See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1557



No. 1225 Session of 1997

           DECEMBER 10, 1997

           DECEMBER 10, 1997

                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating tanning facilities; providing for the registration of
     2     persons operating tanning facilities and providing tanning
     3     equipment services; requiring that certain warnings be given
     4     and safeguards be taken; providing for powers and duties of
     5     the Department of Health; providing a penalty; and making a
     6     repeal.

     7                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10  Section 3.  Exclusions.
    11  Section 4.  Application for registration.
    12  Section 5.  Certificate of registration.
    13  Section 6.  Denial, suspension or revocation of
    14                 registration.
    15  Section 7.  Warning signs required.
    16  Section 8.  Equipment and construction requirements.
    17  Section 9.  Protective eyeware required.
    18  Section 10.  Reports and operating requirements.
    19  Section 11.  Application for registration of

     1                 servicing or services.
     2  Section 12.  Reports of tanning equipment service
     3                 providers.
     4  Section 13.  Rules and regulations.
     5  Section 14.  Penalty.
     6  Section 15.  Repeal.
     7  Section 16.  Effective date.
     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Tanning
    12  Facility Registration Act.
    13  Section 2.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Consumer."  An individual who is provided access to a
    18  tanning facility which is required to be registered under this
    19  act.
    20     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    21     "Operator."  An individual designated by a registrant to
    22  operate or to assist and instruct a consumer in the operation
    23  and use of the tanning facility or tanning equipment. The term
    24  includes, but is not limited to, an individual who conducts one
    25  or more of the following activities:
    26         (1)  Determining a consumer's skin type.
    27         (2)  Determining the suitability of prospective consumers
    28     for tanning equipment use.
    29         (3)  Informing a consumer of dangers of ultraviolet
    30     radiation exposure, including photoallergic reactions and
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     1     photosensitizing agents.
     2         (4)  Assuring that a consumer reads and properly signs
     3     all required forms.
     4         (5)  Maintaining required consumer exposure records.
     5         (6)  Recognizing and reporting consumer injuries or
     6     alleged injuries to the registrant.
     7         (7)  Determining a consumer's exposure schedule.
     8         (8)  Setting timers which control the duration of
     9     exposure.
    10         (9)  Instructing the consumer in the proper use of
    11     protective eyewear.
    12     "Person."  An individual, corporation, partnership, firm,
    13  association, trust or estate and any legal successor,
    14  representative, agent or agency of these entities.
    15     "Registrant."  A person who is registered with the Department
    16  of Health as required by this act.
    17     "Registration."  Registration with the Department of Health
    18  under this act.
    19     "Tanning components."  A constituent tanning equipment part,
    20  including ballasts, starters, lamps, reflectors, acrylic
    21  shields, timers and airflow cooling systems.
    22     "Tanning equipment."  Ultraviolet or other lamps and
    23  equipment containing lamps intended to induce skin tanning
    24  through the irradiation of any part of the living human body
    25  with ultraviolet radiation. The term includes beds, booths,
    26  facials and wands.
    27     "Tanning equipment services."  The term includes the
    28  following:
    29         (1)  Installation, sales and servicing of tanning
    30     equipment and associated tanning components.
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     1         (2)  Calibration of equipment used in surveys to measure
     2     radiation and timer accuracy.
     3         (3)  Tanning health physics consulting, such as radiation
     4     output measurements, design of safety programs, training
     5     seminars for tanning operators and service personnel.
     6     "Tanning facility."  A location, place, area, structure or
     7  business which provides consumers access to tanning equipment.
     8  Tanning equipment registered to different persons at the same
     9  location and tanning equipment registered to the same person,
    10  but at separate locations, shall constitute separate tanning
    11  facilities.
    12     "Ultraviolet radiation."  Electromagnetic radiation with
    13  wavelengths in air between 200 nanometers and 400 nanometers.
    14  Section 3.  Exclusions.
    15     This act shall not apply to any of the following:
    16         (1)  The use of equipment which emits ultraviolet
    17     radiation incidental to its proper operation, but which is
    18     not used to deliberately expose parts of the living human
    19     body to ultraviolet radiation for the purpose of skin
    20     tanning.
    21         (2)  Tanning equipment owned exclusively for personal
    22     use.
    23         (3)  Tanning equipment while in transit or in storage
    24     incidental to transit.
    25         (4)  A phototherapy device used by or under the direct
    26     supervision of a licensed physician who is trained in the use
    27     of phototherapy devices.
    28  Section 4.  Application for registration.
    29     (a)  Existing facilities.--A person having a tanning facility
    30  on the effective date of this act shall apply for registration
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     1  of the facility no later than 60 days following the effective
     2  date of this act.
     3     (b)  New facilities.--A person acquiring or establishing a
     4  tanning facility after the effective date of this act shall
     5  apply to the department for registration of the facility prior
     6  to beginning operation.
     7     (c)  Application.--Application for registration shall be
     8  completed on forms provided by the department. The department
     9  shall require at least the following information on the forms
    10  provided for applying for registration of tanning facilities:
    11         (1)  The name, physical address, mail address and
    12     telephone number of the tanning facility.
    13         (2)  The name, mail address and telephone number of the
    14     owner of the tanning facility.
    15         (3)  The name of the training facility operator with a
    16     certification of each operator's training as provided in
    17     section 10.
    18         (4)  The manufacturer, model number and type of
    19     ultraviolet lamp or tanning equipment located at the tanning
    20     facility.
    21         (5)  The name of the tanning equipment supplier,
    22     installer and service agent.
    23         (6)  The geographic areas of this Commonwealth to be
    24     covered, if the application is for a mobile tanning facility.
    25         (7)  Copies of any posted warnings or notices which are
    26     not required by this act and which address the safety and
    27     proper use of tanning equipment and protective devices.
    28         (8)  Copies of the consent forms and statements which the
    29     consumer, parent or guardian will be required to sign under
    30     section 10.
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     1         (9)  Procedures which the operator will be required to
     2     follow for the correct use of tanning equipment, including
     3     the following:
     4             (i)  Instructions to the consumer.
     5             (ii)  Use of protective eyewear.
     6             (iii)  Suitability of prospective consumers for
     7         tanning equipment use.
     8             (iv)  Determination of duration of tanning exposures.
     9             (v)  Periodic testing of tanning equipment and
    10         timers.
    11             (vi)  Handling of complaints of injury from
    12         consumers.
    13             (vii)  Records to be maintained on each consumer.
    14         (10)  Certification that the applicant has read and
    15     understands the requirements of this act. The certification
    16     shall be signed and dated by the manager and the owner of the
    17     tanning facility.
    18         (11)  Certification that the person operating the tanning
    19     facility will not allow any individual under 18 years of age
    20     to be the operator of tanning equipment.
    21         (12)  Certification that the person operating the tanning
    22     facility or tanning equipment meets one of the following
    23     requirements:
    24             (i)  Has earned a high school diploma.
    25             (ii)  Has earned a high school equivalency
    26         certificate.
    27             (iii)  Is able to demonstrate basic literacy skills.
    28  Section 5.  Certificate of registration.
    29     (a)  Issuance.--Upon determination that an application meets
    30  the requirements of this act, the department shall issue a
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     1  certificate of registration. The department may incorporate in
     2  the certificate of registration, at the time of issuance or
     3  thereafter by appropriate order, such additional requirements
     4  and conditions with respect to the registrant's receipt,
     5  possession, use and transfer of tanning equipment and tanning
     6  facilities as the department deems appropriate or necessary.
     7     (b)  Expiration.--Except as provided in subsection (c), each
     8  certificate of registration shall expire at midnight on the
     9  expiration date stated in the certificate.
    10     (c)  Renewal.--A registrant shall file an application for
    11  renewal of a certificate of registration in accordance with
    12  section 4. If a registrant files with the department an
    13  application for renewal in proper form not less than 30 days
    14  prior to the expiration date stated on the certificate of
    15  registration, the certificate of registration shall not expire
    16  pending final action on the application by the department.
    17     (d)  Report of changes.--A registrant shall notify the
    18  department in writing before making any change which would
    19  render the information contained in the application for
    20  registration or the certificate of registration inaccurate.
    21     (e)  Transfer of certificate of registration.--A certificate
    22  of registration may not be transferred from one person to
    23  another person or from one tanning facility to another tanning
    24  facility.
    25     (f)  Approval not implied.--A person shall not refer in an
    26  advertisement to the fact that the person or person's facility
    27  is registered with the department under this act, and a person
    28  shall not state or imply that any activity under a registration
    29  has been approved by the department.
    30  Section 6.  Denial, suspension or revocation of registration.
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     1     (a)  Grounds.--The department may deny, suspend or revoke a
     2  certificate of registration applied for or issued for any of the
     3  following reasons:
     4         (1)  For a material false statement in the application
     5     for registration or in any statement of fact required by this
     6     act.
     7         (2)  Because of conditions revealed by the application or
     8     report, record, inspection or other means which would warrant
     9     the department to refuse to grant a certificate of
    10     registration on an original application.
    11         (3)  For operation of the tanning facility in a manner
    12     that causes or threatens to cause hazard to the public health
    13     or safety.
    14         (4)  For failure to allow authorized representatives of
    15     the department to enter the tanning facility at reasonable
    16     times for the purpose of determining compliance with the
    17     provisions of this act, conditions of the certificate of
    18     registration or an order of the department.
    19         (5)  For violation of or failure to observe any of the
    20     terms and conditions of the certificate of registration, the
    21     provisions of this act or an order of the department.
    22     (b)  Notice of noncompliance.--Except in cases of
    23  willfullness or those in which the public health, interest or
    24  safety requires otherwise, prior to the institution of
    25  proceedings for suspension or revocation of a certificate of
    26  registration, the department shall:
    27         (1)  Call to the attention of the registrant in writing
    28     the facts or conduct which may warrant actions by the
    29     department.
    30         (2)  Provide reasonable opportunity for the registrant to
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     1     demonstrate or achieve compliance with all lawful
     2     requirements.
     3     (c)  Procedure.--A person aggrieved by a decision by the
     4  department to deny a certificate of registration or to suspend
     5  or revoke a certificate of registration after issuance may
     6  request a hearing under 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5. Subch. A (relating to
     7  practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
     8     (d)  Termination upon request.--The department may terminate
     9  a certificate of registration upon receipt of a written request
    10  for termination from the registrant.
    11  Section 7.  Warning signs required.
    12     (a)  Posting.--The registrant shall post the warning sign
    13  described in subsection (b) within one meter of each tanning
    14  station and in such a manner that the sign is clearly visible,
    15  not obstructed by any barrier, equipment or other object, and
    16  can be easily viewed by the consumer before the tanning
    17  equipment is energized.
    18     (b)  Contents.--The warning sign shall use upper and lower
    19  case letters which are at least ten millimeters and five
    20  millimeters in height, respectively, and shall have the
    21  following wording:
    22                   DANGER - ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION
    23         Follow instructions.
    24         Avoid overexposure. As with natural sunlight,
    25         overexposure can cause eye and skin injury and allergic
    26         reactions. Repeated exposure may cause premature aging of
    27         the skin and skin cancer.
    28         Wear protective eyewear.
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     1         Medications or cosmetics may increase your sensitivity to
     2         the ultraviolet radiation. Consult a physician before
     3         using sunlamp or tanning equipment if you are using
     4         medication or have a history of skin problems or believe
     5         yourself to be especially sensitive to sunlight.
     6         If you do not tan in the sun, you are unlikely to tan
     7         from the use of this product.
     8  Section 8.  Equipment and construction requirements.
     9     (a)  Standards.--The registrant shall use only tanning
    10  equipment manufactured in accordance with the specifications set
    11  forth in 21 CFR 1040.20 (relating to sunlamp products and
    12  ultraviolet lamps intended for use in sunlamp products). The
    13  standard of compliance shall be the standards in effect at the
    14  time of manufacture as shown on the equipment identification
    15  label required by 21 CFR 1010.3 (relating to identification).
    16     (b)  Single use.--Each assembly of tanning equipment shall be
    17  designed for use by only one consumer at a time.
    18     (c)  Timer.--Each assembly of tanning equipment shall be
    19  equipped with a timer which complies with the requirements of 21
    20  CFR 1040.20(c)(2). The maximum timer interval shall not exceed
    21  the manufacturer's maximum recommended exposure time. A timer
    22  interval shall not have an error exceeding plus or minus 10% of
    23  the maximum timer interval for the product.
    24     (d)  Lamp protection.--Tanning equipment shall include
    25  physical barriers to protect consumers from injury induced by
    26  touching or breaking the lamps.
    27     (e)  Legible labeling.--All tanning equipment labeling
    28  required under subsection (a) shall be legible and accessible to
    29  view.
    30     (f)  Additional requirements for stand-up booths.--Tanning
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     1  booths designed for stand-up use shall also comply with the
     2  following additional requirements:
     3         (1)  Booths shall have physical barriers or other means,
     4     such as handrails or floor markings, to indicate the proper
     5     exposure distance between ultraviolet lamps and the
     6     consumer's skin.
     7         (2)  Booths shall be constructed with sufficient strength
     8     and rigidity to withstand the stress of use and the impact of
     9     a falling person.
    10         (3)  Access to booths shall be of rigid construction with
    11     doors which are nonlatching and open outwardly.
    12         (4)  Booths shall be equipped with handrails and nonslip
    13     floors.
    14  Section 9.  Protective eyewear required.
    15     (a)  Use.--The registrant shall provide protective eyewear to
    16  each consumer for use during any use of tanning equipment. The
    17  protective eyewear shall meet the requirements of 21 CFR
    18  1040.20(c)(5) (relating to sunlamp products and ultraviolet
    19  lamps intended for use in sunlamp products).
    20     (b)  Monitoring use.--Tanning facility operators shall ensure
    21  that consumers wear the protective eyewear required by this
    22  section by means of postexposure observation.
    23     (c)  Sanitizing.--The registrant shall ensure that the
    24  protective eyewear is properly sanitized before each use and
    25  shall not rely upon exposure to the ultraviolet radiation
    26  produced by the tanning equipment itself to provide sanitizing.
    27  Section 10.  Reports and operating requirements.
    28     (a)  Acknowledgment of warning.--Prior to initial exposure,
    29  the tanning facility operator shall provide each consumer the
    30  opportunity to read a copy of the warning specified in section 7
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     1  and request that the consumer sign a statement that the
     2  information has been read and understood. For illiterate persons
     3  or visually impaired persons unable to sign their name, the
     4  warning statement shall be read by the operator, in the presence
     5  of a witness, and the witness and the operator shall sign the
     6  statement.
     7     (b)  Record of visits.--The registrant shall maintain a
     8  record of each consumer's total number of tanning visits,
     9  including dates and durations of tanning exposures.
    10     (c)  Report of injury.--The registrant shall submit to the
    11  department a written report of injury for which medical
    12  attention was sought or obtained from the use of registered
    13  tanning equipment within five working days after occurrence. The
    14  report shall include:
    15         (1)  The name of the affected individual.
    16         (2)  The name and location of the tanning facility
    17     involved.
    18         (3)  The nature of the actual or alleged injury.
    19         (4)  Any other information relevant to the actual or
    20     alleged injury, including the date and duration of exposure
    21     and any documentation of medical attention sought or
    22     obtained.
    23     (d)  Use by minors.--The registrant shall not allow
    24  individuals under 18 years of age to use tanning equipment
    25  unless the individual provides a consent form and a statement,
    26  described in subsection (a), signed by that individual's parent
    27  or legal guardian.
    28     (e)  Replacement of lamps and other parts.--
    29         (1)  The registrant shall replace defective or burned out
    30     lamps, bulbs or filters with a type intended for use in the
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     1     affected tanning equipment as specified by the manufacturer's
     2     product label and having the same spectral distribution
     3     (certified equivalent lamp).
     4         (2)  The registrant shall replace ultraviolet lamps and
     5     bulbs, which are not otherwise defective or damaged, at such
     6     frequency or after such duration of use as may be recommended
     7     by the manufacturer of the lamps and bulbs.
     8     (f)  Training.--
     9         (1)  The registrant shall certify that all tanning
    10     equipment operators are adequately trained in at least the
    11     following:
    12             (i)  The requirements of this act.
    13             (ii)  Procedures for correct operation of the tanning
    14         facility and tanning equipment.
    15             (iii)  Recognition of injury or overexposure to
    16         ultraviolet radiation.
    17             (iv)  The tanning equipment manufacturer's procedures
    18         for operation and maintenance of the tanning equipment.
    19             (v)  The determination of skin type of consumers and
    20         appropriate determination of duration of exposure to
    21         tanning equipment.
    22             (vi)  Emergency procedures to be followed in case of
    23         injury.
    24         (2)  Effective January 1, 1999, the registrant shall
    25     allow operation of tanning equipment only by persons who have
    26     successfully completed formal training courses which cover
    27     the topics in subparagraphs (i) to (vi) and have been
    28     approved by the department.
    29         (3)  The registrant shall maintain a record of operator
    30     training required for inspection by authorized
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     1     representatives of the department.
     2     (g)  Expose of minors to emissions.--A registrant shall not
     3  possess, use, operate or transfer tanning equipment or their
     4  ultraviolet radiation sources in such a manner as to cause any
     5  individual under 18 years of age to be exposed to radiation
     6  emissions from such equipment except in accordance with
     7  subsection (d).
     8  Section 11.  Application for registration of servicing or
     9                 services.
    10     (a)  Registration required.--Each person who offers tanning
    11  equipment services to any registrant shall apply for
    12  registration of the services with the department within 60 days
    13  following the effective date of this act or, thereafter, prior
    14  to furnishing or offering to furnish any of these services.
    15     (b)  Form.--The application for registration shall be
    16  completed on an approved department form.
    17     (c)  Certification.--Persons applying for registration under
    18  this section shall certify that they have read and understand
    19  the requirements of this act.
    20     (d)  Proposed servicing.--Effective August 1, 1998, a
    21  registrant shall prohibit a person from furnishing tanning
    22  equipment services to a tanning equipment or facility until the
    23  person provides evidence of registration under this section.
    24  Section 12.  Reports of tanning equipment service providers.
    25     Persons registered under section 11 who sell, lease,
    26  transfer, lend, dispose of, assemble or install tanning
    27  equipment in this Commonwealth shall, within 30 days after each
    28  calendar quarter, notify the department of the following:
    29         (1)  Any tanning equipment which was installed,
    30     transferred or disposed of during the calendar quarter.
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     1         (2)  The name and address of persons who receive tanning
     2     equipment during the calendar quarter.
     3         (3)  The manufacturer, model and serial number of tanning
     4     equipment transferred or otherwise disposed of.
     5         (4)  The date of transfer of any tanning equipment.
     6  Section 13.  Rules and regulations.
     7     The department shall promulgate rules and regulations to
     8  administer and enforce the provisions of this act. By
     9  regulation, the department shall set the amount of annual
    10  registration fees for registrants and providers of tanning
    11  equipment services. The fees shall be set so as to cover the
    12  department's costs to administer and enforce this act.
    13  Section 14.  Penalty.
    14     A violation of this act constitutes a misdemeanor of the
    15  third degree. Each day a violation continues shall be considered
    16  a separate offense.
    17  Section 15.  Repeal.
    18     Section 14.1 of the act of May 3, 1933 (P.L.242, No.86),
    19  referred to as the Cosmetology Law, is repealed insofar as it is
    20  inconsistent with this act.
    21  Section 16.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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