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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1964



No. 1264 Session of 2004



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 14, 1961 (P.L.604, No.304), entitled
     2     "An act relating to apprenticeship and training; creating a
     3     State Apprenticeship and Training Council in the Department
     4     of Labor and Industry to formulate an apprenticeship and
     5     training policy and program, and defining its powers and
     6     duties and providing for administration," further providing
     7     for powers and duties of the council.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 4(a) of the act of July 14, 1961
    11  (P.L.604, No.304), known as The Apprenticeship and Training Act,
    12  is amended to read:
    13     Section 4.  Powers and Duties.--(a) The council shall (1)
    14  establish standards for apprenticeship in conformity with the
    15  provisions of this act and applicable statutes and regulations
    16  of the Federal Government[;]. The numeric ratio of apprentice to
    17  skilled journeyperson established by the program sponsor must be
    18  established in consideration of the necessary proper
    19  supervision, training, safety and continuity of employment of
    20  the apprentice throughout the apprenticeship. The standard ratio

     1  for all trades in all industries shall be one to one, which
     2  shall mean that a maximum of one apprentice may be employed for
     3  the first skilled journeyperson and one additional apprentice
     4  may be employed for each additional skilled journeyperson; (2)
     5  adopt such rules and regulations, subject only to the approval
     6  of the Secretary of Labor and Industry, as may be necessary to
     7  carry out the intent and purpose of this act; (3) compile such
     8  data on population and employment trends, industrial production,
     9  vocational and industrial education and job requirements as may
    10  be deemed necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this
    11  act; (4) to terminate or cancel any apprenticeship agreements in
    12  accordance with the provisions of such agreements or order
    13  modifications of such agreements; (5) maintain close liaison
    14  with Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, the United States
    15  Department of Labor, the State Board of Vocational Education,
    16  the Department of Public Instruction, the Department of
    17  Commerce, Bureau of Rehabilitation of the Department of Labor
    18  and Industry, and Juvenile Forestry Camps under the Department
    19  of Public Welfare, and such other agencies which carry on
    20  programs closely related to the purposes of this act; (6)
    21  conduct studies, surveys and investigations of the special
    22  problems of retraining or training unemployed or employed
    23  persons to improve or modernize work skills and make appropriate
    24  recommendations to cooperating agencies described above, local
    25  community organizations, local school boards and the Secretary
    26  of Labor and Industry; (7) act as a convening agency in local
    27  communities to bring together local representatives of employes,
    28  employers, educational agencies and industrial development
    29  agencies in order to promote closer local cooperation in
    30  establishing better apprenticeship and other training programs
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     1  including programs for employed persons who wish to improve and
     2  modernize their work skills; (8) use appropriate media of
     3  information and education to acquaint employers, employes and
     4  the public at large with the advantages and availability of
     5  apprenticeship and other occupational training programs; (9)
     6  study the effectiveness of apprenticeship agreements and make
     7  recommendations in accordance with the provisions of such
     8  agreements for their improvement; and (10) perform such other
     9  duties as may be necessary to give full effect to the provisions
    10  of this act.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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