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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1485



No. 1202 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the Office of State Inspector General in each
     2     executive agency; providing for the powers and duties of the
     3     office; and making a repeal.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Pennsylvania
     8  Inspector General Act of 1989.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Executive agency."  The Governor and the departments,
    14  boards, commissions, authorities and other officers and agencies
    15  of the Commonwealth. The term does not include any court or
    16  other officer or agency of the unified judicial system, the
    17  General Assembly and its officers and agencies, or any
    18  independent agency.

     1     "Independent agency."  The Department of the Attorney
     2  General, the Pennsylvania Fish Commission, the Pennsylvania Game
     3  Commission, the Historical and Museum Commission, the State
     4  Civil Service Commission, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission,
     5  the Milk Marketing Board, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board,
     6  the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, the Pennsylvania
     7  Labor Relations Board, the Pennsylvania Securities Commission,
     8  the State Tax Equalization Board, the Pennsylvania Higher
     9  Education Assistance Agency, the Pennsylvania Crime Commission
    10  and the State Ethics Commission. Except for the provisions of
    11  section 204(b) and (f), and for actions pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. §
    12  5110 (relating to limited waiver of sovereign immunity), for the
    13  purposes of this act, the department of the Auditor General,
    14  including the Board of Claims, the State Treasury and the Public
    15  Utility Commission shall not be considered either executive
    16  agencies or independent agencies.
    17  Section 3.  Establishment of Office of Inspector General.
    18     There is hereby established in each executive agency the
    19  Office of State Inspector General, the purpose of which shall
    20  be:
    21         (1)  To deter, detect, prevent and eradicate fraud,
    22     waste, misconduct and abuse in the programs, operations and
    23     contracting of the executive agency.
    24         (2)  To provide leadership and coordination and recommend
    25     policies for activities in the executive agency designed to
    26     promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the
    27     executive agency.
    28         (3)  To perform the other functions and duties provided
    29     for in this act.
    30  Section 4.  Appointments.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--Each officer of State Inspector General
     2  shall be headed by a State Inspector General appointed by the
     3  Governor by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the
     4  members elected to the Senate. Each State Inspector General
     5  shall be appointed without regard to political affiliation and
     6  solely on the basis of integrity and demonstrated ability in
     7  accounting, auditing, financial analysis, law, management
     8  analysis, public administration or investigations. Each State
     9  Inspector General shall report to and be under the general
    10  supervision of the Governor. The State Inspector General shall
    11  not report to, or be subject to supervision by, any officer of
    12  the executive agency in which he is located. Neither the
    13  Governor nor any officer of an executive agency shall prevent or
    14  prohibit the State Inspector General from initiating, carrying
    15  out or completing any audit or investigation, or from issuing
    16  any subpoena during the course of any audit or investigation.
    17     (b)  Removal.--A State Inspector General may be removed from
    18  office by the Governor for cause. The Governor shall communicate
    19  the reasons for any such removal to both Houses of the General
    20  Assembly.
    21     (c)  Assistants.--Each State Inspector General may:
    22         (1)  appoint an assistant State Inspector General for
    23     Auditing who shall have the responsibility for supervising
    24     performance of auditing activities relating to programs and
    25     operations in the executive agency; and
    26         (2)  appoint an Assistant State Inspector General for
    27     Investigations who shall have the responsibility for
    28     supervising the performance of investigative activities
    29     relating to such programs and operations in the executive
    30     agency.
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     1     (d)  Compensation.--The compensation of State Inspector
     2  Generals and Assistant State Inspector Generals shall be set by
     3  the executive board.
     4  Section 5.  Duties and responsibilities.
     5     (a)  General rule.--It shall be the duty and responsibility
     6  of each State Inspector General, with respect to the particular
     7  executive agency within which his office is established:
     8         (1)  To provide policy direction for and to conduct,
     9     supervise and coordinate audits and investigations relating
    10     to the program and operations of the executive agency.
    11         (2)  To review existing and proposed legislation and
    12     regulations relating to programs and operations of the
    13     executive agency and to make recommendations in the
    14     semiannual reports required under this act concerning the
    15     impact of such legislation or regulations on the economy and
    16     efficiency in the administration of programs and operations
    17     administered or financed by the agency, or on preventing and
    18     detecting fraud and abuse in such programs and operations.
    19         (3)  To recommend policies for, and to conduct, supervise
    20     or coordinate other activities carried out or financed by the
    21     executive agency for the purpose of promoting economy and
    22     efficiency in the administration of, or preventing and
    23     detecting fraud and abuse in, its programs and operations.
    24         (4)  To recommend policies for, and to conduct,
    25     supervise, or coordinate relationships between, the executive
    26     agency and other Federal, State and local governmental
    27     agencies and nongovernmental entities with respect to the
    28     purposes of this act.
    29         (5)  To keep the head of the executive agency, the
    30     Governor and the General Assembly fully and currently
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     1     informed, by means of the reports required by this act and
     2     otherwise, concerning fraud and other serious problems,
     3     abuses and deficiencies relating to the administration of
     4     programs and operations administered or financed by the
     5     executive agency, to recommend corrective action concerning
     6     such problems, abuses and deficiencies, and to report on the
     7     progress made in implementing such corrective action.
     8     (b)  Coordination.--In carrying out the duties and
     9  responsibilities provided for under this act, each State
    10  Inspector General shall give particular regard to the activities
    11  of the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee of the General
    12  Assembly and the Office of Auditor General with a view toward
    13  avoiding duplication and ensuring effective coordination and
    14  cooperation.
    15     (c)  Reports of violations of criminal law.--In carrying out
    16  the duties and responsibilities provided for under this act,
    17  each State Inspector General shall report expeditiously to the
    18  Attorney General whenever the State Inspector General has
    19  reasonable grounds to believe there has been a violation of
    20  State criminal law.
    21  Section 6.  Semiannual reports.
    22     (a)  Requirement.--Each State Inspector General shall, not
    23  later than July 31 and January 31 of each year, prepare
    24  semiannual reports summarizing the activities of the office
    25  during the immediately preceding six-month periods ending June
    26  30 and December 31. The reports shall include, but not be
    27  limited to, the following:
    28         (1)  A description of significant problems, abuses and
    29     deficiencies relating to the administration of programs and
    30     operations of the executive agency during the reporting
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     1     period.
     2         (2)  A description of the recommendations for corrective
     3     action made by the office during the reporting period with
     4     respect to significant problems, abuses or deficiencies
     5     identified pursuant to paragraph (1).
     6         (3)  An identification of each significant recommendation
     7     described in previous semiannual reports on which corrective
     8     action has not been completed.
     9         (4)  A summary of matters referred to prosecutive
    10     authorities and the prosecutions and convictions which have
    11     resulted.
    12         (5)  A listing of each audit report completed by the
    13     office during the reporting period.
    14     (b)  Distribution.--Semiannual reports of each State
    15  Inspector General shall be furnished to the head of the
    16  executive agency involved not later than July 31 and December 31
    17  of each year and shall be transmitted by the head of the
    18  executive agency to the appropriate committees of the General
    19  Assembly within 30 days after receipt of the report, together
    20  with the report by the head of the executive agency and the
    21  Governor, if any, containing any comments deemed appropriate.
    22     (c)  Availability to public.--Upon transmittal of the report
    23  by the State Inspector General to the committees of the General
    24  Assembly, the head of the executive agency shall make copies of
    25  the report available to the public upon request.
    26     (d)  Reports to head of executive agency.--Each State
    27  Inspector General shall report immediately to the head of the
    28  executive agency involved whenever the State Inspector General
    29  becomes aware of particularly serious or flagrant problems,
    30  abuses or deficiencies relating to the administration of
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     1  programs and operations of the executive agency. The head of the
     2  executive agency shall transmit any such report to the
     3  appropriate committees of the General Assembly within seven
     4  calendar days, together with a report by the head of the
     5  executive agency containing any comments he deems appropriate.
     6     (e)  Disclosures.--Nothing in this section shall be construed
     7  to authorize the public disclosure of information which is
     8  specifically prohibited from disclosure by any other provision
     9  of law or is a part of an ongoing criminal investigation.
    10  Notwithstanding this provision, any report under this section
    11  may be disclosed to the public in the form which includes
    12  information with respect to a part of an ongoing criminal
    13  investigation if such information has been included in a public
    14  record. Nothing in this section or in any other provision of
    15  this act shall be construed to authorize or permit the
    16  withholding of information from the General Assembly, or from
    17  any committee of the General Assembly.
    18  Section 7.  Additional authority.
    19     (a)  Authorizations.--In addition to the authority otherwise
    20  provided herein, a State Inspector General, in carrying out his
    21  duties and responsibilities, is authorized:
    22         (1)  To make such investigations and audits relating to
    23     the administration of the programs and operations of an
    24     executive agency as are, in the judgment of the State
    25     Inspector General, necessary or desirable.
    26         (2)  To request such information or assistance as may be
    27     necessary for carrying out the duties and responsibilities
    28     provided by this act from any Federal, State or local
    29     government agency or unit thereof.
    30         (3)  To require and obtain immediately, by written notice
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     1     or by subpoena from officers and employees of executive
     2     agencies, all information, documents, reports, answers,
     3     records, accounts, papers and other necessary data and
     4     documentary evidence.
     5         (4)  To have direct and prompt access to the heads of
     6     executive agencies when necessary for any purpose pertaining
     7     to the performance or functions and responsibilities under
     8     this act.
     9         (5)  To select, appoint and employ such officers and
    10     employees as may be necessary for carrying out the functions,
    11     powers and duties of the office.
    12     (b)  Information and assistance.--Upon request of the State
    13  Inspector General for information or assistance, executive
    14  agencies shall immediately furnish the State Inspector General
    15  or his authorized designee such information or assistance.
    16  Whenever information or assistance requested is, in the judgment
    17  of the State Inspector General, unreasonably refused or not
    18  provided, the State Inspector General may report the
    19  circumstances to the head of the agency and the Governor for
    20  appropriate action.
    21     (c)  Officers and equipment.--Each head of an executive
    22  agency shall provide the State Inspector General within such
    23  agency with appropriate and adequate office space at central and
    24  field office locations of the executive agency, together with
    25  such equipment, office supplies, and communications facilities
    26  and services as may be necessary for the operation of such
    27  offices, and shall provide necessary maintenance services for
    28  such offices and the equipment and facilities located therein.
    29  Section 8.  Complaints by employees; reprisals.
    30     (a)  Investigation of complaints.--The State Inspector
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     1  General may receive and investigate complaints or information
     2  concerning the possible existence of any activity in an
     3  executive agency constituting a violation of law, rules, or
     4  regulations, or mismanagement, fraud, waste of funds, abuse of
     5  authority, malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance, or a
     6  substantial and specific danger to the public health and safety.
     7     (b)  Reprisals prohibited.--No person shall take or threaten
     8  to take any action against any employee as a reprisal for making
     9  a complaint or disclosing information to the State Inspector
    10  General, unless the complaint was made or the information
    11  disclosed with the knowledge that it was false or with willful
    12  disregard for its truth or falsity.
    13     (c)  Protection additional.--The protection set forth in this
    14  act for employees who report, in good faith, fraud, waste,
    15  misconduct, malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance or abuse is in
    16  addition and supplementary to those protections provided by the
    17  act of December 12, 1986 (P.L.1559, No.169), known as the
    18  Whistleblower Law.
    19  Section 9.  Transfer of functions.
    20     (a)  Specific transfers.--There shall be transferred to the
    21  Office of State Inspector General the following offices in the
    22  following executive agencies:
    23         (1)  In the Department of Aging, the office referred to
    24     as "Comptroller."
    25         (2)  In the Department of Agriculture, the office
    26     referred to as "Comptroller's Office."
    27         (3)  In the Department of Banking, the office referred to
    28     as "Comptroller."
    29         (4)  In the Department of Corrections, the office
    30     referred to as the "Investigations Division."
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     1         (5)  In the Department of Education, the offices referred
     2     to as the "Comptroller" and "Office of Audits."
     3         (6)  In the Department of Environmental Resources, the
     4     offices referred to as the "Comptroller's Office" and the
     5     "Office of Inspector General."
     6         (7)  In the Department of General Services, the offices
     7     referred to as the "Comptroller's Office" and the "Office of
     8     Inspector General."
     9         (8)  In the Department of Health, the office referred to
    10     as the "Office of the Comptroller."
    11         (9)  In the Department of Insurance, the office referred
    12     to as the "Comptroller's Office."
    13         (10)  In the Department of Labor and Industry, the
    14     offices referred to as the "Comptroller's Office" and the
    15     "Internal Audits Division."
    16         (11)  In the Board of Probation and Parole, the office
    17     referred to as the "Office of the Comptroller."
    18         (12)  In the Department of Public Welfare, the offices
    19     referred to as the "Office of Inspector General," the
    20     "Division of Audit and Review" and the "Office of the
    21     Comptroller."
    22         (13)  In the Department of Revenue, the offices referred
    23     to as the "Comptroller's Office," the "Bureau of Audits" and
    24     the "Office of Inspector General."
    25         (14)  In the Pennsylvania State Police, the office
    26     referred to as the "Office of Comptroller."
    27         (15)  In the Department of Transportation, the offices
    28     referred to as the "Comptroller's Office," the "Office of
    29     Inspector General," the "Systems and Audit Division" within
    30     the Bureau of Operations Review, and the "Auditing Division"
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     1     within the Bureau of Municipal Services.
     2         (16)  The Office of Comptroller in any other executive
     3     agency.
     4     (b)  Continuation of central support and technical
     5  services.--The Bureau of Financial Management, the Bureau of
     6  Audits, and the Bureau of Operations Review within the
     7  Governor's Office of the Budget shall continue to provide
     8  central support and technical services to the Office of State
     9  Inspector General, as well as perform any other duties required
    10  by the Governor.
    11     (c)  Transfer.--The personnel, assets, liabilities,
    12  contracts, property, records, and unexpended balances of
    13  appropriations, allocations, and other funds employed, held,
    14  used, arising from, available or to be made available, of any
    15  office or agency the functions, powers and duties of which are
    16  transferred under subsection (a) are hereby transferred to the
    17  applicable Office of State Inspector General.
    18     (d)  Civil service.--Personnel transferred pursuant to
    19  subsection (c) shall retain any civil service status assigned to
    20  said personnel. The classification and compensation of any
    21  personnel transferred shall not be reduced for one year after
    22  such transfer.
    23  Section 10.  Repeal.
    24     Section 214 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175),
    25  known as The Administrative Code of 1929, is repealed insofar as
    26  it is inconsistent with the provisions of this act.
    27  Section 11.  Effective date.
    28     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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