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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1576



No. 1231 Session of 1999

           DECEMBER 8, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 15 (Corporations and Unincorporated Associations)
     2     of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for
     3     fundamental changes of charitable nonprofit corporations; and
     4     further providing for filing and effectiveness of articles of
     5     amendment, for effect of merger or consolidation, for
     6     voluntary transfer of corporate assets, for effect of
     7     division, for effect of conversion, for judicial supervision
     8     of proceedings and for articles of involuntary dissolution.

     9     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    10         (1)  It is a basic governmental interest to encourage and
    11     promote charitable giving to nonprofit organizations by the
    12     citizens of this Commonwealth and by the private business
    13     community engaged in operations within this Commonwealth.
    14         (2)  It is an important governmental interest that the
    15     Commonwealth ensure that the intentions of charitable gifts
    16     be fulfilled and maintained throughout the duration of the
    17     charitable gifts.
    18         (3)  It is an essential governmental interest that the
    19     Commonwealth especially preserve and protect the intentions
    20     and expectations behind charitable gifts given to serve the

     1     health needs of its citizens.
     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4     Section 1.  Title 15 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     5  Statutes is amended by adding a section to read:
     6  § 5906.  Charitable nonprofit corporations.
     7     (a)  General rule.--Where any provision of Subchapter A
     8  (relating to preliminary provisions), C (relating to merger,
     9  consolidation and sale of assets), D (relating to division), E
    10  (relating to conversion), F (relating to voluntary dissolution
    11  and winding up), G (relating to involuntary liquidation and
    12  dissolution) or H (relating to postdissolution provision for
    13  liabilities) relates to a nonprofit corporation incorporated for
    14  any charitable purpose or purposes as defined under section 5103
    15  (relating to definitions), no action shall take effect unless,
    16  after notice to the Attorney General, an order of orphans' court
    17  approving the proposed transaction has been obtained, except as
    18  provided in subsection (f)(3). In addition, no affiliation,
    19  amendment of articles of incorporation, partnership, joint
    20  venture, gift or other transaction, which results in a change in
    21  control of all, or substantially all, of the assets of a
    22  nonprofit corporation incorporated for any charitable purpose or
    23  purposes defined under section 5103, shall take effect unless,
    24  after notice to the Attorney General, an order of orphans' court
    25  approving the proposed transaction has been obtained, except as
    26  provided in subsection (f)(2).
    27     (b)  Notice to Attorney General.--At least 90 days' advance
    28  written notice of any proceeding in the orphans' court
    29  concerning the proposed transaction shall be provided to the
    30  Attorney General of the Commonwealth at his principal office in
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     1  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The notice shall include or be
     2  accompanied by any documents or information the Attorney General
     3  may request. Within 30 days after receipt of the notice required
     4  by this section, the Attorney General shall notify the
     5  charitable nonprofit corporation in writing of the Attorney
     6  General's decision on whether the proposed transaction requires
     7  further review or a recommendation to require court approval.
     8     (c)  Scope of Attorney General's review.--In reviewing the
     9  proposed transaction, the Attorney General may consider:
    10         (1)  Whether the fiduciary responsibilities of trustees,
    11     officers and directors, particularly relative to the exercise
    12     of due diligence, have been appropriately discharged.
    13         (2)  Whether the charitable nonprofit corporation will
    14     receive fair market value for its charitable assets.
    15         (3)  Whether the transaction is at arm's length, or will
    16     result in private inurement to any person.
    17         (4)  Whether the remaining or successor charitable
    18     organization utilizes the assets for as like a charitable
    19     purpose and to the benefit of the same class of beneficiaries
    20     in the same geographical location as the original charitable
    21     nonprofit corporation as possible.
    22         (5)  Whether the parties to the transaction have
    23     petitioned the orphans' court under subsection (f) for an
    24     appropriate cy pres proceeding as to the application of the
    25     charitable assets after the transaction is completed.
    26         (6)  The solvency of the remaining or successor
    27     charitable organization after the transaction is complete.
    28     (d)  Cost of Attorney General's review.--The Attorney General
    29  may contract with independent experts and consultants in
    30  evaluating the propriety and effects of the proposed transaction
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     1  and shall be reimbursed for all reasonable costs and expenses
     2  incurred therefor by the identified parties, regardless of the
     3  Attorney General's position concerning the proposed transaction
     4  or the court's ultimate disposition of the same. Within a
     5  reasonable time after notice is given to the Attorney General
     6  pursuant to subsection (b), the Attorney General shall notify
     7  the parties to the transaction of their obligations under this
     8  subsection. The parties to the transaction may petition the
     9  court for a review and adjustment of the costs and expenses
    10  incurred under this subsection.
    11     (e)  Public hearings, notice of time and place.--The Attorney
    12  General may conduct one or more public hearings, one of which
    13  must be held in the county where the charitable nonprofit
    14  corporation affected by the transaction is located. At the
    15  public hearing, the Attorney General may hear comments from
    16  interested persons desiring to make statements regarding the
    17  proposed transaction. The Attorney General shall notify the
    18  parties to the transaction of any public hearing to be held at
    19  least 14 days prior to the date selected for the hearing.
    20     (f)  Orphans' court approval required.--
    21         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (3), no fundamental
    22     change or transaction subject to the provisions of this
    23     section shall be effective unless and until an order of court
    24     has been obtained approving the transaction. The action shall
    25     be brought in the county or counties in which the registered
    26     office or offices of the affected charitable nonprofit
    27     corporation or corporations are located and shall be
    28     published in at least two newspapers of general circulation
    29     in each county involved. All transaction documents shall be
    30     submitted to the court or courts and the same shall be
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     1     available for public inspection, unless, upon application by
     2     the moving party and after notice to the Attorney General,
     3     the court or courts should seal the record pending a final
     4     disposition of the case. Any such orders so entered shall be
     5     immediately dissolved upon the approval or other final
     6     disposition of the case.
     7         (2)  If a nonprofit corporation is insolvent or in
     8     material monetary default of an obligation to a secured
     9     lender, upon petition of a nonprofit corporation, any
    10     creditor thereof or a receiver appointed under Subchapter G,
    11     the court may shorten the time for notice to the Attorney
    12     General to no less than 30 days and may reduce the content of
    13     such notice. After notice to the nonprofit corporation,
    14     creditors and the Attorney General and, after a hearing on
    15     the matter, the court may order the involuntary windup and
    16     dissolution of the corporation or other relief, including,
    17     but not limited to, ordering the expedited sale of all or
    18     part of the assets, or other expedited disposition or
    19     transfer of control of the nonprofit corporation. For
    20     purposes of this paragraph, with reference to a nonprofit
    21     corporation, "insolvent" means a financial condition such
    22     that the sums of the corporation's debts are greater than all
    23     of its property valued at a fair market valuation, and the
    24     nonprofit corporation is generally not paying its debts as
    25     they become due.
    26         (3)  Notwithstanding subsection (a), this subsection
    27     shall not apply to transactions involving only charitable
    28     nonprofit organizations where the Attorney General has no
    29     objection to the transaction and has determined that no order
    30     of the orphans' court is required pursuant to section 5547(b)
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     1     (relating to nondiversion of certain property).
     2     (g)  Savings clause.--Nothing in this section shall be
     3  construed to derogate from the authority of the Attorney
     4  General, or the rights of others, provided by common law or
     5  other statute or rule.
     6     Section 2.  Sections 5916(b), 5929(b), 5930(a) and (b),
     7  5957(b), 5966, 5976(b) and 5989(a) of Title 15 are amended to
     8  read:
     9  § 5916.  Filing and effectiveness of articles of amendment.
    10     * * *
    11     (b)  Effectiveness.--Upon the filing of the articles of
    12  amendment in the department or upon the effective date specified
    13  in the articles of amendment, whichever is later, the amendment
    14  shall become effective and the articles of incorporation shall
    15  be deemed to be amended accordingly. An amendment shall not
    16  affect any existing cause of action in favor of or against the
    17  corporation, or any pending action or proceeding to which the
    18  corporation is a party, or the existing rights of persons other
    19  than members or, except as otherwise provided by order, if any,
    20  obtained pursuant to [section] sections 5547(b) (relating to
    21  nondiversion of certain property) and 5906 (relating to
    22  charitable nonprofit corporations) divert any property subject
    23  to such section from the purpose or purposes to which it was
    24  committed. If the corporate name is changed by the amendment, an
    25  action brought by or against the corporation under its former
    26  name shall not be abated for that reason.
    27  § 5929.  Effect of merger or consolidation.
    28     * * *
    29     (b)  Property rights.--Except as otherwise provided by order,
    30  if any, obtained pursuant to [section] sections 5547(b)
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     1  (relating to nondiversion of certain property) and 5906
     2  (relating to charitable nonprofit corporations), all the
     3  property, real, personal, and mixed, and franchises of each of
     4  the corporations parties to the plan of merger or consolidation,
     5  and all debts due on whatever account to any of them, including
     6  subscriptions for membership and other choses in action
     7  belonging to any of them, shall be taken and deemed to be
     8  transferred to and vested in the surviving or new corporation,
     9  as the case may be, without further act or deed. The surviving
    10  or new corporation shall thenceforth be responsible for all the
    11  liabilities and obligations of each of the corporations so
    12  merged or consolidated. No liens upon the property of the
    13  merging or consolidating corporations shall be impaired by such
    14  merger or consolidation, and any claim existing or action or
    15  proceeding pending by or against any of such corporations may be
    16  prosecuted to judgment as if such merger or consolidation had
    17  not taken place, or the surviving or new corporation may be
    18  proceeded against or substituted in its place. Any devise, gift
    19  or grant contained in any will or other instrument, in trust or
    20  otherwise, made before or after such merger or consolidation, to
    21  or for any of the constituent corporations, shall inure to the
    22  surviving or new corporation, as the case may be, subject to
    23  compliance with the requirements of section 5550 (relating to
    24  devises, bequests and gifts after certain fundamental changes).
    25     * * *
    26  § 5930.  Voluntary transfer of corporate assets.
    27     (a)  General rule.--A nonprofit corporation shall not sell,
    28  lease away or exchange its name or trademark, nor all, or
    29  substantially all, its property and assets, or control of them,
    30  with or without good will, unless and until a plan of sale,
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     1  lease or exchange of assets with respect thereto shall have been
     2  adopted by the corporation in the manner provided in this
     3  subchapter with respect to the adoption of a plan of merger. In
     4  order to make effective any plan of sale, lease or exchange of
     5  assets so adopted it shall not be necessary to file any articles
     6  or other document in the Department of State, but the
     7  corporation shall comply with the requirements of [section]
     8  sections 5547(b) (relating to nondiversion of certain property)
     9  and 5906 (relating to charitable nonprofit corporations) when
    10  applicable.
    11     (b)  Exceptions.--Subsection (a) of this section shall not
    12  apply to a sale, lease away or exchange of all, or substantially
    13  all, the property and assets of a corporation when made in
    14  connection with the dissolution or liquidation of the
    15  corporation. Such a transaction shall be governed by the
    16  provisions of Subchapter A (relating to preliminary provisions),
    17  Subchapter F (relating to voluntary dissolution and winding up)
    18  or Subchapter G (relating to involuntary liquidation and
    19  dissolution), as the case may be.
    20     * * *
    21  § 5957.  Effect of division.
    22     * * *
    23     (b)  Property rights.--Except as otherwise provided by order,
    24  if any, obtained pursuant to [section] sections 5547(b)
    25  (relating to nondiversion of certain property) and 5906
    26  (relating to charitable nonprofit corporations), all the
    27  property, real, personal, and mixed, and franchises of the
    28  dividing corporation, and all debts due on whatever account to
    29  it, including subscriptions for membership and other choses in
    30  action belonging to it, shall be taken and deemed without
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     1  further act or deed to be transferred to and vested in the
     2  resulting corporations on such a manner and basis and with such
     3  effect as is specified in the plan of division, or per capita
     4  among the resulting corporations, as tenants in common, if no
     5  such specification is made in the plan. The resulting
     6  corporations shall each thenceforth be responsible as separate
     7  and distinct corporations only for such liabilities and
     8  obligations as each corporation may undertake or incur in its
     9  own name, but shall be liable inter se for the debts and
    10  liabilities of the dividing corporation in the manner and on the
    11  basis specified in the plan of division. No liens upon the
    12  property of the dividing corporation shall be impaired by the
    13  division. One or more, but less than all, of the resulting
    14  corporations shall be free of all the liabilities and
    15  obligations of the dividing corporation to the extent, if any,
    16  specified in the plan, if no fraud of corporate creditors or
    17  members without voting rights and if no violation of law shall
    18  be effected thereby, and if applicable provisions of law are
    19  complied with. Otherwise, the liability of the dividing
    20  corporation, or of its members, directors, or officers, shall
    21  not be affected by the division, nor shall the rights of the
    22  creditors thereof or of any person dealing with such corporation
    23  be impaired by such division, and, except as otherwise provided
    24  in this section, any claim existing or action or proceeding
    25  pending by or against such corporation may be prosecuted to
    26  judgment as if such division had not taken place, or the
    27  resulting corporations may be proceeded against or substituted
    28  in its place as joint and several obligors on such liability,
    29  regardless of any provision of the plan of division apportioning
    30  the debts and liabilities of the dividing corporation.
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     1     * * *
     2  § 5966.  Effect of conversion.
     3     Upon the conversion becoming effective, the corporation shall
     4  be deemed to be a business corporation for all purposes, shall
     5  cease to be a nonprofit corporation, and may thereafter operate
     6  for a purpose or purposes resulting in pecuniary profit,
     7  incidental or otherwise, to its members or shareholders. The
     8  corporation shall issue share certificates to each shareholder
     9  entitled thereto. The corporation shall remain liable for all
    10  existing obligations, public and private, taxes due the
    11  Commonwealth or any other taxing authority for periods prior to
    12  the effective date of the conversion, and, as such business
    13  corporation, it shall continue to be entitled to all assets
    14  theretofore pertaining to it as a nonprofit corporation except
    15  as otherwise provided by order, if any, obtained pursuant to
    16  [section] sections 5547(b) (relating to nondiversion of certain
    17  property) and 5906 (relating to charitable nonprofit
    18  corporations).
    19  § 5976.  Judicial supervision of proceedings.
    20     * * *
    21     (b)  Distribution of property committed to charitable
    22  purposes.--If the assets of the corporation include any property
    23  committed to charitable purposes, the board of directors or
    24  other body shall apply to the court for an order pursuant to
    25  [section] sections 5547(b) (relating to nondiversion of certain
    26  property) and 5906 (relating to charitable nonprofit
    27  corporations) specifying the disposition of the property.
    28     * * *
    29  § 5989.  Articles of involuntary dissolution.
    30     (a)  General rule.--In a proceeding under this subchapter,
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     1  the court shall enter an order dissolving the nonprofit
     2  corporation when the order, if any, obtained pursuant to
     3  [section] sections 5547(b) (relating to nondiversion of certain
     4  property) and 5906 (relating to charitable nonprofit
     5  corporations) has been entered and when the costs and expenses
     6  of the proceeding, and all liabilities of the corporation have
     7  been discharged, and all of its remaining assets have been
     8  distributed to the persons entitled thereto, or, in case its
     9  assets are not sufficient to discharge such costs, expenses and
    10  liabilities, when all the assets have been applied, as far as
    11  they will go, to the payment of such costs, expenses and
    12  liabilities.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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