall not be necessary for a plan of division to
    29     list each individual asset or liability of the dividing
    30     company to be allocated to a new company so long as those
    19970S1157B1741                 - 177 -

     1     assets and liabilities are described in a reasonable and
     2     customary manner.
     3         (4)  Each new company shall hold any assets and
     4     liabilities allocated to it as the successor to the dividing
     5     company, and those assets and liabilities shall not be deemed
     6     to have been assigned to the new company in any manner,
     7     whether directly or indirectly or by operation of law.
     8     * * *
     9     (h)  Conflict of laws.--It is the intent of the General
    10  Assembly that:
    11         (1)  The effect of a division of a domestic limited
    12     liability company shall be governed by the laws of this
    13     Commonwealth and any other jurisdiction under the laws of
    14     which any of the resulting companies is organized.
    15         (2)  The effect of a division on the assets and
    16     liabilities of the dividing company shall be governed solely
    17     by the laws of this Commonwealth and any other jurisdiction
    18     under the laws of which any of the resulting companies is
    19     organized.
    20         (3)  The validity of any allocation of assets or
    21     liabilities by a plan of division of a domestic limited
    22     liability company, regardless of whether or not any of the
    23     new companies is a foreign limited liability company, shall
    24     be governed solely by the laws of this Commonwealth.
    25         (4)  In addition to the express provisions of this
    26     subsection, this subchapter shall otherwise generally be
    27     granted the protection of full faith and credit under the
    28     Constitution of the United States.
    29  § 8971.  Dissolution.
    30     [(a)  General rule.--]A limited liability company is
    19970S1157B1741                 - 178 -

     1  dissolved and its affairs shall be wound up upon the happening
     2  of the first to occur of the following events:
     3         (1)  At the time or upon the happening of events
     4     specified in the certificate of organization.
     5         (2)  At the time or upon the happening of events
     6     specified in writing in the operating agreement.
     7         (3)  By the unanimous written agreement or consent of all
     8     members.
     9         (4)  [Upon] Except as otherwise provided in writing in
    10     the operating agreement, upon a member becoming a bankrupt or
    11     executing an assignment for the benefit of creditors or the
    12     death, retirement, insanity, resignation, expulsion or
    13     dissolution of a member or the occurrence of any other event
    14     that terminates the continued membership of a member in the
    15     company unless the business of the company is continued by
    16     the vote or consent of [all] a majority in interest, or such
    17     greater number as shall be provided in writing in the
    18     operating agreement, of the remaining members given within
    19     [90] 180 days following such event [or under a right to do so
    20     stated in the operating agreement].
    21         (5)  Entry of an order of judicial dissolution under
    22     section 8972 (relating to judicial dissolution).
    23     [(b)  Cross reference.--See section 8103 (relating to
    24  continuation of certain limited partnerships and limited
    25  liability companies).]
    26  § 8973.  WINDING UP.                                              <--
    27     * * *
    19970S1157B1741                 - 179 -

     3  § 8974.  Distribution of assets upon dissolution.
     4     (a)  General rule.--In settling accounts after dissolution,
     5  the liabilities of the limited liability company shall be
     6  entitled to payment in the following order:
     7         (1)  Those to creditors, including members or managers
     8     who are creditors, in the order of priority as provided by
     9     law, in satisfaction of the liabilities of the company,
    10     whether by payment or the making of reasonable provision for
    11     payment thereof, other than liabilities for distributions to
    12     members under section 8932 (relating to distributions and
    13     allocation of profits and losses) or 8933 (relating to
    14     distributions upon an event of dissociation).
    15         (2)  Unless otherwise provided in the operating
    16     agreement, to members and former members in satisfaction of
    17     liabilities for distributions under section 8932 or 8933.
    18         (3)  Unless otherwise provided in the operating
    19     agreement, to members in respect of:
    20             (i)  Their contributions to capital.
    21             (ii)  Their share of the profits and other
    22         compensation by way of income on their contributions.
    23     * * *
    24  § 8978.  Dissolution by domestication.
    25     Whenever a domestic limited liability company has
    26  domesticated itself under the laws of another jurisdiction by
    27  action similar to that provided by section 8982 (relating to
    28  domestication) and has authorized that action by the vote
    29  required by this subchapter for the approval of a proposal that
    30  the company dissolve voluntarily, the company may surrender its
    19970S1157B1741                 - 180 -

     1  certificate of organization under the laws of this Commonwealth
     2  by filing in the Department of State a certificate of
     3  dissolution under section 8975 (relating to certificate of
     4  dissolution). In lieu of the statements required by section
     5  8975(a)(2) through (4), the certificate of dissolution shall set
     6  forth a statement that the company has domesticated itself under
     7  the laws of another jurisdiction. If the company, as
     8  domesticated in the other jurisdiction, registers to do business
     9  in this Commonwealth either prior to or simultaneously with the
    10  filing of the certificate of dissolution under this section, the
    11  company shall not be required to file with the certificate of
    12  dissolution the tax clearance certificates that would otherwise
    13  be required by section 139 (relating to tax clearance of certain
    14  fundamental transactions).
    15  § 8982.  Domestication.
    16     * * *
    17     (b)  Certificate of domestication.--The certificate of
    18  domestication shall be executed by the company and shall set
    19  forth in the English language:
    20         (1)  The name of the company. If the name is in a foreign
    21     language, it shall be set forth in Roman letters or
    22     characters or Arabic or Roman numerals. If the name is one
    23     that is rendered unavailable for use by any provision of
    24     section 8905 (relating to name), the company shall adopt, in
    25     accordance with any procedures for changing the name of the
    26     company that are applicable prior to the domestication of the
    27     company, and shall set forth in the certificate of
    28     domestication, an available name.
    29         * * *
    30     (c)  Effect of domestication.--
    19970S1157B1741                 - 181 -

     1         (1)  As a domestic limited liability company, the
     2     domesticated company shall no longer be a foreign limited
     3     liability company for the purposes of this chapter and shall
     4     [have] instead be a domestic limited liability company with
     5     all the powers and privileges and [be subject to] all the
     6     duties and limitations granted and imposed upon domestic
     7     limited liability companies. [The property, debts, liens,
     8     estates, taxes, penalties and public accounts due the
     9     Commonwealth shall continue to be vested in and imposed upon
    10     the company to the same extent as if it were the successor by
    11     merger of the domesticating company with and into a domestic
    12     limited liability company under Subchapter G (relating to
    13     mergers and consolidations).] In all other respects, the
    14     domesticated limited liability company shall be deemed to be
    15     the same limited liability company as it was prior to the
    16     domestication without any change in or affect on its
    17     existence. Without limiting the generality of the previous
    18     sentence, the domestication shall not be deemed to have
    19     dissolved the company or to have affected in any way:
    20             (i)  the right and title of the company in and to its
    21         assets, property, franchises, estates and choses in
    22         action;
    23             (ii)  the liability of the company for its debts,
    24         obligations, penalties and public accounts due the
    25         Commonwealth;
    26             (iii)  any liens or other encumbrances on the
    27         property or assets of the company; or
    28             (iv)  any contract, license or other agreement to
    29         which the company is a party or under which it has any
    30         rights or obligations.
    19970S1157B1741                 - 182 -

     1         (2)  The [shares of] membership interests in the
     2     domesticated company shall be unaffected by the domestication
     3     except to the extent, if any, reclassified in the certificate
     4     of domestication.
     5  § 8996.  Restrictions.
     6     * * *
     7     (b)  Ownership and governance of restricted professional
     8  companies.--Except as otherwise provided by a statute, rule or
     9  regulation applicable to a particular profession, all of the
    10  [members] ultimate beneficial owners of membership interests in
    11  and all of the managers, if any, of a restricted professional
    12  company shall be licensed persons.
    13     * * *
    14     (d)  Application.--For purposes of applying subsection (a):
    15         * * *
    16         (3)  The practice of the restricted professional service
    17     of law shall be deemed to include:
    18             (i)  serving as an attorney-in-fact, guardian,
    19         custodian, executor, personal representative, trustee or
    20         fiduciary;
    21             (ii)  serving as a director or trustee of a
    22         corporation for profit or not-for-profit, manager of a
    23         limited liability company or a similar position with any
    24         other form of association;
    25             (iii)  testifying, teaching, lecturing or writing
    26         about any topic related to the law;
    27             (iv)  serving as a master, receiver, arbitrator or
    28         similar official;
    29             (v)  providing actuarial, insurance, investment,
    30         estate and trust administration, tax return preparation,
    19970S1157B1741                 - 183 -

     1         financial and other similar services and advice;
     2             (vi)  conducting intellectual property and other real
     3         and personal property title searches and providing other
     4         title insurance agency services; and
     5             (vii)  engaging in any activity incidental to any of
     6         the foregoing.
     7  § 8998.  Annual registration.
     8     * * *
     9     (f)  Annual fee to be lien.--
    10         (1)  Failure to [pay the annual registration fee imposed]
    11     file the certificate of annual registration required by this
    12     section shall not affect the existence or status of the
    13     restricted professional company as such, but the annual
    14     registration fee that would have been payable shall be a lien
    15     in the manner provided in this subsection from the time the
    16     annual registration fee is due and payable [upon]. If a
    17     certificate of annual registration is not filed within 30
    18     days after the date on which it is due, the department shall
    19     assess a penalty of $500 against the company, which shall
    20     also be a lien in the manner provided in this subsection. The
    21     imposition of that penalty shall not be construed to relieve
    22     the company from liability for any other penalty or interest
    23     provided for under other applicable law.
    24         (2)  If the annual registration fee paid by a restricted
    25     professional company is subsequently determined to be less
    26     than should have been paid because it was based on an
    27     incorrect number of members or was otherwise incorrectly
    28     computed, that fact shall not affect the existence or status
    29     of the restricted professional company as such, but the
    30     amount of the additional annual registration fee that should
    19970S1157B1741                 - 184 -

     1     have been paid shall be a lien in the manner provided in this
     2     subsection from the time the incorrect payment is discovered
     3     by the department.
     4         (3)  The annual registration fee shall bear simple
     5     interest from the date that it becomes due and payable until
     6     paid. The interest rate shall be that provided for in section
     7     806 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as
     8     The Fiscal Code, with respect to unpaid taxes. The penalty
     9     provided for in paragraph (1) shall not bear interest. The
    10     payment of interest shall not relieve the restricted
    11     professional company from liability for any other penalty or
    12     interest provided for under other applicable law.
    13         (4)  The lien created by this subsection shall attach to
    14     all of the property and proceeds thereof of the restricted
    15     professional company in which a security interest can be
    16     perfected, in whole or in part, by filing in the department
    17     under 13 Pa.C.S. Div. 9 (relating to secured transactions;
    18     sales of accounts, contract rights and chattel paper),
    19     whether the property and proceeds are owned by the company at
    20     the time the annual registration fee or any penalty or
    21     interest becomes due and payable or whether the property and
    22     proceeds are acquired thereafter. Except as otherwise
    23     provided by statute, the lien created by this subsection
    24     shall have priority over all other liens, security interests
    25     or other charges, except liens for taxes or other charges due
    26     the Commonwealth. The lien created by this subsection shall
    27     be entered on the records of the department and indexed in
    28     the same manner as a financing statement filed under 13
    29     Pa.C.S. Div. 9. At the time an annual registration fee,
    30     penalty or interest that has resulted in the creation of
    19970S1157B1741                 - 185 -

     1     [the] a lien under this subsection is paid, the department
     2     shall terminate the lien with respect to that annual
     3     registration fee, penalty or interest without requiring a
     4     separate filing by the company for that purpose.
     5         (5)  If the annual registration fee paid by a restricted
     6     professional company is subsequently determined to be more
     7     than should have been paid for any reason, no refund of the
     8     additional fee shall be made.
     9     * * *
    10  § 9502.  Creation, status and termination of business trusts.
    11     (a)  Creation.--A business trust may be created in real or
    12  personal property, or both, with power in the trustee [or a
    13  majority of the trustees]:
    14         (1)  To receive title to, hold, buy, sell, exchange,
    15     transfer and convey real and personal property for the use of
    16     the business trust.
    17         (2)  To take, receive, invest or disburse the receipts,
    18     earnings, rents, profits or returns from the trust estate.
    19         (3)  To carry on and conduct any lawful business
    20     designated in the deed or other instrument of trust, and
    21     generally to do any lawful act in relation to such trust
    22     property that any individual owning the same absolutely might
    23     do.
    24         (4)  To merge with another business trust or other
    25     association, to divide or to engage in any other fundamental
    26     or other transaction contemplated by the deed or other
    27     instrument of trust.
    28     (b)  Term.--Except as otherwise provided in the instrument, a
    29  business trust shall have perpetual existence.
    30     (c)  Separate entity.--A business trust is a separate legal
    19970S1157B1741                 - 186 -

     1  entity. Except as otherwise provided in the instrument, title to
     2  real and personal property may be held in the name of the trust,
     3  without in any manner diminishing the rights, powers and duties
     4  of the trustees as provided in subsection (a).
     5     (d)  Termination.--Except as otherwise provided in the
     6  instrument:
     7         (1)  The business trust may not be terminated, dissolved
     8     or revoked by a beneficial owner or other person.
     9         (2)  The death, incapacity, dissolution, termination or
    10     bankruptcy of a beneficial owner or a trustee shall not
    11     result in the termination, dissolution or revocation of the
    12     business trust.
    13     (e)  Contents of instrument.--The instrument may contain any
    14  provision for the regulation of the internal affairs of the
    15  business trust included in the instrument by the settlor, the
    16  trustee or the beneficiaries in accordance with the applicable
    17  procedures for the adoption or amendment of the instrument.
    18  § 9503.  Documentation of trust.
    19     (a)  General rule.--A business trust shall not be valid
    20  unless created by deed of trust or other written instrument
    21  subscribed by one or more individuals, associations or other
    22  entities. The trustees of a business trust shall promptly cause
    23  the instrument or any amendment thereof, except an amendment
    24  solely effecting or reflecting the substitution of or other
    25  change in the trustees, to be filed in the Department of State.
    26  [The failure to effect the filing shall not affect the validity
    27  of a business trust. A trustee who violates the requirements of
    28  this subsection shall be liable for a civil penalty in the
    29  amount of $1,000 payable to the department.]
    30     * * *
    19970S1157B1741                 - 187 -

     1  § 9505.  [Succession of trustees.] Trustees.
     2     (a)  Succession of trustees.--An instrument may provide for
     3  the succession of title to [the] any trust property not titled
     4  in the name of the trust to a successor trustee, in case of the
     5  death, resignation, removal or incapacity of any trustee. In the
     6  case of any such succession, the title to [the] such trust
     7  property shall at once vest in the succeeding trustee.
     8     (b)  Nature of service.--Service as the trustee of a business
     9  trust by an association that is not a banking institution shall
    10  not be deemed to constitute acting as a fiduciary for purposes
    11  of the act of November 30, 1965 (P.L.847, No.356), known as the
    12  Banking Code of 1965.
    13  § 9506.  Liability of trustees and beneficiaries.
    14     (a)  General rule.--[Liability to third parties for any act,
    15  omission or obligation of a trustee of a business trust when
    16  acting in such capacity shall extend to so much of the trust
    17  estate as may be necessary to discharge such liability, but
    18  personal liability shall not attach to the trustee or the
    19  beneficiaries of the trust for any such act, omission or
    20  liability.]
    21         (1)  Except as otherwise provided in the instrument, the
    22     beneficiaries of a business trust shall be entitled to the
    23     same limitation of personal liability as is extended to
    24     shareholders in a domestic business corporation.
    25         (2)  Except as otherwise provided in the instrument, the
    26     trustees of a trust, when acting in that capacity, shall not
    27     be personally liable to any person other than the trust or a
    28     beneficiary for any act or obligation of the trust or any
    29     trustee.
    30         (3)  An obligation of a trust based upon a writing may be
    19970S1157B1741                 - 188 -

     1     limited to a specific fund or other identified pool or group
     2     of assets of the trust.
     3     * * *
     4     (f)  Permissible beneficiaries.--Except as otherwise provided
     5  by a statute, rule or regulation applicable to a particular
     6  profession, all of the [beneficiaries of] ultimate beneficial
     7  owners of interests in a business trust that renders one or more
     8  restricted professional services shall be licensed persons. As
     9  used in this subsection, the term "restricted professional
    10  services" shall have the meaning specified in section 8903
    11  (relating to definitions and index of definitions).
    12     * * *
    13     (h)  Medical professional liability.--A business trust shall
    14  be deemed to be a professional corporation for purposes of
    15  section 811 of the act of October 15, 1975 (P.L.390, No.111),
    16  known as the Health Care Services Malpractice Act.
    17  Section 3.  Amendment of Title 54.
    18     As much of Title 54 as is hereinafter set forth is amended or
    19  added to read:
    20  § 302.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    22  shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    23  meanings given to them in this section:
    24     "Business."  Any commercial or professional activity.
    25     "Entity."  Any individual[,] or any corporation, association,
    26  partnership, joint-stock company, business trust, syndicate,
    27  joint adventureship or other combination or group of persons,
    28  regardless of whether it is organized or formed under the laws
    29  of this Commonwealth or any other jurisdiction.
    30     "Fictitious name."  Any assumed or fictitious name, style or
    19970S1157B1741                 - 189 -

     1  designation other than the proper name of the entity using such
     2  name. The term includes [the], without limitation, any name [of
     3  any association,] assumed by any general partnership, [business
     4  trust,] syndicate, joint adventureship or similar combination or
     5  group of persons.
     6     "Proper name."  When used with respect to an entity of a type
     7  listed in the following paragraphs, the term means the name set
     8  forth in:
     9         (1)  the articles of incorporation, if it is a
    10     corporation;
    11         (2)  the statement of registration, if it is a limited
    12     liability partnership;
    13         (3)  the certificate of limited partnership, if it is a
    14     limited partnership;
    15         (4)  the statement of election, if it is an electing
    16     partnership;
    17         (5)  the certificate of organization, if it is a limited
    18     liability company;
    19         (6)  the articles of association, if it is a professional
    20     association;
    21         (7)  the deed of trust or other instrument, if it is a
    22     business trust; or
    23         (8)  a publicly filed document of a type listed in any of
    24     the foregoing paragraphs even though the document is referred
    25     to by a different title under the laws of any other
    26     jurisdiction.
    27  § 303.  Scope of chapter.
    28     * * *
    29     (b)  Mandatory registration.--
    30         * * *
    19970S1157B1741                 - 190 -

     1         (2)  Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any:
     2             (i)  Nonprofit or professional activities.
     3             (ii)  Activities [which] that are expressly or
     4         impliedly prohibited by law from being carried on under a
     5         fictitious name.
     6             (iii)  [Limited partnership which is registered in
     7         the department pursuant to 15 Pa.C.S. Ch. 85 (relating to
     8         limited partnerships) or under corresponding provisions
     9         of prior law. The preceding sentence shall not apply to
    10         any entity which includes the limited partnership as a
    11         participant unless the entity is itself such a limited
    12         partnership.] (Repealed).
    13             (iv)  Unincorporated nonprofit association.
    14             (v)  [Electing partnership existing under 15 Pa.C.S.
    15         Ch. 87 (relating to electing partnerships).] (Repealed).
    16             (vi)  [Limited liability company which is registered
    17         in the department pursuant to 15 Pa.C.S. Ch. 89 (relating
    18         to limited liability companies).] (Repealed).
    19             (vii)  [Registered limited liability partnership
    20         which is registered in the department pursuant to 15
    21         Pa.C.S. Ch. 82 (relating to registered limited liability
    22         partnerships).] (Repealed).
    23             (viii)  [Business trust which is registered in the
    24         department pursuant to 15 Pa.C.S. Ch. 95 (relating to
    25         business trusts).] (Repealed).
    26     * * *
    27  § 311.  Registration.
    28     * * *
    29     (e)  Duplicate use of names.--The fictitious name shall not
    30  be the same as or confusingly similar to:
    19970S1157B1741                 - 191 -

     1         (1)  The name of any domestic corporation, or any foreign
     2     corporation authorized to do business in this Commonwealth,
     3     or the name of any corporation or other association
     4     registered at any time under Chapter 5 (relating to corporate
     5     and other association names) unless such name is available or
     6     is made available for use under the provisions or procedures
     7     of 15 Pa.C.S. § [5303(b)(1)(i) or (ii)] 5303(b)(1) (relating
     8     to duplicate use of names) or the equivalent.
     9         (2)  [The name of any limited partnership organized under
    10     15 Pa.C.S. Ch. 85 (relating to limited partnerships).]
    11     (Repealed).
    12         (3)  The name of any administrative department, board or
    13     commission or other agency of this Commonwealth.
    14         (4)  A name the exclusive right to which is at the time
    15     reserved by any other person whatsoever in the manner
    16     provided by statute.
    17     * * *
    18  § 502.  Certain additions to register.
    19     * * *
    20     (c)  Limitation on names which may be registered.--
    21  Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b), no new name shall be
    22  registered or deemed to be registered under this section [which
    23  is the same as or confusingly similar to] that is not
    24  distinguishable upon the records of the department from any
    25  other name then registered or deemed to be registered under this
    26  chapter, without the consent of the senior registrant.
    27     * * *
    28  Section 4.  Repeals.
    29     The following acts and parts of acts are repealed:
    30     SECTION 32 OF THE ACT OF JUNE 1, 1889 (P.L.420, NO.332),       <--
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     6     As much as reads ", and act as the attorney-in-fact and
     7  authorized agent of such corporations for the service of process
     8  thereon" in section 806 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
     9  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.
    10     Section 404(b) of the act of December 19, 1990 (P.L.834,
    11  No.198), known as the GAA Amendments Act of 1990, insofar as it
    12  applies to 15 Pa.C.S. §§ 1745 and 5745.
    13     15 Pa.C.S. §§ 5543.1, 5546.1, 5764.1, 8103 and 8206.
    14  Section 5.  Effective date.
    15     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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