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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1606



No. 1257 Session of 2000



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for viatical settlements and for powers and duties of
     2     the Insurance Department.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Viatical
     7  Settlements Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Commissioner."  The Insurance Commissioner of the
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     "Department."  The Insurance Department of the Commonwealth.
    15     "Financing entity."  An underwriter, placement agent, lender,
    16  purchaser of securities, purchaser of a policy or certificate
    17  from a viatical settlement provider, credit enhancer or any

     1  person that may be a party to a viatical settlement contract and
     2  that has a direct ownership in a policy or certificate that is
     3  the subject of a viatical settlement contract but whose sole
     4  activity related to the transaction is providing funds to effect
     5  the viatical settlement and who has an agreement in writing with
     6  a licensed viatical settlement provider to act as a participant
     7  in a financing transaction.
     8     "Financing transaction."  A transaction in which a licensed
     9  viatical settlement provider or a financing entity obtains
    10  financing for viatical settlement contracts, viaticated policies
    11  or interest therein, including, without limitation, any secured
    12  or unsecured financing, any securitization transaction or any
    13  securities offering either registered or exempt from
    14  registration under Federal and State securities law or any
    15  direct purchase or interests in a policy or certificate if the
    16  financing transaction complies with Federal and State securities
    17  law.
    18     "Person."  A legal entity, including, but not limited to, an
    19  individual, partnership, limited liability company, association,
    20  trust, corporation or other legal entity.
    21     "Viatical settlement broker."  A person who on behalf of a
    22  viator and for a fee, commission or other valuable consideration
    23  offers or attempts to negotiate viatical settlements between a
    24  viator and one or more viatical settlement providers.
    25  Irrespective of the manner in which the viatical settlement
    26  broker is compensated, a viatical settlement broker is deemed to
    27  represent only the viator and owes a fiduciary duty to the
    28  viator to act according to the viator's instructions and in the
    29  best interest of the viator. The term does not include an
    30  attorney, accountant or financial planner retained to represent
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     1  the viator whose compensation is paid directly by or at the
     2  direction of the viator.
     3     "Viatical settlement contract."  A written agreement entered
     4  into between a viatical settlement provider and a viator. The
     5  agreement shall establish the terms under which the viatical
     6  settlement provider will pay compensation or anything of value,
     7  which compensation or value is less than the expected death
     8  benefit of the insurance policy or certificate, in return for
     9  the viator's assignment, transfer, sale, devise or bequest of
    10  the death benefit or ownership of all or a portion of the
    11  insurance policy or certificate of insurance to the viatical
    12  settlement provider. The term also includes a contract for a
    13  loan or other financial transaction secured primarily by an
    14  individual or group life insurance policy, other than a loan by
    15  a life insurance company pursuant to the terms of the life
    16  insurance contract, or a loan secured by the cash value of a
    17  policy.
    18     "Viatical settlement provider."  A person, other than a
    19  viator, who enters into a viatical settlement contract. The term
    20  shall include a person who obtains financing from a financing
    21  entity for the purchase, acquisition, transfer or other
    22  assignment of one or more viatical settlement contracts,
    23  viaticated policies or interest therein or otherwise sells,
    24  assigns, transfers, pledges, hypothecates or otherwise disposes
    25  of one or more viatical settlement contracts, viaticated
    26  policies or interests therein. The term shall not include:
    27         (1)  a bank, savings bank, savings and loan association,
    28     credit union or other licensed lending institution that takes
    29     an assignment of a life insurance policy as collateral for a
    30     loan;
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     1         (2)  the issuer of a life insurance policy providing
     2     accelerated death benefits pursuant to the contract; or
     3         (3)  a natural person who enters into no more than one
     4     agreement in a calendar year for the transfer of life
     5     insurance policies for any value less than the expected death
     6     benefit.
     7     "Viatical settlement representative."  A person who is an
     8  authorized agent of a licensed viatical settlement provider or
     9  viatical settlement broker, as applicable, who acts or aids in
    10  any manner in the solicitation of a viatical settlement. The
    11  term shall not include:
    12         (1)  an attorney, accountant or a person exercising a
    13     power of attorney granted by a viator; or
    14         (2)  a person who is retained to represent a viator and
    15     whose compensation is paid by or at the direction of the
    16     viator regardless of whether the viatical settlement is
    17     consummated.
    18  A viatical settlement representative is deemed to represent only
    19  the viatical settlement provider or viatical settlement broker.
    20     "Viaticated policy."  A life insurance policy or certificate
    21  that has been acquired by a viatical settlement provider
    22  pursuant to a viatical settlement contract.
    23     "Viator."  The owner of a life insurance policy or a
    24  certificate holder under a group policy insuring the life of an
    25  individual with a catastrophic, life-threatening or chronic
    26  illness or condition who enters or seeks to enter into a
    27  viatical settlement contract.
    28  Section 3.  License requirements.
    29     (a)  General rule.--No person may operate as a viatical
    30  settlement provider, viatical settlement representative or
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     1  viatical settlement broker without first obtaining a license
     2  from the department.
     3     (b)  Application.--Application for a viatical settlement
     4  provider, viatical settlement representative or viatical
     5  settlement broker license shall be made to the commissioner by
     6  the applicant on a form prescribed by the department and shall
     7  be accompanied by an application fee as determined by the
     8  department.
     9     (c)  Renewal.--A license issued under this section may be
    10  renewed biennially upon payment of a renewal fee as determined
    11  by the department. Failure to pay the fee or submit the renewal
    12  form within the terms prescribed by the department shall be
    13  deemed voluntary termination of the license.
    14     (d)  Full disclosure.--The applicant shall provide
    15  information on forms required by the commissioner. The
    16  commissioner may, at any time, require the applicant to fully
    17  disclose the identity of all stockholders, partners, officers,
    18  members and employees, and the commissioner may, in the
    19  commissioner's discretion, refuse to issue a license in the name
    20  of a legal entity if not satisfied that any officer, employee,
    21  stockholder, partner or member thereof who may materially
    22  influence the applicant's conduct meets the standards set forth
    23  in this act.
    24     (e)  Authorization.--A license issued to a legal entity
    25  authorizes all members, officers and designated employees of the
    26  legal entity to act as viatical settlement providers, viatical
    27  settlement brokers or viatical settlement representatives as
    28  applicable under the license and those persons shall be named in
    29  the application and any supplements to the application.
    30     (f)  Investigation.--Upon the filing of an application and
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     1  the payment of the license fee, the commissioner shall make an
     2  investigation of each applicant and issue a license if the
     3  commissioner finds that the applicant:
     4         (1)  Has provided a detailed plan of operation.
     5         (2)  Is competent and trustworthy and intends to act in
     6     good faith in the capacity involved by the license applied
     7     for.
     8         (3)  Has a good business reputation and has had
     9     experience, training or education so as to be qualified in
    10     the business for which the license is applied for.
    11         (4)  If a legal entity, provides a certificate of good
    12     standing from the state of its domicile.
    13     (g)  Hearing.--An applicant who disputes the department's
    14  determination concerning licensure may seek a formal
    15  administrative hearing before the commissioner under 2 Pa.C.S.
    16  Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure of
    17  Commonwealth agencies) and subject to review and appeal in
    18  accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to judicial
    19  review of Commonwealth agency action).
    20     (h)  Nonresident applicant.--The department may not issue a
    21  license to a nonresident applicant unless a written designation
    22  of an agent for service of process is filed with and maintained
    23  by the department.
    24  Section 4.  License suspension, revocation and denial.
    25     The department may suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the
    26  license of a viatical settlement provider, viatical settlement
    27  representative or viatical settlement broker if the department
    28  finds that:
    29         (1)  there was any material misrepresentation in the
    30     application for the license;
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     1         (2)  the licensee or any officer, partner, member or key
     2     management personnel of the licensee has been convicted of
     3     fraudulent or dishonest practices, is subject to a final
     4     administrative action or is otherwise shown to be
     5     untrustworthy or incompetent;
     6         (3)  the viatical settlement provider demonstrates a
     7     pattern of unreasonable payments to viators;
     8         (4)  the licensee has been found guilty of or has pleaded
     9     guilty or nolo contendere to any felony or to a misdemeanor
    10     involving fraud or moral turpitude, regardless of whether a
    11     judgment of conviction has been entered by the court;
    12         (5)  the viatical settlement provider has entered into
    13     any viatical settlement contract that has not been approved
    14     under this act;
    15         (6)  the viatical settlement provider has failed to honor
    16     contractual obligations set out in a viatical settlement
    17     contract;
    18         (7)  the licensee no longer meets the requirements for
    19     initial licensure;
    20         (8)  the viatical settlement provider has assigned,
    21     transferred or pledged a viaticated policy to a person other
    22     than a viatical settlement provider licensed in this
    23     Commonwealth or a financing entity; or
    24         (9)  The licensee has violated any provision of this act
    25     or any regulations promulgated by the department.
    26  Section 5.  Approval of viatical settlement contracts.
    27     (a)  General rule.--Any viatical settlement contract proposed
    28  to be used by viatical settlement providers in this Commonwealth
    29  shall be filed for review with the department. Unless
    30  disapproved within 45 days of receipt by the department, the
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     1  filing shall be effective for use.
     2     (b)  Disapproval after use.--Any viatical settlement contract
     3  approved or effective for use in accordance with subsection (a)
     4  may be subsequently disapproved by the department. The
     5  department shall notify the viatical settlement provider in
     6  writing and provide the opportunity for a hearing as provided in
     7  2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure of
     8  Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to judicial
     9  review of Commonwealth agency action).
    10     (c)  Discontinuance of contract.--If following a hearing the
    11  commissioner finds that a viatical settlement contract should be
    12  disapproved, the commissioner shall order the use of the
    13  contract to be discontinued after a date specified in the order.
    14  Section 6.  Reporting requirements and confidentiality.
    15     (a)  General rule.--Each viatical settlement provider shall
    16  file with the department on or before March 1 of each year an
    17  annual statement containing such information as the commissioner
    18  by rule may prescribe.
    19     (b)  Confidentiality.--Except as otherwise allowed or
    20  required by law, a viatical settlement provider, viatical
    21  settlement representative, viatical settlement broker, insurance
    22  company, insurance agent, insurance broker, information bureau,
    23  rating agency or company or any other person with actual
    24  knowledge of a viator's identity may not disclose that identity
    25  as a viator to any other person unless the disclosure:
    26         (1)  is necessary to effect a viatical settlement between
    27     the viator and a viatical settlement provider and the viator
    28     has provided prior written consent to the disclosure;
    29         (2)  is provided in response to an investigation by the
    30     commissioner or any other governmental officer or agency; or
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     1         (3)  is a term of or condition to the transfer of a
     2     viaticated policy by one viatical settlement provider to
     3     another viatical settlement provider or financing entity.
     4         (4)  Is made by an insurance company in the course of its
     5     business, including, without being limited to, activities
     6     such as reinsurance transactions, sales or mergers of the
     7     insurance company or one or more of its books of business,
     8     handling and investigation of claims and conduct of all legal
     9     proceedings connected with them, underwriting, litigation and
    10     market conduct investigations.
    11  Section 7.  Examination.
    12     (a)  General rule.--The department may, when the department
    13  deems it reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the
    14  public, examine the business and affairs of any licensee or
    15  applicant for a license. The department may order any licensee
    16  or applicant to produce any records, books, files or other
    17  information reasonably necessary to ascertain whether or not the
    18  licensee or applicant is acting or has acted in violation of the
    19  law or otherwise contrary to the interests of the public. The
    20  expenses incurred in conducting any examination shall be paid by
    21  the licensee or applicant.
    22     (b)  Confidentiality.--The names and individual
    23  identification data for all viators shall be considered private
    24  and confidential information and may not be disclosed by the
    25  department unless required by law.
    26     (c)  Records.--Records of all transactions of viatical
    27  settlement contracts shall be maintained by the viatical
    28  settlement provider and shall be available to the department for
    29  inspection and duplication during reasonable business hours. A
    30  viatical settlement provider shall maintain records of each
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     1  viatical settlement until five years after the death of the
     2  insured.
     3  Section 8.  Disclosure.
     4     (a)  General rule.--A viatical settlement provider, viatical
     5  settlement representative or viatical settlement broker shall
     6  disclose the following information to the viator no later than
     7  the time of application:
     8         (1)  Possible alternatives to viatical settlement
     9     contracts for individuals with catastrophic, life-threatening
    10     or chronic illnesses, including any accelerated death
    11     benefits offered under the viator's life insurance policy.
    12         (2)  Some or all of the proceeds of the viatical
    13     settlement may be free from Federal income tax and from State
    14     franchise and income taxes, and that assistance should be
    15     sought from a professional tax advisor.
    16         (3)  Proceeds of the viatical settlement may be subject
    17     to the claims of creditors.
    18         (4)  Receipt of the proceeds of a viatical settlement may
    19     adversely affect the viator's eligibility for Medicaid or
    20     other government benefits or entitlements, and that advice
    21     should be obtained from the appropriate government agencies.
    22         (5)  The viator's right to rescind a viatical settlement
    23     contract 15 days after the receipt of the viatical settlement
    24     proceeds by the viator, as provided in section 9(c).
    25         (6)  Funds will be sent to the viator within two business
    26     days after the viatical settlement provider has received the
    27     insurer or group administrator's acknowledgment that
    28     ownership of the policy or interest in the certificate has
    29     been transferred and the beneficiary has been designated
    30     pursuant to the viatical settlement contract.
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     1         (7)  Entering into a viatical settlement contract may
     2     cause other rights or benefits, including conversion rights
     3     and waiver of premium benefits that may exist under the
     4     policy or certificate, to be forfeited by the viator and that
     5     assistance should be sought from a financial advisor.
     6     (b)  Disclosure by viatical settlement provider.--A viatical
     7  settlement provider shall disclose the following information to
     8  the viator prior to the date the viatical settlement contract is
     9  signed by all parties:
    10         (1)  The affiliation, if any, between the viatical
    11     settlement provider and the issuer of an insurance policy to
    12     be viaticated.
    13         (2)  If an insurance policy to be viaticated has been
    14     issued as a joint policy or involves family riders or any
    15     coverage of a life other than the insured under the policy to
    16     be viaticated, the viator shall be informed of the possible
    17     loss of coverage on the other lives and be advised to consult
    18     with his or her insurance producer or the company issuing the
    19     policy for advice on the proposed viatication.
    20         (3)  The dollar amount of the current death benefit
    21     payable to the viatical settlement provider under the policy
    22     or certificate.
    23         (4)  The availability of any additional guaranteed
    24     insurance benefits, the dollar amount of any accidental death
    25     and dismemberment benefits under the policy or certificate
    26     and the viatical settlement provider's interest in those
    27     benefits.
    28  Section 9.  Guidelines.
    29     (a)  General rule.--A viatical settlement provider entering
    30  into a viatical settlement contract shall first obtain:
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     1         (1)  If the viator is the insured, a written statement
     2     from a licensed attending physician that the viator is of
     3     sound mind and under no constraint or undue influence to
     4     enter into a viatical settlement contract.
     5         (2)  A witnessed document:
     6             (i)  in which the viator consents to the viatical
     7         settlement contract;
     8             (ii)  acknowledges that the insured has a
     9         catastrophic, life-threatening or chronic illness or
    10         condition;
    11             (iii) represents that the viator has a full and
    12         complete understanding of the viatical settlement
    13         contract, that he has a full and complete understanding
    14         of the benefits of the life insurance policy; and
    15             (iv)  acknowledges that the viator has entered into
    16         the viatical settlement contract freely and voluntarily.
    17         (3)  A document in which the insured consents to the
    18     release of his medical records to a viatical settlement
    19     provider or viatical settlement broker.
    20     (b)  Medical records.--All medical information solicited or
    21  obtained by a licensee shall be subject to the applicable
    22  provision of State law relating to confidentiality of medical
    23  information.
    24     (c)  Rescission.--Each viatical settlement contract entered
    25  into in this Commonwealth shall provide the viator with an
    26  unconditional right to rescind the contract for at least 15
    27  calendar days from the receipt of the viatical settlement
    28  proceeds. If the insured dies during the rescission period, the
    29  viatical settlement contract shall be deemed to have been
    30  rescinded subject to repayment to the viatical settlement
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     1  provider of all viatical settlement proceeds.
     2     (d)  Transfer of proceeds.--Immediately upon the viatical
     3  settlement provider's receipt of documents to effect the
     4  transfer of the insurance policy, the viatical settlement
     5  provider shall pay the proceeds of the viatical settlement to an
     6  escrow or trust account in a federally chartered or State-
     7  chartered financial institution whose deposits are insured by
     8  the  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The account
     9  shall be managed by a trustee or escrow agent independent of the
    10  parties to the contract. The trustee or escrow agent shall
    11  transfer the proceeds to the viator immediately upon the
    12  viatical settlement provider's receipt of acknowledgment of the
    13  transfer of the insurance policy.
    14     (e)  Deadline.--Failure to tender consideration to the viator
    15  for the viatical settlement contract within the time disclosed
    16  pursuant to section 8(a)(6) renders the viatical settlement
    17  contract voidable by the viator for lack of consideration until
    18  the time consideration is tendered to and accepted by the
    19  viator.
    20     (f)  Commissions.--No viatical settlement broker or viatical
    21  settlement representative shall receive from a viatical
    22  settlement provider a fee, commission or other valuable
    23  consideration for services rendered to or in connection with
    24  viators resident in this Commonwealth unless the viatical
    25  settlement provider is licensed in this Commonwealth.
    26     (g)  Health status.--
    27         (1)  Contacts with an insured for the purpose of
    28     determining the health status of the insured by the viatical
    29     settlement provider, viatical settlement broker or viatical
    30     settlement representative after the viatical settlement has
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     1     occurred may only be made by the viatical settlement provider
     2     or broker licensed in this Commonwealth and shall be limited
     3     to once every three months for insureds with a life
     4     expectancy of more than one year, and to no more than one per
     5     month for insureds with a life expectancy of one year or
     6     less.
     7         (2)  The provider or broker shall explain the procedure
     8     for these contacts at the time the viatical settlement
     9     contract is entered into.
    10         (3)  The limitations set forth in this subsection shall
    11     not apply to any contact with an insured under a viaticated
    12     policy for reasons other than determining the insured's
    13     health status.
    14     (h)  Prohibition.--No person who invests in a viaticated
    15  policy, including, but not limited to, a participant in a
    16  financing transaction, may influence the treatment of the
    17  insured's illness.
    18  Section 10.  Responsibility of department.
    19     The commissioner shall:
    20         (1)  Promulgate regulations implementing this act.
    21         (2)  Establish standards for evaluating reasonableness of
    22     payments under viatical settlement contracts, including, but
    23     not limited to, regulation of the amount paid in exchange for
    24     assignment, transfer, sale, devise or bequest of a benefit
    25     under a life insurance policy.
    26         (3)  Establish appropriate licensing requirements, fees
    27     and standards for continued licensure for viatical settlement
    28     providers, representatives and brokers.
    29         (4)  Require a bond or other mechanism for financial
    30     accountability for viatical settlement providers.
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     1         (5)  Adopt rules governing the relationship and
     2     responsibilities of both insurers and viatical settlement
     3     providers, brokers and representatives during the viatication
     4     of a life insurance policy or certificate.
     5  Section 11.  Miscellaneous provisions.
     6     (a)  State aid.--A person may not be required as a condition
     7  of eligibility for State aid to exercise a viatical settlement
     8  or be denied or suffer a reduction in aid as a result of not
     9  entering into a viatical settlement.
    10     (b)  Available resource.--Aid agencies or programs may not
    11  consider viatical benefits as an available resource in
    12  determining eligibility for public assistance.
    13     (c)  Income.--A viatical settlement shall not be included in
    14  any of the class of taxable income enumerated in Article III of
    15  the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform
    16  Code of 1971, to determine the tax liability of the viator as
    17  defined in this act.
    18  Section 12.  Unfair trade practices.
    19     A violation of this act shall be considered an unfair trade
    20  practice and shall be subject to all Commonwealth statutes which
    21  address unfair trade practices, including the act of July 22,
    22  1974 (P.L.589, No.205), known as the Unfair Insurance Practices
    23  Act.
    24  Section 13.  Enforcement.
    25     (a)  General rule.--Upon a determination by hearing that this
    26  act or any regulations promulgated by the department pursuant to
    27  this act have been violated, the commissioner may pursue one or
    28  more of the following courses of action:
    29         (1)  Issue an order requiring the person to cease and
    30     desist from engaging in such violation.
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     1         (2)  Suspend, revoke or refuse to renew the license of
     2     the offending person or persons.
     3         (3)  Impose a civil penalty in the amount of $5,000 for
     4     each violation.
     5     (b)  Additional remedies.--The enforcement remedies imposed
     6  under this section are in addition to any other remedies or
     7  penalties imposed by any other applicable statute.
     8     (c)  Hearing.--Before taking any action under this section,
     9  the commissioner shall give notice to the person accused of
    10  violating this act or regulations promulgated by the department
    11  under this act, stating specifically the nature of each alleged
    12  violation and fixing a time and place, at least ten days
    13  thereafter, for a formal administrative hearing in accordance
    14  with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice and
    15  procedure of Commonwealth agencies) and subject to review and
    16  appeal in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. A (relating to
    17  judicial review of Commonwealth agency action). After such
    18  hearing or upon failure of the accused to appear at such
    19  hearing, the commissioner shall impose any of the above
    20  penalties which the commissioner deems appropriate.
    21  Section 14.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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