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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1697



No. 1161 Session of 2004

           A. WILLIAMS, JUNE 14, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 21, 1949 (P.L.665, No.155), entitled
     2     "An act to carry into effect section one of article fifteen
     3     of the Constitution, giving cities of the first class the
     4     right and power to frame, adopt and amend their own charters
     5     and to exercise the powers and authority of local self-
     6     government, and providing the procedure therefor; imposing
     7     certain restrictions, limitations and regulations; imposing
     8     duties upon city councils, city officers, county boards of
     9     elections, courts and the Secretary of the Commonwealth; and
    10     providing for the payment of certain expenses by such cities;
    11     and imposing penalties," further providing for limitations on
    12     the powers of cities of the first class.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The act of April 21, 1949 (P.L.665, No.155),
    16  known as the First Class City Home Rule Act, is amended by
    17  adding a section to read:
    18     Section 18.1.  Reduction or Elimination of Fire Protection.--
    19     (a)  Notwithstanding the grant of powers contained in this
    20  act, a city of the first class may not reduce or eliminate any
    21  ladder or engine company situated in the city without doing each
    22  of the following:

     1     (1)  Providing written notice of the proposed reduction or
     2  elimination to firefighters assigned to the affected company,
     3  labor organizations representing those firefighters and members
     4  of the public served by the company where the proposed reduction
     5  or elimination will take place. The city may place an
     6  advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation within the
     7  affected area to effect the required public notice.
     8     (2)  Provide for a study to be conducted by an independent
     9  third party which shall include, but be not limited to, detailed
    10  projections of savings to be achieved by the proposed reduction
    11  or elimination and analyses of the impact of the proposed
    12  reduction or elimination on emergency response time, delivery of
    13  emergency services to the public and safety of firefighters. An
    14  independent third party must be an individual, association or
    15  corporation that has expertise in the areas of public safety and
    16  firefighting. The city shall select the independent third party
    17  to conduct the study and shall determine its qualifications
    18  subject to the definition. Once the study is completed, the city
    19  shall give public notice of the study's completion and provide
    20  copies of the study to any interested party that requests a
    21  copy. The study shall be made available to interested parties at
    22  least two weeks before a public hearing.
    23     (3)  Hold public hearings to receive feedback on the proposed
    24  reduction or elimination in firefighting and emergency services
    25  and the results of the study. In addition the city shall accept
    26  written responses relating to the study's findings.
    27     (b)  When a labor organization representing firefighters
    28  registers its opposition to the findings contained within a
    29  study conducted under this subsection or to the proposed
    30  reduction or elimination of engine or ladder companies through
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     1  either oral testimony at a public hearing or in writing, the
     2  city shall not proceed with the reduction or elimination.
     3  Instead, the city must negotiate in good faith with the
     4  firefighters' labor organization to resolve any disputes over
     5  public and firefighter safety arising from each proposed
     6  reduction or closure.
     7     (c)  In the event that the city and the labor organization
     8  representing the firefighters do not resolve their issues
     9  related to the proposed reduction or elimination of any fire
    10  company, the labor organization may submit any unresolved issues
    11  to interest arbitration before a three-person panel of
    12  arbitrators, who will be selected in accordance with the
    13  procedure under section 4(b) of the act of June 24, 1968
    14  (P.L.237, No.111), referred to as the Policemen and Firemen
    15  Collective Bargaining Act. Such unresolved issues must be
    16  submitted to arbitration within ninety days of commencement of
    17  negotiations. The determination of the majority of the board of
    18  arbitration shall be final on the issue or issues in dispute and
    19  shall be binding upon the public employer and the firefighters
    20  involved as provided for in section 7 of the Policemen and
    21  Firemen Collective Bargaining Act. Each proposed company closure
    22  shall be subject to negotiation and arbitration, and no company
    23  may be reduced or eliminated absent an arbitration award
    24  concluding that the proposed reduction or elimination will not
    25  compromise firefighter and paramedic safety.
    26     Section 2.  The addition of section 18.1 of the act shall be
    27  retroactive to June 1, 2004.
    28     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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