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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1436



No. 1164 Session of 1989

           PECORA, MELLOW AND LOEPER, JULY 7, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164, No.45), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the prevention and reduction of premature
     3     death and disability in this Commonwealth; providing for
     4     assistance, coordination and support of the development and
     5     maintenance of a comprehensive emergency medical services
     6     system and for qualifications, eligibility and certification
     7     of emergency medical services personnel and licensing
     8     ambulance services; imposing powers and duties on the
     9     Department of Health; and making repeals," providing for the
    10     prevention of infectious diseases.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 12 of the act of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164,
    14  No.45), known as the Emergency Medical Services Act, is amended
    15  by adding a subsection to read:
    16  Section 12.  Minimum standards for ambulance service.
    17     * * *
    18     (u)  Prevention of transmission of infectious diseases.--
    19  Appropriate protective equipment shall be made available
    20  routinely for use by all emergency medical personnel who may be

     1  exposed to blood and other body fluids. The secretary shall
     2  establish procedures to be followed when emergency medical
     3  personnel are exposed to blood or body fluids when fluid contact
     4  has been made with the worker's eyes, mouth or broken skin due
     5  to a cut, puncture wound or rash. The following guidelines are
     6  intended to assist emergency medical personnel in making
     7  decisions concerning use of personal protective equipment and
     8  resuscitation equipment, as well as for decontamination,
     9  disinfection and disposal procedures:
    10         (1)  Disposable gloves should be a standard component of
    11     emergency response equipment, and should be donned by all
    12     personnel prior to initiating any emergency patient care
    13     tasks involving exposure to blood or other body fluids to
    14     which universal precautions apply. Extra pairs of disposable
    15     gloves should always be available. Considerations in the
    16     choice of disposable gloves should include dexterity,
    17     durability, fit, and the task being performed. There is no
    18     single type or thickness of glove appropriate for protection
    19     in all situations. For situations where large amounts of
    20     blood are likely to be encountered, it is important that
    21     gloves fit tightly at the wrist to prevent blood
    22     contamination of hands around the cuff. For multiple trauma
    23     victims, gloves should be changed between patient contacts,
    24     if the emergency situation allows. While wearing gloves,
    25     emergency medical personnel should avoid handling personal
    26     items, such as combs and pens, that could become soiled or
    27     contaminated. Gloves that have become contaminated with blood
    28     or other body fluids to which universal precautions apply
    29     should be removed as soon as possible, taking care to avoid
    30     skin contact with the exterior surface. Contaminated gloves
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     1     should be placed and transported in bags that prevent leakage
     2     and should be disposed of, or, in the case of reusable
     3     gloves, cleaned and disinfected properly.
     4         (2)  Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation masks designed to
     5     isolate emergency response personnel (i.e., double lumen
     6     systems) from contact with victims' blood and blood-
     7     contaminated saliva, respiratory secretions and vomitus
     8     should be provided to all personnel who provide or
     9     potentially provide emergency treatment. Disposable
    10     resuscitation equipment and devices should be used once and
    11     disposed of, or, if reusable, thoroughly cleaned and
    12     disinfected after each use according to the manufacturer's
    13     recommendations.
    14         (3)  Masks, eyewear and gowns should be present on all
    15     emergency vehicles that respond or potentially respond to
    16     medical emergencies or victim rescues. These protective
    17     barriers should be used in accordance with the level of
    18     exposure encountered. Minor lacerations or small amounts of
    19     blood do not merit the same extent of barrier use as required
    20     for exsanguinating victims or massive arterial bleeding.
    21     Management of the patient who is not bleeding, and who has no
    22     bloody body fluids present, should not routinely require use
    23     of barrier precautions. Masks and eyewear (i.e., safety
    24     glasses) should be worn together, or a faceshield should be
    25     used by all personnel prior to any situation where splashes
    26     of blood or other body fluids to which universal precautions
    27     apply are likely to occur. Gowns or aprons should be worn to
    28     protect clothing from splashes of blood. If large splashes or
    29     quantities of blood are present or anticipated, impervious
    30     gowns or aprons should be worn. An extra change of work
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     1     clothing should be available at all times. Clothing contacted
     2     by blood or body fluids should be commercially dry cleaned or
     3     machine laundered in hot water with household bleach and
     4     machine dried at high temperature.
     5         (4)  All workers should take precautions to prevent
     6     injuries caused by needles, scalpel blades and other sharp
     7     instruments or devices during procedures; when cleaning used
     8     instruments; during disposal of used needles; and when
     9     handling sharp instruments after procedures. To prevent
    10     needle-stick injuries, needles should not be recapped,
    11     purposely bent or broken by hand, removed from disposable
    12     syringes or otherwise manipulated by hand. After they are
    13     used, disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades and
    14     other sharp items should be placed in puncture-resistant
    15     containers for disposal. The puncture-resistant containers
    16     should be located as close as practical to the use area in
    17     the ambulance or, if sharps are carried to the scene of
    18     victim assistance from the ambulance, a small puncture-
    19     resistant container should be carried to the scene as well.
    20     Reusable needles should be left on the syringe body and
    21     should be placed in a puncture-resistant container for
    22     transport to the reprocessing area.
    23         (5)  Hands and other skin surfaces should be washed
    24     immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood, other
    25     body fluids to which universal precautions apply or
    26     potentially contaminated articles. Hands should always be
    27     washed after gloves are removed, even if the gloves appear to
    28     be intact. Hand washing should be completed using the
    29     appropriate facilities, such as utility or restroom sinks.
    30     Waterless antiseptic hand cleanser should be provided on
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     1     responding units to use when hand-washing facilities are not
     2     available. When hand-washing facilities are available,
     3     emergency medical personnel should wash hands with warm water
     4     and soap. When hand-washing facilities are not available,
     5     emergency medical personnel should use a waterless antiseptic
     6     hand cleanser. The manufacturer's recommendations for the
     7     product should be followed.
     8         (6)  All spills of blood and blood-contaminated fluids
     9     should be promptly cleaned up, using an Environmental
    10     Protection Agency-approved germicide or a 1:100 solution of
    11     household bleach in the following manner while wearing
    12     gloves:
    13             (i)  Visible material should first be removed with
    14         disposable towels or other appropriate means that will
    15         ensure against direct contact with blood.
    16             (ii)  If splashing is anticipated, protective eyewear
    17         should be worn, along with an impervious gown or apron
    18         which provides an effective barrier to splashes.
    19             (iii)  The area should be decontaminated with an
    20         appropriate germicide.
    21             (iv)  Hands should be washed following removal of
    22         gloves.
    23             (v)  Soiled cleaning equipment should be cleaned and
    24         decontaminated or placed in an appropriate container and
    25         disposed of according to departmental policy.
    26     Plastic bags should be available for removal of contaminated
    27     items from the site of the spill. Shoes and boots can become
    28     contaminated with blood in certain instances. Where there is
    29     massive blood contamination on floors, the use of disposable
    30     impervious shoe coverings should be considered. Protective
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     1     gloves should be worn to remove contaminated shoe coverings.
     2     The coverings and gloves should be disposed of in plastic
     3     bags. A plastic bag should be included in a crime scene kit
     4     or the car which is to be used for the disposal of
     5     contaminated items. Extra plastic bags should be stored in
     6     the emergency vehicle.
     7     Section 2.  Section 14(d) of the act, amended October 21,
     8  1988 (P.L.1055, No.121), is amended to read:
     9  Section 14.  Support of emergency medical services.
    10     * * *
    11     (d)  Purpose of fund.--All money from the Emergency Medical
    12  Services Operating Fund shall be disbursed by the department to
    13  eligible providers of emergency medical services, as determined
    14  by the department by regulation, and to regional emergency
    15  medical services councils for the initiation, expansion,
    16  maintenance and improvement of emergency medical services,
    17  including ambulance and communications equipment, infectious
    18  disease prevention equipment and immunization, and for training,
    19  education and ambulance licensure purposes. These funds shall
    20  not be used for any other purposes, nor shall these funds be
    21  utilized by the department to fund departmental or regional
    22  administration of this act.
    23     * * *
    24     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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