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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1812



No. 1206 Session of 2004

           AUGUST 11, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 24 (Education) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for the definition of "eligible
     3     annuitants" and for health insurance premium assistance.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  The definition of "eligible annuitants" in
     7  section 8102 of Title 24 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     8  Statutes is amended to read:
     9  § 8102.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
    11  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    12  meanings given to them in this section:
    13     * * *
    14     "Eligible annuitants."  All current and prospective
    15  annuitants with 24 1/2 or more eligibility points and all
    16  current and prospective disability annuitants. Beginning January
    17  1, 1995, "eligible annuitants" shall include members with 15 or

     1  more eligibility points who terminated or who terminate school
     2  service on or after attaining superannuation retirement age and
     3  who are annuitants with an effective date of retirement after
     4  superannuation age. Beginning January 1, 2005, "eligible
     5  annuitants" shall include members with 15 or more eligibility
     6  points who are annuitants with an effective date of retirement
     7  before superannuation age and who have attained 65 years of age.
     8     * * *
     9     Section 2.  Section 8509 of Title 24 is amended to read:
    10  § 8509.  Health insurance premium assistance program.
    11     (a)  Contribution rate.--[Effective July 1, 1991, the
    12  premium]
    13         (1)  Effective July 1, 1991, the premium assistance
    14     contribution rate established in section 8328(f) (relating to
    15     actuarial cost method) shall be sufficient to provide
    16     reserves in the health insurance account as of June 30, 1992,
    17     for the payment of premium assistance set forth in subsection
    18     (b) during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, for all
    19     eligible annuitants who by that date elect to be
    20     participating eligible annuitants and all additional eligible
    21     annuitants who elect to be participating eligible annuitants
    22     in the health insurance premium assistance program during the
    23     fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992. For each fiscal year
    24     beginning after July 1, 1991, the premium assistance
    25     contribution rate shall be established to provide reserves
    26     sufficient, when combined with unexpended amounts from the
    27     reserves set aside the previous fiscal year for health
    28     insurance assistance payments, to provide premium assistance
    29     payments in the subsequent fiscal year for all participating
    30     eligible annuitants. The board is authorized to expend an
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     1     amount not to exceed 2% of the health insurance account each
     2     year to pay for the direct expense of administering the
     3     health insurance premium assistance program, which
     4     expenditure may be included in the board's consideration when
     5     it establishes the premium assistance contribution rate each
     6     year.
     7         (2)  Effective January 1, 2005, the premium assistance
     8     payments for annuitants under 65 years of age shall equal 28%
     9     of the monthly premium amount charged by the health insurance
    10     carrier approved by the board. Beginning at 65 years of age,
    11     the premium assistance payments shall equal 65% of the
    12     monthly premium amount charged by the health insurance
    13     carrier approved by the board, plus 2% of the monthly premium
    14     for each year after the annuitants attain 65 years of age,
    15     but in no event shall the amount of premium assistance equal
    16     more than 100% of the monthly premium amount. In determining
    17     individual amounts of the premium assistance, the percentage
    18     shall be applied to the lowest cost plan made available to
    19     the annuitant by the health insurance carriers approved by
    20     the board, but in no event shall the amount be less than that
    21     provided during the previous plan year for annuitants 66
    22     years of age or older. Increases in premium assistance
    23     payments for annuitants over 65 years of age shall be
    24     implemented at the beginning of the health insurance
    25     carriers' contract year coincident with or next following the
    26     annuitants' dates of birth.
    27     (b)  Amount of premium assistance.--Participating eligible
    28  annuitants shall receive premium assistance payments as provided
    29  in paragraphs (1) and (2). Such payments shall be made by the
    30  board to the participating eligible annuitants for their payment
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     1  directly to their approved insurance carriers. Such payments may
     2  also be paid by the board, at the board's discretion, directly
     3  to the participating eligible annuitants' approved insurance
     4  carriers. The board shall have the right to verify the
     5  application and receipt of the payments by the participating
     6  eligible annuitants and their approved insurance carriers. The
     7  premium assistance payments are as follows:
     8         (1)  Effective July 1, 1992, $55 per month or the actual
     9     monthly premium, whichever is less.
    10         (2)  Effective January 1, 2002, $100 per month or the
    11     actual monthly premium, whichever is less.
    12     (c)  Participating eligible annuitants.--An eligible
    13  annuitant may elect to participate in the health insurance
    14  premium assistance program by filing an election to be covered
    15  by a health insurance carrier approved by the board and to
    16  participate in the health insurance premium assistance program.
    17  Participation in the health insurance premium assistance program
    18  shall begin upon the effective date of the health insurance
    19  coverage provided by a health insurance carrier approved by the
    20  board, but in no event before the effective date of retirement.
    21     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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