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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1936



No. 1266 Session of 2004

           PIPPY AND LEMMOND, NOVEMBER 15, 2004


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 4 (Amusements) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing, as relates to gaming, for
     3     legislative intent, for definitions, for general and specific
     4     powers of the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, for license
     5     or permit application hearing process, for regulatory
     6     authority of the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, for
     7     license or permit prohibition, for slot machine license
     8     application, for slot machine accounting controls and audits
     9     and for license or permit issuance; providing for copies of
    10     applications and reports; and further providing for
    11     regulation requiring exclusion of certain persons and for
    12     enforcement.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Section 1102(8) of Title 4 of the Pennsylvania
    16  Consolidated Statutes, added July 5, 2004 (P.L.572, No.71), is
    17  amended to read:
    18  § 1102.  Legislative intent.
    19     The General Assembly recognizes the following public policy
    20  purposes and declares that the following objectives of the
    21  Commonwealth are to be served by this part:
    22         * * *

     1         (8)  [Strictly] An integral and essential element of the
     2     regulatory process and control of gaming rests in the public
     3     confidence and trust in the credibility and integrity of the
     4     regulatory process and of gaming operations. To further such
     5     public confidence and trust, strictly monitored and enforced
     6     control over all limited gaming authorized by this part by
     7     the Pennsylvania State Police, the Division of Gaming
     8     Enforcement of the Office of Attorney General and the
     9     Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board shall be provided through
    10     regulation, licensing and appropriate enforcement actions of
    11     specified locations, persons, associations, practices,
    12     activities, licensees and permittees.
    13         * * *
    14     Section 2.  Section 1103 of Title 4 is amended by adding a
    15  definition to read:
    16  § 1103.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
    18  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     * * *
    21     "Division."  The Division of Gaming Enforcement of the Office
    22  of Attorney General.
    23     * * *
    24     Section 3.  Sections 1202(b)(17), 1205, 1207(2), 1213,
    25  1309(a)(9) and 1322 of Title 4, added July 5, 2004 (P.L.572,
    26  No.71), are amended to read:
    27  § 1202.  General and specific powers.
    28     * * *
    29     (b)  Specific powers.--The board shall have the specific
    30  power and duty:
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     1         * * *
     2         (17)  [To create a Bureau of Investigations and
     3     Enforcement within the board. The board shall promulgate
     4     regulations pertaining to the operation of the bureau which
     5     shall insure separation of functions between the bureau and
     6     the board. The board shall provide the employees necessary to
     7     the bureau for enforcement of this part.] To cooperate fully
     8     with the Pennsylvania State Police and the division in the
     9     monitoring and enforcement of this part.
    10         * * *
    11  § 1205.  License or permit application hearing process.
    12     The board shall conduct a public hearing on license
    13  applications. The board's consideration and resolution of all
    14  license or permit applications shall be conducted in accordance
    15  with [procedures adopted by order of the board. Notwithstanding
    16  the mandates of 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 504 (relating to hearing and
    17  record) and 505 (relating to evidence and cross-examination),
    18  said procedures adopted by order of the board shall provide
    19  parties before it with a documentary hearing, but the board may,
    20  at its discretion, resolve disputed material facts without
    21  conducting an oral hearing where constitutionally permissible.]
    22  2 Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative law and procedure).
    23  § 1207.  Regulatory authority of board.
    24     The board shall have the power and its duties shall be to:
    25         * * *
    26         (2)  Restrict access to confidential information in the
    27     possession of the board which has been obtained under this
    28     part and ensure that the confidentiality of information is
    29     maintained and protected. Records shall be retained by the
    30     board for seven years. The restrictions under this paragraph
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     1     do not apply to the Pennsylvania State Police and the
     2     division.
     3         * * *
     4  [§ 1213.  License or permit prohibition.
     5     No applicant for a license or permit under this part,
     6  including directors, owners and key employees, that has been
     7  convicted in any jurisdiction of a felony or gambling offense
     8  within the past 15 years shall be issued a license or permit
     9  under this part or be found qualified to serve in a position as
    10  a director, owner or key employee of or associated with any
    11  licensee or permittee.]
    12  § 1309.  Slot machine license application.
    13     (a)  General requirements.--In addition to any other
    14  information required under this part or as may be required by
    15  the board, the application for any category of slot machine
    16  license shall include at a minimum:
    17         * * *
    18         (9)  The consent to conduct a background investigation by
    19     the [board, the scope of which shall be determined by the
    20     board in its discretion] Pennsylvania State Police consistent
    21     with the provisions of this part, and a release signed by all
    22     persons subject to the investigation of all information
    23     required to complete the investigation.
    24         * * *
    25  § 1322.  Slot machine accounting controls and audits.
    26     (a)  Approval.--Except as otherwise provided by this part,
    27  each slot machine license applicant shall, in addition to
    28  obtaining a slot machine license, obtain approval from the board
    29  in consultation with the Pennsylvania State Police, the division
    30  and the department of its proposed site plans and internal
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     1  control systems and audit protocols prior to the installation
     2  and operation of slot machines at the licensed facility.
     3     (b)  Minimum requirements.--At a minimum, the applicant's or
     4  person's proposed internal controls and audit protocols shall:
     5         (1)  Safeguard its assets and revenues, including, but
     6     not limited to, the recording of cash and evidences of
     7     indebtedness related to the slot machines.
     8         (2)  Provide for reliable records, accounts and reports
     9     of any financial event that occurs in the operation of a slot
    10     machine, including reports to the board, the Pennsylvania
    11     State Police and the division related to the slot machines.
    12         (3)  Ensure as provided in section 1323 (relating to
    13     central control computer system) that each slot machine
    14     directly provides or communicates all required activities and
    15     financial details to the central control computer as set by
    16     the board.
    17         (4)  Provide for accurate and reliable financial records.
    18         (5)  Ensure any financial event that occurs in the
    19     operation of a slot machine is performed only in accordance
    20     with the management's general or specific authorization, as
    21     approved by the board.
    22         (6)  Ensure that any financial event that occurs in the
    23     operation of a slot machine is recorded adequately to permit
    24     proper and timely reporting of gross revenue and the
    25     calculation thereof and of fees and taxes and to maintain
    26     accountability for assets.
    27         (7)  Ensure that access to assets is permitted only in
    28     accordance with management's specific authorization, as
    29     approved by the board.
    30         (8)  Ensure that recorded accountability for assets is
    20040S1266B1936                  - 5 -     

     1     compared with actual assets at reasonable intervals and
     2     appropriate action is taken with respect to any
     3     discrepancies.
     4         (9)  Ensure that all functions, duties and
     5     responsibilities are appropriately segregated and performed
     6     in accordance with sound financial practices by competent,
     7     qualified personnel.
     8     (c)  Internal control.--Each slot machine license applicant
     9  shall submit to the board, the Pennsylvania State Police, the
    10  division and department, in such manner as the board shall
    11  require, a description of its administrative and accounting
    12  procedures in detail, including its written system of internal
    13  control. Each written system of internal control shall include:
    14         (1)  Records of direct and indirect ownership in the
    15     proposed slot machine licensee, its affiliate, intermediary,
    16     subsidiary or holding company.
    17         (2)  An organizational chart depicting appropriate
    18     segregation of functions and responsibilities.
    19         (3)  A description of the duties and responsibilities of
    20     each position shown on the organizational chart.
    21         (4)  A detailed narrative description of the
    22     administrative and accounting procedures designed to satisfy
    23     the requirements of this section.
    24         (5)  Record retention policy.
    25         (6)  Procedure to ensure that assets are safeguarded,
    26     including mandatory count procedures.
    27         (7)  A statement signed by the chief financial officer of
    28     the proposed licensed gaming entity or other competent person
    29     and the chief executive officer of the proposed licensed
    30     gaming entity or other competent person attesting that the
    20040S1266B1936                  - 6 -     

     1     officer believes, in good faith, that the system satisfies
     2     the requirements of this section.
     3         (8)  Any other item that the board may require in its
     4     discretion.
     5     Section 4.  Section 1325(a) of Title 4 is amended and the
     6  section is amended by adding subsections to read:
     7  § 1325.  License or permit issuance.
     8     (a)  General rule.--A person is not eligible to hold a
     9  license or occupation permit if the person:
    10         (1)  Has been convicted in any jurisdiction of a felony
    11     or gambling offense.
    12         (2)  Has failed to provide information, documentation or
    13     assurances required by this part or requested by the board,
    14     division or Pennsylvania State Police or failed to reveal any
    15     material fact, or supplied information which is untrue or
    16     misleading.
    17         (3)  Is being prosecuted for a felony or gambling offense
    18     in any jurisdiction. However, at the request of the
    19     applicant, the board may defer decision upon the application
    20     during the pendency of the charge.
    21         (4)  Has pursued economic gain in an occupational manner
    22     or context which is in violation of the criminal or civil
    23     laws of this Commonwealth or any jurisdiction, if the pursuit
    24     creates a reasonable belief that the participation of the
    25     person in gaming operations would be inimical to this part.
    26         (5)  Has been identified as a career offender or a member
    27     of a career offender cartel or an associate of a career
    28     offender or career offender cartel in a manner which creates
    29     a reasonable belief that the association with the career
    30     offender or career offender cartel is of a nature as to be
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     1     inimical to this part.
     2         (6)  Has defied any legislative investigatory body or
     3     other official investigatory body of any state or of the
     4     United States when the investigatory body is engaged in the
     5     investigation of crimes relating to gaming, official
     6     corruption or organized crime activity.
     7     [(a)] (a.1)  Issuance.--In addition to any other criteria
     8  provided under this part, any licensed gaming entity, supplier,
     9  manufacturer, gaming employee or other person that the board
    10  approves as qualified to receive a license or a permit under
    11  this part shall be issued a license or permit upon the payment
    12  of any fee required and upon the fulfillment of any conditions
    13  required by the board or provided for in this part. Nothing
    14  contained in this part is intended or shall be construed to
    15  create an entitlement to a license or permit by any person. The
    16  board shall in its sole discretion issue, renew, condition or
    17  deny a slot machine license based upon the requirements of this
    18  part and whether the issuance of a license will enhance tourism,
    19  economic development or job creation is in the best interests of
    20  the Commonwealth and advances the purposes of this part.
    21     * * *
    22     (d)  Definitions.--The following words and phrases when used
    23  in this section shall have the meanings given to them in this
    24  subsection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    25     "Career offender."  Any person whose behavior is pursued in
    26  an occupational manner or context for the purpose of economic
    27  gain, utilizing methods for which the person was convicted of
    28  criminal violations in this Commonwealth or any jurisdiction.
    29     "Career offender cartel."  Any group of persons who operate
    30  together as career offenders.
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     1     "Occupational manner or context."  The systematic planning,
     2  administration, management or execution of an activity for
     3  financial gain.
     4     Section 5.  Title 4 is amended by adding a section to read:
     5  § 1332.  Copies of applications and reports.
     6     The board shall provide the Pennsylvania State Police and the
     7  division with timely copies of all applications and reports
     8  required by this chapter.
     9     Section 6.  Sections 1514 and 1517 of Title 4, added July 5,
    10  2004 (P.L.572, No.71), are amended to read:
    11  § 1514.  Regulation requiring exclusion of certain persons.
    12     (a)  General rule.--The [board] division shall by regulation
    13  provide for the establishment of a list of persons who are to be
    14  excluded or ejected from any licensed facility. The provisions
    15  shall define the standards for exclusion and shall include
    16  standards relating to persons who are career or professional
    17  offenders as defined by regulations of the [board] division or
    18  whose presence in a licensed facility would, in the opinion of
    19  the [board] division, be inimical to the interest of the
    20  Commonwealth or of licensed gaming therein, or both.
    21     (b)  Categories to be defined.--The [board] division shall
    22  promulgate definitions establishing those categories of persons
    23  who shall be excluded pursuant to this section, including cheats
    24  and persons whose privileges for licensure or registration have
    25  been revoked.
    26     (c)  Discrimination prohibited.--Race, color, creed, national
    27  origin or ancestry or sex shall not be a reason for placing the
    28  name of any person upon a list under this section.
    29     (d)  Sanctions.--The board may impose sanctions upon a
    30  licensed gaming entity in accordance with this part if the
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     1  licensed gaming entity knowingly fails to exclude or eject from
     2  the premises of any licensed facility any person placed by the
     3  [board] division on the list of persons to be excluded or
     4  ejected.
     5     (e)  List not all-inclusive.--Any list compiled by the
     6  [board] division of persons to be excluded or ejected shall not
     7  be deemed an all-inclusive list, and a licensed gaming entity
     8  shall have a duty to keep from the licensed facility persons
     9  known to it to be within the classifications declared in this
    10  section and the regulations promulgated under this section whose
    11  presence in a licensed facility would be inimical to the
    12  interest of the Commonwealth or of licensed gaming therein, or
    13  both, as defined in standards established by the [board]
    14  division.
    15     (f)  Notice.--Whenever the [board] division places the name
    16  of any person on a list pursuant to this section, the [board]
    17  division shall serve notice of this fact to such person by
    18  personal service or certified mail at the last known address of
    19  the person.
    20     (g)  Hearing.--Within 30 days after notice in accordance with
    21  subsection (f), the person named for exclusion or ejection may
    22  demand a hearing before the board, at which hearing the [board]
    23  division shall have the affirmative obligation to demonstrate
    24  that the person named for exclusion or ejection satisfies the
    25  criteria for exclusion established by this section and the
    26  [board's] division's regulations. Failure to demand a hearing
    27  within 30 days after service shall be deemed an admission of all
    28  matters and facts alleged in the [board's] division's notice and
    29  shall preclude a person from having an administrative hearing,
    30  but shall in no way affect the right to judicial review as
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     1  provided in this section.
     2     (h)  Review.--If, upon completion of a hearing on the notice
     3  of exclusion or ejection, the board determines that placement of
     4  the name of the person on the exclusion list is appropriate, the
     5  board shall make and enter an order to that effect, which order
     6  shall be served on all slot machine licensees. The order shall
     7  be subject to review by the Commonwealth Court in accordance
     8  with the rules of court.
     9  § 1517.  Enforcement.
    10     [(a)  Powers and duties.--The Bureau of Investigations and
    11  Enforcement shall have the following powers and duties:
    12         (1)  Promptly investigate all licensees, permittees and
    13     applicants as directed by the board in accordance with the
    14     provisions of section 1202 (relating to general and specific
    15     powers).
    16         (2)  Enforce the rules and regulations promulgated under
    17     this part.
    18         (3)  Initiate proceedings for administrative violations
    19     of this part or regulations promulgated under this part.
    20         (4)  Provide the board with all information necessary for
    21     all action under this part and for all proceedings involving
    22     enforcement of this part or regulations promulgated under
    23     this part.
    24         (5)  Investigate the circumstances surrounding any act or
    25     transaction for which board approval is required.
    26         (6)  Conduct administrative inspections on the premises
    27     of a licensed racetrack or nonprimary location or licensed
    28     facility to ensure compliance with this part and the
    29     regulations of the board and, in the course of inspections,
    30     review and make copies of all documents and records that may
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     1     be required through onsite observation and other reasonable
     2     means to assure compliance with this part and regulations
     3     promulgated under this part.
     4         (7)  Receive and take appropriate action on any referral
     5     from the board relating to any evidence of a violation.
     6         (8)  Conduct audits of slot machine operations at such
     7     times, under such circumstances and to such extent as the
     8     bureau determines. This paragraph includes reviews of
     9     accounting, administrative and financial records and
    10     management control systems, procedures and records utilized
    11     by a slot machine licensee.
    12         (9)  Request and receive information, materials and other
    13     data from any licensee, permittee or applicant.
    14         (10)  Refer for investigation all possible criminal
    15     violations to the Pennsylvania State Police and cooperate
    16     fully in the investigation and prosecution of a criminal
    17     violation arising under this part.]
    18     (b)  Powers and duties of department.--
    19         (1)  The department shall at all times have the power of
    20     access to examination and audit of any equipment and records
    21     relating to all aspects of the operation of slot machines
    22     under this part.
    23         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 353(f) of
    24     the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax
    25     Reform Code of 1971, the department shall supply the board,
    26     the [bureau,] division and the Pennsylvania State Police [and
    27     the Office of Attorney General] with information concerning
    28     the status of delinquent taxes owned by the applicant,
    29     licensee or permittee.
    30     (c)  Powers and duties of [the] Pennsylvania State Police.--
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     1  The Pennsylvania State Police shall have the following powers
     2  and duties:
     3         (1)  Promptly investigate all licensees, permittees and
     4     applicants as directed by the board in accordance with the
     5     provisions of section 1202 (relating to general and specific
     6     powers.
     7         (2)  Enforce the rules and regulations promulgated under
     8     this part.
     9         (3)  Initiate proceedings for any violations of this part
    10     or regulations promulgated under this part.
    11         (4)  Provide the board with all information necessary for
    12     all actions under this part for all proceedings involving
    13     enforcement of this part or regulations promulgated under
    14     this part.
    15         (5)  Inspect a licensee's or permittee's person and
    16     personal effects present in a licensed facility under this
    17     part while that licensee or permittee is present at a
    18     licensed facility.
    19         (6)  Enforce the criminal provisions of this part and all
    20     other criminal laws of the Commonwealth.
    21         (7)  Fingerprint applicants for licenses and permits.
    22         (8)  Exchange fingerprint data with and receive national
    23     criminal history record information from the [FBI] Federal
    24     Bureau of Investigation for use in investigating applications
    25     for any license or permit under this part.
    26         (9)  Receive and take appropriate action on any referral
    27     from the board relating to criminal conduct.
    28         (10)  Require the production of any information, material
    29     and other data from any licensee, permittee or applicant.
    30         (11)  Conduct administrative inspections on the premises
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     1     of licensed racetrack or nonprimary location or licensed
     2     facility to ensure compliance with this part and the
     3     regulations of the board and, in the course of inspections,
     4     review and make copies of all documents and records required
     5     by the inspection through onsite observation and other
     6     reasonable means to assure compliance with this part and
     7     regulations promulgated under this part.
     8         (12)  Conduct audits or verification of information of
     9     slot machine operations at such times, under such
    10     circumstances and to such extent as the [bureau] division
    11     determines. This paragraph includes reviews of accounting,
    12     administrative and financial records and management control
    13     systems, procedures and records utilized by a slot machine
    14     licensee.
    15         (13)  A member of the Pennsylvania State Police assigned
    16     to duties of enforcement under this part shall not be counted
    17     toward the complement as defined in the act of December 13,
    18     2001 (P.L.903, No.100), entitled "An act repealing in part a
    19     limitation on the complement of the Pennsylvania State
    20     Police."
    21     (c.1)  Division established; powers and duties.--Within the
    22  Office of Attorney General, the Attorney General shall establish
    23  the Division of Gaming Enforcement. The division shall do all of
    24  the following:
    25         (1)  In cooperation with the Pennsylvania State Police,
    26     conduct a background investigation of each applicant for a
    27     slot machine license, a manufacturer license, a supplier
    28     license or an occupation permit. The division may request any
    29     information from an applicant that is necessary to conduct
    30     the background investigation.
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     1         (2)  Exchange fingerprint data with and receive national
     2     criminal history information from the Federal Bureau of
     3     Investigation for use in background investigations.
     4         (3)  File the background investigation report required by
     5     paragraph (1) with the board prior to the board's granting a
     6     slot machine license, manufacturer license, supplier license
     7     or occupation permit to the applicant.
     8         (4)  If the division determines that the person is
     9     ineligible to be licensed or permitted, present testimony and
    10     any supporting evidence to the board at a hearing where the
    11     applicant's license or occupation permit is being considered.
    12         (5)  If the division determines that the person is not
    13     suitable to furnish services set forth in section
    14     1202(b)(10), present testimony and any supporting evidence to
    15     the board at a hearing.
    16         (6)  Inspect a licensee's or occupation permittee's
    17     person and personal effects while the licensee or occupation
    18     permittee is present at a licensed facility.
    19         (7)  Conduct administrative inspections of a licensed
    20     entity or licensed racing entity to ensure compliance with
    21     this part. The division shall review and may make copies of
    22     all documents and records in order to assure compliance with
    23     this part.
    24         (8)  Conduct audits or verification of information of
    25     licensees at the times and under the circumstances and to the
    26     extent that the division determines necessary. The division
    27     may review accounting, administrative, personnel and
    28     financial records, management control systems, procedures and
    29     records of a licensee.
    30         (9)  Otherwise request the production of information,
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     1     materials and other data from licensees and investigate
     2     licensees and occupation permittees when appropriate,
     3     including upon referral by the board, for violations of this
     4     part.
     5         (10)  Institute, when appropriate, administrative
     6     proceedings before the board for violations of this part.
     7         (11)  If the division finds that a license or occupation
     8     permit should be suspended, revoked or conditioned by the
     9     board, petition the board to take action upon the license or
    10     occupation permit.
    11         (12)  Investigate and institute criminal proceedings as
    12     authorized in subsection (d). The division may receive and
    13     take appropriate action on any referral from the board.
    14     (d)  Criminal action.--
    15         (1)  The district attorneys of the several counties shall
    16     have authority to investigate and to institute criminal
    17     proceedings for any violation of this part.
    18         (2)  In addition to the authority conferred upon the
    19     Attorney General by the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950,
    20     No.164), known as the Commonwealth Attorneys Act, the
    21     Attorney General shall have the authority to investigate and
    22     to institute criminal proceedings for any violation of this
    23     part [or any series of such violations involving any county
    24     of this Commonwealth and another state. No]. A person charged
    25     with a violation of this part by the Attorney General shall
    26     not have standing to challenge the authority of the Attorney
    27     General to investigate or prosecute the case, and, if any
    28     such challenge is made, the challenge shall be dismissed and
    29     no relief shall be available in the courts of this
    30     Commonwealth to the person making the challenge.
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     1     (e)  Inspection, seizure and warrants.--
     2         (1)  The [bureau] division, the department and the
     3     Pennsylvania State Police shall have the authority without
     4     notice and without warrant to do all of the following in the
     5     performance of their duties:
     6             (i)  Inspect and examine all premises where slot
     7         machine operations are conducted, gaming devices or
     8         equipment are manufactured, sold, distributed or serviced
     9         or where records of these activities are prepared or
    10         maintained.
    11             (ii)  Inspect all equipment and supplies in, about,
    12         upon or around premises referred to in subparagraph (i).
    13             (iii)  Seize, summarily remove and impound equipment
    14         and supplies from premises referred to in subparagraph
    15         (i) for the purposes of examination and inspection.
    16             (iv)  Inspect, examine and audit all books, records
    17         and documents pertaining to a slot machine licensee's
    18         operation.
    19             (v)  Seize, impound or assume physical control of any
    20         book, record, ledger, game, device, cash box and its
    21         contents, counting room or its equipment or slot machine
    22         operations.
    23         (2)  The provisions of paragraph (1) shall not be deemed
    24     to limit warrantless inspections except in accordance with
    25     constitutional requirements.
    26         (3)  To further effectuate the purposes of this part, the
    27     [bureau] division and the Pennsylvania State Police may
    28     obtain administrative warrants for the inspection and seizure
    29     of property possessed, controlled, bailed or otherwise held
    30     by an applicant, licensee, permittee, intermediary,
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     1     subsidiary, affiliate or holding company.
     2     (f)  Information sharing and enforcement referral.--With
     3  respect to the administration, supervision and enforcement of
     4  this part, the [bureau] division, the department, the
     5  Pennsylvania State Police or the Office of Attorney General may
     6  obtain or provide pertinent information regarding applicants,
     7  licensees or permittees from or to law enforcement entities or
     8  gaming authorities of the Commonwealth and other domestic,
     9  foreign or federally approved jurisdictions, including the
    10  Federal Bureau of Investigation, and may transmit such
    11  information to each other electronically.
    12     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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