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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1699



No. 1162 Session of 2004



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Titles 74 (Transportation) and 75 (Vehicles) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     allocation of additional dedicated funding to public
     4     transportation systems; creating a service stabilization and
     5     state of good repair program; creating a Major Capital
     6     Initiative Program; providing for distribution of
     7     supplemental funding; further providing for use of funds
     8     distributed; providing for establishment of new formulas for
     9     public transportation funding in small urbanized areas and
    10     rural areas and for community transit; establishing a new
    11     funding mechanism for intercity passenger rail services; and
    12     providing for public transportation efforts to raise revenue
    13     by alternative means, for cooperative procurement and for
    14     passing and overtaking streetcars.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  The definitions of "Class 4 transit entity" and
    18  "urban common carrier mass transportation" in section 1301 of
    19  Title 74 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
    20  and the section is amended by adding definitions to read:
    21  § 1301.  Definitions.
    22     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    23  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     * * *
     3     "Class 4 transit entity."  Any local transportation
     4  organization or transportation company which serves a
     5  nonurbanized area and, during the 1990-1991 fiscal year,
     6  received or was approved to receive funding under the act of
     7  February 11, 1976 (P.L.14, No.10), known as the Pennsylvania
     8  Rural and Intercity Common Carrier Surface Transportation
     9  Assistance Act[.], or which received demonstration funding from
    10  the planning, development, research, rural expansion and
    11  department-initiated programs in section 1310 (relating to
    12  distribution of funding) shares prior to the effective date of
    13  this definition and which is recommended for continuation of
    14  funding by the Department of Transportation.
    15     * * *
    16     "Class 5 transit entity."  A nonprofit coordinator of the
    17  shared-ride lottery program for senior citizens, excluding a
    18  nonprofit coordinator operating in a first or second class
    19  county. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a nonprofit provider in a
    20  first or second class county that operates under a brokerage
    21  license issued by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
    22  prior to the effective date of this section shall be included.
    23     * * *
    24     "Public passenger transportation."  Transportation within an
    25  area that includes a municipality or other built-up place or a
    26  nonurbanized area which is appropriate, in the judgment of the
    27  Department of Transportation, for a public passenger
    28  transportation system to serve commuters or others in the
    29  locality, taking into consideration the local patterns and
    30  trends of urban or rural growth, by bus or rail or other
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     1  conveyance, either publicly or privately owned, serving the
     2  general public. The term does not include exclusive ride,
     3  charter, group and party and sightseeing service, nonpublic
     4  transportation, school bus and limousine services.
     5     * * *
     6     ["Urban common carrier mass transportation."  Transportation
     7  within an area that includes a municipality or other built-up
     8  place which is appropriate, in the judgment of the Department of
     9  Transportation, for a common carrier transportation system to
    10  serve commuters or others in the locality, taking into
    11  consideration the local patterns and trends of urban growth, by
    12  bus or rail or other conveyance, either publicly or privately
    13  owned, serving the general public. The term does not include
    14  school buses or charter or sightseeing service.]
    15     * * *
    16     Section 2.  Sections 1302, 1303 and 1310 of Title 74 are
    17  amended to read:
    18  § 1302.  Program authorizations.
    19     The department is hereby authorized, within the limitations
    20  hereinafter provided, and is required where the provisions of
    21  section 1303 (relating to annual appropriation and computation
    22  of subsidy) apply:
    23         (1)  To undertake and to provide financial support for
    24     research, by contract or otherwise, concerning [urban common
    25     carrier mass] public passenger transportation.
    26         (2)  To make grants to municipalities, counties, or their
    27     instrumentalities, and to agencies and instrumentalities of
    28     the Commonwealth to supplement Federal or local or Federal
    29     and local funds for use:
    30             (i)  For the purpose of studies, analysis, planning
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     1         and development of programs for [urban common carrier
     2         mass] public passenger transportation service and
     3         facilities, and for the purpose of activities related to
     4         the planning, engineering and designing of specific
     5         projects which are a part of a comprehensive program,
     6         including, but not limited to, activities such as studies
     7         related to management, operations, capital requirements
     8         and economic feasibility, to the preparation of
     9         engineering and architectural surveys, plans and
    10         specifications and to other similar or related activities
    11         preliminary to and in preparation for the construction,
    12         acquisition or improved operation of [urban common
    13         carrier mass] public passenger transportation systems,
    14         facilities and equipment. State funding under this
    15         subparagraph shall not exceed five-sixths of the non-
    16         Federal share of the project costs.
    17             (ii)  To provide for research, development and
    18         demonstration projects in all phases of [urban common
    19         carrier mass] public passenger transportation, including
    20         the development, testing and demonstration of new
    21         facilities, equipment, techniques and methods, to assist
    22         in the solution of urban or rural transportation
    23         problems, in the improvement of [mass] public passenger
    24         transportation service and the contribution of such
    25         service toward meeting total urban and rural
    26         transportation needs at minimum cost. State funding under
    27         this subparagraph shall not exceed five-sixths of the
    28         non-Federal share of the project costs.
    29             (iii)  To assist in providing grants to continue
    30         necessary service to the public, to permit needed
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     1         improvements in service which are not self-supporting, to
     2         permit service which may be socially desirable but
     3         economically unjustified, and otherwise for any purpose
     4         in furtherance of [urban common carrier mass] public
     5         passenger transportation. The methodology for calculating
     6         the amount of the grant under this subparagraph shall be
     7         determined in accordance with section 1303. Each grant to
     8         a Class 1 transit entity, to a Class 2 transit entity or
     9         to a Class 3 transit entity made pursuant to this
    10         paragraph shall be matched by local or private funding in
    11         an amount not less than one-third of the total State
    12         grant made pursuant to section 1303(b). Any grants to
    13         Class 3 transit entities may, however, be matched by an
    14         amount not less than the amount of local or private
    15         funding which is specified in the State contract for the
    16         1990-1991 fiscal year if the department shall have
    17         received a certification from such Class 3 transit entity
    18         that such lower level of local or private funding is
    19         adequate to prevent significant service reductions or
    20         passenger fare increases.
    21         (3)  To make grants to any transportation company or
    22     companies for use in providing necessary service to the
    23     public, to permit needed improvements in services which are
    24     not self-supporting, to permit services which may be socially
    25     desirable but economically unjustified, and otherwise for any
    26     purpose in furtherance of [urban common carrier mass] public
    27     passenger transportation. In view of the particular
    28     sensitivity of special instrumentalities and agencies of the
    29     Commonwealth created to serve or coordinate the local
    30     transportation needs of substantial metropolitan areas, no
    20040S1162B1699                  - 5 -     

     1     grant moneys may be used exclusively or principally in the
     2     local service area of any such agency or instrumentality in
     3     which a city or county of the first or second class has
     4     membership, except in accordance with a system of priorities
     5     agreed upon by the department and such agency or
     6     instrumentality. In the case of a grant where the moneys
     7     granted will be used for an activity to be conducted
     8     exclusively or principally within the local service areas of
     9     such agency or instrumentality, no grant moneys may be used
    10     except in accordance with agreements by the department and
    11     such agency or instrumentality with respect to such use. In
    12     the case of a grant not falling within the scope of the
    13     preceding sentence but where moneys granted will be used both
    14     within and without the local service area of such agency or
    15     instrumentality, the grant shall require that the routes,
    16     schedules and fares applicable only within such service areas
    17     shall be those mutually agreed upon by the department and
    18     such agency or instrumentality. No agreement referred to in
    19     this paragraph shall impair, suspend, reduce, enlarge or
    20     extend or affect in any manner the powers of the Pennsylvania
    21     Public Utility Commission or the Interstate Commerce
    22     Commission otherwise applicable by law. Each grant to a Class
    23     1 transit entity, to a Class 2 transit entity [or], to a
    24     Class 3 transit entity or to a Class 4 transit entity made
    25     pursuant to this paragraph shall be matched by local or
    26     private funding in an amount not less than one-third of the
    27     total State grant made pursuant to section 1303(b). Any
    28     grants to Class 3 transit entities may, however, be matched
    29     by an amount not less than the amount of local or private
    30     funding which is specified in the State contract for the
    20040S1162B1699                  - 6 -     

     1     1990-1991 fiscal year if the department shall have received a
     2     certification from such Class 3 transit entity that such
     3     lower level of local or private funding is adequate to
     4     prevent significant service reductions and/or passenger fare
     5     increases.
     6         (4)  In connection with privately or locally assisted
     7     capital projects or capital projects financed with private or
     8     local and Federal funds, to make grants for approved capital
     9     projects to a local transportation organization or a
    10     transportation company, including the acquisition,
    11     construction, reconstruction and improvement of facilities
    12     and equipment, buses and other rolling stock, and other real
    13     or personal property, including land (but not public
    14     highways), needed for an efficient and coordinated [mass]
    15     public passenger transportation system for use, by operation,
    16     lease or otherwise, in [urban common carrier mass] public
    17     passenger transportation service and in coordinating such
    18     service with highway and other transportation. No capital
    19     project grant shall be made for the purpose of financing,
    20     directly or indirectly, the acquisition of any interest in,
    21     or the purchase of any facilities or other property of, a
    22     private [urban common carrier mass] public passenger
    23     transportation company. Each capital project shall be based
    24     on a program or plan approved by the department. No capital
    25     project grant shall exceed five-sixths of the non-Federal
    26     share, subject, however, to the following specific
    27     exceptions:
    28             (i)  If two or more capital projects that are
    29         receiving Federal funds are combined for financing
    30         purposes, the amount of department funds used for any one
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     1         of such projects may exceed five-sixths of the non-
     2         Federal share, provided that the total amount of
     3         department funds provided for all the projects so
     4         combined does not exceed five-sixths of the total non-
     5         Federal share of all of the projects so combined.
     6             (ii)  If a capital project is eligible to receive
     7         Federal financial assistance under the Urban Mass
     8         Transportation Act of 1964 or under successor legislation
     9         and if the project application for such Federal financial
    10         assistance has been rejected or delayed because of a lack
    11         of Federal funds or if the normal amount of Federal grant
    12         cannot be provided because of a lack of Federal funds and
    13         if the department has determined that the capital project
    14         is essential and should proceed without delay, department
    15         funds for such capital project may be increased
    16         temporarily to finance the entire net project cost, with
    17         the requirement that, upon the availability of additional
    18         Federal funds and the making to the capital project of a
    19         new or an additional Federal grant, the amount of
    20         department funds in excess of five-sixths of the non-
    21         Federal share be refunded to the department or be applied
    22         as the department may direct to help meet the
    23         department's share of the cost of another project in
    24         which the department is a participant. If additional
    25         Federal funds are not forthcoming, the department may
    26         provide funding up to twenty-nine thirtieths of the net
    27         project cost on a permanent basis. This provision is
    28         applicable to Class 1 through Class 5 transit entities.
    29             (iii)  If a project is ineligible to receive Federal
    30         financial assistance under the Urban Mass Transportation
    20040S1162B1699                  - 8 -     

     1         Act of 1964 or under successor legislation and if the
     2         department has determined that the project is essential
     3         and should proceed without delay, the amount of
     4         department funds for such project shall be limited to an
     5         amount not to exceed [one-half] twenty-nine thirtieths of
     6         the net project cost. This provision is applicable to
     7         Class 1 through Class 5 transit entities.
     8         (5)  To make grants from the State Lottery Fund in
     9     accordance with Chapter 7 of the act of August 14, 1991
    10     (P.L.342, No.36), known as the Lottery Fund Preservation Act.
    11         (6)  To participate in a pooled bus acquisition program
    12     with transportation companies or local transportation
    13     organizations and the Federal Government for the purpose of
    14     making buses available to transportation companies or local
    15     transportation organizations for use in [urban common carrier
    16     mass] public passenger transportation service, in accordance
    17     with the following procedures:
    18             (i)  The department may apply to the [Urban Mass
    19         Transportation] Federal Transit Administration of the
    20         United States Department of Transportation for the
    21         Federal share of any pooled-bus acquisition project.
    22             (ii)  The department may, with the assistance of the
    23         Department of General Services or a special group
    24         comprised of representatives of the transportation
    25         companies or local transportation organizations within
    26         the Commonwealth, write specifications for and order
    27         buses on behalf of any number of transportation companies
    28         or local transportation organizations desiring bus
    29         acquisition under this program.
    30             (iii)  Before any order for buses is placed by the
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     1         department with a manufacturer, the department shall
     2         secure written assurance from the Federal Government of
     3         the availability of Federal financial assistance for such
     4         bus acquisitions. The department shall also secure
     5         written obligations by the transportation companies or
     6         local transportation organizations participating in such
     7         bus acquisitions that they will accept delivery of such
     8         buses at the appropriate time and will supply local
     9         funding in accordance with subparagraph (iv).
    10             (iv)  Funding for this program shall be: four-fifths
    11         Federal, one-sixth State and one-thirtieth from local
    12         sources; however, the local share of program costs may be
    13         advanced to the manufacturer by the Commonwealth at the
    14         time of purchase. Repayments to the Commonwealth of such
    15         advancements shall be considered as augmentations to the
    16         fund from which the funds were advanced. No part of the
    17         Federal share shall be advanced by the Commonwealth in
    18         anticipation of reimbursement.
    19             (v)  The Commonwealth may take title to and delivery
    20         of vehicles acquired pursuant to this program for
    21         eventual transfer to transportation companies or local
    22         transportation organizations.
    23             (vi)  All bus acquisitions under this program shall
    24         be made in accordance with a system of competitive
    25         bidding.
    26             (vii)  At its discretion, the department may organize
    27         and fund, with Commonwealth funds, postacquisition
    28         studies reasonably related to any pooled-bus acquisition
    29         made pursuant to this section, including, but not limited
    30         to, a vehicle inspection study at an appropriate interval
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     1         or intervals following acquisition in order to monitor
     2         the condition of any vehicle purchased pursuant to this
     3         section.
     4  § 1303.  Annual appropriation and computation of subsidy.
     5     (a)  General rule.--Beginning with the 1991-1992 fiscal year,
     6  the Commonwealth shall annually determine the level of
     7  appropriation for public transportation assistance, using the
     8  standards contained in this section, to sufficiently fund and to
     9  make fully operative section 1302(2)(iii) and (3) (relating to
    10  program authorizations).
    11     (b)  Distribution as grants.--The General Assembly shall
    12  annually make an appropriation to the department for
    13  distribution as grants to local transportation organizations and
    14  transportation companies. The total amount of moneys
    15  appropriated shall be distributed by the department as grants to
    16  local transportation organizations and transportation companies
    17  in accordance with the provisions of this section.
    18     (c)  Distribution formula.--The department shall distribute
    19  the total amount appropriated under subsection (b) in the
    20  following manner:
    21         (1)  The department shall calculate the Class 4 transit
    22     entity share for the fiscal year.
    23         (2)  The department shall then calculate the amount of
    24     grant due to each Class 4 transit entity as follows:
    25             (i)  From the Class 4 transit entity share, each
    26         Class 4 transit entity shall first receive an amount
    27         equal to 100% of its Class 4 transit entity adjusted base
    28         grant.
    29             (ii)  With respect to any portion of the Class 4
    30         transit entity share remaining after each Class 4 transit
    20040S1162B1699                 - 11 -     

     1         entity receives an amount equal to 100% of its Class 4
     2         transit entity adjusted base grant:
     3                 (A)  Fifty percent of such excess shall be
     4             distributed to Class 4 transit entities based upon
     5             the percentage of the total amount of all Class 4
     6             transit entity adjusted base grants given to Class 4
     7             transit entities which a particular Class 4 transit
     8             entity received.
     9                 (B)  Twenty-five percent of such excess shall be
    10             distributed to Class 4 transit entities based upon
    11             each transit entity's Class 4 revenue mile
    12             percentage. The actual amount received by each Class
    13             4 transit entity under this clause shall be
    14             determined by multiplying a particular Class 4
    15             transit entity's Class 4 revenue mile percentage
    16             times 25% of such excess of the Class 4 transit
    17             entity share.
    18                 (C)  Twenty-five percent of such excess shall be
    19             distributed to Class 4 transit entities based upon
    20             each transit entity's Class 4 revenue hour
    21             percentage. The actual amount received by each Class
    22             4 transit entity under this clause shall be
    23             determined by multiplying a particular Class 4
    24             transit entity's Class 4 revenue hour percentage
    25             times 25% of such excess of the Class 4 transit
    26             entity share.
    27         (3)  All Class 3 and 4 transit entities may utilize all
    28     of the funds received pursuant to this section for any
    29     purpose in furtherance of public transportation. Each grant
    30     made to a Class 3 or 4 transit entity pursuant to this
    20040S1162B1699                 - 12 -     

     1     section shall, however, be matched by local or private
     2     funding in an amount not less than one-third of the total
     3     State grant made pursuant to subsection (c). Additionally,
     4     any grants to Class 3 and 4 transit entities may be matched
     5     by an amount not less than the amount of local or private
     6     funding which is specified in the State contract for the
     7     1990-1991 fiscal year if the department shall have received a
     8     certification from such Class 3 or 4 transit entity that such
     9     lower level of local or private funding is adequate to
    10     prevent significant service reductions or passenger fare
    11     increases.
    12             (i)  All funds allocated to a Class 4 transit entity
    13         under sections 1310 (relating to distribution of
    14         funding), 1310.1 (relating to supplemental public
    15         transportation assistance funding) and 1310.2 (relating
    16         to service stabilization and state of good repair
    17         program) that are not spent for operating purposes or
    18         included in the most recent five-year plan submitted to
    19         the department as part of the Class 4 transit entity's
    20         rural operating assistance application for capital
    21         purposes within three years of initial allocation shall
    22         be returned to the department.
    23             (ii)  The department shall place all such returned
    24         funds in a restricted fund to finance the capital and
    25         operational expenses of new rural transportation systems
    26         created after the effective date of this section and that
    27         have previously received demonstration funds and
    28         operational expenses of major expansions of existing
    29         Class 4 transit entity systems. Such funds may be used
    30         for initial start-up expenses and operating costs for a
    20040S1162B1699                 - 13 -     

     1         new system or a major expansion for a period up to five
     2         years and may be supplemented, at the discretion of the
     3         department, with section 1310 project management
     4         oversight or planning, development, research, rural
     5         expansion and department-initiated program funds.
     6             (iii)  At the close of each fiscal year, the
     7         department shall calculate the remaining balance in the
     8         restricted fund, by the year in which the balance was
     9         returned to the fund by a transit system. Any funds
    10         remaining unspent for new systems or major system
    11         expansions at the end of three years shall be
    12         redistributed to all Class 4 transit entities based on
    13         section 1310.2 formula.
    14             (iv)  Funds provided to Class 4 transit entities
    15         under sections 1310, 1310.1 and 1310.2 are intended to
    16         supplement rather than supplant Federal funds available
    17         for rural transit services and projects. Where there is
    18         insufficient Federal funding to provide the maximum
    19         amount for which each system is eligible, the department
    20         shall attempt to impact all recipients of Federal funds
    21         equally and may use project management oversight or
    22         planning, development, research, rural expansion and
    23         department-initiated program funds available to the
    24         department or funds provided under subparagraphs (i),
    25         (ii) and (iii) to remediate any imbalances resulting from
    26         allocation of Federal funds.
    27         (4)  The department shall calculate the Class 1 transit
    28     entity share, the Class 2 transit entity share and the Class
    29     3 transit entity share for the fiscal year.
    30         (5)  The department shall then calculate the amount of
    20040S1162B1699                 - 14 -     

     1     grant due to each local transportation organization and
     2     transportation company as follows:
     3             (i)  Each Class 1 transit entity shall receive a
     4         prorata share of the Class 1 transit entity share. If
     5         there is only one Class 1 transit entity, it shall
     6         receive the entire Class 1 transit entity share.
     7             (ii)  Each Class 2 transit entity shall receive a
     8         prorata share of the Class 2 transit entity share. If
     9         there is only one Class 2 transit entity, it shall
    10         receive the entire Class 2 transit entity share.
    11             (iii)  Each Class 3 transit entity shall receive a
    12         portion of the Class 3 transit entity share calculated as
    13         follows:
    14                 (A)  From the Class 3 transit entity share, each
    15             Class 3 transit entity shall first receive an amount
    16             equal to 100% of its Class 3 transit entity adjusted
    17             base grant.
    18                 (B)  With respect to any portion of the Class 3
    19             transit entity share remaining after each Class 3
    20             transit entity receives an amount equal to 100% of
    21             its Class 3 transit entity adjusted base grant:
    22                     (I)  Fifty percent of such excess shall be
    23                 distributed to Class 3 transit entities based
    24                 upon the percentage of all Class 3 transit entity
    25                 adjusted base grants given to Class 3 transit
    26                 entities which a particular Class 3 transit
    27                 entity received.
    28                     (II)  Twenty-five percent of such excess
    29                 shall be distributed to Class 3 transit entities
    30                 based upon each transit entity's Class 3 vehicle
    20040S1162B1699                 - 15 -     

     1                 mile percentage. The actual amount received by
     2                 each Class 3 transit entity under this subclause
     3                 shall be determined by multiplying a particular
     4                 Class 3 transit entity's Class 3 vehicle mile
     5                 percentage times 25% of such excess of the Class
     6                 3 transit entity share.
     7                     (III)  Twenty-five percent of such excess
     8                 shall be distributed to Class 3 transit entities
     9                 based upon each Class 3 transit entity's Class 3
    10                 operating revenue percentage. The actual amount
    11                 received by each Class 3 transit entity under
    12                 this subclause shall be determined by multiplying
    13                 a particular Class 3 transit entity's Class 3
    14                 operating revenue percentage times 25% of such
    15                 excess of the Class 3 transit entity share.
    16         (6)  On or about each July 1, October 1, January 1 and
    17     April 1 of each year commencing July 1, 1987, the department
    18     shall disburse 25% of the total annual amount due to each
    19     local transportation organization or transportation company
    20     calculated in accordance with this section.
    21     (d)  New organizations.--Should a new local transportation
    22  organization or transportation company be established and meet
    23  the criteria of a Class 1 transit entity, Class 2 transit
    24  entity, Class 3 transit entity or Class 4 transit entity as such
    25  criteria are set forth in section 1301 (relating to
    26  definitions), the department shall make an appropriate
    27  determination as to the level of grant to which such local
    28  transportation organization or transportation company shall be
    29  entitled. This determination shall include, but shall not be
    30  limited to, a determination as to an appropriate adjusted base
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     1  grant for that local transportation organization or
     2  transportation company and a determination of appropriate
     3  adjustments to class percentages or transit entity shares.
     4     (e)  Change to different entity class.--If, during any fiscal
     5  year, either the number of vehicles operated by a local
     6  transportation organization or transportation company or the
     7  area served by such a local transportation organization or
     8  transportation company changes so that the local transportation
     9  organization or transportation company meets the criteria for a
    10  different transit entity class, as such criteria are set forth
    11  in section 1301, on or before July 15 of the fiscal year which
    12  follows such a change and in each fiscal year thereafter, the
    13  department shall reflect any change in the transit entity class
    14  of such a local transportation organization or transportation
    15  company in its calculation of the transit entity shares for each
    16  transit entity class for that and subsequent fiscal years. In
    17  its calculation of the transit entity shares for each transit
    18  entity class required by this section, for the fiscal year
    19  following the change in a local transportation organization or
    20  transportation company's transit entity class and thereafter,
    21  the department shall include the amount of the transit entity
    22  share allocated to such a local transportation organization or
    23  transportation company for the fiscal year prior to the change
    24  in the transit entity class, increased or decreased by the
    25  percentage by which the total appropriation being allocated has
    26  been increased or decreased in the new fiscal year as compared
    27  to the fiscal year just prior to the new fiscal year, in the
    28  transit entity share for the new transit entity class of such a
    29  local transportation organization or transportation company, and
    30  shall delete an equal amount from the transit entity share for
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     1  the transit entity class for which such a local transportation
     2  organization or transportation company no longer meets the
     3  criteria in the new fiscal year [or thereafter]. Thereafter, the
     4  transit entity share shall be increased or decreased by the
     5  percentage by which the total appropriation being allocated has
     6  been increased or decreased in the new fiscal year as compared
     7  to the fiscal year just prior to the new fiscal year. The amount
     8  deleted from a transit entity class and added to a different
     9  entity class shall occur with appropriate adjustments to class
    10  percentages by the department.
    11     (f)  Rates, fares and charges.--
    12         (1)  Each local transportation organization or
    13     transportation company receiving moneys pursuant to this
    14     section shall annually fix such rates, fares and charges in
    15     such manner that they shall be at all times sufficient in the
    16     aggregate, and in conjunction with any moneys received from
    17     Federal or other sources, and any other income available to
    18     such organization or company, to provide funds for the
    19     payment of all operating costs and expenses which shall be
    20     incurred by such organization or company.
    21         (2)  In order to be eligible for the moneys described in
    22     paragraph (1), each local transportation organization or
    23     transportation company shall adopt an annual operating budget
    24     for each fiscal year no later than the last day of the
    25     preceding fiscal year. A copy of this operating budget shall
    26     be submitted to the department within ten days after its
    27     approval, along with a certification by the local
    28     transportation organization or transportation company that
    29     adequate revenues (including subsidies) are provided to
    30     support operating costs and expenses.
    20040S1162B1699                 - 18 -     

     1     (g)  Standards and measures.--
     2         (1)  Within one year after the effective date of this
     3     part and every year thereafter, each local transportation
     4     organization or transportation company receiving moneys
     5     pursuant to this section shall adopt a series of service
     6     standards and performance evaluation measures. Such standards
     7     and measures shall be in addition to the performance audits
     8     required by section 1315 (relating to public transportation
     9     grants management accountability) and shall consist of
    10     objectives and specific numeric performance levels to be
    11     achieved in meeting these standards and objectives. Those
    12     standards and measures adopted shall include the following,
    13     in addition to others deemed appropriate by the local
    14     transportation organization or transportation company:
    15             (i)  An automatic mechanism to review the utilization
    16         of routes.
    17             (ii)  Staffing ratios (ratio of administrative
    18         employees to operating employees; number of vehicles per
    19         mechanic).
    20             (iii)  Productivity measures (vehicle miles per
    21         employee; passenger and employee accidents per 100,000
    22         vehicle miles; on-time performance; miles between road
    23         calls).
    24             (iv)  Fiscal indicators (operating cost per
    25         passenger; subsidy per passenger and operating ratio).
    26             (iv.1)  Reasonable minimum prequalification standards
    27         for prospective transit service subcontractors.
    28             (v)  Any other matter desired by the governing body
    29         of such local transportation organization or
    30         transportation company.
    20040S1162B1699                 - 19 -     

     1         (2)  The service standards and performance evaluation
     2     measures shall be established by formal action of the
     3     governing body of such local transportation organization or
     4     transportation company following an opportunity for comment
     5     by the public and the department. Upon submission, the
     6     department will review and may make recommendations to the
     7     local transportation organization or transportation company
     8     concerning the service standards and performance evaluation
     9     measures.
    10         (3)  In the discretion of such governing body, the
    11     service standards and performance evaluation measures may be
    12     systemwide or based on a sampling.
    13         (4)  The service standards and performance evaluation
    14     measures shall only constitute goals for such local
    15     transportation organization or transportation company in
    16     providing service in the year following their adoption. At
    17     the end of such year, fiscal or calendar, as the case may be,
    18     a report shall be transmitted to the department for its
    19     consideration indicating the projected performance levels and
    20     the performance levels actually achieved. Upon submission,
    21     the department will review the report and may make
    22     recommendations to such local transportation organization or
    23     transportation company concerning the performance levels
    24     actually achieved. Such report shall be released to the
    25     public at the time of issuance.
    26         (5)  The department may suspend the eligibility for
    27     future discretionary transit grant funds of any transit
    28     entity which fails to comply with the provisions of this
    29     section. The department shall restore the discretionary
    30     funding eligibility of a suspended transit entity at such
    20040S1162B1699                 - 20 -     

     1     time as the requirements of this section are met in an
     2     amended application received by the department.
     3         (6)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a Class
     4     1 transit entity authorized by its enabling statute to
     5     exercise the right of eminent domain for public
     6     transportation purposes shall, when acquiring land by eminent
     7     domain for any purpose permitted under this chapter and
     8     financed in whole or in part under this chapter, be bound by
     9     the requirement contained in section 2003 of the act of April
    10     9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code
    11     of 1929, to demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that
    12     the activity contemplated on the site proposed to be
    13     appropriated could not have been conducted economically at an
    14     alternate location. In all cases, when acquiring land in any
    15     manner permitted by its enabling statute, a Class I transit
    16     entity must conduct a public hearing on the project for which
    17     the land is to be acquired, either individually on the
    18     project or as part of a hearing on its overall capital
    19     budget, and the project must be included in a capital budget
    20     submitted to the department in accordance with this chapter.
    21     The land acquired for such public transportation purpose and
    22     the transit project constructed thereon shall have the same
    23     status in relation to the provisions of the act of July 31,
    24     1968 (P.L.805, No.247), known as the Pennsylvania
    25     Municipalities Planning Code, as land acquired by the
    26     department for highway right-of-way purposes.
    27     (h)  Reduction of certain grants.--With respect to grants to
    28  Class 1 transit entities and Class 2 transit entities in any
    29  fiscal year, the department shall reduce the grant amount due to
    30  such local transportation organization or transportation company
    20040S1162B1699                 - 21 -     

     1  by an amount equal to 1% of such grant moneys otherwise due to
     2  such local transportation organization or transportation company
     3  for each percentage point such local transportation
     4  organization's or transportation company's operating ratio is
     5  less than 50% in the case of a Class 1 transit entity or less
     6  than 46% in the case of a Class 2 transit entity.
     7     (i)  Audits.--The department is authorized to perform
     8  independent financial audits of the financial statements of each
     9  local transportation organization or transportation company
    10  receiving moneys pursuant to this section. Such audits shall be
    11  conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing
    12  standards. Any financial statements subject to such audit or
    13  reports resulting from such audit shall be prepared and
    14  presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting
    15  principles, consistently applied with previous statements
    16  rendered for or on behalf of such organization or company. The
    17  department may coordinate such audits in conjunction with audits
    18  undertaken by the Auditor General.
    19     (j)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    20  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    21  subsection:
    22     "Class 1 percentage."  Seventy percent.
    23     "Class 2 percentage."  Twenty-five and three-tenths percent.
    24     "Class 3 percentage."  Four and seven-tenths percent.
    25     "Class 1 to 3 allocation."  The total amount appropriated
    26  under subsection (b) less the Class 4 transit entity share.
    27     "Class 1 transit entity share."  The product of the Class 1
    28  percentage times the Class 1 to 3 allocation in a particular
    29  fiscal year.
    30     "Class 2 transit entity share."  The product of the Class 2
    20040S1162B1699                 - 22 -     

     1  percentage times the Class 1 to 3 allocation in a particular
     2  fiscal year.
     3     "Class 3 transit entity adjusted base grant."  The State
     4  subsidy which a Class 3 transit entity received during the 1990-
     5  1991 fiscal year, including Federal funds transferred from other
     6  local transportation organizations and transportation companies
     7  from the Federal fiscal year 1989-1990 pursuant to the
     8  Governor's apportionment allocation contained in the Urban Mass
     9  Transportation Act of 1964.
    10     "Class 3 transit entity share."  The product of the Class 3
    11  percentage times the Class 1 to 3 allocation in a particular
    12  fiscal year.
    13     "Class 3 vehicle mile percentage."  The percentage determined
    14  by dividing the vehicle miles of a Class 3 transit entity with
    15  respect to the most recent fiscal year as reported in the most
    16  recently issued Pennsylvania Mass Transit Statistical Report by
    17  the total number of vehicle miles of all Class 3 transit
    18  entities with respect to the most recent fiscal year as reported
    19  in the most recently issued Pennsylvania Mass Transit
    20  Statistical Report.
    21     "Class 4 revenue hour percentage."  The percentage determined
    22  by dividing the revenue hours of a Class 4 transit entity as
    23  reported with respect to the most recent fiscal year in the most
    24  recently issued Pennsylvania Rural and Small Urban Public
    25  Transportation Statistical Report by the total number of revenue
    26  hours of all Class 4 transit entities as reported with respect
    27  to the most recent fiscal year reported in the most recently
    28  issued Pennsylvania Rural and Small Urban Public Transportation
    29  Statistical Report.
    30     "Class 4 revenue mile percentage."  The percentage determined
    20040S1162B1699                 - 23 -     

     1  by dividing the revenue miles of a Class 4 transit entity as
     2  reported with respect to the most recent fiscal year in the most
     3  recently issued Pennsylvania Rural and Small Urban Public
     4  Transportation Statistical Report by the total revenue miles of
     5  all Class 4 transit entities as reported with respect to the
     6  most recent fiscal year reported in the most recently issued
     7  Pennsylvania Rural and Small Urban Public Transportation
     8  Statistical Report.
     9     "Class 4 transit entity share."  Two million three hundred
    10  thirty-five thousand dollars for the 1991-1992 fiscal year and,
    11  during the 1992-1993 fiscal year and each fiscal year
    12  thereafter, shall mean the Class 4 transit entity share for the
    13  prior fiscal year plus (or minus) the product of the Class 4
    14  transit entity share for the prior fiscal year times the
    15  percentage increase or decrease in the total operating
    16  assistance made available to local transportation organizations
    17  and transportation companies for that fiscal year as compared
    18  with the most recently completed fiscal year.
    19     "Operating ratio."  The proportion of total operating revenue
    20  (which shall include all passenger, charter and advertising
    21  revenue, fare reimbursement received from the State Lottery
    22  Fund, State funding for asset maintenance and all other receipts
    23  associated with the delivery of transit services, but shall
    24  exclude Federal grants provided to cover operating losses and
    25  State grants made pursuant to subsection (b)) divided by total
    26  operating expenses associated with day-to-day operation of the
    27  system [(], but excluding depreciation of capital assets[)].
    28     "Operating revenue."  The total revenue earned by a local
    29  transportation organization or transportation company through
    30  its transit operations, including, but not limited to, passenger
    20040S1162B1699                 - 24 -     

     1  revenue, senior citizen grant, charter revenue, school contract
     2  revenue, advertising, State funding for asset maintenance and
     3  other revenue listed with respect to the most recent fiscal year
     4  reported in the most recently issued Pennsylvania Mass Transit
     5  Statistical Report.
     6     "Operating revenue percentage."  The percentage determined by
     7  dividing the operating revenues of a local transportation
     8  organization or transportation company as reported in the most
     9  recently issued Pennsylvania Mass Transit Statistical Report by
    10  the total operating revenue of all local transportation
    11  organizations or transportation companies as reported in the
    12  most recently issued Pennsylvania Mass Transit Statistical
    13  Report.
    14  § 1310.  Distribution of funding.
    15     (a)  General rule.--All moneys made available and required to
    16  be used for capital projects, asset maintenance and other
    17  programs specified in this section shall be distributed in
    18  accordance with the formula specified in this section and used
    19  strictly in accordance with section 1311 (relating to use of
    20  funds distributed).
    21     (b)  Distribution procedure.--During each fiscal year,
    22  capital project, asset maintenance and other program funds shall
    23  be distributed as follows:
    24         (1)  On or before the fifth day of each month, the
    25     Treasury Department shall certify to the department the total
    26     amount then available for distribution, and the department
    27     shall make distribution of payments required under this
    28     subsection on or before the 20th day of each month.
    29         (2)  Beginning in the 1991-1992 fiscal year, each month,
    30     the Treasury Department shall pay one-twelfth of the
    20040S1162B1699                 - 25 -     

     1     Department of Transportation project management oversight
     2     share for that fiscal year into the General Fund. The moneys
     3     so transferred are hereby appropriated to the Department of
     4     Transportation for use by that department for expenses
     5     related to project management and oversight of capital and
     6     asset maintenance projects funded pursuant to this section.
     7         (3)  Each month, the Treasury Department shall pay one-
     8     twelfth of the community transportation program section 1310
     9     share for that fiscal year into the General Fund. The funds
    10     so transferred are hereby appropriated to the Department of
    11     Transportation to make grants to counties, pursuant to
    12     section 1312 (relating to community transportation programs),
    13     for the purpose of funding capital projects of community
    14     transportation programs.
    15         (4)  Each month, the Treasury Department shall pay the
    16     planning, development, research, rural expansion and
    17     department-initiated programs section 1310 share for that
    18     month into the General Fund. The funds so transferred are
    19     hereby appropriated to the Department of Transportation to
    20     incur costs directly or to make grants to local
    21     transportation organizations or transportation companies, or
    22     entities which seek to become local transportation
    23     organizations or transportation companies, pursuant to
    24     section 1312, for the purpose of funding planning,
    25     development, research, rural expansion and department-
    26     initiated programs.
    27         (5)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
    28     twelfth of the Class 4 transit entity section 1310 share to
    29     Class 4 transit entities in the manner provided in this
    30     paragraph. Each Class 4 transit entity shall receive a
    20040S1162B1699                 - 26 -     

     1     portion of each monthly distribution of the Class 4 transit
     2     entity section 1310 share as follows:
     3             (i)  Fifty percent of the monthly distribution of the
     4         Class 4 transit entity section 1310 share shall be
     5         distributed to Class 4 transit entities based upon each
     6         transit entity's Class 4 operating assistance grant
     7         section 1310 percentage. The actual amount received by
     8         each Class 4 transit entity under this subparagraph shall
     9         be determined by multiplying a particular Class 4 transit
    10         entity's Class 4 operating assistance grant section 1310
    11         percentage times the total amount available for
    12         distribution under this subparagraph.
    13             (ii)  Twenty-five percent of the monthly distribution
    14         of the Class 4 transit entity section 1310 share shall be
    15         distributed to Class 4 transit entities based upon each
    16         transit entity's Class 4 revenue mile section 1310
    17         percentage. The actual amount received by each Class 4
    18         transit entity under this subparagraph shall be
    19         determined by multiplying a particular Class 4 transit
    20         entity's Class 4 revenue mile section 1310 percentage
    21         times the total amount available for distribution under
    22         this subparagraph.
    23             (iii)  Twenty-five percent of the monthly
    24         distribution of the Class 4 transit entity section 1310
    25         share shall be distributed to Class 4 transit entities
    26         based upon each transit entity's Class 4 revenue hour
    27         section 1310 percentage. The actual amount received by
    28         each Class 4 transit entity under this subparagraph shall
    29         be determined by multiplying a particular Class 4 transit
    30         entity's Class 4 transit entity revenue hour section 1310
    20040S1162B1699                 - 27 -     

     1         percentage times the total amount available for
     2         distribution under this subparagraph.
     3         (6)  Each month, after providing for payment of the
     4     portion of the Department of Transportation project
     5     management oversight share, the community transportation
     6     program section 1310 share, the planning, development,
     7     research, rural expansion and department-initiated programs
     8     section 1310 share and the Class 4 transit entity section
     9     1310 share to be distributed that month, the department shall
    10     distribute all remaining capital project, asset maintenance
    11     and other program funds in accordance with the formula
    12     included in this section, until the total net revenue
    13     distributed from the Pennsylvania Transportation Assistance
    14     Fund reaches a total of $200 million during a single fiscal
    15     year. Any net revenue available in the Pennsylvania
    16     Transportation Assistance Fund in excess of $200,000,000 for
    17     a single fiscal year shall be distributed under the formula
    18     contained in section 1310.2. Funds shall be distributed
    19     according to the formulas of this section as follows:
    20             (i)  Each Class 1 transit entity shall receive a
    21         prorata share of the Class 1 transit entity section 1310
    22         share. If there is only one Class 1 transit entity, it
    23         shall receive the entire Class 1 transit entity section
    24         1310 share.
    25             (ii)  Each Class 2 transit entity shall receive a
    26         prorata share of the Class 2 transit entity section 1310
    27         share. If there is only one Class 2 transit entity, it
    28         shall receive the entire Class 2 transit entity section
    29         1310 share.
    30             (iii)  Each Class 3 transit entity shall receive a
    20040S1162B1699                 - 28 -     

     1         portion of the Class 3 transit entity section 1310 share
     2         as follows:
     3                 (A)  Sixteen and sixty-seven hundredths percent
     4             of the Class 3 transit entity section 1310 share
     5             shall be distributed to Class 3 transit entities
     6             based upon each transit entity's Class 3 vehicle mile
     7             section 1310 percentage. The actual amount received
     8             by each Class 3 transit entity under this clause
     9             shall be determined by multiplying a particular Class
    10             3 transit entity's Class 3 vehicle mile section 1310
    11             percentage times the total amount available for
    12             distribution under this clause.
    13                 (B)  Sixteen and sixty-seven hundredths percent
    14             of the Class 3 transit entity section 1310 share
    15             shall be distributed to Class 3 transit entities
    16             based upon each transit entity's Class 3 vehicle hour
    17             section 1310 percentage. The actual amount received
    18             by each Class 3 transit entity under this clause
    19             shall be determined by multiplying a particular Class
    20             3 transit entity's Class 3 vehicle hour section 1310
    21             percentage times the total amount available for
    22             distribution under this clause.
    23                 (C)  Sixteen and sixty-six hundredths percent of
    24             the Class 3 transit entity section 1310 share shall
    25             be distributed to Class 3 transit entities based upon
    26             each transit entity's Class 3 total passenger section
    27             1310 percentage. The actual amount received by each
    28             Class 3 transit entity under this clause shall be
    29             determined by multiplying a particular Class 3
    30             transit entity's Class 3 total passenger section 1310
    20040S1162B1699                 - 29 -     

     1             percentage times the total amount available for
     2             distribution under this clause.
     3                 (D)  Twenty-five percent of the Class 3 transit
     4             entity section 1310 share shall be distributed to
     5             Class 3 transit entities based upon each transit
     6             entity's Class 3 Federal operating cap percentage.
     7             The actual amount received by each Class 3 transit
     8             entity under this clause shall be determined by
     9             multiplying a particular Class 3 transit entity's
    10             Class 3 Federal operating cap percentage times the
    11             total amount available for distribution under this
    12             clause.
    13                 (E)  Twenty-five percent of the Class 3 transit
    14             entity section 1310 share shall be distributed to
    15             Class 3 transit entities based upon each transit
    16             entity's Class 3 State operating grant percentage.
    17             The actual amount received by each Class 3 transit
    18             entity under this clause shall be determined by
    19             multiplying a particular Class 3 transit entity's
    20             Class 3 State operating grant percentage times the
    21             total amount available for distribution under this
    22             clause.
    23     (c)  Change of classification.--If, during any fiscal year,
    24  either the number of vehicles operated by a local transportation
    25  organization or transportation company or the area served by
    26  such a local transportation organization or transportation
    27  company changes so that the local transportation organization or
    28  transportation company meets the criteria for a different
    29  transit entity class, as such criteria are set forth in section
    30  1301 (relating to definitions), on or before July 15 of the
    20040S1162B1699                 - 30 -     

     1  fiscal year which follows such a change and in each fiscal year
     2  thereafter, the department shall reflect any change in the
     3  transit entity class of such a local transportation organization
     4  or transportation company in the Department of Transportation
     5  certification for that and subsequent fiscal years. In its
     6  calculation of the transit entity section 1310 shares for each
     7  transit entity class required by subsection (g)(1) and the
     8  transit entity [section 1310.1] sections 1310.1 and 1310.2
     9  shares for each transit entity class required by subsection
    10  (g)(1) for the fiscal year following the change in a local
    11  transportation organization or transportation company's transit
    12  entity class and thereafter, the department shall include the
    13  amount of the transit entity sections 1310 [and 1310.1], 1310.1
    14  and 1310.2 shares allocated to such a local transportation
    15  organization or transportation company for the fiscal year prior
    16  to the change in the transit entity class, in the transit entity
    17  sections 1310 [and 1310.1], 1310.1 and 1310.2 shares for the new
    18  transit entity class of such a local transportation organization
    19  or transportation company, and shall delete an equal amount from
    20  the transit entity sections 1310 [and 1310.1], 1310.1 and 1310.2
    21  shares for the transit entity class for which such a local
    22  transportation organization or transportation company no longer
    23  meets the criteria in the new fiscal year. No local
    24  transportation organization or transportation company which has
    25  changed from one transit entity class to another due to either
    26  an increase in the number of vehicles operated or the United
    27  States Census Bureau's declaring its service area an urbanized
    28  area shall receive less than the amount transferred on its
    29  account by the department pursuant to this section[.] in the
    30  first year after the transfer is made. Thereafter, the amount
    20040S1162B1699                 - 31 -     

     1  initially transferred and made available to the local
     2  transportation organization or transportation company shall be
     3  adjusted each year by the same percentage that the transit
     4  entity sections 1310, 1310.1 and 1310.2 shares for the new
     5  transit entity class of such a local transportation organization
     6  or transportation company increase or decrease during that year.
     7         (1)  For any Class 3 or Class 4 transit entity receiving
     8     an allocation of funding through more than one transit entity
     9     section 1310 or 1310.1 shares as of the effective date of
    10     this paragraph, such system may continue to receive such
    11     multiple allocations under this section and section 1310.1
    12     (relating to supplemental public transportation assistance
    13     funding) and may also receive such multiple allocations under
    14     section 1310.2 (relating to service stabilization and state
    15     of good repair program), so long as such system continues to
    16     operate services that would independently qualify under each
    17     of the classes for which that transit entity is receiving an
    18     allocation. The share such a system shall receive from each
    19     transit entity class share shall represent the share earned
    20     solely by service which qualifies under that transit entity
    21     class share's category and shall not be duplicative of
    22     service earning an allocation under any other transit entity
    23     class share.
    24         (2)  Should a new local transportation organization or
    25     transportation company be established and meet the criteria
    26     of a Class 1 transit entity, Class 2 transit entity, Class 3
    27     transit entity or Class 4 transit entity as such criteria are
    28     set forth in this section and sections 1310.1 and 1310.2, the
    29     department shall make an appropriate adjustment in its
    30     calculation of the transit entity 1310 share, the 1310.1
    20040S1162B1699                 - 32 -     

     1     share and the 1310.2 share for each transit entity class to
     2     which such local transportation organization or
     3     transportation company shall be entitled. This determination
     4     shall include, but shall not be limited to, an appropriate
     5     adjusted based grant for that local transportation
     6     organization or transportation company and a determination of
     7     appropriate adjustments to class percentages or transit
     8     entity shares.
     9     (d)  Oversight.--The department shall initiate and maintain a
    10  program of review and oversight for any projects receiving funds
    11  distributed pursuant to this section [and section 1310.1
    12  (relating to supplemental public transportation assistance
    13  funding)], sections 1310.1, 1310.2 and 1310.3 (relating to major
    14  capital initiative program). The department is authorized to
    15  perform independent financial audits of the financial statements
    16  of each local transportation organization, transportation
    17  company or community transportation program receiving moneys
    18  pursuant to this section. These audits shall be conducted in
    19  accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Any
    20  financial statements subject to the audit or reports resulting
    21  from the audit shall be prepared and presented in accordance
    22  with generally accepted accounting principles, consistently
    23  applied with previous statements rendered for or on behalf of
    24  such organization or company. The department may coordinate such
    25  audits in conjunction with audits undertaken by the Auditor
    26  General.
    27     (e)  Fiscal year and capital budget.--
    28         (1)  The governing body of each local transportation
    29     organization or transportation company shall establish a
    30     fiscal year for capital programs. No later than the last day
    20040S1162B1699                 - 33 -     

     1     of each fiscal year for capital programs, each local
     2     transportation organization or transportation company
     3     receiving moneys pursuant to this section shall adopt a
     4     capital budget and an asset maintenance spending plan for
     5     submission to the department.
     6         (2)  The capital budget shall include the following:
     7             (i)  A description of any such project.
     8             (ii)  The projected cost of any project to be
     9         undertaken, including supporting cash flow.
    10             (iii)  The duration of any such project, including
    11         the projected starting date, completion date and
    12         projected useful life of the project.
    13             (iv)  The proposed funding sources for any project.
    14             (v)  A description of projects completed in the prior
    15         fiscal year and their impact on operations.
    16             (vi)  A description of progress to date on projects
    17         initiated in the prior fiscal year but not yet completed.
    18             (vii)  An explanation of any significant project
    19         delays.
    20             (viii)  The use of funds under this section in the
    21         prior fiscal year, including projects for which they were
    22         used.
    23             (ix)  A multiyear plan for future use of funds
    24         received under this section for a period of not less than
    25         five years.
    26             (x)  Any other matter desired by the governing body
    27         of such local transportation organization or
    28         transportation company.
    29         (3)  The asset maintenance spending plan shall include:
    30             (i)  The amount of moneys expended for asset
    20040S1162B1699                 - 34 -     

     1         maintenance costs.
     2             (ii)  The purposes for which such funds were
     3         expended.
     4             (iii)  Those asset maintenance costs which are
     5         projected to be funded during the subsequent twelve
     6         months by the local transportation organization or
     7         transportation company.
     8             (iv)  A multiyear plan for future use of funds
     9         received under this section for a period of not less than
    10         five years.
    11         (4)  The capital budget and the asset maintenance
    12     spending plan shall be established by formal action of the
    13     governing body of such local transportation organization or
    14     transportation company following an opportunity for comment
    15     by the public and the department. Upon submission, the
    16     department will review and may make recommendations to the
    17     local transportation organization or transportation company
    18     concerning the capital budget and asset maintenance spending
    19     plan.
    20         (5)  The capital budget and the asset maintenance
    21     spending plan may be amended by formal action of the
    22     governing body of such local transportation organization or
    23     transportation company from time to time. Any amendments to
    24     the capital budget and the asset maintenance spending plan
    25     shall be transmitted to the department for its review, and
    26     the department may make recommendations to the local
    27     transportation organization or transportation company
    28     concerning any amendments to the capital budget and the asset
    29     maintenance spending plan.
    30     (f)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    20040S1162B1699                 - 35 -     

     1  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
     2  subsection:
     3     "Capital project, asset maintenance and other program funds."
     4  Moneys made available to finance capital projects and asset
     5  maintenance costs of local transportation organizations,
     6  transportation companies or community transportation programs or
     7  to fund other programs specified in this section from:
     8         (1)  any fund of the Commonwealth where the legislation
     9     creating such fund references this part and states that some
    10     or all of the moneys in such fund are to be used to finance
    11     capital projects and asset maintenance costs of local
    12     transportation organizations, transportation companies or
    13     community transportation programs and to fund certain other
    14     programs; or
    15         (2)  any other source, where such moneys are made
    16     available specifically to finance capital projects and asset
    17     maintenance costs of local transportation organizations,
    18     transportation companies or community transportation programs
    19     in accordance with this section.
    20     "Class 1 section 1310 percentage."  Seventy and three-tenths
    21  percent.
    22     "Class 2 section 1310 percentage."  Twenty-five and four-
    23  tenths percent.
    24     "Class 3 section 1310 percentage."  Four and three-tenths
    25  percent.
    26     "Class 1 to 3 section 1310 allocation."  The total amount of
    27  capital project, asset maintenance and other program funds
    28  available for distribution by the Treasury Department during a
    29  particular month, less:
    30         (1)  the amount of the Department of Transportation
    20040S1162B1699                 - 36 -     

     1     project management oversight share to be paid each month
     2     under subsection (b)(2);
     3         (2)  the amount of the community transportation program
     4     section 1310 share to be paid each month under subsection
     5     (b)(3);
     6         (3)  the amount of the planning, development, research,
     7     rural expansion and department-initiated programs section
     8     1310 share; and
     9         (4)  the amount of the Class 4 transit entity section
    10     1310 share to be paid each month under subsection (b)(5).
    11     "Class 1 transit entity section 1310 share."  The product of
    12  the Class 1 section 1310 percentage times the Class 1 to 3
    13  section 1310 allocation.
    14     "Class 2 transit entity section 1310 share."  The product of
    15  the Class 2 section 1310 percentage times the monthly Class 1 to
    16  3 allocation.
    17     "Class 3 transit entity section 1310 share."  The product of
    18  the Class 3 section 1310 percentage times the monthly Class 1 to
    19  3 allocation.
    20     "Class 4 transit entity section 1310 share."  Four million
    21  dollars during the 1991-1992 fiscal year and $4,160,000 during
    22  the 1992-1993 fiscal year. During the 1993-1994 through 1996-
    23  1997 fiscal years, the term shall mean the Class 4 transit
    24  entity section 1310 share for the prior fiscal year plus (or
    25  minus) the product of the Class 4 transit entity section 1310
    26  share for the prior fiscal year times the percentage increase or
    27  decrease in the total funds available for distribution pursuant
    28  to this section received by the Treasury Department in the most
    29  recently completed fiscal year as compared with the prior fiscal
    30  year. For the 1997-1998 fiscal year and each fiscal year
    20040S1162B1699                 - 37 -     

     1  thereafter, the term shall mean 2.8% of the total amount of
     2  capital project, asset maintenance and other program funds
     3  projected by the department to be available under this section
     4  for distribution during the subject fiscal year.
     5     "Class 3 Federal operating cap percentage."  The percentage
     6  determined by dividing the Federal operating ceiling for a Class
     7  3 transit entity by the total Federal operating ceilings for all
     8  Class 3 transit entities.
     9     "Class 3 State operating grant percentage."  The percentage
    10  determined by dividing the State subsidy received pursuant to
    11  section 1303 (relating to annual appropriation and computation
    12  of subsidy) during fiscal year 1990-1991 by a Class 3 transit
    13  entity as stated in the latest Department of Transportation
    14  certification by the total State subsidies received pursuant to
    15  section 1303 during fiscal year 1990-1991 by all Class 3 transit
    16  entities as stated in the latest Department of Transportation
    17  certification. For purposes of calculating the amount received
    18  by a Class 3 transit entity pursuant to section 1303, any
    19  Federal funds transferred from other local transportation
    20  organizations and transportation companies from the Federal
    21  fiscal year 1990-1991 Governor's apportionment allocation,
    22  contained in the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, shall be
    23  considered to be amounts received pursuant to section 1303.
    24     "Class 3 total passenger section 1310 percentage."  The
    25  percentage determined by dividing the total passengers
    26  transported by a Class 3 transit entity as stated in the latest
    27  Department of Transportation certification by the total number
    28  of passengers transported by all Class 3 transit entities as
    29  stated in the latest Department of Transportation certification.
    30     "Class 3 vehicle hour section 1310 percentage."  The
    20040S1162B1699                 - 38 -     

     1  percentage determined by dividing the vehicle hours of a Class 3
     2  transit entity as stated in the latest Department of
     3  Transportation certification by the total number of vehicle
     4  hours of all Class 3 transit entities as stated in the latest
     5  Department of Transportation certification.
     6     "Class 3 vehicle mile section 1310 percentage."  The
     7  percentage determined by dividing the vehicle miles of a Class 3
     8  transit entity as stated in the latest Department of
     9  Transportation certification by the total number of vehicle
    10  miles of all Class 3 transit entities as stated in the latest
    11  Department of Transportation certification.
    12     "Class 4 operating assistance grant section 1310 percentage."
    13  The percentage determined by dividing the Class 4 transit entity
    14  adjusted base grant received by a Class 4 transit entity or,
    15  only for purposes of calculating the distribution of funding
    16  under section 1310.2, the amount received in the most recent
    17  fiscal year prior to the effective date of this definition from
    18  the planning, development, research, rural expansion and
    19  department-initiated programs section 1310 shares adjusted by
    20  the Department of Transportation to account for Federal
    21  participation by the total Class 4 transit entity adjusted base
    22  grants received pursuant to such act by all Class 4 transit
    23  entities during fiscal year 1990-1991 as stated in the
    24  Department of Transportation certification[.] plus, only for
    25  purposes of calculating the distribution of funding under
    26  section 1310.2, the total Class 4 grants received in the most
    27  recent fiscal year prior to the effective date of this
    28  definition from the planning, development, research, rural
    29  expansion and department-initiated programs section 1310 shares
    30  adjusted by the department to account for Federal participation
    20040S1162B1699                 - 39 -     

     1  for start-up and operations of transit services by systems
     2  qualified as Class 4 transit entities.
     3     "Class 4 revenue hour section 1310 percentage."  The
     4  percentage determined by dividing the revenue hours of a Class 4
     5  transit entity as stated in the latest Department of
     6  Transportation certification by the total number of revenue
     7  hours of all Class 4 transit entities as stated in the latest
     8  Department of Transportation certification.
     9     "Class 4 revenue mile section 1310 percentage."  The
    10  percentage determined by dividing the revenue miles of a Class 4
    11  transit entity as stated in the latest Department of
    12  Transportation certification by the total number of revenue
    13  miles of all Class 4 transit entities as stated in the latest
    14  Department of Transportation certification.
    15     "Community transportation program section 1310 share."  One
    16  million seven hundred thousand dollars during the 1991-1992
    17  fiscal year, $1,768,000 during the 1992-1993 fiscal year and,
    18  during the 1993-1994 fiscal year and each fiscal year
    19  thereafter, shall mean the community transportation program
    20  section 1310 share for the prior fiscal year plus (or minus) the
    21  product of the community transportation program section 1310
    22  share for the prior fiscal year times the percentage increase or
    23  decrease in the total funds available for distribution pursuant
    24  to this section received by the Treasury Department in the most
    25  recently completed fiscal year as compared with the prior fiscal
    26  year. However, in any fiscal year in which the total funds
    27  authorized to be expended from the State Lottery Fund for
    28  purposes enumerated in section 1312 (relating to community
    29  transportation programs) is less than $600,000, the community
    30  transportation program section 1310 share shall be increased so
    20040S1162B1699                 - 40 -     

     1  that the sum of the community transportation program section
     2  1310 share plus the total amount of such moneys paid from the
     3  State Lottery Fund for purposes enumerated in section 1312 shall
     4  equal $2,300,000. The combined funding to any county for
     5  community transportation under sections 1310 and 1312 shall not
     6  exceed $250,000 in any fiscal year.
     7     "Department of Transportation project management oversight
     8  share."  One million dollars during the 1991-1992 fiscal year
     9  and, during the 1992-1993 fiscal year and each fiscal year
    10  thereafter, shall mean $1,000,000 or 0.25% of the total amount
    11  of capital project, asset maintenance and other program funds
    12  available for distribution pursuant to this section received by
    13  the Treasury Department during the prior fiscal year, whichever
    14  is greater. These funds may be used at the discretion of the
    15  department for the following purposes: projects and services
    16  that contribute to the enhancement of public passenger
    17  transportation in this Commonwealth, including, but not limited
    18  to, project management oversight, planning, development,
    19  research, rural expansion, department-initiated programs and
    20  special projects.
    21     "Department of Transportation certification."  The
    22  certification by the Department of Transportation to the
    23  Treasury Department under subsection (g).
    24     "Department-initiated programs."  Mass transportation
    25  programs with a regional or Statewide application, including,
    26  without limitation, capital projects in support of intercity
    27  rail passenger service, capital projects in support of intercity
    28  bus service, transit safety initiatives, public-private
    29  transportation partnerships, rider sharing incentive programs,
    30  transportation management associations and other multimodal
    20040S1162B1699                 - 41 -     

     1  transportation management projects.
     2     "Federal operating ceiling."  The maximum amount of Federal
     3  funds permitted to be used by a Class 3 transit entity to
     4  subsidize transit operations, as published in the November 23,
     5  1990, Federal Register (or, where there is more than one transit
     6  entity in a region, the maximum amount of Federal funds which
     7  such Class 3 transit entity could have utilized to subsidize
     8  transit operations pursuant to the subregional allocation as
     9  specified in the applicable transportation improvement program)
    10  for fiscal year 1990-1991.
    11     "Planning, development, research, rural expansion and
    12  department-initiated programs section 1310 shares."  The sum of
    13  $83,333.33 plus 0.25% of the total capital project, asset
    14  maintenance and other program funds available for distribution
    15  by the Treasury Department during a particular month[.] pursuant
    16  to this section. These funds may be used at the discretion of
    17  the Department of Transportation for the following purposes:
    18  projects and services that contribute to the enhancement of
    19  public passenger transportation in this Commonwealth, including,
    20  but not limited to, project management oversight, planning,
    21  development, research, rural expansion, department-initiated
    22  programs and special projects.
    23     "Total passengers."  The total of all revenue passengers plus
    24  transfer passengers on second and successive rides of a local
    25  transportation organization or transportation company, which are
    26  funded in whole or in part by this part, with respect to the
    27  most recent fiscal year reported in the most recently issued
    28  Pennsylvania Mass Transit Statistical Report.
    29     "Transportation enrichment funds."  Funds provided through
    30  either the Department of Transportation project management
    20040S1162B1699                 - 42 -     

     1  oversight share or the planning, development, research, rural
     2  expansion and department-initiated programs under the section
     3  1310 share.
     4     "Treasury Department."  The State Treasurer and the Treasury
     5  Department of the Commonwealth.
     6     (g)  Certification to Treasury Department.--On or before July
     7  15 of each fiscal year, the Department of Transportation shall
     8  calculate and certify to the Treasury Department the following:
     9         (1)  The Department of Transportation project management
    10     oversight share, the community transportation program
    11     sections 1310 [and 1310.1], 1310.1, 1310.2 and 1310.3 shares,
    12     the Class 1 transit entity sections 1310 [and 1310.1],
    13     1310.1, 1310.2 and 1310.3 shares, the Class 2 transit entity
    14     sections 1310 [and 1310.1], 1310.1, 1310.2 and 1310.3 shares,
    15     the Class 3 transit entity sections 1310 [and 1310.1], 1310.1
    16     and 1310.2 shares [and], the Class 4 transit entity sections
    17     1310 [and 1310.1 shares], 1310.1 and 1310.2 shares, the Class
    18     3 and Class 4 transit entities 1310.3 share and the Class 5
    19     transit entity 1310.2 share [and], the planning, development,
    20     research, rural expansion and department-initiated programs
    21     sections 1310 and 1310.1 shares and the intercity passenger
    22     rail service share.
    23         (2)  The names and addresses of each Class 1 transit
    24     entity, Class 2 transit entity, Class 3 transit entity [and],
    25     Class 4 transit entity and Class 5 transit entity and whether
    26     such program or entity is a Class 1 transit entity, Class 2
    27     transit entity, Class 3 transit entity [or], Class 4 transit
    28     entity[.] or Class 5 transit entity and for a Class 3 transit
    29     entity shall certify whether it is operating within the
    30     boundaries of a separate Class 1 transit entity's or Class 2
    20040S1162B1699                 - 43 -     

     1     transit entity's urbanized area for purposes of section
     2     1310.2(b)(5)(iii).
     3         (3)  The vehicle miles of each Class 3 transit entity,
     4     the total vehicle miles of all Class 3 transit entities, the
     5     Class 3 vehicle mile sections 1310 and 1310.1 percentages for
     6     each Class 3 transit entity, the vehicle hours of each Class
     7     3 transit entity, total vehicle hours of all Class 3 transit
     8     entities, the Class 3 vehicle hour sections 1310 and 1310.1
     9     percentages for each Class 3 transit entity, total passengers
    10     for each Class 3 transit entity, the total passengers for all
    11     Class 3 transit entities, the Class 3 total passenger
    12     sections 1310 and 1310.1 percentages for each Class 3 transit
    13     entity, the Federal operating ceiling for each Class 3
    14     transit entity, the Federal operating ceiling for all Class 3
    15     transit entities, the Federal operating cap percentage for
    16     each Class 3 transit entity, the State subsidy received
    17     pursuant to section 1303 (relating to annual appropriation
    18     and computation of subsidy) as described in the definition of
    19     "Class 3 State operating grant percentage" for each Class 3
    20     transit entity, the State subsidy received pursuant to
    21     section 1303 as described in the definition of "Class 3 State
    22     operating grant percentage" for all Class 3 transit entities,
    23     [and] the Class 3 State grant percentage for each Class 3
    24     transit entity[.], the amount of Federal formula funds
    25     received by each Class 3 transit entity during Federal fiscal
    26     year 2002-2003, the amount of Federal formula funds received
    27     by all Class 3 transit entities during Federal fiscal year
    28     2002-2003, the amount of Federal formula funds to be received
    29     by each Class 3 transit entity during the year in which
    30     section 1310.2 funds are to be distributed, the amount of
    20040S1162B1699                 - 44 -     

     1     Federal formula funds to be received by all Class 3 transit
     2     entities during the year in which section 1310.2 funds are to
     3     be distributed, the Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2
     4     Federal funding loss percentage for each Class 3 transit
     5     entity and the Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 Federal
     6     funding loss for all Class 3 transit entities, the Class 3
     7     section 1310.2 Federal funding loss percentage for the fiscal
     8     year, the Class 3 section 1310.2 system growth percentage,
     9     the Class 3 entity section 1310.2 fixed-route revenue vehicle
    10     hour percentage for each Class 3 transit entity, the Class 3
    11     transit entity section 1310.2 fixed-route revenue vehicle
    12     hour percentage for all Class 3 transit entities, the Class 3
    13     transit entity section 1310.2 total revenue vehicle hour
    14     percentage for each Class 3 transit entity, and the Class 3
    15     transit entity section 1310.2 total revenue vehicle hour
    16     percentage for all Class 3 transit entities; the Class 4
    17     transit entity Class 4 operating assistance grant section
    18     1310 percentage; for each Class 4 transit entity the Class 4
    19     transit entity revenue mile section 1310 percentage; the
    20     Class 4 transit entity revenue hour section 1310 percentage;
    21     the Class 5 total annual bus, minivan, sedan, station wagon,
    22     van and vehicle inventory values; the Class 5 section 1310.2
    23     limited eligibility bus, minivan, sedan, station wagon, van
    24     total annual bus, minivan, sedan, station wagon, van and
    25     vehicle inventory values; and the limited eligibility Class 5
    26     transit entity section 1310.2 bus, minivan, sedan, station
    27     wagon, van and vehicle inventory values.
    28         (4)  The operating assistance grant received by each
    29     Class 4 transit entity during fiscal year 1990-1991 pursuant
    30     to the act of February 11, 1976 (P.L.14, No.10), known as the
    20040S1162B1699                 - 45 -     

     1     Pennsylvania Rural and Intercity Common Carrier Surface
     2     Transportation Assistance Act, the operating assistance grant
     3     received by all Class 4 transit entities during fiscal year
     4     1990-1991 pursuant to that act, the Class 4 operating
     5     assistance grant sections 1310 and 1310.1 percentages for
     6     each Class 4 transit entity, the revenue miles of each Class
     7     4 transit entity, the revenue miles of all Class 4 transit
     8     entities, the Class 4 revenue mile sections 1310 and 1310.1
     9     percentages of each Class 4 transit entity, the revenue hours
    10     for each Class 4 transit entity, the revenue hours for all
    11     Class 4 transit entities and the Class 4 revenue hour
    12     sections 1310 and 1310.1 percentages for each Class 4 transit
    13     entity.
    14     Section 3.  Subsection (a) and the definition of "Class 4
    15  operating assistance grant section 1310.1 percentage" in
    16  subsection (c) of section 1310.1 of Title 74 are amended to
    17  read:
    18  § 1310.1.  Supplemental public transportation assistance
    19             funding.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Beginning July 1, 1997, 1.22% of the
    21  money collected from the tax imposed under Article II of the act
    22  of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of
    23  1971, up to a maximum of $75,000,000, shall be deposited in the
    24  Supplemental Public Transportation Account, which is established
    25  in the State Treasury. Within 30 days of the close of a calendar
    26  month, 1.22% of the taxes received in the prior calendar month
    27  shall be transferred to the account. [No funds in excess of
    28  $75,000,000 may be transferred to the account in any one fiscal
    29  year.] Beginning July 1, 2003, the maximum cap of $75,000,000
    30  shall be removed, and the full 1.22% of the money collected from
    20040S1162B1699                 - 46 -     

     1  the tax shall be deposited in the Supplemental Public
     2  Transportation Account. Any funds allocated to the fund during a
     3  single fiscal year in excess of $75,000,000 as a result of this
     4  change shall be distributed according to the formula set forth
     5  in section 1310.2 (relating to service stabilization and state
     6  of good repair program). The money in the account shall be used
     7  by the department for supplemental public transportation
     8  assistance[,] to be distributed under this section. Transit
     9  entities may use supplemental assistance moneys for any of the
    10  purposes enumerated in section 1311 (relating to use of funds
    11  distributed). In addition to those enumerated purposes, Class 1,
    12  2 and 3 transit entities also may use the base supplemental
    13  assistance share for general operations. Class 4 transit
    14  entities may use all supplemental assistance moneys for general
    15  operations.
    16     * * *
    17     (c)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    18  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    19  subsection. Any term used in this section but not defined in
    20  this subsection shall have the meaning given in section 1310(f):
    21     * * *
    22     "Class 4 operating assistance grant section 1310.1
    23  percentage."  The percentage determined by dividing the Class 4
    24  transit entity adjusted base grant received by a Class 4 transit
    25  entity, as stated in the latest Department of Transportation
    26  certification, or, only for purposes of calculating the
    27  distribution of funding under section 1310.2 (relating to
    28  service stabilization and state of good repair program), the
    29  amount received in the most recent fiscal year prior to the
    30  effective date of section 1310.2 from the planning, development,
    20040S1162B1699                 - 47 -     

     1  research, rural expansion and department-initiated programs
     2  section 1310 shares adjusted by the Department of Transportation
     3  to account for Federal participation by the total Class 4
     4  transit entity adjusted base grants received by all Class 4
     5  transit entities during fiscal year 1990-1991, as stated in the
     6  latest Department of Transportation certification[.] plus, only
     7  for purposes of calculating the distribution of funding under
     8  section 1310.2, the total Class 4 grants received in the most
     9  recent fiscal year prior to the effective date of this
    10  definition from the planning, development, research, rural
    11  expansion and department-initiated programs section 1310 shares
    12  adjusted by the Department of Transportation to account for
    13  Federal participation for start-up and operations of transit
    14  services by systems qualified as Class 4 transit entities.
    15     * * *
    16     Section 4.  Title 74 is amended by adding sections to read:
    17  § 1310.2.  Service stabilization and state of good repair
    18             program.
    19     (a)  General rule.--Beginning July 1, 2003, an additional
    20  3.2184% of the tax imposed under Article II of the act of March
    21  4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971,
    22  shall be deposited in the Service Stabilization and State of
    23  Good Repair Account, which is established in the State Treasury.
    24  Within 30 days of the close of the calendar month, the taxes
    25  received in the prior calendar month shall be transferred to the
    26  account. The money in the account shall be used by the
    27  department for the service stabilization and state of good
    28  repair program. Transit entities may use service stabilization
    29  and state of good repair funds to finance public transportation
    30  services, stabilize service and fare levels, maintain
    20040S1162B1699                 - 48 -     

     1  transportation vehicles and facilities in a state of good
     2  repair, fund routine capital repair, rehabilitation, replacement
     3  and expansion of vehicles and facilities, asset maintenance
     4  programs and any other purpose enumerated in section 1311
     5  (relating to use of funds distributed). A Class 1, Class 2,
     6  Class 3 or Class 4 transit entity may use the entire section
     7  1310.2 share allocated to the transit entity for service
     8  stabilization or state of good repair programs at the discretion
     9  of the transit entity after notice of its plan for use of the
    10  funds, including a list of capital projects to be funded, is
    11  submitted to the department in accordance with section
    12  1310.3(c)(i) (relating to major capital initiative program). A
    13  Class 5 entity may use funds as specified in section 1312(d) and
    14  (e) (relating to community transportation programs). Except
    15  where provisions of this chapter permit otherwise, funds
    16  provided in this section shall be matched by local or private
    17  funds in an amount equal to at least one-thirtieth of the
    18  project cost.
    19     (b)  Distribution procedure.--During each fiscal year,
    20  service stabilization and state of good repair program funds
    21  shall be distributed as follows:
    22         (1)  On or before the fifth day of each month, the
    23     Treasury Department shall certify to the department the total
    24     amount then available for distribution, and the department
    25     shall make distribution of payments required under this
    26     subsection on or before the 20th day of each month.
    27         (2)  Each month, the Treasury Department shall pay one-
    28     twelfth of intercity passenger rail service section 1310.2
    29     percentage for that fiscal year into the General Fund. The
    30     moneys so transferred are hereby appropriated to the
    20040S1162B1699                 - 49 -     

     1     Department of Transportation for use by the department for
     2     expenses related to the support of intercity rail services
     3     throughout this Commonwealth pursuant to this section.
     4         (3)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
     5     twelfth of the Class 5 section 1310.2 percentage to Class 5
     6     transit entities in the manner provided in this paragraph.
     7     Each Class 5 transit entity shall receive a portion of each
     8     monthly distribution of the Class 5 transit entity section
     9     1310.2 percentage as follows:
    10             (i)  Class 5 transit entity annual total vehicle
    11         share. Fifty percent of the monthly distribution of the
    12         Class 5 section 1310.2 percentage shall be distributed
    13         among all eligible Class 5 transit entities based upon
    14         the formula below:
    15                 (A)  The department shall first calculate for the
    16             year for which the most recently submitted shared-
    17             ride vehicle inventory report has been submitted:
    18                     (I)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual
    19                 bus inventory value;
    20                     (II)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual
    21                 minivan inventory value;
    22                     (III)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 total
    23                 annual sedan inventory value;
    24                     (IV)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual
    25                 station wagon inventory value;
    26                     (V)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual
    27                 van inventory value; and
    28                     (VI)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual
    29                 vehicle inventory value.
    30                 (B)  The department shall then calculate for each
    20040S1162B1699                 - 50 -     

     1             eligible Class 5 transit entity:
     2                     (I)  the Class 5 transit entity section
     3                 1310.2 total annual bus inventory;
     4                     (II)  the Class 5 transit entity section
     5                 1310.2 total annual minivan inventory value;
     6                     (III)  the Class 5 transit entity section
     7                 1310.2 total annual sedan inventory value;
     8                     (IV)  the Class 5 transit entity section
     9                 1310.2 total annual station wagon inventory
    10                 value;
    11                     (V)  the Class 5 transit entity section
    12                 1310.2 total annual van inventory value; and
    13                     (VI)  the Class 5 transit entity section
    14                 1310.2 total annual vehicle inventory value,
    15                 which is the sum of subclauses (I) through (V).
    16                 (C)  The department shall then divide each Class
    17             5 transit entity section 1310.2 annual vehicle
    18             inventory value calculated in clause (B) by the Class
    19             5 section 1310.2 total annual vehicle inventory value
    20             calculated in clause (A) to determine each Class 5
    21             transit entity's total vehicle inventory percentage.
    22                 (D)  The department shall then apply this
    23             percentage to the total available for distribution
    24             under subsection (b)(3)(i) and the result will be
    25             distributed to each Class 5 transit entity as its
    26             Class 5 transit entity total vehicle inventory share.
    27             (ii)  Limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity
    28         annual vehicle share. Fifty percent of the monthly
    29         distribution of the Class 5 section 1310.2 percentage
    30         shall be distributed among limited eligibility Class 5
    20040S1162B1699                 - 51 -     

     1         transit entities.
     2                 (A)  The department shall first calculate for the
     3             year for which the most recently submitted shared-
     4             ride vehicle inventory report has been submitted:
     5                     (I)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited
     6                 eligibility annual bus inventory value;
     7                     (II)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited
     8                 eligibility annual minivan inventory value;
     9                     (III)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited
    10                 eligibility annual sedan inventory value;
    11                     (IV)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited
    12                 eligibility annual station wagon inventory value;
    13                     (V)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited
    14                 eligibility annual van inventory value; and
    15                     (VI)  the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited
    16                 eligibility annual vehicle inventory value.
    17                 (B)  The department shall then calculate for each
    18             limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity:
    19                     (I)  the limited eligibility Class 5 transit
    20                 entity section 1310.2 annual bus inventory value;
    21                     (II)  the limited eligibility Class 5 transit
    22                 entity section 1310.2 annual minivan inventory
    23                 value;
    24                     (III)  the limited eligibility Class 5
    25                 transit entity 1310.2 annual sedan inventory
    26                 value;
    27                     (IV)  the limited eligibility Class 5 transit
    28                 entity section section 1310.2 annual station
    29                 wagon inventory value;
    30                     (V)  the Class 5 transit entity section
    20040S1162B1699                 - 52 -     

     1                 1310.2 limited annual van inventory value; and
     2                     (VI)  the limited eligibility Class 5 transit
     3                 entity section 1310.2 annual vehicle inventory
     4                 value, which is the sum of subclauses (I) through
     5                 (V).
     6                 (C)  The department shall then divide each Class
     7             5 transit entity section 1310.2 limited vehicle
     8             inventory value calculated in clause (B) by the Class
     9             5 section 1310.2 total limited vehicle inventory
    10             value calculated in clause (A) to determine each
    11             Class 5 transit entity's limited vehicle inventory
    12             percentage.
    13                 (D)  The department shall then apply this
    14             percentage to the total available for distribution
    15             under subsection (b)(3)(ii) and the result will be
    16             distributed to each limited eligibility Class 5
    17             transit entity as its Class 5 transit entity limited
    18             vehicle inventory share.
    19             (iii)  Each transit entity's Class 5 transit entity
    20         section 1310.2 share shall be the total of the results of
    21         the calculations performed in subparagraphs (i) and (ii).
    22         (4)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
    23     twelfth of the Class 4 transit entity section 1310.2
    24     percentage to Class 4 transit entities in the manner provided
    25     in this paragraph. Each Class 4 transit entity shall receive
    26     a portion of each monthly distribution of the Class 4 transit
    27     entity section 1310.2 percentage in accordance with the
    28     formula defined in section 1310(b)(5) (relating to
    29     distribution of funding).
    30         (5)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
    20040S1162B1699                 - 53 -     

     1     twelfth of the Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2
     2     percentage to Class 3 transit entities in the manner provided
     3     in this paragraph. Each Class 3 transit entity shall receive
     4     a portion of each monthly distribution of the Class 3 transit
     5     entity section 1310.2 percentage as follows:
     6             (i)  Eighty percent of the monthly distribution of
     7         the Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 share shall be
     8         distributed among Class 3 transit entities based upon the
     9         formula contained in section 1310(b)(6)(iii).
    10             (ii)  Ten percent of the monthly distribution of the
    11         Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 share shall be
    12         distributed among Class 3 transit entities on the basis
    13         of loss of Federal funding, as follows:
    14                 (A)  To each Class 3 transit entity that has been
    15             subjected to a cut in Federal formula funds
    16             distributed under 49 U.S.C. § 5307 (relating to
    17             urbanized area formula grants) between the fiscal
    18             year prior to the fiscal year in which the section
    19             1310.2 funds are being distributed and Federal fiscal
    20             year 2002-2003 based on that Class 3 transit entity's
    21             Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 Federal funding
    22             loss percentage.
    23                 (B)  In any year in which the total loss of
    24             Federal formula funds distributed under 49 U.S.C. §
    25             5307 experienced by all Class 3 transit entities
    26             between the fiscal year prior to the fiscal year in
    27             which the section 1310.2 funds are being distributed
    28             and Federal fiscal year 2002-2003 is less than 10% of
    29             the Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 share, the
    30             remainder of such funds shall be added to the system
    20040S1162B1699                 - 54 -     

     1             growth set-aside and distributed under the formula in
     2             subparagraph (iii).
     3             (iii)  Ten percent of the monthly distribution of the
     4         Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 share plus any
     5         excess identified in subparagraph (ii)(B) shall be
     6         distributed on the basis of growth of revenue vehicle
     7         hours, as follows:
     8                 (A)  Fifty percent of the system growth set-aside
     9             shall be distributed to each Class 3 transit entity
    10             based on that transit entity's Class 3 section 1310.2
    11             total revenue vehicle hour percentage. Every Class 3
    12             transit entity shall be deemed to have at least a 10%
    13             increase in total revenue vehicle hours during the
    14             relevant period. For Class 3 transit entities
    15             operating within the boundaries of a separate Class 1
    16             transit entity's or Class 2 entity's urbanized area,
    17             an additional 10% shall be added to the growth rate
    18             calculated after applying the calculation defined in
    19             this clause.
    20                 (B)  Fifty percent of the system growth set-aside
    21             shall be distributed to each Class 3 transit entity
    22             based on that transit entity's Class 3 section 1310.2
    23             fixed-route revenue vehicle hour percentage. Every
    24             Class 3 transit entity shall be deemed to have at
    25             least a 10% increase in fixed-route revenue vehicle
    26             hours during the relevant period. For Class 3 transit
    27             entities operating within the boundaries of a
    28             separate Class 1 transit entity's or Class 2 entity's
    29             urbanized area, an additional 10% shall be added to
    30             the growth rate calculated after applying the
    20040S1162B1699                 - 55 -     

     1             calculation defined in this clause.
     2                 (C)  For purposes of calculating each Class 3
     3             transit entity's share of the system growth set-
     4             aside, Class 3 transit entities operating public
     5             transportation services within the boundaries of a
     6             separate Class 1 transit entity's or Class 2 transit
     7             entity's urbanized area shall be included in the
     8             calculation and receive the appropriate share of the
     9             set-aside funds.
    10         (6)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
    11     twelfth of the Class 2 transit entity section 1310.2
    12     percentage to Class 2 transit entities in the manner provided
    13     in this paragraph. Each Class 2 transit entity shall receive
    14     a pro rata share of the Class 2 transit entity section 1310.2
    15     percentage. If there is only one Class 2 transit entity, it
    16     shall receive the entire Class 2 transit entity section
    17     1310.2 percentage.
    18         (7)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
    19     twelfth of the Class 1 transit entity section 1310.2
    20     percentage to Class 1 transit entities in the manner provided
    21     in this paragraph. Each Class 1 transit entity shall receive
    22     a pro rata percentage of the Class 1 transit entity section
    23     1310.2 percentage. If there is only one Class 1 transit
    24     entity, it shall receive the entire Class 1 transit entity
    25     section 1310.2 percentage.
    26     (c)  Alternative means of raising revenue or reducing
    27  expenses.--In conjunction with the use of funds allocated under
    28  the authority of this section for purposes of service
    29  stabilization and in order to maximize the benefit of such
    30  funds, a transit entity is required to explore alternative means
    20040S1162B1699                 - 56 -     

     1  of raising revenue, including, but not limited to, real estate
     2  leases and rentals, equipment leases and rentals, contracting of
     3  services, the solicitation of competitive bids and awarding of
     4  contracts to the highest responsible bidder for both interior
     5  and exterior advertising on all transit entity equipment on
     6  which the public is charged a fare for riding, except that only
     7  interior advertising need be considered for rail vehicles. Any
     8  activity undertaken in conformance with this section or any
     9  other provision concerning the use of alternative means of
    10  raising revenue shall and will be, in all respects and for all
    11  purposes, the performance of an essential governmental function
    12  conducted in furtherance of the public purposes of the transit
    13  entity and within the powers granted to it and any immunities
    14  which it enjoys. No activity undertaken in conformance with this
    15  section or any other provision concerning the use of alternative
    16  means of raising revenue shall subject a transit entity to pay
    17  any property taxes or assessments of any kind or nature
    18  whatsoever, now in existence or to be enacted in the future,
    19  whether imposed by the Commonwealth or by any political
    20  subdivision thereof, or by any other taxing authority. In no
    21  event shall a transit entity be required to pay any taxes or
    22  assessments of any kind whatsoever upon any property or the
    23  income therefrom acquired or used or permitted to be used for
    24  the purposes of this section.
    25     (d)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    26  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    27  subsection. Any term used in this section but not defined in
    28  this subsection shall have the meaning given in section 1301
    29  (relating to definitions), 1310(f) (relating to distribution of
    30  funding) or 1310.1(c) (relating to supplemental public
    20040S1162B1699                 - 57 -     

     1  transportation assistance funding), depending on where it
     2  appears.
     3     "All eligible Class 5 transit entities."  All nonprofit
     4  coordinators of the shared-ride lottery program for senior
     5  citizens excluding Class 1 and 2 transit entities but including
     6  nonprofit providers operating in the service area of a Class 1
     7  transit entity utilizing a brokerage license issued by the
     8  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, provided that a
     9  nonprofit provider operating in the service area of a Class 1
    10  transit entity utilizing a brokerage license issued by the
    11  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission shall only be eligible if
    12  it has filed the same form with the Department of Transportation
    13  at the same time as other Class 5 entities. For the first year
    14  after the effective date of this section, however, such system
    15  shall be allowed to file a report for the year for which the
    16  department will use data from the other eligible Class 5
    17  entities within 30 days of the effective date.
    18     "Class 1 section 1310.2 percentage."  Sixty-one point eight
    19  percent.
    20     "Class 2 section 1310.2 percentage."  Twenty-two point five
    21  percent.
    22     "Class 3 section 1310.2 Federal funding loss percentage."
    23  Ten percent of the Class 3 section 1310.2 percentage up to a
    24  maximum of the total dollar amount of loss of Federal formula
    25  funds distributed under 49 U.S.C. § 5307 (relating to urbanized
    26  area formula grants) experienced by all Class 3 transit entities
    27  between the fiscal year prior to the fiscal year in which the
    28  section 1310.2 funds are being distributed and Federal fiscal
    29  year 2002-2003 divided by the total Class 3 section 1310.2
    30  percentage.
    20040S1162B1699                 - 58 -     

     1     "Class 3 section 1310.2 fixed-route revenue vehicle hour
     2  percentage."  Fifty percent of the Class 3 section 1310.2 system
     3  growth percentage.
     4     "Class 3 section 1310.2 percentage."  Five point six percent.
     5  Each Class 3 entity that is a recipient of these funds may use
     6  the funds for either service stabilization or capital projects,
     7  at its discretion so long as the requirements of section 1311
     8  are met.
     9     "Class 3 section 1310.2 revenue vehicle hour percentage."
    10  Fifty percent of the Class 3 section 1310.2 system growth
    11  percentage.
    12     "Class 3 section 1310.2 system growth percentage."  Ten
    13  percent of the Class 3 section 1310.2 percentage plus, for any
    14  fiscal year, the amount by which the Class 3 section 1310.2
    15  Federal funding loss percentage is less than 10% of the Class 3
    16  section 1310.2 percentage, divided by the Class 3 section 1310.2
    17  percentage.
    18     "Class 3 section 1310.2 total revenue vehicle hour
    19  percentage."  Fifty percent of the Class 3 section 1310.2 system
    20  growth percentage.
    21     "Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 Federal funding loss
    22  percentage."  The number derived by subtracting the amount of
    23  funds received by each Class 3 transit entity that has been
    24  subjected to a cut in Federal formula funds distributed under 49
    25  U.S.C. § 5307 (relating to urbanized area formula grants) in the
    26  fiscal year prior to the fiscal year in which the section 1310.2
    27  funds are being distributed from the amount of funds received by
    28  that Class 3 transit entity during Federal fiscal year 2002-
    29  2003, divided by the total reduction in Federal formula funds
    30  for all Class 3 transit entities subjected to such a loss
    20040S1162B1699                 - 59 -     

     1  between the fiscal year prior to which the section 1310.2 funds
     2  are being distributed and Federal fiscal year 2002-2003.
     3     "Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 fixed-route revenue
     4  vehicle hour percentage."  The number derived by subtracting a
     5  Class 3 transit entity's fixed-route revenue vehicle hours
     6  operated during fiscal year 1990-1991 from the fixed-route
     7  revenue vehicle hours operated by that Class 3 transit entity
     8  during the fiscal year two years prior to the fiscal year for
     9  which funding is being distributed and dividing that figure by
    10  the number derived by subtracting the total fixed-route revenue
    11  vehicle hours operated by all Class 3 transit entities during
    12  the fiscal year 1990-1991 from the total fixed-route revenue
    13  vehicle hours of service operated by all Class 3 transit
    14  entities during the fiscal year two years prior to the fiscal
    15  year for which funding is being distributed, except that every
    16  Class 3 transit entity shall be deemed to have at least a 10%
    17  increase in total fixed-route revenue vehicle hours and all
    18  Class 3 transit entities operating within the boundaries of a
    19  separate Class 1 transit entity's or Class 2 transit entity's
    20  urbanized area shall be credited an additional 10% of growth
    21  prior to performing the calculation. Data is to be based upon
    22  information published in the most recent Department of
    23  Transportation statistical report.
    24     "Class 3 transit entity section 1310.2 total revenue vehicle
    25  hour percentage."  The number derived by subtracting a Class 3
    26  transit entity's total revenue vehicle hours operated during
    27  fiscal year 1990-1991 from the total revenue vehicle hours
    28  operated by that Class 3 transit entity during the fiscal year
    29  two years prior to the fiscal year for which funding is being
    30  distributed and dividing that figure by the number derived by
    20040S1162B1699                 - 60 -     

     1  subtracting the total revenue vehicle hours operated by all
     2  Class 3 transit entities during the fiscal year 1990-1991 from
     3  the total revenue vehicle hours of service operated by all Class
     4  3 transit entities during the fiscal year two years prior to the
     5  fiscal year for which funding is being distributed, except that
     6  every Class 3 transit entity shall be deemed to have at least a
     7  10% increase in total revenue vehicle hours and all Class 3
     8  transit entities operating within the boundaries of a separate
     9  Class 1 transit entity's or Class 2 transit entity's urbanized
    10  area shall be credited an additional 10% of growth prior to
    11  performing the calculation. Data is to be based upon information
    12  published in the most recent Department of Transportation
    13  statistical report.
    14     "Class 4 section 1310.2 percentage."  Two point three
    15  percent. Each Class 4 transit entity that is a recipient of
    16  these funds may use the funds for either service stabilization
    17  or capital projects at its discretion so long as the
    18  requirements of section 1311 (relating to use of funds
    19  distributed) are met.
    20     "Class 5 section 1310.2 limited eligibility annual bus
    21  inventory value."  The total number of qualified buses reported
    22  to the Department of Transportation by limited eligibility Class
    23  5 transit entities on the most recently submitted vehicle
    24  inventory report multiplied by the value designated for that
    25  type of vehicle by the department.
    26     "Class 5 section 1310.2 limited eligibility annual minivan
    27  inventory value."  The total number of qualified minivans
    28  reported to the Department of Transportation by limited
    29  eligibility Class 5 transit entities on the most recently
    30  submitted vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value
    20040S1162B1699                 - 61 -     

     1  designated for that type of vehicle by the department.
     2     "Class 5 section 1310.2 limited eligibility annual sedan
     3  inventory value."  The total number of qualified sedans reported
     4  to the Department of Transportation by limited eligibility Class
     5  5 transit entities on the most recently submitted vehicle
     6  inventory report multiplied by the value designated for that
     7  type of vehicle by the department.
     8     "Class 5 section 1310.2 limited eligibility annual station
     9  wagon inventory value."  The total number of qualified station
    10  wagons reported to the Department of Transportation by limited
    11  eligibility Class 5 transit entities on the most recently
    12  submitted vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value
    13  designated for that type of vehicle by the department.
    14     "Class 5 section 1310.2 limited eligibility annual van
    15  inventory value."  The total number of qualified vans reported
    16  to the Department of Transportation by limited eligibility Class
    17  5 transit entities on the most recently submitted vehicle
    18  inventory report multiplied by the value designated for that
    19  type of vehicle by the department.
    20     "Class 5 section 1310.2 limited eligibility annual vehicle
    21  inventory value."  For a given year, the total of the Class 5
    22  section 1310.2 limited annual bus inventory value, the Class 5
    23  section 1310.2 limited annual minivan inventory value, the Class
    24  5 section 1310.2 limited annual sedan inventory value, the Class
    25  5 section 1310.2 limited annual station wagon inventory value
    26  and the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited annual van inventory
    27  value.
    28     "Class 5 section 1310.2 percentage."  Four point five percent
    29  Each Class 5 transit entity that is a recipient of these funds
    30  may use the funds for capital projects and for asset maintenance
    20040S1162B1699                 - 62 -     

     1  and emergency situation recovery to the extent permitted by
     2  section 1312 (relating to community transportation programs).
     3     "Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual bus inventory value."
     4  The total number of all qualified buses reported to the
     5  Department of Transportation on the most recently submitted
     6  vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value designated for
     7  that type of vehicle by the department.
     8     "Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual minivan inventory
     9  value."  The total number of all qualified minivans reported to
    10  the Department of Transportation on the most recently submitted
    11  vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value designated for
    12  that type of vehicle by the department.
    13     "Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual sedan inventory value."
    14  The total number of all qualified sedans reported to the
    15  Department of Transportation on the most recently submitted
    16  vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value designated for
    17  that type of vehicle by the department.
    18     "Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual station wagon inventory
    19  value."  The total number of all qualified station wagons
    20  reported to the Department of Transportation on the most
    21  recently submitted vehicle inventory report multiplied by the
    22  value designated for that type of vehicle by the department.
    23     "Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual van inventory value."
    24  The total number of all qualified vans reported to the
    25  Department of Transportation on the most recently submitted
    26  vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value designated for
    27  that type of vehicle by the department.
    28     "Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual vehicle inventory
    29  value."  For a given year, the total of the Class 5 section
    30  1310.2 total annual bus inventory value, the Class 5 section
    20040S1162B1699                 - 63 -     

     1  1310.2 total annual minivan inventory value, the Class 5 section
     2  1310.2 total annual sedan inventory value, the Class 5 section
     3  1310.2 total annual station wagon inventory value and the Class
     4  5 section 1310.2 total annual van inventory value.
     5     "Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 share."  The total of
     6  the results of the calculations performed in subsection (b)(3).
     7     "Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 total annual bus
     8  inventory value."  The total number of all qualified buses
     9  reported by an individual Class 5 transit entity to the
    10  Department of Transportation on the most recently submitted
    11  vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value designated for
    12  that type of vehicle by the department divided by the Class 5
    13  section 1310.2 total annual bus inventory value.
    14     "Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 total annual minivan
    15  inventory value."  The total number of all qualified minivans
    16  reported by an individual Class 5 transit entity to the
    17  Department of Transportation on the most recently submitted
    18  vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value designated for
    19  that type of vehicle by the department divided by the Class 5
    20  section 1310.2 total annual minivan inventory value.
    21     "Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 total annual sedan
    22  inventory value."  The total number of all qualified sedans
    23  reported by an individual Class 5 transit entity to the
    24  Department of Transportation on the most recently submitted
    25  vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value designated for
    26  that type of vehicle by the department divided by the Class 5
    27  section 1310.2 total annual sedan inventory value.
    28     "Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 total annual station
    29  wagon inventory value."  The total number of all qualified
    30  station wagons reported by an individual Class 5 transit entity
    20040S1162B1699                 - 64 -     

     1  to the Department of Transportation on the most recently
     2  submitted vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value
     3  designated for that type of vehicle by the department divided by
     4  the Class 5 section 1310.2 total annual station wagon inventory
     5  value.
     6     "Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 total annual van
     7  inventory value."  The total number of all qualified vans
     8  reported by an individual Class 5 transit entity to the
     9  Department of Transportation on the most recently submitted
    10  vehicle inventory report multiplied by the value designated for
    11  that type of vehicle by the department divided by the Class 5
    12  section 1310.2 total annual van inventory value.
    13     "Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 annual vehicle
    14  inventory value."  For each Class 5 transit entity, for a given
    15  year, the sum of the total Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2
    16  annual bus inventory value, the total Class 5 transit entity
    17  section 1310.2 annual minivan inventory value, the total Class 5
    18  transit entity section 1310.2 annual sedan inventory value, the
    19  total Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 annual station wagon
    20  inventory value and the total Class 5 transit entity section
    21  1310.2 annual van inventory value.
    22     "Fixed-route revenue vehicle hours."  The total number of
    23  hours operated in total public transportation revenue service by
    24  all vehicles belonging to or under contract to a Class 3 transit
    25  entity during a fiscal year.
    26     "Intercity passenger rail service."  Passenger railroad
    27  service connecting two or more urbanized areas and determined by
    28  the Department of Transportation to qualify as intercity service
    29  rather than commuter rail service.
    30     "Intercity passenger rail service section 1310.2 percentage."
    20040S1162B1699                 - 65 -     

     1  Three point four percent.
     2     "Intercity passenger rail service program."  Funds allocated
     3  to the Department of Transportation to support intercity
     4  passenger rail service. Program funds may be expended directly
     5  by the department, expended through contracts with outside
     6  entities or expended through grants in support of intercity
     7  passenger rail service. Eligible expenditures include, but are
     8  not limited to, program administration, studies, marketing,
     9  operating subsidies, contracts for service, preconstruction
    10  planning, engineering and design, capital projects, acquisition
    11  of right-of-way and project oversight and accountability.
    12     "Limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity."  All nonprofit
    13  coordinators of the shared-ride lottery program for senior
    14  citizens except for a coordinator operating in a county of the
    15  first or second class, nonprofit providers operating in a city
    16  of the first class utilizing a brokerage license issued by the
    17  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or any otherwise-
    18  qualified Class 5 transit entity that contracts with a private
    19  for-profit operator which is regulated by the Pennsylvania
    20  Public Utility Commission if the Class 5 transit entity utilizes
    21  an approved fare structure developed by the for-profit operator
    22  with the intention of generating a profit.
    23     "Limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2
    24  annual bus inventory value."  The total number of qualified
    25  buses reported by an individual limited eligibility Class 5
    26  transit entity to the Department of Transportation on the most
    27  recently submitted vehicle inventory report multiplied by the
    28  value designated for that type of vehicle by the department
    29  divided by the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited annual bus
    30  inventory value.
    20040S1162B1699                 - 66 -     

     1     "Limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2
     2  annual minivan inventory value."  The total number of qualified
     3  minivans reported by an individual limited eligibility Class 5
     4  transit entity to the Department of Transportation on the most
     5  recently submitted vehicle inventory report multiplied by the
     6  value designated for that type of vehicle by the department
     7  divided by the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited annual bus
     8  inventory value.
     9     "Limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2
    10  annual sedan inventory value."  The total number of qualified
    11  sedans reported by an individual limited eligibility Class 5
    12  transit entity to the Department of Transportation on the most
    13  recently submitted vehicle inventory report multiplied by the
    14  value designated for that type of vehicle by the department
    15  divided by the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited annual sedan
    16  inventory value.
    17     "Limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2
    18  annual station wagon inventory value."  The total number of all
    19  qualified station wagons reported by an individual limited
    20  eligibility Class 5 transit entity to the Department of
    21  Transportation on the most recently submitted vehicle inventory
    22  report multiplied by the value designated for that type of
    23  vehicle by the department divided by the Class 5 section 1310.2
    24  limited annual station wagon inventory value.
    25     "Limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2
    26  annual van inventory value."  The total number of all qualified
    27  vans reported by an individual limited eligibility Class 5
    28  transit entity to the Department of Transportation on the most
    29  recently submitted vehicle inventory report multiplied by the
    30  value designated for that type of vehicle by the department
    20040S1162B1699                 - 67 -     

     1  divided by the Class 5 section 1310.2 limited annual van
     2  inventory value.
     3     "Limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2
     4  annual vehicle inventory value."  For each limited eligibility
     5  Class 5 transit entity, for a given year, the sum of the limited
     6  eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 annual bus
     7  inventory value, the limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity
     8  section 1310.2 annual minivan inventory value, the limited
     9  eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 annual sedan
    10  inventory value, the limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity
    11  section 1310.2 annual station wagon inventory value and the
    12  limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity section 1310.2 annual
    13  van inventory value.
    14     "Public transportation entity."  A Class 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
    15  transit entity as defined in this chapter.
    16     "Qualified vehicle."  A qualified vehicle for purposes of
    17  calculating a Class 5 transit entity's section 1310.2 share
    18  shall be a bus, minivan, sedan, station wagon or van that is
    19  included on the most recently submitted Shared Ride Vehicle
    20  Inventory Report, is actively engaged in the provision of
    21  community transit services during the year in which it is
    22  reported and is insured during that year
    23     "Service stabilization."  The ability to retain adequate
    24  levels of service to meet passenger demand and maintain vehicles
    25  and facilities in safe, attractive condition at fares that will
    26  not result in ridership losses.
    27     "State of good repair programs."  Investment designed to
    28  ensure an existing transit entity remains in safe, operational,
    29  attractive condition, including, but not limited to, capital
    30  projects, vehicle overhaul, asset maintenance, infrastructure
    20040S1162B1699                 - 68 -     

     1  safety and renewal projects and environmental cleanup.
     2     "Total revenue vehicle hours."  The total number of hours
     3  operated in revenue service by all vehicles belonging to or
     4  under contract to a Class 3 transit entity during a fiscal year,
     5  regardless of the type of service offered by those vehicles.
     6     "Vehicle inventory report."  A listing of all vehicles used
     7  by Class 5 transit entities, by vehicle type, in a given year
     8  which must be submitted to the Department of Transportation in
     9  the format specified by the department to qualify as a recipient
    10  for section 1310.2 Class 5 funding.
    11  § 1310.3.  Major Capital Initiative Program.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Any funds dedicated for the use of public
    13  passenger transit entities out of General Fund revenues, the
    14  expenditure of which is permitted exclusively for major capital
    15  initiatives as defined in this section, shall be deposited in
    16  the Major Capital Initiative Account, which is established in
    17  the State Treasury. The money in the account shall be used by
    18  the Department of Transportation for the Major Capital
    19  Initiative Program and shall be distributed in accordance with
    20  this section. Transit entities may use major capital initiative
    21  funds to finance public transportation improvements that fit
    22  within the definition of "major capital initiative" in
    23  subsection (d).
    24     (b)  Distribution procedure.--During each fiscal year, major
    25  capital initiative program funds shall be distributed as
    26  follows:
    27         (1)  On or before the fifth day of each month, the
    28     Treasury Department shall certify to the department the total
    29     amount then available for distribution, and the department
    30     shall make distribution of payments required under this
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     1     subsection on or before the 20th day of each month.
     2         (2)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
     3     twelfth of the Class 1 transit entity section 1310.3
     4     percentage available during the fiscal year in which it is
     5     distributed to Class 1 transit entities in the manner
     6     provided in this paragraph. Each Class 1 transit entity shall
     7     receive a pro rata share of the Class 1 transit entity
     8     section 1310.3 percentage. If there is only one Class 1
     9     transit entity, it shall receive the entire Class 1 transit
    10     entity section 1310.3 percentage.
    11         (3)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
    12     twelfth of the Class 2 transit entity section 1310.3
    13     percentage available during the fiscal year in which it is
    14     distributed to Class 2 transit entities in the manner
    15     provided in this paragraph. Each Class 2 transit entity shall
    16     receive a pro rata percentage of the class 2 transit entity
    17     section 1310.3 percentage. If there is only one Class 1
    18     transit entity, it shall receive the entire Class 1 transit
    19     entity section 1310.3 percentage.
    20         (4)  Each month, the department shall distribute one-
    21     twelfth of the Class 3 and Class 4 transit entity section
    22     1310.3 percentage available during the fiscal year in which
    23     it is distributed to the department. The department shall
    24     further distribute the funds to each Class 3 or Class 4
    25     transit entity that has a Major Capital Initiative Project
    26     included in the approved Major Capital Initiative Program
    27     plan for the fiscal year during which the funds are being
    28     distributed. Each Class 3 and Class 4 transit entity that
    29     receives major capital initiative funds under this subsection
    30     shall each month receive a percentage of the one-twelfth of
    20040S1162B1699                 - 70 -     

     1     the Class 3 and Class 4 transit entity section 1310.3
     2     percentage being distributed that is equal to the percentage
     3     its approved project represents of the total Major Capital
     4     Initiative Program for Class 3 and Class 4 transit entities
     5     approved for that fiscal year by the department.
     6     (c)  Program requirements.--
     7         (1)  The department shall develop an application process
     8     and criteria to evaluate requests for section 1310.3 major
     9     capital initiative program funds submitted by Class 3 and
    10     Class 4 transit entities. The application process and
    11     criteria shall be the same for both classes, and projects
    12     submitted by Class 3 and Class 4 transit entities shall be
    13     considered as one pool for purposes of evaluation.
    14         (2)  Within 90 days of the effective date of this
    15     section, each Class 3 and Class 4 transit entity that
    16     receives funds under section 1310.2 (relating to service
    17     stabilization and state of good repair) shall submit to the
    18     department a five-year plan for use of those funds,
    19     delineating which funds will be used for capital purposes and
    20     which funds will be used for operating purposes. When funding
    21     is made available for the purposes of this section, each
    22     Class 3 and Class 4 transit entity shall identify its
    23     projected need for major capital initiative funding during
    24     the five-year period in conjunction with its five-year plan
    25     for use of service stabilization and state of good repair
    26     funds. This plan may be amended at any time but must be
    27     updated at least once per year after the initial submission.
    28         (3)  Each year, by January 30, any Class 3 or Class 4
    29     transit entity that wishes to receive funds from the Class 3
    30     and Class 4 major capital initiative section 1310.3
    20040S1162B1699                 - 71 -     

     1     percentage during the following fiscal year shall submit to
     2     the department an application for such funds, including such
     3     information and in such form as the department shall require,
     4     except that a transit entity that wishes to receive major
     5     capital initiative funding during a period that exceeds one
     6     year shall only be required to submit a full application
     7     during the first year it seeks funds. Thereafter, it need
     8     only submit a progress report, an accounting of the funds
     9     spent and an estimate of the funding needed during the
    10     upcoming fiscal year.
    11         (4)  Major capital initiative funds may be used to match
    12     Federal funds available for capital purposes. For all
    13     federally funded programs distributed on a formula basis or
    14     individually through Congressional earmarks under
    15     discretionary funding programs other than the Federal New
    16     Start Program, section 1310.3 funds may provide local match-
    17     up to five-sixths of the required non-Federal match. For
    18     Federal funds provided through the Federal New Start Program,
    19     section 1310.3 funds may provide up to five-sixths of the
    20     non-Federal match currently required to meet the competitive
    21     requirements imposed by the United States Department of
    22     Transportation or the United States Congress, whichever is
    23     greater. Section 1310.3 funds may be combined with other
    24     funds provided under this title or through State bond funds
    25     to meet non-Federal matching requirements.
    26         (5)  All moneys distributed pursuant to section 1310.3
    27     shall be matched by local or private funding in an amount
    28     equal to at least one-thirtieth of the total project cost.
    29     Notwithstanding the above match requirement, however, a Class
    30     3 or Class 4 system may provide a lower level of local or
    20040S1162B1699                 - 72 -     

     1     private funding match, if and as approved by the department
     2     so long as the local or private funding equals at least one-
     3     thirtieth of the non-Federal share of the project.
     4     (d)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
     5  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
     6  subsection. Any term used in this section but not defined in
     7  this subsection shall have the meaning given in section 1301,
     8  1310(f), 1310.1(c) or 1310.2(c), depending on where it appears:
     9     "Class 1 section 1310.3 percentage."  Sixty percent.
    10     "Class 2 section 1310.3 percentage."  Twenty-four percent.
    11     "Classes 3 and 4 section 1310.3 percentage."  Sixteen
    12  percent.
    13     "Federal New Start Program."  The funding program authorized
    14  in 49 U.S.C. § 5309 (relating to capital investment grants and
    15  loans), permitting the Secretary of Transportation to make
    16  grants and loans for capital projects for new fixed guideway
    17  systems and extensions to existing fixed guideway systems, in
    18  accordance with the guidelines specified in 49 U.S.C. § 5309(e).
    19     "Major capital initiative."  A major capital project or
    20  program of projects designed to significantly expand or enhance
    21  an existing transit system for which funding under section 1310,
    22  1310.1 or 1310.2 programs is insufficient, including, but not
    23  limited to, the establishment of a new fixed guideway line or
    24  system or extension of a fixed guideway line or system under the
    25  Federal New Start Program; major construction or reconstruction
    26  of facilities; major fleet replacement; significant fleet
    27  expansion or other major capital projects.
    28  § 1310.4  Keystone Initiative
    29     (a)  General rule.--An additional O.378% of the sales tax
    30  shall be allocated to the Keystone Initiative. The funds will be
    20040S1162B1699                 - 73 -     

     1  allocated to the Department of Transportation and expended for
     2  the purpose of bringing the Keystone Corridor into a state of
     3  good repair, maintaining it in such a state and making
     4  improvements if the level of funding exceeds the amount needed
     5  to maintain a state of good repair.
     6     (b)  Eligible projects.--Eligible projects include repair and
     7  improvement to all facets of the Keystone Corridor, including,
     8  but not limited to, track, trackbed, catenary, power
     9  distribution, signals, stations and parking. Projects may
    10  benefit intercity and commuter rail systems operating in the
    11  Keystone Corridor.
    12     (c)  State share.--The State may provide up to twenty-nine
    13  thirtieths of total project cost. The remainder shall be
    14  provided by the operator of the rail system that is the primary
    15  beneficiary of the particular improvement. Where more than one
    16  rail system benefits from the improvement, each shall contribute
    17  to the non-State share in proportion to the benefits to that
    18  system. If the rail systems cannot agree on an apportionment of
    19  benefit, the department shall make that determination.
    20     (d)  Distribution of funds.--Eighty percent of the funds
    21  provided under this program shall be allocated on the basis of
    22  miles of rail service operated on the Keystone Corridor in the
    23  year prior to the distribution of funds and made available for
    24  improvements benefiting the rail system that operated those
    25  miles. The remainder of the funds may be allocated at the
    26  discretion of the department for projects in the Keystone
    27  Corridor. Projects that benefit more than one rail system may be
    28  combined. If there is an agreement between or among rail
    29  systems, any portion of this program may be reallocated
    30  temporarily, with the percentages restored to the donating rail
    20040S1162B1699                 - 74 -     

     1  system at the completion of the agreement, under the terms of
     2  the agreement.
     3     (e)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
     4  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
     5  subsection:
     6     "Keystone Corridor."  The rail line between Harrisburg,
     7  Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, including all
     8  facilities and stations within that distance.
     9     "Rail system."  A system operating passenger service on the
    10  Keystone Corridor, including both intercity passenger service
    11  and commuter rail service.
    12     Section 5.  Section 1311(d) and (e)(3) of Title 74 are
    13  amended and the section is amended by adding a subsection to
    14  read:
    15  § 1311.  Use of funds distributed.
    16     * * *
    17     (b.1)  Utilization of funds.--All Class 3 and 4 transit
    18  entities may utilize all of the funds received pursuant to
    19  section 1310, 1310.1 (relating to supplemental public
    20  transportation assistance funding) or 1310.2 (relating to
    21  service stabilization and state of good repair program) for any
    22  purpose in furtherance of public transportation, including
    23  capital, asset maintenance and operating.
    24     * * *
    25     (d)  Management of funds.--
    26         (1)  Each local transportation organization or
    27     transportation company receiving moneys pursuant to sections
    28     1310 and 1310.1 [(relating to supplemental public
    29     transportation assistance funding)] shall hold such moneys in
    30     an account separate from other funds of the local
    20040S1162B1699                 - 75 -     

     1     transportation organization or transportation company and
     2     shall invest such moneys until such funds are used in
     3     accordance with this section, with such funds being invested
     4     in accordance with the limits on investment of the local
     5     transportation organization or transportation company.
     6     Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, any
     7     interest earned shall be used for capital projects and asset
     8     maintenance costs during any period as determined by the
     9     local transportation organization or transportation company.
    10         (2)  All moneys distributed pursuant to [section 1310]
    11     sections 1310, 1310.1 and 1310.2 and utilized for asset
    12     maintenance under subsection (e) shall be matched by local or
    13     private funding in an amount equal to at least 1/30 of the
    14     amount expended for such purposes, except that, in the case
    15     of Class 3 and 4 transit entities, no matching funds shall be
    16     required if the department shall have received from the local
    17     governmental funding source which would otherwise provide the
    18     matching funds a certification that compliance with the
    19     matching requirement would create an undue financial burden
    20     upon the local governmental funding source such that a
    21     curtailment of government services endangering public health
    22     and safety would ensue. Funds allocated to a Class 5 entity
    23     under section 1310.2 and utilized by that Class 5 transit
    24     entity for asset maintenance under section 1312 shall be
    25     matched by local or private funding in an amount equal to at
    26     least one-thirtieth of the amount expended for such purposes,
    27     except that no matching funds shall be required for funds
    28     utilized by a Class 5 transit entity for asset maintenance
    29     under section 1312 if the county in which the Class 5 transit
    30     entity is operating, provided that the county that subsidizes
    20040S1162B1699                 - 76 -     

     1     the service, or the nongovernmental entity that provides the
     2     largest amount of funds to the Class 5 transit entity and the
     3     board of the Class 5 transit entity provide a certification
     4     that compliance with the matching requirement would create an
     5     undue financial burden such that essential services of the
     6     county or nongovernmental entity would be curtailed.
     7         [(3)  All moneys distributed pursuant to section 1310.1
     8     and utilized under this section shall be matched by local or
     9     private funding in an amount equal to at least 1/30 of the
    10     amount expended for such purposes, except that, in the case
    11     of Class 3 and 4 transit entities, no funds utilized for
    12     asset maintenance under subsection (e) shall require a local
    13     match if the department shall have received from the local
    14     governmental funding source which would otherwise provide the
    15     matching funds a certification that compliance with the
    16     matching requirement would create an undue financial burden
    17     upon the local governmental funding source such that a
    18     curtailment of government services endangering public health
    19     and safety would ensue.]
    20     (e)  Asset maintenance.--
    21         * * *
    22         (3)  On or before March 1 of each year, the department
    23     shall certify to each local transportation organization or
    24     transportation company the amount of capital project, asset
    25     maintenance, base supplemental assistance and other program
    26     funds which the department estimates each local
    27     transportation organization or transportation company will be
    28     entitled to receive during the ensuing fiscal year. Each
    29     local transportation organization or transportation company
    30     may expend moneys distributed pursuant to sections 1310 and
    20040S1162B1699                 - 77 -     

     1     1310.1 shares to fund asset maintenance costs up to the
     2     following maximum percentages of the estimate from the
     3     department, including accrued interest, the amount received
     4     during the prior fiscal year or the amount actually received
     5     in the current fiscal year, whichever is greater:
     6             (i)  Class 1 transit entities may utilize for asset
     7         maintenance costs up to a maximum of 30% of the funds
     8         received pursuant to sections 1310 and 1310.1 shares.
     9             (ii)  Class 2 [and 3] transit entities may utilize
    10         for asset maintenance costs up to a maximum of 50% of the
    11         funds received pursuant to sections 1310 [and 1310.1],
    12         1310.1 and 1310.2.
    13             [(iv)  Class 4 transit entities may utilize for asset
    14         maintenance costs up to a maximum of 50% of the funds
    15         received pursuant to sections 1310 and 1310.1.]
    16     * * *
    17     Section 6.  Sections 1312 and 1315 of Title 74 are amended by
    18  adding subsections to read:
    19  § 1312.  Community transportation programs.
    20     * * *
    21     (d)  Class 5 transit entities.--A Class 5 transit entity may
    22  use all of its section 1310.2 funds for capital purposes, or at
    23  its option a limited eligibility Class 5 transit entity may use
    24  up to 50% of funds received pursuant to section 1310.2 (relating
    25  to service stabilization and state of good repair program) for
    26  asset maintenance purposes. In any year in which a limited
    27  eligibility Class 5 transit entity incurs a loss of passenger
    28  revenue and/or subsidy provided on the basis of number of
    29  passengers carried as a result of severe weather conditions or
    30  another extreme emergency, as determined by the department, that
    20040S1162B1699                 - 78 -     

     1  system may apply a sufficient portion of the funds it receives
     2  pursuant to section 1310.2 and which are eligible for use for
     3  asset maintenance purposes to cover the additional and/or
     4  unsubsidized expenses that it incurred as a result of such
     5  emergency. A Class 5 transit entity shall certify to the
     6  department each year, as part of its application, that the
     7  section 1310.2 funds made available to that Class 5 transit
     8  entity shall not be used to replace previously available funding
     9  provided by another source, including, but not limited to, the
    10  Medical Assistance Transportation Program.
    11  § 1315.  Public transportation grants management accountability.
    12     * * *
    13     (g)  Procurement.--A transit entity that receives funding
    14  under this chapter may participate in, sponsor, conduct or
    15  administer a cooperative purchasing agreement for the
    16  procurement of supplies, services, equipment or construction
    17  with one or more transit entity or other public procurement unit
    18  or with a mass transit entity or external procurement unit not
    19  located in this Commonwealth consistent with the provisions of
    20  62 Pa.C.S. Ch. 19 (relating to intergovernmental relations).
    21  Where Federal funds provide a portion of the funds to implement
    22  such a purchase, a transit entity must also comply with any
    23  Federal procurement requirements that exceed those contained in
    24  62 Pa.C.S Ch. 19.
    25     Section 7.  Section 1724(b) of Title 74 is repealed.
    26     Section 8.  Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
    27  § 3315.  Passing and overtaking streetcars.
    28     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision in
    29  this subchapter, the driver of a vehicle may not overtake and
    30  pass to the left of a streetcar proceeding in the same
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     1  direction, whether the streetcar is actually in motion or
     2  temporarily halted to receive or discharge passengers, if
     3  overtaking or passing requires driving in a lane normally used
     4  by traffic moving in the opposite direction.
     5     (b)  Prohibition.--The driver of a vehicle may not overtake
     6  and pass a streetcar which has stopped to receive or discharge
     7  passengers on the side on which the passengers board or alight
     8  until the doors of the streetcar are closed and passengers who
     9  are discharged have reached the side of the highway onto which
    10  they are discharged.
    11     (c)  Exceptions.--This section will not apply to those
    12  locations where streetcars are operating on tracks which are
    13  located within a median section of the roadway, when that median
    14  section is separated from the roadway by curbs or physical
    15  barriers.
    16     Section 9.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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