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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1592



No. 1244 Session of 1999

           DECEMBER 9, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), entitled, as
     2     reenacted and amended, "An act defining the liability of an
     3     employer to pay damages for injuries received by an employe
     4     in the course of employment; establishing an elective
     5     schedule of compensation; providing procedure for the
     6     determination of liability and compensation thereunder; and
     7     prescribing penalties," providing for payments of benefits to
     8     certain claimants who are not covered by the Self-Insurance
     9     Guaranty Fund; establishing rights and obligations of the
    10     Department of Labor and Industry relating to such payments;
    11     providing for restriction on the amount of such benefits that
    12     may be paid; and making an appropriation.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), known
    16  as the Workers' Compensation Act, reenacted and amended June 21,
    17  1939 (P.L.520, No.281), is amended by adding a section to read:
    18     Section 451.  (a)  The term "defaulted self-insured
    19  employer," when used in this article, shall mean an employer
    20  exempted by the Department of Labor and Industry from the
    21  requirement to insure its liability under section 305 of this
    22  act or section 305 of the act of June 21, 1939 (P.L.566,

     1  No.284), known as "The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act,"
     2  for claims on injuries or exposures to the hazard of disease
     3  which occurred prior to October 30, 1993, and which has failed
     4  to pay that liability due to its financial inability or due to
     5  it filing for bankruptcy or being declared bankrupt or
     6  insolvent.
     7     The term "fiscal year," when used in this article, shall mean
     8  the fiscal year of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     9     The term "preguaranty fund claimant," when used in this
    10  article, shall mean an employe or a dependent of an employe of a
    11  defaulted self-insured employer who is entitled to benefits
    12  under this act or the act of June 21, 1939 (P.L.566, No.284),
    13  known as "The Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act," as the
    14  result of an injury or exposure to hazard of disease which
    15  occurred prior to October 30, 1993, the effective date for
    16  coverage by the Self-Insurance Guaranty Fund.
    17     The term "security," when used in this article, shall mean
    18  surety bonds, cash, negotiable securities of the United States
    19  or the Commonwealth or letters of credit posted by a defaulted
    20  self-insured employer to guaranty the payment of its workers'
    21  compensation liability.
    22     The term "Self-Insurance Guaranty Fund," when used in this
    23  article, shall mean the special fund established in section 902.
    24     The term "Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund," when
    25  used in this article, shall mean the special fund established in
    26  section 446.
    27     (b)  Moneys from investment income of the Workmen's
    28  Compensation Administration Fund shall be used to pay benefits
    29  under sections 306(a), (b), (c) and (f.1) and 307 for loss of
    30  wages occurring or medical treatment provided after the
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     1  effective date of this section to a preguaranty fund claimant
     2  after the security posted by the defaulted self-insured employer
     3  liable for the benefits has been exhausted, Provided:
     4     (1)  That the benefits are payable under an award from a
     5  petition or a notice of compensation payable or agreement for
     6  compensation which was filed with the department prior to
     7  January 1, 1996;
     8     (2)  That such investment income of the Workmen's
     9  Compensation Administration Fund shall not be used to pay
    10  interest, penalties or attorney fees related to the payment of
    11  such benefits; and
    12     (3)  further Provided, That such investment income of the
    13  Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund shall only pay
    14  benefits relating to medical treatment under section 306(f.1)
    15  which are not covered by other types of insurance or Federal,
    16  State or private benefit programs.
    17     (c)  When payments are made from investment income of the
    18  Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund under this section,
    19  the department assumes the rights and obligations of the
    20  defaulted self-insured employer under this act and "The
    21  Pennsylvania Occupational Disease Act" with regard to the
    22  payment of compensation. The department shall have the right to:
    23     (1)  Initiate and prosecute legal action against the
    24  defaulted self-insured employer to require the payment of
    25  compensation under this act or "The Pennsylvania Occupational
    26  Disease Act."
    27     (2)  Obtain, in any manner or by the use of any process or
    28  procedure, including, but not limited to, the commencement and
    29  prosecution of legal action, reimbursement from a defaulted
    30  self-insured employer and its successors, assigns and estate all
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     1  moneys paid from investment income of the Workmen's Compensation
     2  Administration Fund to the preguaranty fund claimants,
     3  including, but not limited to, reimbursement for all
     4  compensation paid as well as reasonable administrative and legal
     5  costs associated with such payment.
     6     (d)  Total payments made from investment income of the
     7  Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund pursuant to this
     8  section in any fiscal year shall not exceed the total investment
     9  income earned by the Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund
    10  in the prior fiscal year. After payments made from investment
    11  income of the Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund in any
    12  fiscal year equal the total investment income earned by the
    13  Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund in the prior fiscal
    14  year, benefits payments pursuant to this section shall resume
    15  only for loss of wages occurring or medical treatment provided
    16  after the beginning of the next fiscal year.
    17     (e)  If the department projects that total payments made from
    18  investment income of the Workmen's Compensation Administration
    19  Fund during a fiscal year pursuant to this section may exceed
    20  the total investment income earned by the Workmen's Compensation
    21  Administration Fund in the prior fiscal year, the secretary may
    22  order the payment of benefits under sections 306(a), (b) and (c)
    23  and 307 at a percentage of the full amounts payable under this
    24  act. That percentage shall be uniformly applied to all benefits
    25  under those sections paid during the fiscal year. The secretary
    26  may adjust that percentage from time to time as is necessary
    27  based on updated projections on payment of benefits.
    28     (f)  Payments from investment income of the Workmen's
    29  Compensation Administration Fund for compensation payments under
    30  this section shall not cause an increase to the amount assessed
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     1  against insurers and self-insurers under section 446(b).
     2     (g)  Moneys from investment income of the Workmen's
     3  Compensation Administration Fund are hereby specifically
     4  appropriated in such amounts as are necessary on a continuing
     5  basis to the department for the purposes of this section. The
     6  secretary shall have the power to dispense and disburse moneys
     7  from investment income of the Workmen's Compensation
     8  Administration Fund for compensation payments under this
     9  section.
    10     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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