See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1530



No. 1208 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 22, 1988 (P.L.1915, No.193),
     2     entitled "An act authorizing and directing the Department of
     3     General Services, with the approval of the Governor and the
     4     Department of Agriculture, to convey and confirm two tracts
     5     of land located in Penn Township, Snyder County,
     6     Pennsylvania, to Randall W. Bailey and Ellen S. Bailey, his
     7     wife, and Rick L. Bailey and Kathy A. Bailey, his wife;
     8     authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     9     with the approval of the Governor, to convey a tract of land
    10     located in Logan Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania, to
    11     Joseph A. Grappone, H. Zane Helsel and Augusto N. Delerme, as
    12     tenants in common; authorizing and directing the Department
    13     of General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to
    14     convey to the Greater Wilkes-Barre Industrial Fund a tract of
    15     land situate in Plains Township, Luzerne County,
    16     Pennsylvania; and authorizing and directing the Department of
    17     General Services, with the approval of the Governor and the
    18     Secretary of Public Welfare, to convey to Nevillewood
    19     Associates, L.P., 75.346 acres of land, more or less, situate
    20     in Collier Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania," further
    21     providing for required clauses in deeds of conveyance.

    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24     Section 1.  Section 3(f) of the act of December 22, 1988
    25  (P.L.1915, No.193), entitled "An act authorizing and directing
    26  the Department of General Services, with the approval of the
    27  Governor and the Department of Agriculture, to convey and

     1  confirm two tracts of land located in Penn Township, Snyder
     2  County, Pennsylvania, to Randall W. Bailey and Ellen S. Bailey,
     3  his wife, and Rick L. Bailey and Kathy A. Bailey, his wife;
     4  authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     5  with the approval of the Governor, to convey a tract of land
     6  located in Logan Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania, to Joseph
     7  A. Grappone, H. Zane Helsel and Augusto N. Delerme, as tenants
     8  in common; authorizing and directing the Department of General
     9  Services, with the approval of the Governor, to convey to the
    10  Greater Wilkes-Barre Industrial Fund a tract of land situate in
    11  Plains Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania; and authorizing
    12  and directing the Department of General Services, with the
    13  approval of the Governor and the Secretary of Public Welfare, to
    14  convey to Nevillewood Associates, L.P., 75.346 acres of land,
    15  more or less, situate in Collier Township, Allegheny County,
    16  Pennsylvania," amended November 21, 1990 (P.L.544, No.135), is
    17  amended to read:
    18     Section 3.  * * *
    19     (f)  The deed or deeds of conveyance shall contain the
    20  following clauses:
    21         (1)  That coal and other minerals are excepted and
    22     reserved as the same are excepted and reserved in the prior
    23     chain of title.
    24         (2)  A covenant running with the land providing that,
    25     except as provided in paragraph (3), the property conveyed
    26     shall be used only for light industrial, research and
    27     development, health-related, office and governmental
    28     purposes, enforceable by action of the Commonwealth.
    29         (3)  Hotels and restaurants shall be permitted on 12.75
    30     acres of land known as Lot 2; located at the intersection of
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     1     PA Route 115 and East Mountain Boulevard; and having the
     2     following legal description:
     3     All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate in
     4  the Township of Plains, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded
     5  and described as follows, to wit:
     6     Beginning at a point on the westerly right-of-way line of
     7  East Mountain Boulevard (80 feet wide), said point being at the
     8  intersection of the northerly right-of-way of State Route 115 as
     9  shown on the Final Subdivision Map RL-2 entitled "East Mountain
    10  Business Park-Phase II" as prepared by Borton-Lawson Engineering
    11  dated August 17, 1993 and recorded in Luzerne County Map Book
    12  75, Page 7 through 11.
    13     Thence along State Route 115, the following courses and
    14  distances:
    15         (1)  North 64 degrees 44 minutes 29 seconds West, 141.89
    16     feet to a point;
    17         (2)  Thence North 85 degrees 19 minutes 26 seconds West,
    18     112.38 feet to a point;
    19         (3)  By a curve to the left in a westerly direction, said
    20     curve having an arc length of 116.29 feet, a radius of
    21     1566.52 feet and a chord bearing North 71 degrees 14 minutes
    22     54 seconds West, for a distance of 116.26 feet to a point in
    23     the lands now or formerly of Joseph & Elsie Burry.
    24     Thence along said lands North 29 degrees 00 minutes 00
    25  seconds East, 396.17 feet to a point;
    26     Thence continuing along said lands and lands now or formerly
    27  of Pavland Helen Monka, North 61 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds
    28  West, 577.20 feet to a point in lands now or formerly of Spring
    29  Brook Water Supply Company;
    30     Thence along said lands North 4 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds
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     1  East, 3997 feet to a point;
     2     Thence continuing along the same North 29 degrees 00 minutes
     3  00 seconds East, 138.09 feet to a point in the southwesterly
     4  right-of-way line of East Mountain Boulevard;
     5     Thence along East Mountain Boulevard, the following 3 courses
     6  and distances;
     7         (1)  South 88 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds East, 300.69
     8     feet to a point;
     9         (2)  By a curve to the right in a southeasterly
    10     direction, said curve having an arc length of 1319.00 feet,
    11     radius of 614.81 feet and a chord bearing of South 27 degrees
    12     25 minutes 25 seconds East, for a distance of 1080.21 feet to
    13     a point;
    14         (3)  South 43 degrees 43 minutes 57 seconds West, 118.29
    15     feet to the point of beginning.
    16     Containing 12.75 acres of land, more or less.
    17     Being all of Lot No. 2 on the aforementioned map.
    18     Being also a part of the same premises conveyed to the
    19  Greater Wilkes-Barre Industrial Fund, Inc., recorded in Luzerne
    20  County Deed Book 2431 on Page 1162.
    21     Subject to the following restrictions:
    22         (1)  There exists a fifty (50) foot wide wetland buffer
    23     zone as shown approximately on the attached survey plat. This
    24     buffer zone is based on a delineation completed during the
    25     design of East Mountain Business Park - Phase II. No
    26     development will be allowed within the referenced wetland
    27     buffer zone without authorization from Federal and State
    28     regulatory agencies. The owner of the parcel shall be
    29     responsible for the preservation of the wetland and wetland
    30     buffer zones. The owner shall also be responsible to have all
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     1     wetlands accurately delineated prior to development in order
     2     to establish the current wetland buffer zone required.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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