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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1877



No. 1262 Session of 2006



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for chemical testing to determine
     3     amounts of alcohol or controlled substances and for operating
     4     a watercraft under the influence of alcohol or controlled
     5     substances; and providing for aggravated assault by
     6     watercraft while operating under influence.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 5125(a), (b), (c), (d), (h) and (k) of
    10  Title 30 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
    11  to read:
    12  § 5125.  Chemical testing to determine amount of alcohol or
    13             controlled substance.
    14     (a)  General rule.--Any person who operates or is in actual
    15  physical control of the movement of a watercraft, upon, in or
    16  through the waters of this Commonwealth, shall be deemed to have
    17  given consent to one or more chemical tests of breath, blood or
    18  urine for the purpose of determining the alcoholic content of
    19  blood or the presence of a controlled substance if a waterways

     1  [patrolman] conservation officer has reasonable grounds to
     2  believe the person has been operating or in actual physical
     3  control of the movement of a watercraft:
     4         (1)  [while under the influence of alcohol or a
     5     controlled substance or both] in violation of section 5502
     6     (relating to operating watercraft under influence of alcohol
     7     or controlled substance); or
     8         (2)  which was involved in an accident in which the
     9     operator, passenger or any other person [involved] required
    10     treatment at a medical facility or was killed.
    11     (b)  Suspension for refusal.--
    12         (1)  If any person placed under arrest for a violation of
    13     section 5502 [(relating to operating watercraft under
    14     influence of alcohol or controlled substance)] is requested
    15     to submit to chemical testing and refuses to do so, the
    16     testing shall not be conducted but, upon notice by the
    17     waterways [patrolman] conservation officer, the commission
    18     shall suspend the boating privileges of the person [for a
    19     period of 12 months.] as follows:
    20             (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), for a
    21         period of 12 months.
    22             (ii)  For a period of 18 months if any of the
    23         following apply:
    24                 (A)  The person's boating privileges have
    25             previously been suspended under this subsection.
    26                 (B)  The person has, prior to the refusal under
    27             this paragraph, been sentenced for an offense under
    28             section 5502.
    29         (2)  It is the duty of the waterways [patrolman]
    30     conservation officer to inform the person that:
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     1             (i)  the person's boating privileges will be
     2         suspended upon refusal to submit to chemical testing[.];
     3         and
     4             (ii)  if the person refuses to submit to chemical
     5         testing, upon conviction or plea for violating section
     6         5502(a)(1), the person will be subject to the penalties
     7         provided in section 5502(c)(3).
     8         (3)  Any person whose boating privileges are suspended
     9     under this section shall have the same right of appeal as
    10     provided for in cases of suspension for other reasons.
    11     (c)  Test results admissible in evidence.--In any summary
    12  proceeding or criminal proceeding in which the defendant is
    13  charged with a violation of section 5502 or any other violation
    14  of this title arising out of the same action, the amount of
    15  alcohol or controlled substance in the defendant's blood, as
    16  shown by chemical testing of the person's breath, blood or urine
    17  by tests conducted by qualified persons using approved
    18  equipment, shall be admissible in evidence.
    19         (1)  Chemical tests of breath shall be performed on
    20     devices approved by the Department of Health using procedures
    21     prescribed jointly by regulations of the Department of Health
    22     and the [commission] Department of Transportation. Devices
    23     shall have been tested for accuracy within a period of time
    24     and in a manner specified by regulations of the Department of
    25     Health and the [commission] Department of Transportation. For
    26     purposes of breath testing, a qualified person means a person
    27     who has fulfilled the training requirement in the use of the
    28     equipment in a training program approved by the Department of
    29     Health and the [commission] Department of Transportation. A
    30     certificate or log showing that a device was tested for
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     1     accuracy and that the device was accurate shall be
     2     presumptive evidence of those facts in every proceeding in
     3     which a violation of this title is charged.
     4         (2)  (i)  Chemical tests of blood or urine shall be
     5         performed by a clinical laboratory licensed and approved
     6         by the Department of Health for this purpose using
     7         procedures and equipment prescribed by the Department of
     8         Health. For purposes of blood and urine testing, a
     9         qualified person means an individual who is authorized to
    10         perform those chemical tests under the act of September
    11         26, 1951 (P.L.1539, No.389), known as The Clinical
    12         Laboratory Act.
    13             (ii)  For purposes of blood and urine testing to
    14         determine blood alcohol or controlled substance content
    15         levels, the procedures and equipment prescribed by the
    16         Department of Health shall be reviewed within 120 days of
    17         the effective date of this subparagraph and at least
    18         every two years thereafter to ensure that consideration
    19         is given to scientific and technological advances so that
    20         testing conducted in accordance with the prescribed
    21         procedures utilizing the prescribed equipment will be as
    22         accurate and reliable as science and technology permit.
    23         (3)  Chemical test of blood or urine, if conducted by a
    24     facility located outside this Commonwealth, shall be
    25     performed:
    26             (i)  by a facility licensed and approved by the
    27         Department of Health for this purpose; or
    28             (ii)  by a facility licensed to conduct the tests by
    29         the state in which the facility is located and licensed
    30         pursuant to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement
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     1         Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100-578, 102 Stat. 2903).
     2         (4)  For purposes of blood testing to determine the
     3     amount of a Schedule I or nonprescribed Schedule II or III
     4     controlled substance or a metabolite of such a substance, the
     5     Department of Health shall prescribe minimum levels of these
     6     substances which must be present in a person's blood in order
     7     for the test results to be admissible in a prosecution for a
     8     violation of section 5502 or any other violation of this
     9     title arising out of the same action.
    10     [(d)  Presumptions from amount of alcohol.--If chemical
    11  testing of a person's breath, blood or urine shows:
    12         (1)  That the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of
    13     the person tested is 0.05% or less, it shall be presumed that
    14     the person tested was not under influence of alcohol and the
    15     person shall not be charged with any violation under section
    16     5502(a)(1) or (4) or, if the person was so charged prior to
    17     the test, the charge shall be void ab initio. This fact shall
    18     not give rise to any presumption concerning a violation of
    19     section 5502(a)(2) or (3).
    20         (2)  That the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of
    21     the person tested is in excess of 0.05% but less than 0.10%,
    22     this fact shall not give rise to any presumption that the
    23     person tested was or was not under the influence of alcohol,
    24     but this fact may be considered with other competent evidence
    25     in determining whether the person was or was not under the
    26     influence of alcohol.
    27         (3)  That the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of
    28     the person tested is 0.10% or more, this fact may be
    29     introduced into evidence if the person is charged with
    30     violating section 5502.]
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     1     * * *
     2     (h)  Test by personal physician.--The person tested shall be
     3  permitted to have a physician of his own choosing administer an
     4  additional breath, blood or urine chemical test and the results
     5  of the test shall also be admissible in evidence. The chemical
     6  testing given at the direction of the waterways [patrolman]
     7  conservation officer shall not be delayed by a person's attempt
     8  to obtain an additional test.
     9     * * *
    10     (k)  Prearrest breath test authorized.--A waterways
    11  [patrolman] conservation officer, having reasonable suspicion to
    12  believe a person is operating or in actual physical control of
    13  the movement of a watercraft while under the influence of
    14  alcohol, may require that person, prior to arrest, to submit to
    15  a preliminary breath test on a device approved by the Department
    16  of Health for this purpose. The sole purpose of this preliminary
    17  breath test is to assist the waterways [patrolman] conservation
    18  officer in determining whether or not the person should be
    19  placed under arrest. The preliminary breath test shall be in
    20  addition to any other requirements of this title. No person has
    21  any right to expect or demand a preliminary breath test. Refusal
    22  to submit to the test shall not be considered for purposes of
    23  subsections (b) and (e).
    24     Section 2.  Section 5502(a), (a.1) and (c) of Title 30 are
    25  amended and the section is amended by adding subsections to
    26  read:
    27  § 5502.  Operating watercraft under influence of alcohol or
    28             controlled substance.
    29     [(a)  General rule.--No person shall operate or be in actual
    30  physical control of the movement of a watercraft upon, in or
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     1  through the waters of this Commonwealth:
     2         (1)  while under the influence of alcohol to a degree
     3     which renders the person incapable of safe operation of a
     4     watercraft;
     5         (2)  while under the influence of any controlled
     6     substance, as defined by the laws of this Commonwealth and
     7     rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, to a degree
     8     which renders the person incapable of safe operation of a
     9     watercraft;
    10         (3)  while under the combined influence of alcohol and a
    11     controlled substance to a degree which renders the person
    12     incapable of safe operation of a watercraft; or
    13         (4)  while the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood
    14     of:
    15             (i)  an adult is 0.10% or greater; or
    16             (ii)  a minor is 0.02% or greater.
    17     (a.1)  Prima facie evidence.--
    18         (1)  It is prima facie evidence that:
    19             (i)  an adult had 0.10% or more by weight of alcohol
    20         in his or her blood at the time of operating or being in
    21         actual physical control of the movement of a watercraft
    22         if the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the
    23         person is equal to or greater than 0.10% at the time a
    24         chemical test is performed on a sample of the person's
    25         breath, blood or urine; and
    26             (ii)  a minor had 0.02% or more by weight of alcohol
    27         in his or her blood at the time of operating or being in
    28         actual physical control of the movement of a watercraft
    29         if the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the
    30         minor is equal to or greater than 0.02% at the time a
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     1         chemical test is performed on a sample of the person's
     2         breath, blood or urine.
     3         (2)  For the purposes of this section, the chemical test
     4     of the sample of the person's breath, blood or urine shall be
     5     from a sample obtained within three hours after the person
     6     drove, operated or was in actual physical control of the
     7     watercraft.]
     8     (a)  General impairment.--
     9         (1)  An individual may not operate or be in actual
    10     physical control of the movement of a watercraft after
    11     imbibing a sufficient amount of alcohol such that the
    12     individual is rendered incapable of safely operating or being
    13     in actual physical control of the movement of the watercraft.
    14         (2)  An individual may not operate or be in actual
    15     physical control of the movement of a watercraft after
    16     imbibing a sufficient amount of alcohol such that the alcohol
    17     concentration in the individual's blood or breath is at least
    18     0.08% but less than 0.10% within two hours after the
    19     individual has operated or been in actual physical control of
    20     the movement of the watercraft.
    21     (a.1)  High rate of alcohol.--An individual may not operate
    22  or be in actual physical control of the movement of a watercraft
    23  after imbibing a sufficient amount of alcohol such that the
    24  alcohol concentration in the individual's blood or breath is at
    25  least 0.10% but less than 0.16% within two hours after the
    26  individual has operated or been in actual physical control of
    27  the movement of the watercraft.
    28     (a.2)  Highest rate of alcohol.--An individual may not
    29  operate or be in actual physical control of the movement of a
    30  watercraft after imbibing a sufficient amount of alcohol such
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     1  that the alcohol concentration in the individual's blood or
     2  breath is 0.16% or higher within two hours after the individual
     3  has operated or been in actual physical control of the movement
     4  of the watercraft.
     5     (a.3)  Controlled substances.--An individual may not operate
     6  or be in actual physical control of the movement of a watercraft
     7  under any of the following circumstances:
     8         (1)  There is in the individual's blood any amount of a:
     9             (i)  Schedule I controlled substance, as defined in
    10         the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The
    11         Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act;
    12             (ii)  Schedule II or III controlled substance, as
    13         defined in The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and
    14         Cosmetic Act, which has not been medically prescribed for
    15         the individual; or
    16             (iii)  metabolite of a substance under subparagraph
    17         (i) or (ii).
    18         (2)  The individual is under the influence of a drug or
    19     combination of drugs to a degree which impairs the
    20     individual's ability to safely operate or be in actual
    21     physical control of the movement of the watercraft.
    22         (3)  The individual is under the combined influence of
    23     alcohol and a drug or combination of drugs to a degree which
    24     impairs the individual's ability to safely operate or be in
    25     actual physical control of the movement of the watercraft.
    26         (4)  The individual is under the influence of a solvent
    27     or noxious substance in violation of 18 Pa.C.S. § 7303
    28     (relating to sale or illegal use of certain solvents and
    29     noxious substances).
    30     (a.4)  Minors.--A minor may not operate or be in actual
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     1  physical control of the movement of a watercraft after imbibing
     2  a sufficient amount of alcohol such that the alcohol
     3  concentration in the minor's blood or breath is 0.02% or higher
     4  within two hours after the minor has operated or been in actual
     5  physical control of the movement of the watercraft.
     6     (a.5)  Exception to two-hour rule.--Notwithstanding the
     7  provisions of subsection (a), (a.1), (a.2) or (a.4) where
     8  alcohol or controlled substance concentration in an individual's
     9  blood or breath is an element of the offense, evidence of such
    10  alcohol or controlled substance concentration more than two
    11  hours after the individual has operated or been in actual
    12  physical control of the movement of the watercraft is sufficient
    13  to establish that element of the offense under the following
    14  circumstances:
    15         (1)  where the Commonwealth shows good cause explaining
    16     why the chemical test could not be performed within two
    17     hours; and
    18         (2)  where the Commonwealth establishes that the
    19     individual did not imbibe any alcohol or utilize a controlled
    20     substance between the time the individual was arrested and
    21     the time the sample was obtained.
    22     * * *
    23     (c)  Grading and penalties.--
    24         [(1)  A person violating any of the provisions of this
    25     section commits a misdemeanor of the second degree except a
    26     person who meets the requirements of paragraph (2). The
    27     sentencing court shall order the person to pay a fine of not
    28     less than $500 and to serve a minimum term of imprisonment
    29     of:
    30             (i)  not less than 48 consecutive hours; or
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     1             (ii)  not less than 30 days if the person had
     2         previously accepted Accelerated Rehabilitative
     3         Disposition or any other form of preliminary disposition
     4         or had been convicted of, adjudicated delinquent or
     5         granted a consent decree under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63
     6         (relating to juvenile matters) based on an offense under
     7         this section or an equivalent offense in this or other
     8         jurisdictions within the previous seven years calculated
     9         from the date of acceptance, conviction, adjudication or
    10         grant.
    11         (2)  If the person has two or more times previously been
    12     convicted of, adjudicated delinquent or granted a consent
    13     decree under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 based on an offense under this
    14     section or an equivalent offense in this or other
    15     jurisdictions within the previous seven years, a person
    16     commits a misdemeanor of the first degree. The sentencing
    17     court shall order the person to pay a fine of not less than
    18     $2,500 nor more than $10,000 and to serve a minimum term of
    19     imprisonment of not less than 90 days.]
    20         (1)  Except as set forth in paragraph (2) or (3), an
    21     individual who violates subsection (a) shall be sentenced as
    22     follows:
    23             (i)  For a first offense, to undergo a mandatory
    24         minimum term of six months' probation and to pay a fine
    25         of $300 and successfully complete an approved boating
    26         safety course.
    27             (ii)  For a second offense, to undergo imprisonment
    28         for not less than five days and to pay a fine of not less
    29         than $300 nor more than $2,500 and successfully complete
    30         an approved boating safety course.
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     1             (iii)  For a third or subsequent offense, to undergo
     2         imprisonment for not less than ten days and to pay a fine
     3         of not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 and
     4         successfully complete an approved boating safety course.
     5         (2)  Except as set forth in paragraph (3), an individual
     6     who violates subsection (a)(1) where there was an accident
     7     resulting in bodily injury, serious bodily injury or death of
     8     any person or damage to a watercraft or other property or who
     9     violates subsection (a.1) or (a.4) shall be sentenced as
    10     follows:
    11             (i)  For a first offense, to undergo imprisonment for
    12         not less than 48 consecutive hours and to pay a fine of
    13         not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 and successfully
    14         complete an approved boating safety course.
    15             (ii)  For a second offense, to undergo imprisonment
    16         for not less than 30 days and to pay a fine of not less
    17         than $750 nor more than $5,000 and successfully complete
    18         an approved boating safety course.
    19             (iii)  For a third offense, to undergo imprisonment
    20         for not less than 90 days and to pay a fine of not less
    21         than $1,500 nor more than $10,000 and successfully
    22         complete an approved boating safety course.
    23             (iv)  For a fourth or subsequent offense, to undergo
    24         imprisonment for not less than one year and to pay a fine
    25         of not less than $1,500 nor more than $10,000 and
    26         successfully complete an approved boating safety course.
    27         (3)  An individual who violates subsection (a)(1) and
    28     refused testing of blood or breath or an individual who
    29     violates subsection (a.2) or (a.3) shall be sentenced as
    30     follows:
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     1             (i)  For a first offense, to undergo imprisonment for
     2         not less than 72 consecutive hours and to pay a fine of
     3         not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 and
     4         successfully complete an approved boating safety course.
     5             (ii)  For a second offense, to undergo imprisonment
     6         for not less than 90 days and to pay a fine of not less
     7         than $1,500 and successfully complete an approved boating
     8         safety course.
     9             (iii)  For a third or subsequent offense, to undergo
    10         imprisonment for not less than one year and to pay a fine
    11         of not less than $2,500 and successfully complete an
    12         approved boating safety course.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 3.  Title 30 is amended by adding a section to read:
    15  § 5502.3.  Aggravated assault by watercraft while operating
    16                 under influence.
    17     (a)  Offense defined.--Any person who negligently causes
    18  serious bodily injury to another person as the result of a
    19  violation of section 5502 (relating to operating watercraft
    20  under influence of alcohol or controlled substance) and who is
    21  convicted of violating section 5502 commits a felony of the
    22  second degree when the violation is the cause of the injury.
    23     (b)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "serious
    24  bodily injury" means any bodily injury that creates a
    25  substantial risk of death or that causes serious permanent
    26  disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function
    27  of any bodily member or organ.
    28     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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