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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1543



No. 1247 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), entitled, as
     2     reenacted and amended, "An act defining the liability of an
     3     employer to pay damages for injuries received by an employe
     4     in the course of employment; establishing an elective
     5     schedule of compensation; providing procedure for the
     6     determination of liability and compensation thereunder; and
     7     prescribing penalties," further providing for the schedule of
     8     compensation for permanent disability.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 306(c)(8) of the act of June 2, 1915
    12  (P.L.736, No.338), known as The Pennsylvania Workmen's
    13  Compensation Act, reenacted and amended June 21, 1939 (P.L.520,
    14  No.281) and amended March 29, 1972 (P.L.159, No.61), is amended
    15  and the clause is amended by adding paragraphs to read:
    16     Section 306.  The following schedule of compensation is
    17  hereby established:
    18     * * *
    19     (c)  For all disability resulting from permanent injuries of
    20  the following classes, the compensation shall be exclusively as

     1  follows:
     2     * * *
     3     (8)  For the [complete] permanent loss of hearing[,] in one
     4  or both ears not caused by habitual exposure to loud
     5  occupational noise but due to many other causes, such as
     6  acoustic trauma (sudden explosions) and direct head injuries,
     7  sixty-six and two-thirds per centum of wages [during two hundred
     8  sixty weeks; for complete loss of hearing in one ear, sixty-six
     9  and two-thirds per centum of wages during sixty weeks.], not to
    10  exceed sixty weeks for one ear under Table A and not to exceed
    11  two hundred sixty weeks for both ears, based on the better ear,
    12  under Table B of paragraph (8.1). The degree of such hearing
    13  loss shall be established by audiometric determination of
    14  hearing threshold level as measured from zero (0) dB (decibels)
    15  on an audiometer calibrated to ANSI-S3.6-1969, American National
    16  Standard "Specifications for Audiometers" (1969), by a trained
    17  individual certified by an organization approved by the
    18  department. Using this determination of hearing threshold level,
    19  the corresponding per centum of hearing disability and number of
    20  weeks of compensation shall be obtained directly from the
    21  appropriate table:
    22                              TABLE A
    23          Table of percent of Hearing Disability - ONE EAR
    24  Hearing Threshold          Percent of              Number
    25  Level (ANSI)           Hearing Disability          of Weeks
    26  31 through 36 dB                 5%                     3
    27  37 through 41 dB                10%                     6
    28  42 through 46 dB                15%                     9
    29  47 through 51 dB                25%                    15
    30  52 through 56 dB                35%                    21
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     1  57 through 61 dB                50%                    30
     2  62 through 71 dB                70%                    42
     3  72 through 80 dB                90%                    54
     4        Over 80 dB               100%                    60
     5     (8.1)  For the permanent loss of hearing in both ears,
     6  diagnosed as occupational hearing loss due to long-term exposure
     7  to hazardous noise, sixty-six and two-thirds per centum of wages
     8  not to exceed two hundred sixty weeks. The degree of such
     9  hearing loss shall be established by audiometric determination
    10  of hearing threshold level as measured from zero (0) dB
    11  (decibels) on an audiometer calibrated to ANSI-S3.6-1969,
    12  American National Standard "Specification for Audiometers"
    13  (1969), by a trained individual certified by an organization
    14  approved by the department. Using this determination of hearing
    15  threshold level properly, the corresponding per centum of
    16  hearing disability and number of weeks of compensation shall be
    17  obtained directly from Table B.
    18                              TABLE B
    19       Table of percent of Hearing Disability - IN BETTER EAR
    20  Hearing Threshold          Percent of              Number
    21  Level (ANSI)           Hearing Disability          of Weeks
    22  26 through 30 dB                 5%                     13
    23  31 through 40 dB                10%                     26
    24  41 through 45 dB                20%                     52
    25  46 through 50 dB                30%                     78
    26  51 through 55 dB                40%                     84
    27  56 through 60 dB                50%                    130
    28  61 through 70 dB                70%                    182
    29        Over 70 dB               100%                    260
    30     (8.2)  Where any claim for hearing loss compensation involves
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     1  twenty-six weeks or less of hearing disability compensation,
     2  either the employe or the employer may submit a certificate by a
     3  physician, who is a qualified hearing specialist, containing the
     4  history, examination, treatment, diagnosis and cause of the
     5  hearing condition and the result of audiologic hearing tests
     6  with an assessment of per centum of hearing disability based on
     7  the tables of hearing disability set forth in paragraphs (8) and
     8  (8.1). Such statements shall be admissible as evidence of the
     9  employe's hearing disability and findings of fact may be based
    10  upon such certificate by the referee hearing the case.
    11     (8.3)  In any evaluation of occupational hearing loss, only
    12  hearing levels at frequencies of 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000
    13  Hertz (Hz) shall be considered.
    14     (8.4)  An employer shall only be liable for the hearing loss
    15  of an employe to which employment by that employer has
    16  substantially contributed. If previous occupational hearing loss
    17  or nonoccupational hearing impairment is established by
    18  substantial competent evidence, including the results of a
    19  preemployment or preplacement audiogram, the employer shall not
    20  be liable for the prior hearing loss so established, whether or
    21  not compensation has previously been paid or awarded. The
    22  employer shall be liable only for the difference between the
    23  percentage of hearing disability presently established and that
    24  percentage of prior hearing disability established by the
    25  preemployment audiogram or other substantial competent evidence.
    26  The date of compensation for occupational hearing loss shall be
    27  determined by the last date when loud occupational noise
    28  contributed substantially in causing the hearing loss. No
    29  compensation shall be payable for occupational hearing loss
    30  after the effective date of this paragraph if an employer can
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     1  properly document that, despite warnings, an employe has failed
     2  to effectively utilize suitable hearing protectors provided by
     3  the employer to prevent noise-induced hearing loss.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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