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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1532



No. 1210 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," reducing the rates of corporate net income tax
    11     and capital stock and franchise tax and eliminating
    12     manufacturing, processing, research and development
    13     exemption.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 402 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    17  No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, amended June 30,
    18  1995 (P.L.139, No.21), is amended to read:
    19     Section 402.  Imposition of Tax.--Every corporation shall be
    20  subject to, and shall pay for the privilege of (i) doing
    21  business in this Commonwealth; or (ii) carrying on activities in
    22  this Commonwealth; (iii) having capital or property employed or
    23  used in this Commonwealth; or (iv) owning property in this

     1  Commonwealth, by or in the name of itself, or any person,
     2  partnership, association, limited partnership, joint-stock
     3  association, or corporation, a State excise tax at the rate of
     4  twelve per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income of
     5  such corporation received by, and accruing to, such corporation
     6  during the calendar year 1971 and the first six months of 1972
     7  and at the rate of eleven per cent per annum upon each dollar of
     8  taxable income of such corporation received by, and accruing to,
     9  such corporation during the second six months of calendar year
    10  1972 through the calendar year 1973 and at the rate of nine and
    11  one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income
    12  of such corporation received by, and accruing to, such
    13  corporation during the calendar years 1974, 1975 and 1976 and at
    14  the rate of ten and one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar
    15  of taxable income of such corporation received by, and accruing
    16  to, such corporation during the calendar year 1977 through the
    17  calendar year 1984 and at the rate of nine and one-half per cent
    18  per annum upon each dollar of taxable income of such corporation
    19  received by and accruing to such corporation during the calendar
    20  year 1985 through calendar year 1986 and at the rate of eight
    21  and one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable
    22  income of such corporation received by and accruing to such
    23  corporation during the calendar year 1987 through the calendar
    24  year 1990 and at the rate of ten and one-half per cent per annum
    25  upon each dollar of taxable income of such corporation received
    26  by and accruing to such corporation during calendar year 1991
    27  through the calendar year 1994 and at the rate of nine and
    28  ninety-nine hundredths per cent per annum upon each dollar of
    29  taxable income of such corporation received by and accruing to
    30  such corporation during the calendar year 1995 through calendar
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     1  year 1998 and at the rate of seven and ninety-nine hundredths
     2  per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income of such
     3  corporation received by and accruing to such corporation during
     4  the calendar year 1999 and during each calendar year thereafter,
     5  with an additional surtax equal to one and seventy-five
     6  hundredths per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income
     7  of such corporation received by and accruing to such corporation
     8  during calendar year 1991 and through calendar year 1993 and
     9  with an additional surtax equal to one and forty-nine hundredths
    10  per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income of such
    11  corporation received by and accruing to such corporation during
    12  calendar year 1994 and with no surtax during calendar year 1995
    13  and each calendar year thereafter, except where a corporation
    14  reports to the Federal Government on the basis of a fiscal year,
    15  and has certified such fact to the department as required by
    16  section 403 of this article, in which case, such tax, at the
    17  rate of twelve per cent, shall be levied, collected, and paid
    18  upon all taxable income received by, and accruing to, such
    19  corporation during the first six months of the fiscal year
    20  commencing in the calendar year 1972 and at the rate of eleven
    21  per cent, shall be levied, collected, and paid upon all taxable
    22  income received by, and accruing to, such corporation during the
    23  second six months of the fiscal year commencing in the calendar
    24  year 1972 and during the fiscal year commencing in the calendar
    25  year 1973 and at the rate of nine and one-half per cent, shall
    26  be levied, collected, and paid upon all taxable income received
    27  by, and accruing to, such corporation during the fiscal year
    28  commencing in the calendar years 1974, 1975 and 1976 and at the
    29  rate of ten and one-half per cent, shall be levied, collected,
    30  and paid upon all taxable income received by, and accruing to,
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     1  such corporation during the fiscal year commencing in the
     2  calendar year 1977 through the fiscal year commencing in 1984
     3  and at the rate of nine and one-half per cent, shall be levied,
     4  collected, and paid upon all taxable income received by and
     5  accruing to such corporation during the fiscal year commencing
     6  in 1985 through the fiscal year commencing in 1986 and at the
     7  rate of eight and one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar
     8  of taxable income of such corporation received by and accruing
     9  to such corporation during the fiscal year commencing in 1987
    10  through the fiscal year commencing in 1990 and at the rate of
    11  ten and one-half per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable
    12  income of such corporation received by and accruing to such
    13  corporation during the fiscal year commencing in 1991 through
    14  the fiscal year commencing in 1994 and at the rate of nine and
    15  ninety-nine hundredths per cent per annum upon each dollar of
    16  taxable income of such corporation received by and accruing to
    17  such corporation during the fiscal year commencing in 1995
    18  through the fiscal year commencing in 1998 and at the rate of
    19  seven and ninety-nine hundredths per cent per annum upon each
    20  dollar of taxable income of such corporation received by and
    21  accruing to such corporation during the fiscal year commencing
    22  in 1999 and during each fiscal year thereafter, with an
    23  additional surtax equal to one and seventy-five hundredths per
    24  cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income of such
    25  corporation received by and accruing to such corporation during
    26  the fiscal year commencing in 1991 and through fiscal year 1993
    27  and with an additional surtax equal to one and forty-nine
    28  hundredths per cent per annum upon each dollar of taxable income
    29  of such corporation received by and accruing to such corporation
    30  during fiscal year 1994 and with no surtax during the fiscal
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     1  year commencing in 1995 and each fiscal year thereafter. No
     2  penalty prescribed by subsection (e) of section 3003 shall be
     3  assessed against a corporation for the additional tax which may
     4  be due as a result of the increase in tax rate from nine and
     5  one-half per cent to ten and one-half per cent imposed
     6  retroactively by this section for the calendar year 1977 or for
     7  the fiscal year commencing in 1977.
     8     Section 2.  The definitions of "processing" and "research and
     9  development" in section 601 of the act are repealed.
    10     Section 3.  Section 602(a), (b) and (h) of the act, amended
    11  May 12, 1999 (P.L.26, No.4), are amended to read:
    12     Section 602.  Imposition of Tax.--(a)  That every domestic
    13  entity from which a report is required under section 601 hereof,
    14  shall be subject to, and pay to the department annually, a tax
    15  which is the greater of (i) the amount computed by multiplying
    16  each dollar of the capital stock value as defined in section
    17  601(a) by the appropriate rate of tax as set forth in subsection
    18  (h); or (ii) the minimum tax set forth in subsection (i), except
    19  that any domestic entity or company subject to the tax
    20  prescribed herein may elect to compute and pay its tax under and
    21  in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of this
    22  section 602: Provided, That, [except for the imposition of the
    23  minimum tax set forth in subsection (i), the provisions of this
    24  section shall not apply to the taxation of the capital stock of
    25  entities organized for manufacturing, processing, research or
    26  development purposes, which is invested in and actually and
    27  exclusively employed in carrying on manufacturing, processing,
    28  research or development within the State, except such entities
    29  as enjoy and exercise the right of eminent domain, but every
    30  entity organized for the purpose of manufacturing, processing,
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     1  research or development except such entities as enjoy and
     2  exercise the right of eminent domain shall pay the State tax of
     3  the greater of (i) the amount computed by multiplying each
     4  dollar of the capital stock value as defined in section 601(a)
     5  by the appropriate rate of tax as set forth in subsection (h);
     6  or (ii) the minimum tax set forth in subsection (i), upon such
     7  proportion of its capital stock, if any, as may be invested in
     8  any property or business not strictly incident or appurtenant to
     9  the manufacturing, processing, research or development business,
    10  in addition to the local taxes assessed upon its property in the
    11  district where located, it being the object of this provision to
    12  relieve from State taxation, except for imposition of the
    13  minimum tax set forth in subsection (i), only so much of the
    14  capital stock as is invested purely in the manufacturing,
    15  processing, research or development plant and business: and
    16  Provided further, That,] except for the imposition of the
    17  minimum tax set forth in subsection (i), the provisions of this
    18  section shall not apply to the taxation of so much of the
    19  capital stock value attributable to student loan assets owned or
    20  held by an entity created for the securitization of student
    21  loans or by a trustee on its behalf.
    22     (b)  [(1)]  Every foreign entity from which a report is
    23  required under section 601 hereof, shall be subject to and pay
    24  to the department annually, a franchise tax which is the greater
    25  of (i) the amount computed by multiplying each dollar of the
    26  capital stock value as defined in section 601(a) by the
    27  appropriate rate of tax as set forth in subsection (h); or (ii)
    28  the minimum tax set forth in subsection (i), upon a taxable
    29  value to be determined in the following manner. The capital
    30  stock value shall be ascertained in the manner prescribed in
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     1  section 601(a) of this article. The taxable value shall then be
     2  determined by employing the relevant apportionment factors set
     3  forth in Article IV: Provided, [That the manufacturing,
     4  processing, research and development exemptions contained under
     5  section 602(a) shall also apply to foreign corporations and in
     6  determining the relevant apportionment factors the numerator of
     7  the property, payroll, or sales factors shall not include any
     8  property, payroll or sales attributable to manufacturing,
     9  processing, research or development activities in the
    10  Commonwealth: and Provided further,] That, except for the
    11  imposition of the minimum tax set forth in subsection (i), the
    12  provisions of this section shall not apply to the taxation of so
    13  much of the capital stock value attributable to student loan
    14  assets owned or held by an entity created for the securitization
    15  of student loans or by a trustee on its behalf. Any foreign
    16  corporation, joint-stock association, limited partnership or
    17  company subject to the tax prescribed herein may elect to
    18  compute and pay its tax under section 602(a): Provided, That any
    19  foreign corporation, joint-stock association, limited
    20  partnership or company electing to compute and pay its tax under
    21  section 602(a) shall be treated as if it were a domestic
    22  corporation for the purpose of determining which of its assets
    23  are exempt from taxation and for the purpose of determining the
    24  proportion of the value of its capital stock which is subject to
    25  taxation.
    26     [(2)  The provisions of this article shall apply to the
    27  taxation of entities organized for manufacturing, processing,
    28  research or development purposes, but shall not apply to such
    29  entities as enjoy and exercise the right of eminent domain.]
    30     * * *
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     1     (h)  The rate of tax for purposes of the capital stock and
     2  franchise tax for taxable years beginning within the dates set
     3  forth shall be as follows:
     4       Taxable Year         Regular Rate  Surtax    Total Rate
     5    January 1, 1971, to
     6         December 31, 1986    10 mills    0           10 mills
     7    January 1, 1987, to
     8         December 31, 1987    9 mills     0           9 mills
     9    January 1, 1988, to
    10         December 31, 1990    9.5 mills   0           9.5 mills
    11    January 1, 1991, to
    12         December 31, 1991    11 mills    2 mills     13 mills
    13    January 1, 1992, to
    14         December 31, 1997    11 mills    1.75 mills  12.75 mills
    15    January 1, 1998,
    16         to December 31, 1998 11 mills     .99 mills  11.99 mills
    17    January 1, 1999, and each
    18         [year thereafter     10.99 mills 0           10.99 mills]
    19         year thereafter      8.49 mills  0           8.49 mills
    20     * * *
    21     Section 4.  This act shall apply to the tax years beginning
    22  after December 31, 1998.
    23     Section 5.  This act shall be retroactive to January 1, 1999.
    24     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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